HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-10-13 Park Board PacketCity of Edina EDINA PARK BOARD TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1998 7:30 P.M. MANAGER'S CONFERENCE ROOM AGENDA * 1. Approval of Tuesday, September 8, 1998, Park Board Minutes. *2. 1999 Fees and Charges. A. Playground Program Fee B. Facility Use Fee 3. Other. A. Facilities Report. B. Leash Free Ordinance. C. Wooddale Park Comfort Station. D. Edina Aquatennial Swim Meet. E. Facility Use Policy. * 4. Adj ournment. * These are agenda items that require or request Park Board action. City Hall (612) 927-8861 4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX (612) 927-7645 EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424-1394 TDD (612) 927-5461 Memo To: Edina Park Board. From: John Keprios, Director Edina Park and Recreation Department Date: October 7, 1998 Re: OCTOBER 13, 1998, PARK BOARD MEETING STAFF REPORT. Enclosed you should find the following items: 1. Tuesday, October 13, 1998, Park Board Agenda. 2. Tuesday, September 8, 1998, Park Board Minutes. 3. 1997 Facility Use Revenue Data Sheet. 4. Playground Program and Facility Use Fee Study Results. STAFF REPORT The following is the monthly staff report concerning each item on the agenda with the exception of Approval of the Minutes and Other. "Other" is listed on the agenda in case last minute items come up between now and the Park Board meeting, plus, cover any other concerns of Park Board members and/or attendees. First, let me thank Ed MacHolda for covering for me at the September Park Board meeting. That quirk in the calendar coupled with a Facilities Report that I had to present to the City Council that evening caused my absence at the Park Board meeting. I need to call upon Ed one more time to step in for me at the October meeting because I will be on vacation the week of MEA. On a personal note, my wife and I are taking our nine year old son to Walt Disney World. Our first trip there ever! I don't know who is more thrilled, our son or his parents. In light of my absence for the October Park Board meeting, I will attempt to bring the Park Board up to date on current issues in this Staff Report. 1999 PROPOSED FEES AND CHARGES Playground Program To address the Park Board's concern about the playground program fee, staff researched other communities' playground program fees. As you will note, the results of the study show that Bloomington and Hopkins/Minnetonka both provide their summer playground program for free (no fee). Other communities charge for their playgrounc> program with fees ranging from $12.00 to $50.00. The summer playground program has long been considered a basic recreation program offering that has been eavily subsidized since its inception. I can still recall the time when I suggested that because we have adopted a user fee philosophy in most of our programs that we should raise the fee for the playground program. The Mayor at the time made it very clear that the playground program is a basic recreation program service that -2 - should be available to all children in Edina regardless of ability to pay. My recommendation to increase the fee ias rejected. My point is that each of Edina's fees and charges have been established based on a long-standing philosophy for that particular activity. That is not to say that the philosophy cannot change. Until the political philosophy changes with regard to the playground program, I will not be recommending an increase in the playground program. Our current level of subsidy per child is approximately $70, which is after the $12 per child registration fee is taken into consideration. If the philosophy is to make this basic recreation program offering become less subsidized, then the Park Board should recommend to the City Council whatever level of subsidy, if any, is appropriate for this particular program and recommend a fee based on that philosophy. As stated earlier, it is my recommendation to leave the fee at $12.00. Facility Use Fee Thank you for discussing the facility (field and rink) use fee increase recommendation. My thinking on the minimal increase of only 25 cents was that represents slightly more than a 4% increase from the previous year, which could be absorbed within association budgets easier than a 17% increase. A $1.00 increase would be just short of a 17% increase in fees. the Park Board feels strongly that the facility use fee should be either raised $1.00 or stay the same, then my recommendation would be to leave it the same ($6.00) for 1999 and give all the associations a one year notice to plan for a 17% increase (or more) for the year 2000. If the philosophy is to keep pace with the increasing costs to maintain facilities, then staff will continue to recommend increasing the facility use fees. Being that we are the only community that we are aware