HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-11-10 Park Board PacketCity of Edina EDINA PARK BOARD TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1998 7:30 P.M. MANAGER'S CONFERENCE ROOM AGENDA * 1. Approval of Tuesday, October 13, 1998, Park Board Minutes. *2. Off -leash Areas For Dogs. 3. Kunz/Lewis Property Facilities Report. 4. Youth Athletic Association Budgets. 5. Other. * 6. Adj ournment. * These are agenda items that require or request Park Board action. City Hall (612) 927-8861 4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX (612) 927-7645 EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424-1394 TDD (612) 927-5461 Memo To: Edina Park Board. From: John Keprios, Director Edina Park and Recreation Department Date: November 2, 1998 Re: November 10, 1998, PARK BOARD MEETING STAFF REPORT. Enclosed you should find the following items: 1. Tuesday, November 10, 1998, Park Board Agenda. 2. Tuesday, October 13, 1998, Park Board Minutes. 3. Memo from Pat Melvin, City Intern. 4. Planning Parks For Pets, NRPA. 5. Memo from Greg Mack, Director of Ramsey County Parks. 6. Bloomington Dog Run Proposal. 7. Hennepin Parks Pet Exercise/Training Areas. 8. Youth Athletic Association Budgets. TAFF REPORT The following is the monthly staff report concerning each item on the agenda with the exception of Approval of the Minutes and Other. "Other" is listed on the agenda in case last minute items come up between now and the Park Board meeting, plus, cover any other concerns of Park Board members and/or attendees. OFF -LEASH AREAS FOR DOGS In response to a petition received from the Todd Park area neighborhood, staff researched off -leash park areas for dogs in the Twin Cities area. Enclosed are copies of our findings that include information on how and why to build an off -leash area for dogs, as well as, specific off -leash areas in the Twin Cites. As you will notice, the ideal off -leash sites have the following amenities and characteristics: 1. Primarily open areas that are not heavily wooded (allows dogs to run free without losing visual site of the dog owner). 2. Areas that are secured by natural or fenced in boundaries. 3. Areas that do not interfere with existing park users. 4. Adequate parking. 5. Access to drinking water. 6. Restroom facilities for dog owners. 7. Trash receptacles. 8. Accessible for individuals who are physically disabled. 9. Access to existing trail systems. In my opinion, there is only one large area within the Edina park system that could potentially accommodate most of the above amenities and characteristics. The large nature area behind the Gun Range to the south is about the only area that might be acceptable by the majority of residents to use as an off -leash site. It is a non-residential nature area with natural boundaries with a variety of plants and contour. If this site becomes an off -leash dog park area, then we would likely encourage but not require dog owners to pick up their dog's feces at this site. I suggest this mainly because it has tall grass and several bushes and shrubs for dogs to hide, which would make it extremely difficult to impeccably maintain. Cars could park at the Golf Dome or Arena parking lots and use the pathway that leads them to the open site. Another option could include hockey rinks that do not have an asphalt surface, however, hockey rinks offer little space for a very large problem. Hockey rinks sites would require dog owners to pick up and properly dispose of their dog's feces. It is a fact that dog owners currently knowingly violate the dog ordinance and assume the risk of a fine by letting their dog run off -leash in many of our parks. I personally witness this behavior at least once a week. I do not believe that creating only one off -leash site in Edina will solve this issue, especially if we charge a fee. I do not believe that there is any open grassy park areas in Edina that could be fenced in to create an off -leash dog area that would be acceptable by neighboring residents. As you may recall, it seemed an impossible task to simply find a community garden site anywhere within the community. We used to have a much more liberal dog ordinance years ago that allowed dogs to be off -leash at all times as long as they were within voice command of their dog owner. This essentially made every park an off - leash park for dogs. Through years of intense complaining about irresponsible dog owners (there is no such thing as an irresponsible dog), the ordinance was changed to mandate that: • All dogs in the parks must be on a leash no greater than 10 feet at all times. • Dog owners must pick up and properly dispose of their dog's feces. • Dog owners must have in their possession a means of which to pick up and dispose of their dog's feces. I understand the need for dogs to exercise and the benefits of dogs to socialize with other pets. I also understand the benefits of human socialization that occurs at popular off -leash park areas. Being a first ring suburb of Minneapolis, Edina's park system was developed in the early 1950's and there was never a plan to set aside land to use as a dog park. A departure from this long standing heritage will be politically extremely difficult to sell, especially since there is very little park land left to develop. The only remaining sites are Van Valkenburg Park and Fox Meadow Park, which are both in residential areas. Having said all of the above, it is my recommendation to leave the existing ordinance in place as written and continue to enforce the ordinance as it stands, which allows the Animal Control Officer to use his/her best judgement in each circumstance. Please know that I have invited the Edina