HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017 07-26 Agenda & Packet WORK SESSION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION
JULY 26,2017
5:30 PM
I. Role of Planning Commission (Jo Ann & Cary)—(30 Minutes)
a. Planning Commission Development Review: Reactive
b. Comprehensive Plan: Proactive Guide for Development
c. PC thoughts
II. Comprehensive Plan (Jo Ann)—(30 Minutes)
a. SAPs (Start overlapping/begin application process for 70th and Cahill)
b. Work Sessions—how to be more productive?
III. Involvement with other Commissions (Jo Ann)—(15 Minutes)
a. Liaison activity: attend Commission meetings/how often/goal
b. Biko team consultant role: not in contract to attend separate commissions
c. PC thoughts on how it is going
IV. Southdale SAP principles (Cary)—(15 minutes)
a. Principles adopted by the City Council to be implemented city wide
b. Clarify status of the principles and use
c. Next steps
V. Summary of June 29th 44th and France workshop,July 18 and 24th work group meetings (Jimmy
and Sheila)—(20 minutes)
VI. Other(10 Minutes)
VII. Adjourn 7:30 PM
2018 Comprehensive Plan
Small Area Plan Working Groups Onboarding Schedule
70th and Cahill
July 26 (PC Meeting) Present working group "greenprint"to Planning Commission for feedback
and edits.
August 12 (PC Meeting) Planning Commission approve "greenprint"
August 13-August 23 Write press release,social media,city extra.Application live by August 23.
September 8 Application deadline
September 11 Send applications to PC members for review.
September 27 (PC Meeting) Planning Commission approves working group members.
September 28 Applicant notifications set out.
Middle of October First working group meeting
January 2018 SAP complete
50th and France
October 11 (PC Meeting) Present working group "greenprint"to Planning Commission for feedback
and edits.
October 25 (PC Meeting) Planning Commission approve "greenprint"
October 26-November 8 Write press release, social media,city extra.Application live by November
November 27 Application deadline
November 30 Send applications to PC members for review.
December 13 Planning Commission approves working group members.
December 14 Applicant notifications set out.
January 2018 First working group meeting
April 2018 SAP complete
lE A.
,44 rf Advisory Board and Commission
Afp ,52� WorkingGroup (green Tint
�, P
This form must be completed prior to a board or commission approving the establishment of a working group.
BOARD OR COMMISSION: Planning Commission
W RKING GROUP NAME: ("SmaH Area Plan Working Group: 44 and France70th
an Cahill
WORKING GROUP OBJECTIVE: Click here to enter teat.
WORKING GROUP CHAIR/CO-CHAIRS: Click here to enter teat.
Proj-ct Title 44th and Francc7Oth and Cahill Small Area Plan
A working group may have more than one project. _ -
Description The intent is to engage neighborhood residents, businesses,
Desclribe the project and how it supports the and other stakeholders in the 44th and Francc7Oth and Cahill
approved work plan. area for the purposes of developing and drafting a Small Area
Plan as part of the 2018 Comprehensive Plan Update. The
70th and Cahill 44th and Francc urea had previously been I
identified as an area of potential change in the 2008
Comprehensive Plan. A small area plan was not completed at
that time, but will be as part of the 2018 Plan Update. !
Pur ose The purpose is to complete a Small Area Plan for the 70th
Desiribe the purpose or objective of the project. e.g. and Cahill44th and France area to become an element in the
develop a process, review the work ` 2018 Edina Comprehensive Plan Update.
Deli erables The deliverable will be a Small Area Plan for the 70th and
Tan v ble or intangible object produced as a result of Cahillthc 44th and France area to be incorporated into the
the project intended to be delivered to the indicated Edina 2018 Comprehensive Plan Update.
Community BenefitThe Small Area Plan will provide a detailed framework to
Hovvl does this project benefit the Edina community? guide development within the 70th and Cahill 44th and France
area. __ _
Key Dates f The planning process for the working group will take place
Is th re an event or a timeframe to complete certain over 23-4 months. It is anticipated that the Small Area Plan
step? I Work Group will meet at least twe-three times during the
1 process and will help facilitate three small area plan
workshops, There will be possible additional check-ins with
the group as the small area plan is completed and as the city-
wide Comprehensive Plan progresses.
Pro otion & Implementation The findings and competition of the 70th and Cahill 44th
Wh. is the plan to share the project France small area plan will become an element within the
findings/completion or how will the completed city's 2018 Comprehensive Plan Update.
project be implemented? `___._ - _
Evaluation The group will collaboratively produce findings to populate a
How will the group evaluate the findings or end Small Area Plan.
result of the project?
