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2955 Valmont Road Suite 300 • Boulder, Colorado 80301 • t: 303-444-7863 • nrc@n-r-c.com • www.n-r-c.com
JUNE 2017
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Executive Summary .............................................................................................................................................................................1
Survey Background ............................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Quality of Life and Community ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
Quality of Life ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
Quality of Community ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Parks and Recreation ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Safety in Edina ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Ease of Travel in Edina ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Concerns and Issues Facing Edina................................................................................................................................................................ 24
Government Performance ..............................................................................................................................................................27
Quality of City Services....................................................................................................................................................................................... 27
Value of Taxes ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 33
Public Trust .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 35
Contact with City Departments .................................................................................................................................................................... 40
Information Sources and City Communications.................................................................................................................................... 42
Municipal Liquor Stores .....................................................................................................................................................................................47
Redevelopment in Edina.................................................................................................................................................................................... 49
Appendix A: Respondent Characteristics.............................................................................................................................. 50
Appendix B: Complete Survey Frequencies .......................................................................................................................... 54
Appendix C: Verbatim Responses to Open-ended Survey Question ......................................................................... 99
Appendix D: Responses to Selected Survey Questions by Respondent Characteristics .................................. 115
Appendix E: Detailed Benchmark Comparisons ................................................................................................................ 137
Appendix F: Survey Methodology ............................................................................................................................................ 151
Appendix G: Survey Materials ................................................................................................................................................... 156
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Figure 1: Quality of Life Compared by Year .............................................................................................................................. 6
Figure 2: Likelihood of Remaining in Community and Recommending Community Compared by Year..... 7
Figure 3: Sense of Community Compared by Year ................................................................................................................ 8
Figure 4: Overall Community Characteristics Compared by Year ................................................................................. 9
Figure 5: Individual Community Characteristics Compared by Year .......................................................................... 11
Figure 6: Importance of Diversity-Related Programs, 2017.............................................................................................. 12
Figure 7: Reasons for Living in Edina Compared by Year................................................................................................. 13
Figure 8: Most Liked Attribute of Living in Edina, 2017 ................................................................................................... 14
Figure 9: Use of Parks and Recreation Facilities Compared by Year .......................................................................... 16
Figure 10: Quality of Parks and Recreation Facilities Compared by Year ................................................................. 18
Figure 11: Overall Feeling of Safety Compared by Year ...................................................................................................... 19
Figure 12: Feelings of Safety Compared by Year ................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 13: Overall Ease of Travel Compared by Year ......................................................................................................... 20
Figure 14: Ease of Walking and Biking in Edina Compared by Year .......................................................................... 20
Figure 15: Likelihood of Riding a Bicycle Compared by Year ......................................................................................... 21
Figure 16: Likelihood of Walking Compared by Year ....................................................................................................... 22
Figure 17: Travel-related Characteristics Compared by Year......................................................................................... 23
Figure 18: Most Serious Issues Facing Edina, 2017 ............................................................................................................. 24
Figure 19: Traffic Problems Compared by Year .................................................................................................................... 25
Figure 20: Crime-related Problems in Community Compared by Year..................................................................... 26
Figure 21: Overall Quality of City Services Compared by Year ......................................................................................27
Figure 22: Quality of City Services Compared by Year..................................................................................................... 29
Figure 23: Quality of Drinking Water Compared by Year .............................................................................................. 30
Figure 24: Aspects of Drinking Water Compared by Year .............................................................................................. 31
Figure 25: Garbage Collection Compared by Year ............................................................................................................. 32
Figure 26: Support for Change in Garbage Collection System Compared by Year .............................................. 32
Figure 27: Value of City Services Compared by Year.......................................................................................................... 33
Figure 28: Property Tax Level Compared by Year .............................................................................................................. 34
Figure 29: Support for Property Tax Increase Compared by Year ............................................................................... 34
Figure 30: City Headed in Right Direction or on Wrong Track Compared by Year.............................................35
Figure 31: Reasons for Wrong Track, 2017 ............................................................................................................................. 36
Figure 32: Opportunity for Residents to be Involved in How Edina is Run Compared by Year ..................... 37
Figure 33: Reasons for Having No Say in How Edina is Run, 2017 ...............................................................................38
Figure 34: Aspects of Public Trust Compared by Year ..................................................................................................... 39
Figure 35: Contact with City Departments Compared by Year.................................................................................... 40
Figure 36: Impression of Employee(s) Compared by Year ............................................................................................... 41
Figure 37: Information Sources Compared by Year ............................................................................................................ 43
Figure 38: Effectiveness of About Town Compared by Year .......................................................................................... 44
Figure 39: Accessed City Website Compared by Year ..................................................................................................... 45
Figure 40: Quality of City Website Compared by Year ................................................................................................... 45
Figure 41: Aspects of City Website Compared by Year ................................................................................................... 46
Figure 42: Level of Support for Municipal Owned Liquor Stores Compared by Year ........................................ 47
Figure 43: Portion of Business Going to Edina Municipal Liquor Stores Compared by Year .......................... 47
Figure 44: Impression of Municipal Liquor Stores Compared by Year ..................................................................... 48
Figure 45: Quality of Redevelopment in Edina Compared by Year ............................................................................. 49
Figure 46: How Well the City Manages Redevelopment Tensions Compared by Year..................................... 49
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Executive Summary
Survey Background
The 2017 Quality of Life Survey provided residents the opportunity to rate the quality of life in the City of Edina,
as well as the quality of service delivery and overall workings of local government. The survey also permitted
residents to share their priorities for community planning and resource allocation.
Surveys were mailed to 1,500 randomly selected resident households in March and April, 2017. A total of 477
surveys were completed, yielding a response rate of 34%. The margin of error is plus or minus 4.5% around any
given percentage point reported for the entire sample (477 completed surveys).
Survey results were weighted so that respondent gender, age, race, ethnicity, housing unit type (attached or
detached) and housing tenure (rent or own) were represented in proportions reflective of the entire city.
Because Edina has administered quality of life surveys before, some comparisons could be made between 2017
responses and those from 2015, 2013 and 2011. Edina also elected to have its results compared to those of other
jurisdictions around the nation and in Minnesota, comparisons made possible through a national benchmark
database created and maintained by National Research Center, Inc. (NRC). This database contains resident
perspectives gathered in citizen surveys from over 500 communities across the United States.
Key findings
Nearly all residents think highly of their quality of life in Edina and are loyal to the
In 2017, nearly all residents awarded “excellent” or “good” ratings to the quality of life in Edina; no
respondents felt that the quality of life was “poor.” When compared to 2015, ratings remained stable.
Edina residents’ opinions were compared to those of residents in other communities across the nation
and those in Minnesota. Edina’s rating for overall quality of life was higher when compared to
communities in both sets of comparisons.
About 94% of residents indicated they were “very” or “somewhat” likely to remain in Edina for the next
five years and a similar proportion would recommend living in Edina to someone who asks (96%).
Ratings remained stable from 2015 to 2017 and were similar when compared to communities in
Minnesota but higher when compared to communities across the nation.
Edina residents enjoy a strong sense of safety and consider safety a factor in why they call
Edina home.
Nearly all residents awarding “excellent” or “good” ratings to their overall feeling of safety in 2017 which
was similar to the rating given in 2015. Edina’s rating for overall feeling of safety was higher when
compared to communities across the country and other communities in Minnesota.
When asked to indicate how safe they felt in three different areas of the community, nearly all residents
felt “very” or “somewhat” safe in their neighborhood (98%) and in the 50th and France area (downtown
area, 96%). About three-quarters felt safe in the Southdale area. When compared to communities across
the nation, feelings of safety were much higher for the 50th and France area (downtown area) and higher
for resident neighborhoods. When compared to other Minnesota communities feelings of safety were
higher for resident neighborhoods.
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Respondents were asked to indicate why they chose to live in Edina from a list of potential reasons.
Second on the list was safe community, with 52% of residents selecting this as a reason they chose to
live in Edina.
When assessing problems in the community, traffic-related problems were seen as most problematic,
but when it came to crime, few residents felt each listed problem as a concern. At the top of six potential
crime-related problems was identity theft with only 23% of residents indicating this as a “moderate,”
“major” or “extreme” problem; 19% gave similar ratings to vandalism and property crimes and only 3%
felt violent crimes were a problem.
While sense of community, neighborliness and acceptance of others is similar to peer
communities, Edina residents feel expanding programs to advance cultural awareness
and acceptance of diversity is a priority.
As in 2015, about three-quarters of residents awarded favorable evaluations to sense of community and
to neighborliness of residents in 2017; these ratings were similar to communities in both sets of
comparisons. Although fewer residents gave “excellent” or “good” ratings to the openness and
acceptance of the community toward people of diverse backgrounds, this rating was similar to 2015 and
to peer communities.
When rating the importance of the City implementing various programs and initiatives aimed at
advancing cultural awareness and acceptance of diversity in the community, each of the four items listed
were thought of as at least “somewhat important” by a majority of residents. At the top of the list, with
about one in five residents indicating “essential,” was to promote and provide opportunities for diverse
representation in local leadership, advisory and policy-making roles and an additional one-third felt this
was “very important.” About half of respondents felt that expanding cultural events, enhancing
promotion and awareness of cultural events and providing educational opportunities about different
cultures and customs locally and around the world were “essential” or “very important.”
Development, affordable housing and cost of living continue to be important issues for
Residents were given a list of 18 community characteristics and asked to rate the quality of each. Three
of the four lowest rated items, with 37% to 55% of residents giving a positive rating, were variety of
housing options, cost of living and the availability of affordable quality housing. When compared to
communities across the nation, each was rated similar. Compared to other Minnesota communities,
variety of housing options and cost of living was rated similar while the availability of affordable quality
housing was rated lower in Edina.
When given a list of eight potential reasons for choosing to live in Edina, residents were least likely to
select affordable housing with only 15% stating this as a reason for living in the community.
Residents were asked to write in their own words what they felt was the most serious issue facing
Edina. About 32% of comments were related to housing concerns (teardowns, overdevelopment,
affordability, etc.). Traffic and infrastructure was mentioned by 17% of respondents, which are
challenges communities often face related to growth and development.
Residents who felt things in Edina were on the wrong track were given the opportunity to write in a
reason for why they felt this way. Of the 101 respondents who chose to write in a comment, poor
development, overbuilding and density of city made up about one-quarter of the comments and an
additional one-tenth of comments were about affordable housing, cost of living and teardowns. Traffic
and infrastructure also was mentioned as a reason the city is on the wrong track by 10% of respondents.
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Residents were asked to consider how well, if at all, they felt the City was managing tensions in the
community related to residential redevelopment in Edina. About two-thirds of residents felt the City
manages tensions at least somewhat well; this rating was similar to what was reported in 2015.
Residents think highly of the quality of services in Edina and their interactions with
City employees.
As in 2015, residents gave exceptionally high marks to the overall quality of City services, with about 9
in 10 awarding “excellent” or “good” ratings. This rating was higher when compared to communities
across the nation and similar when compared to other communities in Minnesota.
When evaluating the value of services for the taxes they pay to Edina, about 8 in 10 residents gave
“excellent” or “good” ratings in 2017. Ratings were similar to 2015 and higher than those of its peers.
Thirty-one of the 33 individual services listed on the survey were rated as “excellent” or “good” by at
least 60% of residents. Generally, these ratings remained stable between 2015 and 2017; however, five
services received higher quality ratings in 2017 (animal control, street cleaning, emergency preparedness,
cable television and traffic signal timing). When compared to other communities across the nation and
those in Minnesota, Edina residents’ ratings of City services tended to be higher or similar.
The 60% of survey respondents who reported having contacted a City department or office rated their
impressions of the City employee(s). At least 83% of residents gave “excellent” or “good” evaluations to
each aspect on the list including overall customer service. When compared over time, ratings generally
remained stable; however, more residents reported positive assessments for courtesy in 2017 compared
to 2015. Where comparisons to other communities, Edina residents’ ratings of their impression of
employee(s) tended to be similar with the exception of overall customer service which was higher when
compared to the nation.
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Survey Background
The City of Edina contracted with National Research Center, Inc. (NRC) to conduct a community-wide quality
of life survey. The primary goal of the survey was to assess the attitudes and opinions of residents by:
evaluating City programs and services,
determining general perceptions of the quality of life in the city,
identifying issues facing the city and
benchmarking results over time.
The Edina Quality of Life Survey serves as a consumer report card for Edina by providing residents with the
opportunity to rate the quality of life in the city, as well as the community’s amenities, service delivery and
satisfaction with local government. Residents also provide feedback on what is working well and what is not,
and communicate priorities for community planning and resource allocation.
Focusing on the quality of service delivery helps council, staff and the public to set priorities for budget decisions
and lays the groundwork for tracking community opinions about the core responsibilities of Edina City
government, helping to assure maximum service quality over time.
This is the fourth iteration of the Edina Quality of Life Survey since the baseline study conducted in 2011. The
2017 and 2015 surveys were conducted by mail; the 2013 and 2011 surveys were conducted by phone.
Each selected household was contacted three times over the course of about three weeks. First, a postcard was
mailed to 1,500 Edina households, selected at random, notifying residents that they had been chosen to
participate in the survey. A survey packet followed in the mail about one week after the postcard and a second
survey packet was sent about one week after the first packet. There were 477 respondents to the mailed
questionnaire (36 of which were completed online), yielding a response rate of 34%.
Survey results were weighted so that respondent gender, age, race, ethnicity, housing unit type (attached or
detached) and housing tenure (rent or own) were represented in the proportions reflective of the entire city.
More information about the survey methodology can be found in Appendix F: Survey Methodology.
For the most part, the full set of frequencies or the “percent positive” are presented in the body and narrative of
the report. The percent positive is the combination of the top two most positive response options (i.e., “excellent”
and “good,” “very safe” and “somewhat safe,” “strongly support” and “somewhat support,” etc.).
On many of the questions in the survey, respondents could give an answer of “don’t know.” The proportion of
respondents giving this reply is shown in the full set of responses included in Appendix B: Complete Survey Frequencies
and is discussed in the body of this report if it is 30% or greater. However, these responses have been removed
from the analyses presented in the body of the report, unless otherwise indicated. In other words, the majority of
the tables and graphs in the body of the report display the results from respondents who had an opinion about a
specific item.
For some questions, respondents were permitted to select multiple options. When the total exceeds 100% in a
table for a multiple response question, it is because some respondents are counted in more than one category.
When a table for a question that only permitted a single response does not total to exactly 100%, it is due to the
customary practice rounding values to the nearest whole number.
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
It is customary to describe the precision of estimates made from surveys by a “level of confidence” and
accompanying “confidence interval” (or margin of error). The 95 percent confidence level for this survey is
generally no greater than plus or minus 4.5% around any given percent reported for the entire sample (N=477).
Where estimates are given for subgroups, they are less precise. Generally the 95% confidence interval ranges from
plus or minus five percentage points for samples of about 400 to plus or minus 10 percentage points for samples
as small as 100. For smaller sample sizes (i.e., 50), the margin of error rises to 14%.
Because this survey was the fourth iteration of the survey, the 2011, 2013 and 2015 results are presented when
comparisons to 2017 were available. Where differences in ratings from 2015 to 2017 are seven percentage points or
greater, they can be considered significantly higher or lower.
When reviewing comparisons to data prior to 2015, differences that surfaced may or may not be meaningful, as
wording changes between survey versions and the switch in methodology from a telephone to a mail survey may
account, at least in part, for any shift in ratings. NRC adjusted the findings from 2013 and prior in order to
maximize the comparability of results over time. This way the reported trendline data are less likely to be
influenced by the decline that is attributable to the change in data collection mode from telephone to mail.
Changes between the mailed and phone surveys can be regarded as significant if the difference in ratings between
the survey years is greater than 10 percentage points. For more information on comparing results over time, see
Appendix F: Survey Methodology.
Selected survey results were compared by geographic location of each respondent’s home, respondent length of
residency, age, gender, housing unit type and housing unit tenure (rent or own). These crosstabulations are
summarized and presented in tabular form in Appendix D: Responses to Selected Survey Questions by Respondent
Characteristics. Where differences between subgroups are statistically significant, the results in these tables are
shaded grey.
NRC’s database of comparative resident opinion is comprised of resident perspectives gathered in citizen surveys
from approximately 500 communities whose residents evaluated their services. Conducted with typically no
fewer than 400 residents in each community, opinions are intended to represent over 30 million Americans.
Communities to which Edina is compared can be found in Appendix E: Detailed Benchmark Comparisons. National
benchmark comparisons and comparisons to communities in Minnesota have been provided when similar
questions on the Edina survey are included in NRC’s database and there are at least five communities in which
the question was asked, though most questions are compared to more than five other communities.
Where comparisons for quality ratings were available, Edina’s results were generally noted as being “higher” than
the benchmark, “lower” than the benchmark or “similar” to the benchmark, meaning that the average rating given
by city residents is statistically similar to or different (greater or lesser) than the benchmark. More extreme
differences are noted as “much higher” or “much lower.” Comparisons for a number of items on the survey were
not available in the benchmark database and have been excluded from the benchmark tables that appear
throughout the body of the report. More information on benchmark comparisons can be found in Appendix F:
Survey Methodology. The detailed tables as well as lists of communities included in each set of comparisons appear
in Appendix E: Detailed Benchmark Comparisons.
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Quality of Life and Community
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey contained a set of questions related to the quality of community life
in the city, ranging from the overall quality of life in Edina to how likely residents would be to recommend living
in the community to others. Residents were also asked about Edina’s sense of community, use of recreation
facilities, their feelings of safety and ease of travel in the community.
Quality of Life
Residents gave exceptionally high marks to the overall quality of life in Edina, with nearly all residents awarding
“excellent” or “good” ratings in 2017; no respondents felt that the quality of life was “poor.” When compared to
2015, ratings remained stable.
Edina residents’ opinions were compared to those of residents in other communities across the nation and those
in Minnesota. Edina’s rating for overall quality of life was higher when compared to communities in both sets of
comparisons (see Appendix E: Detailed Benchmark Comparisons for detailed information on the benchmark
Figure 1: Quality of Life Compared by Year
How would you rate the quality of life in
Percent "excellent" or "good"
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
In addition to rating the overall quality of life, residents’ perceptions of their community can be measured in their
loyalty to the community. About 94% of residents indicated they were “very” or “somewhat” likely to remain in
Edina for the next five years and a similar proportion would recommend living in Edina to someone who asks
(96%). When compared to 2015, ratings remained stable.
When compared to communities across the nation, Edina residents were more likely to report that they planned
to remain in Edina and recommend living in Edina and when compared to communities in Minnesota, ratings
were similar (see Appendix E: Detailed Benchmark Comparisons for detailed information on the benchmark
Figure 2: Likelihood of Remaining in Community and Recommending Community Compared by Year
Remain in Edina for the next five years
Recommend living in Edina to someone who
Percent "somewhat" or "very" likely
Please indicate how likely or unlikely you are to do each of the following:
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Quality of Community
Sense of Community
When considering the sense of community in Edina, about three-quarters of residents awarded “excellent” or
“good” evaluations in 2017; about 2 in 10 felt that the sense of community was “fair” and 4% of respondents felt
that the sense of community was “poor.” The full set of responses can be found in Appendix B: Complete Survey
These ratings in 2017 were similar to those given in 2015. When comparing 2015 and 2017 to 2013 and prior,
differences in ratings may be in part due to the switch in methodology from a telephone to a mail survey. Changes
in ratings between years prior to 2015 are regarded as meaningful if the difference in is greater than 10 percentage
points. (Please see Appendix F: Survey Methodology for more information on how to interpret changes over time.)
Edina residents’ opinions were compared to those of residents in other communities across the nation and those
in Minnesota; ratings were similar to both sets of comparisons (see Appendix E: Detailed Benchmark Comparisons for
detailed information on the benchmark comparisons).
Figure 3: Sense of Community Compared by Year
Sense of community
Percent "excellent" or "good"
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
As in 2015, those completing the 2017 questionnaire were asked to rate the quality of several broad community
characteristics. At least three-quarters of residents evaluated all seven characteristics of Edina’s community
positively. Overall opportunities for education and enrichment, Edina’s overall economic health and health and
wellness opportunities received the highest ratings, with at least 92% indicating each as “excellent” or “good.”
About 88% of residents rated the quality of the city’s overall natural environment positively and a similar
proportion gave positive assessments to the overall image or reputation of Edina (87%). When compared to 2015,
ratings remained stable.
When compared to other communities across the nation and those in Minnesota, Edina residents’ ratings of the
overall community characteristics tended to be higher or similar. Please see Appendix E: Detailed Benchmark
Comparisons for additional details.
Figure 4: Overall Community Characteristics Compared by Year
Neighborliness of residents in Edina
Overall established “built environment” of Edina
(including overall design, buildings, parks and
transportation systems)
Overall image or reputation of Edina
Quality of overall natural environment in Edina
Health and wellness opportunities in Edina
Overall economic health of Edina
Overall opportunities for education and enrichment
Percent "excellent" or "good"
Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Edina as a community:
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
In addition to rating overall community characteristics, residents were given a more extensive list of individual
community characteristics and asked to rate the quality of each (see Figure 5 on the following page). K-12
education received the most favorable reviews, with 96% indicating this as “excellent” or “good” followed closely
by the cleanliness of Edina (91%), shopping opportunities (91%) and the overall quality of business and service
establishments (90%). Aspects rated less positively were the cost of living (47% “excellent” or “good”), openness
and acceptance of the community toward people of diverse backgrounds (46%) and availability of affordable
quality housing (37%).
When compared to 2015, most ratings remained stable; however, ratings for opportunities to volunteer and
opportunities to participate in community matters increased in 2017.
When compared to other communities across the nation and other communities in Minnesota, Edina residents’
ratings of the individual community characteristics tended to be higher or similar, with the exception of the
rating for availability of affordable quality housing which was lower when compared to other communities in
Minnesota. Please see Appendix E: Detailed Benchmark Comparisons for additional details.
It is important to note that about 40% of respondents said “don’t know” when rating the quality of employment
opportunities. The responses presented in the body of the report are for those who had an opinion. The full set of
responses, including “don’t know” can be found in Appendix B: Complete Survey Frequencies.
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Figure 5: Individual Community Characteristics Compared by Year
Availability of affordable quality housing
Openness and acceptance of the community
toward people of diverse backgrounds
Cost of living in Edina
Variety of housing options
Employment opportunities
Opportunities to participate in social events and
Opportunities to participate in community
Fitness opportunities (including exercise classes
and paths or trails, etc.)
Opportunities to volunteer
Opportunities to attend cultural/arts/music
Recreational opportunities
Public places where people want to spend time
Air quality
Adult educational opportunities
Overall quality of business and service
establishments in Edina
Shopping opportunities
Cleanliness of Edina
K-12 education
Percent "excellent" or "good"
Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Edina as a whole:
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
For the first time in 2017, survey respondents were asked to rate the importance of the City implementing various
programs and initiatives aimed at advancing cultural awareness and acceptance of diversity in the community.
Generally, each of the four items listed were thought of as at least “somewhat important” by at least 8 in 10
residents. About one in five residents felt it was “essential” to promote and provide opportunities for diverse
representation in local leadership, advisory and policy-making roles and an additional one-third felt this was
“very important.” About half of respondents felt that the three other programs were “essential” or “very
important” priorities for the City.
Figure 6: Importance of Diversity-Related Programs, 2017
Expand the types of
cultural events that are
offered within the
Provide educational
opportunities to learn
about different cultures
and customs locally and
around the world
Enhance the promotion
and awareness of cultural
events that take place in
the community
Promote and provide
opportunities for diverse
representation in local
leadership, advisory and
policy-making roles
Percent of respondents
Essential Very important Somewhat important Not at all important
How important, if at all, do you think it is for the City to implement each of the following?
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
As in 2015, survey respondents in 2017 were given a list of potential reasons they may have had when choosing to
live in Edina and asked to indicate which reasons impacted their decision to live in the community; they could
select more than one response. About half of survey respondents indicated the good schools, safe community,
attractive community and good neighborhoods. About 4 in 10 indicated the amenities in Edina as reasons for
living in the community, while about one-third said that their job was in Edina or nearby. About one-quarter
indicated that their family lived here or they were born or raised here and 15% indicated affordable housing or
other reasons.
When compared to 2015, most ratings remained stable; however, more residents in 2017 cited their job as a reason
for living in Edina.
Figure 7: Reasons for Living in Edina Compared by Year
Total may exceed 100% as respondents could select more than one answer. Respondents had the opportunity to write-in a response for “other;” these
verbatim responses can be found in Appendix C: Verbatim Responses to Open-ended Survey Question. A similar question about reasons for living in
Edina was asked in prior years; however, the format, structure and response categories of the questions were too different to provide comparisons.
Affordable housing
Family lives here/ born or raised here
Job was here (or nearby)
Amenities (e.g., parks, library, etc.)
Good neighborhoods
Attractive community
Safe community
Good schools
Percent of respondents
Why did you choose to live in Edina?
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Survey respondents were given the opportunity to write in their own words what they liked most about living in
Edina. The written responses were reviewed and grouped into categories by theme. Of the 390 respondents who
had an opinion, 31% wrote comments related to Edina being a convenient location while 15% wrote comments
about the schools. Fewer than 10% wrote in comments about the remaining 11 categories. Due to the number of
varied responses, an “other” category was also created. (For a full index of written responses, see Appendix C:
Verbatim Responses to Open-ended Survey Question.)
Figure 8: Most Liked Attribute of Living in Edina, 2017
A similar question about what one thing residents liked most about living in Edina was asked in prior years; however, the format, structure and
response categories of the questions were too different to provide comparisons.
Public services
Positive comments about overall quality of life
and community
Raised here or close to family, job, etc.
Reputation of community (well-run government,
economic health, etc.)
Beauty/cleanliness of community
Parks and trails/recreation centers/open spaces
Sense of community (friendly, quiet, peaceful,
Convenient location/accessibility
Percent of respondents
2017 What one thing do you like most, if anything, about living in Edina?
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Parks and Recreation
Survey respondents were asked to review a list of 12 Parks and Recreation Department amenities and asked to
indicate how frequently they have used each of them (Figure 9 on the following page). About 9 in 10 residents
indicted they had used neighborhood parks at least once in the 12 months prior to the survey and about 8 in 10
had used trails. About three-quarters had used Centennial Lakes Park in the last 12 months. About half of survey
respondents had used large community athletic fields and Edinborough Park at least once. Less than one-third of
respondents indicated using each of the remaining amenities at least once in the 12 months prior to the survey.
Each of the 12 amenities had usage ratings that could be compared over time. While residents reported similar
amounts of use for most amenities in 2017 compared to 2015, four showed higher rates of usage including
neighborhood parks, trails, large community athletic fields and Braemar Field.
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Figure 9: Use of Parks and Recreation Facilities Compared by Year
In 2015, “Edina Aquatic Center” and “Edina Senior Center” were “The Aquatic Center” and “The Senior Center.”
Edina Senior Center
Braemar Golf Dome
Braemar Field (sports dome)
Braemar Arena (ice arena)
Edina Aquatic Center
Edina Art Center
Braemar Golf Course
Edinborough Park
Large community athletic fields
Centennial Lakes Park
Neighborhood parks
Percent at least once
In the last 12 months, about how many times, if ever, have you or other household
members used any of the following Edina Parks & Recreation Department amenities?
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
In addition to indicating how frequently they had used each of a list of 12 Parks and Recreation Department
amenities, residents were also asked to rate the quality of each of the amenities regardless of use (Figure 10 on the
following page). At least 90% of residents felt that Centennial Lakes Park, Braemar Field, large community
athletic fields, Braemar Golf Dome, Edinborough Park and Braemar Arena were “excellent” or “good.” Trails were
viewed of slightly lower quality, with about 81% of residents giving a positive rating.
Each of the 12 amenities had quality ratings that could be compared over time. Of these, two showed a higher
quality rating in 2017 compared to 2015: Edina Art Center and Braemar Golf Course. The quality for all other
amenities remained stable from 2015 to 2017.
Between 33% and 67% of respondents said “don’t know” when rating the following amenities: Edina Senior
Center, Braemar Field, Braemar Golf Dome, Braemar Golf Course, Braemar Arena, Edina Aquatic Center, Edina
Art Center, large community athletic fields and Edinborough Park. The full set of responses, including “don’t
know” can be found in Appendix B: Complete Survey Frequencies.
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Figure 10: Quality of Parks and Recreation Facilities Compared by Year
Prior to 2017, “Edina Aquatic Center” and “Edina Senior Center” were “The Aquatic Center” and “The Senior Center.”
Braemar Golf Course
Edina Art Center
Neighborhood parks
Edina Aquatic Center
Edina Senior Center
Braemar Arena (ice arena)
Edinborough Park
Braemar Golf Dome
Large community athletic fields
Braemar Field (sports dome)
Centennial Lakes Park
Percent "excellent" or "good"
Please rate each of the following Edina Parks & Recreation Department amenities:
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Safety in Edina
Residents gave exceptionally high marks to their overall feeling of safety in Edina, with nearly all residents
awarding “excellent” or “good” reviews in 2017, which was similar to 2015.
Edina residents’ opinions were compared to those of residents in other communities across the nation and in
Minnesota. Edina’s rating for overall feeling of safety was higher when compared to communities across the
country and other communities in Minnesota (see Appendix E: Detailed Benchmark Comparisons for detailed
information on the benchmark comparisons).
Figure 11: Overall Feeling of Safety Compared by Year
Residents were asked to indicate how safe they felt in three different areas of the community. About 98% of
residents indicated they felt “very” or “somewhat” safe in their neighborhood and 96% felt safe in the 50th and
France area (downtown area). About three-quarters felt safe in the Southdale area.
When compared to communities across the nation, feelings of safety were much higher for the 50th and France
area (downtown area) and higher for resident neighborhoods. When compared to other Minnesota communities
feelings of safety were higher for resident neighborhoods. A Minnesota comparison was not available for feelings
of safety in the 50th and France area (downtown area). (Please see Appendix E: Detailed Benchmark Comparisons for
detailed information on the benchmark comparisons.)
Figure 12: Feelings of Safety Compared by Year
Overall feeling of safety in Edina
Percent "excellent" or "good"
In the Southdale area
In the 50th & France area (downtown area)
In your neighborhood
Percent "very" or "somewhat" safe
Please rate how safe or unsafe you feel:
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Ease of Travel in Edina
Residents gave high marks to the overall ease of travel in Edina, with nearly 9 in 10 residents awarding “excellent”
or “good” ratings in 2017. When compared to 2015, ratings remained stable.
Edina residents’ opinions were compared to those of residents in other communities across the nation and those
in Minnesota. Edina’s rating for overall ease of travel was higher when compared to communities across the
country and similar when compared to other communities in Minnesota (see Appendix E: Detailed Benchmark
Comparisons for detailed information on the benchmark comparisons).
Figure 13: Overall Ease of Travel Compared by Year
Along with rating the overall ease of travel, residents were also asked to assess the ease of travel by walking and
by bicycle in Edina. About two=thirds of residents gave favorable evaluations to the ease of walking in Edina
while just under half of residents gave positive ratings to the ease of travel by bicycle. When compared to 2015,
quality ratings remained stable.
When compared to communities across the nation, ease of walking and travel by bicycle were both rated as
similar. When compared to other Minnesota communities, ease of walking was rated similar while ease of travel
by bicycle was rated lower in Edina. (Please see Appendix E: Detailed Benchmark Comparisons for detailed information
on the benchmark comparisons.)
Figure 14: Ease of Walking and Biking in Edina Compared by Year
Overall ease of getting to the places you
usually have to visit
Percent "excellent" or "good"
Ease of travel by bicycle in Edina
Ease of walking in Edina
Percent "excellent" or "good"
Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Edina as a whole:
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Survey respondents were asked to consider a variety of travel aspects that might make them more likely to ride a
bicycle in Edina and were asked to select all reasons that applied. About 6 in 10 residents indicated they would be
more likely to ride a bicycle in Edina if there were more well-marked trails and off-road paths. About 4 in 10 were
more likely to ride a bicycle if motorists drove slower and respected cyclists, if there were more on-road facilities
such as bike lanes and if there were wider roads for riding or roads had paved shoulders. Safety from crime did
not impact residents’ likelihood of riding a bicycle in Edina; likely because residents reported strong feelings of
safety in the community.
When compared to 2015, most ratings remained stable; however, more residents in 2017 indicated they’d be more
likely to ride a bicycle if motorists drove slower and respected cyclists and if there were wider roads for riding or
roads had paved shoulders.
Figure 15: Likelihood of Riding a Bicycle Compared by Year
Total may exceed 100% as respondents could select more than one answer.
Ii 2015, “if there were more well-marked trails and off-road paths” was “if there were more well-marked greenways and off-road paths.” A similar
question about likelihood of riding a bicycle was asked in prior years; however, the response categories were too different to provide comparisons.
If I felt safer from crime
If I felt more confident on my bike
If street/road conditions were better, such as
smooth pavement and less debris
If there were wider roads for riding or roads
had paved shoulders
If there were more on-road facilities such as
bike lanes
If motorists drove slower and respected
If there were more well-marked trails and
off-road paths
Percent of respondents
Which of the following, if any, would make you more likely to ride a bicycle in Edina?
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Survey respondents were then asked to consider a variety of pedestrian travel aspects that might make them
more likely to walk in Edina; respondents could indicate more than one response. About 6 in 10 residents
indicated they would be more likely to walk in Edina if there were more sidewalks along streets and if there were
more paths and trails designated for walking. About 3 in 10 would be more likely if there were more crosswalks
and if street lighting was better and 2 in 10 indicated that they would be more likely to walk in Edina if condition
of existing sidewalks was better and if motorists drove slower. These ratings remained similar from 2015 to 2017.
Figure 16: Likelihood of Walking Compared by Year
Total may exceed 100% as respondents could select more than one answer.
A similar question about likelihood of walking in Edina was asked in prior years; however, the response categories were too different to provide
If I felt safer from crime
If motorists drove slower
If condition of existing sidewalks were better
If street lighting was better
If there were more crosswalks
If there were more paths and trails
designated for walking
If there were more sidewalks along streets
Percent of respondents
Which of the following, if any, would make you more likely to walk in Edina?