Animal Control Officer to attend the Park Board meeting. KUNZ/LEWIS PROPERTY FACILITIES REPORT It is my intent to bring the Park Board up to date on the issues and circumstances surrounding the Kunz/Lewis property and the discussions regarding proposed recreation facilities. I will give the Park Board a briefing through a Power Point presentation, most of which has already been presented to the City Council. This is an information item. There is no Park Board action requested on this agenda item. YOUTH ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION BUDGETS As requested by the Park Board at the October meeting, there are copies of youth athletic association budgets enclosed for your review. There was some concern about the size of the financial balance kept by one or more of these independently incorporated youth athletic associations. The enclosed budgets will hopefully provide some insight into those concerns. This is an information item. Park Board action is not requested on this agenda item. OTHER PARK CONSTRUCTION If you find the time, you may want to visit some new park construction sites: • Todd Park asphalt pathway and shelter building. • Heights Park asphalt pathway and 1/2 size basketball court. • Weber Park shelter building. • Countryside Park new park identification sign. • Arden Park new park identification sign and new color doors and windows. • Utley Park new basketball court. Our park shelter buildings are about 98% complete now and will be ready for the skating season. We have already had requests to use the buildings for parties and social functions. We're making progress! CONCERNS OF THE PARK BOARD Other concerns of the Park Board will be addressed at this time. EDINA PARK BOARD 7:30 P.M. MANAGER'S CONFERENCE ROOM OCTOBER 13, 1998 MEMBERS PRESENT: Bill Jenkins, Beth Hall, Andrew Montgomery, Andy Herring, Becky Bennett, Tom White, Jean Rydell MEMBERS ABSENT: Dave Crowther, John Dovolis, Dave Fredlund, Phyllis Kohler STAFF PRESENT: Ed MacHolda, Janet Canton OTHERS PRESENT: Marjorie Ruedy I. APPROVAL OF THE SEPTEMBER 8,1998 PARK BOARD MINUTES Bill Jenkins MOVED TO APPROVE THE SEPTEMBER 8, 1998 PARK BOARD MINUTES. Jean Rydell SECONDED THE MOTION. MINUTES APPROVED. II. 1999 FEES AND CHARGES Mr. MacHolda noted that at the last Park Board meeting the 1999 Fees and Charges were discussed and it was asked that two items be brought back for discussion. Those two items being the playground program fee and the facility use fee. Mr. Herring indicated that he felt Mr. Keprios' explanation in his staff report was very good and asked the Park Board members if they had any further questions. It was noted that surrounding communities charge anywhere from $12.00 to $50.00 for their playground programs. Mr. Herring pointed out that the current level of subsidy per child is approximately $70.00, which is after the $12.00 fee is taken into consideration. Mr. MacHolda commented that he reviewed the expense sheet for 1998 and actually the subsidy per child was $46.00. Ms. Bennett asked how many hours do the kids spend in the program for one day, and it was noted it is a 3 hour program twice a week. Mr. Montgomery indicated that he agrees we should keep it at $12.00 but it is something to definitely look at down the road. Mr. MacHolda pointed out that Mr. Keprios' staff report indicates that he suggested raising the fee a number of years ago and the Mayor at that time opposed his recommendation. Mr. Herring made the comment that there is now a new Mayor. He also noted that he would be inclined to start moving the fee up, however, if the philosophy is to keep it as low as possible he's okay with that too. Ms. Bennett asked if scholarships are available to families who cannot afford to sign their kids up for a particular program. Mr. MacHolda responded that yes, there are scholarships available for all of the park and recreation programs as well as all of the athletic associations. He noted that they even offer grant-in-aid for pool passes. Mr. MacHolda explained that salaries are the biggest expense to the playground program. Mr. White commented that if the fee is raised $2.00 that will only generate another $800.00 to $900.00 and is that really worth it. Mr. Montgomery noted that maybe the Park Board should look at raising the playground fee next year but leave it the same for this year. Mr. MacHolda explained that at the last Park Board meeting it was discussed whether to keep the user fee at $6.00 or raise it to $7.00. Mr. Keprios had previously recommended raising it to $6.25, a 4% increase. However, the Park Board's reaction was to leave it the same or raise it more so that you are benefiting from it in which Mr. Keprios would prefer to see it left at $6.00 for this year. Mr. Montgomery indicated that he feels the fee should stay at $6.00 and notify the people the fee will go up next year. Mr. Jenkins pointed out that the staff report also states that the fee should maybe be left the same indefinitely. Mr. MacHolda explained that is because we are the only community who charges a facility use fee for adult and youth athletic associations. Mr. MacHolda explained that when the user fee started in 1987 it was $5.00 per person and at that time it created a lot of waves with the Park Board as well as with the athletic associations. However, it was something the City Council voted on. In 1991 the fee went from $5.00 to $6.00 per participant and once again, the athletic associations were not very pleased. Mr. MacHolda noted that all of the programs are starting to escalate and this is just another expense. Ms. Bennett asked Mr. MacHolda when he says escalates does he mean by participants or what. Mr. MacHolda commented