of that charges a facility use fee to their adult and youth athletic associations for use of non -enterprise athletic facilities, the Park Board may want to consider leaving the fee the same indefinitely. OTHER Facilities Report As a result of my Facilities Report to the City Council on Tuesday, September 8, I was directed to further study the possibilities of a community center through a public/private partnership concept. I mailed eight letters of interest to various health clubs and health system organizations. I will be presenting my findings to the City Council on Monday, October 19, 1998. In short, my findings show that there are some private health clubs interested in pursuing a public/private partnership but under terms that would likely not permit a 50 meter pool. The gymnasium issue is still a negotiable item and the senior citizen center component is a very viable option with the organizations with whom we met. 1 will give the Park Board an update on my findings and further City Council direction at the November Park Board meeting. -3 - Leash Free Ordinance :ity Intern, Pat Melvin, has accumulated research data from surrounding local and county government agencies regarding their ordinances pertaining to leash free public parks. I will include his findings in the November Park Board packet and will include the issue on the November Park Board Agenda. All those who signed the leash free petition will be notified and invited to attend the November Park Board meeting. Wooddale Park Comfort Station There will be a Wooddale Park neighborhood input meeting on Thursday, November 19, 1998, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. We will be mailing approximately 700 letters to neighboring homes to solicit their input and invite them to attend this meeting to discuss final plans for a comfort station at Wooddale Park. In response to their neighborhood's concerns, I have requested the architect to draw several new designs for the comfort station that would reduce the building in size, both in height and total square footage. One alternate concept reduces the permanent restroom facility to one unisex bathroom. The City Council has already expressed a strong desire to have some form of permanent restroom facility at Wooddale Park, as opposed to renting a portable toilet every summer. I intend to bring the issue back to the Park Board at the December 8th meeting and have your recommendation on the City Council Agenda at their second meeting in January, 1999. Edina Aquatennial Swim Meet taff will be meeting with representatives from the Edina Swim Club on Tuesday, October 20th to discuss the details of the 1999 Edina Aquatennial Swim Meet. I believe that Ed MacHolda and I have very reasonable compromises to propose to the Edina Swim Club that would satisfy their needs while not having to close the entire Edina Aquatic Center facility to the general public for three days in mid-July. In fact, we have more than one option to propose to the Edina Swim Club that we believe to be a reasonable compromise to all parties involved. I will report our progress at the November Park Board meeting. Facility Use Policy As you may recall, I have been trying to establish a facility use policy to help address future issues regarding who gets priority use of Edina's public park facilities. This became an issue when dealing with the resident/non- resident mixed Bangu Soccer Team. The initial rough draft was essentially identical to Eden Prairie's written policy. I have been unable to make any further progress on this issue mainly due to the work load. My time has been consumed by having to focus on the Community Center Study and Report/Presentation, Facilities Analysis and Report, Public/Private Partnership Study and Report along with trying to complete the remaining $1,000,000 worth of Park Referendum projects (mostly the shelter buildings, grand openings, etc.). Please don't take this as "whining," because the extra duties have been exciting and educational, but they have also been extremely time consuming on top of the normal Department Head duties. The Facility Use Policy is still on the things to do list, however, in the scheme of things, I have had to put it a ttle lower on the priority list for now until these major projects, studies and reports are behind me. Thank you for your understanding. In the mean time, I'm off to see Mickey Mouse. See you in November! 7:30 P.M. MANAGER'S CONFERENCE ROOM SEPTEMBER 8, 1998 MEMBERS PRESENT: John Dovolis, Bill Jenkins, Dave Fredlund, Beth Hall, Andrew Montgomery, Dave Crowther, Andy Herring, Phyllis Kohler MEMBERS ABSENT: Becky Bennett, Tom White, Jean Rydell STAFF PRESENT: Ed MacHolda, Janet Canton, Larry Thayer, Tom Shirley, Diana Hedges, John Valliere OTHERS PRESENT: Marlys Swetman, Marjorie Ruedy I. APPROVAL OF THE JUNE 9. 