HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-04-14 Park Board PacketCity of Edina EDINA PARK BOARD TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 1998 7:30 P.M. *CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS (Please note the room location change due to an expected audience) AGENDA * 1. Approval of Tuesday, March 10, 1998, Park Board Minutes. *2. Wooddale Park Comfort Station. *3. Baseball Scoreboards for Courtney Ballfields. 4. Other. *5. Adjournment. * These are agenda items that require or request Park Board action. City Hall (612) 927-8861 4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX (612) 927-7645 EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424-1394 TDD (612) 927-5461 eMemo To: Edina Park Board. From: John Keprios, Director Edina Park and Recreation Department Date: April 9, 1998 Re: April 14, 1998, PARK BOARD MEETING STAFF REPORT. Enclosed you should find the following items: 1. Tuesday, April 14, Park Board Agenda. 2. Tuesday, March 10, 1998, Park Board Minutes. 2. 22 letters from Wooddale Park area residents. 3. Wooddale Park Neighborhood Meeting attendance sheet. 4. Petition from Wooddale Park neighborhood. 5. March 30 letter to Neighbors of Wooddale Park from John Keprios. • 6. Aerial map of Wooddale Park. STAFF REPORT The following is the monthly staff report concerning each item on the agenda with the exception of Approval of the Minutes and Other. "Other" is listed on the agenda in case last minute items come up between now and the Park Board meeting, plus, cover any other concerns of Park Board members and/or attendees. WOODDALE PARK COMFORT STATION During the last week of March, 1998, a petition was submitted to the Edina Park and Recreation Department regarding the Wooddale Park comfort station (copy of the petition with signatures enclosed). As a result, I immediately put a hold on further construction of the facility until the neighborhood issues are resolved. Therefore, I immediately mailed a letter (copy enclosed) to 573 households in the Wooddale Park neighborhood inviting them to attend a neighborhood input meeting on Wednesday, April 8 at 7 p.m. and/or submit their views to me in writing. As a result, seventeen (17) residents attended the meeting (attendance list enclosed) and twenty (22) residents submitted letters (copies enclosed). The neighborhood input meeting on Wednesday, April 8, 1998, was also attended by Park Board Chairman, Dave Crowther, Assistant Director, Ed MacHolda, Project Architect, Jon Brakke and Edina Police Officer, • Gerry Drevlow. -2- V the meeting, residents had the following concerns, comments and questions: • Can children lock themselves inside the restrooms, and if so, what problems does that create? • The City should simply place signs at Wooddale Park to inform park users that there are restroom facilities at Utley Park. • It was noted that there are no windows in the proposed building. • It was noted that the comfort station would be used only during warm weather months and would be locked up and winterized during the winter months. • The key reasons for proposing permanent restrooms for Wooddale Park are because of scheduled youth baseball and softball games during eight weeks of the year plus the heavy use of the playground equipment and picnic shelter during warm weather months. • Although Wooddale Park is a small neighborhood park, the main reason for not proposing comfort stations at other small neighborhood parks is that they do not have scheduled ball games at those parks plus they do not have a picnic shelter. • One resident's view was to recommend eliminating Utley Park restrooms and add permanent restrooms at Wooddale Park. The point being that it is safer for adults to cross 50th Street than it is for youth. In addition, small children rarely give sufficient lead time when nature calls and therefore need restroom facilities in closer proximity. • Edina Police Department does not support encouraging small children to cross 50th Street. • There is a concern of crime in a facility where the doors can be locked from the inside. • A resident expressed concern of availability of financial and physical resources to properly maintain the facility. • Several residents approved of the restrooms if they were to be relocated to the open space area of the park. • Some residents feel that the facility should remain right where it is proposed. • Some residents feel strongly that there should not be any type of permanent restroom facility in the park.. • The Edina Police Department responded to questions that the safest location for the comfort station (regarding surveillance of the facility) would be in a location closer to 50th Street easily visible from a squad car. • Who makes the final decision when there is no consensus? Park Board Chairman, Dave Crowther, spoke to the audience and explained that the appointed members of the Edina Park Board will discuss the matter on April 14th and it is the Park Board's responsibility to give recommendations to the City Council. Mr. Crowther explained that the Park Board approaches these matters from a standpoint of what is best for the community as a whole and not necessarily for one or two special interest groups of people. When asked his opinion at this time, Mr. Crowther responded that he believes that there should be restroom facilities in the park, however, he is not convinced that the current location is the best location. I did share with the audience that evening that through all 40 Park Referendum information/input meetings, and after the city wide mailing and the numerous articles in the Sun Newspaper and the airing of the detailed proposals for the Park Referendum, I never received one comment that opposed the construction of the Wooddale Park comfort station. I did share that the neighborhood reaction to this park improvement is an unexpected surprise, however, we will work hard to address all the issues. As I explained to the audience at the beginning of the meeting, the main reasons for staff s proposed construction of a comfort station at Wooddale Park are: -3 - Numerous requests from park users for the past several years that restrooms need to be made available wherever there are scheduled baseball and softball games for youth. 2. Numerous requests for restrooms from park users who frequent the playground equipment and picnic shelter because they are forced to use the trees as restrooms. 3. Resident neighbors clearly do not approve of portable toilets due to aesthetics, smell, vandalism and sanitary reasons due to lack of running water. In choosing the most logical location for the comfort station, staff and the consulting architect identified a location that met the following criteria: 1. Convenient access for the majority of the park users, who are identified as users of the playground equipment, picnic shelter and ballfield. 2. Close proximity to the existing walking path. 3. Does not require removal of any existing trees and/or shrubs. 4. Does not reduce the amount of any valuable open play space. As Park Board members may recall, the Wooddale Park neighborhood residents were very vocal about their objection to a basketball court being placed in Wooddale Park mainly due to the loss of valuable open play space. Having never forgotten that message, I chose the location of the comfort station that met all of the above criteria without having to take any valuable grassy play space. To my surprise, several residents in attendance who live closest to the park (but not the majority in attendance) would approve of a comfort station if it were placed in the open grassy play space. Not everyone agreed with that proposal. Before adjourning the meeting, I asked if it would be possible to come to a consensus on the issue (make decisions and accept compromises) to avoid having the Park Board and City Council decide the matter. Unfortunately there were some who strongly oppose any permanent restroom facilities constructed in the park and were not willing to compromise. As I view the issue, the Park Board has the following options: 1. Relocate the comfort station to a new location within Wooddale Park. 2. Put construction of the comfort station on hold indefinitely (use portable toilets?). 3. Construct the comfort station as planned in its current location. 4. Table the matter until further study or other requested information is gathered. It is staffs recommendation that the Park Board listen to resident testimony and make a recommendation to the City Council that is based on what is best for the public as a whole. It is my recommendation that the Park Board continue to support the construction of a comfort station somewhere within Wooddale Park in a location that is convenient for park users. I do not strongly object to relocating the structure to the open play area for the following reasons: 1. Immediate area residents (but not all residents) prefer that location and do not object to giving up that open play space. 2. The Edina Police Department supports a location that is closer to 50th Street and the parking lot. • 3. The new proposed location is still within reasonable convenience for all park users. 4. The new proposed location appears to be the only other reasonable and acceptable compromise that is responsive to the neighborhood. -4- 2elocating the comfort station to the open play space has pros and cons. The pluses are that it would remain convenient to the park users, within a safe distance for Police surveillance and becomes an equal distance from all neighboring homes. The largest drawback is having to surrender open active play space for the sake of the comfort station, which I sense will be a significant concern for many residents. There is also the option of not building a permanent restroom facility at Wooddale Park at this time. We can keep further construction on hold indefinitely, restore the construction area and place portable toilets in the park during the summer months. This is obviously one of those issues where you cannot possibly please everyone, nor should we ever expect to please everyone. Therefore, my recommendation is to propose to the audience who attends the Park Board meeting on the 14th that we compromise by relocating the comfort station to the open play area (as shown on the enclosed aerial map) and listen to the neighborhood response before making a final decision. It is also my recommendation that Park Board members take the time to visit the site prior to the Park Board meeting to get a better feel for the issues at hand and especially a better feel for alternate locations for a comfort station. Park Board action is requested on this matter. COURTNEY BALLFIELD SCOREBOARDS As you may recall, the City Council approved the Park Board's recommendation to pursue advertising on scoreboards to help finance scoreboard replacements at Courtney Ballfield Complex. The Edina Baseball Association has worked hard to secure vendors willing to advertise on baseball field scoreboards. As a result, the Edina Baseball Association is proposing that Courtney Ballfield #1 scoreboard be replaced with a significantly larger scoreboard. The dimensions are as follows: Field #1 Existiny- Scoreboard Dimensions 5 feet by 16 feet (80 square feet) Field #1 Proposed Scoreboard Dimensions 9'4" by 36 feet (336 square feet) In addition, the proposal includes an additional 2 feet by 36 feet for advertising, which brings the total sign square footage to be 408 square feet (510% larger than the existing scoreboard sign). The Edina Baseball