HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-02-09 Park Board PacketCity of Edina EDINA PARK BOARD TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1999 7:30 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS AGENDA * 1. Approval of Tuesday, January 12, 1999, Park Board Minutes. 2. Edina Park and Recreation Department Capital Improvement Plan. 3. Athletic Association Presidents Meeting Summary. 4. Other. *5. Adjournment. * These are agenda items that require or request Park Board action. City Hall (612) 927-8861 4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX (612) 927-7645 EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424-1394 TDD (612) 927-5461 '�eXe WQS ✓10 Memo To: Edina Park Board. From: John Keprios, Direct Edina Park and Recreation Department Date: February 3, 1999 Re: FEBRUARY 9, 1999, PARK BOARD MEETING STAFF REPORT. Enclosed you should find the following items: 1. Tuesday, February 9, 1999, Park Board Agenda. 2. Tuesday, January 12, 1999, Park Board Minutes. 3. Edina Park and Recreation Department Capital Improvement Plan. 4. Summary results of Youth Athletic Association Presidents meeting. STAFF REPORT The following is the monthly staff report concerning each item on the agenda with the exception of Approval of the Minutes and Other. "Other" is listed on the agenda in case last minute items come up between now and the Park Board meeting, plus, cover any other concerns of Park Board members and/or attendees. EDINA PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN As requested at the January Park Board meeting, the enclosed copy of the Edina Park and Recreation Department revised capital improvement plan attempts to prioritize the most urgent park development plans for 1999. This rough draft capital plan also shows staff s recommended park improvement projects for the next five years, as well as, long-range park improvement projects. Again, the dollars figures attached to these park improvement projects are simply staffs best estimates without input from professionals in their respective areas of expertise. As I mentioned at the January meeting, there is no capital funding in the 1999 budget. Nonetheless, I have been directed to establish a priority list that will reviewed by the City Manager. Staff is currently researching alternative sources of capital funding for the short term. -2- 46 I ask that Park Board memberslease review this revised rough draft and especially the P g p Y proposed priorities by for 1999. With the Park Board's input, staff will finalize the document to be proposed to the City Manager and included in the Comprehensive Plan as mandated by the Met Council. Your input would be greatly appreciated. No formal action from the Park Board is requested on this matter. ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION PRESIDENTS MEETING SUMMARY On Wednesday January 27, 1999, staff met with presidents from the various youth athletic associations to discuss issues that were common to all associations. The meeting was very positive and productive. A written summary of the discussion is enclosed for your review. As a result, staff intends to host similar meetings on a quarterly trial basis. This was an excellent opportunity to share views and brainstorm ideas on common issues. Staff will give a brief verbal summary of that meeting and answer any questions of the Park Board. No formal action from the Park Board is requested on this matter. OTHER 1. New Park Board members have not yet been appointed by the Mayor and City Council. Therefore, we are blessed to still have retiring Park Board members, Dave Crowther, Beth Hall, Andrew Montgomery and Jean Rydell in attendance at the February meeting. Their replacements will likely be appointed by the City Council in time for the March Park Board meeting. Thanks again, Dave, Beth, Andrew and Jean. 2. A big thanks to Phyllis Kohler for her active participation on the Park Board. 3. A warm welcome is extended to our new School Board appointed member, Mr. John Murrin. .7 EDINA PARK BOARD 7:30 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS JANUARY 12, 1999 MEMBERS PRESENT: Dave Crowther, Dave Fredlund, Phyllis Kohler, Andy Herring, Jean Rydell, Beth Hall MEMBERS ABSENT: Becky Bennett, John Dovolis, Andrew Montgomery, Tom White, Bill Jenkins STAFF PRESENT: John Keprios, Ed MacHolda, Janet Canton OTHERS PRESENT: Marjorie Ruedy, Christine Weymouth, Doug Johnson I. APPROVAL OF THE DECEMBER 8, 1998 PARK BOARD MINUTES Jean Rydell MOVED TO APPROVE THE DECEMBER 8, 1998 PARK BOARD MINUTES. Beth Hall SECONDED THE MOTION. MINUTES APPROVED. II. ASSET BUILDING - YOUTH GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT Mr. Keprios thanked Ms. Kohler for arranging this topic to be discussed with the Park Board. He explained that the Park Board did receive handouts and pointed out that the School District has put in motion an Asset Building Committee Task Force that Doug Johnson and Christine Weymouth will give us an update on. Doug Johnson, Director of Community Education Services and Facilities for the School District, explained that in 1993 the school district administered a survey to students in grades 6h through 12'b. He indicated that the survey was designed by the Search Institute, which is