Dur:tion of the Group 23-4 months
Typically six months to two years. _
Me bership &Time Commitment Working Group will consist of 7-9 members. Time
Wo king group size cap recommendation is 7 commitment will be attendance at twe-three
me bers. Estimate how much time a working group orientation/planning meetings (approximately ene-I_5 hours
member needs to commit to. each), three workshops for approximately two hours each,
and approximately 4-8 hours over the study period for
additional outreach.
( A4w® rf r Advisory Board and Commission
� ° WorkingGroupGreenprint
This form must be completed prior to a board or commission approving the establishment of a working group.
Public Notice & Member Recruitment Date of working group approval from board/commission:
Publik notice will be given of the formation of any 2/8/20179/27/2017
working group and individuals will-have a minimum of
14 days after the public notice to express interest to Date for release of public notice:
join before members are selected. ASAP
Date for working group member selection (must be at least
Forward the completed Greenprint to M.1 Lamon for 14 days after release of public notice date):
public notice. March 8, 2017 at the Planning Commission meeting
Date for working group's first meeting:
To be determined
Date: July 19, 2017
To: City of Edina Planning Commissioners
From: Bill Smith
Re: Policy-Level Directions for the Update Comprehensive Plan
The consultant team has two responsibilities:
1) Preparing three small area plans
2) Updating the 2008 Comprehensive Plan
Both efforts will result in policy-oriented documents that will set overall direction and guidance for the
city. Additionally,the small area plans and,to a lesser degree,the larger comprehensive plan will
identify projects and programs that will be outlined in time-based, implementation plans.
In its role as a body that is focused on the city's future growth and development,the Planning
Commission has a part to play in the investigation, discussion and development of policies that will be
included in the small area plans and the comprehensive plan.
Work completed in 2015 in Vision Edina affirmed the importance of'place.' The notion of vibrant,
diverse,and ecologically sustainable places was reaffirmed in the BIG IDEAS workshop in May 2016
where community members ranked the following as top priority,strategic focus areas:
• Environmental Stewardship
• Transportation Options
• Education Focus
• Commercial Development Mix
• Residential Development Mix
• Regional Leadership
• Population Mix
• Live and Work
Policies addressed by the Planning Commission for inclusion in the comprehensive plan should fall under
these broad headings.
Additionally important is the position taken by the Planning Commission that none of these strategic
focus areas exists in a vacuum. Instead, each is interrelated with others, and in order to truly become
the exceptional community Planning Commissioners want Edina to be, policies guiding the city's future
should,where appropriate and feasible, be holistic and include input and ideas from a broad base of
knowledge, interests,and expertise.
79 13th AVENUE N.E. STUDIO 107
PHONE:612-623-4000 FAX:612-623-0200
WWW. bikoassociates.com
- A-
City of Edina Planning Commission
July 19,2017
Page 2
Getting Started(Suggested Time Line and Actions)
1. August:
Determine which of the city's commissions (and other municipal entities) is best suited to lead the
investigation, discussion,and development of policies for each of the identified focus areas.
Suggested pairings are:
Strategic Focus Area City Commissions and Institutions
Environmental Stewardship ..41p Energy and Environment Commission
Transportation Options -4111411Transportation Commission
Arts and Culture Commission
Heritage Preservation Commission
Education Focus tel► Student Commission
Parks and Recreation Commission
Community Health Commission
Commercial Development Mix tel► { Planning Commission
Economic Development
Residential Development Mix . Planning Commission
Transportation Commission
Regional Leadership .411 �► All Commissions and Institutions
Human Rights Commission
Population Mix "11111.11111111." Race and Equity Services Working Group
Live and Work -.111111P-{ Planning Commission
Transportation Commission
2. August:
Planning Commissioners engage staff liaisons in a discussion about the need to implement a
process where the city's commissions work together,across disciplines,to develop holistic
policies for inclusion in the comprehensive plan. The mission and goal statements of each
commission are distributed to others to ensure cross-discipline understanding of each
commissions focus and interests.
3. August:
Planning Commission develops a framework for distribution to the city's commissions and
institutions. The framework is built on the matrix that was developed for the Boards and
Commissions Workshop, held in April 2017. Each commission and institution completes the
framework, listing its own policy focus including future, concept-level policies for inclusion in the
comprehensive plan and additional conceptual policies where there is overlap with other
commissions and institutions.