Association is proposing smaller scoreboards for the other three fields at Courtney Ballfield Complex. The comparison dimensions of the other three fields are as follows: Fields #2, #3 and #4 Existing Scoreboard Dimensions 5 feet by 16 feet (80 square feet) Fields #2, #3 and #4 Proposed Scoreboard Dimensions 6 feet by 16 feet (96 square feet) The Edina Baseball Association is to be commended for taking the time and effort to secure advertising funding to replace the scoreboards at Courtney Ballfield Complex. Their hard work and support for quality facilities and programs is greatly appreciated. The issue at hand is the difference of opinion regarding the proposed scoreboard for Field #1. It is staffs strong opinion that this size scoreboard is too obtrusive and will negatively affect the aesthetics of this municipally owned and maintained baseball field that is used primarily for youth baseball. In my professional opinion, a scoreboard of this size belongs in a professional baseball stadium capable of handling thousands of fans. -5 - There is, however, a scoreboard of this size in place at Big Willow Park in the City of Minnetonka, located on Minnetonka Boulevard. The City of Minnetonka had a similar discussion regarding the need and appropriateness of a scoreboard this size and ultimately amended their City Ordinance to allow that one particular park to use a scoreboard that size. I will try to get color slides or photographs of that scoreboard for Park Board members to get a clearer understanding of the issue at hand. I would further recommend that Park Board members take a few minutes to visit Big Willow Park in Minnetonka to view the large scoreboard that is identical to the one being proposed by the Edina Baseball Association. Big Willow Park address is 11522 Minnetonka Boulevard, which is located on the north side of Minnetonka Boulevard, east of 494 between County Road 73 and Shady Oak Road. Representatives of the Edina Baseball Association will be present at the Park Board meeting to defend their position of this scoreboard. Staff does not object to the size of the other scoreboards, only the 36 foot long sign proposed for field #1. Park Board action is requested on this matter. OTHER Due to having served three weeks of jury duty this past month, I have been unable to follow up with Park Board's request to discuss the following at the April meeting: 1. Financial resources needed to implement a tube sliding hill at Braemar Park. 2. More information regarding term limits for Park Board members and officers. 3. 1999 Capital Improvement Plan. If approved by the Chairman, the above will be Agenda items for the May meeting. EDINA PARK BOARD 7:30 pm March 10, 1998 MEMBERS PRESENT: Becky Bennett, Dave Crowther, John Dovolis, David Fredlund, Beth Hall, Andrew Herring, Bill Jenkins, Jean Rydell, Tom White MEMBERS ABSENT: Andrew Montgomery, Phyllis Kohler STAFF PRESENT: John Keprios, Ed MacHolda, Janet Canton OTHERS PRESENT: Marlys Swetman, Shirley Petersen, Marjorie Ruedy, Pete Anderson I. WELCOME NEW PARK BOARD MEMBERS Mr. Crowther welcomed the two new Park Board members, Dave Fredlund and Tom White. II. APPROVAL OF THE DECEMBER 9, 1997 PARK BOARD MINUTES Jean Rydell MOVED TO APPROVE THE DECEMBER 9, 1997 PARK BOARD MINUTES. Andy Herring SECONDED THE MOTION. MINUTES APPROVED. III. ELECTION OF OFFICERS Mr. Crowther asked the Park Board their thoughts on having the election of officers even though the current chairman is missing and secondly discussing term limits for Park Board members. Mr. Crowther indicated that his concern on this issue is that we no longer have a set term and there should be a set time when we have the election and as long as there is a quorum present he feels the election should be held. Mr. Dovolis replied that he is a big believer that there should be term limits for both officers and board members. He noted that he feels this is a great way to get fresh, new ideas from new people who want to volunteer. 0 Mr. Herring stated that the only problem he sees is for the members who are new to the system and he thought that was the reason why the election was originally moved from January to February. He also pointed out that the other problem is there was not a meeting last month and the Mayor was also late in appointing members. Mr. Crowther responded that relative to the issue of the new members he understands that point yet he wonders would the new members learn anything following this meeting that would impact them. Mr. Herring commented that it really doesn't matter to him, however, he does like the idea of moving the chairman around every two years and he is ready for a change. It was the consensus to go forward with the election of officers. Mr. Keprios asked for nominations for chair to serve a one year term which expires February 1, 1999. Mr. Herring nominated Dave Crowther for Chair. Mr. Dovolis MOVED THAT THE NOMINATIONS BE CLOSED. Mr. Herring SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Keprios asked for nominations for vice -chair. Mr. Crowther nominated Andy Herring for vice -chair. Bill Jenkins MOVED THAT NOMINATIONS BE CLOSED. Beth Hall SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Keprios asked if the board wanted to discuss the term limits at next month's meeting. Mr. Jenkins asked if the term limits are for members or officers in which Mr. Crowther replied he would like to see term limits for both. He indicated that he would like to see it on next month's agenda so everyone can have a chance to think about it before then. Mr. Herring brought up the point that these are appointed positions by the Mayor and therefore that decision is up to the Mayor. Mr. Crowther stated that the Park Board could suggest to the Mayor that people not serve more than a certain number of years as a Park Board member. Ms. Hall indicated that being a park board member is not a position that you really get into right away, it takes awhile. Mr. Jenkins added that he is not a real fan of term limits. He feels if people are not contributing they should get off of the board but the people who are interested in serving have a lot of • background to issues that you normally would not know unless you have 2 been doing it a long time. Mr. Jenkins stated that he would be more in favor of having a term limit on only the chair and vice -chair. It was noted this issue will be put on the agenda for the April Park Board meeting. Mr. Crowther indicated that on behalf of the Park Board he would like to express thanks to Mr. Montgomery for the job he did as Chair and especially thanks to Jim Fee, who has retired, for the many terms he served. Mr. Keprios commented that Jim Fee will definitely be recognized at the Board and Commissions meeting. IV. ARNESON ACRES PARK FOUNTAIN Mr. Keprios indicated there are three guests present from the Edina Garden Council, Marlys Swetman, Shirley Petersen, and Marjorie Ruedy. He explained that the Edina Garden Council has been gracious enough to donate a lot of money to build the beautiful gazebo at Arneson Acres as well as numerous other improvements throughout the community. Mr. Keprios stated that we are forever in debt to the Garden Council. Mr. Keprios pointed out that now the Edina Garden Council is offering another donation. They would like to donate $25,000 towards the purchase of a fountain at Arneson Acres Park. Mr. Keprios then noted on a map of Arneson Acres where the fountain is proposed to be placed as well as handed out a picture of what the fountain will look like. Mr. Keprios explained that the low bid came in from Northern Water Gardens and commented that everyone felt it also was the best design. Mr. Keprios pointed out that Northern Water Gardens is also the same company who put in the water falls at the Centennial Lakes putting course as well as some redesign work at Edinborough Park. He stated that the total price tag for the fountain is $25,000 and the Garden Council will pay for all of it. However, because it's a large donation it does need to go through the process of having a recommendation go to the City Council. Mr. Crowther asked Mr. Keprios how this plan fits into what we had previously hoped to do. Mr. Keprios explained that essentially it was designed to have a waterfall that trickled down through a meandering brook with real stone and rock which would end up in a pond that would also serve water plant life, such as, water lilies. Then there were scheduled to be natural paths going around it with park benches. However, there were neighbors who were opposed to this project and the Park Board spent a lot time discussing the issue with the neighborhood. Therefore, it was felt that it would be in everyone's best interest to not do that plan. Ms. Rydell asked 3 if the neighbors object to this current plan. Mr. Keprios replied no and that he will be meeting with one of the neighbors because he has a few ideas for him. He noted that this plan does not provide a health or safety risk as was feared with the previous plan. Ms. Hall asked if the fountain will be on a timer and have lights in which Mr. Keprios responded there will be no lights and the fountain will run 24 hours a day because that is the best way to keep it operational. John Dovolis MOVED TO ACCEPT THIS WONDERFUL GIFT FROM THE EDINA GARDEN COUNCIL AND THAT THEY SHOULD BE COMMENDED FOR ALL OF THE WONDERFUL THINGS THEY DO THROUGHOUT THE YEAR FOR THE CITY, WE THANK YOU ON BEHALF OF THE BOARD FOR THE GOOD THINGS THAT YOU HAVE DONE. Andy Herring SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. V. JENNY SCHMIDGALL DAY PROCLAMATION Mr. Keprios noted that everyone has received a copy of the proclamation and he would like to have the Park Board's blessing on Jenny Schmidgall Day. He noted that she will be attending the City Council on March 16`h to receive this honor. He noted that they are putting together a nice plaque with a green key and a picture of the Olympic Women's Hockey team on it. It will be her day and it will be presented to her at 7:00 p.m. at the top of the agenda at the City Council meeting. John Dovolis MOVED TO ACCEPT THE JENNY SCHMIDGALL DAY PROCLAMATION. Tom White SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. VI. NAMING THE NEW BRAEMAR ARENA COMMONS AREA Mr. Keprios gave a brief history of naming buildings, facilities, rooms, and parks after people who have contributed a lot to this town. He stated that he hopes we never run out of facilities or buildings because there are a lot of terrific people who deserve this honor. Mr. Keprios explained that Mr. Rosland asked him to bring this topic to the Park Board. He noted that they would like to see the new commons area at Braemar Arena be named the Dahlen's Commons Area. Mr. Keprios stated that Jerry Dahlen served as Edina's Finance Director for many years and was instrumental in financing our way through the construction years. He 11 pointed out that Mr. Dahlen is a strong supporter of the hockey program and rarely misses a Varsity or Jr. Varsity hockey game. Mr. Keprios commented that this will ultimately be the City Council's call, however, they do look to the Park Board for advice. Ms. Bennett asked how would they designate this area. Mr. Keprios responded that he thinks it would be similar to the Warren C. Hyde Clubhouse at the Braemar Golf Course, it would probably have a very nice plaque placed in the designated area. Mr. Dovolis, out of curiosity, asked what happens when we run out of things to honor people with. Mr. Keprios replied that the nice thing about naming buildings after people is that buildings have a life expectancy and eventually need to be replaced which would be an appropriate time to be renamed. However, naming parks after people is more difficult to change. Mr. Crowther stated that he feels as a board it might be hard to make this recommendation because no one here really knows anything about this person. Ms. Bennett indicated that she is not from this area and asked her husband for some background information on Mr. Dahlen. She indicated that he instantly related him with hockey and felt he was deserving of this because of his long standing and love of the sport. Mr. Crowther commented that with this kind of issue he tends to go with what the staff's recommendation is because he does not really have any background with Mr. Dahlen. Mr. Herring indicated that it is not like we are going through a list and saying who else deserves to have this honor. He stated that he is sure he is probably a wonderful person but he doesn't know him and indicated that there are other wonderful people too. Ms. Bennett pointed out that she has a problem spending a lot of time hashing this out to come up with a recommendation which will not influence the City Council a whole lot. Mr. Keprios agreed that these types of things are more political in nature than setting policy. However, on policy and purchasing issues the City Council listens very carefully to what the Park Board has to say. John Dovolis MOVED THAT WE APPROVE THE STAFF'S RECOMMENDATION TO NAME THE BRAEMAR ARENA COMMONS AREA THE JERRY DAHLEN'S COMMONS. Beth Hall SECONDED THE MOTION. 