that the cheapest program is probably soccer or basketball and that fee is approximately $50.00 to $75.00 and there are a lot of families who have multiple kids playing multiple sports. Mr. Herring asked what is the current balance that the soccer program has in their account in which Mr. MacHolda replied approximately $60,000. Mr. Herring stated that he understands we are the recipient and there is another side to that but raising it $1.00 would increase their costs by $2,200 when they have a $60,000 balance in their account. Mr. MacHolda stated that the $6.00 per participant is the fee that is paid before any participant can step on an outdoor field or ice rink. Mr. Herring stated that staff is also providing all of the support, photocopying, etc. Mr. MacHolda responded that is not part of this. He explained that in 1987 the elected officials took a portion of the Park Director's budget which ended up being the maintenance budget and cut it in half. Therefore, we needed to find a way to generate dollars to bring that back up. Therefore, in order to determine the amount of money that we needed to generate to make up for the money that was lost we looked at the number of N participants. Again Mr. MacHolda pointed out that we are the only community that charges a facility use fee. Mr. Herring confirmed that administrative costs are not part of this. Mr. MacHolda responded that the tax dollars cover the city employees and what they do. The facility use fee is for things like chalk, ag-line, those kind of expenses. Bill Jenkins MOVED TO APPROVE THE 1999 FEES AND CHARGES WITH THE CORRECTION THAT THE FIELD USE FEE BE CHANGED TO $6.00 PER PARTICIPANT FOR 1999. Beth Hall SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. III. OTHER A. Facilities Report - Mr. MacHolda stated that Mr. Keprios will be giving a "Facilities Report" presentation to the City Council next Monday. At the November Park Board meeting he will give an update on his findings as well as any new direction he may receive from the City Council. B. Leash Free Ordinance - Mr. Herring asked if this topic could be held off until the November Park Board meeting in which Mr. MacHolda replied yes. C. Wooddale Comfort Station - Mr. MacHolda explained that 700 letters will be going out to the residents in the Wooddale Park area. He indicated that a meeting has been set for November 19' in the City Council chambers for these residents to voice their opinions regarding the comfort station. Mr. MacHolda stated that he did bring drawings if anyone would like to see them. Mr. Montgomery stated that he thought 700 letters were already sent out and they were opposed to the site. Mr. MacHolda replied approximately 400 letters were sent out originally and not many showed up for the meeting. Mr. Montgomery asked if they are looking at putting it in a different location with the same design and then asked what brought the residents back. Mr. Herring commented that he didn't think people wanted to have the portable toilets as well as this was viewed as an interim solution. Mr. Herring suggested that rather than going through these and looking at the plans now we can do it at the November Park Board meeting which will take place before the Wooddale neighborhood meeting. Everyone agreed. D. Edina Aguatennial Swim Meet - Mr. MacHolda informed the Park Board that on Tuesday, October 20' he will be meeting with Mr. Keprios, the Edina Swim Club's president, past -president as well as the Swim Club's coach to discuss some options for the Aquatennial Swim Meet. He indicated that one of the first options he sees is moving the swim meet to a different weekend which seemed to be favorable with the general public. Possibly May 28', 29th and 30t" or try to keep the wading pool open during a July swim meet. However, it would be very difficult for two groups to co -exist that time of year but it is an option to keep the wading pool and bathhouse both operational along with the swim meet. Mr. White commented that when he used to swim in that swim meet the whole pool 3 area needed to be used, including the wading pool area to wait for their next event. Mr. White asked if it would be possible to have a night swim meet and have it start at 3:00 p.m., that way the pool could still be open for part of the day. Ms. Bennett replied that is not an option because it takes too long to set up the electronic pads and that is why they leave them in and shut down the pool. Mr. Herring asked what about having the swim meet in June. Mr. MacHolda responded that based on the competitive swim calendar those dates are already taken by other meets. He noted that another alternative is to again have it at the University of Minnesota. Ms. Bennett asked how the meet went at the U of M this past year. Mr. MacHolda commented that from what he read in the minutes it was larger than it has been in the past, it was very well run and was still profitable. Mr. Herring asked if the swim meet is held at the Aquatic Center are we talking about having a situation where it is there every other year. Mr. MacHolda indicated he doesn't know if that would be the case or not. Mr. Herring stated that we need to come up with a plan so that staff doesn't spend a lot of time doing this every year. Mr. MacHolda asked the Park Board how they feel about it. Mr. Herring indicated that the Park Board has asked them to go to the U of M. Ms. Bennett commented that maybe if they are able to schedule the U of M right now they will be able to pick the date they want. Mr. MacHolda stated that he thinks the Swim Club would like to see the aquatic center available for the Aquatennial Swim Meet the second weekend in July on an every year basis. He