1998 PARK BOARD MINUTES Dave Fredlund MOVED TO APPROVE THE JUNE 9, 1998 PARK BOARD MINUTES. Andrew Montgomery SECONDED THE MOTION. MINUTES APPROVED. II. FEES AND CHARGES Mr. Crowther indicated that he would like the Park Board to discuss any questions or concerns they may have on the proposed fees and charges. He stated that at the October Park Board meeting they will need to make a formal recommendation of approval. Mr. Crowther asked Mr. Valliere if he had any comments regarding the golf course fees for 1999. Mr. Valliere replied that the golf course is staying about even. He noted there are a couple of projects that they would like to get done, one being the rest station on the number 6 tee. Mr. Valliere indicated that he also feels they are where they should be in terms of the cost of golf. They are slightly ahead of the cost of public golf in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area but the privately owned public courses are considerably higher. Mr. Valliere did point out that the new course in Chaska will always be higher than Braemar because they have new debt. He noted that he feels Braemar golf course continues to enjoy the reputation of quality golf at an affordable price. Mr. Crowther asked Mr. Valliere if the Minneapolis public golf courses are increasing their fees this year in which he replied that he did call around to area courses and does have a comparative study of 1998 in which Braemar is slightly above average. The Minneapolis public golf courses are currently at $21.00 and will probably go to $22.00. Mr. Herring asked Mr. Valliere if he understands correctly in that when you do the operating budget you are also budgeting for what he would consider a capital expense, a bathroom station and two restrooms. Mr. Valliere explained that they are planning to do $254,000.00 worth of capital budget this year and of that $100,000 is rolling stock for our maintenance area, $33,000 is for golf cars and $80,000 is for the rest station. Mr. Valliere pointed out that on the 1999 fees and charges the pull carts should be $2.50 and not $2.25. It was noted that would be corrected. Mr. Montgomery asked about the disability single rider golf car. Mr. Valliere explained that awhile back a gentleman came before the Park Board with an impassioned plea about the fact that there should be some provision made for him because he could not get someone to ride on a golf car with him. At that meeting it was voted on and passed that it would cost 50% of the regular fee for a golf car if a person with a physical disability needed a golf car. However, what is now happening is there are an enormous amount of golf cars with only one rider and quite a few people who are in need of a golf cars, especially on hot days. Mr. Valliere pointed out that he feels if they adjust the rate to slightly more than 50% perhaps that would encourage more people to try to find someone to ride with them. He stated that they currently have a fleet of 75 golf cars. Mr. Dovolis commented that Mr. Valliere and his staff have done a remarkable job with the golf courses and they should be commended for that. Mr. Crowther asked Mr. Thayer if the arena fees still fall right in the middle in which Mr. Thayer replied yes. Mr. Crowther indicated to Mr. MacHolda that the Park Board has a few questions regarding the adult sports. First, the basketball fee has been dropped. Secondly, the broomball fee has dropped dramatically. Thirdly, there seemed to be some interesting numbers on the bandy. He asked Mr. MacHolda for some insight on how these numbers were arrived at and why. Mr. MacHolda indicated that as far as the adult basketball program is concerned he typically will look at the expense side to determine what our fees will be. He stated that he is going to take some of Mr. Montgomery's suggestions from last year on how the leagues are organized. He noted that the officials have not gone up, there are 168 games at $45.00 per game. Also, the MRPA registration fees have not gone up. He is also offering four state tournament berths for teams that do well in the playoffs. Trophies are also being kept the same as last year. As far as things that have been eliminated or cut back on are the number of t -shirts provided to winning teams as well as purchasing a game ball for each league. Mr. MacHolda pointed out that he feels he will get the same 24 teams again this year and if he charges $400.00 he will break even. He stated that at this time there are no gym expenses. Mr. MacHolda also noted that the three man basketball does not show up but he was able to cut that program in half. N Mr. Jenkins asked Mr. MacHolda if his philosophy is the same for all sports as far as identifying expenses and then setting a rate. Mr. MacHolda replied yes and noted that based on the previous years like in basketball there is no more gym space available to expand