1 IN FAVOR - John Dovolis, Beth Hall, David Fredlund, Dave Crowther OPPOSED - Becky Bennett, Andy Herring ABSTAIN - Jean Rydell, Bill Jenkins, Tom White VII. PARK SHELTER BUILDINGS AND COMFORT STATIONS PROJECT UPDATE Mr. Keprios indicated that the bids for the park shelter buildings and comfort stations have been accepted and a couple of sites have already broken ground for construction to begin. Mr. Keprios stated that this is the last of the referendum projects. He explained what the comfort stations and park shelter buildings will look like and added that the projects will be completed in August. Mr. Keprios stated that they just received an excellent offer from Paragon Cable. They have offered to give the city $100,000 to be part of an expansion to the Garden Park comfort station. He noted they will be adding on some storage where they will keep some of their cable equipment. It will not be fancy and the restroom portion of the building will look very similar to the existing design except it will have an extra storage area for their equipment until the end of their franchise. Mr. Keprios explained that they will give us $100,000 plus they will pay for all of the additional design fees and construction fees, which essentially more than pays for that comfort station. He commented that we needed this because we have had so many cost overruns and we are continuing to have them. It was asked if the city approached Paragon Cable or did they appear out of the blue with this deal. Mr. Keprios responded they came out of the blue and it needed to happen very quickly so the agreement in concept went straight to the City Council and they approved the agreement in concept. Mr. Keprios indicated that the same contractor also received the bid to do the renovation at the Lewis Park shelter building. There will now be an access to the bathrooms from the outside plus there will be new ceramic tile added to the restrooms. Mr. Herring asked Mr. Keprios if he could expand a little bit on the over run, as well as, where we are on the dollars spent. Mr. Keprios replied that hind sight is always perfect and if he had to do it over again, he would have hired architects up front before going to the public to ask for money. We should have had cost estimates done and then gone out and interacted with the community so we would have had a better idea up front what everything would cost and ask the community if they would be willing to support it. However, we did not spend any money to design anything. Mr. Keprios stated that he had no idea what everything would cost and that is the main reason for the unanticipated cost overruns. He noted that in addition to 110 guessing what the costs would be they hit the construction market at it's worst in the last 50 years. Mr. Herring asked if the costs would have been that accurate if you did a cost analysis before the bond even with the boom in the construction business. Mr. Keprios responded absolutely. He noted that with just the pool and the arena we are a million dollars over what we expected, which then had to come from the other park projects. Mr. Herring asked if the bids ended up coming in a million dollars more and Mr. Keprios replied it was the bids as well as a combination of design and other things that could not be foreseen. Mr. Dovolis indicated that the shelter buildings had to be completely redesigned and re -bid. Mr. Keprios stated that the shelter buildings and comfort stations are not exactly what was originally planned. He noted that the buildings have been scaled down. Mr. Keprios pointed out that the architect didn't do the best job keeping the mechanical and electrical together and noted that Mr. Dovolis was a big help with the redesign and was able to save us a lot money. Mr. Herring questioned if there will be a final report once everything is done in which Mr. Keprios responded yes. Mr. Keprios stated that he has already been requested to go back on the speaking circuit. He noted that he has been taking pictures and will put together another slide show that will give everyone an excellent visual understanding of everything that has been done. Mr. Herring asked if there is a capital budget for 1998 and Mr. Keprios responded there is no capital plan for 1998, although, no one has a capital plan. He indicated they are currently trying to establish a capital plan for 1999 as well as develop a five year comprehensive plan. He noted there is a committee of department heads currently piecing this together. Vlll. BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE WINTER RECREATION USE Mr. Keprios indicated that Andrew Montgomery requested that this topic be discussed again, so he put together a video so everyone could start thinking about this idea for the future. He explained that Braemar Golf Course is a beautiful facility that does not get taken full advantage of during the winter months. Mr. Keprios stated that over the years they have talked about putting in a tube sliding hill there and noted that it would be a wonderful addition to Braemar. Mr. Keprios then showed a video of tube sliding hills that are in Eagan and Eden Prairie. He indicated that Braemar has a couple of different hills that would work well for this. 7 Mr. Crowther asked Mr. Keprios if he has looked into what it would cost to operate these activities. Mr. Keprios replied that, if the Park Board is serious about looking into this, he will have more details available at the next meeting. Mr. Crowther commented that he doesn't think this is something that we need to rush into but if we start planning now we will be able to properly advertise it. Mr. Keprios pointed out that it may not be in the budget for 1999 but it could possibly be a great way to kick off the year 2000. IX. OTHER A. Centennial Lakes Putting Course - Mr. Keprios handed out a copy of the "Minnesota Golfer" magazine to the Park Board members and noted that there is a wonderful well written article in it about the Centennial Lakes Putting Course. He indicated that at the June Park Board meeting they will play the course. At 6:30 there will be a dinner and at 7:00 we will play the 18 hole course and if anything needs to discussed we will have a meeting after golfing. B. Senior Center - Ms. Rydell asked what is the status of the Senior Center. Mr. Keprios noted that in January they had a work session with the City • Council and gave a presentation on community centers. He stated that Mr. MacHolda gave a wonderful presentation on the need for gymnasiums in Edina. He noted that during one of the discussions the senior center topic came up and the only comment he heard was they still need a little more information. Therefore, Gordon Hughes will be contacting the City Council asking them what more information do they need so we can keep the senior center in motion. Mr. Herring asked what is the story on the gymnasium space. Mr. MacHolda explained that his job was to research the gymnasiums that are currently in Edina, the hours that are permitted and how they are being used. He indicated that he looked at the number of participants and the different seasons and came to the conclusion that they are short a minimum of four gymnasiums and ideally six to eight would greatly enhance the program. Mr. MacHolda pointed out that there are some ways in which he could try to do the schedules differently to better utilize the current space so they would not have to go to the tax payer and look for another referendum. However, some groups are already playing on the weekends. Mr. Herring commented that he is aware there are problems of not having enough gymnasium space. His 13 year-old is playing games at 9:00 p.m. and his 10 year-old is playing games at 8:00 p.m., which is late. However, he did receive a nice letter from the EBA stating they are doing the best they can but there will be some 0 late games scheduled. Mr. MacHolda pointed out there are over 1,100 boys in grades 1 through 8 playing basketball and when he started in 1985 there were 340. In addition, there is now girls traveling basketball which has greatly expanded and they play the same season as the boys, as well as, Jr. Olympic volleyball. Mr. MacHolda noted that he has weaned back on the adult programs and no longer offers adult basketball on Monday or Tuesday evenings. He stated that this program may even need to be eliminated in order to accommodate the youth programs. Mr. Herring asked if by four gyms does he mean four full size gyms in which Mr. MacHolda responded yes, four full size gyms. More elementary size gymnasiums does not really help. Mr. MacHolda indicated that a lot of things have been circulated in which one thought is to have a gymnasium added to the south end of the community center. He then commented that so many different ideas have been brought up. Mr. MacHolda then noted that a question he has heard is if it's WMEP, we again will be third or fourth in line to get into that space and that again creates a problem. Mr. Herring asked how much would it cost to build these gyms and Mr. MacHolda replied that part of the study has not been done yet. At this point, they have assessed the hours that are actually available, the hours that are currently being used as well as how long they are being used and a list of all of the programs. Mr. Crowther asked for that information to be included in next months Park Board packet. Mr. Keprios indicated that at this point we are waiting for the City Council to give us some direction on what they would like done next. C. Water Fountains - Ms. Bennett asked if the water fountains are going to be up and running at some of the parks this year because she heard some of them were in disrepair last year. Mr. Keprios answered that part of the bond issue plan was to replace all of the drinking fountains with handicap accessible drinking fountains, however, we fell short. Therefore, we are still going to try to do some of those types of things as well as some irrigation