indicated that he knows from his research there are very few outdoor pools that still have a meet. Mr. Montgomery asked what happens when it rains. It was noted that the meet goes on rain or shine. That is another reason the U of M would be a good spot the Swim Club because they would have a guarantee of good conditions. Mr. Herring indicated to Mr. MacHolda he knows where the Park Board stands on this issue in which Mr. MacHolda stated that he will communicate that to the Edina Swim Club at the meeting next week. E. Athletic Association Funds - Ms. Bennett stated that if you look at some of the different athletic association's minutes they list their net worth and there a few associations that have a fair amount of money in checking, savings and even CD's. She asked if these amounts ever get to zero or at least down to a reasonable amount. She also asked if the fees that are being charged are fair and reasonable to the people participating in these sports. Ms. Bennett commented that these are non-profit organizations. She did point out that she is aware that we do benefit from some of these organizations with scoreboards, fields, etc., which is wonderful but does question the large sum of money that some of the associations have. Mr. Herring commented that here is a classic example in the EYSA minutes in which a discussion was held of raising their fees $10.00 to $20.00 which would allow them to buy additional gear and support having a batting cage built at Pamela Park. Ms. Bennett 4 responded that it sounds like they are into fundraising and it's her understanding they are supposed to be non-profit organizations. Mr. MacHolda stated that as staff he sits on a lot of these boards and has tried to explain to them that is really not their charge to build facilities. It's supposed to be the Park and Recreation's capital budget from tax dollars that should be maintaining the facilities. Mr. MacHolda went on to explain that because Edina is an older community we aren't able to always keep up with our capital, therefore, we went out and did a bond referendum. When we ran out money with that we realized we needed more dollars because we had not asked for enough money to refurbish all of the facilities. Mr. MacHolda commented that he would like to see the city either raise taxes or have another referendum to build baseball fields or batting cages, etc. He indicated that he feels that the registration fee should be in line with what it costs to participate, e.g. a shirt, an official, possibly a team photo, and that is all it should be. Mr. Herring stated that he feels there should also be some cushion. Mr. MacHolda pointed out that some sports are healthier than others. He explained that it wasn't that long ago that boys basketball had 350 participants and now they are over 1,000 and with the fee staying the same that is the reason they have made so much money in such a short time. However, that association does recognize that they have more money than they would like to have as a non-profit organization. He indicated that he thinks they are going to try to spend that down as well as keep their fees constant. Mr. MacHolda stated that the Basketball Association is, however, working with the city and school on this facilities report and they may make a contribution towards those gymnasiums. They have talked about earmarking $25,000 a year if that's what it takes to get those gymnasiums built. Mr. Herring indicated that he has trouble with an association basically charging extra to the youth participant so they can raise $25,000 a year for the city. Mr. MacHolda responded that right now they are not charging anything extra. Mr. Herring indicated that he is also concerned that as a city there are a lot of laws which state how we can tax, what we can do with our money, we need to have sealed bids, etc. These are all to ensure the integrity of the these funds and the athletic associations don't really have that. Ms. Bennett also pointed out that the boards are not consistent, they are changing every year and there is always a new philosophy. She noted that it seems the fees are not in line with it costs to run the program each year. Mr. Jenkins asked Ms. Bennett what she thinks we should do with those excess funds. Ms. Bennett replied that she would do a fee reduction and just keep chunking away at what is in their savings, checking, etc. Ms. Bennett stated that the associations are different than say the PTA whose job it is to raise funds and give donations back to the school. Mr. Herring added that the Hockey Parents would not be affected by this because their whole purpose is to raise money. Mr. Herring asked staff if a report could be put together showing the current size, annual budget and recent account balances of the different athletic associations. Mr. White suggested giving the account balances for the last two to three years in case there has been a significant increase or decrease in the number of participants. E Mr. Herring informed Mr. MacHolda that he doesn't want him to spend a lot of time on this but to just try and get some recent preliminary data for the Park Board to discuss this matter further. VI. ADJOURNMENT Andrew Montgomery MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 8:30 P.M. Becky Bennett SECONDED THE MOTION. MEETING ADJOURNED. 