HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 2006-078 Appoint Preliminary Election Judges I '
o� e �"'" tit RESOLUTION NO. 2006-78
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WHEREAS, Minnesota Election Law 204B.21 requires that persons serving as election
judges be appointed by the Council at least 25 days before the election.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina City Council that the individuals named on Exhibit
A, and on file in the office of the City Clerk be appointed as election judges for the primary
election to be conducted on September 12, 2006; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk was with this, authorized to make
any substitutions or additions as deemed necessary.
Passed and adopted by the Edina City Council this 1st day of August,2006.
Katherine Aby Richard Cheng George Griffiths
Rita Acker Judy Cipolla Eunice Groschen
John Adams Robert V Clapp Leticia Guadarrama
David Alkire Katherine Conley Muza Habeck
John Alt Eileen Cooke Maryann Haemig
• Carolyn Anderson Jack Cracraft Eugene E Haman
Frances Anderson Marian Cracraft Mary Ann Hans
Lorraine Anderson Colleen Crew Brian Hansen
Pat Andrus Patrice Darrell Joan Hanson
Jackie Barnard Gloria DeBerg Jean Hare
Ralf Bates Delpha DeZellar Meredith Hart
Carol Bertelson Patricia Dill Shawn Hartfeldt
Edna Boehnke Robert Dillon Buddy Hasnudeen
Juliet L Boemer Shirley Dillon Mary Hasnudeen
Vince Bongaarts Charlotte Domek Henry L Hatch
Patricia Boran Shirley Doyle Maxine Hatzung
Holly Borgen Anne Duff Jacqueline Hegman
Katherine Bradbury Claudia Eggan Cheryl Heley
ZoeAnne Brandberg Lyle Eide Bethel Hoaglund
Adele H Brellenthin Clara R Engelbert Lisa Holmberg
Mary Brindle Paul Fink Carleen Holvik
Joann Buie Lisa Flint Helen Honmyhr
James H Burnett Joseph A Florenzano Nancy Hopf
Raymond S Buttschau Vi Frana Judy Hoppe
Mary Calgren Rebecca Frederick Annette Horton
Christine Campion Eileen D Freeman Terri Hudoba
Janet Cardle Kathy Frey George Hunter
John Cardle Pam Gagnon Paulette Hutton
Elaine Carlson Devorah Goldstein Myra Hykes
Iohn Carlson Sue Goodman Delores Isaacson
City HMAndra Carlson Carol Gottesman Kathy Iverson 952-927-8861
4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX 952-826-0390
EDINA,MINNESOTA, 55424-1394 www.cityofedina.com TTY 952-826-0379
Marilyn P Jackson Dennis Nyberg Donna Tilsner
Allen C Johnson Sally Nyberg James W Tindall
• Eunice Johnson Patti Olander Muriel Towler
Geraldine Ann Johnson Audrey Olson Viem Truong
Kate Johnson Ordell O'Neill Liz VanZomeren
Naomi Johnson Mary Osborn Darla J Vashro
Shirley Johnson Andy Otness Ephie Volpe
Ann R Kapaun Pete Pappas Ray Voss
Ann Keenan Mary K Pate Patti Wales
Jessica D Kingston Jean Pearce Jini Washburn
Mavis Klefsaas Carole Peterson Joan Watkins
Marcia Koester Doris Peterson Jenny Weber
Julia Kosters John Peterson Deanna Weeks
Dorothy M Krueger Maria Pinkstaff Mike Welbaum
Dorothy Kuether Betty Pollitt Ardis Wexler
Mary J Landberg Wendy Powell Elizabeth Wiley
Mary Leak Linda Presthus Patricia Williams
Patricia M Leefeldt Judith Proudfit Loretta Wold
Cecile Lehman Richard G Pryse Linda Wood
Bob Lindsey Robert Reed Mary Yee
Jean Liudahl Gail Roberts Jane M Zimmerman
Susan Long Lois Robertson Peter Zirbel
Lois Loomis Judith Rodgers Margaret Zverinova
• William Lucas Robert Rohlf
Ginny Mach David Rosenbaum
Linda Maetzold Luann Rosenthal-Erickson
Barbara Martin Mark Rustad
Sally Mays Mary A. Ryan
Barb McFarlane Mary E. Ryan
Rosemary McGlynn Penny Sandberg
Frank McGoldrick Paul Schroeder
Carol Melichar Radonna Schwarz
Ruth Mell Carol Schwerdfeger
Marvin Menzel Amy Scott
Pat Merritt Holmes Marion P Selid
Nancy Miller Beverly Severson
Patricia Mills Mike Sewall
Louise Mollick Jacky Smith
Paul Monson Penny Smith
Beth Montgomery Ruth Smith
Jane Moran Gail Stalpes
Larry Mod Lynne Stanley
Ron Naae Ardelle Stark
Margaret E Nath Michael Stolee
• Janet Nelson Cynthia L Stone
Susan Niefeld Gail Teas
Alice Nix Abbie Thiss
Judith Norback Andrea Tiggas
• Motion carried on rollcall vote -four ayes.
City Clerk Mayor
1, the undersigned duly appointed and acting City Clerk for the City of Edina do hereby
• certify that the attached and foregoing Resolution was duly adopted by the Edina City
Council at its Regular Meeting of August 15, 2006, and as recorded in the Minutes of
said Regular Meeting.
WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this day of , 20 .
City Clerk