through the operating budget and, if necessary, the Developer's Fund. Mr. Keprios then noted as soon as the warm weather is here they will try to get the drinking fountains running the best they can. D. Advertising - Ms. Bennett asked what is the status with advertising regarding the baseball scoreboards. Mr. Keprios replied that the Baseball Association brought this issue before the City Council in which the City Council eliminated their existing policy. Therefore, at this time there is no policy and we are on a two year trial basis in which every new form of 9 advertising needs to be brought before the City Council for their prior approval. Mr. Keprios indicated that the Baseball Board wants to have advertising on some of the scoreboards at Braemar in which one is a large board that is 36 feet long. He stated that right now they are looking at all of the things that would have to fall into place to make that happen. He noted that the city attorney is working on it to see if maybe there is another way of doing it without having to change the ordinance. Mr. Keprios commented that at this point they are not prepared to bring this before the Park Board because they are not sure what direction they are going to take. Mr. Keprios stated that the Baseball Association is pretty sure they have vendors who will supply the money to buy the scoreboards in exchange for advertising. He pointed out that right now the city ordinance does not allow any outdoor advertising. X. ORIENTATION POWER POINT PRESENTATION Mr. Keprios stated that mainly for the benefit of our new Park Board members after the Park Board meeting adjourns he will be showing a power point presentation that outlines the Edina Park and Recreation Department, its programs, facilities, staff, organizational chart, mission statement etc. Even though it is designed to orient our new members, all Park Board members are welcome to stay and view the presentation. XI. ADJOURNMENT Jean Rydell MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 8:35 P.M. John Dovolis SECONDED THE MOTION. MEETING ADJOURNED. 10 1998 EDINA PARK BOARD MEETING AND SPECIAL EVENTS SCHEDULE 1. Tuesday, January 13, 1998 (canceled). 2. Tuesday, February 10, 1998, 7:30 p.m., Manager's Conference Room. 3. Tuesday, March 10, 1998, 7:30 p.m., Manager's Conference Room. 4. '*Tuesday, March 24, 1998, 7:00 p.m., Braemar Golf Course; Annual Board, Commissions and Committees Meeting. 5. Tuesday, April 14, 1998, 7:30 p.m., City Council Chambers. 6. Tuesday, May 12, 1998, 7:30 p.m., Manager's Conference Room. 7. '*Tuesday, June 9, 1998, Centennial Lakes Centrum Building; 6:30 p.m. dinner; 7:00 p.m. 18 Hole Championship Putting Course. 8. *Tuesday, July 14, 1998, 1:00 p.m., Braemar Inspection Tour; 6:00 p.m. dinner. 9. Tuesday, August 11, 1998, 7:30 p.m., Manager's Conference Room. 10.Tuesday, September 8, 1998, 7:30 p.m., Manager's Conference Room. 1 1 .Tuesday, October 13, 1998, 7:30 p.m., Manager's Conference Room. 12.Tuesday, November 10, 1998, 7:30 p.m., Manager's Conference Room. 13.Tuesday, December 8, 1998, 7:30 p.m., Manager's Conference Room. * = Special event meetings. To: John Keprios, Director, Edina Park and Recreation Department, Edina Park Board Date: April 8, 1998 Re: Wooddale Park Comfort Station We, the undersigned Edina Residents, would like the Edina Park Board to install a comfort station at Wooddale Park. We feel that the city should meet the needs of all Edina residents, not just the interests of a few. We would like to see the comfort station remain close to the Tot Lot. If the Park Board should chose to follow the suggestion in the petition to form a neighborhood committee to study the concerns of that group, we hope that a representative committee would be formed. A committee that would represent the community, not just one group. Name Address "I ' &"--, q � - , 3 � , /,., �" , 4 AI", � `i�l �i/Vl ��� t.wj 13 �(,l%✓ �'� �� iiti� 17 ,� � x C i I r�-r/D Ae L Z l r Soli %r,l viM41 a,,�'�� 9L Rec_ �p j� o Fir To: John Keprios, Director, Edina Park and Recreation Department, Edina Park Board Date: April 8, 1998 Re: Wooddale Park Comfort Station We, the undersigned Edina Residents, would like the Edina Park Board to install a comfort station at Wooddale Park. We feel that the city should meet the needs of all Edina residents, not just the interests of a few. We would like to see the comfort station remain close to the Tot Lot. If the Park Board should chose to follow the suggestion in the petition to form a neighborhood committee to study the concerns of that group, we hope that a representative committee would be formed. A committee that would represent the community, not just one group. Name ll`�Ll2zGcy J ea -L, Address /+qv" 000 � G "l/Pd -,i a ecl Xk 145Q156 3 &?U� n ffh r\. � &I 1 6WA/ov\AaAFes. �,5z� 5 uk4j-5 i d -t,, ReCe-i oad ai- Tzk'"-Af ciic To: John Keprios, Director, Edina Park and Recreation Department, Edina Park Board Date: April 8, 1998 Re: Wooddale Park Comfort Station We, the undersigned Edina Residents, would like the Edina Park Board to install a comfort station at Wooddale Park. We feel that the city should meet the needs of all Edina residents, not just the interests of a few. We would like to see the comfort station remain close to the Tot Lot. If the Park Board should ch696cto follow the suggestion in the petition to form a neighborhood committee to study the concerns of that group, we hope that a representative committee would be formed. A committee that would represent the community, not just one group. Name r� T v" ' lturri Atic] rFcc (� C (c �Si.11rl Yl C 15i Ie CAZ) V&1 J� � C It INS{- � cu� c C. G Com- © 1996 Normandale Elementary French Immersion School i.'�-t:.'�•Llr"�61 L'3?iC-12LL��(%�L(� �/ �� C'�t/ict•CG�2/t �� ��fJ /Lvz��L+%� _ oLiW rig a c1'wC' v` �/v t LCLLCiI �LGE.'�1 .W�c'�%/.. �� .•�-fir.-l' •�-CG�i-��j' C�WCti(.vv� .ii� , ,7.Gc,riC�'�- G -✓I LG�-t(/LC/� L�Gr � ✓�Z� j � �."� l MR. BRIGHT M. DORNBLASER 4630 DREXEL AVENUE EDINA, MN 55424 David and Cindy Farmer 4612 Casco Avenue Edina, MN 55242-1127 April 9, 1998 City of Edina John Keprios, Director Edina Park and Recreation Dept. 4801 West 50t` Street Edina, MN 55424-1394 RE: Wooddale Park Comfort Station Dear Mr. Keprios, Thank you for facilitating the Wooddale Park Neighborhood Input Meeting last evening. I found the meeting very informative and moderated fairly considering the differing viewpoints. Living on Casco Avenue, about three blocks from the park, our family is a frequent user of the park. Our children are old enough to be out of diapers, but young enough not to go to the park unsupervised. We have been faced with the sudden "call of nature" while at the park. Though all the kids at the park are the most beautiful and best -behaved children I have ever met, they do not always give their parents enough warning that nature not only has called, but has arrived. A Comfort Station is definitely needed at Wooddale Park. I came to the meeting with the preconceived notion that a restroom facility was needed at the park After the one hour and fifteen minute discussion, I was not convinced otherwise. The second major concern voiced was the location of the Comfort Station. I was empathetic for the neighbors along County Club alley. Consequently, I surveyed the park again today to look at the alternate proposed site just east of home plate along the sidewalk. I visualized that site along with some others just north and south along the sidewalk. All of those sites were not viable. Mainly, the grassy area along the east side of the sidewalk is useable green space. The space is perfect for a warm up area prior to games. The ground is level, not sloped and unusable as reported last evening. A second problem with the alternate proposed site(s) is the visual blocking the Comfort Station would create. As parents watch their son or daughter on the ball diamond, they often let their other children play on the grassy area. It would be very difficult to keep on eye on the children playing in that area if the Comfort Station is blocking the view. Also, the Comfort Station would block the view of the gazebo. My conclusion would be to build the Comfort Station on the existing (current) proposed site. To address two concerns raised by the park neighbors: Noise and landscaping. Please install the quietest toilet flushing units on the market. Secondly, though it seems the rows of pine trees are a thick visual barrier to their homes; some additional landscaping my be needed. Thank you again for seeking our input. cerely, David and indy Farm P.S. Tips, which may have already been considered: Install a smoke detector to deter smoking. Install the inside deadbolt lock at height so only children of a certain age (suggest 6 yrs old) can reach it to prevent small kids from locking the door. SENT BY: 4-14-98 ; 4:12PM ;ANDERSEN CONSULTING 927 7645;# 2/ 4 To: Fdina ParkBoard Cc: John Keprios Date: April 13, 1998 Subject: Proposed Public Toilets at. Wooddale Park On April 7, a neighborhood meeting was held by John Keprios to discuss the proposed public toilets for Wooddale Park. There were different views expressed, some in opposition to others. I would like to recap the areas that I believe ernerged as issues during the discussion. • Perceived Need Rased on occasional comments, park and rec staff had concluded that there was a need for public toilets at the park. There does not appear to be any empirical data to support this, rather just a sense that the need exists. 'There was support fur this need expressed at the meeting by a few individuals_ The basis of this need seemed to be convenience. Th.e opinion was expressed that it was not convenient to use the facilities directly across the street either for people using the tot lot or those playing basebal 1, The same rationale of convenience was used to justify the placement of the toilets (see Placement below). I have had the opportunity to visit many parks both in Edina and in the SW suburbs Eden Prairie, Wayzata, Hopkins) with my daughter playing traveling soccer. Many o1" them are similar to Wooddale in that they have playing fields with scheduled activities and a tot. lot. Few, if any, have toilet facilities that are accessible during the summer. This would include Creek Valley, Highlands, Pamela and Fdina High in Edina. The lack of public toilets has not seemed to hamper the: successful use of these parks and fields. Before concluding that a need exists, it might be useful to conduct a study of the usage of the park. What is the average length of time that individuals are at the Park? Does that warrant the construction of facilities? Mow far do most park users travel to the park? Are people aware of the existence of toilets directly across the street? Do the longer terrn demographics of the neighborhood support the perceived nccd'? 1 believe these questions should be answered before a need can be established. • Coat Several citizens atthe rneet1iig expressed concern about an, expenditure of close to 560,000 for anew set of public toilets within 200 feet of existing facilities. 