6 MEMO TO: John Keprios FROM: Pat Melvin RE: Leash -free Parks DATE: October 1, 1998 In accordance with our earlier discussion, I have contacted the following municipalities and park boards inquiring whether or not they operate leash -free parks. The results are listed below: Agency Leash -free Parks Park location Bloomington- yes Eden Prairie- no * Hennepin Parks- yes Minneapolis Parks- no Richfield- no St. Louis Park- no * investigating leash -free parks Normandale Lake and Harrison Park Elm Creek, Lake Sara and Crow -Hassan Park Included in the following packet is information related to leash -free parks. I have more detailed information regarding specific out-of-state leash -free parks available if you believe it would be beneficial in the decision making. • Association of Parks and Recreation Services ......... Planning Parks for Pets • City of Bloomington.......................................Bloomington Dog Run Proposal Ramsey County Park and Recreation Commission.... Creation of Off -Leash Areas • Hennepin Parks ............. ................................Miscellaneous Pet Exercise Info. Date: January 8, 1997 -LA ro: Ramsey County Park and Recreation Commission Y( 141 iR From: Greg Mack, Parks and Recreation Director Subject: Creation of Off -Leash Dog Areas SUMMARY There are several areas throughout the Ramsey County Parks and Recreation system where owners are illegally allowing their dogs off -leash. Recently, a group of dog owners requested that the department consider developing off -leash areas. Parks and Recreation staff have reviewed national and local trends and responses to requests for off -leash areas. Based on expressed demand, historical uses and capacity of park resources, staff recommends establishing a pilot program of two off -leash dog areas. BACKGROUND As urban areas develop, owners increasingly use parks to exercise their dogs. Ordinances control dogs in parks by requiring the use of leashes and restricting areas where dogs are allowed. However, dog owners have recently become more vocal and organized against these restrictions, petitioning for increased freedom with their pets. In response, many agencies have designated spaces where dogs are allowed to exercise and socialize without being leashed. There are several areas throughout the Ramsey County Parks and Recreation system where owners of dogs are illegally allowing dogs off leash. Staff regularly observes users at Rice Creek, Grass Lake, Battle Creek, and other parks with dogs off -leash. Responsible Owners of Mannerly Pets (ROMP) made a presentation at the October 8, 1996 Park and Recreation Commission meeting, requesting establishment of one or more designated off -leash dog areas. ROMP cited several successful off -leash programs throughout the United States. Current park ordinances allow for the creation of specialized off -leash areas. Chapter III, section T, Subsection 3 states: "It shall be unlawful for any person to bring a pet into an authorized area of a park unless caged or on a leash not more than six (6) feet in length, except in a designated pet exercise area." COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS National Based on an Internet literature search, it appears that the development of off -leash areas is most active on the East and West coasts. This development has been in direct response to citizen's requests for areas where their dogs can exercise and socialize off -leash. Although not a complete nationwide list, the following is a sample of off -leash areas available on the Internet: San Francisco Bay Area • Pulgas Ridge Open Space Preserve, a 290 -acre site, permits dogs off;leash in a 17 acre area located inside a loop road. • Marin County Open Space District allows dogs off -leash on fire roads. • The East Bay Regional Park District operates about 76,000 acres, dogs may run off -leash in undeveloped areas. New York City Area • 18 neighborhood parks within the New York City area have dog runs. City of Seattle • Seattle recently established off -leash areas in seven geographically distributed city parks for a 12 - month pilot program. Local A survey of Twin Cities agencies that operate regional parks was conducted in the fall of 1996. The following is a summary of metropolitan off -leash policies: Anoka County • No official sites, but owners run dogs off -leash in the Chain of Lakes area. Carver County • No off -leash sites. Dakota County • No off -leash sites. Hennepin Parks Hennepin Parks has three designated areas available by special permit for training and exercising pets. The sites are located at Elm Creek Park Reserve, Crow -Hassan Park Reserve, and Lake Sarah Regional Park. Sites are approximately 30 acres. The Elm Creek area is fenced; Crow - Hassan and Lake Sarah have fencing along adjacent roads. Special use permits of $25/year provide access to the off -leash area for the permit holder and immediate family members residing in the same household. In addition, an annual parking permit of $25 is required. 125 special use permits were issued in 1996. Minneapolis • No off -leash sites. In 1994, a citizen's group presented a proposal for the creation of an off -leash dog area in Powderhorn Park. According to.Park Board staff, the Board initially authorized staff to create the off -leash area for a one-year pilot program. However, this required amending the park ordinance to permit dogs off -leash, which apparently raised additional Board concerns about the impact of this type of activity. The proposal was not implemented. St. Paul • There is a designated "Pet Park" in a fenced area near 1-94 and 6th Street in Lower Town. The area is approximately one acre, fenced, and covered with wood chips. There is no -fee to use the area. Washington County • No off -leash sites. There have been requests, but Washington County has decided against providing off -leash sites. 2 f3 � � o L `c ca rnm c ° w 0 - cu L Z- fa N l O C ca a) E O ` c0 .cz "O -0 C N L U p U L o co 0)�? a°i c -°a c 00 0 r rn= cu I-- �j c a t ' o N C '� m IL— t — -C Q) o U) 0 L m o Q. 