HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017 06-28 Agenda & Packet EDINA COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 34(relp\t,, • 44TH AND FRANCE SMALL AREA PLAN Community Meeting Date/time/location • Thursday,June 29 • 7 - 9pm • Edina Public Works AGENDA I. Slideshow Presentation (40 minutes) 1. Welcome and Introduction 2. Comprehensive Planning and Small Area Plan Overview 3. Roles and Responsibilities Diagram 4. Edina Vision/Big Ideas Overview 5. 44th/France SAPWG Pictures 6. 5-minute Break II. Small Group Work Sessions (60 min) 1. Minneapolis/Linden Hills Plan Background 2. Issues and Opportunity Mapping Exercise 3. Guiding Principles Brainstorming III. Wrap-up (25 min) 1. 44th/France SAP Technical Analysis 2. Closing Remarks 3. Next Steps Y _,_ Page intentionally left blank CITY OF EDINA 2018 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE 44th and France Small Area Plan Community Meeting June 29, 2017 City of Edina Public Works Building ,. TheCITYc -W) EDINA vi..+. smxx�eczwva;v�ztir .�ma �® v""',biSfY� '-01 EIXNA TONIGHT'S AGENDA I. Slideshow Presentation (7:00 — 7:45) II. Small Group Work Sessions (7:45 — 8:40) III. Wrap-Up (8:40 — 9:00) 1 1•CttYr ED NA WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS 44th and France Small Area Plan Workgroup • James Bennett (Edina Planning Commission) • Sheila Berube (Edina Planning Commission) • Katie Ayotte • Eric Olson • Mike Platteter • Rebecca Sorensen • Harvey Ronald Berg • Lisa Fagan • Lou Miranda ''• { EDINA WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS (CONTINUED) City of Edina Staff • Cary Teague, Community Development Director • Kris Aaker, Assistant City Planner • Mark Nolan, Transportation Planner Consultant Team • William Smith, Biko Associates • Dan Edgerton, Zan Associates • Bob Close, Close Studio 2 Uwaxpx,ffloaaatmomwow 5..47,02,1M4 EDINA COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND SMALL AREA PLAN OVERVIEW What is a Comprehensive Plan? • Document with a city-wide focus; necessarily broad and general • Legally required per state statute and Metropolitan Council regulation • Required to be updated every 10 years • Reflects community vision for the orderly and coordinated physical development of a city into the future • Anticipates change and provides specific guidance for future legislative and administrative actions • Provides long range, policy guidance . ..�� t:'* .EDNA COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND SMALL AREA PLAN OVERVIEW [CONTINUED) What is a Small Area Plan? • Not city-wide; a defined geographic focus. • Explores opportunities for growth and development in detail. • Represents a shared vision from a large number of community members and stakeholders • Provides guidance for the future development of a small area within a city • Provides timelines and schedules for completion of community- building tasks 3 EDINA \0" EDINA SMALL AREA ...,...ire., 1 1 -I • <,"- —71‘77-- PLANS �»• "' �� -• i{ tom.,. Areas of Concern: • Define area-specific issues & opportunities CRY OF EOM "All COMPRE NIVERAN • Enhance community Asa; A livability, connectivity, 4.1....00/ Ai r ,, , walkability `�� • Integrate small area into the r�o`� I larger community and region F--- i I . • Consider implementation P-� '""° feasibility i111W. '. tattoonvew,. 4. _ f° { EDINA COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND SMALL AREA PLAN OVERVIEW (CONTINUED) Elements of Comprehensive Plans and Small Area Plans: • Required by • Met Council statute • Economic • Land use competitiveness TRANSPORTATION WATER • Transportation • Resilience LAND USE RESOURCES • Housing • Water resources. Priorities for RESILIENCE PARKS ETRAILS • Parks and trails Edina PLAN • Implementation • Health E1 EMENTS • Heritage ECONOMIC IMPLEMENTATION Preservation COMPETITIVENESS HEALTH NFAITAIN HOUSING PAESERYAT1oN 4 :I: 1? EDNA ROLE OF THE 44T"/FRANCE SMALL AREA PLAN WORK GROUP • Provide direction on overall work plan, stakeholder engagement program and deliverables • Review and comment on study products at key milestones • Provide local perspective on community values and issues • Help to plan and host community activities ROLE OF THE 44T"/FRANCE SMS AREA PLAN WORK GROUP Small Area Plan ecand p Directt and Decide Review and Vet Public Identity issues /_�'� and concerns ��.