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Survey respondents were asked about an additional five characteristics of the community related to travel. About
8 in 10 gave “excellent” or “good” ratings to the ease of travel by car in Edina while 7 in 10 gave positive ratings to
the ease of public parking. About 6 in 10 gave positive ratings to both the availability of paths and walking trails
and traffic flow on major streets. About 4 in 10 gave positive ratings to the ease of travel by public transportation.
Overall, ratings from 2015 to 2017 remained stable.
When compared to other communities across the nation and in Minnesota, Edina residents’ ratings of the travel-
related characteristics tended to be similar. Please see Appendix E: Detailed Benchmark Comparisons for additional
It is important to note that about 44% of respondents said “don’t know” when rating ease of travel by public
transportation. The full set of responses, including “don’t know” can be found in Appendix B: Complete Survey
Figure 17: Travel-related Characteristics Compared by Year
Ease of travel by public transportation in
Availability of paths and walking trails
Traffic flow on major streets
Ease of public parking
Ease of travel by car in Edina
Percent "excellent" or "good"
Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Edina as a whole:
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Concerns and Issues Facing Edina
Most Serious Issue
In addition to considering what they like most about living in Edina, residents were asked what they felt was the
most serious issue facing Edina. Respondents’ written responses were reviewed and grouped into categories by
theme. Of the 348 respondents who had an opinion, 32% wrote in comments related to housing concerns while
17% wrote comments related to traffic and infrastructure. About 10% commented on City government operations
being the most serious issue facing the city. Less than 1 in 10 wrote comments about the remaining eight
categories. Due to the number of varied responses, an “other” category was also created. (For a full index of
written responses, see Appendix C: Verbatim Responses to Open-ended Survey Question.)
Figure 18: Most Serious Issues Facing Edina, 2017
A similar question about what is the most serious issue facing Edina was asked in prior years; however, the format, structure and response
categories of the questions were too different to provide comparisons.
Parks/recreation/community activities
No issue/positive comments
Aging population
Cost of living
Bike paths/sidewalks/pedestrian travel
Lack of diversity and sense of community
City government operations (fiscal responsibility,
taxes, etc.)
Traffic and infrastructure (road maintenance,
snow removal, etc.)
Housing concerns (teardowns, overdevelopment,
affordability, etc.)
Percent of respondents
What would you say is the most serious issue facing Edina at this time?
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Traffic Concerns
When assessing problems in the community, about 4 in 10 residents felt that traffic speeding in their
neighborhood was at least a moderate problem while about 3 in 10 residents felt that stop sign violations in their
neighborhood were at least a moderate problem. When compared over time, the rating for stop sign violations
remained stable; however, traffic speeding was seen as more problematic in 2017 compared to 2015.
Figure 19: Traffic Problems Compared by Year
In 2013 and 2011, the scale was not at all serious, not too serious, somewhat serious and very serious. For comparison purposes, the 2017 and 2015
ratings for moderate, major or extreme problem were compared to 2013 and 2011 ratings for somewhat or very serious.
Stop sign violations in your
Traffic speeding in your neighborhood
Percent "moderate," "major" or "extreme" problem
Please rate how much of a problem, if at all, you feel each of the following is in Edina.
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Other Concerns
In addition to rating traffic-related problems in Edina, respondents were asked to rate six additional potential
problems. About one-quarter of residents felt identity theft was a “moderate,” “major” or “extreme” problem and
slightly fewer felt vandalism and property crimes were problematic (19%). Sixteen percent or fewer felt each of
the remaining four listed potential problems were of concern. When compared to 2015, ratings remained stable.
Please note that at least 40% of respondents said “don’t know” when rating how much of a problem identity theft
and domestic abuse were in Edina. The full set of responses, including “don’t know” can be found in Appendix B:
Complete Survey Frequencies.
Figure 20: Crime-related Problems in Community Compared by Year
Violent crime
Youth crimes
Domestic abuse
Vandalism and property crimes
Identity theft
Percent "moderate," "major" or "extreme" problem
Please rate how much of a problem, if at all, you feel each of the following is in Edina.
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
The 2017 Edina Quality of Life Survey contained a variety of questions related to City government ranging from
the quality of City services and aspects of government performance to contact with City Departments and use of
information sources.
Quality of City Services
As in 2015, respondents to the 2017 survey had the opportunity to rate the overall quality of City services.
Residents gave high marks to the overall quality of City services, with about 9 in 10 awarding “excellent” or
“good” ratings, which was similar compared to 2015.
Edina residents’ opinions were compared to those of residents in other communities across the nation and those
in Minnesota. Edina’s rating for overall quality of services was higher when compared to communities across the
nation and similar when compared to other communities in Minnesota (see Appendix E: Detailed Benchmark
Comparisons for detailed information on the benchmark comparisons).
Figure 21: Overall Quality of City Services Compared by Year
Overall quality of services provided by
the City of Edina
Percent "excellent" or "good"
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
In addition to rating the overall quality of City services, residents were given a more extensive list of 33 individual
services and asked to rate the quality of each (see Figure 22 on the following page). Thirty-one of the 33 services
were rated as “excellent” or “good” by at least 60% of survey respondents.
Overall, the highest rated services tended to be public safety services (e.g., fire, ambulance and police) and parks
and recreation services (e.g., city parks and park maintenance). The lower rated services tended to be streets or
transportation related (e.g., bus or transit services and street repair).
Each of the 33 individual services rated in 2017 could be compared over time. Generally, these ratings remained
stable between 2015 and 2017; however, five services received higher quality ratings in 2017 (animal control, street
cleaning, emergency preparedness, cable television and traffic signal timing).
Between 32% and 47% of respondents said “don’t know” when rating the following services: bus or transit
services; public health services; emergency preparedness; animal control; code enforcement; fire prevention and
education; cable television; and ambulance or emergency medical services. The full set of responses, including
“don’t know” can be found in Appendix B: Complete Survey Frequencies.
When compared to other communities across the nation and those in Minnesota, Edina residents’ ratings of City
services tended to be higher or similar. Please see Appendix E: Detailed Benchmark Comparisons for additional details.
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Figure 22: Quality of City Services Compared by Year
Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Edina: 2017 2015 2013 2011
Fire services 99% 98% 100% 99%
Ambulance or emergency medical services 99% 98% 99% 100%
Snow removal 92% 87% 83% 83%
Fire prevention and education 91% 85% NA NA
City parks 91% 93% NA NA
Park maintenance 90% 91% 99% 99%
Police services 89% 90% 98% 98%
Sewer services 88% 83% 86% 86%
Recreation programs or classes 87% 85% 87% 88%
Recreation centers or facilities 86% 84% NA NA
Public health services 86% 84% NA NA
Recycling 86% 88% 84% 85%
Crime prevention 86% 87% NA NA
Condition of trails and sidewalks 84% 83% 84% 82%
Animal control 84% 77% NA NA
Yard waste pick-up 83% 85% NA NA
Storm drainage 80% 78% NA NA
Street cleaning 80% 72% NA NA
Emergency preparedness (services that prepare the community for natural
disasters or other emergency situations) 80% 72% NA NA
Utility billing 79% 77% NA NA
Economic development 79% 76% NA NA
Public information services/communication from the City 78% 82% NA NA
City-sponsored special events 77% 77% NA NA
Traffic enforcement 77% 75% NA NA
Sidewalk maintenance 75% 69% NA NA
Street lighting 70% 69% 80% 84%
Traffic signal timing 70% 58% NA NA
Edina open space 68% 70% NA NA
Code enforcement (weeds, abandoned buildings, etc.) 67% 63% NA NA
Land use, planning and zoning 60% 57% NA NA
Cable television 60% 49% NA NA
Bus or transit services 54% 57% NA NA
Street repair 54% 49% 47% 38%
Percent "excellent" or "good."
Prior to 2017, “public information services/communication from the City” was “public information services.”
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Drinking Water
About 7 in 10 residents gave high marks to the overall quality of drinking water in Edina in 2017. When compared
to 2015, this rating remained stable.
Edina’s rating for drinking water was similar to communities in both sets of benchmark comparisons (see
Appendix E: Detailed Benchmark Comparisons for detailed information on the benchmark comparisons).
Figure 23: Quality of Drinking Water Compared by Year
Drinking water
Percent "excellent" or "good"
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
As in 2015, survey respondents in 2017 were asked to rate the quality of six aspects of drinking water. At the top
of the list with at least 8 in 10 residents giving an “excellent” or “good” rating were reliability (87% “excellent” or
“good”), appearance with (85%) and safety (83%). Slightly fewer gave a positive evaluation to odor (72%) and
two-thirds said the taste of drinking water was “excellent” or “good.” Only one-third felt positively about the
water’s hardness.
When compared over time, ratings were generally stable; however, the quality rating for the appearance of
drinking water increased in 2017 compared to 2015.
A benchmark comparison was only available on the national level for the taste of drinking water. Edina’s rating
taste was similar when compared to ratings given across the nation (see Appendix E: Detailed Benchmark Comparisons
for detailed information on the benchmark comparisons).
Figure 24: Aspects of Drinking Water Compared by Year
Percent "excellent" or "good"
Please rate the following aspects of drinking water in Edina:
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Garbage Collection
About 86% of residents gave high marks to the overall quality of garbage collection in Edina; a rating similar to
Opinions of garbage collection in Edina were compared to those of residents in other communities across the
nation and those in Minnesota and were similar to both sets of comparisons (see Appendix E: Detailed Benchmark
Comparisons for detailed information on the benchmark comparisons).
Figure 25: Garbage Collection Compared by Year
In additional to rating the overall quality of garbage collection, residents were asked to indicate their level of
support for the City changing from the current garbage collection system in which residents may choose from
several different haulers to a system where the City chooses one hauler for the whole community. Responses
were split with about half indicating that they somewhat or strongly supported this and the other half indicating
opposition. Similar proportions indicated that they “strongly” supported or “strongly” opposed this measure
(26% and 28%, respectively, see Appendix B: Complete Survey Frequencies). When compared to 2015, this rating of
support has remained stable (this question was not asked on the 2013 survey).
Figure 26: Support for Change in Garbage Collection System Compared by Year
Garbage collection
Percent "excellent" or "good"
Percent "strongly" or "somewhat" support
Most communities have one of two
systems for garbage collection. To
what extent do you support the City
changing from the current system in
which residents may choose from
several different haulers to a system
where the City chooses one hauler
for the whole community?
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Value of Taxes
Along with assessing the quality of City services, residents were also asked to evaluate the value of services for
the taxes they pay to Edina. About 8 in 10 residents gave “excellent” or “good” ratings to the value of City services
in 2017, which was similar to 2015.
Edina’s rating for the value of City services was higher than those of residents in other communities across the
nation and those in Minnesota. (See Appendix E: Detailed Benchmark Comparisons for detailed information on the
benchmark comparisons.)
Figure 27: Value of City Services Compared by Year
In 2013 and 2011 this question was worded "When you consider the property taxes you pay and the quality of city services you receive, would you
rate the general value of city services as excellent, good, only fair, or poor?"
The value of services for the taxes paid
to Edina
Percent "excellent" or "good"
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Residents were also asked if they felt property taxes in Edina were high, about average or low. About 58% felt
they were “very high” or “somewhat high.”
This rating was similar to the 2015 rating. Please note that when comparing to ratings prior to 2015, the
difference may be in part due to the switch in methodology from a telephone to a mail survey. (Please see Appendix
F: Survey Methodology for more information on how to interpret changes over time.)
Figure 28: Property Tax Level Compared by Year
When asked to what extent they would support or oppose an increase in their property taxes to maintain City
services at their current level, less than half indicated somewhat or strongly supporting a tax increase. When
compared to 2015, this level of support was similar but has decreased when compared to 2013 and 2011. (Please
see Appendix F: Survey Methodology for more information on how to interpret changes over time.)
Figure 29: Support for Property Tax Increase Compared by Year
In 2013 and 2011, this question was asked on a scale of favor or oppose. For comparison purposes, the 2017 and 2015 ratings for strongly support and
somewhat support were compared to 2013 and 2011 ratings for favor while somewhat and strongly oppose were compared to oppose.
Thinking about your property taxes in
comparison with neighboring cities, do
you consider property taxes in Edina to
Percent "very" or "somewhat" high
To what extent would you support or
oppose an increase in your property
taxes to maintain City services at their
current level?
Percent "strongly" or "somewhat" support
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Public Trust
Residents were asked if they thought things in Edina were generally headed in the right direction or if things are
off track. About three-quarters of respondents to the 2017 survey indicated that things in the City were headed in
the right direction; this rating was similar to 2015 but has decreased when compared to 2013 and 2011. (Please see
Appendix F: Survey Methodology for more information on how to interpret changes over time.)
Figure 30: City Headed in Right Direction or on Wrong Track Compared by Year
All in all, do you think things in Edina are
generally headed in the right direction,
or do you feel things are on the wrong
Percent "right direction"
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Residents who indicated that they think things are on the wrong track had the opportunity to write in a
response as to why. Respondents’ written responses were reviewed and grouped into categories by theme. Of the
101 respondents who opted to write in a response, 26% wrote comments related to poor development,
overbuilding and density of the city. About 22% wrote in comments related to City government operations and
10% wrote in comments related to traffic and infrastructure. Fewer than 1 in 10 wrote comments about the
remaining four categories. Due to the number of varied responses, an “other” category was also created. (For a full
index of written responses, see Appendix C: Verbatim Responses to Open-ended Survey Question.)
Figure 31: Reasons for Wrong Track, 2017
A similar question about reasons for why residents indicated wrong track was asked in prior years; however, the response categories were too
different to provide comparisons.
Resident opinions not valued
Lack of sense of community and natural beauty
(open space, parks, etc.)
Affordable housing/cost of living/teardowns
Traffic and infrastructure (road and sidewalk
maintenance, bike paths, snow removal, etc.)
City government operations (fiscal responsibility,
taxes, etc.)
Poor development/overbuilding/density of city
Percent of respondents
2017 All in all, do you think things in Edina are generally headed in the right direction, or do you feel
things are on the wrong track? If wrong track, Why?
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
As in past survey years, residents were asked if they thought they could have a say about the way things are run
in the community other than by voting. About 7 in 10 indicated that they did think they could have a say.
When compared to 2015, this rating remained stable but has decreased when compared to 2013 and 2011. (Please
see Appendix F: Survey Methodology for more information on how to interpret changes over time.)
Figure 32: Opportunity for Residents to be Involved in How Edina is Run Compared by Year
Other than voting, do you think that if
you wanted to, you could have a say
about the way things are run in this
Percent "yes"
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Residents who indicated that they did not think they had a say in the community had the opportunity to write in
a response as to why. Written responses were reviewed and grouped into categories by theme. Of the 88
respondents who opted to write in a response, 23% wrote general comments related to decisions being
predetermined and slightly fewer wrote in comments related to there being no opportunities to participate or it
generally being difficult to participate (19%). About 15% wrote comments related to the public voice not being
heard or listened to and 13% felt decisions were biased towards commercial and wealthy or special interest
groups. Less than 1 in 10 wrote comments about communication issues. Due to the number of varied responses, an
“other” category was also created. (For a full index of written responses, see Appendix C: Verbatim Responses to Open-
ended Survey Question.)
Figure 33: Reasons for Having No Say in How Edina is Run, 2017
A similar question about reasons for why residents indicated they do not have a say in how things are run in Edina were asked in prior years;
however, the response categories were too different to provide comparisons.
Communication issues (slow response time,
unhelpfulness, etc.)
Decisions are biased towards
commercial/wealthy or special interests
Public voice not heard/listened to
No opportunities/difficult to participate
Decisions are predetermined
Percent of respondents
2017 Other than voting, do you think that if you wanted to, you could have a say about the way things
are run in this community? If No, Why?
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
As in 2015, those completing the 2017 questionnaire rated four aspects of public trust, including the City
government generally acting in the best interest of the community, overall confidence in Edina government, Edina
treating all residents fairly and the job the City does welcoming citizen involvement. Between 61% and 69% of
survey respondents evaluated all four aspects positively. When compared to 2015, ratings remained stable.
When compared to other communities across the nation and those in Minnesota, Edina residents’ ratings of
aspects of public trust tended to be similar to or higher than those of its peers (please see Appendix E: Detailed
Benchmark Comparisons for detailed information on the benchmark comparisons).
Figure 34: Aspects of Public Trust Compared by Year
The job Edina government does at
welcoming resident involvement
Treating all residents fairly
Overall confidence in Edina government
Generally acting in the best interest of the
Percent "excellent" or "good"
Please rate each of the following categories of Edina government performance:
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Contact with City Departments
In the 12 months prior to the survey, 60% of survey respondents reported having had contact with a City
department. Of those who had contact, about one-quarter contacted Parks and Recreation (25%) and the Police
(23%). Between 10% and 20% had contact with General information, Building Inspections and Public Works.
Less than 1 in 10 had contact with the remaining departments.
When compared to 2015, a similar percentage of residents had contact with most City departments in 2017;
however, more residents reported having contacted Parks and Recreation in 2017. Please see Appendix F: Survey
Methodology for more information on how to interpret changes in ratings compared to years prior to 2015.
Figure 35: Contact with City Departments Compared by Year
With which of the following departments have you had contact (email,
in-person or phone) in the last 12 months? 2017 2015 2013 2011
I have not contacted the City 40% 43% 60% 68%
Parks and Recreation 25% 17% 13% 13%
Police 23% 21% 14% 9%
General information 20% 15% 12% 7%
Building Inspections 12% 10% 10% 15%
Public Works 10% 12% 21% 27%
City Clerk 9% 7% 0% 1%
Utility Billing 9% 7% 8% 0%
Utilities 8% 7% 0% 0%
Street Maintenance 7% 8% 0% 0%
Assessing 7% 5% 1% 6%
Engineering 6% 5% 1% 2%
Planning/Economic Development 6% 5% 10% 8%
Fire 5% 5% 1% 1%
City Manager 5% 3% 6% 5%
Health 4% 2% 2% 2%
Communications 2% 2% 1% 0%
Environmental Services 2% 2% 0% 0%
Human Resources 1% 1% 0% 0%
I.T./Technology services 0% 0% 0% 3%
Other 3% 6% 0% 3%
Percent of respondents.
Total may exceed 100% as respondents could select more than one answer. Respondents had the opportunity to write-in a response for “other;” these
verbatim responses can be found in Appendix C: Verbatim Responses to Open-ended Survey Question.
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
The 60% of survey respondents who reported having contacted a City department or office were then asked to
rate the overall customer service they received as well as their impression of the courtesy, knowledge,
responsiveness and follow-up of the City employee(s). At least 9 in 10 gave “excellent” or “good” ratings to the
knowledge of City employees, courtesy and to the overall customer service received. About 83% and 85%,
respectively, gave positive ratings to follow-up and responsiveness.
When compared over time, ratings generally remained stable; however, more residents reported positive ratings
for courtesy in 2017 compared to 2015.
Where comparisons to other communities across the nation and those in Minnesota were available, Edina
residents’ ratings of their impressions of employee(s) tended to be similar with the exception of overall customer
service which was higher when compared to the nation (please see Appendix E: Detailed Benchmark Comparisons for
detailed information on the benchmark comparisons).
Figure 36: Impression of Employee(s) Compared by Year
Follow-up (got back to you or took
action if needed)
Overall customer service
Percent "excellent" or "good"
Please rate your impression of City employees:
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Information Sources and City Communications
Respondents were asked to indicate the extent to which they used 15 information sources about Edina
government and its activities, if at all. About 9 in 10 residents indicated that word of mouth from friends, family
or neighbors was at least a minor source of information while slightly fewer felt the About Town City magazine
was at least a minor source of information (82% “major” or “minor” source).
About 7 in 10 indicated that the Parks & Recreation Activities Directory was a source of information and slightly fewer
felt that the Edina Sun-Current newspaper (64%), Star-Tribune newspaper (63%), direct mail updates (62%) and
the City’s website (61%) were all at least minor sources of information. Least relied upon were the City Extra
e-mail subscription service, Edina TV and online web stream videos on YouTube or Granicus with 21% or fewer
residents indicating each as a “major” or “minor” source (see Figure 37 on the following page).
Each of the 15 information sources could be compared over time and use of most sources remained stable from
2015 to 2017. Two showed lower ratings in 2017 compared to 2015 and three showed higher ratings. In 2017, more
residents felt that social media, NextDoor and City Council Members were sources of information about the City
while fewer felt that direct mail updates and Edition: Edina monthly insert in Edina Sun-Current newspaper were
sources of information. (Please see Appendix F: Survey Methodology for more information on how to interpret changes
in ratings compared to years prior to 2015.)
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Figure 37: Information Sources Compared by Year
Prior to 2017, “Edina TV” was “Edina Channels 16 or 813.”
Online web stream videos on YouTube
or Granicus
Edina TV
City Extra e-mail subscription service
City Council Members
City employees
Social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter)
Edition: Edina monthly insert in Edina
Sun-Current newspaper
City’s website (www.EdinaMN.gov)
Direct mail updates
Star-Tribune newspaper
Edina Sun-Current newspaper
Parks & Recreation Activities Directory
About Town City magazine
Word of mouth from friends, family or
Percent "major" or "minor" source
Please rate the extent to which you use each of the following as sources of information
about Edina government and its activities, if at all.
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
About Town
As in prior years, survey respondents were asked to rate the effectiveness of About Town as a communication tool
for keeping informed of City activities. About 8 in 10 residents felt it was at least somewhat effective. When
compared over time, ratings remained stable. (Please see Appendix F: Survey Methodology for more information on
how to interpret changes in ratings compared to years prior to 2015.)
Figure 38: Effectiveness of About Town Compared by Year
In 2013 and 2011, the scale was very effective, somewhat effective, not too effective and not at all effective.
To what extent do you find About Town
to be an effective communication tool
for keeping informed of City activities?
Percent "very" or "somewhat" effective
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
City Website
When asked if they had accessed the City’s website in the 12 months prior to the survey, 52% of survey
respondents indicated they had done so; this rating was similar to 2015 but has decreased when compared to 2013
and 2011. (Please see Appendix F: Survey Methodology for more information on how to interpret changes over time.)
Figure 39: Accessed City Website Compared by Year
Of those who reported they had accessed the City’s website, 7 in 10 residents felt that the overall quality of the
website was “excellent” or “good.” When compared over time, this rating was similar to 2015 but has decreased
when compared to 2013 and 2011. (Please see Appendix F: Survey Methodology for more information on how to
interpret changes over time.)
Edina’s rating for the overall quality of the website was similar to those of residents in other communities across
the nation and those in Minnesota. (See Appendix E: Detailed Benchmark Comparisons for detailed information on the
benchmark comparisons.)
Figure 40: Quality of City Website Compared by Year
Responses to this question are only from those who reported that they had accessed the City website.
Have you accessed the City of Edina
website (www.EdinaMN.gov) in the last
12 months?
Percent "yes"
Overall quality of the City of Edina
Percent "excellent" or "good"
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Those who had accessed the website in the last 12 months were also asked to rate the quality of three specific
aspects of the website. About 82% felt the appearance of the website was “excellent” or “good” and about three-
quarters felt the information and services offered were “excellent” or “good.” About half gave positive ratings to
the ease of navigation and their ability to find information. Evaluations were similar in 2017 compared to 2015.
Comparisons were available to other communities across the nation but not to those in Minnesota; Edina
residents’ ratings of aspects of the City’s website were similar to those of its national peers. (Please see Appendix E:
Detailed Benchmark Comparisons for detailed information on the benchmark comparisons.)
Figure 41: Aspects of City Website Compared by Year
Responses to this question are only from those who reported that they had accessed the City website.
Ease of navigation/ability to find information
Online information and services offered
Percent "excellent" or "good"
Please rate the following aspects of the Edina website.
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Municipal Liquor Stores
Since 2011, residents have been asked about their level of support for the City to continue to operate its municipal
liquor stores. About 88% indicated at least “somewhat” supporting this proposal. Compared over time, this level
of support has remained stable. (Please see Appendix F: Survey Methodology for more information on how to interpret
changes over time.)
Figure 42: Level of Support for Municipal Owned Liquor Stores Compared by Year
Prior to 2017, the question wording was “The City of Edina owns and operates three municipal liquor stores. Profits from the liquor operations are
used for capital and public improvements and to offset operating costs of some recreation facilities. To what extent do you support the City
continuing to operate its municipal liquor stores?” In 2013 and 2011, this question was asked on a scale of favor or oppose. For comparison purposes,
the 2015 and 2017 ratings for strongly support and somewhat support were compared to 2013 and 2011 ratings for favor.
Residents were asked a follow-up question about how much of their business goes to any one of the three
municipal liquor stores. About half indicated all or most of their business goes to any one of the three municipal
liquor stores, while an additional 4 in 10 indicated only some of their business. Only 1 in 10 reported that none of
their business goes to any of the municipal liquor stores. When compared to 2015, this rating has remained
Figure 43: Portion of Business Going to Edina Municipal Liquor Stores Compared by Year
Percent "strongly" or "somewhat" support
All of my business Most of my business Some of my business None of my business
If you have purchased liquor, what portion of your business would you say goes to any
one of the three Edina municipal liquor stores?
The City of Edina owns and operates
three municipal liquor stores. Profits
from Edina Liquor are used to offset
operating costs and for capital expenses
at recreational facilities. To what extent
do you support the City continuing to
operate its municipal liquor stores?
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
The impression of five different aspects of the Edina liquor stores also was measured, regardless of how much
residents used the stores. About 9 in 10 gave “excellent” or good” ratings to the knowledge, courtesy and
friendliness of the staff while slightly fewer gave “excellent” or “good” marks to the product selection (88%) and
layout, organization and presentation of the store (84%). About 66% gave positive marks to the prices of
When compared over time, ratings were generally stable; however, more residents gave positive marks to the
prices of products in 2017 compared to 2015.
Figure 44: Impression of Municipal Liquor Stores Compared by Year
Prices of products
Layout, organization and presentation
of the store
Product selection
Courtesy and friendliness of staff
Knowledge of staff
Percent "excellent" or "good"
Please rate your impression of each of the following at Edina Liquor stores:
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Redevelopment in Edina
About 7 in 10 residents felt positively about the overall quality of residential and commercial redevelopment in
Edina; ratings that remained stable from 2015 to 2017. (Please see Appendix F: Survey Methodology for more
information on how to interpret changes over time.)
Figure 45: Quality of Redevelopment in Edina Compared by Year
In 2013 and 2011, survey respondents were only asked to rate the quality of redevelopment in Edina while 2017 and 2015 survey respondents were
asked to consider residential and commercial redevelopment separately.
Residents were asked to consider how well, if at all, they felt the City was managing tensions in the community
related to residential redevelopment in Edina. About two-thirds of residents felt the City manages tensions at
least somewhat well; this rating was similar to what was reported in 2015.
Figure 46: How Well the City Manages Redevelopment Tensions Compared by Year
Overall quality of residential
redevelopment in Edina
Overall quality of commercial
redevelopment in Edina
Percent "excellent" or "good"
How well, if at all, do you feel the City is
managing tensions in the community
related to residential redevelopment in
Percent "very" or "somewhat" well
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
The following tables summarize the demographic characteristics of Edina’s survey respondents in 2017.
Table 1: Economic Impact on Household Income
What impact, if any, do you think the economy will have on your family income in
the next 6 months? Do you think the impact will be: Percent Number
Very positive 8% N=37
Somewhat positive 27% N=124
Neutral 54% N=251
Somewhat negative 10% N=48
Very negative 2% N=8
Total 100% N=468
Table 2: Employment Status
What is your employment status? Percent Number
Working full time for pay 52% N=242
Working part time for pay 14% N=63
Unemployed, looking for paid work 2% N=10
Unemployed, not looking for paid work 3% N=14
Fully retired 29% N=135
Total 100% N=465
Table 3: Work Inside Edina Boundaries
Do you work inside the boundaries of Edina? Percent Number
Yes, outside the home 22% N=94
No 64% N=278
Yes, from home 14% N=61
Total 100% N=433
Table 4: Length of Residency
How many years have you lived in Edina? Percent Number
Less than 2 years 15% N=70
2-5 years 17% N=78
6-10 years 13% N=63
11-20 years 19% N=89
More than 20 years 36% N=170
Total 100% N=470
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 5: Housing Unit Type
Which best describes the building you live in? Percent Number
One family house detached from any other houses 57% N=269
Building with two or more homes (duplex, townhome, apartment or condominium) 40% N=188
Other 3% N=12
Total 100% N=469
Table 6: Housing Tenure
Is this house or apartment... Percent Number
Rented 24% N=115
Owned 76% N=354
Total 100% N=469
Table 7: Housing Costs
About how much is your monthly housing cost for the place you live (including rent,
mortgage payment, property tax, property insurance and homeowners’ association
[HOA] fees)?
Percent Number
Less than $600 per month 8% N=32
$600 - $999 per month 12% N=53
$1,000 - $1,499 per month 22% N=94
$1,500 - $2,499 per month 31% N=134
$2,500 or more per month 27% N=114
Total 100% N=428
Table 8: Presence of Children
Do any children 17 or under live in your household? Percent Number
No 66% N=311
Yes 34% N=158
Total 100% N=469
Table 9: Presence of Older Adults
Are you or any other members of your household aged 65 or older? Percent Number
No 62% N=290
Yes 38% N=179
Total 100% N=470
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 10: Household Income
How much do you anticipate your household’s total income before taxes will be for
the current year? (Please include money from all sources for all persons living in your
Percent Number
Less than $25,000 8% N=34
$25,000 to $49,999 13% N=56
$50,000 to $99,999 25% N=110
$100,000 to $149,999 16% N=71
$150,000 or more 38% N=163
Total 100% N=433
Table 11: Language Spoken at Home
Do you speak a language other than English at home? Percent Number
No, English only 89% N=409
Yes 11% N=51
Total 100% N=461
Table 12: Language Spoken at Home Other Than English
Yes, which language? Percent Number
Persian/Farsi 16% N=7
Vietnamese 0% N=0
Spanish 28% N=12
Russian 5% N=2
Chinese 7% N=3
Korean 0% N=0
Other 45% N=19
Total 100% N=42
Respondents were given an opportunity to write-in an “other” response. Please see Appendix C: Verbatim Responses to Open-ended
Survey Questions for the verbatim responses.
Table 13: Ethnicity
Are you Spanish, Hispanic or Latino? Percent Number
No, not Spanish, Hispanic or Latino 98% N=424
Yes, I consider myself to be Spanish, Hispanic or Latino 2% N=9
Total 100% N=433
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 14: Race
What is your race? Percent Number
White 92% N=419
Asian, Asian Indian or Pacific Islander 7% N=31
Black or African American 1% N=4
American Indian or Alaskan Native 1% N=4
Other 2% N=7
Total may exceed 100% as respondents could select more than one answer.
Table 15: Age
In which category is your age? Percent Number
18-24 years 2% N=12
25-34 years 14% N=63
35-44 years 14% N=66
45-54 years 21% N=99
55-64 years 13% N=60
65-74 years 18% N=83
75 years or older 18% N=85
Total 100% N=467
Table 16: Gender
What is your gender? Percent Number
Female 55% N=245
Male 45% N=203
Total 100% N=448
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
The following pages contain a complete set of responses to each question on the survey, excluding the “don’t know” responses. The percent of
respondents giving a particular response is shown followed by the number of respondents.
Table 17: Question 1
How would you rate the quality of life in Edina? Percent Number
Excellent 58% N=266
Good 39% N=179
Fair 3% N=12
Poor 0% N=1
Total 100% N=458
Table 18: Question 2
Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Edina as a
community: Excellent Good Fair Poor Total
Overall feeling of safety in Edina 58% N=273 39% N=181 3% N=15 0% N=1 100% N=470
Overall ease of getting to the places you usually have to visit 43% N=203 44% N=206 8% N=39 4% N=20 100% N=469
Quality of overall natural environment in Edina 39% N=183 49% N=230 11% N=53 1% N=3 100% N=469
Overall established “built environment” of Edina (including overall design, buildings,
parks and transportation systems) 29% N=135 53% N=246 14% N=67 3% N=14 100% N=462
Health and wellness opportunities in Edina 49% N=214 44% N=192 7% N=29 1% N=4 100% N=440
Overall opportunities for education and enrichment 58% N=257 37% N=164 5% N=20 0% N=2 100% N=443
Overall economic health of Edina 54% N=238 41% N=183 4% N=17 1% N=5 100% N=443
Sense of community 27% N=126 46% N=212 23% N=105 4% N=16 100% N=459
Overall image or reputation of Edina 47% N=216 40% N=187 13% N=58 1% N=3 100% N=463
Neighborliness of residents in Edina 26% N=119 49% N=228 21% N=95 4% N=19 100% N=461
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 19: Question 3
Please indicate how likely or unlikely you are to do each of the
following: Very likely Somewhat
unlikely Total
Recommend living in Edina to someone who asks 70% N=326 26% N=119 3% N=12 2% N=9 100% N=465
Remain in Edina for the next five years 76% N=339 18% N=80 3% N=13 4% N=16 100% N=448
Table 20: Question 4
Why did you choose to live in Edina? Percent Number
Good schools 53% N=250
Safe community 52% N=245
Attractive community 52% N=244
Good neighborhoods 47% N=221
Amenities (e.g., parks, library, etc.) 39% N=185
Job was here (or nearby) 35% N=166
Family lives here/born or raised here 25% N=117
Affordable housing 15% N=72
Other 15% N=70
Total may exceed 100% as respondents could select more than one answer. Respondents were given an opportunity to write-in an “other” response. Please see Appendix C: Verbatim Responses to Open-
ended Survey Questions for the verbatim responses.
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 21: Question 5
What one thing do you like most, if anything, about living in Edina? Percent Number
Convenient location/accessibility 31% N=122
Raised here or close to family, job, etc. 3% N=10
Housing/neighborhood 6% N=25
Schools 15% N=58
Safe 7% N=29
Shopping/restaurants 4% N=17
Parks and trails/recreation centers/open spaces 7% N=28
Sense of community (friendly, quiet, peaceful, etc.) 9% N=33
Beauty/cleanliness of community 4% N=17
Public services 1% N=5
Walkability 2% N=9
Reputation of community (well-run government, economic health, etc.) 4% N=17
Positive comments about overall quality of life and community 2% N=9
Other 2% N=10
Total 100% N=390
Respondents were given an opportunity to write-in a response. The responses were reviewed and grouped into the above categories. Please see Appendix C: Verbatim Responses to Open-ended Survey
Questions for the verbatim responses.
