HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-07-20 MinutesDraft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: 8/17/2017 1 Minutes City of Edina, Minnesota Transportation Commission Community Room July 20, 2017, 6:00 p.m. I. Call To Order Chair LaForce called the meeting to order. II. Roll Call Answering roll call were commissioners Ahler, Brown, Iyer, Kane, LaForce, Miranda, Olson, Richman and Ruthruff. Absent: Commissioners Koester and Olk. Commissioner Brown was excused at 7:05 p.m. and returned at 7:55 p.m. Commissioner Richman was excused at 7:30 p.m. III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda Motion was made by commissioner Miranda and seconded by commissioner Ahler approving the meeting agenda. All voted aye. Motion passed. IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes Motion was made by commissioner Richman and seconded by commissioner Ruthruff approving the revised June 15, 2017, minutes. All voted aye. Motion carried. V. Community Comments Two residents in attendance wanted to address the commission on the Passenger Rail Community Engagement agenda item and planner Nolan explained that if the item was on the agenda and was not a public hearing, policy states that residents can not address the commission on that agenda item. He reminded them that a public meeting for the Passenger Rail Community Engagement was scheduled for next Tuesday. Ms. Davison was allowed to ask a question. Ms. Sue Davison, 6716 Galway Drive, asked if the passenger rail study would include the costs of maintenance and safety as whole because there are funding issues for maintenance of roads and bridges. VI. Reports/Recommendations A. Passenger Rail Community Engagement Report Ms. Jessica Laabs with Kimley-Horn presented. Ms. Laabs said the first Community Conversation was scheduled for Tuesday, July 25, and this was publicized by press release, social media, posters, and press coverage. She reviewed display boards that would be used at the meeting and asked for feedback on the series of questions. Feedback included deleting ‘Edina’ and replace with ‘CP Corridor,’ to make the questions specifically about the Dan Patch corridor. There will also be discussion tables and question walls. The ETC role at the meeting was discussed. Five commissioners plan to attend and assist. Ms. Laabs discussed the schedule from now through October when the City Council is to receive the ETC’s recommendation. She said after the first Community Conversation, an online survey would be released with same or similar questions. The next Community Conversation is scheduled for Sept. 7, and data collected to date would be shared at this meeting. Additionally, she said they will reach out to businesses as stakeholders and planner Nolan said other meetings are in the scope and this could include attending others’ meetings to get input from different groups. Ms. Laabs said next steps include looking at land use, existing conditions and meetings with other cities/agencies. Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: 8/17/2017 2 In addition to the two residents in attendance, two more residents came during the presentation and asked if they could comment. Chair LaForce explained the policy as stated above. Commissioner Iyer expressed concern that residents in attendance wanted to engage in the process and could not. Commissioner Iyer motioned to reopen Community Comments to allow residents to address the commission on Passenger Rail Community Engagement and the motion was seconded by commissioner Olson. Planner Nolan explained that this could set a precedent going against the City’s policy of publicly notifying residents so that everyone was given the same opportunity to engage (e.g. public meetings or hearings). Commissioner Richman suggested amending the motion to note this was one-time only and not a change to standing practice. Commissioner Iyer amended the motion to reopen Community Comments to allow residents to address the commission on Passenger Rail Community Engagement this one-time only and not a change to standing practice. Commissioner Olson accepted the amended. Ayes: Ahler, Brown, Iyer, LaForce, Kane, Olson, and Richman Nays: Miranda and Ruthruff Motion carried. Community Comment Ms. Sue Davison, 6716 Galway Drive, said when the original Dan Patch Study was done, there was no Southwest Corridor Light Rail. Mr. David Davison, 6716 Galway Drive, made the following comments: • Could have light rail for a couple million dollars which is a tenth of the cost of Southwest Light Rail; • During Dan Patch study, people were concerned about hazards; light rail is less hazardous; • Use circulator buses to connect to light rail; • Inner-city rail plan favors Northfield at the expense of Edina; Edina gets hazards and Northfield gets benefits; • Requested poster at the public meeting that has the actual gag rule; • Involve the Center for Transportation Study; • How would this evolve over the next few years? Ms. Lauren McNamara, 6201 Crescent Drive, said she was on the study team 15 years ago. She said residents are confused both from information on the website and things they’ve heard. She asked for clarity on things like CP owns the rail but would they allow light rail, or, would freight and light rail co-exist. Additionally, she said friends live approximately one mile from the Northstar Light Rail and it is loud enough to wake them at nights; and the gag rule was put in place to protect property values of homeowners selling their house. Mr. Tim McNamara, 6201 Crescent Drive, said he did not agree with the City using the term ‘gag rule’ because it has a negative connotation. He said it was a law put in place to protect homeowners when potential buyers inquire about the railroad track. He said 25 years ago they were talking about putting in a bike trail and now light rail. He said the study in 2001 concluded that rail was not feasible and cost has not declined since then. B. 2018 Neighborhood and MSA Street Reconstruction Projects Planner Nolan said he was looking for general input at this time in reference to Living Streets, sidewalks, and transportation-related feedback. He said a detailed feasibility report for each project would be prepared and presented at a later date. Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: 8/17/2017 3 • West 62nd Street Planner Nolan was asked about the temporary closure and he explained that the closure was for three weeks for residents to experience the closure, to see what comments staff would receive, and observe traffic patterns. He said the project is not designed yet but staff’s consensus is for a multi-use trail on the north side. • Bredesen Park E Planner Nolan was asked if there could be a pedestrian bridge to connect north Lincoln Drive with south Lincoln Drive and he said there was a pedestrian route here indicated in the 2008 Comprehensive Plan. • Concord A and G Planner Nolan was asked if there would be curb and gutter and he said yes. A bike lane was suggested on Virginia Avenue for a future connection to West Shore. • Normandale Park D Planner Nolan said sidewalks are not planned. C. W. 66th Street Traffic and Safety Concerns Commissioner Iyer said he would like to see how they could improve safety and equity, if they plan ahead. His concerns on W. 66th Street included: • Inadequate sidewalk between France Avenue and Ridgeview Drive; • Only two locations where pedestrians can safely cross; • Geographic inequity because the City does not invest in the pedestrian network the same in the southeast quadrant (exclusive of Southdale) compared to other parts of the city; • Patchwork instead of network of sidewalk; • No shoulders; • Backups for long distance during peak hours; • Delayed response for emergency vehicles because of access; • Existing sidewalk not separated from driving lane; • Most important concern is the intersection at Valley View Road and W. 66th Street, which he described as a disaster waiting to happen as drivers run the red light, speeding, and near miss crashes. Continuing, he said this area should be a high priority for the City, especially because a new development is planned for the southeast corner at that intersection. He recommended thinking ahead to avoid patch-like work and to install a roundabout, following Richfield’s example to the east; add sidewalk and shoulders on both sides; and crosswalks. Discussion • Planner Nolan said Hwy 100 to Ridgeview Drive is on the Sidewalk Plan but not within the next 5 years because of costs which could approach $0.5M; • There is an existing sidewalk on the north side of W. 66th Street; • Roundabout may not help with backups and the road would need to be widen for emergency vehicles; • Current Level of Service is fine although there are P.M. queuing issues (based on recent traffic study); • A planned improvement is to remove one free-right turn with the southeast development; • How is the PACS Fund spent? Planner Nolan said three years of expenditure report was presented to the ETC and City Council. He said sidewalks are added or removed based on costs; for example, the Valley View to Gleason sidewalk will be constructed over two years, while W. 58th Street was pushed back to 2020 from 2018. • Roundabouts are confusing for bikers but they slow vehicles. Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: 8/17/2017 4 D. Traffic Safety Report of July 5, 2017 Motion was made by commissioner Iyer and seconded by commissioner Miranda to forward the July 5, 2017, TSC report to Council. All voted aye. Motion passed. E. 2018 Transportation Commission Work Plan Planner Nolan said work plans are due to City Council by the end of September and he recommended beginning the discussion now. Chair LaForce explained that the majority of their work should be grounded in the work plan. He said they would use this meeting to answer questions, discuss ideas in August, and finalize the work plan in September. VII. Correspondence And Petitions – None VIII. Chair and Member Comments Commissioner Ahler said a family frisbee festival is planned for next Sunday. Commissioner Miranda said Austin, TX, has reduced bike crashes significantly and asked if the City has crash data. Planner Nolan said the City does track bike crashes along with all types of crashes; however, there are very few that occur in Edina. Commissioner Miranda said a resident on Sunnyside Road did her own traffic study, on a Sunday, for one hour, and sent him the results as part of the 44th & France Small Area Study. She is concerned with the volume and speed of vehicles. Planner Nolan said staff would be doing post reconstruction counts soon on Sunnyside Road. Commissioner Miranda suggested reconnecting Bridge Street to Sunnyslope Road East with a bike and pedestrian bridge. Commissioner Brown thanked the City for removing the rusty steel fence near the cemetery on France Avenue; and he noted that Centerpoint Energy is doing gas main upgrades on France Avenue. IX. Staff Comments • 2017 projects are progressing on schedule. • W. 66th Street & York Avenue - the southeast and northwest free right turns will be removed; project completion is end of August. • Edina, Bloomington and Three Rivers Park District are working jointly on a trail study, CP Corridor Study, to identify a path to connect the Nine Mile Creek Trail in Edina to Hyland in Bloomington. Each agency has contributed $10,000 to the study. Two locations were identified – 1) Cahill to Bush Lake Road alignment (bridge at W. 78th Street is an issue); and, 2) Ohms to W. 74th Street alignment. An open house is planned for September. Planner Nolan would like a commissioner to ride the two routes and provide feedback; he suggested commissioner Richman because she is already familiar with the area. • Lake Edina spur trail connecting the Lake Edina neighborhood to the Nine Mile Creek Trail (under pedestrian bridge at Highway 100) was completed.` • Highway 169 closure is on schedule to reopen at the end of October and Edina’s closure at Dovre and Lincoln will reopen on the same day. • TSC recommended striping a parking lane near the Pamela Park north access road to eliminate issues residents were having getting in and out of their driveways park patrons are parked on the street. • One volunteer is needed from each board and commission to help Human Services disburse grant funds (commitment is three meetings) – commissioner Ruthruff volunteered. X. Calendar of Events A. Schedule of Meeting and Events as of July, 2017 For information purposes - no discussion. XI. Adjournment at 8:15 p.m. Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: 8/17/2017 5 J F M A M J J A S O N D SM # of Mtgs Attendance % Meetings/Work Sessions 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 NAME (Date) Ahler, Mindy 1 1 1 1 4 86% Bass, Katherine 1 1 2 100% Boettge, Emily 1 1 2 100% Brown, Andy 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 100% Iyer, Surya 1 1 1 1 1 5 71% LaForce, Tom 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 100% Janovy, Jennifer 1 1 2 100% Kane, Bocar 1 1 1 1 1 5 100% Miranda, Lou 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 100% Olson, Larry 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 86% Richman, Lori 1 1 1 1 1 5 100% Ruthruff, Erik 1 1 1 1 1 5 100% Koester, David (student) 1 1 1 1 4 57% Olk, Megan (student) 1 1 1 3 43% TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION ATTENDANCE