right here in Minneapolis, and the purpose of the survey was to measure behavioral assets in the kids. At that time there were 30 assets that they had identified that were measurable and that could be linked to what they call risk behaviors, such as drug use, alcohol use, premarital sex, and a whole list of items that parents do not want to see their kids involved with. Therefore, what was established through the research was a direct correlation between the number of assets that kids have, the more assets the kids have the less likely they are to have risk behaviors. Mr. Johnson pointed out that the kids who were surveyed in 1993 who were sixth graders are now seniors. Therefore, they are planning on doing another survey and commented that a lot of the surrounding communities have been involved with this steadily for the past four or five years. Mr. Johnson indicated that the school district has put together a strategic plan but they also recognize that something needs to happen within the whole community. Clearly anyone who is involved with kids has the potential to be an asset builder such as the athletic associations, houses of worship, etc. In addition, this can actually go beyond the community to where kids work and chose to spend their time whether it's the YMCA, library, etc. These can all be asset builders. Mr. Johnson stated that he doesn't want to spend a lot of time discussing what the Search Institute does because that is already in the packet that was given out. The first information packet is about what assets are and how they impact kids and the second packet indicates what the survey is like and what is it intended to measure. Mr. Johnson explained that in the last couple of months Ms. Weymouth and himself have put together a steering committee to initially begin an effort to look at asset building and how it could be carried out in this community and start to put together a plan. Christine Weymouth, Assistant Superintendent for Secondary Education, thanked the Park Board for having them. She indicated that it was about a year ago that they sat down and talked about what they wanted to do as a part of their strategic planning process in the district. She noted that one of the things that came up was how to get their arms around asset builders, how do they define that as a community and what role will the school district have in making it come to life. • Ms. Weymouth indicated that as they move forward she sees this as a four tiered process that they will go over the next year as they meet with different groups. The first one is in the area of education, she thinks that there is sort of a fundamental understanding to simply say what are those things that the folks who have been looking at this for quite some time think are valuable and what is meant by building assets in our kids. Ms. Weymouth indicated that she would like to look at five fundamental things. First, an on-going relationship with a caring adult and however that plays out whether it's a structured kind of thing or whether it's something that kids can simply refer to that's important. Second, a safe place for the structured activities. Third, a healthy start, a component of a lot of this talks about children, young children, success by six where they talk primarily about health care and that can be many, many things. Fourth, marketable skills through effective education. In other words, how can we really begin to get our kids up to the standard level of skill. Finally, an opportunity to serve and that's where the survey component comes in. How can the kids learn the value of giving back to the community. Ms. Weymouth indicated that the second part of the tier is the survey. The survey will probably be given in the fall to kids in grades 6 through 12 in which there will be a number of questions asked in order to give us a baseline of data. With this data they can begin to see patterns and look at how our community and schools can take this information and learn from it. 2 Ms. Weymouth indicated that the third part of the tier is to begin to pull results of the survey together and come forward with the community and talk about what it means and look at what the kids have told us about what they think. The last part of the tier is to begin to have conversations with groups such as this and begin to look at strategies and efforts. Ms. Weymouth commented that one of the biggest challenges she sees is how to involve all of the necessary people who want to be involved and not alienate any people in the process. Mr. Keprios indicated that he was informed by Mr. Hughes that when the time is right the Park and Recreation Department will be invited into the process because it is a very big part of the children's lives. Park and Recreation has a huge impact because of the contact kids have with coaches, instructors and staff in general. Ms. Kohler informed the Park Board that Mr. Keprios recently gave a presentation to the Rotary Club which was superb. She explained that the presentation was on building a climbing wall as well as having an area for skate boarders and rollerbladers, etc. She noted that it would be an area for the adolescents who have been more or less forgotten. She indicated that she was thrilled to hear that Mr. Keprios