HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-08-17 MinutesDraft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: 9/28/2017 1 Minutes City of Edina, Minnesota Transportation Commission Community Room August 17, 2017, 6:00 p.m. I. Call To Order Chair LaForce called the meeting to order. II. Roll Call Answering roll call were commissioners Brown, Iyer, Kane, LaForce, Miranda, Olson, and Ruthruff. Absent: Commissioners Ahler, Koester, Olk and Richman. III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda Motion was made by Chair LaForce to add new item VI.A. Comprehensive Plan Update to the agenda. The motion was seconded by commissioner Miranda. All voted aye. Motion passed. IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes Motion was made by commissioner Olson and seconded by commissioner Miranda approving the July 20, 2017, minutes. All voted aye. Motion carried. V. Community Comments None. VI. Reports/Recommendations A. Comprehensive Plan Update Ms. Susan Lee, from the Planning Commission, updated the ETC on the Comprehensive Plan Task Force’s work. Ms. Lee said they’ve started the first of three small area plan discussion (44th & France Small Area Plan) and member Miranda is part of the team. Member Miranda and planner Nolan gave an update on the second community meeting that took place this week. They said approximately 90 were in attendance; three prototypes were shown and debated; some expressed concerns about height; but overall, most seemed happy with the plans. Continuing, Ms. Lee said the three small area plans are to be completed for inclusion in the Comprehensive Plan and the second one, 70th & Cahill, was beginning soon. She said that for their September meeting the ETC would receive a toolkit that would help them as they review the Transportation Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan and, in January, they’ll begin meeting with the task force. B. 2018 Neighborhood and MSA Street Reconstruction Projects Planner Nolan asked for feedback on the 2018 Neighborhood and MSA Street Reconstruction projects. W. 62nd Street Planner Nolan explained that the layout was revised since the ETC packet was sent out. He said the consultant recommended not closing the intersections at W. 62nd Street/Valley View Road/Oaklawn Avenue because it would not solve safety issues and it increased traffic going north into the neighborhood. They suggested adding a median at the intersection to prevent drivers from Valley View Road from turning on to W. 62nd Street to Oaklawn Avenue during peak hours. Another recommendation was to install a traffic signal at Valley View Road and Wooddale Avenue to prevent backups and cut thru traffic during peak hours. The cost would be approximately $300,000 and staff was starting to look for funding sources. If approved, the traffic signal would be done separately from the W. 62nd Street project. Another revision was installing the trail on the south side because of impacts on the north side (trees/poles) and adding a crosswalk. Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: 9/28/2017 2 The plan did not show a sidewalk between Brookview and Oaklawn Avenues and planner Nolan explained that there wasn’t sufficient right-of-way; he said an easement would be needed from a property owner and that he would recommend pursuing an easement to be able to add the sidewalk. The plan showed the trail going south on Brookview Avenue and planner Nolan said he would look at adding conflict markings for bikers who are continuing on W. 62nd Street pass Brookview Avenue. Bredesen Park A Planner Nolan was asked about guidelines for curb and gutter spot replacement as noted on the plans. He believed the guideline to be full replacement at 50% repair, plus utility repairs. He was also asked about the life expectancy of the pieces not replaced and aesthetics. Planner Nolan said he would check with staff and follow up. Member Olson said his neighborhood had spot replacement and some residents weren’t happy with it; he said there should always be full replacement or at least offer residents the option of being assessed for full replacement (curb and gutter are paid from the storm utility fund). Bredesen Park E No comment. Concord A/G Planner Nolan was asked about the sidewalk on W. 60th Street and he said it was on the sidewalk facilities map and being installed because of traffic counts and connection to schools. Country Club C and Normandale Park D No comment. C. Traffic Safety Report of August 2, 2017 Motion was made by member Olson and seconded by member Miranda to forward the August 2, 2017, TSC report to Council. All voted aye. Motion passed. D. Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety (PACS) Fund Equity Scoring Criteria Member Iyer explained that this process was introduced by Ms. Katherine Bass near the end of her term on the ETC and he brought it up to see if there was any interest in pursuing it. He explained that staff’s criteria for projects in priority were neighborhood reconstruction projects, state aid projects, Active Routes to School projects, the sidewalk plan, costs, money left over in the PACS fund, grants; and petition. He said it is a practical list that goes with costs but it creates patchwork. He said the scoring criteria were originally introduced for the PACS fund but he would like to apply it to all projects. Planner Nolan said citywide, there was a Race and Equity Task Force and this would fit with their work plan or, the ETC could consider adding it to its work plan for 2018. Planner said staff was reviewing their criteria and decision-making and as a result, W. 58th Street reconstruction and sidewalk was moved up on the reconstruction schedule. Additionally, he said in September, the engineering department will have a MN GreenCorp member for one year who will work on a developing a matrix for implementing Living Streets and this could inform the scoring criteria. After discussion, the consensus was to add this to the ETC’s work plan list. E. 2018 Transportation Commission Work Plan The following topics were suggested for the work plan: A. Integration between the Transportation and the Planning Commissions. B. Bike vs. Car Education Campaign. Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: 9/28/2017 3 C. Review of and recommendation for a revised Traffic Study process. D. Transportation to high school. E. Advocate/proponent – lobbying for state level bike laws. F. Transportation solution for density issues. G. How to integrate with regional transportation. H. Transportation Equity Policy. I. Storage for “dormant” autonomous cars. J. Facilities to charge electric vehicles. K. Promote/enable students biking to school. L. Does transportation impact Edina’s support for ADUs? M. Autonomous deliveries. N. Position on shared car services. Using the criteria of meaningful, attainable, and fits the ETC scope of responsibilities, the following were selected for the 2018 work plan: 1. Transportation solution within and between high density nodes. 2. Define/implement equity criteria for PACS Fund and integrate with City’s Race and Equity Task Force. 3. Integrate Edina’s transportation initiatives with neighboring communities’ initiatives. 4. Analysis/recommendation for high school traffic on neighborhoods. VII. Correspondence And Petitions None. VIII. Chair and Member Comments A. ETC Participation at 2017 Open Streets on 50th Member Miranda suggested a challenge game about Edina that would include taking photos of different sidewalks, pedestrian bridges, bike racks, trails, etc., and asking residents to identity their locations. Planner Nolan said Open Streets is scheduled for Sept. 24, 1-5 p.m. Member Brown expressed appreciation for staff’s and the ETC’s work because of a four car vehicle accident recently that resulted in two deaths in front of his office. Member Ruthruff asked if the City had ever considered taking out some of the buildings at 50th & France to install a roundabout for traffic management (he said this came to mind as he sat waiting behind a driver who was waiting to make a left turn). Planner Nolan said no, but a consultant is looking at the intersection and is considering a ‘no left turn’ sign during peak hours. Member Olson thanked staff for the infrastructure tour last week. IX. Staff Comments • Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan – the consultant is compiling public input until the end of August; they had a pop up meeting at the Centennial Lakes Farmers Market today, and one is scheduled for Jerry’s on Friday, and Bredesen Park on Saturday; they are working on scheduling listening sessions. • Passenger Rail – approximately 180 attended the first community meeting; the consultant is compiling data; the online survey is open until tomorrow and approximately 500 completed a survey so far; they met with agency staff from St. Louis Park, Bloomington and Hennepin County (MNDOT and Met Council declined because of the gag rule) and this is not on their radar but they’d like to be kept informed; meeting with businesses are being planned; an existing infrastructure condition report was just submitted and would be shared later on. The next community meeting is Sept 7 and the format will be a little different than the first open house. • 2017 projects are progressing on schedule; the Oaklawn Avenue sidewalk will begin within the next couple weeks; the trail on Parklawn Avenue will be paved soon. Draft Minutes☐ Approved Minutes☒ Approved Date: 9/28/2017 4 • W. 66th Street & York Avenue – most of the work is completed. • Highway 169 is estimated to reopen on Sept 25; both north and south bound Bren Road ramps will close soon for two weeks. • New website – please peruse and offer comments or suggestions. • Manager Neal recently presented the new budget to Council and it included the traffic safety coordinator as a fulltime position and $100,000 for the bus circulator project. • September’s ETC meeting was scheduled for the 28th in the Mayor’s Conference Room. X. Calendar of Events A. Schedule of Meeting and Events as of August 17, 2017 For information purposes - no discussion. XI. Adjournment at 8:30 p.m. J F M A M J J A S O N D SM # of Mtgs Attendance % Meetings/Work Sessions 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 NAME (Date) Ahler, Mindy 1 1 1 1 4 75% Bass, Katherine 1 1 2 100% Boettge, Emily 1 1 2 100% Brown, Andy 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 100% Iyer, Surya 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 75% LaForce, Tom 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 100% Janovy, Jennifer 1 1 2 100% Kane, Bocar 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 100% Miranda, Lou 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 100% Olson, Larry 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 88% Richman, Lori 1 1 1 1 1 5 88% Ruthruff, Erik 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 100% Koester, David (student) 1 1 1 1 4 50% Olk, Megan (student) 1 1 1 3 38% TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION ATTENDANCE