'That cost, plus the ongoing maintenance costs were felt to be unnecessary. The question was raised if this was really a priority in park spending given the questionable need for the toilets in the first. place. The short time that the toilets would be operational (May — September) and the 8 week baseball season were also cited. as reasons to question the cost effectiveness of this construction. We also need to consider how future budgetary constraints may alter the city's ability to maintain these facilities. SENT BY: 4-14-98 ; 4:13PM ANDERSEN CONSULTING � 927 7645;# 3/ 4 • Design Although the architectural rendering was very tastefully done, there were concerns raised about the size and height of the proposed structure. Given the small sire of the park, the structure, as proposed, will be the dominant feature of the park no matter where it is located. Unlike the other parks where buildings are proposed, Wooddale is small and has neighbors abutting the park on three sides with lines of sight into the park. Any new structure placed in the park should be sized according to the overall park's dimensions. It should also be smaller than and reflect the architecture of the picnic pavilion that already exists in Wooddale. A single room with a. janitorial closet would surely be adequate at a reduced cost, and would allow for a scaled down structure. Concerns were also expressed about the ability for children to lock themselves or others in the bathrooms. In a windowless structure, this was thought to be an invitation for problems. • Maintenance i)espite the staled intentions of the park and rec. staff to maintain new facilities, the fact is that maintaining the very simple existing facilities has been problematic. I have called the city on several occasions because the trash has been over flowing or the park equipment has been broken or dangerous_ My daughter's Girl Scout troop adopted this park for two years and we found a myriad of interesting and educational items including beer cans and liquor bottles. Largely, it is those of us who live closest to the park and frequent it the most who are picking up trash and calling for maintenance. Graffiti that had been on one of the slides for over a year was only very recently removed at the request of a neighbor. • safety Concerns were raised about safety issues, particularly late night activities such as under -age drinking, smoking and graffiti. Park and rec. staff as well as the police officer present concurred that some problems and vandalism were inevitable. Sergeant Drevlow suggested that a location closer to 50't' Street might help forestall problems due to the improved lighting and proximity to a main street. • Placement As discussed at the meeting, there is serious concern by the immediate neighbors to the park about the placement of the proposed public toilets. While this was labeled "self- interest" during the meeting, I think you would be hard pressedto find many Edina residents that would find it reasonable to have public toilets placed within 50 feet of their lot lines. We have serious concerns given our proximity to the sights, sounds and smells associated with them. The small size of the park and the perceived need for convenience does present a problem. in the course of discussion, it seemed that placement by the parking lot was not convenient enough for those using the tot lot. Yet, a trip to '.Target Greatland or even Jerry's could easily result in a trip of- a greater distance to use the restrooms. for that matter, the distance to the facilities across the street at Utley Park is equivalent to SENT BY: 4-14-98 : 4:14PM ANDERSEN CONSULTING - 927 7645:# 4/ 4 the distance from the back of Target to the restrooms. So how convenient does convenient need to he? Given the questions that were raised and the unresolved issues, 1 would suggest that it is unlikely that a resolution can be implemented in time for any facilities to he useful this season. This was our first opportunity to address this specific issue as a neighborhood and it was prompted by a neighborhood petition, not by the city. I would recommend delaying any action until further study and input can determine a marc acceptable; and cost efleetivc resolution. In the interim, Mr. Kepri.os suggested that Satellites could be placed in the parking lot. He also agreed to sod over the initial construction so as not to leave a hazard, in the park_ Kathryn Peterson 4303 Country Club Road 929-1961 / 334-4793 From: Justin Cole Voice: 612925-0204 AIVI �-J Ai'k Page 1 of 1 Thursday, April 09,199812:64:30 To: John Keorlos Date: Thursday, April 09, 1998 Time: 8:47:00 1 Pages To: John Keorios Fax: 8260390 Voice: Comments: From: Justin Cole Fax: Voice: 612-925-0204 This note is to voice my opposition to a bathroom at Woodale Park. Justin Cole 4503 Bruce Ave 6 April, 1998 Mr. John Keprios Director Edina Park & Recreation Department City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Dear Mr. Keprios: Due to the fact that we will be unavailable to attend the Wooddale Park neighborhood meeting April 8, we send this letter regarding the installation and maintenance of a comfort station for Wooddale Park. Please let us go on record that we support the petition which is against the installation of the public toilet, for all the reasons listed on the yellow sheet enclosed with your letter, and urge the department to solve the problem through other means. We would be a "no" vote on the issue in question. Thank you. Yours very truly, Wayne and Anne Whitman 4620 Drexel Avenue South Edina, Minnesota 55424 April 7, 1998 John Keprios Edina Park and Recreation Department Edina City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Dear Mr. Keprios, My husband and I wanted to provide you with our input regarding the issue of the comfort station being constructed at Woodale Park. After visiting the tot lot recently with our children, we would have to agree that the location of the comfort station is too close to the play area. We think the idea of the comfort station is a good one, however the placement should be rethought. Thank you, c rely, oan and Robert Bonello 4621 Arden Ave. Edina, MN 55424 926-9057 0 John Keprios, Director Edina Park and Recreation Deptartment Edina, Minnesota April 05,1998 RE: Comfort Station at Wooddale Park Dear Sir, As a 25 year resident of Edina I have always been so pleased that my tax dollars are working to create areas through our park system for families to play and exercise. That is an area of prime importance to me as it shows dedication to families and neighborhoods. What could be more important? The issue at hand seems totally rediculous to me. Anyone who has ever taken a small child to Wooddale Park is well aware of the necessity of restroom facilities at that park. I am so happy to see how well utilized that park is. There are people of all ages using that park from adults playing softball to toddlers on the infant swings and every age in between. It is just crazy to expect all of these people to leave the park in search of restrooms every time nature calls. I trust that the city will build and maintain a facility that is esthetically acceptable and in keeping with the lovely neighborhood in which it will be built. Ann Marie J. Maciej 4630 Bruce Avenue Edina, Minnesota 55424 1Qt4�;. April 2, 1998 John Keprios, Director City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Dear Mr. Keprios, I received the notice regarding the comfort station from you asking for our input. As a Grandmother who does use that little park with my grandchildren, I am opposed to an unsightly and dangerous building on that site. There are facilities across the street for older ball players if they are needed. Also, parents may take small children across the street. Please leave the open and easy to supervise area free of any buildings. The opportunity for molesters and deviants would be given one more spot to operate in. Thank you for asking, Phyllis M. Carter 4613 Casco Avenue Edina, Minnesota 55424 April 2, 1998 Mr'. John Keprios, Director Edina Park and Recreation Department 4801 West 50th Edina, MN 55424-1394 Dear Mr. Keprios, We just recently moved to Edina ... and are delighted with our new home. We chose our location for many reasons ... not the least of which was the obvious care given to the city's many amenities. I always refer to Edina as a "thoughtful" city, where decisions are made to reflect the high standards set by our charter residents. I agree wholeheartedly with the March 22 memo from the residents of the Wooddale Park area. A comfort station in Wooddale Park is akin to serving mixed drinks at Lunds. It just doesn't fit. urge you, once again, make a thoughtful decision on this matter. Sincerely, Susan McGowan 4617 Edina Boulevard Edina, MN 55424 From:. FAX: 1-612-305-2703 , voice: 922-2510 To:, 1! April 2, 1998 John Keprios Edina Park & Recreation Department 4801 West 50`h Street Edina, MN 55424-1394 Dear John, I received your meeting notice regarding the bathroom construction at Wooddale Park. From the tone of the petition, one could easily assume that the 44 people who have singed it have no contact with children or grand children or use public parks. One could also assume that someone has too much time on his or her hands or they wouldn't be trying to use it up by blocking such an excellent idea from being implemented. I certainly wouldn't make those assumptions so I will just try to address the issues, such as they are. Unfortunately my schedule will not allow me to attend the meeting, even though this issue is very important to me. I have two children ages 4 and 6 and we visit the park regularly. When I saw the construction recently I was ecstatic, because I would tell that it was going to be restrooms. The reason for my reaction should be obvious with anyone who has played with young children away from the home. Let me address each of the items listed in the letter; 1 & B The proximity to the tot lot is PERFECT. A child using the tot lot or the baseball diamond has equally good access. When you are a young person you have very limited amount of time to get where you're going to go (pun intended). Putting the toilet near 506 street will actually be counter productive to items 4 and 7. Putting it next to a very busy street like 50`h will advertise its availability more than the current location. Putting the toilet near the parking lot or the street would make it MORE accessible and susceptible to crime by making it extremely easy for the perpetrators to access and leave the area in their cars. Maybe the committee could get the input of the police on this matter. 4 "Other crimes" If the toilet was constructed in a way to only allow one person to use it at a time this would minimize or eliminate its usefulness as a meeting spot for criminal activities. Secondly I wold imagine that if a small feature was added it would further eliminate or reduce the potential for crime; mount an enclosure in an upper comer of the interior of the building, relatively inaccessible (up and out of reach), which may or may not contain a security camera. Much like on the upper walls of the post office at 501h & France. Concerning "graffiti", I cannot think of ANY public space in Edina where I have seen graffiti, why would this park be any different? I'm not saying it doesn't occur, but the speed to which it is corrected, if and when it does is amazing. I think it would have been more forceful if the 44 petitioners had provided more facts or supporting evidence for their position on this item. See the following for more on this issue. 