�i/1 oeveloptcontlrm Comprehensive vision-gulaing Plan Tasktorce principles Oversee and Approve Provide opinions on developmentgrowthand Review and • concepts luate Edina City F Council Adopt and implement 5 t-at,,,..., 11.Cri Y.. EDINA EDINA VISION/BIG IDEAS OVERVIEW _ , , • Vision Edina, future iQ I i ErTuA ,.. ,1.1.1 ItHANS,r 1, 2015 FLA Al •— • Big Ideas Workshop, --- SvritLowe e,r,erL.Taim.L.1 April 19, 2017 'r • Mapping Edina's Big vomr,,,,6 __--_, - ------1--- - 14Are444121644G1 041440,044114,45, ,4‘14%147 Ideas, April 22, 2017 C ...14 e"t.4Ir ei ty , , ) 0 1:.r." r...g...e 1104.1.4,6 1143.41 0 0 14'o''*r44 4,C1144* MI.? „, •,,,......v+.11...e r ,V iss,.. 11434. je).9,144'41.1,3'0i.4eK 4 ,4444 --.- -_____- 4 --- 111111111 Mr,- , 'ENCITY, EDINA EDINA VISION/BIG IDEAS OVERVIEW IR • Highlights of Big Ideas, April 22, 2017: i 1 - , ..• . k .1. maim - Edina Grand Rounds p --14 I I itif - Physical framework for innovation - .,. - Non-motorized transportation facility ,.....„. - Link the city's four quadrants - Node-focused activity centers – 6 .01111=1.111111.0111.113111 1184111.111MEE 'f "EDINA EDINA VISION/BIG IDEAS OVERVIEW Relevancy of BIG IDEAS to 44th/France Small Area BIG IDEAS Physical Framework Study ;:f I. - Re-imagine nodes as places of more dense community • . I 'o ;, � activity connected by vibrant multi-modal parkways and 7 boulevards l • Reform commercial zones as unique combinations of _ 1** activity offering greater diversity of use, especially related ' `�; . i.to housing choices and opportunities for public gathering 1 ,-'" • %.{'i,• Reconsider the community's infrastructure in ways that are i sustainable, prudent, efficient, and most important, are - i .- relevant for people .a, ' '",• Refocus energy on education as a community value [ C • Reinforce equity in the practices and actions of the T a c community _ 0, 11111.111311159.1.111=611 MM..E , `f ;EDINA DO YOU SEE WHAT I SEE? • 44th/France SAPWG photos • Critique the study area • Lou Miranda 7 ...afro ., EDNA - - , , ,.., „I „, // - / 1+:3.. . , ..' •-'14,111'."4111i0.P,,,.../401:41 a ;it 411/ +, , */ • i / ..r Al •"•/,',4/1 i,., lit ---,,, _,- " : t., • , .'t ,_ • ,., ' ' . 1'. ' !*!--.-''''''':* .7 - ' •'' .1: „rii,,:'" .; .1 7 ' . 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OF i LEARNING ,. -- ,-, ,...,' ./". ./..",^ 8 SA blarrar 31EttIMEZIW EDINA —.... 1 . . ..- 49,cts ti aP il „,‘.i INCLUSIVE- CONNECTED AoFCOLEMAMINUINNIGT‘'Y:::' , . tiott, g ,,. .. [..- . ., ..: _ g . ....... ....4.,...nr., izz.,....V.A.,4 . EDINA , ,”- ..:,:,-; , .. . ' b• , —*a hilr...;.., ....e.)----• __. 1,' : ...-- - II .. _ 01,,,!1,-11 ,4„ , ,5*,..-•`-"a..- -- ' A - ii 000:11-AOR•NSCTAINGLE ,, OEWLOPMENT -4,-”,,,,"4"k!*.*:s--"..,,,ir- ` • „1,..s..21,te s .,4, ' • teittevi, ,,, '„ --• . .,,.-' .' :,11.' ---'*,‘,• it' '' '4i --,.."'° A commuNrry •-,.., .0.1'7,;:f•-• ""...,4,,p,:. ....?.,.. :".??.., -s. ;fr.•''''' '‘''"* * - .13:7'' *-* ''*-,., .4,314,• 7*'-'• s .-' • , . ' X..*' *%* ' 1,-3.A .n„, :11iir, • .,. . 9 f_ E DEKA BREAK • See number on your name tag • Move to the table that corresponds to your name tag number • SAPWG members will facilitate participation and discussions at each table • Exercise 1: Issues and Opportunities Mapping • Exercise 2: Developing Guiding Principles .174 EDLNA A TALE OF TWO CITIES AND ONE DISTRICT • Mpls Linden Hills SAP Completed December 2013 • a'. • Incorporated into Minneapolis :.. -:.: Comp Plan • Provides 20 year vision for three 4 commercial districts: • 43rd and Upton (MpIs) • 44th and Beard (Mpls) • 44th and France (Mpls AND Edina) • Calls for "mixed use" and "medium density residential" at 44th and France EDINA • -- + MINNEAPOLIS 10 Frz _EDINA ISSUES AND OPPORTUNITIES • Small Group Exercise t°= EDINA GUIDING PRINCIPLES • Small Group Exercise 11 tF 7.E IIIA TECHNICAL ANALYSIS BRIEFING • Urban Design • Land Use and Zoning • Heritage Preservation • Economic Development • Transportation and Parking EIJINA URBAN DESIGN • Urban Design • Insert Bob Close slides 12 . 