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 22: Question 6
What would you say is the most serious issue facing Edina at this time? Percent Number
City government operations (fiscal responsibility, taxes, etc.) 10% N=36
Traffic and infrastructure (road maintenance, snow removal, etc.) 17% N=58
Lack of diversity and sense of community 9% N=30
Schools/education 5% N=18
Housing concerns (teardowns, overdevelopment, affordability, etc.) 32% N=113
Cost of living 4% N=13
Bike paths/sidewalks/pedestrian travel 5% N=16
Safety 3% N=12
Aging population 3% N=9
No issue/positive comments 2% N=5
Parks/recreation/community activities 2% N=7
Other 9% N=30
Total 100% N=348
Respondents were given an opportunity to write-in a response. The responses were reviewed and grouped into the above categories. Please see Appendix C: Verbatim Responses to Open-ended Survey
Questions for the verbatim responses.
Table 23: Question 7
Please rate how safe or unsafe you feel: Very safe Somewhat safe Neither safe nor unsafe Somewhat unsafe Very unsafe Total
In your neighborhood 78% N=366 20% N=94 1% N=3 1% N=5 0% N=1 100% N=470
In the 50th & France area (downtown area) 70% N=312 26% N=115 4% N=17 0% N=1 0% N=1 100% N=446
In the Southdale area 35% N=161 43% N=198 15% N=68 8% N=35 0% N=2 100% N=463
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 24: Question 8
Which of the following, if any, would make you more likely to ride a bicycle in Edina? Percent Number
If there were more well-marked trails and off-road paths 62% N=236
If motorists drove slower and respected cyclists 44% N=166
If there were more on-road facilities such as bike lanes 41% N=157
If there were wider roads for riding or roads had paved shoulders 41% N=157
If street/road conditions were better, such as smooth pavement and less debris 29% N=109
If I felt more confident on my bike 22% N=85
If I felt safer from crime 3% N=11
Total may exceed 100% as respondents could select more than one answer.
Table 25: Question 9
Which of the following, if any, would make you more likely to walk in Edina? Percent Number
If there were more sidewalks along streets 61% N=225
If there were more paths and trails designated for walking 57% N=210
If there were more crosswalks 29% N=106
If street lighting was better 28% N=102
If condition of existing sidewalks were better 19% N=69
If motorists drove slower 18% N=68
If I felt safer from crime 6% N=22
Total may exceed 100% as respondents could select more than one answer.
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 26: Question 10
Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Edina as a
whole: Excellent Good Fair Poor Total
Traffic flow on major streets 12% N=56 51% N=237 29% N=133 8% N=36 100% N=462
Ease of public parking 20% N=88 52% N=234 25% N=112 3% N=15 100% N=448
Ease of travel by car in Edina 28% N=127 54% N=245 16% N=72 2% N=10 100% N=454
Ease of travel by public transportation in Edina 8% N=19 32% N=80 30% N=76 30% N=74 100% N=250
Ease of travel by bicycle in Edina 9% N=32 40% N=135 36% N=122 15% N=49 100% N=339
Ease of walking in Edina 19% N=82 47% N=208 26% N=114 8% N=35 100% N=440
Availability of paths and walking trails 19% N=81 41% N=177 31% N=136 9% N=37 100% N=431
Air quality 34% N=151 53% N=234 10% N=45 2% N=9 100% N=439
Cleanliness of Edina 44% N=203 47% N=218 7% N=34 1% N=6 100% N=461
Public places where people want to spend time 30% N=134 52% N=229 14% N=64 3% N=15 100% N=442
Variety of housing options 14% N=59 41% N=171 31% N=130 14% N=58 100% N=417
Availability of affordable quality housing 8% N=31 28% N=106 31% N=118 32% N=120 100% N=375
Fitness opportunities (including exercise classes and paths or trails, etc.) 26% N=109 50% N=212 20% N=88 4% N=18 100% N=428
Recreational opportunities 28% N=122 54% N=231 16% N=68 2% N=9 100% N=430
K-12 education 69% N=261 28% N=105 3% N=10 1% N=4 100% N=380
Adult educational opportunities 40% N=158 49% N=193 9% N=36 1% N=5 100% N=392
Opportunities to attend cultural/arts/music activities 25% N=103 55% N=223 16% N=65 4% N=15 100% N=406
Employment opportunities 21% N=54 48% N=127 27% N=72 4% N=12 100% N=265
Shopping opportunities 54% N=247 37% N=169 8% N=35 1% N=5 100% N=456
Cost of living in Edina 7% N=32 40% N=182 41% N=186 12% N=57 100% N=457
Overall quality of business and service establishments in Edina 30% N=134 61% N=275 8% N=38 1% N=7 100% N=454
Overall quality of commercial redevelopment in Edina 19% N=73 54% N=209 22% N=84 6% N=24 100% N=390
Overall quality of residential redevelopment in Edina 17% N=69 50% N=209 23% N=94 10% N=43 100% N=414
Opportunities to participate in social events and activities 22% N=91 51% N=212 21% N=86 6% N=24 100% N=413
Opportunities to volunteer 25% N=91 54% N=200 17% N=62 4% N=16 100% N=368
Opportunities to participate in community matters 23% N=86 53% N=201 19% N=72 6% N=22 100% N=382
Openness and acceptance of the community toward people of diverse backgrounds 12% N=47 34% N=131 37% N=144 16% N=63 100% N=386
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 27: Question 11
How important, if at all, do you think it is for the City to implement
each of the following? Essential Very
Not at all
important Total
Expand the types of cultural events that are offered within the community 12% N=51 34% N=148 42% N=182 12% N=54 100% N=434
Enhance the promotion and awareness of cultural events that take place in
the community 14% N=60 39% N=170 38% N=164 10% N=42 100% N=436
Provide educational opportunities to learn about different cultures and
customs locally and around the world 14% N=63 34% N=148 37% N=160 15% N=66 100% N=437
Promote and provide opportunities for diverse representation in local
leadership, advisory and policy-making roles 22% N=93 35% N=151 30% N=129 13% N=56 100% N=429
Table 28: Question 12
In the last 12 months, about how many times, if ever, have you
or other household members used any of the following Edina
Parks and Recreation Department amenities?
Never Once or
twice 3 to 12 times 13 to 26
More than 26
times Total
Trails 20% N=89 18% N=79 27% N=122 14% N=63 21% N=91 100% N=443
Neighborhood parks 11% N=50 17% N=78 24% N=108 23% N=106 24% N=110 100% N=452
Large community athletic fields 51% N=225 17% N=75 14% N=64 7% N=29 11% N=49 100% N=442
Edinborough Park 52% N=231 20% N=90 19% N=85 5% N=23 4% N=18 100% N=447
Centennial Lakes Park 25% N=112 23% N=106 29% N=130 14% N=62 10% N=45 100% N=455
Edina Aquatic Center 72% N=322 13% N=60 8% N=34 5% N=23 2% N=11 100% N=449
Edina Senior Center 80% N=363 11% N=50 5% N=21 2% N=9 2% N=9 100% N=453
Braemar Arena (ice arena) 76% N=343 7% N=32 8% N=36 4% N=18 5% N=22 100% N=451
Edina Art Center 72% N=326 18% N=81 7% N=30 2% N=8 1% N=4 100% N=450
Braemar Golf Course 68% N=307 12% N=54 12% N=56 4% N=17 4% N=20 100% N=454
Braemar Golf Dome 80% N=362 9% N=41 6% N=27 3% N=11 3% N=13 100% N=454
Braemar Field (sports dome) 76% N=346 10% N=47 4% N=19 3% N=15 6% N=26 100% N=453
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 29: Question 13
Please rate each of the following Edina Parks and Recreation Department amenities: Excellent Good Fair Poor Total
Trails 25% N=94 56% N=211 16% N=61 3% N=10 100% N=377
Neighborhood parks 35% N=143 53% N=219 9% N=37 3% N=12 100% N=411
Large community athletic fields 36% N=95 55% N=145 8% N=21 0% N=1 100% N=262
Edinborough Park 39% N=115 52% N=157 8% N=25 1% N=2 100% N=299
Centennial Lakes Park 56% N=217 39% N=149 5% N=18 0% N=0 100% N=384
Edina Aquatic Center 41% N=77 47% N=90 12% N=22 1% N=1 100% N=190
Edina Senior Center 33% N=47 57% N=82 10% N=15 1% N=1 100% N=145
Braemar Arena (ice arena) 47% N=86 43% N=79 10% N=18 0% N=1 100% N=183
Edina Art Center 30% N=62 56% N=117 13% N=27 1% N=1 100% N=207
Braemar Golf Course 34% N=64 51% N=94 13% N=25 2% N=3 100% N=185
Braemar Golf Dome 41% N=63 52% N=80 7% N=11 0% N=1 100% N=155
Braemar Field (sports dome) 51% N=76 42% N=62 7% N=11 0% N=0 100% N=149
Table 30: Question 14
Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Edina: Excellent Good Fair Poor Total
Police services 56% N=234 33% N=139 9% N=39 1% N=6 100% N=418
Fire services 69% N=232 30% N=102 1% N=4 0% N=0 100% N=337
Ambulance or emergency medical services 70% N=214 29% N=89 1% N=2 1% N=2 100% N=306
Crime prevention 38% N=136 48% N=173 12% N=44 2% N=6 100% N=360
Fire prevention and education 39% N=113 52% N=150 9% N=26 0% N=1 100% N=289
Traffic enforcement 29% N=116 47% N=186 19% N=74 4% N=18 100% N=393
Street repair 14% N=62 40% N=178 33% N=149 13% N=58 100% N=446
Street cleaning 24% N=105 56% N=248 16% N=69 5% N=20 100% N=443
Street lighting 20% N=88 50% N=226 25% N=111 5% N=24 100% N=449
Snow removal 50% N=224 41% N=184 8% N=34 1% N=4 100% N=446
Sidewalk maintenance 26% N=104 49% N=192 19% N=76 5% N=21 100% N=393
Traffic signal timing 17% N=75 52% N=227 23% N=100 7% N=31 100% N=434
Bus or transit services 13% N=32 40% N=95 30% N=72 16% N=38 100% N=237
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Edina: Excellent Good Fair Poor Total
Garbage collection 36% N=147 50% N=203 11% N=45 3% N=13 100% N=408
Recycling 37% N=152 49% N=199 11% N=46 3% N=12 100% N=408
Yard waste pick-up 37% N=122 46% N=154 13% N=42 4% N=14 100% N=333
Storm drainage 27% N=97 53% N=196 16% N=59 4% N=14 100% N=366
Drinking water 28% N=122 41% N=180 18% N=78 14% N=63 100% N=443
Sewer services 31% N=113 57% N=211 11% N=42 1% N=2 100% N=368
Utility billing 24% N=94 55% N=212 18% N=68 3% N=12 100% N=386
City parks 41% N=176 50% N=216 8% N=33 1% N=6 100% N=431
Park maintenance 39% N=168 51% N=216 9% N=37 2% N=6 100% N=428
Condition of trails and sidewalks 26% N=108 58% N=238 13% N=55 2% N=9 100% N=410
Recreation programs or classes 32% N=102 54% N=170 11% N=36 2% N=6 100% N=313
Recreation centers or facilities 33% N=109 53% N=177 10% N=34 4% N=12 100% N=332
Land use, planning and zoning 18% N=59 43% N=141 28% N=91 12% N=39 100% N=330
Code enforcement (weeds, abandoned buildings, etc.) 19% N=54 48% N=138 23% N=68 10% N=27 100% N=288
Animal control 28% N=76 56% N=153 15% N=40 1% N=3 100% N=272
Economic development 23% N=79 56% N=191 18% N=60 3% N=10 100% N=340
Public health services 32% N=76 55% N=131 12% N=29 2% N=4 100% N=240
Public information services/communication from the City 23% N=93 55% N=216 18% N=71 4% N=15 100% N=396
Cable television 14% N=43 45% N=138 28% N=85 12% N=37 100% N=302
Emergency preparedness (services that prepare the community for natural disasters or
other emergency situations) 25% N=65 55% N=142 16% N=40 4% N=10 100% N=258
Edina open space 22% N=77 47% N=168 25% N=91 6% N=22 100% N=358
City-sponsored special events 22% N=71 55% N=178 21% N=69 2% N=7 100% N=324
Overall quality of services provided by the City of Edina 29% N=129 59% N=261 11% N=49 0% N=1 100% N=440
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 31: Question 15
Thinking about your property taxes in comparison with neighboring cities, do you consider property taxes in Edina to be…? Percent Number
Very high 20% N=75
Somewhat high 39% N=149
About average 31% N=119
Somewhat low 8% N=31
Very low 3% N=10
Total 100% N=385
Table 32: Question 16
To what extent would you support or oppose an increase in your property taxes to maintain City services at their current level? Percent Number
Strongly support 6% N=25
Somewhat support 38% N=151
Somewhat oppose 34% N=134
Strongly oppose 22% N=86
Total 100% N=397
Table 33: Question 17
All in all, do you think things in Edina are generally headed in the right direction, or do you feel things are on the wrong track? Percent Number
Right direction 75% N=302
Wrong track 25% N=102
Total 100% N=404
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 34: Question 17 - Wrong Track, Why?
All in all, do you think things in Edina are generally headed in the right direction, or do you feel things are on the wrong track? If Wrong
track, Why? Percent Number
City government operations (fiscal responsibility, taxes, etc.) 22% N=22
Poor development/overbuilding/density of city 26% N=26
Affordable housing/cost of living/teardowns 8% N=8
Schools/education 8% N=8
Lack of sense of community and natural beauty (open space, parks, etc.) 6% N=6
Resident opinions not valued 2% N=2
Traffic and infrastructure (road and sidewalk maintenance, bike paths, snow removal, etc.) 10% N=10
Other 17% N=17
Total 100% N=101
Respondents were given an opportunity to write-in a response for why they feel the City is on the wrong track. The responses were reviewed and grouped into the above categories. Please see Appendix C:
Verbatim Responses to Open-ended Survey Questions for the verbatim responses.
Table 35: Question 18
Other than voting, do you think that if you wanted to, you could have a say about the way things are run in this community? Percent Number
Yes 69% N=226
No 31% N=101
Total 100% N=327
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 36: Question 18 - No, Why?
Other than voting, do you think that if you wanted to, you could have a say about the way things are run in this community? If No, Why? Percent Number
Public voice not heard/listened to 15% N=13
Decisions are predetermined 23% N=20
Decisions are biased towards commercial/wealthy or special interests 13% N=12
No opportunities/difficult to participate 19% N=17
Communication issues (slow response time, unhelpfulness, etc.) 4% N=3
Other 26% N=23
Total 100% N=88
Respondents were given an opportunity to write-in a response for why they responded with no to question 18. The responses were reviewed and grouped into the above categories. Please see Appendix C:
Verbatim Responses to Open-ended Survey Questions for the verbatim responses.
Table 37: Question 19
Please rate the following categories of Edina government performance: Excellent Good Fair Poor Total
The value of services for the taxes paid to Edina 25% N=104 56% N=233 15% N=64 4% N=18 100% N=419
The job Edina government does at welcoming resident involvement 16% N=54 46% N=159 28% N=96 11% N=39 100% N=348
Overall confidence in Edina government 20% N=83 49% N=203 24% N=99 6% N=26 100% N=411
Generally acting in the best interest of the community 21% N=85 48% N=200 24% N=99 7% N=28 100% N=412
Treating all residents fairly 20% N=73 49% N=182 23% N=84 9% N=33 100% N=372
Table 38: Question 20
Please rate the following aspects of drinking water in Edina: Excellent Good Fair Poor Total
Appearance 39% N=177 46% N=210 11% N=49 4% N=18 100% N=454
Taste 25% N=116 37% N=168 19% N=88 18% N=82 100% N=454
Odor 30% N=134 42% N=186 18% N=79 10% N=43 100% N=441
Hardness 14% N=59 23% N=97 27% N=115 37% N=161 100% N=433
Reliability 40% N=175 47% N=205 8% N=36 5% N=21 100% N=437
Safety 37% N=144 46% N=181 12% N=47 5% N=21 100% N=393
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 39: Question 21
How well, if at all, do you feel the City is managing tensions in the community related to residential redevelopment in Edina? Percent Number
Very well 15% N=47
Somewhat well 53% N=167
Somewhat poorly 24% N=75
Very poorly 8% N=26
Total 100% N=315
Table 40: Question 22
The City of Edina owns and operates three municipal liquor stores. Profits from Edina Liquor are used to offset operating costs and for
capital expenses at recreational facilities. To what extent do you support the City continuing to operate its municipal liquor stores? Percent Number
Strongly support 55% N=239
Somewhat support 33% N=144
Somewhat oppose 6% N=26
Strongly oppose 7% N=29
Total 100% N=438
Table 41: Question 23
If you have purchased liquor, what portion of your business would you say goes to any one of the three Edina municipal liquor stores? Percent Number
All of my business 17% N=67
Most of my business 29% N=112
Some of my business 40% N=156
None of my business 13% N=52
Total 100% N=387
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 42: Question 24
Please rate your impression of each of the following at Edina Liquor stores: Excellent Good Fair Poor Total
Product selection 34% N=116 54% N=187 12% N=41 0% N=1 100% N=346
Prices of products 19% N=66 47% N=161 27% N=93 7% N=26 100% N=345
Layout, organization and presentation of the store 28% N=98 56% N=193 15% N=51 2% N=6 100% N=348
Courtesy and friendliness of staff 55% N=193 38% N=133 5% N=18 1% N=4 100% N=348
Knowledge of staff 49% N=160 44% N=143 6% N=18 2% N=5 100% N=326
Table 43: Question 25
Please rate how much of a problem, if at all, you feel each
of the following is in Edina.
Not a
problem Total
Traffic speeding in your neighborhood 21% N=97 36% N=164 27% N=121 11% N=48 5% N=23 100% N=454
Stop sign violations in your neighborhood 37% N=162 36% N=157 16% N=69 5% N=23 6% N=25 100% N=436
Violent crime 76% N=316 21% N=89 2% N=8 1% N=3 0% N=1 100% N=417
Drugs 60% N=213 25% N=91 11% N=39 3% N=11 1% N=3 100% N=356
Youth crimes 54% N=203 36% N=136 9% N=33 2% N=7 0% N=1 100% N=380
Vandalism and property crimes 42% N=167 39% N=157 16% N=64 2% N=9 1% N=4 100% N=401
Identity theft 55% N=154 22% N=61 14% N=38 6% N=18 3% N=9 100% N=280
Domestic abuse 61% N=142 23% N=53 15% N=36 1% N=2 0% N=1 100% N=234
Table 44: Question 26
Most communities have one of two systems for garbage collection. To what extent do you support the City changing from the current
system in which residents may choose from several different haulers to a system where the City chooses one hauler for the whole
Percent Number
Strongly support 26% N=94
Somewhat support 23% N=83
Somewhat oppose 23% N=82
Strongly oppose 28% N=100
Total 100% N=359
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 45: Question 27
Please rate the extent to which you use each of the following as sources of information about
Edina government and its activities, if at all. Not a source Minor
source Total
About Town City magazine 18% N=76 46% N=196 36% N=153 100% N=424
Parks & Recreation Activities Directory 29% N=114 42% N=168 29% N=115 100% N=398
Edina Sun-Current newspaper 36% N=144 33% N=132 31% N=124 100% N=400
Edition: Edina monthly insert in Edina Sun-Current newspaper 52% N=195 29% N=110 18% N=69 100% N=374
Star-Tribune newspaper 37% N=156 36% N=152 27% N=115 100% N=423
City’s website (www.EdinaMN.gov) 39% N=156 41% N=165 20% N=79 100% N=400
Edina TV 79% N=301 15% N=57 6% N=21 100% N=379
City employees 69% N=273 23% N=91 8% N=31 100% N=395
City Council Members 74% N=291 19% N=75 6% N=25 100% N=390
Direct mail updates 38% N=153 41% N=163 21% N=85 100% N=402
Social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter) 60% N=237 24% N=95 16% N=63 100% N=395
NextDoor 51% N=194 24% N=90 25% N=94 100% N=379
Online web stream videos on YouTube or Granicus 89% N=335 8% N=29 4% N=14 100% N=379
City Extra e-mail subscription service 79% N=293 13% N=49 8% N=28 100% N=370
Word of mouth from friends, family or neighbors 11% N=49 47% N=204 42% N=182 100% N=434
Table 46: Question 28
To what extent do you find About Town to be an effective communication tool for keeping informed of City activities? Percent Number
Very effective 26% N=98
Somewhat effective 54% N=203
Somewhat ineffective 14% N=51
Very ineffective 6% N=24
Total 100% N=376
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 47: Question 29
Have you accessed the City of Edina website (www.EdinaMN.gov) in the last 12 months? Percent Number
No 48% N=220
Yes 52% N=239
Total 100% N=459
Table 48: Question 30
Please rate the following aspects of the Edina website: Excellent Good Fair Poor Total
Appearance 22% N=50 61% N=142 15% N=34 3% N=7 100% N=234
Online information and services offered 19% N=44 57% N=134 18% N=43 6% N=15 100% N=236
Ease of navigation/ability to find information 14% N=33 40% N=95 34% N=79 12% N=29 100% N=236
Overall quality of the City of Edina website 17% N=40 53% N=124 23% N=54 7% N=17 100% N=234
Responses to this question are only from those who reported that they had accessed the City website.
Table 49: Question 31
With which of the following departments have you had contact (email, in-person or phone) in the last 12 months? Percent Number
I have not contacted the City 40% N=179
Parks and Recreation 25% N=112
Police 23% N=100
General information 20% N=86
Building Inspections 12% N=54
Public Works 10% N=43
Utility Billing 9% N=40
City Clerk 9% N=39
Utilities 8% N=33
Assessing 7% N=32
Street Maintenance 7% N=30
Planning/Economic Development 6% N=26
Engineering 6% N=24
Fire 5% N=24
City Manager 5% N=24
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
With which of the following departments have you had contact (email, in-person or phone) in the last 12 months? Percent Number
Health 4% N=16
Other 3% N=15
Communications 2% N=9
Environmental Services 2% N=8
Human Resources 1% N=5
I.T./Technology services 0% N=2
Total may exceed 100% as respondents could select more than one answer. Respondents were given an opportunity to write-in an “other” response. Please see Appendix C: Verbatim Responses to Open-
ended Survey Questions for the verbatim responses.
Table 50: Question 32
Please rate your impression of City employees: Excellent Good Fair Poor Total
Knowledge 46% N=119 48% N=124 5% N=12 2% N=4 100% N=259
Courtesy 52% N=135 42% N=111 5% N=13 1% N=3 100% N=262
Responsiveness 48% N=125 38% N=99 12% N=31 3% N=8 100% N=262
Follow-up (got back to you or took action if needed) 44% N=108 39% N=95 13% N=32 4% N=9 100% N=245
Overall customer service 46% N=121 45% N=117 7% N=19 1% N=3 100% N=261
Table 51: Question D1
What impact, if any, do you think the economy will have on your family income in the next 6 months? Do you think the impact will be: Percent Number
Very positive 8% N=37
Somewhat positive 27% N=124
Neutral 54% N=251
Somewhat negative 10% N=48
Very negative 2% N=8
Total 100% N=468
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 52: Question D2
What is your employment status? Percent Number
Working full time for pay 52% N=242
Working part time for pay 14% N=63
Unemployed, looking for paid work 2% N=10
Unemployed, not looking for paid work 3% N=14
Fully retired 29% N=135
Total 100% N=465
Table 53: Question D3
Do you work inside the boundaries of Edina? Percent Number
Yes, outside the home 22% N=94
No 64% N=278
Yes, from home 14% N=61
Total 100% N=433
Table 54: Question D4
How many years have you lived in Edina? Percent Number
Less than 2 years 15% N=70
2-5 years 17% N=78
6-10 years 13% N=63
11-20 years 19% N=89
More than 20 years 36% N=170
Total 100% N=470
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 55: Question D5
Which best describes the building you live in? Percent Number
One family house detached from any other houses 57% N=269
Building with two or more homes (duplex, townhome, apartment or condominium) 40% N=188
Other 3% N=12
Total 100% N=469
Table 56: Question D6
Is this house or apartment... Percent Number
Rented 24% N=115
Owned 76% N=354
Total 100% N=469
Table 57: Question D7
About how much is your monthly housing cost for the place you live (including rent, mortgage payment, property tax, property insurance
and homeowners’ association [HOA] fees)? Percent Number
Less than $600 per month 8% N=32
$600 - $999 per month 12% N=53
$1,000 - $1,499 per month 22% N=94
$1,500 - $2,499 per month 31% N=134
$2,500 or more per month 27% N=114
Total 100% N=428
Table 58: Question D8
Do any children 17 or under live in your household? Percent Number
No 66% N=311
Yes 34% N=158
Total 100% N=469
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 59: Question D9
Are you or any other members of your household aged 65 or older? Percent Number
No 62% N=290
Yes 38% N=179
Total 100% N=470
Table 60: Question D10
How much do you anticipate your household’s total income before taxes will be for the current year? (Please include money from all
sources for all persons living in your household.) Percent Number
Less than $25,000 8% N=34
$25,000 to $49,999 13% N=56
$50,000 to $99,999 25% N=110
$100,000 to $149,999 16% N=71
$150,000 or more 38% N=163
Total 100% N=433
Table 61: Question D11
Do you speak a language other than English at home? Percent Number
No, English only 89% N=409
Yes 11% N=51
Total 100% N=461
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 62: Question D11 - Yes, Which Language?
Yes, which language? Percent Number
Persian/Farsi 16% N=7
Vietnamese 0% N=0
Spanish 28% N=12
Russian 5% N=2
Chinese 7% N=3
Korean 0% N=0
Other 45% N=19
Total 100% N=42
Respondents were given an opportunity to write-in an “other” response. Please see Appendix C: Verbatim Responses to Open-ended Survey Questions for the verbatim responses.
Table 63: Question D12
Are you Spanish, Hispanic or Latino? Percent Number
No, not Spanish, Hispanic or Latino 98% N=424
Yes, I consider myself to be Spanish, Hispanic or Latino 2% N=9
Total 100% N=433
Table 64: Question D13
What is your race? Percent Number
White 92% N=419
Asian, Asian Indian or Pacific Islander 7% N=31
Black or African American 1% N=4
American Indian or Alaskan Native 1% N=4
Other 2% N=7
Total may exceed 100% as respondents could select more than one answer.
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 65: Question D14
In which category is your age? Percent Number
18-24 years 2% N=12
25-34 years 14% N=63
35-44 years 14% N=66
45-54 years 21% N=99
55-64 years 13% N=60
65-74 years 18% N=83
75 years or older 18% N=85
Total 100% N=467
Table 66: Question D15
What is your gender? Percent Number
Female 55% N=245
Male 45% N=203
Total 100% N=448
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
The following pages contain a complete set of responses to each question on the survey, including the “don’t know” responses. The percent of respondents
giving a particular response is shown followed by the number of respondents.
Table 67: Question 1
How would you rate the quality of life in Edina? Percent Number
Excellent 58% N=266
Good 39% N=179
Fair 3% N=12
Poor 0% N=1
Don't know 0% N=1
Total 100% N=459
Table 68: Question 2
Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to
Edina as a community: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't
know Total
Overall feeling of safety in Edina 58% N=273 39% N=181 3% N=15 0% N=1 0% N=1 100% N=471
Overall ease of getting to the places you usually have to visit 43% N=203 44% N=206 8% N=39 4% N=20 0% N=2 100% N=471
Quality of overall natural environment in Edina 39% N=183 49% N=230 11% N=53 1% N=3 0% N=1 100% N=470
Overall established “built environment” of Edina (including overall
design, buildings, parks and transportation systems) 29% N=135 53% N=246 14% N=67 3% N=14 1% N=6 100% N=469
Health and wellness opportunities in Edina 46% N=214 41% N=192 6% N=29 1% N=4 6% N=29 100% N=469
Overall opportunities for education and enrichment 55% N=257 35% N=164 4% N=20 0% N=2 5% N=25 100% N=468
Overall economic health of Edina 51% N=238 39% N=183 4% N=17 1% N=5 5% N=25 100% N=468
Sense of community 27% N=126 45% N=212 22% N=105 4% N=16 2% N=10 100% N=469
Overall image or reputation of Edina 46% N=216 40% N=187 12% N=58 1% N=3 1% N=3 100% N=466
Neighborliness of residents in Edina 25% N=119 48% N=228 20% N=95 4% N=19 2% N=10 100% N=471
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 69: Question 3
Please indicate how likely or unlikely you are to do each of
the following: Very likely Somewhat
know Total
Recommend living in Edina to someone who asks 70% N=326 25% N=119 3% N=12 2% N=9 1% N=3 100% N=468
Remain in Edina for the next five years 73% N=339 17% N=80 3% N=13 3% N=16 4% N=20 100% N=468
Table 70: Question 4
Why did you choose to live in Edina? Percent Number
Good schools 53% N=250
Safe community 52% N=245
Attractive community 52% N=244
Good neighborhoods 47% N=221
Amenities (e.g., parks, library, etc.) 39% N=185
Job was here (or nearby) 35% N=166
Family lives here/born or raised here 25% N=117
Affordable housing 15% N=72
Other 15% N=70
Total may exceed 100% as respondents could select more than one answer. Respondents were given an opportunity to write-in an “other” response. Please see Appendix C: Verbatim Responses to Open-
ended Survey Questions for the verbatim responses.
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 71: Question 5
What one thing do you like most, if anything, about living in Edina? Percent Number
Convenient location/accessibility 31% N=122
Raised here or close to family, job, etc. 3% N=10
Housing/neighborhood 6% N=25
Schools 15% N=58
Safe 7% N=29
Shopping/restaurants 4% N=17
Parks and trails/recreation centers/open spaces 7% N=28
Sense of community (friendly, quiet, peaceful, etc.) 9% N=33
Beauty/cleanliness of community 4% N=17
Public services 1% N=5
Walkability 2% N=9
Reputation of community (well-run government, economic health, etc.) 4% N=17
Positive comments about overall quality of life and community 2% N=9
Other 2% N=10
Don't know 0% N=0
Total 100% N=390
Respondents were given an opportunity to write-in a response. The responses were reviewed and grouped into the above categories. Please see Appendix C: Verbatim Responses to Open-ended Survey
Questions for the verbatim responses.
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 72: Question 6
What would you say is the most serious issue facing Edina at this time? Percent Number
City government operations (fiscal responsibility, taxes, etc.) 10% N=36
Traffic and infrastructure (road maintenance, snow removal, etc.) 16% N=58
Lack of diversity and sense of community 8% N=30
Schools/education 5% N=18
Housing concerns (teardowns, overdevelopment, affordability, etc.) 31% N=113
Cost of living 4% N=13
Bike paths/sidewalks/pedestrian travel 5% N=16
Safety 3% N=12
Aging population 2% N=9
No issue/positive comments 1% N=5
Parks/recreation/community activities 2% N=7
Other 8% N=30
Don't know 4% N=14
Total 100% N=362
Respondents were given an opportunity to write-in a response. The responses were reviewed and grouped into the above categories. Please see Appendix C: Verbatim Responses to Open-ended Survey
Questions for the verbatim responses.
Table 73: Question 7
Please rate how safe or unsafe you
feel: Very safe Somewhat
Neither safe nor
know Total
In your neighborhood 78% N=366 20% N=94 1% N=3 1% N=5 0% N=1 1% N=3 100% N=472
In the 50th & France area (downtown
area) 67% N=312 25% N=115 4% N=17 0% N=1 0% N=1 5% N=22 100% N=468
In the Southdale area 34% N=161 42% N=198 14% N=68 7% N=35 0% N=2 2% N=8 100% N=471
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 74: Question 8
Which of the following, if any, would make you more likely to ride a bicycle in Edina? Percent Number
If there were more well-marked trails and off-road paths 62% N=236
If motorists drove slower and respected cyclists 44% N=166
If there were more on-road facilities such as bike lanes 41% N=157
If there were wider roads for riding or roads had paved shoulders 41% N=157
If street/road conditions were better, such as smooth pavement and less debris 29% N=109
If I felt more confident on my bike 22% N=85
If I felt safer from crime 3% N=11
Total may exceed 100% as respondents could select more than one answer.
Table 75: Question 9
Which of the following, if any, would make you more likely to walk in Edina? Percent Number
If there were more sidewalks along streets 61% N=225
If there were more paths and trails designated for walking 57% N=210
If there were more crosswalks 29% N=106
If street lighting was better 28% N=102
If condition of existing sidewalks were better 19% N=69
If motorists drove slower 18% N=68
If I felt safer from crime 6% N=22
Total may exceed 100% as respondents could select more than one answer.