3. Having lived in Boston for a number of years, where the city infrastructure barely supports use, our metro area on the other hand is fantastic. I was delighted with personally observing the following at the park in question. A city worker came to repair the playground equipment when I was there with my child. I brought to his two other issues that needed attention that he was previously unaware of, and the next time I came back to the park BOTH were fixed! Not only that, but at the time he told me that all anyone has to do is place a call to the city and they'll quickly address any future repairs. One would have to be deficient to not notice the efficiency, effectiveness and rapid response of this neighborhoods snow removal compared to the city of Minneapolis a few blocks away. Furthermore, about two years ago the sidewalks were tom up and repaired to make it less likely that young or old would trip or fall due to heaving of the concrete. I would be very hard pressed to imagine that the toilet would be singled out for poor municipal maintenance (#5 "smell, aesthetics") given the exemplary performance in not only the above, but every other municipal maintenance area I've ever observed since moving to this neighborhood. Page 1 of 2 From: , FAX: 1-612-305-2703 , voice: 922-2510 To:, Page 2 of 2 B. I could almost, but not quite, sympathize with this item. The fact is that using the park weekly for the three years we've lived in the neighborhood, I've observed someone eating at the Pagoda twice in that entire time. Maybe we don't play at the same time as people have used it for eating, but I believe it to be one of the least used features of the park. To eliminate a huge benefit like a restroom in favor of an under utilized feature is, at best in my opinion, ludicrous. The intelligent thing to do if you are going to send this issue through committee is poll people; what percentage has ever used the pagoda for eating, what percentage of that group would prefer to have no bathroom vs. one at the present location. Regarding aesthetics, I believe it was an architect who said "Form follows function". Believe me, when you have a child that has to go, an available bathroom is a very beautiful thing indeed. 5. This is my favorite. "noise, smell, aesthetics". Maybe the 44 petitioners could have better explained what bathroom smells they regularly encounter that can permeate concrete (the current foundation and likely, judging by other municipal structures at Edina parks, the entire structure)? If the building is not made from concrete, then smells that permeate wood or stucco? Not only that, but smells that will travel 500% further from a park than they live from their neighbors? Maybe the stench they smell is coming from some awfully noxious activities that their neighbors are currently conducting. Maybe I'm just lucky that I don't have neighbors or homes nearby that give off such a stench. A committee may be in a better position, with the help of the sanitation department, to sort this one out. Thank you for taking the time to not only read this letter, but also in responding to the needs of, what I hope is a vocal minority. Good luck and keep me posted. Sincerely yours, Paul Jursik 4912 Arden Avenue 04/02 '98 12:45 ID:AIChE Journal 6126246564 FAX: PAGE To: John Keprios, Director Edina Park t Edina Park Board Date: March 22, 1999 RE: Wooddale Park To' t Post -It® Fax Note 7671 Qafe4 2 �� pa0, To O%1h re YtOS From Co /Dept. V AL2 V Co. q.514 wu)Ada L Phone # Phone a 1 ! Fax #,* Gl `]� �If _i j Fax We the undersigned Edina residents of the Wooddale Park area are concerned about the pending plans for a public toilet in Wooddale Park. Specifically, we are concerned with the following: 1. The close proximity of the toilet to the Tot Lot and the Pagoda. The aesthetics of the toilet and its impact on the existing aesthetics of the Park. k I9 / hew � Ut The maintenance of the toilet. �-� f— I SS(/ l Pv�L_1 c rr T3 /W;Ly vS vR t_q C,VK I 4. The safety issues surrounding the toilet, i.e. graffiti and other crimes. 5. The impact on the surrounding residents (noise, smell, aesthetics), Six residences are within approximately 150 feet of the planned toilet location. b. Other problems experienced at similar public toilets. Overcrowding at Wooddale Park. Wooddale Park is small and is characterized as a neighborhood park. The installation of a toilet will draw people to the Park from a larger area and will overburden the Park facilities. As a result of the above concerns, we petition for the following: A. Formation of a neighborhood committee made of up a subset of the undersigned to further consider the above concerns, gather more data, form an Adopt -A -Park •--- f' roup for Wooddale Par and work with the Park Director an t e art oard on this an of er issues. B_ Immediate cessation of construction. Relocation to an area nearer 50th Street and the parking lot, The planned location of the toilet is too close to the Tot Lot and the Pagoda. The Pagoda is an eating area and shelters the picnic table, and we are concerned that the public toilet will disturb the Pagoda eating area. The Pagoda is central to the Park's aesthetic, and no matter how elaborate the architectural and maintenance plans, a toilet is still a toilet, C. Placement of these concerns and issues on the next Park Board meeting.– Q �-w�- aS4 amu, Out To: John Keprios, Director Edina Park and Recreation Department Edina Park Board Date: March 22, 1998 RE: Wooddale Park To� We the undersigned Edina residents of the Wooddale Park area are concerned about the pending plans for a public toilet in Wooddale Park. Specifically, we are concerned with the following: The close proximity of the toilet to the Tot Lot and the Pagoda. 2. The aesthetics of the toilet and its impact on the existing aesthetics of the Park. 3. The maintenance of the toilet. 4. The safety issues surrounding the toilet, i.e. graffiti and other crimes. The impact on the surrounding residents (noise, smell, aesthetics). Six residences are within approximately 150 feet of the planned toilet location. 6. Other problems experienced at similar public toilets. 7. Overcrowding at Wooddale Park. Wooddale Park is small and is characterized as a neighborhood park. The installation of a toilet will draw people to the Park from a larger area and will overburden the Park facilities. As a result of the above concerns, we petition for the following: A. Formation of a neighborhood committee made of up a subset of the undersigned to further consider the above concerns, gather more data, form an Adopt -A -Park group for Wooddale Park, and work with the Park Director and the Park Board on this and other issues. B. Immediate cessation of construction. Relocation to an area nearer 50th Street and the parking lot. The planned location of the toilet is too close to the Tot Lot and the Pagoda. The Pagoda is an eating area and shelters the picnic table, and we are concerned that the public toilet will disturb the Pagoda eating area. The Pagoda is central to the Park's aesthetic, and no matter how elaborate the architectural and maintenance plans, a toilet is still a toilet. C. Placement of these concerns and issues on the next Park Board meeting. April 6, 1998 Mr. John Keprios Director Edina Park and Recreation Dept 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424-1394 Dear John, Thanks for discussing the proposed comfort station at Wooddale Park today. I am writing to say I can see no reason why this should not be done. I live at 4621 Edina Blvd with just one row of houses separating me from the park. It is easy for my kids to get home if they really need to use bathroom facilities however I would think a vast majority of the users are not so lucky. As you know there are existing facilities on the South side of 50th. However they are certainly not convenient to Wooddale Park and are not even used that I know of. Who would try to cross 50th to do so? I do know the park is used heavily. When this whole issue was brought to my attention it seemed to make sense. The use of the park is not just limited to the young children of the neighborhood. It appears there are baseball leagues using it for practice and games along with fall soccer teams. It therefore seems reasonable and perhaps even the reality of the situation that the usage of the Park is at a point where this is a prudent decision. Si cerely, James A. Anderson Apr -07-98 12:42P PAUL WALSER April 7, 1998 John Keprios Director of Edina Park and Rec. Department Edina City Hall 4801 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 612-927-0032 P.01 Dear John, We are writing you this letter to inform you that we can not attend the Wed 7:00 meeting at the Edina City Hall concerning the proposed Wooddale Park "comfort station" (a.k.a. toilets). We would like to voice our view on this subject by saying that we strongly oppose such a building at this site and if you would like to discuss it further please call us. Sincerely, PGuPan A 6Wa5u� 4wq Omxmd .� EI nu , ,U n 55424 qzjM-2-�2 Apr -07-98 12:43P PAUL WALSER 612-927-0032 P.02 April 7, 1998 John Keprios Director of Edina Park and Rec. Department Edina City Hall 4801 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Dear John, We are writing you this letter to inform you that we can not attend the Wed 7:00 meeting at the Edina City Hall concerning the proposed Wooddale Park "comfort station" (a.k.a toilets). We would like to voice our view on this subject by saying that we strongly oppose such a building at this site and if you would like to discuss it further please call us. Sincerely, a Cf a 6 ( v- - 1 2- °1 - 't � Q �. • To: John Keprios --�+ VIA FAX: 826-0390 From: Claire and Jack Dempsey 4624 Browndale Avenue Edina MN 55424 Date: April 7, 1998 Re: Wooddale Park Toilet We would like to add our family's input to that already put forward by other neighbors. We see no reason to have this toilet installed at the Wooddale park and agree 100% with the concerns raised already by neighbors. As a matter of fact, we would prefer that there be NO TOILET OF ANY KIND IN ANY LOCATION AT THE PARK. More trees or landscaping would be desirable, but not a toilet faciltiy no matter how big or small. If additional people are needed to serve on a committee or an Adopt a park group please call us at 924-0980. Thank you for your assistance. Andrew H. Cragg, M.D. John Keprios, Director Edina Park & Recreation Department City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Dear Mr. Keprios, I received your letter concerning the proposed construction of a "comfort station" at Wooddale Park. I am writing to express my opinion regarding this as a resident of the local neighborhood. I am opposed to the construction of this facility. I believe that the park serves the neighborhood well in its present state. The park is used by local residents on a short-term basis and a restroom facility should not be necessary. I believe this will change the character of the park and is a needless expense for the city. Please register my disapproval at the proposed action. Please feel free to contact me if you need further information Sincerely, Andrew H. Cragg, M.D. 4502 Edina Boulevard, Edina, MN 55424 Tel: 612-924-0240 Fax: 612-920-8331 APR -00-1990 09:57 JOHN TEMPLE NORTHWEST A I R L I N E S John W. Temple Vice President Passenger Sales Nol'tl1weit Airlines. Inc. 612 726-6986 Department A6500 612 727-4535 Fax 5101 Northwest hive St. Paul MN 55111-3034 April 7, 1998 Mr. John Keprios Edina Park and Recreation Department City hall 4801 West 50'h Street Edina, MN 55424 Dear Mr. Keprios: 612 727 4535 P.01 I am writing with a deep concern over a plan to build a public toilet in Wooddale park. I share my fellow Edina residents' concerns about what this facility would do to the neighborhood. More specifically: ♦ The esthetics of the park would be totally destroyed. ♦ My wife and I would feel very differently about the safety of our children at the park. ♦ I have yet to see a public toilet or restroom facility not turn into an eye sore and maintenance headache in short order. • In discussions with several neighbors, I have never once heard any expression of a need for a restroom facility. If the park is maintained for neighborhood use, the residents of the neighborhood would logically use their own home restrooms_ ♦ As an alternative, I would suggest you expand the current building on the North side of 50'b Street to accommodate a toilet. That would still have all of the problems I have mentioned, but I would not consider it nearly as much of a problem as your planned facility. In short, my wife and I have strong objections to erecting this facility as planned. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me at 926-9526. Sinceyely, . John Temple ►■FEARS Is RI UGING 14, P A U i F I C TOTAL P.01 To: John Keprios From: Carol and Ned Hancock Date: April 8, 1998 RE: Wooddale Park Toilet Wooddale Park is a pretty park. Why destroy the aesthetics of this lovely park with an ugly toilet facility? We have 4 children, all of whom have grown up using this park and have never found a toilet facility necessary!!! Please do not make this park ugly!!! And please do not use tax money unnecessarily! ! ! Thank you!!! Wooddale park users, Carol and Ned Hancock c Wednesday April 8, 1998 America Online: KTWJ Page: 1 April 8, 1998 John Keprios, Director Edina Park and Recreation Department Edina, MN 55424 Dear Mr. Keprios, We are responding to your letter of 3/30 about the comfort station for Wooddale Park. We support the construction of this building. We live four blocks from the park and on many occasions, we have had to run home from the park with our daughter because she had to go to the bathroom. We always wondered why this park did not have a bathroom for the children. Please add this opinion to your discussion tonight. Sincerely, Margar t Shreves and Bill Marshall 4631 Arden Avenue Edina, MN 55424 ry ' °►fie � April 7, 1998 John Keprios Director of Edina Park and Rec. Department Edina City Hall 4801 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Dear John, We are writing you this letter to inform you that we can not attend the Wed 7:00 meeting at the Edina City Hall concerning the proposed Wooddale Park "comfort station" (a.k.a toilets). We would like to voice our view on this subject by saying that we strongly oppose such a building at this site and if you would like to discuss it further please call us. Sincerely, _ 4SIl dna _'13o1rleoaro', Cdiza, Annnesofa 5.5424 MRS. WILLIAM A. VENELL 4614 DREXEL AVENUE EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424 L 1 f _ _.__ — _ ___ _. _._ __.. . _ _©��� r>.S�SZ..----asp'----- -_ __ _ fl � ` nx /nV�\ _... _..____. ,....�.__�. .__. _.-._, I. _ a_...�-.._- .__.._.�---- I ._ � _.. __ 5 -� I .�._. - �_ s�_-_ i _,� w _.._. . ,�.._. � I f'� __ `� �___ .._..._ - T_,s.�--- -_ __.— _.�..._._ �-- V V _, i --- -- --- ___ . _. _ . �__ _ _ �, ._.. _ - -- ._F � �'..__ ,. �' �. ----_ __ � ^ �. .._ ._...____.._�.— A s1 ...._ ,.._.._.___ _ . ,n __.. --- W y � � �C�._Y.I�-a— -- _. _..... _._ _u _._ -- -- -- _ ____ _ - 1 _ ._ _ 4-__ _. �_ _ -i--- _._ . _ _ _ � A"�-Q-- - ' | I h oo CU C,Ae ���< C-1 �hbo c hovel 119 IR -7 r. D,4 CACA(cra,\ J� 6 L41L4D T Cim k"��r 0��D 4 - /S -U --Q 41403 - C �t���� CLL't� Lf4o�— (,-, l C(A 2_ C S ,.JQ_ 4vlf;-,o. cl:3 Lir 42,0 C6� To: John Keprios, Director Edina Park and Recreation Department Edina Park Board Date: March 22, 1998 RE: Wooddale Park Toilaxf We the undersigned Edina residents of the Wooddale Park area are concerned about the pending plans for a public toilet in Wooddale Park. Specifically, we are concerned with the following: The close proximity of the toilet to the Tot Lot and the Pagoda. 2. The aesthetics of the toilet and its impact on the existing aesthetics of the Park. The maintenance of the toilet. 4. The safety issues surrounding the toilet, i.e. graffiti and other crimes. The impact on the surrounding residents (noise, smell, aesthetics). Six residences are within approximately 150 feet of the planned toilet location. 6. Other problems experienced at similar public toilets. 7. Overcrowding at Wooddale Park. Wooddale Park is small and is characterized as a neighborhood park. The installation of a toilet will draw people to the Park from a larger area and will overburden the Park facilities. As a result of the above concerns, we petition for the following: A. Formation of a neighborhood committee made of up a subset of the undersigned to further consider the above concerns, gather more data, form an Adopt -A -Park group for Wooddale Park, and work with the Park Director and the Park Board on this and other issues. B. Immediate cessation of construction. Relocation to an area nearer 50th Street and the parking lot. The planned location of the toilet is too close to the Tot Lot and the Pagoda. The Pagoda is an eating area and shelters the picnic table, and we are concerned that the public toilet will disturb the Pagoda eating area. The Pagoda is central to the Park's aesthetic, and no matter how elaborate the architectural and maintenance plans, a toilet is still a toilet. C. Placement of these concerns and issues on the next Park Board meeting. c>, Name Address Phone Group Y/N? fi,y Q = y kollb ic{ t N A qt y / Z Z � — D4w D ✓azii wv�- i L) LD 9ZUY 30 Z/ T Aw llglerr< <� s� 33 671 'ecL g a 12 -FAQ,/ 7�a � y 7AO 7aa 8' �G 3 (;vow r�a.�e �/� ✓,� � s 3 � a a �— Oro 6-1 Q� /•� yZ6- lass y� 6Wa A2 - ?(A Av lcc l �� 9L93ggS Name Address Phone Group Y/N? �6( b-?7 30 L G IZ6-Z-5 y ►� �v "1 Z wKc.m�lie, ��0.5j wnc�Qle i�l� Wil ��08 de szOzz iv q o ,� SvNkv y519L y z2 X2'1 J' Name Address Phone Group Y/N? �fZc�ISS i ' f �{ !_�J CAaSCk Jarcf! Cuts ac/� �l 5-03 �✓�en Owe ���� '2 O U Y Z6 4509 k)Ood dam - o$ ►�� L e44- y<0 City of Edina March 30, 1998 Dear Resident Neighbor of Wooddale Park: The Edina Park Board and Edina Park and Recreation Department are seeking your input on issues related to the construction and maintenance of the comfort station for Wooddale Park. The proposed comfort station is a 280 square foot building that includes two restrooms (one men's and one women's) and one storage room. The restrooms will be operable and open to the public only during warm weather months (winterized during cold weather months). As the City began construction of the comfort station, a petition (copy enclosed), which was signed by 44 individuals, was received requesting cessation of construction of the project until various concerns and issues from the neighborhood are addressed by the City. As you may have already noticed, further construction of the proposed comfort station is currently on hold pending the outcome of community input and final decisions by the Edina Park Board and City Council. Therefore, you are invited to attend the following Wooddale Park neighborhood input meeting: WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 1998 7:00 P.M. EDINA CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Your input on this matter is very important. If you cannot or choose not to attend the meeting but wish to express your concerns and suggestions, please do so in writing to me at the return address on this letterhead. I wish to thank you in advance for your input. Please know that I appreciate the community input and I feel confident that we will be able to address all concerns and issues. If you have any questions, feel free to call the Edina Park and Recreation Department office at 826-0367. Sincerely, VhneK eprios director Edina Park and Recreation Department City Hall (612) 927-8861 4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX (6 12) 927-7645 EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424-1394 TDD (012) 927-5461 til i�1�1oM -+i lk SON WL -10 IL Ilk ' CURRENT LOCATION 'fir® ''� lb� r y rip • ON ; r VIIIII: OPOSEO v r Y'S r r M a ;. - �gp1Yd y l • v x. • Total Scoreboard Dimensions 9'4" X 36' Sponsor Caption Dimensions 2' X 36' Second MINNESOTA GOLF ASSOCIATION WOMEN'S MID -AMATEUR CHAMPIONSHIP N g 0 T A POG CS4 0� SOCIAT10{V1t,G �4SOT �0 �SpIA WO • MWGA • h 0 M.W.P.G..I ~\Z .yS 'SSS t �P 5th COIF AS 40 BRAEMAR GOLF CLUB Edina, Minnesota JUNE 14 & 15, 1998 ENTRY DEADLINE: Friday, May 29,1998,4:30 p.m. CHAMPIONSHIP FORMAT The field will be comprised of the qJ4 players with the lowest handicap indexes. Flights will be determined after the close of entries by the Tournament Committee. All players in the Championship will play 36 -holes of stroke play. The Champion will be the player with the lowest total gross score for 36 -holes. Any tie will be played off immediately, hole by hole, until a Champion is deter- mined. ELIGIBILITY Entries are open to female (at birth) amateur golfers who are currently Associate Members of the MGA at the club from which they are playing and whose club is a current member club of the MGA. The contestantmust be at least 30 years of age as of May 13, 1998. The contestant's handicap index must not exceed 25.4 on the date of entry. The field will be comprised of the 41kplayers with the lowest handicap index as of the handicap revision imme- diately preceding the entry deadline. The USGA's defi- nition of an amateur golfer is the standard of the MGA. All entries are subject to approval or rejection at any time by the Tournament Committee. PHOTOGRAPHIC RIGHTS The MGA reserves the right to use any photographic/ video image of any competitor taken at the championship for its own media -related use(s). CADDIES AND CARTS Braemar GC will not have caddies available for the championship. You are encouraged to bring your own caddie if you wish to do so. Carrying your bag is permissible as is using a pull cart, but motorized riding carts are prohibited during the tournament. ENTRY DEADLINE Entry forms must be received by 4:30 p.m. on Friday, May 29, 1998, at the office of the Minnesota Golf Association, 6550 York Avenue South, Suite 211, Edina, Minnesota 55435. An entry fee of $55 must accompany the entry form. A separate check or money order must accompany each MGA championship entry. Late or incomplete entries are not acceptable. Entries by telephone or FAX are not acceptable. Time limit for entries means time of receipt at MGA (not time of postmark). Entries with insufficient funds checks will be considered incomplete and will be withdrawn. The entrant is responsible for any fees incurred by the MGA for insufficient funds checks and must pay such fees before entry in further MGA, MWGA, or MWPGA events is allowed. ENTRY WITHDRAWAL AND REFUNDS Entry fee will be refunded, regardless of reason, if the MGA office is notified in writing before the close of entries. After the close of entries, the entry fee will be refunded in event of injury or illness only if the MGA office is notified by Friday, June 12 by 4:30 p.m. You must then request a refund, in writing, within seven days of withdrawal notification. No refund will be given for any reason after June 12, 1998. A $5 service charge will be deducted from all refunds. MGA WOMEN'S PLAYER POINTS AWARDED 1998 MGA Women's Mid -Amateur Championship 1st - 125 2nd - 100 3rd - 75 4th - 60 5th - 50 6th - 40 7th - 30 8th - 20 9th - 10 10th - 5 PRIZES The Champion and the runner-up shall receive a trophy. Flights will be determined after the close of entries by the Tournament Committee. Appropriate merchandise prizes will be awarded as determined by the Tournament Com- mittee. Presentation of trophies and prizes will be made immediately following conclusion of play on Monday. SCORE POSTING The