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City of Edina Planning Commission
July 19, 2017
Page 4
4. September:
The completed framework is submitted to the Planning Commission for review and analysis.
The analysis will identify areas of overlap,determine where cross discipline integration is
feasible and help determine which Planning Commissioner is best suited to take major
responsibility for a particular policy's refinement and development.
5. October—December:
Planning Commissioners,working with their commissions (and others where there are
integrated policies),conduct research on concept policies to gather facts, review experiences
from other communities, review precedents, hold discussions, and parse language. Refine
concept-level policies and produce draft policies.
6. January:
Draft policies are presented to the Planning Commission for approval. Members of the city's
commissions and institutions participate in the presentations. Once approved,the policies are
further refined for inclusion in the comprehensive plan.
France Avenue Southdale Area Working Principles
and Supporting Questions
(June 16,2015)
Element Working Principle and Supporting Questions
Give-to-Get; Plan & Allow latitude to gain tangible and intangible outcomes aligned with
Process the district principles.
1 How does the proposal contribute to the realization of the principles
for the district?
2 How can the proposal move beyond the principles for the district?
3 What tangible and intangible.outcomes might be offered by the
proposal but cannot be achieved by the project on its own?
4 What does the proposal offer as a way of balancing those outcomes
provided by others?
5 What alternatives were explored to arrive at a proposal that is best
aligned with the principles and the opportunities of the district?
Edina Cultural Preferences; Advance quality through thoughtful and artful design of buildings
Identity and publicly accessible spaces, highlighted human activity, and
enhanced economic vibrancy.
1 Discuss the materials and construction techniques intended for the
building and the site with attention directed to ensuring an enduring
quality is achieved, especially considering whether the proposal is a
background or foreground element of the district.
2 What qualities of the proposal will be most valued by the community
in 50 years?
3 Describe the ways in which the proposal highlights human activity in
the building and on the site, especially when viewed from adjacent or
nearby public ways?
4 In what ways does the proposal enhance the economic vibrancy of the
5 How does the proposal adapt itself to changing economic
opportunities of the community and the district?
District Function Look beyond baseline utilitarian functions of a single site to create
mutually supportive and forward-looking infrastructure sustaining
the district.
1 Describe the ways in which the proposal is self-supporting related to
on-and off-site infrastructure and resources.
2 What impacts does the proposal pose on existing on-and off-site
3 What elements of the proposal support infrastructure needs of
adjacent or nearby sites?
4 Describe the infrastructure features of the proposal that are truly
extraordinary by relating the performance of those features to current
standards, requirements, or best practices.
5 How the proposal relies on infrastructure of the district for baseline
Comprehensive Foster a logical, safe, inviting and expansive public realm facilitating
Connections; Movement movement of people within and to the district.
1 What features and amenities does the proposal lend to the public
realm of the district?
2 What features and amenities does the proposal introduce to extend
the sense of an expansive and engaging public realm to its site?
3 Demonstrate the ways in which the proposal supports pedestrians and
bicyclists movement and identify those nearby district features that
are important destinations.
4 What features does the proposal employ to ensure a safe and inviting
pedestrian experience on the site?
5 ...
Site Design;Transitions Encourage parcel-appropriate intensities promoting harmonious and
interactive relationships without"leftover"spaces on sites.
1 How does the proposal relate in terms of scale to it neighbors?
2 How does the proposal make full use of the available site, especially
those portions of the site not occupied by parking and buildings?
3 How does the proposal interact with its neighbors?
4 Describe the zones of activity created by the proposal and compare
those areas to zones of activity on adjacent and nearby sites.
5 ...
Health Advance human and environmental health as the public and private
realms evolves.
1 How does this proposal enhance key elements of environmental
health (air, water, noise, habitat)?
2 How does proposal mitigate any negative impacts on environmental
health on its own site?
3 How does proposal provide for a healthful environment beyond the
current condition?
4 Describe ways in which human health needs are advanced by the
5 ...
Innovation Embrace purposeful innovation aimed at identified and anticipated
1 Identify the problems posed by the proposal or the district requiring
innovative solutions and describe the ways in which the proposal
2 Describe the metrics to be used to compare the innovations posed by
the proposal.
3 For those solutions posed by the proposal as innovative, describe how
they might become "best practices" for the district.
4 Describe innovations in systems and aesthetics and the ways in which
systems and aesthetics for integrated solutions.
5 Describe other projects where innovations similar to those included in
the proposal have been employed.