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 76: Question 10
Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to
Edina as a whole: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know Total
Traffic flow on major streets 12% N=56 51% N=237 29% N=133 8% N=36 1% N=2 100% N=464
Ease of public parking 19% N=88 51% N=234 24% N=112 3% N=15 2% N=11 100% N=459
Ease of travel by car in Edina 28% N=127 53% N=245 16% N=72 2% N=10 1% N=6 100% N=459
Ease of travel by public transportation in Edina 4% N=19 18% N=80 17% N=76 17% N=74 44% N=198 100% N=448
Ease of travel by bicycle in Edina 7% N=32 31% N=135 28% N=122 11% N=49 23% N=99 100% N=438
Ease of walking in Edina 18% N=82 46% N=208 25% N=114 8% N=35 4% N=16 100% N=456
Availability of paths and walking trails 18% N=81 39% N=177 30% N=136 8% N=37 5% N=23 100% N=453
Air quality 33% N=151 51% N=234 10% N=45 2% N=9 4% N=16 100% N=455
Cleanliness of Edina 44% N=203 47% N=218 7% N=34 1% N=6 1% N=2 100% N=463
Public places where people want to spend time 29% N=134 50% N=229 14% N=64 3% N=15 4% N=16 100% N=458
Variety of housing options 13% N=59 37% N=171 28% N=130 13% N=58 10% N=44 100% N=462
Availability of affordable quality housing 7% N=31 23% N=106 26% N=118 26% N=120 18% N=82 100% N=457
Fitness opportunities (including exercise classes and paths or trails,
etc.) 24% N=109 46% N=212 19% N=88 4% N=18 7% N=31 100% N=459
Recreational opportunities 26% N=122 50% N=231 15% N=68 2% N=9 7% N=31 100% N=461
K-12 education 57% N=261 23% N=105 2% N=10 1% N=4 17% N=76 100% N=455
Adult educational opportunities 34% N=158 42% N=193 8% N=36 1% N=5 14% N=66 100% N=458
Opportunities to attend cultural/arts/music activities 23% N=103 49% N=223 14% N=65 3% N=15 12% N=53 100% N=459
Employment opportunities 12% N=54 29% N=127 16% N=72 3% N=12 40% N=179 100% N=444
Shopping opportunities 53% N=247 37% N=169 8% N=35 1% N=5 1% N=6 100% N=462
Cost of living in Edina 7% N=32 39% N=182 40% N=186 12% N=57 2% N=9 100% N=466
Overall quality of business and service establishments in Edina 29% N=134 59% N=275 8% N=38 1% N=7 2% N=10 100% N=464
Overall quality of commercial redevelopment in Edina 16% N=73 46% N=209 19% N=84 5% N=24 14% N=66 100% N=456
Overall quality of residential redevelopment in Edina 15% N=69 45% N=209 20% N=94 9% N=43 10% N=46 100% N=461
Opportunities to participate in social events and activities 20% N=91 46% N=212 19% N=86 5% N=24 10% N=46 100% N=459
Opportunities to volunteer 20% N=91 44% N=200 13% N=62 3% N=16 20% N=91 100% N=459
Opportunities to participate in community matters 19% N=86 44% N=201 16% N=72 5% N=22 16% N=75 100% N=457
Openness and acceptance of the community toward people of
diverse backgrounds 10% N=47 29% N=131 31% N=144 14% N=63 16% N=72 100% N=458
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 77: Question 11
How important, if at all, do you think it is for the City to
implement each of the following? Essential Very
Not at all
know Total
Expand the types of cultural events that are offered within the
community 11% N=51 32% N=148 40% N=182 12% N=54 6% N=26 100% N=460
Enhance the promotion and awareness of cultural events that
take place in the community 13% N=60 37% N=170 36% N=164 9% N=42 5% N=24 100% N=460
Provide educational opportunities to learn about different
cultures and customs locally and around the world 14% N=63 32% N=148 35% N=160 14% N=66 5% N=25 100% N=462
Promote and provide opportunities for diverse representation
in local leadership, advisory and policy-making roles 20% N=93 33% N=151 28% N=129 12% N=56 6% N=29 100% N=458
Table 78: Question 12
In the last 12 months, about how many times, if ever, have you
or other household members used any of the following Edina
Parks and Recreation Department amenities?
Never Once or
twice 3 to 12 times 13 to 26
More than 26
times Total
Trails 20% N=89 18% N=79 27% N=122 14% N=63 21% N=91 100% N=443
Neighborhood parks 11% N=50 17% N=78 24% N=108 23% N=106 24% N=110 100% N=452
Large community athletic fields 51% N=225 17% N=75 14% N=64 7% N=29 11% N=49 100% N=442
Edinborough Park 52% N=231 20% N=90 19% N=85 5% N=23 4% N=18 100% N=447
Centennial Lakes Park 25% N=112 23% N=106 29% N=130 14% N=62 10% N=45 100% N=455
Edina Aquatic Center 72% N=322 13% N=60 8% N=34 5% N=23 2% N=11 100% N=449
Edina Senior Center 80% N=363 11% N=50 5% N=21 2% N=9 2% N=9 100% N=453
Braemar Arena (ice arena) 76% N=343 7% N=32 8% N=36 4% N=18 5% N=22 100% N=451
Edina Art Center 72% N=326 18% N=81 7% N=30 2% N=8 1% N=4 100% N=450
Braemar Golf Course 68% N=307 12% N=54 12% N=56 4% N=17 4% N=20 100% N=454
Braemar Golf Dome 80% N=362 9% N=41 6% N=27 3% N=11 3% N=13 100% N=454
Braemar Field (sports dome) 76% N=346 10% N=47 4% N=19 3% N=15 6% N=26 100% N=453
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 79: Question 13
Please rate each of the following Edina Parks and Recreation
Department amenities: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know Total
Trails 21% N=94 47% N=211 14% N=61 2% N=10 17% N=75 100% N=452
Neighborhood parks 32% N=143 49% N=219 8% N=37 3% N=12 9% N=40 100% N=452
Large community athletic fields 22% N=95 33% N=145 5% N=21 0% N=1 41% N=179 100% N=441
Edinborough Park 26% N=115 35% N=157 6% N=25 1% N=2 33% N=145 100% N=444
Centennial Lakes Park 48% N=217 33% N=149 4% N=18 0% N=0 15% N=70 100% N=454
Edina Aquatic Center 17% N=77 20% N=90 5% N=22 0% N=1 57% N=255 100% N=446
Edina Senior Center 11% N=47 18% N=82 3% N=15 0% N=1 68% N=302 100% N=447
Braemar Arena (ice arena) 19% N=86 18% N=79 4% N=18 0% N=1 59% N=262 100% N=445
Edina Art Center 14% N=62 26% N=117 6% N=27 0% N=1 54% N=241 100% N=448
Braemar Golf Course 14% N=64 21% N=94 6% N=25 1% N=3 59% N=265 100% N=450
Braemar Golf Dome 14% N=63 18% N=80 2% N=11 0% N=1 65% N=289 100% N=444
Braemar Field (sports dome) 17% N=76 14% N=62 2% N=11 0% N=0 67% N=296 100% N=445
Table 80: Question 14
Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Edina: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know Total
Police services 51% N=234 31% N=139 9% N=39 1% N=6 8% N=37 100% N=455
Fire services 51% N=232 23% N=102 1% N=4 0% N=0 25% N=114 100% N=451
Ambulance or emergency medical services 47% N=214 20% N=89 0% N=2 0% N=2 32% N=146 100% N=452
Crime prevention 31% N=136 39% N=173 10% N=44 1% N=6 19% N=84 100% N=444
Fire prevention and education 25% N=113 34% N=150 6% N=26 0% N=1 35% N=155 100% N=443
Traffic enforcement 26% N=116 42% N=186 17% N=74 4% N=18 10% N=46 100% N=438
Street repair 14% N=62 39% N=178 33% N=149 13% N=58 2% N=7 100% N=454
Street cleaning 23% N=105 55% N=248 15% N=69 5% N=20 2% N=10 100% N=452
Street lighting 19% N=88 50% N=226 25% N=111 5% N=24 1% N=5 100% N=454
Snow removal 49% N=224 40% N=184 7% N=34 1% N=4 2% N=9 100% N=455
Sidewalk maintenance 23% N=104 43% N=192 17% N=76 5% N=21 13% N=58 100% N=452
Traffic signal timing 17% N=75 50% N=227 22% N=100 7% N=31 4% N=18 100% N=451
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Edina: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know Total
Bus or transit services 7% N=32 21% N=95 16% N=72 9% N=38 47% N=211 100% N=449
Garbage collection 33% N=147 45% N=203 10% N=45 3% N=13 10% N=45 100% N=453
Recycling 34% N=152 44% N=199 10% N=46 3% N=12 10% N=43 100% N=451
Yard waste pick-up 27% N=122 34% N=154 9% N=42 3% N=14 26% N=114 100% N=447
Storm drainage 22% N=97 44% N=196 13% N=59 3% N=14 17% N=77 100% N=443
Drinking water 27% N=122 39% N=180 17% N=78 14% N=63 3% N=15 100% N=458
Sewer services 25% N=113 47% N=211 9% N=42 0% N=2 17% N=78 100% N=446
Utility billing 21% N=94 48% N=212 15% N=68 3% N=12 13% N=59 100% N=446
City parks 39% N=176 48% N=216 7% N=33 1% N=6 4% N=20 100% N=451
Park maintenance 37% N=168 48% N=216 8% N=37 1% N=6 5% N=23 100% N=451
Condition of trails and sidewalks 24% N=108 53% N=238 12% N=55 2% N=9 8% N=36 100% N=447
Recreation programs or classes 23% N=102 38% N=170 8% N=36 1% N=6 29% N=130 100% N=444
Recreation centers or facilities 25% N=109 40% N=177 8% N=34 3% N=12 25% N=110 100% N=442
Land use, planning and zoning 13% N=59 32% N=141 21% N=91 9% N=39 25% N=111 100% N=441
Code enforcement (weeds, abandoned buildings, etc.) 12% N=54 31% N=138 15% N=68 6% N=27 35% N=157 100% N=444
Animal control 17% N=76 34% N=153 9% N=40 1% N=3 39% N=173 100% N=446
Economic development 18% N=79 43% N=191 13% N=60 2% N=10 24% N=109 100% N=448
Public health services 17% N=76 30% N=131 7% N=29 1% N=4 45% N=199 100% N=439
Public information services/communication from the City 21% N=93 48% N=216 16% N=71 3% N=15 12% N=52 100% N=448
Cable television 10% N=43 31% N=138 19% N=85 8% N=37 32% N=142 100% N=445
Emergency preparedness (services that prepare the community for
natural disasters or other emergency situations) 15% N=65 32% N=142 9% N=40 2% N=10 42% N=185 100% N=443
Edina open space 17% N=77 38% N=168 20% N=91 5% N=22 20% N=87 100% N=445
City-sponsored special events 16% N=71 40% N=178 15% N=69 2% N=7 27% N=121 100% N=445
Overall quality of services provided by the City of Edina 29% N=129 58% N=261 11% N=49 0% N=1 2% N=10 100% N=450
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 81: Question 15
Thinking about your property taxes in comparison with neighboring cities, do you consider property taxes in Edina to be…? Percent Number
Very high 16% N=75
Somewhat high 32% N=149
About average 26% N=119
Somewhat low 7% N=31
Very low 2% N=10
Don't know 17% N=76
Total 100% N=461
Table 82: Question 16
To what extent would you support or oppose an increase in your property taxes to maintain City services at their current level? Percent Number
Strongly support 5% N=25
Somewhat support 33% N=151
Somewhat oppose 29% N=134
Strongly oppose 19% N=86
Don't know 14% N=64
Total 100% N=461
Table 83: Question 17
All in all, do you think things in Edina are generally headed in the right direction, or do you feel things are on the wrong track? Percent Number
Right direction 66% N=302
Wrong track 22% N=102
Don't know 12% N=53
Total 100% N=456
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 84: Question 17 - Wrong Track, Why?
All in all, do you think things in Edina are generally headed in the right direction, or do you feel things are on the wrong track? If Wrong
track, Why? Percent Number
City government operations (fiscal responsibility, taxes, etc.) 22% N=22
Poor development/overbuilding/density of city 26% N=26
Affordable housing/cost of living/teardowns 8% N=8
Schools/education 8% N=8
Lack of sense of community and natural beauty (open space, parks, etc.) 6% N=6
Resident opinions not valued 2% N=2
Traffic and infrastructure (road and sidewalk maintenance, bike paths, snow removal, etc.) 10% N=10
Other 17% N=17
Total 100% N=101
Respondents were given an opportunity to write-in a response for why they feel the City is on the wrong track. The responses were reviewed and grouped into the above categories. Please see Appendix C:
Verbatim Responses to Open-ended Survey Questions for the verbatim responses.
Table 85: Question 18
Other than voting, do you think that if you wanted to, you could have a say about the way things are run in this community? Percent Number
Yes 50% N=226
No 22% N=101
Don't know 28% N=129
Total 100% N=455
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 86: Question 18 - No, Why?
Other than voting, do you think that if you wanted to, you could have a say about the way things are run in this community? If No, Why? Percent Number
Public voice not heard/listened to 15% N=13
Decisions are predetermined 23% N=20
Decisions are biased towards commercial/wealthy or special interests 13% N=12
No opportunities/difficult to participate 19% N=17
Communication issues (slow response time, unhelpfulness, etc.) 4% N=3
Other 26% N=23
Total 100% N=88
Respondents were given an opportunity to write-in a response for why they responded with no to question 18. The responses were reviewed and grouped into the above categorie s. Please see Appendix C:
Verbatim Responses to Open-ended Survey Questions for the verbatim responses.
Table 87: Question 19
Please rate the following categories of Edina government
performance: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know Total
The value of services for the taxes paid to Edina 23% N=104 51% N=233 14% N=64 4% N=18 9% N=40 100% N=459
The job Edina government does at welcoming resident involvement 12% N=54 35% N=159 21% N=96 9% N=39 23% N=104 100% N=452
Overall confidence in Edina government 18% N=83 45% N=203 22% N=99 6% N=26 10% N=44 100% N=455
Generally acting in the best interest of the community 19% N=85 44% N=200 22% N=99 6% N=28 10% N=45 100% N=457
Treating all residents fairly 16% N=73 40% N=182 18% N=84 7% N=33 18% N=84 100% N=455
Table 88: Question 20
Please rate the following aspects of drinking water in Edina: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know Total
Appearance 38% N=177 45% N=210 11% N=49 4% N=18 2% N=8 100% N=462
Taste 25% N=116 36% N=168 19% N=88 18% N=82 2% N=11 100% N=464
Odor 29% N=134 41% N=186 17% N=79 9% N=43 4% N=16 100% N=457
Hardness 13% N=59 21% N=97 25% N=115 35% N=161 6% N=28 100% N=461
Reliability 38% N=175 45% N=205 8% N=36 5% N=21 4% N=20 100% N=458
Safety 31% N=144 39% N=181 10% N=47 4% N=21 14% N=66 100% N=460
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 89: Question 21
How well, if at all, do you feel the City is managing tensions in the community related to residential redevelopment in Edina? Percent Number
Very well 10% N=47
Somewhat well 36% N=167
Somewhat poorly 16% N=75
Very poorly 6% N=26
Don't know 31% N=142
Total 100% N=457
Table 90: Question 22
The City of Edina owns and operates three municipal liquor stores. Profits from Edina Liquor are used to offset operating costs and for
capital expenses at recreational facilities. To what extent do you support the City continuing to operate its municipal liquor stores? Percent Number
Strongly support 52% N=239
Somewhat support 31% N=144
Somewhat oppose 6% N=26
Strongly oppose 6% N=29
Don't know 6% N=27
Total 100% N=465
Table 91: Question 23
If you have purchased liquor, what portion of your business would you say goes to any one of the three Edina municipal liquor stores? Percent Number
All of my business 15% N=67
Most of my business 24% N=112
Some of my business 34% N=156
None of my business 11% N=52
Not applicable 16% N=72
Total 100% N=459
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 92: Question 24
Please rate your impression of each of the following at Edina Liquor
stores: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know Total
Product selection 26% N=116 42% N=187 9% N=41 0% N=1 23% N=104 100% N=449
Prices of products 15% N=66 36% N=161 21% N=93 6% N=26 23% N=104 100% N=449
Layout, organization and presentation of the store 22% N=98 43% N=193 11% N=51 1% N=6 22% N=101 100% N=449
Courtesy and friendliness of staff 43% N=193 30% N=133 4% N=18 1% N=4 22% N=100 100% N=449
Knowledge of staff 36% N=160 32% N=143 4% N=18 1% N=5 27% N=120 100% N=446
Table 93: Question 25
Please rate how much of a problem, if at all,
you feel each of the following is in Edina.
Not a
problem Don't know Total
Traffic speeding in your neighborhood 21% N=97 35% N=164 26% N=121 10% N=48 5% N=23 2% N=11 100% N=464
Stop sign violations in your neighborhood 35% N=162 34% N=157 15% N=69 5% N=23 5% N=25 6% N=27 100% N=463
Violent crime 68% N=316 19% N=89 2% N=8 1% N=3 0% N=1 10% N=48 100% N=465
Drugs 46% N=213 19% N=91 8% N=39 2% N=11 1% N=3 23% N=109 100% N=465
Youth crimes 44% N=203 29% N=136 7% N=33 2% N=7 0% N=1 18% N=83 100% N=463
Vandalism and property crimes 36% N=167 34% N=157 14% N=64 2% N=9 1% N=4 13% N=60 100% N=461
Identity theft 33% N=154 13% N=61 8% N=38 4% N=18 2% N=9 40% N=184 100% N=464
Domestic abuse 31% N=142 12% N=53 8% N=36 0% N=2 0% N=1 49% N=228 100% N=462
Table 94: Question 26
Most communities have one of two systems for garbage collection. To what extent do you support the City changing from the current system
in which residents may choose from several different haulers to a system where the City chooses one hauler for the whole community? Percent Number
Strongly support 21% N=94
Somewhat support 19% N=83
Somewhat oppose 18% N=82
Strongly oppose 22% N=100
Don't know 20% N=92
Total 100% N=451
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 95: Question 27
Please rate the extent to which you use each of the following as sources of
information about Edina government and its activities, if at all. Not a source Minor
know Total
About Town City magazine 17% N=76 43% N=196 34% N=153 6% N=28 100% N=452
Parks & Recreation Activities Directory 25% N=114 38% N=168 26% N=115 11% N=51 100% N=448
Edina Sun-Current newspaper 32% N=144 29% N=132 28% N=124 11% N=49 100% N=450
Edition: Edina monthly insert in Edina Sun-Current newspaper 44% N=195 25% N=110 16% N=69 15% N=66 100% N=440
Star-Tribune newspaper 34% N=156 34% N=152 25% N=115 7% N=30 100% N=453
City’s website (www.EdinaMN.gov) 35% N=156 37% N=165 18% N=79 11% N=51 100% N=451
Edina TV 67% N=301 13% N=57 5% N=21 15% N=69 100% N=448
City employees 61% N=273 20% N=91 7% N=31 12% N=53 100% N=448
City Council Members 65% N=291 17% N=75 6% N=25 13% N=57 100% N=447
Direct mail updates 34% N=153 37% N=163 19% N=85 10% N=45 100% N=447
Social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter) 53% N=237 21% N=95 14% N=63 12% N=53 100% N=448
NextDoor 44% N=194 20% N=90 21% N=94 15% N=64 100% N=443
Online web stream videos on YouTube or Granicus 75% N=335 7% N=29 3% N=14 15% N=66 100% N=445
City Extra e-mail subscription service 67% N=293 11% N=49 6% N=28 15% N=68 100% N=437
Word of mouth from friends, family or neighbors 11% N=49 45% N=204 40% N=182 4% N=18 100% N=453
Table 96: Question 28
To what extent do you find About Town to be an effective communication tool for keeping informed of City activities? Percent Number
Very effective 22% N=98
Somewhat effective 45% N=203
Somewhat ineffective 11% N=51
Very ineffective 5% N=24
Don't know 17% N=77
Total 100% N=454
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 97: Question 29
Have you accessed the City of Edina website (www.EdinaMN.gov) in the last 12 months? Percent Number
No 48% N=220
Yes 52% N=239
Total 100% N=459
Table 98: Question 30
Please rate the following aspects of the Edina website: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know Total
Appearance 21% N=50 59% N=142 14% N=34 3% N=7 3% N=8 100% N=241
Online information and services offered 18% N=44 55% N=134 18% N=43 6% N=15 3% N=6 100% N=242
Ease of navigation/ability to find information 13% N=33 39% N=95 33% N=79 12% N=29 3% N=7 100% N=243
Overall quality of the City of Edina website 16% N=40 52% N=124 23% N=54 7% N=17 2% N=6 100% N=240
Responses to this question are only from those who reported that they had accessed the City website.
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 99: Question 31
With which of the following departments have you had contact (email, in-person or phone) in the last 12 months? Percent Number
I have not contacted the City 40% N=179
Parks and Recreation 25% N=112
Police 23% N=100
General information 20% N=86
Building Inspections 12% N=54
Public Works 10% N=43
Utility Billing 9% N=40
City Clerk 9% N=39
Utilities 8% N=33
Assessing 7% N=32
Street Maintenance 7% N=30
Planning/Economic Development 6% N=26
Engineering 6% N=24
Fire 5% N=24
City Manager 5% N=24
Health 4% N=16
Other 3% N=15
Communications 2% N=9
Environmental Services 2% N=8
Human Resources 1% N=5
I.T./Technology services 0% N=2
Total may exceed 100% as respondents could select more than one answer. Respondents were given an opportunity to write-in an “other” response. Please see Appendix C: Verbatim Responses to Open-
ended Survey Questions for the verbatim responses.
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 100: Question 32
Please rate your impression of City employees: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know Total
Knowledge 42% N=119 45% N=124 4% N=12 1% N=4 7% N=20 100% N=280
Courtesy 48% N=135 39% N=111 5% N=13 1% N=3 7% N=19 100% N=281
Responsiveness 45% N=125 35% N=99 11% N=31 3% N=8 7% N=19 100% N=281
Follow-up (got back to you or took action if needed) 39% N=108 34% N=95 12% N=32 3% N=9 12% N=33 100% N=278
Overall customer service 43% N=121 42% N=117 7% N=19 1% N=3 6% N=17 100% N=278
Table 101: Question D1
What impact, if any, do you think the economy will have on your family income in the next 6 months? Do you think the impact will be: Percent Number
Very positive 8% N=37
Somewhat positive 27% N=124
Neutral 54% N=251
Somewhat negative 10% N=48
Very negative 2% N=8
Total 100% N=468
Table 102: Question D2
What is your employment status? Percent Number
Working full time for pay 52% N=242
Working part time for pay 14% N=63
Unemployed, looking for paid work 2% N=10
Unemployed, not looking for paid work 3% N=14
Fully retired 29% N=135
Total 100% N=465
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 103: Question D3
Do you work inside the boundaries of Edina? Percent Number
Yes, outside the home 22% N=94
No 64% N=278
Yes, from home 14% N=61
Total 100% N=433
Table 104: Question D4
How many years have you lived in Edina? Percent Number
Less than 2 years 15% N=70
2-5 years 17% N=78
6-10 years 13% N=63
11-20 years 19% N=89
More than 20 years 36% N=170
Total 100% N=470
Table 105: Question D5
Which best describes the building you live in? Percent Number
One family house detached from any other houses 57% N=269
Building with two or more homes (duplex, townhome, apartment or condominium) 40% N=188
Other 3% N=12
Total 100% N=469
Table 106: Question D6
Is this house or apartment... Percent Number
Rented 24% N=115
Owned 76% N=354
Total 100% N=469
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 107: Question D7
About how much is your monthly housing cost for the place you live (including rent, mortgage payment, property tax, property insurance
and homeowners’ association [HOA] fees)? Percent Number
Less than $600 per month 8% N=32
$600 - $999 per month 12% N=53
$1,000 - $1,499 per month 22% N=94
$1,500 - $2,499 per month 31% N=134
$2,500 or more per month 27% N=114
Total 100% N=428
Table 108: Question D8
Do any children 17 or under live in your household? Percent Number
No 66% N=311
Yes 34% N=158
Total 100% N=469
Table 109: Question D9
Are you or any other members of your household aged 65 or older? Percent Number
No 62% N=290
Yes 38% N=179
Total 100% N=470
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 110: Question D10
How much do you anticipate your household’s total income before taxes will be for the current year? (Please include money from all
sources for all persons living in your household.) Percent Number
Less than $25,000 8% N=34
$25,000 to $49,999 13% N=56
$50,000 to $99,999 25% N=110
$100,000 to $149,999 16% N=71
$150,000 or more 38% N=163
Total 100% N=433
Table 111: Question D11
Do you speak a language other than English at home? Percent Number
No, English only 89% N=409
Yes 11% N=51
Total 100% N=461
Table 112: Question D11 - Yes, Which Language?
Yes, which language? Percent Number
Persian/Farsi 16% N=7
Vietnamese 0% N=0
Spanish 28% N=12
Russian 5% N=2
Chinese 7% N=3
Korean 0% N=0
Other 45% N=19
Total 100% N=42
Respondents were given an opportunity to write-in an “other” response. Please see Appendix C: Verbatim Responses to Open-ended Survey Questions for the verbatim responses.
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 113: Question D12
Are you Spanish, Hispanic or Latino? Percent Number
No, not Spanish, Hispanic or Latino 98% N=424
Yes, I consider myself to be Spanish, Hispanic or Latino 2% N=9
Total 100% N=433
Table 114: Question D13
What is your race? Percent Number
White 92% N=419
Asian, Asian Indian or Pacific Islander 7% N=31
Other 2% N=7
Black or African American 1% N=4
American Indian or Alaskan Native 1% N=4
Total may exceed 100% as respondents could select more than one answer.
Table 115: Question D14
In which category is your age? Percent Number
18-24 years 2% N=12
25-34 years 14% N=63
35-44 years 14% N=66
45-54 years 21% N=99
55-64 years 13% N=60
65-74 years 18% N=83
75 years or older 18% N=85
Total 100% N=467
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 116: Question D15
What is your gender? Percent Number
Female 55% N=245
Male 45% N=203
Total 100% N=448
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Following are verbatim responses to the open-ended questions on the survey, including the “other specify”
questions on the survey. Because these responses were written by survey participants, they are presented here in
verbatim form, including any typographical, grammar or other mistakes. Responses are grouped based on the first
mentioned item in a response. The responses are in alphabetical order.
• 50th and France area
• 55 older community.
• 7500 Cooperation
• accessibility to church, doctors, etc.
• Bot house from a friend.
• Church.
• Close to downtown Minneapolis.
• Close to everything.
• Condo amenities.
• Condo I bought was in Edina.
• Convenience to Downtowns.
• Convenience to highways, commuting.
• Convenient location for entire metro area.
• Daycare here.
• Death of a relative who left me his condo.
• Did not realize our house was in Edina. Thought
moving side was part of Mpls.
• Don't know.
• Easy commute to downtown
• Excellent civic services- police, fire, plowing,
street sweep etc.
• Excellent Reputation
• Excellent reputation
• Excellent shopping & restaurants.
• found home we liked
• Good Churches.
• Good community
• Good real estate value & access to downtown.
• Good real-estate investment.
• good reputation.
• Good transportation buses.
• Good walk score
• Got fed up w/ MPLS
• great city services!
• grew up in nearby south minneapolis
• Health facilities / our doctors are in this area.
• Home Purchase.
• House available on the Creek.
• House for sale.
• House on creek
• In 1987 Taxes property were good.
• Inner ring suburb vs exurb.
• Lived here before-daughter bought this condo
• Location
• Location of condo desired.
• Location to the city, airport, etc.
• Location! takes me 10-15 mins. to get anywhere I
need to !
• Location.
• Lots of lane noise
• loved our home
• Low taxes compared to Minneapolis
• Married Edina resident.
• Midway between family- Mt Ka- Bloomington
Medical services.
• My wife.
• New health facility for seniors
• Nice address
• our condo
• Owned at point of France. 1992 after retirement
and health issue in 1992 forced us to condo life
after 28 years in Tyroll hills.
• Perfect apartment.
• Plowing snow quickly-police patrols
• Property taxes lower than most in area. Made it
• Proximity to downtown.
• Proximity to Mpls/ St. Paul.
• proximity, within MSP
• Public transportation where i live.
• Rambler with fenced back yd.
• Real values hold.
• Resale Value Of property.
• Safe, concrete building.
• Senior living.
• Snow removal.
• Subsidized senior housing "safe" because
Goldman Sachs took my properties.
• Taxes.
• the house we wanted to be in Richfield for
• Walkability
• Wife's resided.
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Convenient location/accessibility
• 20 minutes to most everything.
• Access to highways and variety of businesses.
• Access to highways.
• Access to places of work, entertainment, schools,
neighborhoods, shops.
• Access to what I want.
• Accessible to much of the culture of the twin
• Being central to all other cities, safety.
• Being close to major highways & shopping &
restaurants, airport, parks.
• Central location.
• Central location.
• close to a lot of things
• close to and easy to access
cultural/social/amenities in mpls & st. Paul.
• Close to city of Minneapolis.
• Close to city, Rural Areas & MSP.
• Close to downtown, Edina pool, Trees.
• Close to everything in metro area. Have most of
what we need within/5-min drive.
• Close to everything we need!
• close to everything we need.
• Close to everything we need.
• Close to everything.
• Close to everything.
• Close to everything.
• Close to good things and people
• close to Minneapolis w/good schools.
• Close to mpls lakes, ease in driving to city events.
• Close to the city and green space.
• Close to things.
• Close to what I need.
• closeness to st. Louis Park and Bloomington.
• Connectivity to all important places, safe, walk
score & good neighborhoods.
• Convenience
• Convenience
• Convenience
• convenience
• convenience
• Convenience - Close to a lot. Schools
• convenience & location of amenities.
• Convenience (Access)
• Convenience (Proximity to work and good
• Convenience for medical, dental, etc. care.
• Convenience for shopping and health services.
• Convenience good location.
• Convenience to everything.
• Convenience to getting around in twin city area.
• convenience to most everything
• Convenience to Mpls.
• Convenience to road systems: Airport;
• Convenience to shopping & downtown mpls.
• Convenience to shopping, airport, so central.
• Convenience via location
• Convenience, great amenities, attractive.
• Convenience.
• Convenience.
• Convenience.
• Convenience.
• Convenience.
• Convenience.
• Conveniences
• convenient
• Convenient
• Convenient
• Convenient location to most places in metro area.
• Convenient location.
• Convenient.
• Convince to every area around me.
• Ease of access in/out
• Ease of getting to places in & out of Edina.
• Easy access to everything, Bike, paths, creek.
• Easy access to main highways.
• Easy access to Mpls & St. Paul-small town feel on
50th & France.
• Everything is close by, can get to amenities on
back roads.
• Everything is close by.
• Everything is within driving distance.
• Everything is within driving/walking
• Everything we need is close- by.
• Everything we need is close- by.
• Free ways.
• Great living with close proximity to airport and
• Great location to get to the Minneapolis, the
• Handy to everything- Lakes, downtown, airport
• I am central to everything. Good shopping and
restaurants as well as parks.
• I enjoy the location & proximity to my needs.
• I like the location.
• I like the proximity to freeways.
• I live in East Edina and like access to 50th and
France and the Minneapolis Lakes.
• It's away from downtown rabble in Minneapolis!
• It's close to everything: downtown mpls, Ep,
Mtka, Ridgedale, Airport, MOA.
• It's close to route to get to MPLS, St. Paul &
others suburbs.
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
• It's my location to my Dr. & grocery store.
• Let Ring suburb and I can easily get to most place
I want to go to.
• Location
• Location
• Location
• location
• Location
• location
• Location in metro area
• Location in the TC
• Location- shopping- Library.
• Location To Everything
• Location to mpls & st paul.
• location within their cities - close to businesses,
airports, lakes.
• Location.
• Location: convenient to airport and downtown &
quality of city services.
• my location & convenience to everything & my
• Near the depot for bike riding.
• Near to downtown Minneapolis.
• Near to M.O.A, Airport downtown.
• Near to the city and it's cultural and park
• Nearness to Airport.
• Perfectly located.
• Proximity to areas in to the twin cities.
• Proximity to cities: Minneapolis/ and parks
having a yard.
• Proximity to downtown, malls, lakes, airport
• Proximity to Key requirements! groceries, medial,
• Proximity to Minneapolis.
• Proximity to mpls & activities.
• Proximity to places within twin cities, schools/
• The ease of getting places, i.e. freeways, shopping,
• The location - ease of getting almost anywhere.
• The location.
• The proximity to all necessary amenities.
• We are close to medical and care.
• Where I live, convenience to everything I need.
• Combination of great schools and access to city,
airport, lakes etc.
• Education benefits for my kids.
• Education opportunities
• Education quality & high standards.
• Education/ Schools.
• Excellent education system, community
opportunities (Halloween at 50th & France, 4th
of July Parade, etc.)
• Good school (highlands) & teaches so far.
• Good Schools
• Good schools- clean- safe.
• Good Schools- good people.
• Good schools.
• Good schools.
• Good schools--i.e., excellent teachers, committed
leaders, good infrastructure!
• Goods schools opportunities for my kids.
• Great schools
• Great schools, continuous community
investment, well run city government.
• Great schools. Access to trails and green space.
• High quality of public education
• Normandale Elementary School.
• Peoples schools, churches, neighborhoods.
• Proximity to educational, ([?] incl.) health, civic.
• Quality of schools
• Quality of schools
• Quality of schools, park & over all facilities.
• School district
• School districts and location relative to
downtown and other access points across the city
• School system
• School system
• School system.
• Schools
• Schools
• Schools
• Schools
• Schools
• Schools
• Schools
• Schools close to Minneapolis.
• Schools convenient.
• Schools, convenience to other cities
• Schools.
• Schools.
• Schools.
• Schools/Education
• The educational system is excellent.
• The schools
• The schools system.
• The schools.
Sense of community (friendly, quiet,
peaceful, etc.)
• Close in community.
• Cohesiveness
• Comfort.
• Communiry
• community
• Community
• Community.
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
• Edina is a quiet location to live, with moderately
low traffic, but allows great access to the city
lakes and downtown areas of Minneapolis.
• Edina is a welcoming community with good
• Friendly community.
• I like the sense of community. I've lived here all
my life.
• Most people are friendly.
• Neighborhoods friendly.
• One community one school district.
• Peace & quite a good feeling of safety.
• Quietness
• Seems peaceful.
• Sense of community & respect for our neighbors.
• sense of community and cleanliness
• Sense of Community so close to the "big city"
• Sense of community, Close to airport & Down
• Sense of community.
• Sense of community.
• Sense of community.
• Size of population
• size.
• Small town "Feel", But easy access to downtown
• Small town feel
• Small town feel yet close proximity to MSP &
• The people who live in Edina.
• The sense of community.
• Wonderful neighbors
• Being safe.
• Feeling safe and secure
• Feeling safe- can walk to work.
• It's safe- friendly- hardy to get around for
shopping etc.
• It's safe.
• keep all of the crime out of edina!
• Limited crime
• low crime rate
• Low crime rate
• Police
• pretty safe
• Relatively safe/friendly.
• safe
• Safe and close to almost everything (including
• Safe bicycle riding/ Community help for
connecting neighbors.
• safe city
• Safe Good Schools
• Safe, beautiful, convenient to downtown.
