HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-05-16 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL MAY 16, 2017 7:00 P.M. I. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Hovland called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. 11. ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Members Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Stewart, and Mayor Hovland. 111. MEETING AGENDA APPROVED Member Brindle made a motion, seconded by Member Staunton, approving the meeting agenda as presented. Ayes: Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Stewart, Hovland Motion carried. IV. COMMUNITY COMMENT No one appeared. V. CONSENT AGENDA ADOPTED AS PRESENTED Member Fischer made a motion, seconded by Member Stewart, approving the consent agenda as presented: V.A. Approve minutes of April 27, 2017, Special Council meeting, May 2, 2017, work session, and May 2, 2017, Regular Council meeting V.B. Receive payment of the following claims as shown in detail on pre-list dated April 27, 2017, and consisting of 25 pages; General Fund $151,433.78, Police Special Revenue $1,510.45 Working Capital Fund $18,154.55, PIR Construction Fund $81,240.68, Equipment Replacement Fund $107,833.80, Art Center Fund $333.58, Aquatic Center Fund $3,194.86, Golf Course Fund $19,094.47, Ice Arena Fund $13,846.76, Sports Dome Fund $98.03, Edinborough Park Fund $1 1,815.25, Centennial Lakes Park Fund $10,560.18, Liquor Fund $220,695.81, Utility Fund $73,564.36, Storm Sewer Fund $2,846.00, Risk Mgmt ISF $279,652.68, PSTF Agency Fund $1,143.04, HRA Administration $1,892.00, Centennial TIF District $10,955.94, South Dale 2 District $330.00 TOTAL $1,010,196.22; pre-list dated May 4, 2017 consisting of 29 pages; General Fund $247,172.17, Police Special Revenue $340.19, Pedestrian And Cyclist Safety $I S2,462.20, Working Capital Fund $17,736.42, Equipment Replacement Fund $215,269.48, Art Center Fund $568.12, Golf Dome Fund $6,185.90, Aquatic Center Fund $633,650.00, Golf Course Fund $77,886.98, Ice Arena Fund $6,807.09, Sports Dome Fund $7,895.22, Edinborough Park Fund $13,484.78, Centennial Lakes Park Fund $4,867.53, Liquor Fund $102,843.87, Utility Fund $10,283.68, Storm Sewer Fund $15,314.79, Risk Mgmt ISF $35,135.62, PSTF Agency Fund $2,294.00, MN Task Force I Fund $19,650.59; TOTAL $1.569,848.63; credit card transactions February 26, 2017- March 25, 2017 consisting of 17 pages; TOTAL $66.608.51. V.C. Approve Request for Purchase: Beverage Services Agreement, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder Pepsi Beverages Company/Great Lakes Coca Cola for a Five-Year Service Agreement V.D. Approve Request for Purchase: Two Chevy Tahoe Staff Vehicles, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder Ranger GM, Northern Safety Technology, Graphix Shoppe, Hennepin County Radio Service, $80,089.66 Pricing was for two vehicles V.E. Approve Master Partnership Contract with State of Minnesota V.F. Approve Encroachment Agreement with Galleria Shopping Center, LLC V.G. Appointment: Race and Equity Services Working Group, Erica Allenburg, Chair Page 1 Minutes/Edina City Council/May 16, 2017 V.H. Approve Request for Purchase: Race and Equity Facilitator Service Agreement, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder Citizens League, $60,000 V.I. Adopt Resolution No. 2017-49: Authorizing Edina Liquor on-Sale Distillery for Charitable Event June 19, 2017, at Centennial Lakes V.J. Adopt Resolution No. 2017-51: Authorizing Investment Agreement V.K. Adopt Resolution No. 2017-52; Facsimile Signatures by Public V.L. Adopt Resolution No. 2017-53; Designation of Don Uram as Alternate Director of Suburban Rate Authority V.M. Adopt Resolution No. 2017-54; Designation of Don Uram as Director/Jennifer Bennerotte as Alternate Director of LOGIS V.N. Authorize Agreement with Chase Bank to Process Payments V.O. Approve Traffic Safety Report of April 5, 2017 V.P. Authorize Edina Braemar/AT&T Easement Agreement V.Q. Approve Request for Purchase: Melody Lake Lift Station Emergency Pump Replacement, awarding the bid to the Ideal Service Electric Pump (2 pumps) $28,982.00 and Ideal Service (Variable Frequency Drives) $4,680.00 Rollcall: Ayes: Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Stewart, Hovland Motion carried. VI. SPECIAL RECOGNITIONS AND PRESENTATIONS VI.A. EMS WEEK, MAY 21-27, 2017—PROCLAIMED Fire Chief Schmitz accepted the Proclamation and presented background on the National Emergency Medical Services Week. He thanked the Council for proclaiming May 21-27, 2017, as EMS Week in the City of Edina, shared statistics on emergency medical services and his pride for the City's dispatchers. Member Brindle made a motion, seconded by Member Fischer, to proclaim EMS Week in the City of Edina. Ayes: Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Stewart, Hovland Motion carried. VI.B. NATIONAL PUBLIC WORKS WEED MAY 21-27, 2017—PROCLAIMED Public Works Director Olson accepted the Proclamation and presented background on National Public Works Week. He thanked the Council for proclaiming May 21-27, 2017, as National Public Works week and thanked Public Works staff for their work. Member Stewart made a motion, seconded