Land Use; Live-able Promote well-balanced aggregations of"come to" and "stay at"
Precincts places focused on human activity and linked to an engaging public
1 How does the proposal complement the mix of uses in the district?
2 Describe the proposal in terms of"come to" and/or"stay at" places.
3 What adjacent or nearby"come to" or"stay at" places does the
proposal rely on for vitality?
4 Demonstrate the flows of activity generated by the site during a
typical weekday and weekend day.
5 In what ways does the proposal interact with surrounding sites to
encourage an engaging public realm?
Economic Vitality Ensure every component contributes to the sustained economic
vitality of the district and the community.
1 Describe the proposal in terms of its economic contributions to the
2 How does the proposal enhance development on adjacent or nearby
3 What features of the site or district limit the potential of the proposal
from being fully realized?
4 Why is the proposal best situated on its proposed site from the
perspective of economic vitality?
5 How does the proposal make the district and the community a better
44th/France SmaII Area Pian
Draft Proposed Schedule
Thursday, 6/29 First Community Meeting
Week of July 3 through 7 Consultant Workshop
Tuesday,July 18 SAPWG to discuss outcomes from June 29 and review
consultant's conceptual alternatives
Thursday,August 31 Second Community Meeting for review and comment on
conceptual alternatives
Week of September 5 Consultant Workshop
Tuesday, September 19 SAPWG to review and comment on refined conceptual
alternatives and select preferred alternatives
Thursday,sday,September 28 Third Community Meeting for review and comment on draft final
44th France 4 " e [Nan Work Group
ivje t ni 3 - Summary
• Tuesday, July 18, 2017
• 7:00– 9:00 p.m.
• Weber Park Building (4115 Grimes Ave S, Edina, MN 55416)
• Review community meeting results and technical analysis
• Discuss guiding principles
• Discuss draft design concepts
• Community Meeting 1 Summary Report
• Draft Guiding Principles
Action Items
• SAPWG to review draft guiding principles document and respond to Jimmy Bennet with comments
by the end of the day, August 1, 2017
• Bill Smith to find the year of the traffic counts and provide an update at the next meeting
• Rebecca Sorenson to confirm availability of Morningside Community Church for a community
meeting in August or September
1. Welcome/Introductions
Jimmy Bennet and Sheila Berube (chair) convened the meeting and led introductions.
2. Project updates
The consultant team provided the group an update on the community meeting held on June 29, 2017, and
presented the technical analysis completed by the team to-date.
3. Guiding Principles
Discussion focused on draft Guiding Principles, which were developed by the consultant team for consideration
by the Work Group. The draft Guiding Principles were prepared based on a distillation of input received from
the community at the first Community Meeting for the 44th/France SAP. That meeting was held on June 29 at
the Edina Public Works Building.
The draft Guiding Principles are outlined below:
01. Create a Safe, Inviting and Connected Public Realm
• Prioritize pedestrians first: — reduce curb cuts and driveways; widen sidewalks; improve
crosswalks; slow traffic
• Promote health through walking and biking —establish safe routes for all ages
• Create a community'green'or plaza for gathering —'placemaking'that reflects the character of
the community and a comfortable place to convene
• Remove visual clutter—excessive signage, above ground utilities, billboards, etc.
• Strengthen the cohesiveness of the building frontages—eliminate'missing teeth'
• Enhance multimodality— bikes/bike-sharing; safe access to transit; car-sharing, etc.
Edina Comprehensive Plan
44th and France-SAPWG Meeting 3-Summary
• Incorporate public art—enhance neighborhood identity and livability
02. Strengthen District/Neighborhood Identity
• Buildings should contribute to a vibrant streetscape
• Retain distinctiveness, local flavor, intimacy, scale, activities
• Preserve historically significant buildings; reuse and restore buildings
• Confine taller buildings to France Avenue
• Building scale should transition smoothly back into the neighborhood
• Promote architectural variety and district cohesiveness
03. Organize and Consolidate Parking
• Provide parking without compromising the public realm — minimize curb cuts/driveways
• Locate parking behind or beneath buildings
• Create district parking (smaller scale version of 50th/France)
• Review location of on-street parking to allow wider sidewalks (especially on France Ave)
• Resolve issues with service/delivery and parking
04. Strengthen Mix of Land Uses
• Increase variety of housing and commercial options in the area
• Promote local flavor—this is a neighborhood commercial hub; not 50th/France
• Provide necessary goods and services to promote walking/biking to the center
• Allow appropriately located housing, commercial, office and public uses
• Augment rather than compete with land uses across France Ave. —work together across city
05. Promote Sustainability and Resiliency
• Establish/reestablish the urban forest
• Develop sustainable, integrated water management strategies
• Develop more efficient district systems to manage/reuse water, harvest energy, manage waste,
• Design for adaptability and changing needs over time (less individual car use; car and bike
• Provide universal accessibility
• Provide equitable options for housing, businesses and retail
06. Develop Supportive City Policies
• Consider form-based zoning to relax land use restrictions and encourage the unique, "bohemian"
character of the district.