• Safety
• Safety
• Safety
• Safety - Nice neighbors.
• Safety & people around.
• Safety /stability
• Safety- police presence.
• Safety, health opportunities, parks.
• Safety.
• Safety.
• Security - Police; Fire; Em. Response.
Parks and trails/recreation centers/open
• Centennial Lake and promenade.
• Centennial lakes park
• Centennial Lakes Park & its activities.
• Centennial lakes park.
• Centennial Lakes.
• Centennial Parks
• Convenience- near a park.
• Edinborough park !
• Green space
• I like Cent. Lakes area & close to stores etc.
• Living near centennial lakes.
• Many outdoor walking areas.
• Mature neighborhoods trees.
• Natural environment.
• Parks
• Parks and recreations, closeness to the city.
• Parks proximity to freeways.
• Parks, Conway, y, grocery stores all in walking
• Parks, walk paths
• Parks.
• Parks.
• The new bike path that runs along 9 mile creek!
• The open environment and ease of access
including walking to various activities through
• Walking my dog in Edinborough park.
• Where I live close to centennial lakes, shopping
etc within walking distance.
• 1st ring suburb.
• City and country living combined.
• community in morningside.
• Consistent high quality of homes in
neighborhoods & quality of neighborly
• Friendly neighborhoods
• Good clean safe neighborhood with excellent
shopping and near health clinics.
• Good Neighborhood.
• Good neighborhoods.
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
• Great neighborhood and having Minnehaha
Creek in our backyard.
• Great neighborhood, close in, wonderful private
golf clubs.
• Great neighbors- Ease in getting to shopping-
airport etc.
• I like that people maintain their homes, yards, and
are good neighbors.
• Like the suburban setting.
• Living at the Edina Highland Villa.
• neighborhood
• Neighborhood school community
• Nice homes that are well maintained and great
• Nice housing and close in the metropolitan area.
• Our condo.
• Our house location.
• People take care of their homes- Protects our
• Quality neighborhoods in proximity to
entertainment venues.
• Quiet neighborhood.
• The value of our homes.
• Urban and Suburban Feel of Edina.
• Very nice neighborhoods, close to amenities.
• Very quiet neighborhood.
• Wonderful neighbor in my building, safety.
Beauty/cleanliness of community
• A clean, safe place to live but is still convenient to
getting downtown & other cities.
• Attractive community.
• Beautiful and safe community with a great
• Beautiful community.
• Clean, safe community.
• Clean, safe neighborhood.
• Clean, safe, up-to date neighborhood.
• It's clean and residents are decent people.
• It's very clear and quiet.
• Lots of walking areas- clean- well taken care of.
• Modern & clean
• Nice area, close to shopping, services, etc.
• Overall appearance of the city ( residential,
downtown, parks).
• Quiet, clean, attractive community.
• The cleanliness of the neighborhood, easy access
to other suburbs and being centrally located.
Reputation of community (well-run
government, economic health, etc.)
• commitment to kids (parks, schools).
• Edina doesn't stand still. They seek ways up to
grow and improve.
• Established community with all basic needs.
• Established Infrastructure
• Everything Seems to work.
• Forward thinking community.
• Good reputation.
• Good Reputation.
• Good running.
• Having confidence in the way the city is
• High standards on all levels.
• It's reputation as a great place to live.
• Orderliness.
• Overall good planning- Re parks, recreation,
appart, beautification (plantings).
• People look up to you.
• Prestige of city/ overall management by city staff.
• Reputation
• Stability of area, economically and education
• Stable community.
• The city is well managed.
• The reputation of Edina.
• Well-developed, 1st ring suburb, good school,
relatively low taxes.
• access to shopping, city, airports.
• Access to shopping.
• being close to good food, wine, movies etc.
• Close to shopping.
• Closeness of amenities, shopping.
• Convenience to shopping, health activities.
• Easy access to amenities & shopping.
• Excellent restaurants & shopping.
• Facilities nearby like stores, mall, airport,
hospital, library etc.
• Good local businesses in walking distance.
• I'm close to a lot of shopping/ restaurants (50th &
France exercises).
• my proximity to shopping and other amenities.
• Proximity to shopping- airport- downtown-
• Proximity to shopping choices.
• Restaurants.
Raised here or close to family, job, etc.
• Born and raised here, raising my family in
childhood home.
• Close to family.
• Close to work ! I don't have to drive far to get
errands done.
• Commute easy to work.
• Edina native.
• Familiarity i grew up here.
• Friends.
• Friends.
• It's my home!
• Near my sons.
• Raised/ born here.
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Positive comments about overall quality
of life and community
• A very comfortable, quality place to live good
• Ease of living.
• Easy living.
• Everything quality.
• It's a nice community.
• Its special
• Overall commitment to and quality of life in our
• Quality Of life
• Quality of life.
• Quality of life.
• The quality of life is excellent.
• The quality of life.
• Well- being.
• Being able to walk to 50th & France.
• Everything is walkable distance southdale mall,
target, centenneial lakes, restaurants..etc..
• I feel safe walking throughout neighborhood.
• Walk.
• Walkability
• We can walk to everything we need.
• We live within walking distance to 50th &
Public services
• Amenities, easy access to highways, safety.
• City services.
• Good roads - easy to get around - good shopping.
• I wake up in the morning after a snowstorm... and
my street is plowed. After growing up in St. Paul
and waiting 2-3 days for them to plow the streets,
this is an enormous upgrade.
• Service & maintenance.
• Snow plowing.
• The city is prompt with snow plowing, city cares
about residents, trouble w/ utilities, etc.
• Landmark movie theatre.
• Not much anymore.
• Nothing
• Our church, FCLC.
• Return On Investment (ROI)
• view out my/ our backyard.
you get what you pay for.
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Housing concerns (teardowns,
overdevelopment, affordability, etc.)
• #1 Over developing - Residential & Commercial
#2 - Awful, Horrible, Terrible new street lights.
• Affordability of the new construction.
• Affordable homes being demolished.
• Affordable housing
• Affordable housing & Diversity of population.
• Affordable housing, 6955 York our building was
bought and rent increase 500 $ !! Turning it into
"Luxury" and most have to move! Seniors!
• Affordable housing, sensitivity to diversity.
• Affordable housing.
• Affordable housing.
• Affordable housing.
• Affordable housing.
• Affordable housing.
• Affordable housing.
• Affordable Housing.
• allowing too much low income!! Go live
somewhere else!
• Being too built up. Too many high rises. Cutting
too many trees.
• building too many apartments in southdale area
• Building too many expensive apartments.
• Commercial infringement of Residential
• Concentration of large condos with increased
• Congestion and overbuilding- lack of concern for
environment and use of $$.
• Constant change- construction/ deconstruction is
• construction
• Continuing to monitor the amount & type of new
building in the Southdale area.
• Cost of housing
• Demolition of existing homes & construction of
very poor quality homes that substantially after
the character of Edina.
• Destruction of affordable dwellings, changing the
neighborhood environments.
• Deteriorating homes in some neighborhoods.
• Developments replacing forests in Edina & Eden
prairie. Fox & coyote trapping which has
increased rodent problem.
• Developments/ Apartments - lack of innovation in
development, Businesses.
• Effect teardowns are having on existing
• enough affordable housing for young families
• Erosion of our mid century neighborhoods-
Hideous Mc Mansions.
• Excessive focus on additional high density
• Getting overcrowded with buildings.
• homes for sale below $400k
• Housing affordability.
• housing is becoming unaffordable, too many
• Housing is too expensive to attract younger
• Housing prices getting out of reach of middle
• Increase low income housing - increase crime.
• Increasing Density W/ too many apts, & condos.
• Keeping/expanding entry-level housing, like an
affordable first home Truly incorporating our
diversity into more aspects of city
• Lack of affordable housing- converting $200,00
houses to $1,000,000 houses.
• Lack of affordable housing for first time home
• Lack of affordable housing for middle class people
who work here & would like to live here. Young
people who would like to move back.
• Lack of affordable housing within ISD #2734 tear
• Lack of affordable housing.
• Lack of affordable housing.
• Lack of land resources forcing high density
housing overcrowding.
• Large unaffordable homes being constructed.
• losing the charm of old houses & business bldgs.
• loss of existing neighborhood homes for larger,
contemporary homes.
• McMansions
• More suburbs.
• New construction homes vs. the older homes look
new ones look out of place because of size.
• not enough middle class housing.
• Number of excessively huge rebuilds and
congestion around Southdale area. Becoming over
• Open to diversity in housing. More "affordable"
housing & services.
• Over Building
• Over building
• Over building (of big houses in smaller lots of
France Ave area).
• Over building in Southdale area.
• Over building multiple housing units near
Southdale area.
• Over building of apartments near southdale.
• Over building of homes-Tearing down of older
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
• Over building of ugly boxy apartments. Over
• Over buildings of rental apartments - Many are
quite ugly.
• Over built at Southdale area.
• Over development of residential and business
• Over development, Affordable housing.
• Over population/Traffic/Build
• Overbuilding
• Overbuilding in Southdale area.
• Overbuilding of large single family homes this is
cyclical and will eventually be a problem.
• Over-building.
• Overbuilding. Starter homes are purchased by
builders and torn down.
• Overcrowdedness- no more building
• Overcrowding of shopping areas. I now go to EP
and Hopkins.
• Overcrowding with condos/ 66th & France we
should look at Bloomington's garbage pick up
• Over-development/lack of affordable housing.
• Overgrowth
• Possibly overbuilding of apts. in my
• Price of housing hard for young people to get in.
• Putting in low income housing- Want to keep our
community w/high standards.
• Rebuild.
• Redevelopment of grandview district.
• Redo southdale area
• Remodels/tear downs of housing.
• Rent.
• Residential & commercial redevelopment.
• Residential congestion between Southdale & 494
& France Ave.
• Shortage of apartments and expensive
• Smart development (housing & business).
• Tear down of homes and replacing with ugly
houses - too many ugly apartments need of street
• Tear downs of houses.
• Tear downs- rebuilding.
• Tear downs.
• Tear-Down contractors who don't respect
existing neighbors.
• Teardowns making it not affordable for many
families to move to Edina.
• The giant homes being built on tiny Lots (proof
• The high number of homes torn down and
replaced with homes that are too big for the lots.
• The rapid pace of development (Commercial &
• the teardown mentality of existing home stock.
Also airplane noise.
• The Wrong development.
• Too many "unattractive" apt buildings: traffic
• Too many apartments and changing face of small
town feel.
• Too many apartments being built more
• Too many apartments being built, erroding why
we moved here.
• Too many new apartment buildings also lack of
parking business near.
• Too much building. We are losing our green
space. This is increasing crime also.
• Too much buildup- seem to be building too many
buildings causing way too many parking and
driving issues. We now usually drive to
surrounding cities for purchases because it's
easier to get to and to park
• Too much development.
• Too much growth - bldg construction, etc
• Unrestricted/ poorly enforced development
ruining character of Neighborhoods.
• Urban renewal- one large house at a time.
• Zoning issues and enforcement of new houses
built in old neighborhoods!!!
Traffic and infrastructure (road
maintenance, snow removal, etc.)
• All the abandon infrastructure.
• Although the infrastructure is improving, bridges,
roads and sidewalks still need lots of work.
• Challenging to keep up infrastructure/ facilities,
esp. as compared to newer communities.
• Congestion on roads
• Crowding in Southdale area - big traffic increase
on France ave; Crosstown.
• Deterioration of basic city services, streets. Petty
• Diluting our quality of life because of our aging
• Fix roads, Pot holes.
• Heavy traffic at intersections, disrespectful
• Heavy traffic on residential roads not yielding to
• Infrastructure
• Infrastructure (Roads, Parks etc.)
• Infrastructure, Redevelopment (tearing down
existing buildings), growth (How?).
• Managing traffic residents face, especially
working with neighboring power of cities
• Old infrastructure
• Repair roads
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
• road conditions
• road conditions due to construction vehicles for
new builds.
• Road conditions.
• Road quality, lands over more than home.
• Roads
• Roads need repairing and updating.
• Roads.
• Street repair.
• Street safety need more deterrents for east Edina
cut through traffic.
• The frequent "fuddling" around with the roads.
• The ramp to Crosstown from France going E. too
• Timely management of infrastructure upgrades.
• Traffic
• traffic
• Traffic
• Traffic
• Traffic
• Traffic
• Traffic
• Traffic
• Traffic
• Traffic & Density Issues & Airplane Noise Where
we live is loud.
• Traffic & density.
• Traffic & taxes.
• Traffic & too many new apt buildings - high rent.
• Traffic and then having bikes allowed to take
control of traffic.
• Traffic congestion around France avenue.
• traffic due to construction! LOL!
• Traffic- East side- France taxes less area.
• Traffic gets worse every year.
• Traffic growth
• Traffic high density areas esp on France Ave. I
rarely shop on 50th V France, Southdale &
Centennial Lakes because of traffic and
• Traffic in southdale area
• Traffic mgmt flow/stopping in crosswalks
speeding running lights.
• Traffic on main freeways and avenues.
• Traffic on roads through neighborhoods.
• Traffic!!
• Traffic.
• Traffic.
• Traffic.
• Traffic.
• Traffic.
• Traffic.
• Traffic/ taxes.
• Water & transportation street conditions.
City government operations (fiscal
responsibility, taxes, etc.)
• Balancing open space (parks, etc) with density
(tax base).
• Budget
• Budget / How to manage wants with actual needs
for citizen.
• Can taxation keep up with city improvements
• City changes w/o enough weight put on citizen
concerns(eg. Golf courses, TCF turned into teen
living, tall buildings in southdale area).
• City Council's Blatant disregard to residents.
• City government i.e. out of touch.
• City manager- closing Golf Course.
• City manager spends too much money & city
council is weak.
• Government unrest
• High property taxes due to school bonds.
• High property taxes.
• High taxes
• High taxes for fixed income people.
• Keeping Taxes Reasonable.
• lack of police support by our mayor & city
council - we need a new mayor.
• Making sure city changes are agreed upon by
majority of the community
• National political climate makes the entire
country unstable.
• Need to replace mayor and council members- get
new people.
• Over development by too much city state, &
federal government and metropolitan council.
• overly zealous spending to create in appropriate
services i.e bike/parking/lanes/valley view on
wood dale which include driving lanes.
• Pell-Mell, out-of-control LATE STAGE
CAPITALISM and financial growth at the
expense of HUMAN LIVES.
• Political division at high school- needs to be
• Political Issues
• Property tax increases
• Property taxes drivers Using Cell Phone.
• Property taxes.
• Rising cost of taxes & housing.
• Rising property taxes. Rate of rising more than
needed to maintain existing quality of Edina.
• Socialism, govt. regulations.
• Takes keep increasing.
• Taxes
• Taxes- Getting way too high.
• Taxes too high
• Taxes.
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
• The city government changing the established
ideals and city planing for good safe homes.
• The city spends way too much money. Stop
rationalizing the expenditures based on
comparing to other cities. Per person (see state
reports), Edina spends more than nearly any other
city in Minnesota. Focus on core services and
ditch the golf course and ll the other crap that
private enterprise should own.
• The City/School District has purchased large
tracts of land (Public Works facility and new
school bus garage) without selling the former
locations to the private sector to place them back
into the pool of Property Taxes to help pay for the
increased costscreated and or the taxes that were
lost when taking the properties off the tax roles.
• The determination of city council to change the
nature of & "grow" the city.
• too many liberals on the city council
Lack of diversity and sense of community
• Communication between police and increasingly
diverse community; police need to adapt the
sensitive to cultural diversity.
• Community relations between economic & social
ranges of opportunities
• Deal with changing society and maintain
community culture.
• Diversity & environment (i.e lake Cornelia).
• Diversity and affordability
• Diversity and inclusiveness.
• Diversity of ethnicities, acceptance of minorities.
• Diversity of population.
• Diversity.
• Inclusiveness/ Racism.
• Inclusiveness/sense of community and
construction the last 4 yrs we have lived here
• Increasing diversity.
• Infiltration of immigrants.
• Lack of diversity
• Lack of diversity.
• Lack of diversity.
• Lack of diversity.
• Police racism, driving while brown/black, privacy
violations by police (google inquiries) search
histories, Issue of 'crumb rubber' fields
• Poor Diversity.
• Racism- My AfAm friends don't feel safe coming
to Edina. They have been stopped unnecessarily.
• Sense of community - wish this was stronger.
• Stereotypes of residents
• Sustainable growth while encouraging more
Bike paths/sidewalks/pedestrian travel
• Adequate transportation other than auto.
• Better conditions for walking.
• bicycle trails not cleaned regularly.
• Bike lanes wish the Edina library was not going to
be town down better way to cross the street to
the YMCA.
• Edina is not bike-friendly. We don't have decent
ways for most folks to commute to work or run
errands on a bike. We will become less attractive
to future generations if we don't fix this. Also, we
do not connect to the bike trail- (and emerging
publictransport-) related infrastructure in
Minneapolis which is a huge missed opportunity.
• Expanding "livability"- more bike paths, trails,
transit (bus/ light or passenger rail).
• Greenway bike Trails, But it looks like this is
getting added thanks!
• Need Sidewalks!
• No sidewalks.
• Quality of walk able area & density around
• Sidewalks not easy to maneuver with walk.
• Stop with the bike paths. Stop.
• The Progressive agenda on transportation. Bike
lanes, traffic circles, traffic calming ALL make it
harder to get from Point A to Point B. Progressive
stupidity detracting from the quality of life.
• Transportation, poor sidewalk upkeep, unkept
brush along sidewalks that are there, poor
sidewalk plowing, sanding.
• Trying to be more "city" with all the sidewalks. I
appreciate sidewalks & safety but to the planned
extent is way overboard & unattractive.
• Class size in school is way too large.
• Edina public school administration has a lack of
transparency & therefore lack of trust with
• Education for all-Including city employees, fire,
police & everyone regarding diversity.
• Education.
• Excess spending by schools.
• future of schools & New families coming here.
• I have 3 school-age children and I am concerned
about the ability of the school district to handle
the amount of change (changing curriculum,
moving 9th grade, changing building structure)
that is being attempted simultaneously. On the
curriculum side, Iworry that the school district
administration is aggressively pushing
"personalized learning" without building buy-in
from teachers and families. I do not want the
quality of education to deteriorate.
• Maintaining investment in schools as population
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
• maintaining the schools excellence with
increasing class sizes and more news of discipline
• Open enrollment w/schools
• Overstretching school amenities, local Politicians
looking to "make their mark" at residents expense.
• Retaining school quality.
• School district leadership (both board and
• Schools over paying the top executive (w/
bonuses even) and cutting jobs of the "little guy".
• Schools vs City. Crumb rubber turning our turn
into a trash heap.
• Successfully managing education in the public
school system.
• The school system is hyped- up to be so great, yet
children are not adequately challenged if they are
smart. Schools cater to help less smart kids.
Cost of living
• cost of living
• Cost of living in Edina.
• Cost of living, virtually no worries on safety.
• Cost of living.
• Cost of living: taxes, fees, assessments.
• Cost.
• Even though it's minor living expenses are
generally a little too high
• Expensive
• High living cost (housing).
• Less accessible for people of all economic walks of
• Crime encroaching from East side, moving in
homeless Harbor community buildings. Beautiful
walk areas always seem to attract visitor/ people
who feel menacing to me.
• Crime in general, racial intolerance.
• Crime.
• Crime/gangs.
• Drugs, Guns
• Gang crime/ pressure@ Southdale.
• Keeping city safe.
• More crime than I thought based on police clips
Facebook page audio clips.
• My husband was hit by a car when he was in a
crosswalk on Vernon Ave. Unsafe areas for riding.
• Safe place to live. Great police.
• Safety
• Safety in Edina.
• Safety.
• The police and the African- American walker
incident was terrible!
Aging population
• Affordable housing for seniors - I Will move out
of edina upon retirement .
• ageing population
• Aging population
• Aging population
• Aging population
• Aging population
• Edina hasn't realize all the older people & more
coming, e.g sidewalks both sides of street.
• I feel like there are few more senior citizen than
young families. I enter to but will effect the city in
the long- run.
• Lack of public transportation for aging populace.
No issue/positive comments
• No issues
• No issues.
• Not aware of any issues.
• Nothing to serious.
Parks/recreation/community activities
• Lack of activities for youth and younger
generations i.e bar scene, music scene.
• Maintenance of the woods across the street is
• Need to update Arden Park, other parks and add
trees, sculptures.
• Parks and roads could use improvement car
• "Snootiness" reputation- I don't feel this but
others do.
• 62 Crosstown noise/pollution.
• Airplane noise.
• Attitude of entitlement.
• Bad Water our neighbor, Richfield, has very good
• Better public transportation.
• City code needed refinement a few years ago- still
• Clean.
• convenience
• Defense from terrorism, i.e. elect backup, water
• Drifting away from faith in Jesus Christ always
remember to honor the Lord Jesus Christ and
study of his word and obeying his word.
• Hard water.
• If the MAC reroutes planes over Edina. This is a
BIG DEAL. Own house won't be worth a
premium of they route planes over one city.
• Lack of affordable transportation.
• Lack of good, frequent, well connected public
• Lowering Standards to make everyone feel equal.
We are not all Equal. We all have Equal Rights.
• Narrow highway 62 & no train line to
downtown/UofM/St Paul.
• Nimby attitude towards progress.
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
• Perception of being a white-bubble, snobby- rich-
selfish suburb.
• public image
• Reputation
• speeding and not stopping at stop signs.
• Staying competitive... so people want to live here
• To muck emphasis in race, equity etc - new task
force unnecessary.
• Transportation.
• Trying to hard to jump on the "economic
prosperity" wagon.
• Typo positions and they are assets & censorious.
They all want to make a difference & we don't
need new things ,now pleasures, Edina has been a
great place to life for 50 years. Density to "fix" it.
• Uptight residents.
• vacant properties with no ordinances for owners
eye sore.
• Water quality
• yuppy image
• Affordable housing.
• Airport noise, pollution, low airplane take off.
• always room for improvement.
• Bicycle trails from Edina that connect with mpls. Lakes and trails are very much needed and better connections for
public transportation.
• Building out of control- traffic is a disaster on France Ave.
• Business development is good, too much is effecting residential areas.
• But, schools falling behind and we just hired a supt. from another district in decline. Growth, quickly, too fast.
• Catering to elderly & more homeowners.
• Catering to minorities.
• Change from single family community to apartment community
• City Council Seems More responsive to developers than residents, Pamela park neighborhood is changing for the
• City manager.
• City spends way to much money. Focus on CORE services and reduce costs. Reduce tax burden.
• concerned about multiple dwelling on France & how it will affect traffic.
• Deeply worried about 'tear downs' being replaced by houses that destroy the character of neighborhoods.
• Diversity nonsense. Too much bureaucracy athletic fields too expensive.
• Do not agree with sidewalks on every street. It's over spending attractive; not needed.
• Don't do more; do what you're doing and don't take more taxes.
• Dysfunction with current school board.
• Edina is kind of an elitist "gated community" but the upside is it's a safe fun place to live.
• Edina is quickly making it impossible to become a diverse neighborhood by demolishing the last remaining
affordable housing and allowing only $1 million plus homes to be built. Edina in this way is inadequately magnifying
income inequality and creating a neighborhood where the non white cultures feel excluded.
• Edina seems to be managed well. We don't need a bigger Government with more expenses to pay for please.
• Edina used to be the place to live, Other cities seem to have surpassed us in the metro area.
• Except traffic flow from new buildings.
• Fred Richards Fiasco!! Scott is a moron!!
• Generally such heavy development at Southdale. Tear-downs replaced by over-sized house area.
• Good overall, but want to see more racial cage diversity.
• Govt should stick with what it does best keep us safe and protect our infrastructure. All this other stuff should be
created/pushed/provided by charitable organization/church groups/clubs. They do a better job.
• Headed for overcrowding it will change Edina forever.
• Heading toward over-population.
• However we need more townhouses in Edina.
• I am unimpressed by school board and Superintendent.
• I am unsure about the new Superintendent of schools.
• I do question density of new building and traffic that comes with that, i.e. France are.
• I don't think the 'powers that be' at city hall are in tune with community. A lot of wasted time.
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
• I don't want to put $ into home because land is worth more than home. Almost is condo development (at least not
affordable). Not taking advantage of food scene advances & micro-comp developmentise Minneapolis has very little
"life" in Edina that is workable from most of the area. No interesting development of Cahill same reason as politics.
No interest in building long term community to live through old age. Just want a certain age, income & race for a
certain time in this town culture very little support for diversity affordable housing .
• I think the city has to much staff and feels they need to justify more (staff and taxes) with surveys like this.
• I Would like homes w/ Alley's to have city code changed requiring garbage cans to be store bin garages- there is so
much redevelopment.
• I'm concerned that homes are being replaced by large expensive ones- someday we would like to downsize but
• In last 5 yrs- look how city budget & number for manager & supervision positions have increased. City increased
budget last year about 6%.
• Inconsistency of property tax increase. Crime is up. Roads in disrepair. Neighbors unfriendly. City does not
communicate services/benefits.
• increase in affordable housing - New build is a huge issue for volume of students. Class sizes too big now. I strongly
• Increasing affordable housing and services is good. Building bigger houses in all neighborhood is not good.
• Lack of affordable housing; Over development of apartments in high traffic areas. (France ave) Lack of superior
design aesthetic in new high rises; too much density for 50th France.
• Lack of insight into the future of maintaining Quality and what is planned by trying to be cultural equal.
• Liquor stores- Too expensive.
• Money is spent on unnecessary things. Then there is the dumb "should we raise the age to purchase cigarettes?"
There goes more tax income and #2. if you are an adult you should be able to make your own decisions this is a free
country -a city should not babysit.
• Mostly southdale area - too much development. Too much traffic.
• Need a new mayor / new ideas.
• Need bike trails.
• Need to plan for many more elderly residents.
• Needs to focus more on quality of life in neighborhoods. Repair aging infrastructure neighborhoods.
• Never hear of details, no local paper to read, no info.
• No but needs to be "Spruced up".
• No Management! City Manager not experienced in development in an older community!
• No reason to raise taxes! More $$ doesn't mean more services!
• Not welcoming to diverse members my friend group.
• Only lived here one year.
• Our parks are underfunded. Too many buildings not enough preservation of space.
• Over building in some areas.
• Over building multi housing units.
• over building somewhat/ not happy re plans for space at 69th 66 and France to Valley View.
• over commercial building is losing character of small town.
• Over developing/ Spending out of control
• Overcrowding of shopping centers- never use Southdale anymore.
• Over-development & public input to planning and city council is ignored.
• Pell-mell, relentless LATE STAGE CAPITALISM and excessive financial growth at the expense of HUMAN LIVES
• Priorities and how to manage an aging population.
• Public transportation, sidewalks and plowing and maintenance of those sidewalks are poor to nonexistent.
• Reacting to issues that may not be an issue at all.
• Repair infrastructure; need new mayor w/fresh ideas.
• Resident input not listen to.
• School board stinks! Pric Dressen is only looking out for himself.
• Schools in decline. We like to believe our "Edina is the best" hype and not focus on fixing real problems.
• See traffic mgmt
• Some areas favoured over others.
• Stop tear downs of houses & Building ugly homes - stop bike loans repair street. Stop painting utility boxes.
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
• Support for biking and walking is insufficient, given how much we spend on property taxes. We will not be able to
continue to command a premium (with respect to housing prices and property taxes) if we remain so remarkably
• Taxes are getting higher every year (more than expected)
• Taxes are too high- going up way too fast!
• Teardowns- changing appearance, demographic of city, upsetting present neighbors.
• the charm of 50th & France gone/ Charm of many neighborhoods gone- removing too many trees city does not stay
on top of home builders.
• The city is not holding down costs, school bonds keep escalating.
• The Progressive idiocy displayed on our roads. 70th Street was destroyed as a traffic conduit with the roundabouts.
Gallagher Drive's utility was negatively impacted with the redo - getting rid of traffic lanes (and a bus stop) to add
bicycle lanes thatare rarely used.
• There needs to be affordable entry level housing- in the school district.
• There should be more condos put up instead of the apartments.
• Too expensive, city seems to believe any and all tax warehouses are acceptable.
• Too liberal -too much overbuilding (although that should keep my property tax lover)
• Too many apartment buildings on precious open space i.e around Southdale and Byerly's.
• Too many apartments - Hate the proposal for 50th France.
• Too many apartments! Also rebuilding 49 1/2 St would ruin 50th & France. No longer handicap accessible.
• Too many apt bldgs on East Side.
• Too many large beautiful trees cut down on the golf course.
• Too many older affordable building being bought by big corporations and remodeled than made not affordable.
• Too many plans for new apartment buildings & hotels.
• Too much commercial development & re-mansions.
• Too much focus by city council on the few (Walkers and bikers) at the expense of the many (drivers).
• Too much government city, state, federal & met council. Edina used to be a very nice city, but now is just more
traffic, more noise, more people and more politicians.
• Too much low housing.
• Too much spending on so called "improvements" & "needs" that are keeping up with the Joneses in other cities.
• Too Much Traffic, Too much Density, New Building To High!
• Traffic & density (too many big building being built & squeezing in too many people).
• Trying to be a big city - too many apt buildings. Pushing out middle class by removing affordable homes.
• unhappy with many of the school district's changes & decisions. Incessant new home construction without benefit
of tax relief.
• Way to many apartments going up. Way to many cars on the streets.
• Zoning and neighborhood building out of control.
• A few people control whats going on in Edina!
• Allowing garbage cans to stay out is an eyesore.
• Are the citizens actually listened to- 3 parks bike trails- voted for- not listened to.
• Area. No investment is updating electrical infrastructure ever in supplying municipal WiFi or broadband.
• As if city council /city mgmt have made their decisions no mater what may have to say.
• Attended city council meetings regarding roads. Not a good experience.
• Because city council does not listen, they give opportunities for input but they do not listen to the input.
• Because the insiders wouldn't want to hear what I have to say.
• City already has an agenda before any input by Residents.
• City council doesn't listen to community, school board & city government only concern is Edina schools. 27% of
Edina is not in Edina school district. Communication issued from all sources. Never talks about any schools other
than Edina.
• City council has their agenda. Their view only but they do let us speak.
• City council, etc. Does what it wants to most of the time.
• City Council, Mayor and City Administrator have their own agenda.
• City does not listen to regular tax payers.
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
• City listens and then does what it wants to do- i.e. golf course fiasco.
• City manager.
• Clear agenda by city mgr & council.
• Community meetings over tough issues are very full. I think the issue is at state level - feeling like Paulsen isn't
• Current govt. will do what they want irregardless of citizen's desires.
• Doubt it, very clear what the agenda is and who is pushing it.
• Elected officials (especially school board) "listen" to check a box then do what they want to regardless of community.
• Even if taxes came down a little, they'd be too high.
• Exception question of Fred Richards golf course. Decision seems to made by city of Edina without/ prior to citizen
input. This issue was handled poorly by city and a black mark for city PR.
• Feel like run by special groups.
• Feels about like residents are not listened to as much as they could be.
• Good old boys club city council.
• Government has been captured by leftist fringe.
• Have not had a lot of time, city was good on 54th st build.
• How?
• I am not a property owner now and I don't think my voice would be heard.
• I am on the DX flight path- low flying & all 5:30- 11:00 pm noise.
• I could have a say, but i Would not expect it would be taken seriously.
• I don't think our opinion matters, the decision is made ahead of the public meeting.
• I doubt that's true wherever one lives.
• I have attempted to prevent new developments to preserve forest & green space but the city council & planning
commission are very pro development.
• I tried contacting the paper and mayor's office about my building: no response who can I go to? Powerless!
• I tried to voice my opinion about the multiple unnecessary garbage services and I get a dumb response- "people want
a choice" ugh its garbage.
• I was on one of the commissions which was a waste of time- the city does what it wants to do.
• I watched the school board decision making process.
• I wouldn't know who to contact.
• If I feel comfortable I still don't know the forums available to express myself.
• If you're not a citizen you have no say. I volunteer a lot in the community, yet I can't even vote on my kid's school
• I'm an unimportant person.
• I'm generally not around during regular business hours.
• In other cities city council meetings. I have found they have already made decisions and the council may listen to
you- but they don't care. Their minds are already made up.
• It seems like there is already a plan that wouldn't change.
• It seems resident input has no influence.
• It would be nicer to see you take polls before implementing large changes.
• I've seen it first hand tremendous support & outrage about school issues just ignored by school board.
• I've tried it doesn't seem to make a difference. Feels like a power hungry secret network.
• I've watched too many city council meetings.
• just recent situation with school start times.
• Low income people.
• Mayor & City council are just "Yes Men" they don't care about us.
• Mayor and council seem to have their own agendas.
• Mayor is closed minded.
• Most things are decided by elected persons.
• My experience with asst. planner has been less than positive.
• old boys in-crowd network prevails.
• Opinions are not sought & ideas given are usually ignored.
• Over-development & public input to planning and city council is ignored.
• Political machine is in place. When voicing concerns at city hall, feels like it falls on deaf ears.
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
• Politics - politicians.
• Running for an office won't work (our friend tried).
• School board has their own agenda. They don't listen and don't act on input.
• The bigger the government voice, the smaller the individual person.
• The opportunities to weigh in on community budget spending does not exist. This needs to be better. Citizens need
a forum to participate.
• The political groups are too strong and demean anyone that has a different point of view. That is why govt should get
out of doing a lot of these things you are questioning.
• There isn't an easy way to voice opinion- such as online and be recognized that out complaint &/ or suggestion was
• There seem to be hidden agendas in Edina City council & government. Residents can say what they want in mtg but
it doesn't appear to change outcomes.
• To much money and connections needed to run for city offices.
• To much politics, City run by few elite officials.
• Too many "pet" projects such as Grand view, the "Lid" etc. Too much commercial development.
• Too many close door meetings & decisions made without open meetings with residence. City council & city mgr do
as they wish at major costs and wasteful expense. They are making Edina look/feel like Mpls.
• Too old
• Traffic.
• Tried with Airport rerouting over Edina & Effective action was weak. This is a BIG DEAL! Houses won't be worth a
premium with planes overhead.
• Trouble getting to right person.
• Very limited opportunities- our city council seems very insulated.
• We are aged seniors, limited mobility.