the program. Mr. Jenkins noted that he wanted to make sure that all programs are treated equally and that there are not some making money while others are not. Mr. MacHolda stated that it's his understanding that is the way the adult programs are supposed to be run. He indicated that some communities will charge a percentage to offset the professionals salary but that has never been done in Edina. Mr. MacHolda explained that the co-rec broomball numbers have dropped significantly because it has been tough on teams to find women to participate and their fee was quite a bit higher than the surrounding communities. He pointed out that he has gone from offering the program on Mondays and Wednesdays to just one day a week and that is why the fee has dropped. He explained he is trying to make it more affordable so they can increase their number of participants. Mr. MacHolda also indicated that he can eliminate indoor ice and therefore playoffs would be held outside, which would save a lot of money. Mr. MacHolda explained that with the Bandy program a year ago the players wanted to play a 90 minute game versus a 60 minute game, which meant the ice was that much more expensive at the oval. For the "A" league they are indebted to Roseville $1,400.00, which the players wanted him to include into the registration fee this year. Mr. MacHolda noted, however, that he does hear two different things. The "C" division participant would like to play all of their games exclusively at Lewis Park and pay about half of the fee. Mr. MacHolda explained that the ABA has asked him to raise the fee because teams that have the ability to be in the `B" division were choosing to play in the "C" division based on the price. He pointed out that at $1,000 per team it's really tough for a manager to pass the hat and get players to pay. He stated that last year the "C" division filled immediately over night, in which two of those teams truly were in a league by themselves which was unfortunate. Mr. Jenkins asked Mr. MacHolda how many "C" league participants he feels are price driven versus ability. Mr. MacHolda replied he would have to say about one-third of the "C" league are price driven and really could be in the `B" league. Mr. Crowther asked why is there a price difference between the `B" league and "C" league. Mr. MacHolda explained that he wanted to keep the fee the same for both leagues but he couldn't expense it. Mr. Crowther asked if the `B" league gets something different than the "C" league. Mr. MacHolda pointed out that they basically get the same, however, the ABA would like to see the teams sign-up based on ability versus price. One -Third of these games will be played at the oval at $230.00 per hour and the remainder of the games will be played at Lewis Park. He noted that the affiliation fee which goes to ABA is the same, bandy balls will be the same, facility use fee with the city will remain the same. He explained that he charges each team $200.00 to step on city ice which turns out to be about the same that is charged the youth participant, $6.00 per participant. Mr. MacHolda stated that the "A" league plays at least two-thirds of their games at the oval and that is their bigger expense. Mr. Crowther asked where does the $2,000 go. Mr. 3 MacHolda replied that $1,584.00 will go to pay for ice either at the oval or the City of Edina. Mr. Jenkins asked about the "A" league being short money last year. Mr. MacHolda explained that after the "A" league fee was advertised based on the previous year the teams decided that they wanted to play the international game, which is 45 minute halves versus 30 minute halves. The oval needed to charge them for that time and they didn't have the money. Therefore, they talked to the Park Director at Roseville and he was willing to extend them a 12 month period to raise the money or add it to next seasons registration fee, which is what they have done. Mr. Montgomery asked how many of the adult athletic teams are sponsored versus pass the hat. Mr. MacHolda replied that outside of softball most of the teams are pass the hat. Mr. Herring stated that for 19 to 20 teams we are netting approximately $4,000 for administration on this program. Mr. MacHolda replied that it's not administrative, if anything it would help offset the flooding of the ice. Mr. Herring explained that he is particularly sensitive about this program because of the low number of Edina participants and wants to make sure we are covering all of our costs including administrative costs. Mr. Herring asked about the playground program and Mr. MacHolda replied he believes that program is subsidized by the general fund. He noted that he thinks people would be willing to pay more for that program. He stated that it is a very nice program and Ms. Bertrand and Ms. Miller put on a phenomenal year-end jamboree this