• Explore zoning modifications to allow flexibility in building scale and land use in exchange for
financing an excellent public realm and creating civic space
• Explore pedestrian overlay zone to enhance walkability and ensure pedestrian primacy.
• Explore Business Improvement District(B.I.D.) to ensure a high level of maintenance in the
A question was raised by one of the Work Group members about Guiding Principle 02. Strengthen District/
Neighborhood Identity. The question concerned the lack of specificity about building height, building scale,
density, and the transition from France Avenue west to single family residential uses.
There were various opinions on these topics, but no firm conclusions were reached. One opinion expressed by
three of the Work Group members was that the language in the Guiding Principles was too vague and that height
limits should be specifically addressed in the 44th/France Small Area Plan.
Page 2
Edina Comprehensive Plan
44th and France-SAPWG Meeting 3-Summary
The meeting was attended by 14 residents, some of whom interrupted the Work Group's discussion and the
consultant team's efforts to explain the principles. Some of the Work Group members appeared to be speaking
on behalf of the residents rather than fully participating in frank and thoughtful discussions with other Work
Group members about the principles.
The building height, building scale, density, and transition points in the Guiding Principles were the only issues
that were discussed. Nearly all the remaining principles, except parking, were presented without disagreement or
The notion of`district parking' raised concerns, as one Work Group member questioned:
• The willingness of property owners to cooperate in a 'district parking'scenario
• The incidence of costs associated with implementing a 'district parking' model similar to 50th/France
4. Public Participation and SAPWG Protocols
With the many interruptions from residents and the attention drawn to the issues of building height, building
scale, density, and the transition, time was not available to present or discuss the alternative concepts. It was
agreed the Work Group would meet on the morning of Monday, July 24 (7:00 — 9:00 am) to review the concepts.
The behavior of the public and some members of the Work Group at the meeting demonstrated the need to
address public participation in the small area planning and design process.
1. 44th/France Small Area:
A precedent has been established where the public has been invited to attend the 44th/France Work
Group meetings. For obvious reasons, it would be ill-advised to reverse this course, and invitations to the
public at-large to attend Work Group meetings will continue.
At the same time, it is recognized that Work Group members should come to meetings with opened
minds and should be prepared to hear differing opinions and engage in discussion and debate before
reaching conclusions. The public's participation in the July 18 Work Group meeting prevented these
things from happening.
As the consultant team moves forward through the process at 44th/France, efforts should be made to
make it clear that Work Group meetings are meeting the public can attend and they can observe. They
should not be allowed to participate, however. There are other opportunities for the general public to
participate in the process (i.e., three community meetings, direct conversations with staff, etc.).
Additionally, Work Group members will need to be reminded of their roles and responsibilities; chief
among these is to be prepared to participate in a process where opinions are reached after there has
been frank, respectful discussion.
2. Future Small Areas:
While the precedent has been set for the 44th/France planning and design effort, nothing has yet been
established for 70th/Cahill and 50th/France. It is recommended that from the beginning, staff and the
consultant team should do a better job defining the roles of all participants in the process.
Recommended points deserving clarification are:
• Work Group roles and responsibilities:
- Accept two-way learning principles
- Commit to being an independent thinker who reaches conclusions after participating in
discussions with other Work Group members, staff, and consultants. Work Group members
are not merely voices of public opinion.
- Required to become informed on issues that will be addressed in the small area planning and
design process. Work Group members should not base their opinions only on anecdotal
• Public At-Large:
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Edina Comprehensive Plan
44th and France—SAPWG Meeting 3-Summary
- Review and comment on work and recommendations completed by the Work Group and
consultant team at public meetings and other events where the public's opinion is explicitly
- Should not participate in Work Group meetings where the Work Group is in deliberation,
discussion, and debate.
Public comment
One resident interrupted the meeting with strong feelings about limiting growth in traffic congestion and density
in the area. Six members of the public spoke at the end of the meeting during the public comment period and
spoke about issues related to building height and density, as they relate to the guiding principles.
5. Adjourn
The meeting adjourned at approximately 9:15 p.m.
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