• Went to meetings. Few were interested in listening.
• You can speak up but the city officials have their own agenda.
• Ambulance
• animal control
• Animal control.
• City council.
• Dog License
• Dog license rules.
• Election & meetings.
• Forestry.
• Homestead feeling with housing clerk?
• Mayor Awards
• Mayor.
• new construction homes.
• Own a condo.
• Recycling out.
• This was in St. Louis park.
• Traffic.
• Volunteer
• Voting
• Voting
• France, French.
• French
• French, Spanish
• German
• German
• German
• German
• Greek
• Hindi
• Hindi
• Italian
• Italian.
• Kannada,Telugu,Hindi
• Konkani
• Kutchi
• Marathi
• Marathi.
• Polish/ Chinese.
• Romanian
• Swedish
• Tamil
• Tamil.
• Telugu.
• Turkish
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Responses in the following tables show only the proportion of respondents giving a certain answer; for example, the percent of respondents who rated
the quality of life as “excellent” or “good,” or the percent of respondents who used the Aquatic Center at least once in the 12 months prior to the survey.
ANOVA and chi-square tests of significance were applied to these comparisons of survey questions. A “p-value” of 0.05 or less indicates that there is less
than a 5% probability that differences observed between subgroups are due to chance; or in other words, a greater than 95% probability that the
differences observed are “real.” Where differences were statistically significant, they have been shaded grey.
Residents living in the southeast quadrant of Edina tended to give higher quality ratings to health and wellness opportunities, the availability of
paths and walking trails, fitness opportunities and recreational opportunities compared to those residing in other areas of Edina.
Overall ease of getting to the places they usually have to visit tended to receive higher quality ratings from residents living in the northeast
quadrant of Edina compared to their counterparts, while residents living in the southeast quadrant of Edina gave higher quality ratings to the
ease of travel by public transportation compared to others.
While differences by geographic location of residency did not emerge for ratings of sense of community, residents living in the southeast
quadrant of Edina compared to other quadrants gave higher quality ratings to the openness and acceptance of the community toward people of
diverse backgrounds and higher importance ratings for the City to expand the types of cultural events that are offered within the community.
Usage of Parks and Recreation Department amenities varied by geographic location of residency: those living in the northeast quadrant were
more likely to have used neighborhood parks, large community athletic fields, the Edina Aquatic Center and the Braemar Arena; those living in
the southeast quadrant were more likely to have used Centennial Lakes Park; and those living in the southwest quadrant were more likely to
have used the Braemar Golf Course and Golf Dome.
The quality of garbage collection generally saw lower ratings from residents living in the northeast quadrant of Edina and th ese residents were
among those who were more likely to support City changing from the current system in which residents may choose from several different
haulers to a system where the City chooses one hauler for the whole community; the lowest level of support generally came from residents living
in the northwest quadrant of the community (who generally gave high quality ratings to garbage collection).
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 117: Quality of Life by Quadrant
How would you rate the quality of life in Edina?
(Percent "excellent" or "good")
Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant
How would you rate the quality of life in Edina? 99% 98% 95% 97% 97%
Table 118: General Community Characteristics by Quadrant
Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Edina as
a community:
(Percent "excellent" or "good")
Geographic Area
Overall Northeast
Overall feeling of safety in Edina 95% 96% 98% 98% 97%
Overall ease of getting to the places you usually have to visit 95% 84% 88% 82% 87%
Quality of overall natural environment in Edina 81% 90% 92% 88% 88%
Overall established “built environment” of Edina (including overall design,
buildings, parks and transportation systems) 84% 83% 86% 72% 82%
Health and wellness opportunities in Edina 91% 88% 98% 89% 92%
Overall opportunities for education and enrichment 98% 93% 95% 95% 95%
Overall economic health of Edina 91% 98% 97% 93% 95%
Sense of community 76% 70% 73% 76% 74%
Overall image or reputation of Edina 84% 83% 90% 91% 87%
Neighborliness of residents in Edina 77% 76% 72% 77% 75%
Table 119: Likelihood of Recommending or Remaining in Edina by Quadrant
Please indicate how likely or unlikely you are to do each of the
(Percent "very" or "somewhat" likely)
Geographic Area
Overall Northeast
Recommend living in Edina to someone who asks 96% 96% 94% 96% 96%
Remain in Edina for the next five years 95% 95% 89% 98% 94%
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 120: Feelings of Safety by Quadrant
Please rate how safe or unsafe you feel:
(Percent "very" or "somewhat" safe)
Geographic Area Overall Northeast Quadrant Northwest Quadrant Southeast Quadrant Southwest Quadrant
In your neighborhood 98% 97% 98% 99% 98%
In the 50th & France area (downtown area) 98% 98% 91% 96% 96%
In the Southdale area 72% 72% 90% 70% 77%
Table 121: Specific Community Characteristics by Quadrant
Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to
Edina as a whole:
(Percent "excellent" or "good")
Geographic Area
Overall Northeast
Traffic flow on major streets 58% 62% 66% 68% 63%
Ease of public parking 69% 67% 75% 76% 72%
Ease of travel by car in Edina 87% 80% 81% 79% 82%
Ease of travel by public transportation in Edina 40% 25% 55% 39% 40%
Ease of travel by bicycle in Edina 52% 39% 55% 54% 49%
Ease of walking in Edina 70% 60% 72% 62% 66%
Availability of paths and walking trails 49% 58% 68% 63% 60%
Air quality 80% 92% 87% 93% 88%
Cleanliness of Edina 88% 91% 91% 96% 91%
Public places where people want to spend time 74% 80% 88% 85% 82%
Variety of housing options 47% 58% 58% 55% 55%
Availability of affordable quality housing 28% 33% 44% 43% 37%
Fitness opportunities (including exercise classes and paths or trails,
etc.) 66% 68% 85% 81% 75%
Recreational opportunities 78% 76% 89% 84% 82%
K-12 education 93% 97% 97% 100% 96%
Adult educational opportunities 89% 90% 91% 87% 89%
Opportunities to attend cultural/arts/music activities 84% 79% 81% 77% 80%
Employment opportunities 74% 70% 69% 57% 69%
Shopping opportunities 92% 89% 92% 94% 91%
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to
Edina as a whole:
(Percent "excellent" or "good")
Geographic Area
Overall Northeast
Cost of living in Edina 46% 43% 51% 48% 47%
Overall quality of business and service establishments in Edina 95% 88% 89% 89% 90%
Overall quality of commercial redevelopment in Edina 81% 71% 68% 72% 72%
Overall quality of residential redevelopment in Edina 56% 70% 71% 70% 67%
Opportunities to participate in social events and activities 72% 72% 72% 80% 73%
Opportunities to volunteer 76% 83% 74% 84% 79%
Opportunities to participate in community matters 77% 76% 72% 77% 75%
Openness and acceptance of the community toward people of diverse
backgrounds 37% 41% 56% 50% 46%
Table 122: Importance of Diversity-Inclusive Programs by Quadrant
How important, if at all, do you think it is for the City to implement
each of the following?
(Percent "essential" or "very important")
Geographic Area
Overall Northeast
Expand the types of cultural events that are offered within the community 44% 37% 57% 43% 46%
Enhance the promotion and awareness of cultural events that take place in
the community 50% 49% 59% 50% 53%
Provide educational opportunities to learn about different cultures and
customs locally and around the world 51% 46% 49% 49% 48%
Promote and provide opportunities for diverse representation in local
leadership, advisory and policy-making roles 52% 54% 64% 56% 57%
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 123: Use of Parks and Recreation Amenities by Quadrant
In the last 12 months, about how many times, if ever, have you or other
household members used any of the following Edina Parks & Recreation
Department amenities?
(Percent at least once)
Geographic Area
Overall Northeast
Trails 82% 79% 77% 84% 80%
Neighborhood parks 99% 86% 87% 85% 89%
Large community athletic fields 68% 53% 38% 37% 49%
Edinborough Park 46% 41% 57% 47% 48%
Centennial Lakes Park 77% 69% 86% 63% 75%
Edina Aquatic Center 38% 27% 21% 32% 28%
Edina Senior Center 17% 18% 20% 26% 20%
Braemar Arena (ice arena) 35% 23% 18% 24% 24%
Edina Art Center 30% 27% 29% 22% 28%
Braemar Golf Course 37% 35% 21% 45% 32%
Braemar Golf Dome 21% 20% 14% 30% 20%
Braemar Field (sports dome) 31% 22% 21% 22% 24%
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 124: Quality of Parks and Recreation Amenities by Quadrant
Please rate each of the following Edina Parks & Recreation
Department amenities:
(Percent "excellent" or "good")
Geographic Area
Overall Northeast
Trails 67% 81% 90% 83% 81%
Neighborhood parks 84% 88% 91% 89% 88%
Large community athletic fields 88% 91% 92% 98% 92%
Edinborough Park 90% 89% 95% 86% 91%
Centennial Lakes Park 96% 93% 97% 94% 95%
Edina Aquatic Center 87% 84% 89% 94% 88%
Edina Senior Center 86% 84% 92% 95% 89%
Braemar Arena (ice arena) 89% 87% 90% 98% 90%
Edina Art Center 83% 83% 92% 86% 86%
Braemar Golf Course 85% 82% 87% 87% 85%
Braemar Golf Dome 89% 91% 98% 94% 92%
Braemar Field (sports dome) 90% 89% 93% 100% 93%
Table 125: Quality of Services by Quadrant
Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Edina:
(Percent "excellent" or "good")
Geographic Area
Overall Northeast
Police services 87% 89% 94% 84% 89%
Fire services 98% 99% 99% 100% 99%
Ambulance or emergency medical services 100% 99% 100% 95% 99%
Crime prevention 84% 87% 86% 88% 86%
Fire prevention and education 90% 91% 87% 97% 91%
Traffic enforcement 65% 79% 82% 80% 77%
Street repair 47% 52% 59% 55% 54%
Street cleaning 79% 71% 80% 95% 80%
Street lighting 64% 69% 78% 65% 70%
Snow removal 89% 92% 89% 100% 92%
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Edina:
(Percent "excellent" or "good")
Geographic Area
Overall Northeast
Sidewalk maintenance 69% 77% 73% 87% 75%
Traffic signal timing 65% 77% 65% 74% 70%
Bus or transit services 52% 47% 63% 46% 54%
Garbage collection 76% 91% 89% 85% 86%
Recycling 78% 89% 87% 90% 86%
Yard waste pick-up 77% 87% 89% 78% 83%
Storm drainage 75% 80% 79% 88% 80%
Drinking water 72% 72% 63% 66% 68%
Sewer services 84% 90% 89% 90% 88%
Utility billing 80% 79% 75% 84% 79%
City parks 89% 88% 95% 93% 91%
Park maintenance 88% 88% 92% 92% 90%
Condition of trails and sidewalks 78% 85% 87% 87% 84%
Recreation programs or classes 86% 88% 87% 85% 87%
Recreation centers or facilities 90% 82% 85% 89% 86%
Land use, planning and zoning 55% 61% 62% 64% 60%
Code enforcement (weeds, abandoned buildings, etc.) 57% 59% 78% 78% 67%
Animal control 77% 84% 88% 89% 84%
Economic development 81% 80% 79% 78% 79%
Public health services 85% 88% 84% 88% 86%
Public information services/communication from the City 78% 76% 76% 85% 78%
Cable television 49% 56% 65% 69% 60%
Emergency preparedness (services that prepare the community for natural
disasters or other emergency situations) 75% 80% 80% 90% 80%
Edina open space 60% 73% 68% 74% 68%
City-sponsored special events 76% 67% 81% 86% 77%
Overall quality of services provided by the City of Edina 86% 89% 89% 92% 89%
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 126: Opinions of Property Taxes by Quadrant
(Percent "very" or "somewhat" high)
Geographic Area
Overall Northeast
Thinking about your property taxes in comparison with neighboring cities,
do you consider property taxes in Edina to be…? 62% 59% 52% 62% 58%
Table 127: Level of Support for Increasing Property Taxes by Quadrant
(Percent "strongly" or "somewhat" support)
Geographic Area
Overall Northeast
To what extent would you support or oppose an increase in your property
taxes to maintain City services at their current level? 42% 36% 52% 50% 44%
Table 128: Government Performance by Quadrant
Please rate the following categories of Edina government
(Percent "excellent" or "good")
Geographic Area
Overall Northeast
The value of services for the taxes paid to Edina 76% 76% 82% 91% 81%
The job Edina government does at welcoming resident
involvement 64% 58% 59% 66% 61%
Overall confidence in Edina government 72% 69% 73% 63% 69%
Generally acting in the best interest of the community 69% 70% 70% 65% 69%
Treating all residents fairly 74% 68% 68% 64% 69%
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 129: Managing Community Tensions by Quadrant
(Percent "very" or "somewhat" well)
Geographic Area
Overall Northeast
How well, if at all, do you feel the City is managing tensions in the
community related to residential redevelopment in Edina? 62% 69% 69% 73% 68%
Table 130: Problems in Edina by Quadrant
Please rate how much of a problem, if at all, you feel each of the
following is in Edina.
(Percent "moderate," "major" or "extreme" problem)
Geographic Area
Overall Northeast
Traffic speeding in your neighborhood 46% 48% 34% 43% 42%
Stop sign violations in your neighborhood 32% 30% 22% 23% 27%
Violent crime 4% 0% 6% 0% 3%
Drugs 22% 8% 20% 9% 15%
Youth crimes 18% 5% 17% 1% 11%
Vandalism and property crimes 23% 14% 21% 18% 19%
Identity theft 23% 22% 23% 26% 23%
Domestic abuse 8% 10% 33% 10% 16%
Table 131: Methods of Garbage Collection by Quadrant
(Percent "strongly" or "somewhat" support)
Geographic Area
Overall Northeast
Most communities have one of two systems for garbage collection. To what extent do you
support the City changing from the current system in which residents may choose from
several different haulers to a system where the City chooses one hauler for the whole
58% 38% 54% 51% 49%
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Those ages 55 or older were more likely than younger residents to positively rate the quality of various broader community characteristics
including the quality of the overall natural environment, health and wellness opportunities, sense of community and the overall image or
reputation of Edina. Those who had lived in the community for more than 20 years tended to give higher quality ratings to health and wellness
opportunities and overall opportunities for education and enrichment compared to their counterparts.
Where differences emerged for characteristics related to housing and affordability, residents ages 35 to 54 tended to offer lower quality ratings
than their counterparts (i.e., cost of living, variety of housing options, availability of affordable quality housing, etc.)
When asked about the likelihood of remaining in the community for the next five years, residents who were ages 18 to 34, had lived in the
community for less than five years, who rented their home or who lived in an attached housing unit were less likely to remain in Edina compared
to their counterparts.
Female residents tended to feel various programs related to diversity-inclusion were more important than males. Residents who had lived in the
community for less than five years compared to longer term residents felt that it was more important for the City to provide educational
opportunities to learn about different cultures and customs locally and around the world.
Where differences emerged, residents living in detached housing units and those ages 35 to 54 were generally more likely to use various Parks
and Recreation Department amenities compared to their counterparts.
The quality of City parks and park maintenance were given higher ratings from residents ages 55 or older; older residents were also more likely to
offer positive ratings for garbage collection and recycling services.
Residents ages 35 to 54, those who rented their home or those living in attached housing units were more likely than their counterparts to
support an increase in their property taxes to maintain City services at their current level.
When asked about various aspects of government performance, residents ages 35 to 54 generally provided lower quality ratings compared to
their counterparts. Residents who had lived in the community for less than five years were more positive than their counterparts about their
overall confidence in Edina government and were more likely to feel that the Edina government generally acts in the best interest of the
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 132: Quality of Life by Respondent Characteristics
How would you rate the
quality of life in Edina?
(Percent "excellent" or
Length of residency Gender Age Housing unit
tenure Housing unit type
Overall Less than
5 years
6 to 20
More than
20 years Female Male 18-
54 55+ Rent Own Detached Attached
How would you rate the
quality of life in Edina? 95% 99% 98% 96% 99% 95% 98% 97% 95% 98% 98% 96% 97%
Table 133: General Community Characteristics by Respondent Characteristics
Please rate each of the following
characteristics as they relate to Edina
as a community:
(Percent "excellent" or "good")
Length of residency Gender Age Housing unit
tenure Housing unit type
Overall Less
than 5
6 to 20
than 20
Female Male 18-
54 55+ Rent Own Detached Attached
Overall feeling of safety in Edina 94% 98% 98% 97% 96% 93% 96% 98% 99% 96% 96% 98% 97%
Overall ease of getting to the places you
usually have to visit 83% 92% 87% 88% 86% 81% 88% 89% 88% 87% 86% 89% 87%
Quality of overall natural environment
in Edina 87% 89% 88% 90% 85% 88% 83% 91% 87% 88% 87% 89% 88%
Overall established “built environment”
of Edina (including overall design,
buildings, parks and transportation
77% 84% 85% 81% 84% 80% 79% 86% 80% 83% 83% 81% 82%
Health and wellness opportunities in
Edina 87% 91% 97% 95% 89% 89% 88% 96% 93% 92% 90% 95% 92%
Overall opportunities for education and
enrichment 93% 92% 100% 97% 93% 93% 93% 97% 94% 95% 95% 95% 95%
Overall economic health of Edina 96% 94% 96% 94% 95% 97% 91% 98% 96% 95% 94% 96% 95%
Sense of community 70% 75% 75% 75% 72% 63% 70% 80% 67% 75% 75% 71% 74%
Overall image or reputation of Edina 87% 84% 89% 87% 86% 83% 81% 92% 83% 88% 85% 88% 87%
Neighborliness of residents in Edina 81% 74% 71% 71% 80% 74% 74% 77% 67% 78% 78% 71% 75%
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 134: Likelihood of Recommending or Remaining in Edina by Respondent Characteristics
Please indicate how likely or
unlikely you are to do each of the
(Percent "very" or "somewhat"
Length of residency Gender Age Housing unit
tenure Housing unit type
Overall Less
than 5
6 to 20
than 20
Female Male 18-
54 55+ Rent Own Detached Attached
Recommend living in Edina to
someone who asks 93% 97% 96% 94% 96% 92% 95% 97% 94% 96% 95% 95% 96%
Remain in Edina for the next five
years 89% 96% 95% 93% 94% 80% 95% 97% 82% 97% 98% 88% 94%
Table 135: Feelings of Safety by Respondent Characteristics
Please rate how safe or
unsafe you feel:
(Percent "very" or
"somewhat" safe)
Length of residency Gender Age Housing unit
tenure Housing unit type
Overall Less than
5 years
6 to 20
More than
20 years Female Male 18-
54 55+ Rent Own Detached Attached
In your neighborhood 98% 99% 97% 99% 97% 96% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98%
In the 50th & France area
(downtown area) 97% 95% 95% 96% 97% 97% 97% 95% 93% 96% 98% 92% 96%
In the Southdale area 76% 81% 75% 78% 78% 79% 74% 79% 88% 74% 71% 86% 77%
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 136: Specific Community Characteristics by Respondent Characteristics
Please rate each of the following
characteristics as they relate to
Edina as a whole:
(Percent "excellent" or "good")
Length of residency Gender Age Housing unit
tenure Housing unit type
Overall Less
than 5
6 to 20
than 20
Female Male 18-
54 55+ Rent Own Detached Attached
Traffic flow on major streets 65% 65% 60% 62% 64% 59% 59% 68% 69% 62% 60% 67% 63%
Ease of public parking 72% 76% 68% 70% 72% 73% 72% 71% 74% 71% 74% 69% 72%
Ease of travel by car in Edina 87% 86% 75% 84% 81% 83% 84% 81% 87% 81% 84% 79% 82%
Ease of travel by public
transportation in Edina 48% 34% 38% 38% 42% 44% 31% 45% 62% 33% 31% 50% 40%
Ease of travel by bicycle in Edina 47% 48% 53% 41% 58% 50% 47% 52% 65% 45% 44% 58% 49%
Ease of walking in Edina 61% 62% 74% 62% 71% 60% 60% 74% 75% 64% 64% 70% 66%
Availability of paths and walking
trails 58% 55% 66% 59% 61% 69% 44% 70% 67% 58% 56% 66% 60%
Air quality 88% 87% 89% 89% 87% 84% 85% 91% 86% 88% 88% 87% 88%
Cleanliness of Edina 89% 93% 91% 92% 90% 90% 90% 93% 91% 92% 92% 90% 91%
Public places where people want to
spend time 79% 81% 85% 83% 81% 84% 75% 87% 83% 82% 80% 85% 82%
Variety of housing options 62% 45% 58% 52% 59% 58% 45% 62% 55% 55% 52% 59% 55%
Availability of affordable quality
housing 44% 28% 38% 34% 42% 41% 25% 43% 41% 36% 31% 44% 37%
Fitness opportunities (including
exercise classes and paths or trails,
71% 74% 80% 78% 74% 80% 63% 83% 77% 74% 72% 79% 75%
Recreational opportunities 80% 79% 87% 84% 81% 82% 76% 86% 84% 81% 80% 85% 82%
K-12 education 98% 95% 97% 97% 96% 95% 94% 99% 99% 96% 96% 98% 96%
Adult educational opportunities 85% 89% 93% 88% 92% 90% 88% 90% 91% 89% 90% 88% 89%
Opportunities to attend
cultural/arts/music activities 81% 79% 81% 79% 85% 89% 79% 79% 78% 81% 83% 76% 80%
Employment opportunities 64% 74% 69% 69% 69% 54% 73% 73% 56% 73% 72% 64% 69%
Shopping opportunities 92% 91% 91% 88% 96% 87% 93% 91% 93% 91% 91% 91% 91%
Cost of living in Edina 47% 42% 52% 46% 48% 46% 35% 57% 43% 49% 47% 48% 47%
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Please rate each of the following
characteristics as they relate to
Edina as a whole:
(Percent "excellent" or "good")
Length of residency Gender Age Housing unit
tenure Housing unit type
Overall Less
than 5
6 to 20
than 20
Female Male 18-
54 55+ Rent Own Detached Attached
Overall quality of business and
service establishments in Edina 94% 90% 87% 89% 93% 94% 88% 91% 94% 89% 91% 89% 90%
Overall quality of commercial
redevelopment in Edina 77% 75% 65% 67% 79% 76% 74% 70% 70% 73% 75% 68% 72%
Overall quality of residential
redevelopment in Edina 78% 63% 61% 63% 74% 83% 61% 66% 74% 65% 67% 67% 67%
Opportunities to participate in social
events and activities 69% 74% 77% 72% 75% 67% 73% 76% 63% 76% 77% 68% 73%
Opportunities to volunteer 74% 79% 83% 80% 79% 65% 78% 84% 73% 80% 81% 76% 79%
Opportunities to participate in
community matters 77% 73% 76% 73% 79% 75% 72% 77% 80% 74% 75% 75% 75%
Openness and acceptance of the
community toward people of diverse
56% 39% 45% 41% 53% 53% 35% 52% 55% 44% 41% 55% 46%
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 137: Importance of Diversity-Inclusive Programs by Respondent Characteristics
How important, if at all, do you
think it is for the City to implement
each of the following?
(Percent "essential" or "very
Length of residency Gender Age Housing unit
tenure Housing unit type
Overall Less
than 5
6 to 20
than 20
Female Male 18-
54 55+ Rent Own Detached Attached
Expand the types of cultural events
that are offered within the community 52% 46% 40% 51% 38% 49% 44% 46% 49% 45% 43% 50% 46%
Enhance the promotion and awareness
of cultural events that take place in the
61% 51% 47% 59% 46% 55% 49% 55% 54% 52% 51% 56% 53%
Provide educational opportunities to
learn about different cultures and
customs locally and around the world
58% 48% 40% 53% 43% 57% 48% 46% 51% 47% 47% 50% 48%
Promote and provide opportunities for
diverse representation in local
leadership, advisory and policy-making
64% 57% 51% 61% 50% 63% 57% 55% 60% 56% 55% 59% 57%
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 138: Use of Parks and Recreation Amenities by Respondent Characteristics
In the last 12 months, about how many
times, if ever, have you or other
household members used any of the
following Edina Parks & Recreation
Department amenities?
(Percent at least once)
Length of residency Gender Age Housing unit
tenure Housing unit type
Overall Less
than 5
6 to
than 20
Female Male 18-
54 55+ Rent Own Detached Attached
Trails 80% 85% 76% 77% 82% 83% 87% 73% 72% 82% 86% 72% 80%
Neighborhood parks 90% 92% 85% 86% 92% 94% 96% 82% 84% 90% 94% 82% 89%
Large community athletic fields 47% 59% 42% 43% 55% 49% 74% 30% 39% 52% 62% 31% 49%
Edinborough Park 48% 43% 53% 46% 50% 39% 49% 51% 51% 48% 44% 54% 48%
Centennial Lakes Park 70% 77% 79% 76% 73% 69% 80% 74% 78% 75% 75% 76% 75%
Edina Aquatic Center 25% 37% 24% 28% 28% 19% 47% 17% 17% 32% 37% 16% 28%
Edina Senior Center 10% 15% 31% 22% 15% 6% 9% 32% 17% 20% 18% 22% 20%
Braemar Arena (ice arena) 28% 21% 24% 22% 26% 25% 38% 14% 20% 25% 31% 14% 24%
Edina Art Center 22% 30% 30% 28% 25% 22% 31% 28% 21% 30% 33% 20% 28%
Braemar Golf Course 28% 31% 38% 27% 38% 28% 36% 31% 16% 38% 42% 19% 32%
Braemar Golf Dome 18% 16% 26% 16% 24% 20% 18% 22% 11% 23% 26% 12% 20%
Braemar Field (sports dome) 19% 30% 22% 24% 23% 19% 39% 14% 17% 26% 32% 13% 24%
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 139: Quality of Parks and Recreation Amenities by Respondent Characteristics
Please rate each of the following
Edina Parks & Recreation
Department amenities:
(Percent "excellent" or "good")
Length of residency Gender Age Housing unit
tenure Housing unit type
Overall Less
than 5
6 to 20
than 20
Female Male 18-
54 55+ Rent Own Detached Attached
Trails 78% 74% 90% 82% 80% 87% 69% 90% 85% 80% 78% 86% 81%
Neighborhood parks 86% 85% 92% 88% 87% 87% 83% 92% 86% 88% 87% 89% 88%
Large community athletic fields 95% 85% 95% 92% 93% 87% 89% 97% 95% 91% 92% 91% 92%
Edinborough Park 92% 89% 91% 91% 92% 92% 89% 92% 99% 89% 88% 95% 91%
Centennial Lakes Park 96% 94% 96% 96% 96% 95% 94% 96% 98% 94% 94% 97% 95%
Edina Aquatic Center 87% 85% 91% 89% 85% 80% 85% 93% 96% 86% 87% 90% 88%
Edina Senior Center 91% 88% 90% 88% 90% 84% 86% 91% 95% 88% 88% 92% 89%
Braemar Arena (ice arena) 90% 87% 92% 91% 89% 88% 88% 93% 97% 88% 89% 93% 90%
Edina Art Center 89% 82% 90% 88% 84% 89% 84% 87% 93% 85% 85% 90% 86%
Braemar Golf Course 88% 76% 89% 85% 85% 88% 78% 91% 92% 84% 84% 86% 85%
Braemar Golf Dome 90% 93% 94% 91% 92% 88% 89% 96% 100% 91% 90% 97% 92%
Braemar Field (sports dome) 88% 95% 94% 95% 89% 86% 95% 92% 82% 94% 94% 87% 93%
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 140: Quality of Services by Respondent Characteristics
Please rate the quality of each of the
following services in Edina:
(Percent "excellent" or "good")
Length of residency Gender Age Housing unit
tenure Housing unit type
Overall Less
than 5
6 to
than 20
Female Male 18-
54 55+ Rent Own Detached Attached
Police services 86% 88% 93% 93% 84% 82% 84% 95% 89% 89% 88% 91% 89%
Fire services 99% 99% 99% 99% 98% 100% 99% 99% 100% 99% 99% 99% 99%
Ambulance or emergency medical
services 100% 98% 99% 98% 100% 100% 98% 99% 100% 99% 98% 100% 99%
Crime prevention 80% 84% 92% 87% 85% 77% 83% 92% 78% 88% 87% 84% 86%
Fire prevention and education 87% 94% 91% 90% 94% 89% 92% 91% 91% 91% 92% 90% 91%
Traffic enforcement 77% 74% 78% 76% 76% 77% 72% 80% 82% 75% 74% 81% 77%
Street repair 59% 54% 49% 50% 59% 59% 49% 55% 58% 52% 53% 54% 54%
Street cleaning 78% 82% 79% 80% 79% 78% 77% 82% 78% 80% 81% 78% 80%
Street lighting 68% 67% 74% 68% 71% 70% 63% 75% 79% 67% 65% 76% 70%
Snow removal 87% 94% 92% 91% 92% 84% 92% 93% 86% 93% 94% 88% 92%
Sidewalk maintenance 74% 74% 78% 73% 78% 71% 76% 77% 76% 75% 77% 73% 75%
Traffic signal timing 71% 73% 66% 68% 72% 67% 68% 72% 71% 69% 70% 69% 70%
Bus or transit services 51% 56% 54% 51% 54% 42% 54% 58% 61% 51% 49% 59% 54%
Garbage collection 87% 82% 88% 85% 86% 82% 82% 91% 92% 84% 83% 91% 86%
Recycling 87% 79% 91% 82% 90% 85% 81% 90% 90% 85% 84% 90% 86%
Yard waste pick-up 87% 81% 81% 82% 83% 84% 81% 85% 94% 81% 81% 88% 83%
Storm drainage 83% 78% 79% 78% 84% 81% 78% 82% 79% 80% 80% 79% 80%
Drinking water 68% 63% 72% 68% 70% 64% 69% 69% 64% 69% 71% 64% 68%
Sewer services 90% 87% 87% 86% 91% 89% 88% 89% 89% 88% 86% 91% 88%
Utility billing 77% 83% 78% 80% 79% 65% 80% 84% 77% 80% 78% 80% 79%
City parks 90% 89% 94% 90% 92% 89% 86% 95% 97% 89% 88% 95% 91%
Park maintenance 87% 91% 91% 90% 89% 90% 82% 95% 91% 90% 89% 91% 90%
Condition of trails and sidewalks 84% 84% 84% 85% 83% 86% 80% 87% 87% 83% 83% 86% 84%
Recreation programs or classes 83% 84% 92% 86% 88% 87% 86% 87% 88% 86% 88% 84% 87%
Recreation centers or facilities 87% 85% 86% 87% 86% 91% 88% 83% 90% 85% 86% 86% 86%
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Please rate the quality of each of the
following services in Edina:
(Percent "excellent" or "good")
Length of residency Gender Age Housing unit
tenure Housing unit type
Overall Less
than 5
6 to
than 20
Female Male 18-
54 55+ Rent Own Detached Attached
Land use, planning and zoning 69% 57% 56% 56% 64% 68% 54% 63% 63% 59% 59% 62% 60%
Code enforcement (weeds, abandoned
buildings, etc.) 74% 63% 66% 67% 67% 76% 57% 74% 83% 63% 60% 81% 67%
Animal control 87% 82% 84% 86% 81% 93% 79% 86% 92% 82% 82% 89% 84%
Economic development 81% 76% 80% 74% 83% 77% 77% 83% 80% 79% 79% 79% 79%
Public health services 86% 86% 87% 85% 87% 84% 89% 85% 90% 85% 84% 88% 86%
Public information
services/communication from the City 83% 76% 76% 77% 80% 84% 74% 79% 83% 76% 77% 79% 78%
Cable television 69% 60% 52% 61% 58% 76% 51% 63% 70% 57% 55% 65% 60%
Emergency preparedness (services that
prepare the community for natural
disasters or other emergency situations)
76% 80% 83% 81% 80% 73% 82% 81% 82% 80% 79% 83% 80%
Edina open space 71% 66% 68% 65% 73% 71% 64% 71% 72% 67% 67% 70% 68%
City-sponsored special events 77% 78% 75% 79% 74% 75% 78% 76% 80% 76% 77% 76% 77%
Overall quality of services provided by
the City of Edina 86% 88% 92% 89% 89% 88% 85% 92% 91% 88% 89% 89% 89%
Table 141: Opinions of Property Taxes by Respondent Characteristics
(Percent "very" or "somewhat" high)
Length of residency Gender Age Housing unit
tenure Housing unit type
Overall Less
than 5
6 to 20
than 20
Female Male 18-
54 55+ Rent Own Detached Attached
Thinking about your property taxes in
comparison with neighboring cities, do
you consider property taxes in Edina to
66% 61% 50% 53% 64% 69% 69% 47% 65% 57% 61% 52% 58%
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 142: Level of Support for Increasing Property Taxes by Respondent Characteristics
(Percent "strongly" or "somewhat"
Length of residency Gender Age Housing unit
tenure Housing unit type
Overall Less
than 5
6 to 20
than 20
Female Male 18-
54 55+ Rent Own Detached Attached
To what extent would you support or
oppose an increase in your property
taxes to maintain City services at their
current level?