year. Mr. Herring asked for a brief report on how the aquatic center did. Mr. MacHolda stated that they had a fabulous year from the standpoint mother nature was fabulous. He noted for the first time they broke $500,000 gross. He stated that there are a couple of debt services that need to be paid back. One was a revenue bond from 1991 and the other was borrowed money to do the play structure and bathhouse. Therefore, it looks like we will be able to meet our operating expenses plus debt service and possibly put a little bit back into the facility. Mr. Herring asked Mr. MacHolda to address some of the complaints about the aquatic center. Mr. MacHolda indicated that the biggest complaint he hears is residents only should be able to use the aquatic center but if non-residents are allowed the surcharge should be greater between the resident and non-resident rate. He noted that he talked to Mr. Kojetin who informed him that ever since the pool was built this has always been a complaint. Mr. MacHolda pointed out that one day this summer they did have a sellout and it was the same day there was a sellout at St. Louis park. However, the last six weeks there has been a lot of space in the pool. Mr. MacHolda also stated that he doesn't know if they would meet or exceed expenses if non-residents were eliminated. There were at least 1,000 non-resident season tickets sold this year. Mr. MacHolda indicated that Edina by far has the highest fee. He noted that this is also the first year that Bloomington has charged a different rate for a resident versus non-resident. He stated that St. Louis Park 4 charges the same price for non-residents, however, non-residents cannot enter the pool until after 5:00 p.m. Mr. Jenkins asked if a lot of patrons were lost to St. Louis Park in which Mr. MacHolda responded that in August Edina's numbers were ahead of St. Louis Parks. He also pointed out that he thinks it has a lot to do with his staff of high school and college age kids, they do a phenomenal job at the pool. Mr. Crowther asked when the last increase was for the user fee in which it was noted approximately five years ago it went from $5.00 to $6.00. Mr. MacHolda stated that this is a sensitive issue, it was the elected officials who wanted it and it has become part of the budget for these people. Mr. Crowther asked if the City Council wants to see an increase in this fee in which Mr. MacHolda replied the Park Board is the first to see this recommendation for an increase. Ms. Kohler informed the Park Board that community education has talked about setting up a system where each family would only have to register once for the various activities. A person could sign up for anything without re -registering. She stated this would be great if Park and Recreation could also become part of it. However, the trouble would be the two organizations being able to communicate together. Ms. Kohler also pointed out that this would cut down on the overhead and hidden costs. Mr. Montgomery indicated that he would prefer to see the user fee stay at the $6.00 because he doesn't think raising it .25 will do anything. Mr. Jenkins stated he would say keep it at $6.00 or raise it to $7.00. Mr. Crowther suggested this issue be the focal point of discussion at the October Park Board meeting because there will need to be a formal recommendation at that time. Mr. Crowther noted that possibly Mr. Keprios could do a little work on the user fee issue to see what the sentiment is. He agrees you either leave it the same or you raise it $1.00 because by raising it .25 you are only going to agitate people and not get anything for it. Mr. Herring commented that at the next Park Board meeting he would like to know what the total amount of the subsidy is for the playground program. Mr. MacHolda stated that he will let the Park Board know at the next meeting how many participants they have paying the user fee. Mr. Dovolis asked how many other cities have a park user fee. Mr. MacHolda he does not know but will find out for the October Park Board meeting. III. FACILITIES REPORT Mr. Crowther indicated that Mr. Keprios is currently giving a report right now to the City Council and he will put this on the agenda for the next Park Board meeting and give us an overview of what he is presenting right now to the City Council. The facilities report was given to the Park Board members and they were asked to review in advance and be prepared to discuss it at the next Park Board meeting. 