by Member Brindle, to proclaim National Public Works Week in the City of Edina. Ayes: Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Stewart, Hovland Motion carried. VI.C. NATIONAL KIDS TO PARK DAY, MAY 20, 2017 —PROCLAIMED Assistant Parks & Recreation Director Faus accepted the Proclamation and presented background on National Kids to Parks Day on May 20, 2017. She shared statistics on childhood obesity and encouraged residents to utilize a local park and be active. She stated the day would include a photo contest and other events. Member Fischer made a motion, seconded by Member Brindle, to proclaim National Kids to Park Day in the City of Edina. Ayes: Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Stewart, Hovland Motion carried. VI.D. SPEAK UP, EDINA: MAY 2017—PRESENTED Senior Communications Coordinator Eidsness outlined the public engagement process used to gather information on to collect ideas and opinions from residents. May's discussion focused on organics recycling. Ms. Eidsness presented a summary of comments, requests, and suggestions received. She noted June's topic would be water conservation. Page 2 Minutes/Edina City Council/May 16, 2017 The Council commented on organics recycling, the current hauling contract, and how this could be better incorporated through identification of a single hauler. VII. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS — (Favorable vote of majority of Council Members present to approve except where noted). VII.A. COMPREHENSIVE SANITARY SEWER PLANNING AND SOUTHEAST EDINA PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING—RECEIVED Director of Engineering Millner stated staff was pleased with the results of the comprehensive sanitary sewer plan study and the work of the consultants as they determined whether the City's infrastructure could handle proposed development. Brian Letson, Barr Engineering, summarized the findings and observations and provided recommendations on the City's sanitary sewer preliminary engineering report. He commented on simulation modeling for sewer pipe capacity and improvements needed if all redevelopment was not added. He outlined capacity of the Fairview, Southdale, and Parklawn areas and provided suggested improvements through a three- phased program to ensure capacity in the future. Environmental Services Manager Bitner highlighted key findings and phased solutions through the Comprehensive Planning process and the need to coordinate closely with the Metropolitan Council. He said the City was well served by the existing infrastructure and there was ample capacity available at the border for growth now and through redevelopment fees. The Council asked, if the City was on track with infrastructure, about cost ranges and the need for redundancy either through larger or additional pipe. Mr. Bintner replied the cost estimation was based on mid-density development and only a small portion of costs actually goes into the size of pipe; the rest was because of the need to open up the street. The Council commented on the overall $48 million in costs, capacity, and concerns of aging infrastructure and technology advances for pipe lining. The Council stressed the need to focus on necessary capacity and the importance of this function. The Council inquired about the need for additional pump stations and the new water treatment plant that would increase the amount of water and commented on the economic benefits to reduced water consumption and conservation efforts. VII.B. PARK SIGNAGE REPLACEMENT PROJECT—APPROVED Ms. Faus shared the proposed park signage replacement project for all main park entrance signage. She outlined the timeline and allocated $500,000 of park dedication funds for the project. Ms. Faus shared information on the committee that outlined goals and developed a sign plan for each park including wayfinding and directional signage in the future. Ms. Faus shared the budget and described proposed materials that were natural colors, long-lasting of cedar posts, black buckle fasteners, and aluminum panels that would include the park name and address on both sides. The Council commented on the need for reflective signage that would be easier to read in the dark and that while enterprise facilities were not included in the project, they should complement these signs when completed. The Council expressed concern with the use of cedar posts and encouraged staff to review metal posts for better durability, if possible. Ms. Faus explained the need for addresses related to Police/Fire and GPS navigation. Member Fischer made a motion, seconded by Member Stewart, to approve proposed design for the main park entrance signs as proposed. Rollcall: Ayes: Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Stewart, Hovland Motion carried. Page 3 Minutes/Edina City Council/May 16. 