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C p O C: C QY O Y cm ca M W a U (a Z Q C 'p O .— 0) p L i Q) — U Q Q (a O 0 U m ` o p C N CO m m m Q. c- N E Q pZT c ; ca 3 ca Q a) -0 03 o ` -0E 00 0) •_� Ma LT a) — mE co > °` i=a) +r L -p C C: n a N O L(n (a (1) (a Upa �' _T > �' (1) o •� E :S co O M �— L p N a) C D :30 OCD Q 0 T O 0CZ Va 0 c (1) � •o � U Y N U 0� ca L N30'•c oia 3 Hca �"ca0) C) N 3 N a3 N N _' 0, N E E U U o N C p) 0 Q) C CO O � a) o .� 0 � (a of (a C� U) .� 3 co J W C U O U) O Q� ............................. . 1 •N .0 C " C aN O O C— to O to 5 0 C a) U a C C '> _ O U U ' C �U c ca o m ca @ ca m .- � ca c a) c p �' — O 0 Y o m C C to > c C p (a CL ca O W 3 c a ° a`) a o 0 c 0 c% ca T ca 'u>—i Y (n 0 L d E le -Fu•Q X00 U o �Nm L Q7 Co a�N 'a -O o = c Z •Q .— 0��.0� O _0 cUa c�a�>� 3r c cca m a� ca ca 3 0 Ca a) 5 0 > W U ca > M O >+ 3 -0� N a) a) a) CL�� -=-6-u >co� > (ncca� cu a>a� ..crn-6 ca C ncn 0ai�a)aa)i = " N L n c � 0 LTO C 7 O) U L IM 10 CLQ C C cm C N N �. � @ c �3>,33o3c ca caa)ca� 0 0)t vi a) i C) c o ccr a' pp c 00 N-00-00000 � J ° a� FL— 0 . . . . . . . . LL U cn > 4- 0 m U ►. c c (C d C M N E M L a) d C) ,a: C cn ID y d (9 0O C w- N N cz :i Q. d LL Q) C n. L11 L0 RECOMMENDATION Parks and Recreation staff proposes a pilot program creating two off -leash dog areas within the Ramsey -ity Parks and Recreation system, one at Battle Creek Regional Park and one at the Rice Creek Regional Corridor. The pilot program would be initiated in early summer 1997 and run through December 31, 1998, subject to funding availability. The department reserves the right to discontinue this program at any time if it is found unacceptable. Cost Implementation The following costs are directly associated with the development of the off -leash areas, excluding staff time: Item Cost by Location Battle Creek Rice Creek Signage and Boundary Markings $1,500 $1,500 Projected Annual Operating Costs Item Cost by Location Battle Creek Rice Creek Mowing and General Site Maint. (Bi -weekly, May -Oct, $105/site) $1,260 $1,260 Trash Removal (Twice per week, year round at $9) $936 $936 Winter Plowing (10 snowfalls X $142/snowfall) currently plowed $1,420 Total 1 2,196 $3,616 Monitoring and Evaluating the Program This program would have a baseline study prior to opening to estimate current use at each site. The sites would be monitored throughout the program to record number of users. Users would also be asked to complete evaluations periodically throughout the program. All information would be reviewed at the conclusion of the program and a decision to discontinue, continue as is, or expand the program would be made at that time. APPENDIX Appendix A: Site Maps RICE CREEK TRAIL (NB LAKE fG� G�tflNPti •,.,� �"' :,T DITCH POPLAR LAKE RICE CREEK TRAIL (S) SCCHHMIIDT 1 OTTER LAKE IRTLE AKE SNAILr LAKE ( l LAKE KELLER MARSH SNAII �J � LAKE W /.6 9q - Z N nl _ 3?; WOODVIEW b\ i LAKE 1 MARSH 212 ISLAND LEGEND LAKE LAKE > i OWAS A O i I -69s OSEPHINE 0 i LAKE i COUNTY DITCH 18 LAKE ERVAIS BALD EAGLE i 1 ' i WHITE 1 BEAR LAK i i i i i 1 MANITOU i GOO McCARRONS LAKE KELLER )RIC sem; Ike Z WAKEFIELD 3?; WOODVIEW i LAKE 1 MARSH 212 BALD EAGLE i 1 ' i WHITE 1 BEAR LAK i i i i i 1 MANITOU i . 1 )RIC sem; Ike Z I 3?; GI i 1 MARSH 212 LEGEND > i REGIONAL PARKS O i 1 0 i i BEAVER -COUNTY PARKS LAKE i I ' FISH 1 i 1 sem; Ike 3?; i LEGEND i LEGEND REGIONAL PARKS -COUNTY PARKS "I,- FISH 1 CREEK < COUNTY OPEN SPACES .. .EKI ...�-- COUNTY BOUNDARY 2 MILES RAMSEY COUNTY .PARK SYSTEM '.AAM¢FV rntiNTY PARKS ANI) RFCRFATION DEPARTMENT __ I— C1. 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N U U o b rd N 4-1 V O �� •� o �'' W cn b-0 ¢Ct Ct M Ma? a�c 'd ct cn O cn a. O O O U N O Q•, U O O Q O � b � •� � O � c� � O C U 0 Ln 0 CIO ui, CL4 cry Cl) v3 03 3 cn c ocn m " cM -b ,� �. U to "Cj cn CJ En ip. U �O N 0 a; N �• tip3 C,3�. o p -d o � a, m 4- O4-4 b �+ r cn cn -d ct . r, cd C13ctj � -- c*-'N O U 4 4--+ C v� p v >C p Cl) cci N c~n cn O 03 c C/) Ct Z- 'b p -• C42 c} O cd Q N U cn M •- ,� N RI c'3 C%� C-71 Z � vs V'> o 0 0 0 4-1 cn ) DO Q, aj ab C's3 o ct ° ° ~ Lt O a 1:14 cn-d cn 4- y , cti O U cd �O O 03 cn c En y O ° m cnC U m4-1 o C13 73 UOUO a� agoSUBURBAN HENNEPIN REGIONAL PARK DISTRICT 12615 County Road 9 Plymouth, Minnesota 55441-1299 Telephone (612)559-9000 TDD (612) 559-6719 FAX 559-3287 An Equal Opportunity Employer HENNEPIN PARKS PET EXERCISE/TRAINING AREAS Designated areas are available by special permit for training and exercising pets at Elm Creek and Crow -Hassan Park Reserves and Lake Sarah Regional Park. These are the only areas in Hennepin Parks where pets may be off leash. Special Use Permits are issued by the Park Guest Services Coordinator, 559-6707. There is a fee of $25.00 per year, which covers the permit holder and immediate family members residing in the same household who are listed on the permit as dog handlers. The permit is valid for 12 months from the date of issue at all three exercise areas. Permit holders are subject to Hennepin Parks Ordinances and the rules and conditions for pet exercise/ training areas, and a current Hennepin Parks membership/annual parking permit is required. OBTAINING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT When a Special Use Permit is requested, Park Guest Services staff will request the following information: - name/address/phone number of permit holder - names of family members designated as dog handlers - current annual parking permit number (may be purchased at same time as Special Use Permit) - whether or not a blank starter pistol will be used for training - whether or not birds will be used for training Staff will then issue a temporary permit with a waiver agreement; the