6WWc�.'+&"wTNr L:'..ruetlw5m"�T.4'd'�WaJrs '.bQItI LAND USE ZONING MORNINGS E RD 444 • I r. • i rin- ss qRT '# g. 4PCD-4 PCD-1 Planned Commercial Dist. 0 PRD-4 POD-1 Planned Office Dist. 41•Vil R-2 Double dwelling Unit Dist. —m -.. 11.171t4n EDiN 44TH/FRANCE HERITAGE PRESERVATION • Three properties in the commercial district are eligible for "Landmark Designation." • Eligibility for landmark designation places no restriction on the property owner, but would put some limits on the government's ability to do projects that impact the property. ;� mCr'FP rr rr i ! � - �� ..tf ,' til►ll • a Convention Grill Commercial Building Odd Fellows Hall 13 2..seAnaZaik AM+ 1110111=1! I.. i•LTIYs EDINA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT • Near term redevelopment/ revitalization interest in both Minneapolis and Edina • Underutilized properties — • Edina Cleaners • Extensive surface parking between 44th & Sunnyside • Site assembly always challenging — different owners, different goals, timing of tenant leases • Shared vision is an important foundation .#'EIXNA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT • Strong potential for new investment near term and over next 10 years • Supportive economic development tools • TIE for public parking and public realm improvements • Met Council/DEED funds for contamination clean-up • Business/property owners association and/or Business Improvement District 14 1111.111111111181=11011 RINIGNINIAM 1:4 EDINA TRANSPORTATION AND PARKING wy France Avenue: mr' a "ler"", • One lane with on street parking in " ' •s ioOF. both directions 3,800 , - uc,svc • No dedicated left-turn lanes ks _ • Defacto right-turn lanes where on- (.' asmstn.c street parking ends or is not permitted I, L ` ' Can accommodate 600 to 700 •3 ' vehicles per lane per hour(vplph) at = � 1 ,utmswexoa LOS D axcnswM • Peak period vehicle demand w ' ' estimated to approach 650 to 700 vplph • Approaching capacity within the study area 10196,111001118111.1221 WM:MN +,.+.carr. a t } EDINA TRANSPORTATION AND PARKING Study Area Automobile Crashes October 2011 to July 2015: " • 32 crash incidents • • Highest frequency(12) at France/44th �-- �V • Almost half occurred during late fall and winter " • Almost 30 percent occurred in 2012 .. • Nearly all the crashes indicative of �• " aggressive driving during periods of congestion • • Average eight per year 15 77=404.,,, n,,,t8.k. rwa:,1.s a 111 1. I -• 1 EA TRANSPORTATION AND PARKING Parking Lot Lot Supply A 13 B 3 ----- 44 C 12 Wes:44th Sbae /04 lea D 39 E 10 I G 17 S r� H 33 20 ,''i: J 20 . `t • ;y, K 12 / \; 1p t 45�Stre. L 8 ,,,-1.--F \, ,, a M 14 5 Total 209 Total 170 ► ? EDINA TRANSPORTATION AND PARKING Day,Time %Utilized Day,Time %Utilized Day,Ti in, UUlued 045.1'ii. %Utilized Day.Tlme %Utilized Day,Time %Utilized Day,Time %Utilized Pec king Let Tuesday.121 Wedne.day,46 Thuiiday,121 liiiJi5diiy.7"8 Saturday.810 Setu+day.121 Satmday,4.6 A 5 38.5% 11 84.6% 10 76.9' 8 61.5% 2 15.4% 2 15.4% 3 23.1% 8 3 100.0% 1 33.3% 3 100.0`: 2 66.7'', 1 33.3% 1 33.3% 1 33.34;. C 2 16 7% 2 16.7% 2 16.7`,,., 2 167 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 E 6 00.0% 3 30.0% 5 50.0"":, 1 3010, 3 30.0% 5 50.0% 3 30.0 F 9 1125% 5 62.5% 7 6711% 1 37.'x- 4 50.0% 5 62.5% 2 75.0 G 14 82.4% 8 47.1% 12 70.6'-:. 7 412 12 70.6% 15 882% 10 58.8 14 3 9.1% 5 15.2% 12 36.4% 4 121-- 0 00% 5 15.2% 11 33.3 I 9 450% 6 30.0'% 12 C.O.Cr, 9 4513. 3 15 0% 0 0.0% 3 1517 J 2 10.0% 1 5.0% 5 25.0'- 2 10 0. 0 0.0% 3 10.0% 0 0.0' K 0 0.0% 2 16.7% 2 167:.; 0 0.0% 1 8.3% 0 00% 1 8.3' L 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 3 31 0'. 1 12.5% 2 25.0% 1 12.5% 1 12.5 M 9 64.3% 9 64.3% S ,. 