5 IV. OTHER A. Dog Leash Free Zones in the Park - Mr. Crowther indicated that everyone received a copy of the letter that was sent to Mr. Keprios regarding the dogs in the park. He stated that he would like to open this issue up for discussion. Mr. Herring indicated that he is against it. Mr. Montgomery noted that he feels some parks, such as Walnut Ridge, are not heavily utilized and would be a great place to let a dog run without a leash. Mr. Crowther asked who cleans up after these dogs when nature calls, isn't that the main reason for having dogs on leases at parks. Mr. Montgomery stated that Walnut Ridge is not used for organized sports on the open space area and it would be a great place to run dogs. Mr. Crowther noted that a lot of people find it offensive, including himself, when people do not pick up after their dogs. Mr. Crowther asked Mr. MacHolda how do we attack an issue like this. Mr. MacHolda explained that Mr. Keprios currently has Pat Melvin, an intern working with the administration department at city hall, contacting other communities to see what kind of policies and programs they have regarding dogs both on and off leashes. He stated that we will go forward from there and look at it one more time in October. B. Wooddale Park Comfort Station - Mr. MacHolda informed the Park Board that they will also need to discuss the Wooddale Park Comfort Station at the October Park Board meeting. A number of residents have talked to Mr. Keprios as well as himself. Therefore, they have gone back to the architectural firm and are looking at a slightly different design. C. Arneson Acres Fountain - Ms. Ruedy informed the Park Board that on Monday, September 14"' at 5:00 p.m. the Edina Garden Council will be having a dedication ceremony for the new fountain at Arneson Acres and everyone is welcome to attend. V. ADJOURNMENT John Dovolis MOVED TO AJOURN THE MEETING AT 8:20 P.M. Bill Jenkins SECONDED THE MOTION. MEETING ADJOURNED. on 1997 ASSOCIATION #PARTICIPANTS REVENUE EDINA SOCCER CLUB 384 2,304.00 EDINA SOCCER ASSOC. 2,200 13,200.00 EDINA YOUTH SOFTBALL ASSOC. 599 3,594.00 EDINA BASEBALL ASSOC. 1,000 6,000.00 FAST PITCH 60 360.00 EDINA FOOTBALL ASSOC. 591 3,546.00 EGAA FLAG 98 588.00 EDINA HOCKEY ASSOC. 960 5,760.00 5,892 @ 6.00 35,352.00 @ 6.25 36,825.00 @ 7.00 41,244.00 ADULT SPORTS #TEAMS REVENUE SOFTBALL 95 @ 100.00 9,500.00 BANDY 19 @ 200.00 3,800.00 HOCKEY 20 @ 100.00 2,000.00 BROOMBALL 6 @ 100.00 600.00 SOCCER 5 @ 200.00 1,000.00 BASEBALL 2 @ 200.00 400.00 YMCA 1,560.00 EDEN PRAIRIE - 949-8442 • Playground Pre-school, ages 3-5, 2 weeks from 9am to 11 am - $ 44.00 Grades 1-6, 4 weeks from 1pm to 4pm - $ 50.00 • Field fees Free during main season Field usage charge during non -season BLOOMINGTON - 948-8877 • Supervised Playground, 6 weeks from loam to 4pm -Free • Participation fee Field Rental, i.e. no charge for teams with Soccer Association, however residents can reserve soccer field for $ 230 a season. RICHFIELD - 861-9385 • Playground Ages 6-12, 8 weeks - $ 15.00 • Participation fee Do not charge youth for field usage. Adult teams have to be at least 60% Richfield residents (10 games for $ 220 -soccer). ST. LOUIS PARK - 924-2540 • Summer Playground - Mon thru Fri, from June 10 to Aug 12 - $ 30.00 3 hours in the morning or afternoon, MWF $ 18.00, TTH $ 12.00 • Participation fee - see attached HOPKINSIMINNETONKA - 939-8203 • Playground 6 weeks, free 0 Do not charge participation fee. OF APPLICATION FOR EXCLUSIVE LOUIS ST. 1CITY 1OF OUTDOOR ATHLETIC FACILITY TY RK TY WHO PAY?: The City of St. Louis Park allows one reservation date per season for each address and business address in St. Louis Park at no charge. If you would like to reserve an athletic facility for a single use please phone our office at 924-2540. if, however, residentialth n -resident or w schedule multiple dates, please read all information below, complete the are form and returnit as soon as possible to the address shown. FEE STRUCTURE: Fees for exclusive use of outdoor athletic facilities are listed below. A reduced fee is offered to those users who can 'demonstrate that at least 50% of their players either live or work full-time in St. Louis Park. Those requesting the reduced fee must verify residence with a photo copy of a Driver's License or verify employment by presenting a letter from the President or Personnel Director of a St. Louis Park -based company, All verification must be provided with your application. PAYMENT OF FEES: Following evaluation of your request, an invoice will be mailed to you. Permits will be issued only when payment of all fees is received in our office. Fees paid within 10 days of your scheduled use must be paid with cash, a money order or cashier's check. SECURITY/DAMAGE DEPOSIT: Groups or individuals that receive an exclusive use permit may be required to post a security/damage deposit. This deposit will be returned at season's end provided that players have properly disposed of all trash, facilities are not damaged and participants adhere to all pertinent City ordinances. RULES AND REGULATIONS: Carefully read the Rules and Regulations on the reverse side. Permit holders ;ng alcohol or violating any other Rules and Regulations will have their permit revoked