USGA GHIN Handicap System allows tournament committees to postthe scores of competitors for handicap- ping purposes. The Tournament Committee will be posting all scores for competitors at the MGA Women's Mid -Amateur. It is not necessary for competitors to post their own scores. MGA DRESS CODE For all MGA competitions, players must be neat in appear- ance with respect to personal grooming and clothing. All entrants are required to wear either slacks, shorts, or golf skirts that are of appropriate length, and golf tops (sleeve- less tops are permitted). Examples of attire NOT AC- CEPTABLE includes the following: Short shorts, athletic shorts, tennis shorts, cut-offs, jeans, jean shorts, tank tops, t -shirts, sweats. The committee in charge shall decide whether this requirement has been met and will withdraw the entry of any player who does not comply. NO PROVISIONS HAVE BEEN MADE FOR PRAC- TICE ROUNDS. M ti APPLICATION FOR ENTRY Second WOMEN'S MID -AMATEUR CHAMPIONSHIP 5 OF THE MINNESOTA GOLF ASSOCIATION N N E S O T A c o BRAEMAR GOLF CLUB r Y °t EOi ` Edina, Minnesota 4SSOCIATION-tN° JUNE 14 & 15, 1998 Please enter my name for play in the 1998 Women's Mid -Amateur Championship of the Minnesota Golf Association, June 14 & 15,1998. PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY Name: (First) (Last) Age at time of entry: Address: Date of Birth:_ _ /_ _ /_ _ City: Work Phone: Home Phone: Member of: (You may indicate only one club) GRIN Number:_ _ _ _ - _ _ _ Handicap Index: (Must be on a current printout.) Amateur Status: I have read the USGA Rules of Amateur Status. I conform with those Rules in every respect. Liability: I acknowledge that neither the Minnesota Golf Association, the Minnesota Women's Public Golf Association, the Minnesota Women's Golf Association nor the host club is responsible for any injury during the playing of this event. I agree that this entry is subject to rejection at any time (including during the Championship) by the Tournament Committee. The reason for rejection may include unbecoming conduct. State: Zip: (18 -hole handicap index limit is 25.4.) The Tournament Committee will make the pairings and reserves the right to assign the starting times for the Championship. MGA reserves the right to use any photographic/ video image of any competitor taken at the champi- onship for its own media -related use(s). Make check payable and mail to: Minnesota Golf Association, Inc. 6550 York Avenue South, Suite 211 Edina, Minnesota 55435 612/927-4643 The entry fee of $55 is enclosed. Entry Deadline: Friday, May 29, 1998, 4:30 p.m. Player's Signature: Date: For Office Use Only Date & Time Database Date Check No. / Cash Verified Entry No. MINNESOTA GOLF ASSOCIATION WOMEN'S MID -AMATEUR CHAMPIONS Year Champion Host Club 1997 Kelly Burley, Elk River CC Fox Hollow Golf Club BROOKLYN CENTER COMMUNITY CENTER Construction Cost $2.25 million Operating Budget $554,070 Profit or (Loss) ($142,270) Community Room/Theater 3,720 S.F. Kitchen 560 S.F. Exercise Fitness Room 1,800 S.F. Teen Center 2,100 S.F. Senior Center NO (Community Room) Child Care/Day Care 710 S.F. Gymnasium NO Indoor Child's Playground Area NO Ice Arena(s) NO Meeting Room(s) One Community room Pool(s) 50 meter pool, 7 lanes, one slide, 3 diving boards Year Built 1972 Population 28,500 TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE 39,000 S.F. EDEN PRAIRIE COMMUNITY CENTER Construction Cost $2.9 million (1982) 2nd rink for $3 million (1992) Operating Budget $1.2 million Profit or (Loss) ($265.000) Community Room/Theater NO Kitchen NO Exercise Fitness Room(s) one small room Teen Center NO Senior Center NO Child Care/Day Care NO Gymnasium(s) NO Indoor Child's Playground Area NO Ice Arena(s) 2 ice arenas Meeting Room(s) 2 small rooms Pool(s) One leisure/competition pool Year Built 1982 Population 52,000 TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE 87,000 S.F. NOTES: Senior citizens currently use the former old Eden Prairie City Hall. BROOKLYN PARK COMMUNITY CENTER Construction Cost Operating Budget Profit or (Loss) Community Room/Theater Kitchen Exercise Fitness Room Teen Center $2.5 million (referendum passed by one vote) $850,000 ($100,000) YES Catering kitchen Weight room only NO Senior Center NO (Plans to add $1 million Senior Center) Child Care/Day Care YES Gymnasium One Full-size Indoor Child's Playground Area NO Ice Arena(s) Meeting Room(s) Pool(s) Year Built Population TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE 2 standard ice rinks Three small rooms NO 1983 62,000 53,000 S.F. NOTES: There are future plans to add a 10,000 square foot Senior Citizen Center to the existing Community Center. There is currently a stand alone Senior Center facility/park shelter building that is about 3,500 square feet. CHASKA COMMUNITY CENTER Construction Cost $14 million Operating Budget $1.0 million Profit or (Loss) ($75,000) Community Room/Theater YES Kitchen YES Exercise Fitness Room(s) YES Teen Center NO Senior Center NO Child Care/Day Care NO Gymnasium(s) 2 full-size gyms Indoor Child's Playground Area YES Ice Arena(s) 2 ice rinks Meeting Room(s) YES Pool(s) Leisure pool with water slide, lap pool 2 hot tubs Year Built 1989 Population 12,000 TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE 135,000 S.F. OTHER: Also includes racquetball courts, batting cage, virtual golf simuijtor. Senior Center is located in an apartment high rise. CRYSTAL COMMUNITY CENTER Construction Cost $1.3 million Operating Budget $324,000 Profit or (Loss) ($269,000) Community Room 3,072 S.F. (Sr. Center) Kitchen 1,000 S.F. Exercise Fitness Room NO Teen Center NO Senior Center 3,072 S.F. Child Care/Day Care 400 S.F. Gymnasium 3 gyms 13,720 S.F. Indoor Child's Playground Area NO Ice Arena(s) NO Meeting Room(s) 4 large rooms Pool(s) NO Offices, Lobby Toilets etc. 9,652 S.F. Year Built 1990 Population 23,600 TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE 32,000 S.F. NOTES: There is an outdoor leisure pool and ballfields next to Community Center. SHOREVIEW COMMUNITY CENTER Construction Cost $10 million Operating Budget $1,200,000 Profit or (Loss) UNKNOWN Community Room/Theater Community/Banquet Room Kitchen Catering Kitchen Exercise Fitness Room Two Fitness Rooms Teen Center NO Senior Center NO (Senior use Banquet Room) Child Care/Day Care NO Gymnasium 2 gyms and 1 avmnastics a Indoor Child's Playground Area NO Ice Arena(s) NO Meeting Room(s) YES Pool(s) Leisure Pool with Slides and Lap Pool Year Built Population TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE 1990 26,100 70,000 S.F. ROSEMOUNT COMMUNITY CENTER Construction Cost Operating Budget Profit or (Loss) Community Room/Theater Kitchen Exercise Fitness Room Teen Center Senior Center Child Care/Day Care Gymnasium Indoor Child's Playground Area Ice Arena(s) Meeting Room(s) Pool(s) Population Year Built $17 million unknown unknown 350 seat theater and banquet room full service kitchen one small room NO (teen night in gym once/month) NO NO ONE - 9,200 S.F. NO ONE 7,500 S.F. NO 12,700 1994 TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE 140,000 S.F. see below (44,000 Recreation Community Center - 96,000 National Guard Headquarters) NOTES: The Community Center includes a five station indoor pistol firing range. NEW BRIGHTON FAMILY SERVICE CENTER Construction Cost Operating Budget Profit or (Loss) Community Room/Theater Kitchen Exercise Fitness Room Teen Center Senior Center Child Care/Day Care Gymnasium Indoor Child's Playground Area Ice Arena(s) Meeting Room(s) Pool(s) Offices, Lobby Toilets etc. Year Built Population $5 million $600,000 ($90,000) Banquet Room 560 S.F. YES 1,400 S.F. Seniors use the Community Room Early Childhood Development ONE LARGE 5,000 S.F. (25' high) NO 3 meeting rooms NO 1,500 S.F. 1994 22,000 TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE 70,000 S.F. (57,000 city, 13,000 school dist.) CHANHASSEN COMMUNITY CENTER Construction Cost $2.5 million Com. Center - $6.8 million Elem. School Operating Budget $275.500 Profit or (Loss) Community Room/Theater Kitchen Exercise Fitness Room(s) ($110,200) NO 2 kitchenettes YES Teen Center NO Senior Center NO Child Care/Day Care YES Gymnasiums) YES Indoor Child's Playground Area NO Ice Arena(s) NO Meeting Room(s) 4 rooms Pool(s) NO Year Built 1995 Population 15,000 TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE 23,000 S.F. (Com. Center) NOTES: Their Senior Center is currently located at City Hall. • MAPLEWOOD COMMUNITY CENTER Construction Cost Operating Budget Profit or (Loss) Community Room/Theater Kitchen Exercise Fitness Room(s) Teen Center Senior Center Child Care/Day Care $12.6 million $1.5 million ($275,000) Performing Arts Theater Full service kitchen 2 weight rooms, 1 aerobic room NO NO YES 1 small room Gymnasium(s) 2 large gyms, 12 basketball hoops Indoor Child's Playground Area NO Ice Arena(s) NO Meeting Room(s) ONE Pool(s) 6 lane 25 yard lap pool leisure pool with one slide and zero depth entry area one whirlpool Year Built 1996 Population 30,000 TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE 88,000 S.F. NOTES: Senior Center is currently an old abandoned elementary school that is approximately 5,000 square feet and one small gym. PLYMOUTH COMMUNITY CENTER Construction Cost $19 million ($8 City $11 Lifetime Fitness) Operating Budget $554,070 Profit or (Loss) UNKNOWN Community Room/Theater NO Kitchen NO Exercise Fitness Room NO Teen Center NO Senior Center NO Child Care/Day Care LIFETIME FITNESS Gymnasium LIFETIME FITNESS Indoor Child's Playground Area LIFETIME FITNESS Ice Arena(s) 1 Olympic size 1 Standard size Meeting Room(s) Two meeting rooms Pool(s) Outdoor and indoor pools by LIFETIME FITNESS Year Built 1997 Population 55,000 TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE 250,000 S.F. MAPLE GROVE COMMUNITY CENTER Construction Cost $14.9 million Operating Budget projected $1.6 million Profit or (Loss) projected ($160,000) Community Room 4,564 S.F. Kitchen Exercise Fitness Room Teen Center 1,305 S.F. NO 2,058 S.F. Senior Center 1,510 S.F. room with kitchen Child Care/Day Care NO Gymnasium One Large Gym 8,405 S.F. Indoor Child's Playground Area 3,926 S.F. Ice Arena(s) One Olympic Size Rink with 1,200 seats Meeting Room(s) 7 Meeting Rooms (varying sizes) Pool(s) Leisure Pool 3,348 S.F., Lap Pool (5 lanes 25 yards) 2,496 S.F., 130' Water Slide, 80 lineal feet of zero depth entry, total of 20,029 S.F. Offices, Lobby Toilets etc. 31,786 S.F. Year Built Population 1997 46,000 TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE 118,831 S.F. 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Main) 2 Hours House Program in Junior High Gyms (Grades 6, 7 & 8) 22 Teams (Ten Players/Team) 2 Teams in gym at a time 11 Pairs x 2 hours/week 22 Hours Boys Traveling in Junior and Senior High Gyms 13 Teams 1 Team in gym at a time 13 Teams x 3 hours/week 39 Hours MYAS (Minnesota, Youth, Athletic, Services) 5 Hours Girls Traveling in Junior and Senior High Gyms 13 Teams 1 Team in gym at a time 13 Teams x 3 hours/week 39 Hours WAS (Minnesota, Youth, Athletic Services) 5 Hours Junior Olympic Volleyball in Junior and Senior High Gyms 3 Teams 1 Team in gym at a time 3 Teams x 1.33 hour/week 4 Hours Adult Basketball League in Senior High Gyms 24 Teams 2 Teams in gym at a time 12 Pairs x 1 hour/week 12 Hours Adult Basketball Pickup/Practice Time in Junior and Senior High Gyms 12 Teams 2 Teams in gym at a time 6 Pairs x 1 hour/week 6 Hours Adult Volleyball in Junior High Gyms 32 Teams 2 Teams in gym at a time 16 Pairs x 1 hour/week 16 Hours Total Hours 209 Hours