4 28.6% 6 42.9% 6 42.9% 6 47 5 62 29.7% 53 254% 78 45 21.5% 34 16.3% 43 20.6% 41 19.6 • Including the Evereve lot, Lot D, overall • Some lots have high utilization percentages, average utilization is never more than 53% others have lower percentages • Excluding Evereve,overall average utilization • Possibility for a successful cooperative just exceeds 37% parking district is high 16 4.71 MA TRANSPORTATION AND PARKING Route 6 on France Avenue: —u` " . Oor y • 20 minute headway in the AM and — ., , 1 " 4 PM Peak Hours and throughout the ''..-^J= 1 -. tr, : day r p' "' . • Direct linkage to Southdale Transit ` �'� Center, Uptown Transit Station and /; Downtown Minneapolis 1+, ., gmaul A;..4 al • Indirect link to I-35W&44'h Streetfir; Station and Chicago/Lake Transit t Center w tf ..■e; • UofM,Warehouse Dist., Downtown, _• iM Gill; ' = FlElPiiii Uptown, 44th and 50'h/France, `i WooddaleNalley View, and }!1 Southdale =a! t s ,• �4 • 40 minutes from study area to DowntownT•-- � , i iiiiimilioNs � - err. '!, }' EDENA CLOSING REMARKS • SAPWG Co-Chairs THANK YOU! 17 Page intentionally left blank 0,,,„;,, . EDINA Comprehensive Plan 44th and France Small Area Plan Roles and Reponsibilities ::( to>1,i, Small Area Plan i ` Workgroup •lift Direct and Decide Review and Vet Public Identify issues 0 and concerns Cie Comprehensive 40 Develop/confirm Plan Taskforce vision-guiding principles Oversee and Approve illProvide opinions on growth and development Review and ill evaluate concepts iC)10 Edina City Council Adopt and Implement Page intentionally left blank 1TA.n ,. c 0 i 2040 Comprehensive Plan Study Area -44th & France ® MLE N K YfJ( �yi Edina,Minnesota May 2017 Real People.Real Solutions. 1 Y 4 r.L..t_._.1 1100.,-- I ? = -.x ob f M ' ,,,, ,., _i_....,,,. .i T tw r r .:. , :1: k.a f 1 ._ yam 1 x i 4'1'4'. ., �,� "° } ' ' w,t.` ~- ç112•. a 4!. 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' —- ' Page intentionally left blank INEENIM EDINA COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 44th and France Small Area Plan Guiding Principles Exercise Revised: 6/20/17 Overview Good planning and design begins with the development and consideration of guiding principles; principles that reflect and balance: • Community preferences • Historical and cultural influences • Recognized and established design precedents INCLUSIVE+ • Financial suitability CONNE • Environmental stewardship and sustainability CTED Guiding principles should be uniquely tailored to fit the character iTUIaT_T CAQ u: and needs of the study area and they should be firmly rooted in, EVELOP and expand upon,the community vision established as part of 7I7cNT the city's strategic vision (Vision Edina, 2015). Figure 1 shows the � � ����, vision statements that resulted from the strategic vision. Guiding principles are used in the development and evaluation of alternative concepts for the small area plan,to ensure that the A COMMUNITY plan outcomes are reflective of the unique character of the OF LEARNING community. Instructions Part 1:Evaluate past principles The next section includes a worksheet with 17 guiding principles that have been used in other planning and design studies in the Figure 1:Vision Edina, Vision City of Edina.These principles are loosely organized into Statements categories based on their connection to the vision statements in the city's strategic vision (see Figure 1). Spend some time to read through each principle and think about its relative importance to the 44th and France Small Area plan study area. Rank each alternative and a scale of 1 (very important)to 5 (not important). Part 2:Principles brainstorming Drawing on your knowledge of the 44th and France study area,come up with 2-3 new guiding principles for this small area planning process. Consider the importance of the scale of redevelopment(e.g., building height and relationship to the street),the treatment of the public realm(e.g.,sidewalks, boulevards, and other public spaces), multimodal transportation options(i.e., walking, biking, driving,etc.), and parking.Write your principles in the space provided on the last page -Page 1- Edina Comprehensive Plan 44th and France Small Area Plan-Guiding Principles Part 1: Evaluate past principles No. Principle Rating Very Not Important Important 0 Inclusive and Connected 1. Leverage publicly-owned parcels and civic presence to create a vibrant and connected district that serves as a catalyst for high quality, integrated public and private development. 