HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-08-02 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA CITY COUNCIL HELD AT CITY HALL AUGUST 2, 2017 7:00 P.M. 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Hovland called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. 11. ROLLCALL Answering rollcall were Members Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Stewart, and Mayor Hovland. 111. MEETING AGENDA APPROVED Member Fischer made a motion, seconded by Member Brindle, approving the meeting agenda. Ayes: Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Stewart, Hovland Motion carried. VI.A. CONCEPT PLAN FOR ARDEN PARK AND AUTHORIZE MAYOR AND CITY MANAGER TO SIGN AGREEMENT WITH MINNEHAHA CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT — PUBLIC HEARING SCHEDULED FOR SEPTEMBER 6, 2017 — CONSIDERATION DELAYED TO SEPTEMBER 19, 2017 The Council discussed Item VI.A, Approving Concept Plan for Arden Park and Authorize Mayor and City Manager to Sign Agreement with Minnehaha Creek Watershed District, and agreed on a revised process that included a public hearing on September 6, 2017, to gather public comment with consideration of the proposed concept plan on September 19, 2017. Member Staunton made a motion, seconded by Member Stewart, to schedule a public hearing for the Concept Plan for Arden Park on September 6, 2017, with consideration for Approving the Concept Plan and Authorize Mayor and City Manager to Sign Agreement with Minnehaha Creek Watershed District on September 19, 2017. Ayes: Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Stewart, Hovland Motion carried. IV. COMMUNITY COMMENT Jim Stromberg, 3930 W. 49th Street, thanked the City and Police Department for their work on Night to Unite events. Mark Kuck, 6609 Nordic Drive, shared concerns regarding the recent Conditional Use Permit approval for the Edina Public School District that included protective landscaping on the west side of the property, lighting pollution, and drainage impacts on his and neighboring properties and requested the Council consider revocation of the Conditional Use Permit. Anjali Khanna, 6605 Nordic Drive, shared concerns regarding lighting, landscaping, and water issues from the Edina Public School District's recent Conditional Use Permit approval. Mary Ann Martinek, 4425 Brookside Terrace, requested the City dredge the creek near Minnehaha Park to allow for canoeing and other activities. Louise Weaver, Edina resident, thanked the Council for adopting the Tobacco 21 ordinance and requested consideration of designating secondhand smoke as a public health nuisance. V. CONSENT AGENDA ADOPTED AS PRESENTED Page 1 Minutes/Edina City Council/August 2, 2017 Member Brindle made a motion, seconded by Member Fischer, approving the consent agenda as follows: V.A. Approve Minutes of July 18, 2017 Work Session and July 18, 2017 Regular Council meeting V.B. Receive Payment of the following claims as shown in detail on Pre-List dated July 6, 2017, and consisting of 33 pages: General Fund $152,147.97, Police Special Revenue $215.78, Working Capital Fund $27,683.18, PIR Construction Fund $22,080.00, Equipment Replacement Fund $141,042.00, Art Center Fund $2,567.61, Golf Dome Fund $127.38, Aquatic Center Fund $22,301.98, Golf Course Fund $13,969.52, Ice Arena Fund $10,362.51, Sports Dome Fund $136.83, Edinborough Park Fund $19,732.89, Centennial Lakes Park Fund $2,573.05, Liquor Fund $223,001.31, Utility Fund $41,537.10, Storm Sewer Fund $1,942.91, PSTF Agency Fund $7,485.68, Centennial TIF District $5,070.00: Total $693,977.70; Pre-List dated July 13, 2017, and consisting of 34 pages: General Fund $189,461.67, Police Special Revenue $1,136.84, Pedestrian And Cyclist Safety $862.75, Working Capital Fund $84,504.43, PIR Construction Fund $6,587.25, Art Center Fund $4,297.55, Golf Dome Fund $41.33, Aquatic Center Fund $11,660.97, Golf Course Fund $3,615.16, Ice Arena Fund $42,669.46, Sports Dome Fund $1,558.88, Edinborough Park Fund $4,106.36, Centennial Lakes Park Fund $9,303.49, Liquor Fund $176,256.11, Utility Fund $463,941.43, Storm Sewer Fund $5,252.25, Risk Mgmt ISF $1,194.36, PSTF Agency Fund $1,765.71, Centennial TIF District $17,861.50 Total: $1,026,077.50; per Pre-List dated July 20, 2017, and