and NO part of the or security/damage deposit will be returned. MAINTENANCE: The City will provide routine maintenance during the season. The usage fees below do .not include special maintenance such as: installing soccer nets; striping or dragging ballfields and setting out bases, etc. Please indicate on your application any special maintenance you wish the City to perform. You will be billed for these services. CANCELLATIONS: The City reserves the right to cancel any date due to wet conditions or other causes. When weather conditions appear unfavorable, phone 924-2567 for recorded information regarding field conditions. All refunds for dates canceled by the City will be processed at season's end. Failure to comply with the City`s cancellation policy will result in forfeiture of the security/damage deposit and cancellation of remaining dates on the permit. APPLICATION: Please return this application to: City of St. Louis Park, Parks and Recreation Department, 3700 Monterey Drive, St. Louis Park, MN 55416-2671. NOTE: if applying for the reduced fee, appropriate verification of residence or employment (as stated above) must accompany this application. if you have any questions, or you need more information call the Parks and Recreation Office at 924-2540. Baseball Field Sof-')all Field S Field SOCC W Sand Volleyball Court Tennis Court Basketball Court 51 each court per hour $1 each court per hour $1 each court per hour $2 each court per hour $2 each court per hour S2 each court per hour s1o0 $100 $100 None None None RESOLUTION SETTING 1999 PARK AND RECREATION FEES BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council does hereby approve and set the following 1998 Park and Recreation Fees. PARK AND RECREATION SOFTBALL POST SEASON TOURNEY 1998 1999 PLAYGROUND $12.00 $12.00 COACH PITCH $40.00 $40.00 ADULT TENNIS INSTRUCTION $35.00 $35.00 YOUTH TENNIS INSTRUCTION $35.00 $35.00 PEE WEE TENNIS $25.00 $25.00 TEAM TENNIS $60.00 $60.00 TENNIS CAMP $75.00 $75.00 YOUTH SUMMER CLASSIC TENNIS TOURNAMENT $12.00 $12.00 ADULT SUMMER CLASSIC TENNIS TOURNAMENT $15.00 $15.00 ADULT ATHLETIC FEES SUMMER SOFTBALL SOFTBALL POST SEASON TOURNEY 1998 1999 1998 1999 Co-Rec & Mens Classic League $ 345.00 $345.00 Team Entry Fee $50.00 $50.00 + Mens/Womens 35 & Over & Industrial League $310.00 $310.00 BASKETBALL Non -Resident Fee individual $ 25.00 $25.00 5 -Man C League $425.00 $400.00 Non -Resident Fee Team $150.00 $150.00 5 -Man B League $425.00 $400.00 FALL SOFTBALL HOCKEY Co-Rec Leagues $225.00 $225.00 4 -Man League--- T $200.00 1 $200.00 Mens Leagues $200.00 $200.00 BROOMBALL Non -Resident Fee individual $ 25.00 $ 25.00 Co-Rec League $475.00 $285.00 Non -Resident Fee team $150.00 $150.00 BANDY VOLLEYBALL A -Division $1,700.00 $2,000.00 Officiated Leagues $225.00 $225.00 B -Division $1,350.00 $1,100.00 Non -Officiated Leagues $125.00 $125.00 C -Division $ 750.00 $1,050.00 Non -Resident individual $ 10.00 $ 10.00 AQUATIC CENTER ART CENTER SEASON TICKETS RESIDENT FAMILY: 1998 1999 First 2 members NON-MEMBERS *$50.00/$60.00 *$50.00/$60.00 Each additional member 1998 $ 15.00 $15.00 Maximum 8 members 25 hours $150.00 $150.00 RESIDENT INDIVIDUAL: $15/$13 *$40.00/$50.00 *$40.00/$50.00 NON-RESIDENT FAMILY: 2 hours $17/$15 1998 1998 First 2 members $4.55 *$70.00/$80.00 *$70.00/$80.00 Each addition al member $4.64 $ 15.00 $15.00 Maximum 8 members 12 hours $170.00 $170.00 NON-RESIDENT INDIVIDUAL $31/$28 *$60.00/$70.00 *$60.00/$70.00 Daily Admission 6 hours $34/$31 $ 6.00 $6.00 Admission after 6 P.M. $5.85 $ 4.00 $4.00 Aquatic Instruction $6.15 $ 50.00 -.0-011 * - Early Bird Special if Purchased No Later Than May 14, 1999. ART CENTER MEMBERSHIPS: FAMILY - $35.00 INDIVIDUAL - $25.00 CLASS FEES * (based on # of hours in class) Members - 10% discount PARENT/CHILD WORKSHOPS* includes 1 child and 1 adult NON-MEMBERS NON-MEMBER/MEMBER 1998 1999 1998 1999 25 hours $3.58 $4.28 1 '/2 hours $15/$13 $15/$13 24 hours $4.08 $4.28 2 hours $17/$15 $17/$15 21 hours $4.35 $4.55 3 hours $21/$19 $21/$19 14 hours $4.64 $4.84 4 hours $27/$25 $27/$25 12 hours $4.92 $5.12 5 hours $31/$28 $31/$28 8 hours $5.25 $5.45 6 hours $34/$31 $34/$31 5 hours $5.65 $5.85 7 hours $39/$35 $39/$35 4 hours $6.15 $6.35 8 hours $42/$38 $42/$38 *all clay and children's classes add $5.00 *all clay classes add $5.00 ARENA 1998 1999 Hourly Rate as of 9/95 $120.00 $125.00 Open skating Youth and Adult $ 2.50 $ 3.00 Skate Rental $ 1.50 $ 1.50 Skate Sharpening $ 3.00 $ 3.00 SEASON TICKETS effective 10/1/98 RESIDENT FAMILY: 1998 1999 First 2 members $ 60.00 $ 65.00 Each additional member $ 5.00 $ 5.00 Maximum 7persons) $ 85.00 $ 90.00 RESIDENT INDIVIDUAL: $ 50.00 $ 55.00 NON-RESIDENT FAMILY: 1998 1999 First 2 members $ 75.00 $80.00 Each additional member $ 5.00 $ 5.00 Maximum 7persons) $100.00 $105.00 NON-RESIDENT INDIVIDUAL $ 60.00 $ 65.00 CLASSES $ 74.00 $ 79.00 BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE GREEN FEES 1998 1999 18 hole - non -patron $24.00 $26.00 18 hole - patron $19.00 $20.00 9 hole - non -patron $13.50 $14.00 9 hole - patron $11.00 $11.50 GROUP FEES - 18 holes $32.00 $35.00 GROUP FEES - 9 holes $17.00 $18.00 PATRON CARDS until April 1 1998 1999 Individual $55.00 $55.00 Executive Course $25.00 $25.00 PATRON CARDS after April 1 1998 1999 Individual $60.00 $60.00 Executive Course $25.00 $25.00 COMPUTERIZED HANDICAPS 1998 1999 Resident $18.00 $19.00 Non -Resident $22.00 $23.00 LOCKERS 1998 1999 Men's 72 inch $35.00 $35.00 Men's 42 inch $25.00 $25.00 Ladies 72 inch $15.00 $15.00 CLUB STORAGE $35.00 $35.00 CLUB RENTAL $ 7.00 $7.50 PULL CARTS $ 2.25 $2.50 GOLF CARS 1998 1999 18 holes $22.00 $24.00 9 holes $13.00 $14.00 18 holes/person with disability single rider $11.00 $14.00 Group Car Fees $30.00 $32.00 GROUP GOLF LESSONS 1998 1999 Adult $62.00 $64.00 Junior $32.00 $34.00 BRAEMAR EXECUTIVE COURSE 1998 1999 Adult non -patron $ 10.00 $ 9.00 $9.50 Adult patron $9.00 $ 7.50 $8.00 Junior - non -patron Junior - patron $ 7.00 $7.50 Junior - patron $10.00 $ 5.50 $6.00 Golf Cars (everyone) $2.00 $10.00 $11.00 Pull Carts GOLF RANGE $ 2.00 $2.00 Group Fees $ 5.50 $12.00 $13.00 BRAEMAR ROOM $3.75 Warm -Up Bucket 1998 1999 Resident - wedding related $625.00 $650.00 Non-residents - wedding related $675.00 $700.00 Other events $250-$675 $250-$700 Concession Fees an annual increase of 5%, as a general rule RICHARDS EXECUTIVE COURSE 1998 1999 Adult - non -patron $ 10.00 $10.50 Adult - patron $ 8.50 $9.00 Junior - non -patron $7.00 $7.50 Junior - patron $ 5.50 $6.00 Golf Cars (everyone) $10.00 $11.00 Pull Carts $ 2.00 $2.00 Group Fees $12.00 $13.00 GOLF RANGE 1998 1999 Large Bucket $ 5.50 $5.75 Small Bucket $ 3.50 $3.75 Warm -Up Bucket $ 1.75 $2.00 GOLF DOME 1998 1999 Large Bucket $ 6.00 $6.25 Senior Bucket $ 5.75 $6.00 Time Golf 1/2 hour $ 8.50 $8.75 Hourly Field Rental $110.00 $110.00 Lea ue $695.00 $700.00 EDINBOROUGH PARK 19981999 Daily Passes $ 3.50 $3.50 SEASON PASSES 1998 1999 Edina Family first 2 members $205.00 $205.00 Each Additional Member $15.00 $15.00 Maximum 7 members $280.00 $280.00 Edina Individual $190.00 $190.00 Non -Edina Family first 2 members $230.00 $230.00 Each Additional Member $ 20.00 $20.00 Maximum 7 Members $330.00 $330.00 Non -Edina Individual $210.00 $210.00 Towel Fee $0.75 $1.00 Skate Rental $1.50 $1.50 Locker Rental $0.25 $0.25 BUILDING RENTALS 1998 1999 1998 1999 Exclusive Fri/Sat $1,500.00 Evening $1,500.00 Banners $150.00 $150.00 Com'I Use/Trade $2,500.00 Shows $2,500.00 Use of Rink Area $125.00 $125.00 High School Prom's 1 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 Cover Ice Area $400.00 $400.00 Non-exclusive rentals: (per hour) Great Hall $300.00 $300.00 Theater $125.00 $125.00 Grotto $50.00 $50.00 Domestic Photo Shoot hour) Ice Rink $100.00 $100.00 Any Park Area Blocked Off $50.00 $50.00 Pool (swim team only) $10.00 $14.00 Grotto $ 50.00 $ 50.00 Theatre $ 75.00 $ 75.00 Great Hall $ 75.00 $ 75.00 Ice Rink $100.00 1 $100.00 Commercial Photo Shoot (hourly) Any Park Area Blocked Off $ 200.00 $ 200.00 Grotto $ 200.00 $ 200.00 Theater $ 200.00 $ 200.00 Great Hall $ 300.00 $ 300.00 Ice Rink $ 300.00 $ 300.00 CENTENNIAL LAKES Rental Concession Items Weekend Rental - Full Evening 6 PM - 12AM Paddle Boats 1998 1999 1998 1999 Friday evening $600.00 $600.00 4 person boat '/z hr $ 5.00 $ 5.00 Saturday evening $600.00 $600.00 Winter sled % hr $ 3.00 $ 3.00 Champion Putting Ice Skates $ 1.50 $ 1.50 9 hole $3.50 $3.50 Building Rental Sun. -Thur. 18 hole $7.00 $7.00 '/2 da - Salon $125.00 $100.00 Full day - Salon $200.00 $200.00 Amphitheater Rental Lawn Games Amphitheater Rental N/A $75.00 (per hr. Per hour - $3.00 (person) $8.00 (court) • PARK DEPARTMENT RENTALS General Park Areas: Van Valkenburg/Courtney Fields Residents Only) 1998 1999 1998 1999 Commercial Use (i.e. TV)/hour $ 50.00 $ 60.00 Per field/day includes building $ 150.00 $ 150.00 Commercial use with light/hour $100.00 $110.00 Edina Athletic Associations Picnic shelter/day - Cornelia $ 100.00 $100.00 I Field User fee/participant $ 6.00 $ 6.25 Showmobile/day $700.00 $700.00 Edina Hockey Association Outdoor Hockey Rink Athletic Fields - Residents Only: Field User fee/participant $6.00 $ 6.25 Per field - per day $100.00 $100.00 Park Shelter Buildings half -da Per field - per hour $35.00 $35.00 Weber Park N.A. $75.00 Per field - per hour with lights $55.00 $55.00 IPark Cornelia School N.A. $75.00 Arneson Acres Terrace Room: Todd Park N.A. $50.00 Per day/w/formal gardens/gazebo $125.00 $125.00 Walnut Ridge Park N.A. $50.00 Per hour, first hour $ 50.00 $ 50.00 Park Shelter Buildings full -da Each additional hour up to 4 hours $ 25.00 $ 25.00 Weber Park N.A. $100.00 Cornelia School Park N.A. $100.00 Todd Park N.A. $75.00 Walnut Ridge Park N.A. 1 $75.00 11