was seeking funding from the Rotary for something like this. Ms. Kohler indicated that the Park Board is a very powerful board and part of the problem is that it seems to operate in isolation within the community. She noted that the Park Board has spent a lot of time talking about whether or not to put a portable toilet in at Wooddale and although taking care of the properties is important, through this group we deal with thousands of children. Ms. Kohler pointed out that she once counted up the number of hours her son spent with his hockey coach compared to his teacher and it was very clear that the hockey coach spent more time with him and had more of an influence over him. Ms. Kohler explained that where this board can come in is when we talk about reallocating resources within the city so that when these volunteers come upon a child who has a problem there are resources there. She noted that where the power comes in for the Park Board is when they are out in the community interacting with the politicians and city officials. Ms. Kohler made one final comment that the family also needs to take responsibility because if they don't take responsibility for a child nothing else will work. She then noted that that she encourages everyone to offer any help they can to Mr. Keprios to get funding for this type of facility because it could do a lot of good. Mr. Keprios noted that they kicked around a lot of ideas and noted that the teenage group seems to be the most "at risk group" and are the most challenging age group to provide recreational opportunities for. Teens need a place to hang out with their friends and with the opposite sex. He indicated that this group doesn't want to be programmed and they need more high-risk activities. Therefore, he threw out a lot of different ideas for the Rotary Club to consider such as the climbing walls, skating parks, bike tracks, etc. Mr. Keprios stated that they also let their coaches know that youth recreational athletic programs are not about winning and losing but rather about having fun, developing youth 3 and teaching kids how to win and how to lose in a game setting. In many cases, these coaches and instructors are substitute parents. Park and Recreation is a lot more than just facilities, equipment and maintenance and we recognize that and work hard to accomplish those goals. It takes a community as a whole to work together to accomplish these goals and develop healthy youth and that's why it was great to be invited to the Rotary meeting. Mr. Johnson indicated that he will keep everyone up to speed on what is happening. III. EDINA PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN Mr. Keprios indicated that in the packet that was handed out there is a preliminary rough draft which will eventually be put into the updated comprehensive plan. He stated that it's obvious we don't have $767,000 to spend in 1999, however the City Manager has asked him to come up with a list of what he would probably need in 1999 and then put in a plan for the next five years followed by a long-range future column. Therefore, he stated that he would like the Park Board to look over the list and see what they think as far as priority as well as what we should be doing and not be doing. He explained that staff put together this list from what they think as well as what they hear from the public. Mr. Crowther asked how much of this is really necessary and are there some things that we could live without. Mr. Keprios replied that there certainly are some things that can be tossed out such as the upgrade of the tot lot fields in the year 2001. Also, the jury is still out on the keyless entry system. He noted that we also could live without any additional picnic shelters. Mr. Keprios stated that he sees some items as needs and other items more as a desire. Mr. Crowther asked what are items in the current year that are need versus what you would like to see. Mr. Herring commented the he would put as a very high priority the equipment at Wooddale Park and Normandale Park. Ms. Rydell asked how critical is the entry to Arneson Acres that has been talked about? Mr. Keprios replied that it is something that the historical society would like to see done more than anyone. However, he noted he feels that, if necessary, it could wait awhile. Mr. Herring asked about the boards at Creek Valley and questioned if they were just painted would that help for a few more years. Mr. Keprios replied aesthetically, yes, functionally they are shifting and there are some big openings where fingers can get caught, etc. We are to a point where they really need to be replaced. However, maybe with some maintenance they would last a couple of more years. Mr. Crowther asked what is the likelihood of getting any money this year? Mr. Keprios replied that it's actually pretty good, however, we will not be seeing $700,000. He explained that there could be some money coming out of the utility fund which we used to receive in the past. Mr. Crowther asked Mr. Keprios if he does receive money does he already have prioritized what he would like see done first. Mr. Keprios responded that he feels the pathways and playground equipment are tied for being done first, with parking lots at a close second. 