consisting of 36 pages: General Fund $920,912.13, CDBG Fund $113,427.06, Police Special Revenue $842.38, Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety $54,465.70, Working Capital Fund $50,983.93, PIR Construction Fund $162,972.96, Equipment Replacement Fund $1,336.80, Art Center Fund $1,919.47, Golf Dome Fund $365.00, Aquatic Center Fund $16,244.65, Golf Course Fund $30,171.14, Ice Arena Fund $14,396.21, Edinborough Park Fund $4,156.97, Centennial Lakes Park Fund $2,049.53, Liquor Fund $172,219.23, Utility Fund $366,732.07, Storm Sewer Fund $211,665.67, Recycling Fund $38,181.96, Risk Mgmt ISF $33,778.12, PSTF Agency Fund $1,976.90, Centennial TIF District $89,767.77 Total: $2,288,565.65; per Pre-List dated July 27, 2017, and consisting of 34 pages: General Fund $486,332.38, Police Special Revenue $4,014.26, Pedestrian And Cyclist Safety $5,141.40, Working Capital Fund $19,312.89, PIR Construction Fund $651,442.90, Art Center Fund $4,124.18, Golf Dome Fund $260.00, Aquatic Center Fund $25,513.33, Golf Course Fund $259,310.63, Ice Arena Fund $10,085.02, Edinborough Park Fund $5,134.32, Centennial Lakes Park Fund $6,734.24, Liquor Fund $179,835.53, Utility Fund $154,427.85, Storm Sewer Fund $317,868.28, Risk Mgmt ISF $439,072.10, PSTF Agency Fund $114.05, MN Task Force I Fund $216,918.86, Payroll Fund $14,156.91 Total $2,799,799.13 V.C. Approve Payment to City of Minneapolis for Traffic Signal Installation at Xerxes Avenue & W. 60th Street V.D. Approve Request for Purchase: awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Engineering Services for Comprehensive Water System Master Plan, Short Elliot Hendrickson Inc., $118,000 V.E. Approve Request for Purchase: awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Contract 17-13NB Sidewalk and Streambank Restoration under Gleason Avenue Culvert, Pember Companies, $59,525.00 V.F. Approve Request for Purchase, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Normandale Park Tennis Court Fencing and Maintenance Strip, Town & Country Fence, $34,800.00 V.G. Approve Request for Purchase, awarding the bid to the recommended low bidder, Pamela Park Tennis Court, Bituminous Roadways, $38,000.00 Page 2 Minutes/Edina City Council/August 2. 2017 Rollcall: Ayes: Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Stewart, Hovland Motion carried. VI. REPORTS/RECOMMENDATIONS — (Favorable vote of majority of Council Members present to approve except where noted). VI.A. CONCEPT PLAN FOR ARDEN PARK AND AUTHORIZE MAYOR AND CITY MANAGER TO SIGN AGREEMENT WITH MINNEHAHA CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT — ITEM CONTINUED —REVIEWED Parks & Recreation Director Kattreh introduced Renae Clark and James Wisker, Minnehaha Creek Watershed District, and Jonathon Kusa, Inter-Fluve. She reviewed the project history and context of the strategic plan and shared the basis of the Minnehaha Creek corridor improvements. Ms. Kattreh reviewed the concept plan and project benefits that included greater access to parks for passive recreation, protection and improvement of water resources, environmental educational opportunities, replacement of insufficient play areas, improved branding and wayfinding to parks, additional gathering areas, replacement or decommissioning of certain park buildings, and development of a community-driven master park plan. Renae Clark, Minnehaha Creek Watershed District, reviewed their objective to manage natural resources within the District that included water quality and quantity and ecological integrity, regional stormwater treatment, creek channel restoration, and expanded and enhanced greenspace. She stated the review process included several community meetings and commented on improvements to the corridor and removal of the dam to restore the channel with integrated goals for parks. Jonathon Kusa, Inter-Fluve, shared his firm's background and the proposed river restoration plan with scientific analysis for the goals. He reviewed metrics such as stream health, wetlands, and water quality and habitat/physical characteristics that were considered to gauge whether the dam project was worthwhile. Mr. Kusa stated it was always important to keep water moving as it created higher quality of wetlands versus stagnant water and addressed