2017 VII.C. SKETCH PLAN: 5150 AND 5220 EDEN AVENUE—REVIEWED Community Development Director Presentation Community Development Director Teague said the Council was asked to provide non-binding feedback on a potential future development application at the Edina School Bus Garage Site. He said the project included 100 units per acre with a rezoning to PUD and explained the Planning Commission had several concerns, which the developer had since addressed through revisions. Mr. Teague said the building was moved away from the street at the southwest corner, setbacks remain generally the same, and the number of units was reduced from 180 to 165, which reduced the density from 110 units an acre to 101 units per acre and the FAR was reduced from 2.6 to 2.4. Proponent Presentation Grady Hamilton, Trammel Crow Company, introduced his team and shared their background. He reviewed the existing site context with the railway right-of-way, retaining wall, and embankment, and commented on the difficulty of pedestrian connections but recognition of the importance to the Grandview District. Aaron Roseth, ESG Architects, shared the importance of a created place and how housing belonged in this area. He identified significant changes made since the Planning Commission meeting that addressed staff concerns, which included pulling back the southwest corner, reducing the number of project units to 165, and creating relief points and horizontal and vertical fa4ade breaks. He shared the proposed landscaping and pathway to the north as well as their vision in relation to the public and private realm and the pocket park. He noted the plans had been revised to address these concerns. Mr. Roseth reviewed solutions and scenarios for long-term traffic improvements and clarified the garage access that allowed connections on the second level roadway. The Council asked questions regarding the drive aisle, design differences from the first plan with cooler colors that made the building less prominent, the plinth design, and suggested setting the upper level back, if possible. The Council thanked the developer for addressing the concerns and indicated it was pleased with the attention on the north for public conveyance for residents and the public as connectedness was an important asset. The Council commented on the high number of units per acre but felt it would be desirable. Mr. Roseth responded to questions related to storm water treatment, underground tanks and storage, green roof and rain garden options as part of the landscape plan, and how the rain garden could be used for irrigation. The Council said they were still concerned about the mass and wanted higher green space and street engagement for this was to be a catalyst for surrounding development. The Council liked the proposed path rather than a roadway that connected the parking ramp to engage the surrounding area. The Council commented on possible retail including a salon concept and suggested less development to engage the public outwards. The Council commented on the importance of the north-side connection in the transportation plan and how to screen the generator and electric equipment if the upper level was planned. Mr. Roseth said they wanted to pull the building back to open up more greenspace along Eden Avenue for a larger pocket park but would be within 15 feet of the property line on the east side. The Council acknowledged this small site contained difficulties and commented on the need to be consistent with the developer regarding zoning and setbacks. The Council suggested an amended height to help address those concerns and encouraged the developer to focus even more on sustainability. The Council also encouraged collaboration with Jerry's and indicated it was pleased with elimination of the single plane for architectural and liked borrowing features from City Hall with copper and limestone. The Council also liked the 55+ concept and weighed the higher density due to proximity to the freeway and how more stories could be acceptable if broken up visually. Page 4 Minutes/Edina City Council/May 16. 2017 VII.D. RESOLUTION 2017-50—ACCEPTING VARIOUS GRANTS AND DONATIONS -ADOPTED Mayor Hovland explained that in order to comply with State Statutes; all donations to the City must be adopted by Resolution and approved by four favorable votes of the Council accepting the donations. Member Staunton introduced and moved adoption of Resolution No. 2017-50 accepting various grants and donations. Member Fischer seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Stewart, Hovland Motion carried. VIII. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS VIII.A. CORRESPONDENCE Mayor Hovland acknowledged the Council's receipt of various correspondence. VIII.B. MINUTES 1. ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT COMMISSION, APRIL 13, 2017 2. HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION, APRIL 17, 2017 3. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION, APRIL 4, 2017 Informational; no action required. IX. AVIATION NOISE UPDATE —Received X. MAYOR AND COUNCIL COMMENTS— Received X1. MANAGER'S COMMENTS— Received XII. SCHEDULE OF MEETINGS, EVENTS AND DATES AS OF MAY 16, 2017— Received XIV. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business on the Council Agenda, Mayor Hovland declared the meeting adjourned at 10:22 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Debr angen, Cit Clerk Minutes approved by Edina City Council,June 6, 2017. ames B. Hovland, Mayor Video Copy of the May 16, 2017, meeting available. Page 5