48% 42% 42% 43% 45% 55% 34% 49% 63% 40% 37% 57% 44%
Table 143: Government Performance by Respondent Characteristics
Please rate the following
categories of Edina government
(Percent "excellent" or "good")
Length of residency Gender Age Housing unit
tenure Housing unit type
Overall Less
than 5
6 to 20
than 20
Female Male 18-
54 55+ Rent Own Detached Attached
The value of services for the taxes
paid to Edina 76% 80% 85% 81% 81% 78% 70% 89% 76% 82% 80% 81% 81%
The job Edina government does at
welcoming resident involvement 62% 62% 60% 60% 62% 58% 52% 71% 54% 63% 62% 60% 61%
Overall confidence in Edina
government 78% 60% 71% 70% 69% 75% 58% 77% 70% 70% 65% 76% 69%
Generally acting in the best
interest of the community 79% 64% 66% 69% 69% 79% 59% 74% 73% 68% 66% 73% 69%
Treating all residents fairly 72% 63% 71% 69% 69% 66% 62% 75% 72% 68% 66% 73% 69%
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 144: Managing Community Tensions by Respondent Characteristics
(Percent "very" or "somewhat" well)
Length of residency Gender Age Housing unit
tenure Housing unit type
Overall Less
than 5
6 to 20
than 20
Female Male 18-
54 55+ Rent Own Detached Attached
How well, if at all, do you feel the City is
managing tensions in the community
related to residential redevelopment in
82% 60% 67% 66% 69% 78% 59% 72% 74% 67% 65% 72% 68%
Table 145: Problems in Edina by Respondent Characteristics
(Percent "moderate," "major"
or "extreme" problem)
Length of residency Gender Age Housing unit
tenure Housing unit type
Overall Less than
5 years
6 to 20
More than
20 years Female Male 18-
54 55+ Rent Own Detached Attached
Traffic speeding in your
neighborhood 37% 46% 44% 43% 42% 29% 52% 40% 28% 47% 49% 34% 42%
Stop sign violations in your
neighborhood 18% 31% 32% 24% 30% 23% 24% 31% 19% 29% 30% 22% 27%
Violent crime 3% 1% 4% 4% 1% 4% 1% 4% 2% 3% 2% 4% 3%
Drugs 13% 11% 21% 19% 9% 4% 13% 22% 19% 14% 13% 18% 15%
Youth crimes 8% 11% 14% 11% 10% 6% 8% 16% 9% 12% 10% 13% 11%
Vandalism and property
crimes 18% 19% 20% 18% 19% 13% 16% 25% 16% 20% 18% 21% 19%
Identity theft 16% 22% 33% 24% 22% 12% 22% 30% 19% 25% 23% 25% 23%
Domestic abuse 15% 8% 25% 20% 13% 23% 8% 20% 34% 10% 7% 31% 16%
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 146: Methods of Garbage Collection by Respondent Characteristics
(Percent "strongly" or "somewhat"
Length of residency Gender Age Housing unit
tenure Housing unit type
Overall Less
than 5
6 to
Female Male 18-
54 55+ Rent Own Detached Attached
Most communities have one of two systems
for garbage collection. To what extent do you
support the City changing from the current
system in which residents may choose from
several different haulers to a system where
the City chooses one hauler for the whole
63% 42% 45% 50% 47% 73% 43% 48% 68% 46% 46% 56% 49%
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Comparison Data
National Research Center, Inc.’s (NRC) database of comparative resident opinion is comprised of resident
perspectives gathered in surveys from over 500 communities whose residents evaluated the same kinds of topics
on the Edina Quality of Life Survey. The comparison evaluations are from the most recent survey completed in
each community; most communities conduct surveys every year or in alternating years. NRC adds the latest
results quickly upon survey completion, keeping the benchmark data fresh and relevant. The communities in the
database represent a wide geographic and population range. National comparisons and comparisons of
Minnesota communities have been provided when similar questions on the Edina Quality of Life Survey are
included in NRC’s database.
Interpreting the Results
Ratings are compared when there are at least five communities in which a
similar question was asked. Where comparisons are available, four columns
are provided in the table. The first column is Edina’s “percent positive.” The
percent positive is the combination of the top two most positive response
options (i.e., “excellent” and “good,” “very safe” and “somewhat safe,” “very
likely” and “somewhat likely,” etc.). The second column is the rank assigned
to Edina’s rating among communities where a similar question was asked.
The third column is the number of communities that asked a similar
question. The final column shows the comparison of Edina’s rating to the
In that final column, Edina’s results are noted as being “higher” than the
benchmark, “lower” than the benchmark or “similar” to the benchmark,
meaning that the average rating given by residents is statistically similar to
or different (greater or lesser) than the benchmark. More extreme
differences are noted as “much higher” or “much lower.”
Benchmark Database
Region Percent
New England 3%
Middle Atlantic 5%
East North Central 15%
West North Central 13%
South Atlantic 22%
East South Central 3%
West South Central 7%
Mountain 16%
Pacific 16%
Population Percent
Less than 10,000 10%
10,000 to 24,999 22%
25,000 to 49,999 23%
50,000 to 99,999 22%
100,000 or more 23%
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 147: Question 1
positive Rank Number of communities in
Comparison to
How would you rate the
quality of life in Edina? 97% 12 423 Higher
Table 148: Question 2
positive Rank
Number of
communities in
Comparison to
Overall feeling of safety in Edina 97% 24 300 Higher
Overall ease of getting to the places you
usually have to visit 87% 23 214 Higher
Quality of overall natural environment in
Edina 88% 58 252 Similar
Overall established “built environment” of
Edina (including overall design, buildings,
parks and transportation systems)
82% 18 204 Higher
Health and wellness opportunities in Edina 92% 5 206 Higher
Overall opportunities for education and
enrichment 95% 2 206 Much higher
Overall economic health of Edina 95% 1 210 Much higher
Sense of community 74% 60 288 Similar
Overall image or reputation of Edina 87% 43 321 Higher
Neighborliness of residents in Edina 75% 16 200 Similar
Table 149: Question 3
positive Rank Number of communities in
Comparison to
Recommend living in Edina to
someone who asks 96% 34 258 Higher
Remain in Edina for the next
five years 94% 11 252 Higher
Table 150: Question 7
positive Rank Number of communities in
Comparison to
In your neighborhood 98% 1 15 Higher
In the 50th & France area
(downtown area) 96% 1 5 Much higher
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 151: Question 10
positive Rank
Number of
communities in
Comparison to
Traffic flow on major streets 63% 76 324 Similar
Ease of public parking 72% 25 178 Higher
Ease of travel by car in Edina 82% 36 277 Higher
Ease of travel by public transportation in
Edina 40% 32 43 Similar
Ease of travel by bicycle in Edina 49% 164 275 Similar
Ease of walking in Edina 66% 138 273 Similar
Availability of paths and walking trails 60% 162 288 Similar
Air quality 88% 64 223 Similar
Cleanliness of Edina 91% 38 260 Higher
Public places where people want to spend
time 82% 39 197 Higher
Variety of housing options 55% 130 255 Similar
Availability of affordable quality housing 37% 188 280 Similar
Fitness opportunities (including exercise
classes and paths or trails, etc.) 75% 73 198 Similar
Recreational opportunities 82% 59 277 Similar
K-12 education 96% 3 247 Much higher
Adult educational opportunities 89% 2 186 Much higher
Opportunities to attend
cultural/arts/music activities 80% 50 273 Higher
Employment opportunities 69% 11 288 Much higher
Shopping opportunities 91% 7 271 Much higher
Cost of living in Edina 47% 98 208 Similar
Overall quality of business and service
establishments in Edina 90% 6 250 Higher
Opportunities to participate in social
events and activities 73% 58 236 Similar
Opportunities to volunteer 79% 75 243 Similar
Opportunities to participate in
community matters 75% 46 249 Similar
Openness and acceptance of the
community toward people of diverse
46% 227 269 Similar
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 152: Question 14
positive Rank
Number of
communities in
Comparison to
Police services 89% 21 426 Higher
Fire services 99% 6 355 Higher
Ambulance or emergency medical services 99% 5 325 Higher
Crime prevention 86% 36 330 Higher
Fire prevention and education 91% 26 261 Similar
Traffic enforcement 77% 29 347 Higher
Street repair 54% 139 381 Similar
Street cleaning 80% 43 300 Higher
Street lighting 70% 60 298 Similar
Snow removal 92% 1 273 Much higher
Sidewalk maintenance 75% 14 303 Higher
Traffic signal timing 70% 11 240 Higher
Bus or transit services 54% 99 203 Similar
Garbage collection 86% 144 331 Similar
Recycling 86% 92 331 Similar
Yard waste pick-up 83% 58 249 Similar
Storm drainage 80% 26 328 Higher
Drinking water 68% 176 300 Similar
Sewer services 88% 37 298 Similar
Utility billing 79% 34 181 Similar
City parks 91% 73 306 Similar
Recreation programs or classes 87% 41 309 Higher
Recreation centers or facilities 86% 45 260 Higher
Land use, planning and zoning 60% 54 280 Similar
Code enforcement (weeds, abandoned
buildings, etc.) 67% 51 356 Higher
Animal control 84% 8 318 Higher
Economic development 79% 12 264 Higher
Public health services 86% 18 194 Higher
Public information services/communication
from the City 78% 61 263 Similar
Cable television 60% 50 182 Similar
Emergency preparedness (services that prepare
the community for natural disasters or other
emergency situations)
80% 20 257 Higher
Edina open space 68% 52 189 Similar
City-sponsored special events 77% 58 223 Similar
Overall quality of services provided by the City
of Edina 89% 38 403 Higher
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 153: Question 19
positive Rank Number of communities
in comparison
Comparison to
The value of services for the taxes
paid to Edina 81% 6 368 Higher
The job Edina government does at
welcoming resident involvement 61% 71 294 Similar
Overall confidence in Edina
government 69% 15 208 Higher
Generally acting in the best interest
of the community 69% 25 208 Higher
Treating all residents fairly 69% 35 206 Similar
Table 154: Question 20
Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to benchmark
Taste 63% 3 5 Similar
Table 155: Question 30
positive Rank Number of communities
in comparison
Comparison to
Appearance 82% 2 8 Similar
Online information and services offered 75% 3 5 Similar
Ease of navigation/ability to find
information 54% 7 9 Similar
Overall quality of the City of Edina
website 70% 13 29 Similar
Table 156: Question 32
positive Rank Number of communities in
Comparison to
Knowledge 94% 14 72 Similar
Courtesy 94% 9 62 Similar
Responsiveness 85% 18 72 Similar
Overall customer service 91% 11 344 Higher
Table 157: Question D1
positive Rank
Number of
communities in
Comparison to
What impact, if any, do you think the
economy will have on your family income in
the next 6 months? Do you think the impact
will be:
34% 47 233 Similar
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
The communities included in the Edina comparisons are listed on the following pages along with their
population according to the 2010 Census.
Adams County, CO .................. 441,603
Airway Heights city, WA ............... 6,114
Albany city, OR .......................... 50,158
Albemarle County, VA................ 98,970
Albert Lea city, MN .................... 18,016
Alexandria city, VA................... 139,966
Algonquin village, IL................... 30,046
Aliso Viejo city, CA ..................... 47,823
Altoona city, IA .......................... 14,541
American Canyon city, CA .......... 19,454
Ames city, IA.............................. 58,965
Andover CDP, MA ........................ 8,762
Ankeny city, IA ........................... 45,582
Ann Arbor city, MI .................... 113,934
Annapolis city, MD ..................... 38,394
Apache Junction city, AZ ............ 35,840
Arapahoe County, CO .............. 572,003
Arkansas City city, AR .................... 366
Arlington County, VA ............... 207,627
Arvada city, CO ........................ 106,433
Asheville city, NC ....................... 83,393
Ashland city, OR ........................ 20,078
Ashland town, MA ..................... 16,593
Ashland town, VA ........................ 7,225
Aspen city, CO ............................ 6,658
Athens-Clarke County, GA ....... 115,452
Auburn city, AL .......................... 53,380
Augusta CCD, GA ...................... 134,777
Aurora city, CO ........................ 325,078
Austin city, TX ......................... 790,390
Avon town, CO ............................ 6,447
Avon town, IN ............................ 12,446
Avondale city, AZ....................... 76,238
Azusa city, CA ............................ 46,361
Bainbridge Island city, WA ......... 23,025
Baltimore city, MD ................... 620,961
Bartonville town, TX ....................1,469
Battle Creek city, MI ................... 52,347
Bay City city, MI ......................... 34,932
Baytown city, TX ........................ 71,802
Bedford city, TX ......................... 46,979
Bedford town, MA ..................... 13,320
Bellevue city, WA ..................... 122,363
Bellingham city, WA................... 80,885
Benbrook city, TX ...................... 21,234
Bend city, OR ............................. 76,639
Bettendorf city, IA.......................33,217
Billings city, MT ....................... 104,170
Blaine city, MN .......................... 57,186
Bloomfield Hills city, MI................3,869
Bloomington city, IN .................. 80,405
Bloomington city, MN ................ 82,893
Blue Springs city, MO ................. 52,575
Boise City city, ID ..................... 205,671
Bonner Springs city, KS ................ 7,314
Boone County, KY .....................118,811
Boulder city, CO ......................... 97,385
Bowling Green city, KY............... 58,067
Bozeman city, MT ...................... 37,280
Brentwood city, MO ..................... 8,055
Brentwood city, TN .................... 37,060
Brighton city, CO ........................ 33,352
Brighton city, MI .......................... 7,444
Bristol city, TN ........................... 26,702
Broken Arrow city, OK ............... 98,850
Brookfield city, WI ..................... 37,920
Brookline CDP, MA .....................58,732
Brooklyn Center city, MN ........... 30,104
Broomfield city, CO ................... 55,889
Brownsburg town, IN ................. 21,285
Burien city, WA........................... 33,313
Burleson city, TX........................ 36,690
Burlingame city, CA ................... 28,806
Cabarrus County, NC ................ 178,011
Cambridge city, MA ..................105,162
Cannon Beach city, OR ................ 1,690
Cañon City city, CO .................... 16,400
Canton city, SD............................ 3,057
Cape Coral city, FL .................... 154,305
Cape Girardeau city, MO .............37,941
Carlisle borough, PA .................. 18,682
Carlsbad city, CA ......................105,328
Carroll city, IA .............................10,103
Cartersville city, GA .................... 19,731
Cary town, NC .......................... 135,234
Castine town, ME ........................ 1,366
Castle Pines North city, CO ........ 10,360
Castle Rock town, CO ................ 48,231
Cedar Hill city, TX ...................... 45,028
Cedar Rapids city, IA ................ 126,326
Celina city, TX ............................. 6,028
Centennial city, CO ................... 100,377
Chandler city, AZ ...................... 236,123
Chandler city, TX ......................... 2,734
Chanhassen city, MN ................. 22,952
Chapel Hill town, NC ................... 57,233
Charles County, MD .................. 146,551
Charlotte city, NC ..................... 731,424
Charlotte County, FL ................159,978
Charlottesville city, VA............... 43,475
Chattanooga city, TN................ 167,674
Chesterfield County, VA ...........316,236
Citrus Heights city, CA ................83,301
Clackamas County, OR .............375,992
Clarendon Hills village, IL ............. 8,427
Clayton city, MO ........................ 15,939
Clearwater city, FL ....................107,685
Cleveland Heights city, OH ........ 46,121
Clinton city, SC ............................ 8,490
Clive city, IA................................15,447
Clovis city, CA............................ 95,631
College Park city, MD .................30,413
College Station city, TX.............. 93,857
Colleyville city, TX ..................... 22,807
Columbia city, SC .................... 129,272
Columbia Falls city, MT ................ 4,688
Concord city, CA ...................... 122,067
Concord town, MA..................... 17,668
Coon Rapids city, MN ................ 61,476
Copperas Cove city, TX .............. 32,032
Coral Springs city, FL ............... 121,096
Coronado city, CA...................... 18,912
Corvallis city, OR ....................... 54,462
Cottonwood Heights city, UT ..... 33,433
Creve Coeur city, MO ................. 17,833
Cross Roads town, TX ................... 1,563
Dacono city, CO .......................... 4,152
Dade City city, FL .........................6,437
Dakota County, MN.................. 398,552
Dallas city, OR ............................ 14,583
Dallas city, TX ....................... 1,197,816
Danville city, KY ......................... 16,218
Dardenne Prairie city, MO ..........11,494
Darien city, IL ............................ 22,086
Davenport city, FL ....................... 2,888
Davenport city, IA ..................... 99,685
Davidson town, NC.................... 10,944
Dayton city, OH ....................... 141,527
Dayton town, WY ............................ 757
Decatur city, GA ......................... 19,335
Del Mar city, CA ...........................4,161
DeLand city, FL .......................... 27,031
Delaware city, OH ...................... 34,753
Delray Beach city, FL ................. 60,522
Denison city, TX ........................ 22,682
Denton city, TX ........................ 113,383
Denver city, CO ........................600,158
Derby city, KS ............................22,158
Des Moines city, IA ................... 203,433
Des Peres city, MO ....................... 8,373
Destin city, FL ............................ 12,305
Dothan city, AL ......................... 65,496
Douglas County, CO ................ 285,465
Dover city, NH........................... 29,987
Dublin city, CA .......................... 46,036
Dublin city, OH ........................... 41,751
Duluth city, MN ......................... 86,265
Durham city, NC ....................... 228,330
Durham County, NC ................. 267,587
Eagan city, MN .......................... 64,206
Eagle Mountain city, UT ............. 21,415
Eagle town, CO ........................... 6,508
East Grand Forks city, MN ........... 8,601
East Lansing city, MI...................48,579
Eau Claire city, WI ..................... 65,883
Eden Prairie city, MN .................. 60,797
Edgerton city, KS ......................... 1,671
Edgewater city, CO ...................... 5,170
Edmond city, OK ........................81,405
Edmonds city, WA ...................... 39,709
El Cerrito city, CA ...................... 23,549
El Dorado County, CA ............... 181,058
Elk Grove city, CA ..................... 153,015
Elko New Market city, MN ............4,110
Elmhurst city, IL ......................... 44,121
Encinitas city, CA ....................... 59,518
Englewood city, CO .................... 30,255
Erie town, CO ............................. 18,135
Escambia County, FL ................ 297,619
Estes Park town, CO .................... 5,858
Euclid city, OH .......................... 48,920
Fairview town, TX........................ 7,248
Farmersville city, TX ..................... 3,301
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Fayetteville city, NC ................. 200,564
Fishers town, IN ......................... 76,794
Flower Mound town, TX ............ 64,669
Forest Grove city, OR ................. 21,083
Fort Collins city, CO ................. 143,986
Fort Lauderdale city, FL ........... 165,521
Fort Smith city, AR .................... 86,209
Franklin city, TN......................... 62,487
Fremont city, CA ...................... 214,089
Friendswood city, TX.................. 35,805
Fruita city, CO ............................ 12,646
Gahanna city, OH....................... 33,248
Gaithersburg city, MD ................ 59,933
Galveston city, TX ...................... 47,743
Gardner city, KS ......................... 19,123
Georgetown city, TX .................. 47,400
Germantown city, TN ................. 38,844
Gilbert town, AZ ...................... 208,453
Gillette city, WY ......................... 29,087
Glendora city, CA ....................... 50,073
Glenview village, IL ................... 44,692
Globe city, AZ .............................. 7,532
Golden city, CO.......................... 18,867
Golden Valley city, MN ............... 20,371
Goodyear city, AZ ...................... 65,275
Grafton village, WI ..................... 11,459
Grand Blanc city, MI ..................... 8,276
Grants Pass city, OR ................... 34,533
Grass Valley city, CA .................. 12,860
Greenville city, NC ..................... 84,554
Greenwich town, CT....................61,171
Greenwood Village city, CO........ 13,925
Greer city, SC ............................. 25,515
Gunnison County, CO................. 15,324
Hailey city, ID............................... 7,960
Haines Borough, AK .....................2,508
Hamilton city, OH ...................... 62,477
Hamilton town, MA...................... 7,764
Hanover County, VA .................. 99,863
Harrisburg city, SD ...................... 4,089
Harrisonburg city, VA ................. 48,914
Harrisonville city, MO ................. 10,019
Hayward city, CA ..................... 144,186
Henderson city, NV .................. 257,729
Herndon town, VA ..................... 23,292
High Point city, NC.................... 104,371
Highland Park city, IL ................. 29,763
Highlands Ranch CDP, CO .......... 96,713
Holland city, MI .......................... 33,051
Honolulu County, HI ................. 953,207
Hooksett town, NH .................... 13,451
Hopkins city, MN ....................... 17,591
Hopkinton town, MA .................. 14,925
Hoquiam city, WA ........................ 8,726
Horry County, SC ..................... 269,291
Howard village, WI ..................... 17,399
Hudson city, OH.........................22,262
Hudson town, CO......................... 2,356
Huntley village, IL ...................... 24,291
Hurst city, TX .............................. 37,337
Hutchinson city, MN .................. 14,178
Hutto city, TX ............................ 14,698
Independence city, MO ............ 116,830
Indianola city, IA ........................ 14,782
Indio city, CA ............................. 76,036
Iowa City city, IA ........................ 67,862
Irving city, TX .......................... 216,290
Issaquah city, WA ...................... 30,434
Jackson County, MI .................. 160,248
James City County, VA ............... 67,009
Jefferson County, CO ................ 534,543
Jefferson County, NY ............... 116,229
Jefferson Parish, LA ................. 432,552
Johnson City city, TN ................. 63,152
Johnston city, IA ......................... 17,278
Jupiter town, FL ......................... 55,156
Kalamazoo city, MI .................... 74,262
Kansas City city, KS ..................145,786
Kansas City city, MO ................. 459,787
Keizer city, OR ........................... 36,478
Kenmore city, WA ..................... 20,460
Kennedale city, TX ....................... 6,763
Kennett Square borough, PA ....... 6,072
Kent city, WA ............................ 92,411
Kerrville city, TX ........................ 22,347
Kettering city, OH...................... 56,163
Key West city, FL ....................... 24,649
King City city, CA ....................... 12,874
King County, WA ................... 1,931,249
Kirkland city, WA ....................... 48,787
Kirkwood city, MO ..................... 27,540
Knoxville city, IA ........................... 7,313
La Mesa city, CA ........................ 57,065
La Plata town, MD ....................... 8,753
La Porte city, TX ........................ 33,800
La Vista city, NE ......................... 15,758
Lafayette city, CO...................... 24,453
Laguna Beach city, CA ............... 22,723
Laguna Niguel city, CA............... 62,979
Lake Forest city, IL...................... 19,375
Lake Oswego city, OR................ 36,619
Lake Stevens city, WA ............... 28,069
Lake Worth city, FL.................... 34,910
Lake Zurich village, IL ................ 19,631
Lakeville city, MN ...................... 55,954
Lakewood city, CO .................. 142,980
Lakewood city, WA .................... 58,163
Lane County, OR ...................... 351,715
Lansing city, MI ........................ 114,297
Laramie city, WY ....................... 30,816
Larimer County, CO ................. 299,630
Las Cruces city, NM ................... 97,618
Las Vegas city, NV .................... 583,756
Lawrence city, KS ...................... 87,643
Lawrenceville city, GA ............... 28,546
Lee's Summit city, MO ............... 91,364
Lehi city, UT .............................. 47,407
Lenexa city, KS .......................... 48,190
Lewis County, NY ...................... 27,087
Lewiston city, ID ........................ 31,894
Lewisville city, TX ...................... 95,290
Lewisville town, NC ................... 12,639
Libertyville village, IL ................. 20,315
Lincoln city, NE ........................258,379
Lindsborg city, KS........................ 3,458
Little Chute village, WI ............... 10,449
Littleton city, CO ........................ 41,737
Livermore city, CA ..................... 80,968
Lombard village, IL .................... 43,165
Lone Tree city, CO ..................... 10,218
Long Grove village, IL .................. 8,043
Longmont city, CO .................... 86,270
Longview city, TX ...................... 80,455
Lonsdale city, MN ........................3,674
Los Alamos County, NM ............. 17,950
Los Altos Hills town, CA ............... 7,922
Louisville city, CO ....................... 18,376
Lower Merion township, PA........ 57,825
Lynchburg city, VA ..................... 75,568
Lynnwood city, WA .................... 35,836
Macomb County, MI .................840,978
Manassas city, VA ...................... 37,821
Manhattan Beach city, CA .......... 35,135
Manhattan city, KS .....................52,281
Mankato city, MN.......................39,309
Maple Grove city, MN ................. 61,567
Maricopa County, AZ ............. 3,817,117
Marion County, IA ...................... 33,309
Marshfield city, WI ..................... 19,118
Martinez city, CA ........................35,824
Marysville city, WA .................... 60,020
Matthews town, NC ................... 27,198
McAllen city, TX ....................... 129,877
McKinney city, TX ..................... 131,117
McMinnville city, OR .................. 32,187
Menlo Park city, CA ................... 32,026
Mercer Island city, WA ............... 22,699
Meridian charter township, MI ... 39,688
Meridian city, ID .........................75,092
Merriam city, KS ........................ 11,003
Mesa city, AZ ........................... 439,041
Mesa County, CO ..................... 146,723
Miami Beach city, FL .................. 87,779
Miami city, FL .......................... 399,457
Middleton city, WI ...................... 17,442
Midland city, MI .........................41,863
Milford city, DE ........................... 9,559
Milton city, GA ...........................32,661
Minneapolis city, MN ................ 382,578
Missouri City city, TX .................. 67,358
Modesto city, CA ...................... 201,165
Monterey city, CA ...................... 27,810
Monticello city, UT ....................... 1,972
Montrose city, CO ...................... 19,132
Monument town, CO ....................5,530
Mooresville town, NC ................. 32,711
Moraga town, CA .......................16,016
Morristown city, TN.................... 29,137
Morrisville town, NC ................... 18,576
Morro Bay city, CA ..................... 10,234
Mountain Village town, CO ...........1,320
Mountlake Terrace city, WA ...... 19,909
Murphy city, TX .......................... 17,708
Naperville city, IL ..................... 141,853
Napoleon city, OH ....................... 8,749
Needham CDP, MA ................... 28,886
Nevada City city, CA .................... 3,068
New Braunfels city, TX ............... 57,740
New Brighton city, MN ...............21,456
New Hanover County, NC .........202,667
New Orleans city, LA ................ 343,829
New Port Richey city, FL ............. 14,911
New Smyrna Beach city, FL ....... 22,464
New Ulm city, MN ...................... 13,522
Newberg city, OR ...................... 22,068
Newport city, RI ........................ 24,672
Newport News city, VA ............ 180,719
Newton city, IA .......................... 15,254
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Noblesville city, IN ..................... 51,969
Nogales city, AZ......................... 20,837
Norcross city, GA ......................... 9,116
Norfolk city, VA ....................... 242,803
North Mankato city, MN ............ 13,394
North Port city, FL ...................... 57,357
North Richland Hills city, TX ....... 63,343
Novato city, CA .......................... 51,904
Novi city, MI .............................. 55,224
O'Fallon city, IL .......................... 28,281
O'Fallon city, MO ....................... 79,329
Oak Park village, IL .................... 51,878
Oakland city, CA ...................... 390,724
Oakley city, CA .......................... 35,432
Oklahoma City city, OK ............ 579,999
Olathe city, KS ......................... 125,872
Old Town city, ME........................ 7,840
Olmsted County, MN ............... 144,248
Olympia city, WA ....................... 46,478
Orland Park village, IL ................ 56,767
Oshkosh city, WI ........................ 66,083
Oshtemo charter township, MI ... 21,705
Oswego village, IL ...................... 30,355
Otsego County, MI ..................... 24,164
Ottawa County, MI................... 263,801
Paducah city, KY ........................ 25,024
Palm Beach Gardens city, FL ...... 48,452
Palm Coast city, FL .................... 75,180
Palo Alto city, CA ....................... 64,403
Palos Verdes Estates city, CA ..... 13,438
Papillion city, NE ........................ 18,894
Paradise Valley town, AZ ........... 12,820
Park City city, UT ......................... 7,558
Parker town, CO ........................ 45,297
Parkland city, FL ........................ 23,962
Pasco city, WA ........................... 59,781
Pasco County, FL ..................... 464,697
Payette city, ID ............................ 7,433
Pearland city, TX ........................ 91,252
Peoria city, AZ ......................... 154,065
Peoria city, IL ............................115,007
Pflugerville city, TX ....................46,936
Phoenix city, AZ .................... 1,445,632
Pinehurst village, NC .................. 13,124
Piqua city, OH ............................ 20,522
Pitkin County, CO ...................... 17,148
Plano city, TX ........................... 259,841
Platte City city, MO ......................4,691
Pleasanton city, CA .................... 70,285
Plymouth city, MN ..................... 70,576
Polk County, IA ........................ 430,640
Pompano Beach city, FL .............99,845
Port Orange city, FL ...................56,048
Portland city, OR ......................583,776
Post Falls city, ID ........................ 27,574
Powell city, OH .......................... 11,500
Prince William County, VA ....... 402,002
Prior Lake city, MN .................... 22,796
Pueblo city, CO ........................ 106,595
Purcellville town, VA .................... 7,727
Queen Creek town, AZ ............... 26,361
Ramsey city, MN ........................ 23,668
Raymond town, ME .....................4,436
Raymore city, MO ...................... 19,206
Redmond city, OR ...................... 26,215
Redmond city, WA ..................... 54,144
Reno city, NV .......................... 225,221
Reston CDP, VA ......................... 58,404
Richmond city, CA .................... 103,701
Richmond Heights city, MO ......... 8,603
Rio Rancho city, NM ...................87,521
River Falls city, WI...................... 15,000
Riverside city, CA ...................... 303,871
Riverside city, MO ....................... 2,937
Roanoke County, VA.................. 92,376
Rochester Hills city, MI............... 70,995
Rock Hill city, SC ........................ 66,154
Rockville city, MD ...................... 61,209
Roeland Park city, KS................... 6,731
Rogers city, MN ........................... 8,597
Rohnert Park city, CA................. 40,971
Rolla city, MO ............................ 19,559
Roselle village, IL ....................... 22,763
Rosemount city, MN .................. 21,874
Rosenberg city, TX..................... 30,618
Roseville city, MN ...................... 33,660
Round Rock city, TX ................... 99,887
Royal Oak city, MI...................... 57,236
Saco city, ME ............................. 18,482
Sahuarita town, AZ .................... 25,259
Salida city, CO ............................. 5,236
Sammamish city, WA ................ 45,780
San Anselmo town, CA ...............12,336
San Antonio city, TX .............. 1,327,407
San Carlos city, CA..................... 28,406
San Diego city, CA ................. 1,307,402
San Francisco city, CA .............. 805,235
San Jose city, CA ..................... 945,942
San Juan County, NM .............. 130,044
San Marcos city, CA .................... 83,781
San Marcos city, TX ................... 44,894
Sanford city, FL .......................... 53,570
Sangamon County, IL ...............197,465
Santa Clarita city, CA ................ 176,320
Santa Fe city, NM ...................... 67,947
Santa Fe County, NM ................ 144,170
Santa Monica city, CA ................ 89,736
Sarasota County, FL ................ 379,448
Savage city, MN ........................ 26,911
Schaumburg village, IL .............. 74,227
Scott County, MN .................... 129,928
Scottsdale city, AZ ................... 217,385
Seaside city, CA ......................... 33,025
Sevierville city, TN ..................... 14,807
Shakopee city, MN ..................... 37,076
Sharonville city, OH ................... 13,560
Shawnee city, KS ....................... 62,209
Shawnee city, OK ...................... 29,857
Sherborn town, MA ..................... 4,119
Shoreview city, MN ................... 25,043
Shorewood village, IL .................15,615
Shorewood village, WI ................13,162
Sierra Vista city, AZ ................... 43,888
Sioux Center city, IA .................... 7,048
Sioux Falls city, SD....................153,888
Skokie village, IL ........................ 64,784
Snellville city, GA ....................... 18,242
South Lake Tahoe city, CA ......... 21,403
Southlake city, TX ..................... 26,575
Spring Hill city, KS ....................... 5,437
Springboro city, OH ................... 17,409
Springfield city, MO ................. 159,498
St. Augustine city, FL ................. 12,975
St. Charles city, IL....................... 32,974
St. Cloud city, FL ........................ 35,183
St. Cloud city, MN ..................... 65,842
St. Joseph city, MO .................... 76,780
St. Louis County, MN .............. 200,226
State College borough, PA ........ 42,034
Steamboat Springs city, CO ....... 12,088
Sterling Heights city, MI .......... 129,699
Sugar Grove village, IL ................. 8,997
Sugar Land city, TX .................... 78,817
Suisun City city, CA .................... 28,111
Summit city, NJ .......................... 21,457
Summit County, UT....................36,324
Summit village, IL ...................... 11,054
Sunnyvale city, CA ................... 140,081
Surprise city, AZ ........................ 117,517
Suwanee city, GA ....................... 15,355
Tacoma city, WA ...................... 198,397
Takoma Park city, MD ................ 16,715
Tamarac city, FL ........................ 60,427
Temecula city, CA .................... 100,097
Tempe city, AZ......................... 161,719
Texarkana city, TX ...................... 36,411
The Woodlands CDP, TX............. 93,847
Thousand Oaks city, CA ............ 126,683
Tigard city, OR ...........................48,035
Tracy city, CA ............................ 82,922
Trinidad CCD, CO ....................... 12,017
Tualatin city, OR ....................... 26,054
Tulsa city, OK ........................... 391,906
Twin Falls city, ID .......................44,125
Tyler city, TX ............................. 96,900
University Heights city, OH......... 13,539
University Park city, TX ............. 23,068
Upper Arlington city, OH .............33,771
Urbandale city, IA .......................39,463
Vail town, CO ...............................5,305
Vancouver city, WA .................. 161,791
Ventura CCD, CA ...................... 111,889
Vernon Hills village, IL ................ 25,113
Vestavia Hills city, AL ................. 34,033
Victoria city, MN .......................... 7,345
Vienna town, VA ........................ 15,687
Virginia Beach city, VA ............. 437,994
Walnut Creek city, CA................. 64,173
Washington County, MN .......... 238,136
Washington town, NH .................. 1,123
Washougal city, WA .................. 14,095
Wauwatosa city, WI ................... 46,396
Waverly city, IA ........................... 9,874
Weddington town, NC ................. 9,459
Wentzville city, MO ................... 29,070
West Carrollton city, OH ............. 13,143
West Chester borough, PA .........18,461
West Des Moines city, IA ........... 56,609
Western Springs village, IL ......... 12,975
Westerville city, OH.................... 36,120
Westlake town, TX ......................... 992
Westminster city, CO ............... 106,114
Weston town, MA ...................... 11,261
Wheat Ridge city, CO .................30,166
White House city, TN.................. 10,255
Wichita city, KS ........................ 382,368
Williamsburg city, VA ................ 14,068
Willowbrook village, IL ................ 8,540
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Wilmington city, NC ................. 106,476
Wilsonville city, OR .................... 19,509
Windsor town, CO...................... 18,644
Windsor town, CT ..................... 29,044
Winnetka village, IL.................... 12,187
Winter Garden city, FL ............... 34,568
Woodbury city, MN .................... 61,961
Woodland city, CA ..................... 55,468
Wrentham town, MA ................. 10,955
Wyandotte County, KS..............157,505
Yakima city, WA ........................ 91,067
York County, VA ........................65,464
Yorktown town, IN ...................... 9,405
Yountville city, CA........................ 2,933
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 158: Question 1
positive Rank Number of communities in
Comparison to
How would you rate the
quality of life in Edina? 97% 2 31 Higher
Table 159: Question 2
positive Rank
Number of
communities in
Comparison to
Overall feeling of safety in Edina 97% 4 21 Higher
Overall ease of getting to the places you
usually have to visit 87% 4 17 Similar
Quality of overall natural environment in
Edina 88% 6 19 Similar
Overall established “built environment” of
Edina (including overall design, buildings,
parks and transportation systems)
82% 4 15 Similar
Health and wellness opportunities in Edina 92% 2 16 Higher
Overall opportunities for education and
enrichment 95% 1 16 Higher
Overall economic health of Edina 95% 1 16 Much higher
Sense of community 74% 2 22 Similar
Overall image or reputation of Edina 87% 5 23 Higher
Neighborliness of residents in Edina 75% 2 13 Similar
Table 160: Question 3
positive Rank Number of communities in
Comparison to
Recommend living in Edina to
someone who asks 96% 5 17 Similar
Remain in Edina for the next
five years 94% 2 17 Similar
Table 161: Question 7
positive Rank Number of communities in
Comparison to
In your
neighborhood 98% 1 7 Higher
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 162: Question 10
positive Rank
Number of
communities in
Comparison to
Traffic flow on major streets 63% 13 18 Similar
Ease of public parking 72% 3 10 Similar
Ease of travel by car in Edina 82% 9 20 Similar
Ease of travel by bicycle in Edina 49% 18 18 Lower
Ease of walking in Edina 66% 17 19 Similar
Availability of paths and walking trails 60% 19 19 Lower
Air quality 88% 8 14 Similar
Cleanliness of Edina 91% 6 19 Similar
Public places where people want to spend
time 82% 3 14 Similar
Variety of housing options 55% 17 20 Similar
Availability of affordable quality housing 37% 24 25 Lower
Fitness opportunities (including exercise
classes and paths or trails, etc.) 75% 11 16 Similar
Recreational opportunities 82% 8 23 Similar
K-12 education 96% 1 17 Much higher
Adult educational opportunities 89% 1 14 Much higher
Opportunities to attend
cultural/arts/music activities 80% 1 17 Higher
Employment opportunities 69% 3 22 Higher
Shopping opportunities 91% 1 19 Much higher
Cost of living in Edina 47% 10 15 Similar
Overall quality of business and service
establishments in Edina 90% 3 19 Higher
Opportunities to participate in social
events and activities 73% 3 14 Similar
Opportunities to volunteer 79% 4 17 Similar
Opportunities to participate in
community matters 75% 2 15 Similar
Openness and acceptance of the
community toward people of diverse
46% 17 21 Similar
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 163: Question 14
positive Rank
Number of
communities in
Comparison to
Police services 89% 3 31 Similar
Fire services 99% 1 26 Similar
Ambulance or emergency medical services 99% 1 16 Higher
Crime prevention 86% 5 19 Similar
Fire prevention and education 91% 2 18 Similar
Traffic enforcement 77% 2 18 Similar
Street repair 54% 14 28 Similar
Street cleaning 80% 4 20 Similar
Street lighting 70% 8 24 Similar
Snow removal 92% 1 36 Higher
Sidewalk maintenance 75% 2 19 Similar
Traffic signal timing 70% 3 18 Similar
Bus or transit services 54% 8 14 Similar
Garbage collection 86% 8 14 Similar
Recycling 86% 10 22 Similar
Yard waste pick-up 83% 2 10 Similar
Storm drainage 80% 5 22 Similar
Drinking water 68% 19 24 Similar
Sewer services 88% 6 24 Similar
Utility billing 79% 4 13 Similar
City parks 91% 7 22 Similar
Recreation programs or classes 87% 4 20 Similar
Recreation centers or facilities 86% 4 17 Similar
Land use, planning and zoning 60% 8 21 Similar
Code enforcement (weeds, abandoned
buildings, etc.) 67% 6 22 Similar
Animal control 84% 2 25 Similar
Economic development 79% 3 20 Higher
Public health services 86% 2 13 Higher
Public information services/communication
from the City 78% 6 17 Similar
Cable television 60% 1 13 Similar
Emergency preparedness (services that prepare
the community for natural disasters or other
emergency situations)
80% 3 18 Similar
Edina open space 68% 7 14 Similar
City-sponsored special events 77% 3 12 Similar
Overall quality of services provided by the City
of Edina 89% 4 30 Similar
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Table 164: Question 19
positive Rank Number of communities
in comparison
Comparison to
The value of services for the taxes
paid to Edina 81% 1 32 Higher
The job Edina government does at
welcoming resident involvement 61% 6 20 Similar
Overall confidence in Edina
government 69% 3 15 Similar
Generally acting in the best interest
of the community 69% 2 16 Similar
Treating all residents fairly 69% 3 14 Similar
Table 165: Question 30
positive Rank Number of communities in
Comparison to
Overall quality of the City of
Edina website 70% 5 8 Similar
Table 166: Question 32
positive Rank Number of communities in
Comparison to
Knowledge 94% 5 12 Similar
Responsiveness 85% 4 12 Similar
Overall customer
service 91% 4 29 Similar
Table 167: Question D1
positive Rank
Number of
communities in
Comparison to
What impact, if any, do you think the
economy will have on your family income in
the next 6 months? Do you think the impact
will be:
34% 3 15 Similar
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
The communities included in the Edina comparisons are listed on the following pages along with their
population according to the 2010 Census.