phosphorus treatment. He said this project rated high across all metrics for net benefits for Arden Park and would result in minimal changes to flooding areas and tree impacts. The Council asked questions about project timing when problems upstream have not been corrected. Ms. Clark explained that development had degraded water quality in the Creek and the District's vision was to correct problems in a focused way as opportunities come forward. Ms. Clark reviewed community benefits such as a new multi-purpose shelter building and improved creek access. She also reviewed Minnehaha Preserve impacts and commented while the community appreciated the aesthetics of the waterfall, a change at the dam was important. Ms. Kattreh reviewed the project budget and noted the Creek restoration would be the Watershed District's full responsibility. She reviewed the project timeline that would conclude with final construction of park trails and facilities in 2019 and that staff intended to solicit grants. Ms. Kattreh then described the public process for the design phase for the playground design and park shelter. The Council asked questions regarding improvement of water quality in such a short segment, budget, water temperature impacts, and other goals. Ms. Clark stressed the importance of treating as much water as possible all along the corridor, noting channel restoration would better connect people to the resource. The Council asked which projects could be completed without Creek restoration. Ms. Kattreh said the City could complete the proposed park improvements but felt charged to take advantage of partnership opportunities and grants to improve the overall park environment. Page 3 Minutes/Edina City Council/August 2. 2017 The Council inquired about boardwalks and walking paths. Ms. Clark said the north loop would include a new bridge with a boardwalk to Brookview and stairs to access the slope while the rest would be concrete or asphalt or possibly pervious pavers. The Council commented on maintenance, grass clippings, phosphorus impacts, and whether Creek re- meandering would address the area being too wet. Ms. Clark responded that lowering the stream channel and removing the dam would provide drier greenspace. The Council inquired about lighting and commented on the perception of changing a natural park to another park type that would include large events. Ms. Kattreh said the main spine of the park trail would include low level lighting, replacement of hockey lights. The Council commented on tree loss of eight-inch bole or greater bole and goal to affect as few trees as possible and replant. Ms. Clark said the restoration plan included replanting the floodplain forest and noted the willow trees would be avoided. The Council commented on the lake fish species in the area, wildlife impact, and visual during construction. The Council thanked the team for its community engagement efforts to date. Ms. Kattreh said staff would share a proposed public process for design at the next meeting. The Council commented on creek slope, cost benefits, and water sounds if riffles were included. Mr. Kusa commented on the Lake Species and slope and how the creek should have slow moving water for spawning and better fishing opportunities, which could only be improved upon if the dam was removed. He noted the water sounds would be much flatter if riffles were included and the four-foot drop removed. The Council commented on swimming locations if the project was done. Mr. Kusa said one location would remain in place downstream and would eventually make this more attractive for swimming. The Council commented on winter fish kill due to low water from Lake Minnetonka and the future of the Creek if interventions were not made. Mr. Kusa said the project was part of a holistic approach for the Creek and encouraged residents to weigh in on the process. He noted the Creek was impaired and would continue to degrade with more sediment fill, shallow water levels, and decreased oxygen levels that would result in increased fish kill. A motion on this item was made during Item III. Meeting Agenda Approval. VI.B. REQUEST FOR PURCHASE, CONTRACT FOR PLANNING SERVICES (2018 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN—GREATER SOUTHDALE