2. Buildings should be located near the street sidewalk without intervening, on-site parking.There should be trees between the curb and the sidewalk. 3. Walking, bicycling or catching the bus in the study area should be safe and comfortable.The study area should be well-linked to the nearby neighborhoods. 0 Built-to-scale Development 4. The study area should be recognizable as a place and visually attractive. Design for the present and the future by pursuing logical increments of change using key parcels as stepping stones to a more vibrant,walkable,functional, attractive, and life-filled place. 5. There should be businesses that provide services or goods desired in the neighborhood, including small offices.The amount and configuration of commercial space should be allowed to adjust in response to the market. 6. Sites should be allowed to transition to housing from business use in response to the changing market demands. 7. Future buildings may be one to four stories high depending on their location relative to housing immediately outside the study area. 8. A graceful transition should be provided to housing immediately beyond the study area. -Page 2- 111111111.1 Edina Comprehensive Plan 44th and France Small Area Plan-Guiding Principles No. Principle Rating Very Not Important Important 9. Owners should keep their properties economically viable and attractive until the market guides them to major changes. 10. Within the node, parking along major transportation corridors should be behind or under buildings. Views to commercial parking should be softened by plantings,walls or fences. 0 Sustainable Environment 11. Consider layering development over supporting infrastructure and taking advantage of the natural topography of the area. 0 Community of Learning 12. There should be a place for people to spend leisure time, whether in a commercial or public location. 13. The City should provide a land use plan,zoning regulations, design guidelines and public improvements that support the intentions of the property owners and the broader community. 14. There should be cooperation between adjacent cities to ensure uniformity and consistency in the function and design of places. -Page 3- 1 �. _, >.� �max,�, , a Edina Comprehensive Plan 44th and France Small Area Plan-Guiding Principles No. Principle Rating Very Not Important Important 15. The plan should express community priorities while being sufficiently flexible to guide and permit the development of alternative ideas. 0 Future Oriented 16. Enhance the District's economic viability as a neighborhood center with regional connections, recognizing that meeting the needs of both businesses and residents will make the district a good place to do business. 17. Owners should keep their properties economically viable and attractive until the market guides them to major changes. -Page 4- 111111111111111111111111111111111 fallOWNIERN 1111111111111111111111111 , 11111111111111111 Edina Comprehensive Plan 44th and France Small Area Plan-Guiding Principles Part 2: Principles brainstorming Drawing on your knowledge of the 44th and France study area, come up with 2 -3 new guiding principles for this small area planning process. Consider the importance of the scale of redevelopment(e.g., building height and relationship to the street),the treatment of the public realm(e.g.,sidewalks, boulevards, and other public spaces), multimodal transportation options(i.e., walking, biking, driving, etc.), and parking.Write your principles in the space provided below. 1. 2. 3. 4. -Page 5-