Albert Lea city, MN ................................................................................... 18,016
Blaine city, MN ......................................................................................... 57,186
Bloomington city, MN .............................................................................. 82,893
Brooklyn Center city, MN .......................................................................... 30,104
Chanhassen city, MN ............................................................................... 22,952
Coon Rapids city, MN................................................................................ 61,476
Dakota County, MN ................................................................................ 398,552
Duluth city, MN ....................................................................................... 86,265
Eagan city, MN ........................................................................................ 64,206
East Grand Forks city, MN .......................................................................... 8,601
Eden Prairie city, MN ................................................................................ 60,797
Elko New Market city, MN ..........................................................................4,110
Golden Valley city, MN ............................................................................. 20,371
Hopkins city, MN ...................................................................................... 17,591
Hutchinson city, MN ................................................................................. 14,178
Lakeville city, MN .....................................................................................55,954
Lonsdale city, MN .......................................................................................3,674
Mankato city, MN .....................................................................................39,309
Maple Grove city, MN ............................................................................... 61,567
Minneapolis city, MN .............................................................................. 382,578
New Brighton city, MN .............................................................................21,456
New Ulm city, MN .................................................................................... 13,522
North Mankato city, MN ........................................................................... 13,394
Olmsted County, MN ............................................................................. 144,248
Plymouth city, MN .................................................................................... 70,576
Prior Lake city, MN .................................................................................. 22,796
Ramsey city, MN...................................................................................... 23,668
Rogers city, MN ......................................................................................... 8,597
Rosemount city, MN ................................................................................. 21,874
Roseville city, MN .....................................................................................33,660
Savage city, MN........................................................................................26,911
Scott County, MN .................................................................................. 129,928
Shakopee city, MN ................................................................................... 37,076
Shoreview city, MN...................................................................................25,043
St. Cloud city, MN .................................................................................... 65,842
St. Louis County, MN ............................................................................. 200,226
Victoria city, MN ......................................................................................... 7,345
Washington County, MN ......................................................................... 238,136
Woodbury city, MN...................................................................................61,961
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey was first administered in 2011. General citizen surveys, such as this
one, ask recipients their perspectives about the quality of life in the city, use of city amenities, opinions on policy
issues facing the city and assessments of city service delivery. The 2017 survey instrument was developed by
starting with the version from the previous implementation in 2015. A list of topics was generated for new
questions; topics and questions were modified to find those that were the best fit for the 2017 questionnaire. In
an iterative process between City staff and NRC staff, a final five-page questionnaire was created. The City of
Edina funded this research. Please contact Jennifer Bennerotte of the City of Edina at JBennerotte@EdinaMN.gov
if you have any questions about the survey.
“Sampling” refers to the method by which households were chosen to receive the survey. All households within
the City of Edina were eligible to participate in the survey. A list of all households within the zip codes serving
Edina was purchased from Go-Dog Direct based on updated listings from the United States Postal Service. Since
some of the zip codes that serve the City of Edina households may also serve addresses that lie outside of the
community, the exact geographic location of each housing unit was compared to community boundaries using
the most current municipal boundary file (updated on a quarterly basis) and addresses located outside of the City
of Edina boundaries were removed from consideration. Each address identified as being within City boundaries
was further identified as being within the northeast, northwest, southeast or southwest quadrant of the city.
To choose the 1,500 survey recipients, a systematic sampling method was applied to the list of households
previously screened for geographic location. Systematic sampling is a procedure whereby a complete list of all
possible households is culled, selecting every Nth one, giving each eligible household a known probability of
selection, until the appropriate number of households is selected. Multi-family housing units were selected at a
higher rate as residents of this type of housing typically respond at lower rates to surveys than do those in single-
family housing units.
An individual within each household was selected using the birthday method. The birthday method selects a
person within the household by asking the “person whose birthday has most recently passed” to complete the
questionnaire. The underlying assumption in this method is that day of birth has no relationship to the way
people respond to surveys. This instruction was contained in the cover letter accompanying the questionnaire.
Each selected household was contacted three times. First, a prenotification announcement was sent, informing
the household members that they had been selected to participate in the City of Edina Quality of Life Survey.
Approximately one week after mailing the prenotification, each household was mailed a survey containing a
cover letter signed by the City Manager enlisting participation. The packet also contained a postage-paid return
envelope in which the survey recipients could return the completed questionnaire directly to NRC. A reminder
letter and survey, scheduled to arrive one to two weeks after the first survey, was the final contact. The second
cover letter asked those who had not completed the survey to do so and those who had already done so to refrain
from turning in another survey. Each wave of the cover letter accompanying the survey included a web link for
residents to visit if they preferred to take the survey online. The survey was available only in English.
The mailings were sent in March and April, 2017. Completed surveys were collected over the following six weeks.
About 5% of the 1,500 surveys mailed were returned because the housing unit was vacant or the postal service
was unable to deliver the survey as addressed. Of the 1,418 households presumed to have received a survey, 477
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
completed the survey (36 of which were completed online), providing a response rate of 34%. Response rates by
geographic quadrant ranged from a low of 29% in the southeast quadrant to a high of 38% in the northwest
quadrant of the city. The response rates were calculated using AAPOR’s response rate #21 for mailed surveys of
unnamed persons.
Response Rate by Quadrant
Northeast Northwest Southeast Southwest Overall
Total sample used 284 408 589 219 1500
I=Complete Interviews 93 144 146 75 458
P=Partial Interviews 3 2 13 1 19
R=Refusal and break off 0 0 0 0 0
NC=Non Contact 0 0 0 0 0
O=Other 0 0 0 0 0
UH=Unknown household 0 0 0 0 0
UO=Unknown other 179 240 394 128 941
Response rate: (I+P)/(I+P) + (R+NC+O) + (UH+UO) 35% 38% 29% 37% 34%
The 95% confidence interval (or “margin of error”) quantifies the “sampling error” or precision of the estimates
made from the survey results. A 95% confidence interval can be calculated for any sample size, and indicates that
in 95 of 100 surveys conducted like this one, for a particular item, a result would be found that is within 4.5% of
the result that would be found if everyone in the population of interest was surveyed. The practical difficulties of
conducting any resident survey may introduce other sources of error in addition to sampling error. Despite best
efforts to boost participation and ensure potential inclusion of all households, some selected households will
decline participation in the survey (referred to as non-response error) and some eligible households may be
unintentionally excluded from the listed sources for the sample (referred to as coverage error).
While the margin of error for the survey is generally no greater than plus or minus 4.5% around any given percent
reported for all respondents, results for subgroups will have wider confidence intervals. Where estimates are
given for subgroups, they are less precise. For each subgroup from the survey, the margin of error rises to as much
as plus or minus 10% for a sample size of 100 completed surveys.
Mailed surveys were returned via postage-paid business reply envelopes. Once received, staff assigned a unique
identification number to each questionnaire. Additionally, each survey was reviewed and “cleaned” as necessary.
For example, a question may have asked a respondent to pick two items out of a list of five, but the respondent
checked three; staff would choose randomly two of the three selected items to be coded in the dataset.
Once all surveys were assigned a unique identification number, they were entered into an electronic dataset. This
dataset is subject to a data entry protocol of “key and verify,” in which survey data were entered twice into an
electronic dataset and then compared. Discrepancies were evaluated against the original survey form and
corrected. Range checks as well as other forms of quality control were also performed.
NRC used Qualtrics, a web-based survey and analytics platform, to collect the online survey data. Use of an
online system means all collected data are entered into the dataset when the respondents submit the surveys.
1 See AAPOR’s Standard Definitions here: http://www.aapor.org/Standards-Ethics/Standard-Definitions-(1).aspx for more
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
Skip patterns are programmed into system so respondents are automatically “skipped” to the appropriate
question based on the individual responses being given. Online programming also allows for more rigid control of
the data format, making extensive data cleaning unnecessary.
A series of quality control checks were also performed in order to ensure the integrity of the web data. Steps may
include and not be limited to reviewing the data for clusters of repeat IP addresses and time stamps (indicating
duplicate responses) and removing empty submissions (questionnaires submitted with no questions answered).
The primary objective of weighting survey data is to make the survey sample reflective of the larger population of
the community. This is done by: 1) reviewing the sample demographics and comparing them to the population
norms from the most recent Census or other sources and 2) comparing the responses to different questions for
demographic subgroups. The demographic characteristics that are least similar to the Census and yield the most
different results are the best candidates for data weighting. A special software program using mathematical
algorithms is used to calculate the appropriate weights. Several different weighting “schemes” are tested to
ensure the best fit for the data. The variables used for weighting were respondent gender, age, race, ethnicity,
housing unit type (attached or detached), housing tenure (rent or own) and geographic location of respondents
residency. The results of the weighting scheme are presented in the table on the following page.
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
2017 Edina Quality of Life Survey Weighting Table
Characteristic 2010 Census Unweighted Data Weighted Data
Rent home 25% 19% 24%
Own home 75% 81% 76%
Detached unit1 58% 56% 57%
Attached unit1 42% 44% 43%
Race and Ethnicity
White 90% 92% 90%
Not white 10% 8% 10%
Not Hispanic 98% 98% 98%
Hispanic 2% 2% 2%
Sex and Age
Female 54% 59% 55%
Male 46% 41% 45%
18-34 years of age 18% 6% 16%
35-54 years of age 37% 25% 35%
55+ years of age 45% 69% 49%
Females 18-34 9% 3% 6%
Females 35-54 19% 14% 20%
Females 55+ 26% 42% 29%
Males 18-34 9% 4% 10%
Males 35-54 18% 11% 16%
Males 55+ 19% 26% 19%
Geographic Quadrant
Northeast 22% 20% 22%
Northwest 29% 31% 29%
Southeast 33% 33% 33%
Southwest 16% 16% 16%
1 American Community Survey 2011
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
The electronic dataset was analyzed by NRC staff using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS).
For the most part, frequency distribution ratings are presented in the body of the report. A complete set of
frequencies for each survey question is presented in Appendix B: Complete Survey Frequencies.
Also included are results by respondent characteristics (Appendix D: Responses to Selected Survey Questions by
Respondent Characteristics). Chi-square or ANOVA tests of significance were applied to these breakdowns of
selected survey questions. A “p-value” of 0.05 or less indicates that there is less than a 5% probability that
differences observed between groups are due to chance; or in other words, a greater than 95% probability that the
differences observed in the selected categories of the sample represent “real” differences among those
populations. Where differences between subgroups are statistically significant, they have been marked with grey
shading in the appendices.
For reporting comparability, the “don’t know” responses from past years data were removed in order to match
the reporting of the 2015 and 2017 data which shows the percentages without “don’t know” to focus on the
results from those who had an opinion about a particular service or activity.
Edina’s survey data were collected by phone in 2013 and prior. In 2015, the City switched data collection from
phone to mail. Research is clear that a change in the method of survey data collection, by itself, will result in a
change in results if the shift is from telephone administration to self-administration or vice versa. The change
occurs even without change in resident perspectives and is attributed to the different environment that a survey
respondent confronts when providing answers to a person on the telephone compared to offering private
anonymous opinions. Questions by phone elicit more positive, optimistic, socially-desirable responses than do
the same questions asked on a written self-administered questionnaire. The self-administered questionnaire
brings out more candid responses.
As a consequence of the switch in methodology, a general decline in ratings was both expected and observed; an
average of about 12 percentage points (after the removal of “don’t know” responses). Thus, NRC adjusted down
the findings from 2013 and prior by this average difference for the most extreme differences in order to maximize
the comparability of results over time. This way the reported trendline data are not influenced by the decline that
is attributable to the change in data collection mode from phone to mail.
While the adjusted findings for data prior to 2015 reasonably control for the expected change from phone to mail
data collection, the comparability of data over time does have some limitations. Not only is there sampling error
in each survey administration, but also, the methods change occurred after a two-year gap in survey
administrations and some question wording was inconsistent among survey years.
Because of the overall shift in the methodology and related survey changes, NRC recommends that any change in
ratings or reported behaviors be viewed with caution and that Edina consider differences of more than 10
percentage points from previous years to be large enough to signal a genuine change in opinion from 2013 and
2011. Differences that do not reach this threshold should not be considered changes worthy of further
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
June 2017
The following pages contain copies of the survey materials sent to randomly selected households within the City
of Edina.
Dear Edina Resident,
It won’t take much of your time to make a big difference!
Your household has been randomly selected to participate in a survey
about your community. Your survey will arrive in a few days.
Thank you for helping create a better community!
Scott H. Neal
City Manager
Dear Edina Resident,
It won’t take much of your time to make a big difference!
Your household has been randomly selected to participate in a survey
about your community. Your survey will arrive in a few days.
Thank you for helping create a better community!
Scott H. Neal
City Manager
Dear Edina Resident,
It won’t take much of your time to make a big difference!
Your household has been randomly selected to participate in a survey
about your community. Your survey will arrive in a few days.
Thank you for helping create a better community!
Scott H. Neal
City Manager
Dear Edina Resident,
It won’t take much of your time to make a big difference!
Your household has been randomly selected to participate in a survey
about your community. Your survey will arrive in a few days.
Thank you for helping create a better community!
Scott H. Neal
City Manager
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First Class Mail
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First Class Mail
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First Class Mail
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www.EdinaMN.gov • 952-927-8861 • Fax 952-826-0390
Dear Edina Resident:
Please help us shape the future of Edina! You have been randomly selected to participate in the 2017 Quality of Life
Please take a few minutes to fill out the enclosed survey. Your participation in this survey is very important – especially
since your household is one of only a small number of households being surveyed. Your feedback will help Edina make
decisions that affect our community.
A few things to remember:
Your responses are completely anonymous.
In order to hear from a diverse group of residents, the adult 18 years or older in your household who most
recently had a birthday should complete this survey.
You may return the survey by mail in the enclosed postage-paid envelope, or you can complete the
survey online at:
If you have any questions about the survey, please call the Communications & Technology Services Department at
Thank you for your time and participation!
Scott H. Neal
City Manager
www.EdinaMN.gov • 952-927-8861 • Fax 952-826-0390
Dear Edina Resident:
Here’s a second chance if you haven’t already responded to the 2017 Quality of Life Survey! (If you completed it and
sent it back, we thank you for your time and ask you to recycle this survey. Please do not respond twice.)
Please help us shape the future of Edina! You have been randomly selected to participate in the 2017 Quality of Life
Please take a few minutes to fill out the enclosed survey. Your participation in this survey is very important – especially
since your household is one of only a small number of households being surveyed. Your feedback will help Edina make
decisions that affect our community.
A few things to remember:
Your responses are completely anonymous.
In order to hear from a diverse group of residents, the adult 18 years or older in your household who most
recently had a birthday should complete this survey.
You may return the survey by mail in the enclosed postage-paid envelope, or you can complete the
survey online at:
If you have any questions about the survey, please call the Communications & Technology Services Department at
Thank you for your time and participation!
Scott H. Neal
City Manager
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
Page 1 of 5
Please complete this questionnaire if you are the adult (age 18 or older) in the household who most recently had a
birthday. The adult’s year of birth does not matter. Please select the response (by circling the number or checking the box)
that most closely represents your opinion for each question. Your responses are anonymous and will be reported in group
form only.
1. How would you rate the quality of life in Edina?
Excellent Good Fair Poor Don’t know
2. Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Edina as a community:
Excellent Good Fair Poor Don’t know
Overall feeling of safety in Edina ................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Overall ease of getting to the places you usually have to visit .......................... 1 2 3 4 5
Quality of overall natural environment in Edina ............................................ 1 2 3 4 5
Overall established “built environment” of Edina (including overall design,
buildings, parks and transportation systems) ............................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Health and wellness opportunities in Edina .................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Overall opportunities for education and enrichment ...................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Overall economic health of Edina .................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5
Sense of community ...................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Overall image or reputation of Edina ............................................................. 1 2 3 4 5
Neighborliness of residents in Edina............................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
3. Please indicate how likely or unlikely you are to do each of the following:
Very Somewhat Somewhat Very Don’t
likely likely unlikely unlikely know
Recommend living in Edina to someone who asks................................ 1 2 3 4 5
Remain in Edina for the next five years ............................................... 1 2 3 4 5
4. Why did you choose to live in Edina? (Please check all that apply.)
Family lives here/born or raised here Affordable housing Amenities (e.g., parks, library, etc.)
Job was here (or nearby) Attractive community Good neighborhoods
Good schools Safe community Other: ___________________________
5. What one thing do you like most, if anything, about living in Edina?
6. What would you say is the most serious issue facing Edina at this time?
7. Please rate how safe or unsafe you feel:
Very Somewhat Neither safe Somewhat Very Don’t
safe safe nor unsafe unsafe unsafe know
In your neighborhood ........................................................ 1 2 3 4 5 6
In the 50th & France area (downtown area) ......................... 1 2 3 4 5 6
In the Southdale area ......................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 6
8. Which of the following, if any, would make you more likely to ride a bicycle in Edina? (Please check all that apply.)
If I felt more confident on my bike
If I felt safer from crime
If motorists drove slower and respected cyclists
If there were more well-marked trails and off-road paths
If there were more on-road facilities such as bike lanes
If street/road conditions were better, such as smooth pavement and less debris
If there were wider roads for riding or roads had paved shoulders
9. Which of the following, if any, would make you more likely to walk in Edina? (Please check all that apply.)
If I felt safer from crime
If motorists drove slower
If there were more sidewalks along streets
If there were more paths and trails designated for walking
If street lighting was better
If there were more crosswalks
If condition of existing sidewalks were better
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
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10. Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Edina as a whole:
Excellent Good Fair Poor Don’t know Traffic flow on major streets ...................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Ease of public parking ............................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Ease of travel by car in Edina .................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Ease of travel by public transportation in Edina ......................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Ease of travel by bicycle in Edina ............................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Ease of walking in Edina............................................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5 Availability of paths and walking trails ....................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Air quality ................................................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Cleanliness of Edina .................................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Public places where people want to spend time .......................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Variety of housing options ......................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Availability of affordable quality housing ................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Fitness opportunities (including exercise classes and paths or trails, etc.)...................... 1 2 3 4 5 Recreational opportunities......................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 K-12 education ......................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Adult educational opportunities ................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Opportunities to attend cultural/arts/music activities ................................................ 1 2 3 4 5 Employment opportunities ........................................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5 Shopping opportunities ............................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Cost of living in Edina ............................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Overall quality of business and service establishments in Edina .................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Overall quality of commercial redevelopment in Edina .............................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Overall quality of residential redevelopment in Edina ................................................ 1 2 3 4 5
Opportunities to participate in social events and activities .......................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Opportunities to volunteer......................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Opportunities to participate in community matters .................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Openness and acceptance of the community toward people of diverse backgrounds ... 1 2 3 4 5
11. How important, if at all, do you think it is for the City to implement each of the following?
Very Somewhat Not at all
Essential important important important Don’t know
Expand the types of cultural events that are offered within the community ..... 1 2 3 4 5 Enhance the promotion and awareness of cultural events that take place in the community .............................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5
Provide educational opportunities to learn about different cultures and customs locally and around the world ......................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Promote and provide opportunities for diverse representation in local
leadership, advisory and policy-making roles .............................................. 1 2 3 4 5
12. In the last 12 months, about how many times, if ever, have you or other household members used any of the
following Edina Parks & Recreation Department amenities? Once or 3 to 12 13 to 26 More than
Never twice times times 26 times
Trails ............................................................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5 Neighborhood parks ...................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Large community athletic fields ..................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Edinborough Park ......................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Centennial Lakes Park ................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Edina Aquatic Center .................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Edina Senior Center ...................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Braemar Arena (ice arena) ............................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Edina Art Center........................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Braemar Golf Course .................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Braemar Golf Dome ...................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Braemar Field (sports dome) .......................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
13. Please rate each of the following Edina Parks & Recreation Department amenities:
Excellent Good Fair Poor Don’t know
Trails ............................................................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5 Neighborhood parks ...................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Large community athletic fields ..................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Edinborough Park ......................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Centennial Lakes Park ................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Edina Aquatic Center .................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Edina Senior Center ...................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Braemar Arena (ice arena) ............................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5
Edina Art Center........................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Braemar Golf Course .................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Braemar Golf Dome ...................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Braemar Field (sports dome) .......................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
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14. Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Edina:
Excellent Good Fair Poor Don’t know
Police services ............................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Fire services................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Ambulance or emergency medical services..................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Crime prevention .......................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Fire prevention and education ....................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Traffic enforcement ....................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Street repair .................................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Street cleaning .............................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5
Street lighting ................................................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5 Snow removal ............................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Sidewalk maintenance ................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Traffic signal timing ...................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Bus or transit services .................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Garbage collection ........................................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5
Recycling ...................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Yard waste pick-up ........................................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5 Storm drainage ............................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5
Drinking water .............................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Sewer services ............................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Utility billing ................................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 City parks...................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Park maintenance.......................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Condition of trails and sidewalks .................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Recreation programs or classes ...................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Recreation centers or facilities ....................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Land use, planning and zoning ...................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Code enforcement (weeds, abandoned buildings, etc.) .................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Animal control .............................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Economic development ................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5
Public health services ..................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Public information services/communication from the City ............................. 1 2 3 4 5
Cable television ............................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Emergency preparedness (services that prepare the community for
natural disasters or other emergency situations) .......................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Edina open space .......................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 City-sponsored special events ......................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Overall quality of services provided by the City of Edina ................................ 1 2 3 4 5
15. Thinking about your property taxes in comparison with neighboring cities, do you consider property taxes in
Edina to be…?
Very high Somewhat high About average Somewhat low Very low Don’t know
16. To what extent would you support or oppose an increase in your property taxes to maintain City services at
their current level?
Strongly support Somewhat support Somewhat oppose Strongly oppose Don’t know
17. All in all, do you think things in Edina are generally headed in the right direction, or do you feel things are on
the wrong track?
Right direction
Wrong track Why? _______________________________________________________________________________
Don’t know
18. Other than voting, do you think that if you wanted to, you could have a say about the way things are run in this
No Why? ______________________________________________________________________________________
Don’t know
19. Please rate the following categories of Edina government performance:
Excellent Good Fair Poor Don’t know The value of services for the taxes paid to Edina ............................................ 1 2 3 4 5
The job Edina government does at welcoming resident involvement .............. 1 2 3 4 5
Overall confidence in Edina government ....................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Generally acting in the best interest of the community ................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Treating all residents fairly ............................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
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20. Please rate the following aspects of drinking water in Edina:
Excellent Good Fair Poor Don’t know Appearance ................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Taste ............................................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Odor ............................................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5
Hardness ....................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Reliability ..................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Safety ............................................................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5
21. How well, if at all, do you feel the City is managing tensions in the community related to residential
redevelopment in Edina? Very well Somewhat well Somewhat poorly Very poorly Don’t know
22. The City of Edina owns and operates three municipal liquor stores. Profits from Edina Liquor are used to
offset operating costs and for capital expenses at recreational facilities. To what extent do you support the
City continuing to operate its municipal liquor stores?
Strongly support Somewhat support Somewhat oppose Strongly oppose Don’t know
23. If you have purchased liquor, what portion of your business would you say goes to any one of the three Edina
municipal liquor stores?
All of my business Most of my business Some of my business None of my business Not applicable
24. Please rate your impression of each of the following at Edina Liquor stores:
Excellent Good Fair Poor Don’t know
Product selection ........................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Prices of products .......................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Layout, organization and presentation of the store ......................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Courtesy and friendliness of staff .................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Knowledge of staff ......................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
25. Please rate how much of a problem, if at all, you feel each of the following is in Edina.
Not a Minor Moderate Major Extreme Don’t problem problem problem problem problem know
Traffic speeding in your neighborhood ........................................ 1 2 3 4 5 6
Stop sign violations in your neighborhood ................................... 1 2 3 4 5 6
Violent crime .............................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Drugs .......................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 6
Youth crimes ............................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 6
Vandalism and property crimes ................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 6
Identity theft ............................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 6
Domestic abuse ........................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 6
26. Most communities have one of two systems for garbage collection. To what extent do you support the City
changing from the current system in which residents may choose from several different haulers to a system
where the City chooses one hauler for the whole community?
Strongly support Somewhat support Somewhat oppose Strongly oppose Don’t know
27. Please rate the extent to which you use each of the following as sources of information about Edina
government and its activities, if at all. Not a source Minor source Major source Don’t know
About Town City magazine ........................................................................... 1 2 3 4
Parks & Recreation Activities Directory ............................................................... 1 2 3 4
Edina Sun-Current newspaper ........................................................................ 1 2 3 4
Edition: Edina monthly insert in Edina Sun-Current newspaper......................... 1 2 3 4
Star-Tribune newspaper ................................................................................ 1 2 3 4
City’s website (www.EdinaMN.gov) ............................................................ 1 2 3 4
Edina TV ................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4
City employees ........................................................................................... 1 2 3 4
City Council Members ............................................................................... 1 2 3 4
Direct mail updates .................................................................................... 1 2 3 4
Social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter) ......................................................... 1 2 3 4
NextDoor ................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4
Online web stream videos on YouTube or Granicus ................................... 1 2 3 4
City Extra e-mail subscription service ........................................................... 1 2 3 4
Word of mouth from friends, family or neighbors........................................ 1 2 3 4
28. To what extent do you find About Town to be an effective communication tool for keeping informed of City activities?
Very effective Somewhat effective Somewhat ineffective Very ineffective Don’t know
The City of Edina 2017 Quality of Life Survey
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29. Have you accessed the City of Edina website (www.EdinaMN.gov) in the last 12 months?
No go to question #31 Yes go to question #30
30. Please rate the following aspects of the Edina website:
Excellent Good Fair Poor Don’t know Appearance ............................................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5
Online information and services offered .................................................. 1 2 3 4 5
Ease of navigation/ability to find information ......................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Overall quality of the City of Edina website ............................................ 1 2 3 4 5
31. With which of the following departments have you had contact (email, in-person or phone) in the last 12
months? (Please select all that apply.)
I have not contacted the City go to question D1 Parks and Recreation Public Works
General information I.T./Technology services Utilities
City Manager Planning/Economic Development Utility Billing
Police Building Inspections Street Maintenance
Fire Assessing Engineering
Health City Clerk Environmental Services
Human Resources Communications Other: ________________
32. Please rate your impression of City employees:
Excellent Good Fair Poor Don’t know
Knowledge .................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Courtesy ....................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Responsiveness .............................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Follow-up (got back to you or took action if needed) ....................................... 1 2 3 4 5
Overall customer service................................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5
Our last questions are about you and your household. Again, all of your responses to this survey are completely
anonymous and will be reported in group form only.
D1. What impact, if any, do you think the economy will have on your family income in the next 6 months? Do you
think the impact will be:
Very positive Somewhat positive Neutral Somewhat negative Very negative
D2. What is your employment status?
Working full time for pay
Working part time for pay
Unemployed, looking for paid work Unemployed, not looking for paid work Fully retired
D3. Do you work inside the boundaries of Edina?
Yes, outside the home Yes, from home
D4. How many years have you lived in Edina?
Less than 2 years 11-20 years
2-5 years More than 20 years
6-10 years
D5. Which best describes the building you live in?
One-family house detached from any other houses Building with two or more homes (duplex, townhome, apartment or condominium)
D6. Is this house or apartment...
Rented Owned
D7. About how much is your monthly housing cost for
the place you live (including rent, mortgage
payment, property tax, property insurance and
homeowners’ association [HOA] fees)?
Less than $600 per month $1,500 - $2,499 per month
$600 - $999 per month $2,500 or more per month
$1,000 - $1,499 per month
D8. Do any children 17 or under live in your
No Yes
D9. Are you or any other members of your household
aged 65 or older?
No Yes
D10. How much do you anticipate your household’s
total income before taxes will be for the current
year? (Please include money from all sources for
all persons living in your household.)
Less than $25,000 $100,000 to $149,999
$25,000 to $49,999 $150,000 or more
$50,000 to $99,999
D11. Do you speak a language other than English at home?
No, English only go to question D12
Yes which language?
Persian/Farsi Spanish Chinese Korean
Vietnamese Russian Other: ____________
Please respond to both questions D12 and D13:
D12. Are you Spanish, Hispanic or Latino?
No, not Spanish, Hispanic or Latino
Yes, I consider myself to be Spanish, Hispanic or Latino
D13. What is your race? (Mark one or more races to indicate what race you consider yourself to be.)
American Indian or Alaskan Native
Asian, Asian Indian or Pacific Islander
Black or African American White
D14. In which category is your age?
18-24 years 45-54 years 65-74 years
25-34 years 55-64 years 75 years or older
35-44 years
D15. What is your gender? Female Male
Thank you for completing this survey. Please return the completed survey in the postage-paid envelope to: National Research Center, Inc.,
PO Box 549, Belle Mead, NJ 08502
First Class Mail
US Postage
Boulder, CO
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