agreement must be returned with payment and signature(s) before the Special Use Permit is issued. The temporary permit will be valid for a maximum of seven days. Whether the permit fee is paid in person at Headquarters, by mail, or over the phone with a Discover, VISA or MasterCard, the signed waiver agreement is always required. After the signed agreement is returned, the one-year permit will be mailed immediately. On weekends and holidays, staff at Eastman Nature Center may issue a one-time temporary Special Use Permit for that day only at no charge; a signed waiver agreement is required, and all rules and conditions apply. Future requests by the same family will be referred to Headquarters for an annual Special Use Permit. I:\USERS\OHO\WP\DOGTR\DOGTRPR.BPN RECYCLED PAPER . Conserving our Resources Contains 50% total recycled fiber, 10% Post -consumer fiber HENNEPIN PARKS PET EXERCISE/TRAINING AREA SPECIAL USE PERMIT CONDITIONS 1. Persons using the training area MUST possess a Special Use Permit and display the permit on the dashboard to make it visible. Special Use Permits are assigned on an individual basis, apply to immediate family members only, and are non-transferrable. Permittee and names of family members designated as dog handlers must appear on the Special Use Permit. 2. Current Parks Plus Patron/annual parking permit required. 3. Handlers must remain in the area with their dogs at all times. 4. Dogs must be under control at all times; no exceptions. A dog is considered under control if it will come when called. Dogs must not be permitted to interfere with other people or dogs, unless permission is granted by each handler for dogs to play together. 5. All designated dog handlers must sign the Use Agreement including acceptance of the Pet Exercise/Training Area Special Use Permit conditions. 6. Permit holders must have certification of current rabies vaccination for each pet brought to the area readily available when using the dog exercise area. 7. No more than two pets in the dog training area per dog handler will be allowed at any given time. 8. Activities must take place during park hours. Park hours are from 5:00 a.m. to sunset daily, or as posted by the Park District. 9. Use of firearms or devices considered firearms under Federal Law is prohibited. Use of blank starter pistols not considered firearms under Federal Law is permitted and must be authorized on the Special Use Permit. 10. Use of pigeons, quail, chukars, and pheasants will be permitted for training purposes when authorized by the Special Use Permit and pursuant to conditions outlined herein. It is strongly recommended that training birds be recovered before leaving the area. 11. Humane treatment of all animals will be required. Under no conditions will animals of any type be mistreated, abused, injured, or killed. Permit holder is required to take necessary measures to ensure that this condition is met. 12. All other park Ordinances must be followed. Copies of the Ordinances are available upon request. 13. If any conditions are violated, the Special Use Permit will be revoked. Hennepin Parks reserve, the right to, reject/cancel Special Use Permits for any reason and will restrict days/ times of use as necessary. 1:\ USERS\ OHO\ WP\ DOGTR\ DOGTRPR.BPN z:m51110 SUBURBAN HENNEPIN REGIONAL PARK DISTRICT 12615 County Road 9 Plymouth, Minnesota 55441-1299 Telephone (612)559-9000 TDD (612) 559-6719 FAX 559-3287 An Equal Opportunity Employer HENNEPIN PARKS DOG EXERCISE/TRAINING AREAS To purchase a dog training area permit by mail, please complete this information and sign the form at the bottom of the page. Your permit will be mailed to you within a few days. If you have any questions, please call 559-6707. Name Address City/State/Zip Names of all designated dog handlers: Phone Current annual parking permit number: (If you do not already have an annual parking permit, you may purchase one when you pay for your dog training area permit. Cost is $25 for one vehicle, $5 for an additional vehicle sticker if purchased at the same time.) Amount Enclosed: Dog Training Area Permit Parks Plus Patron/Annual Parking Permit (Make checks payable to Hennepin Parks.) $25 $25 If needed: 2nd Parks Plus Patron Parking Permit $5 (If purchased with first permit) 2nd Parks Plus Patron Parking Permit' or $15 (If purchased at later date) Will you be using a blank pistol and/or live birds for training? (See Special Use Permit Conditions.) Optional information: For what activities do you use the dog exercise/training areas? obedience training hunting/retrieving training _ What kind of dogs do you train? Dog Training Area Use Agreement: exercise other: I acknowledge that I have received and read the Hennepin Parks Pet Exercise/Training Area Special Use Permit Conditions, and I am aware that violation of any of these conditions will lead to revocation of my permit. I understand that use of these areas exposes my person and my property (including my dog) to risk of damage or injury and agree that Suburban Hennepin Regional Park District shall not be liable for any claims, demands, injuries, or damages, actions or causes of action, whatsoever to myself or property arising out of or connected with the use of the Pet Exercise/Training Areas. I further agree to expressly release and discharge Suburban Hennepin Regional Park District from all such claims, demands, injuries, damages, actions or causes of action, and from all acts of active or passive negligence on the part of Suburban Hennepin Regional Park District, its servants, agents or employees. Signature(s) Phone Date Note: All designated dog handlers must sign. RECYCLED PAPER -Conserving our Resources l:\USERS\OH0\WP\O0GTR\l996 