4 Mr. Crowther asked Mr. Keprios when he will know whether or not he will receive this money in which Mr. Keprios replied he should know within the next four weeks. Mr. Crowther asked if this could be brought up at the next meeting with all items being prioritized. Mr. Keprios commented that there needs to eventually be a set schedule to follow because deferred maintenance doesn't pay. IV. OTHER A. Athletic Association Meeting - Mr. Keprios informed the Park Board that on January 27th they will be meeting with the presidents of the athletic associations at Arneson Acres. He indicated that they will be discussing various items including the budgets which were brought up at the last Park Board meeting. B. Wooddale Park Comfort Station - Mr. Keprios indicated that there was no formal motion passed by the City Council on the comfort station at Wooddale Park. He indicated that he was directed to go back and work with the neighbors so that a permanent facility will be placed somewhere in the park. Mr. Keprios stated that he is now in the middle of trying to form a neighborhood committee and at this point he is just going to get it done and keep it out of the process. C. Four Park Board Members Leaving - Mr. Keprios indicated that there are four Park Board members leaving. They are Andrew Montgomery, Jean Rydell, Beth Hall and Dave Crowther. Mr. Crowther indicated that he would like to thank Andy, Jean and Beth for their extended tours of duty. He noted that he would also like the minutes to take special note that Andrew Montgomery and Jean Rydell have served on the Park Board since 1984 and they deserve a special thanks. Mr. Keprios noted that each year the School Board changes their liaison to the Park Board and Ms. Kohler will no longer be with the Park Board. He then thanked everyone for the wonderful job they have done. V. ADJOURNMENT Jean Rydell MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 8:30 P.M. Beth Hall SECONDED THE MOTION. MEETING ADJOURNED. 5 CL c CD w E CD 0 U- CL Q. 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O O O O p O Cl CD p O O O O N LON 00V LL6 � O O O O O p CD O O O O O N LO T O ~ LL 69 O O O) p Q) Q1 O UO I �- [- 69 co LLL H z W W z Z W CL U W �- ll U c p Z Z O Z W Z � ;y H Q 4. Z LU is a) -a otf w c D LL w Y iD he H ) a) U) (i /W// � o CY W c`6 ri 1- Y ` Vi � cn L �_ = LL Q J O LL �� CL d 0 Z CL to otS z � •` a ca 0. tu ca cu a) 0 � Z aa) p OYali o a) �a�m lll W V m ��� a co a) -o M cu a co (L) U o U J (1) c U w Q m 'ca � Q c� .�' �-� c=a E$ _0 Q a U) 70 T E_ '� a Z z c o a� H o aQ=,�Z�� �m�� _° �� tW���n CD U') r` LO co U) m U) O CD T (D 1:.N CD co CD q CD U7 CD CD CD r` (D co (D m CD O r- I,— r- N r` M r` '- 1- U-) r` (D r` r- ti Co � M r- O co T co Edina Youth Athletic Association Presidents Meeting Minutes Wednesday, January 27, 1999 Web Site: 1. Baseball would love to have association newsletter's on-line. 2. Fast Pitch currently does tournament registration through web page. 3. Soccer currently has web page as well as registration material on web page. 4. Group seemed very favorable on on-line registrations. Budget Surplus: 1. Park Department made the recommendation for associations to always carry between 10 - 20% surplus in budget reserves. 2. EGAA will be starting new sport, lacrosse, as well as High School scholarships and equipment purchases (scoreboards). 3. Soccer inquired about facility fee? Isn't that double taxation. Fund Raisers: 1. Park Department gave some history then threw out the question how do you feel about raffles? 2. Soccer Club likes raffles. 3. Baseball thinks it should be looked at on an individual basis and, if it goes to a good cause, they like raffles. 4. Basketball definitely disagrees with pull -tabs, questions raffles; after further thought Neil Weikert thought harmless. 5. Hockey Parents stated that every school carnival has raffles. Prize should be tangible not cash (autographed jersey). 6. Basketball questioned validity of auctions? IRS Audits: Park Department reminded associations to check on their individual incorporation status with the State of Minnesota and their standing with the IRS. All paperwork in order? Liability Insurance: 1. Soccer would like City of Edina letter circulated to all Presidents (Sherwin Plummer, Stan Olson, John Keprios, Ed MacHolda). Priority Access: 1. Baseball definitely stands behind one athletic association per sport. 2. Basketball anyone interested in the basketball board gets an application. 3. Fast Pitch questioned the who decides priority use between Fast Pitch and Slow Pitch., Open Forum: 1. Basketball thought presidents meeting could be held quarterly vs. Monthly meetings for staff. 2. Soccer raised the question about restrooms at game sights? Group thought possibly a key could be stored in a realtor lock -box. 3. Basketball raised a question about the letter from Susie Miller, Adaptive Recreation Supervisor. 4. Hockey raised the question about unruly parents? 5. Fast Pitch shared with the group about the fabulous coaches clinic they attended at Methodist Hospital, as well as, excellent first aid kits they received free of charge. Future Topic: 1. Athletic Association programs and their relationship to High School Program; are we strictly a recreation program or a feeder system for the school district?