AREA STUDY) — TABLED Community Development Director Teague introduced Michael Schroeder, Co-Chair of the Greater Southdale Work Group, and reviewed the proposed contracts for planning services for the 2018 Comprehensive Plan — Greater Southdale Area Study. Mr. Teague noted two changes to the proposed Greater Southdale Area Work Group and also requested Council appoint the Group members. Michael Schroeder reviewed work group deliverables, meetings, and methods for the Greater Southdale Area Study process. He outlined activities used and shared their focus of alignment of issues with the community and work group, not with the consultants. Mr. Schroeder commented on the consultant process that ensured focus remained on large goals for significant evolution over time. The Council thanked the group for their work over the past two years and underscored the importance of the resident-led process. The Council commented on how to merge principals into the Comprehensive Plan process already underway to ensure a product that was part of the overall Plan. Mr. Schroeder advised the work group needed more time as it was critical to recognize where the line fell with policy Page 4 Minutes/Edina City Council/August 2. 2017 definition and specifications and to develop metrics other than heights and floor-to-area ratio to obtain the quality envisioned. Mr. Schroeder explained why framing regulatory parameters was important to achieve what the work group wanted to explore. The Council commented on the proposals received and stated while it was logical to partner for the Comprehensive Plan, it was premature before full direction was known. The Council supported allowing time to identify resources within the scope and potential repositioning prior to approval and confirmed a delay would not affect the timetable. Mr. Schroeder agreed. Member Brindle made a motion, seconded by Member Staunton, to table consideration of request for purchase for AFO Architecture Field Office and Biko and Associates and approve the following appointments for the Greater Southdale Area Small Area Work Group: Council Appointed: Michael Schroeder, Co-Chair, Council Appointed: Don Hutchison, Council Appointed: Steve Brown, Resident, Council Appointed: Peter Fitzgerald, Business, Planning Commission Appointed: John Hamilton, Planning Commissioner, Planning Commission Appointed: JoAnn Olsen, Planning Commissioner, Planning Commission Appointed: Steve Hobbs, Planning Commissioner, Neighborhood Appointed: Julie Chamberlain, Neighborhood Appointed: Colleen Wolfe, Co-Chair, Neighborhood Appointed: Chris Cooper, Commercial Property/Business Owners: Amy Wimmer (Hines), Commercial Property/Business Owners:Jim Nelson, Commercial Property/Business Owners: Ben Martin. Ayes: Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Stewart, Hovland Motion carried. VI.C. RESOLUTION 2017-78 ADOPTED —ACCEPTING VARIOUS GRANTS AND DONATIONS— ADOPTED Mayor Hovland explained that in order to comply with State Statutes; all donations to the City must be adopted by Resolution and approved by four favorable votes of the Council accepting the donations. Member Brindle introduced and moved adoption of Resolution No. 2017-78 accepting various grants and donations. Member Staunton seconded the motion. Rollcall: Ayes: Brindle, Fischer, Staunton, Stewart, Hovland Motion carried. VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND PETITIONS VII.A. CORRESPONDENCE Mayor Hovland acknowledged the Council's receipt of various correspondence. VII.B. MINUTES 1. ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT COMMISSION,JUNE 8, 2017 2. EDINA TRANSPORTAITON COMMISSION,JUNE 15, 2017 Informational; no action required. Vlll. AVIATION NOISE UPDATE— Received IX. MAYOR AND COUNCIL COMMENTS—Received X. MANAGER'S COMMENTS— Received XI. SCHEDULE OF MEETINGS, EVENTS AND DATES AS OF AUGUST 2, 2017— Received XII. ADJOURNMENT Page 5 Minutes/Edina City Council/August 2, 2017 There being no further business on the Council Agenda, Mayor Hovland declared the meeting adjourned at 10:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, D iangen, City CIer1 Minutes approved by Edina City Council, August 15, 2017. 11 Jams 13. Hovland, Mayor Video Copy of the August 2, 2017, meeting available. Page 6