Contains 50% total recycled fiber, 10% Post -consumer fiber Hennepin Parks ... Four Seasons of Fun Hennepin Parks contains over 25,000 acres of park reserves, regional parks, and special use facilities at 19 separate locations. Hennepin Parks offers you a variety of recreational activities, interpretive nature rograms, and outdoor education resources. Hennepin Parks are within a half-hour drive of downtown Minneapolis. Slip away for an hour or a day with your family and friends, and discover the many places for fun and relaxation. For more information on any of Hennepin Parks' programs and facilities, call 559-9000. WRIGHT COUNTY 69 Elm Crow -Hass 5 Park e Park Resery ANOKA COUNTY � 16 94 Nature 5 ��� 12 Coon Rapids met Dam HENNEPIN R 'oval Park O10 COUNTY us t nava& 19 Lake Tait� Ta Rebecca Reg�ssi O1 R Park �� Q eserv� 50 X�11 © ch 694 2 moi' �'�' Re#plonal t 94 ... . Sarah uic 9 1 1 12 24 Baker ark Reserve -i,. RAMSEY O�y s COUNTY 92 Noerenberg f394t �� AAi G ` 15 10 51 494Lake 169 15 ,� MirmeK�nki IviDINEAPOLIS P 61 ; 7 Bryant 90 © onal Par3c Carver ��' 18 Hyland Lake Lowrry ParkReserve Center ���I� Reserve Natuee Center CARVER COUNTY �otz et DAKOTA 01 �� COUNTY OP -4 -Park Entrance ".00000 42 nunuu- SouthwestReEional SCOTT 74 LRT Tri COUNTY Mhy-Hanrehan Prior L��ce PukurpReserve s n - North Hennepin Regional O75 ' Cleary Lake 4 , Regional Par 27 ' N * Dog Exercise/Training Area Locations Lake Sarah Regional Park RECREATION USE AREAS A PROPOSED PICNIC AREA - SW A W4G B PROPOSED BOAT Ar,CESS C-QCPOSED SPECIAL OU7000R 4ECREATION ACTIVITIES AREA _ NATER MARSH -_-- PROPOSED ROADS ------ PROPOSED PAVED TRAILS - - - PROPOSED PARK BOUNDARY Boa «<- PLANNING AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT SUBURBAN HENNEPIN REGIONAL PARK DISTRICT SII I T N I I >I2 OI Pet Exercise/Training Area Park off West Lake Sarah Drive. There is a picnic table, but no water or restrooms. The parking area, which is mowed, has a sign with regulations. DEVELOPMENT PLAN LAKE SARAH REGIONAL PARK Crow -Hassan Park Reserve :* Bluestein Group Camp Crow 1 Group , U Adirondack She:,g: t Berning Mill Dam Trailhead ■ Nursery and ' Maintenance Shop ■ ■ • Co. 203 1'et Ge..ernse and Winter Horse Trail Area Refuge Area � an syr" Hassan Parkway -Hiking & Horseback Riding Pets allowed on 6' Leash -Autumn Hiking Trail N E Prairie Area i .... Unpaved Service Road r ■ c �� Closed to access ' U Pet Exercise/Traininq Area i Gravel parking lot on east side of County Road 116. Trash can and satellite toilet, but no drinking water. Dog -sledding and off -leash Co. 19 training are permitted only in the designated training area; dogs must be leashed on other pet trails. ELM CREEK I VIA 00 14 103 *-*1:* 041V � Horseback Riding and Pet Walking ,AMMExercise/Training Aiew --Inn Parking is at the New Schwanden Historic Site at the junction of County Road 202 and Elm Creek Road. There is a picnic table, trash can, and satellite toilet at the site, but no drinking water. Off -leash training is permitted only in the designated training area; dogs must be leashed on other pet trails. ��2a ki�ycgr�ywY�inlF�% Printed on recycled paper containing at least 10% post -consumer paper fibers. History The original pet exercise/training area in Elm Creek Park Reserve was established in 1983. The sites at Lake .arah Regional Park and Crow -Hassan Park Reserve were added in 1990. Until 1993, there was no charge for the special use permit; the annual parking permit has always been required. In 1993, access to the Elm Creek dog training area was cut off when the City of Dayton closed the end of 121st Street North. A new site was established, and the original site was closed. Considerable expense was incurred for fencing and other improvements, and the current $25 fee for the annual special use permit was established at that time. Permit holders must agree to certain rules and conditions, including keeping their dogs under control at all times, as well as having current certification of rabies vaccination. Size The site in Elm Creek Park Reserve is slightly under 30 acres, and it is completely enclosed by a fence. (A fraction of an acre was lost when a fence was moved during construction of the new bike -hike trail.) The sites at Crow -Hassan Park Reserve and Lake Sarah Regional Park are approximately 30 to 40 acres. These areas have fencing along the roadways to enhance safety, but they are not completely fenced, so the outer boundaries are not clearly defined. Permits Issued 1992 71 993 45 1994 130 1995 129 1996 145 1997 185 1998 4 171 as � ��, a � Related Information Hours are 5:00 a.m. to sunset, year-round. In addition to the pet exercise/training areas, Hennepin Parks offers designated turf trails for walking pets on - leash at Baker Park Reserve, Bryant Lake Regional Park, Carver Park Reserve, Cleary Lake Regional Park, Coon Rapids Dam Regional Park, Crow -Hassan Park Reserve, Elm Creek Park Reserve, Fish Lake Regional Park, French Regional Park, Hyland Lake Park Reserve, Lake Minnetonka Regional Park, Lake Rebecca Park Reserve, and Murphy-Hanrehan Park Reserve, as well as the North Hennepin Trail Corridor and the Southwest Regional LRT Trail Corridors. Leashed pets are also permitted in campgrounds and group camps. They are not permitted in picnic or beach areas, creative play areas, or on paved bike -hike trails and nature center trails. I:\USERS\OHO\ WP\DOGTR\INFO I N .Y c 0 0 a Y L a c ca c 0 cc L cc c z cc 0.0 PK ASSOC, LyLI C 1 200 C� p G j x :i,:::i:•: Z G 2 L O� ,Y C Lp L ,e, , �O O d 'Z C LLI IA C r r O 4 M V E _c In _� 1• .t4, o z o r- a0 4 N Q a 010 M � + • M Ln o r- ai T�� •L VI C Ol gyp^. d P 0 C� E � 'p e o •c is � Wc V o ;; �' ott'� Z 'SS I o • a Q LLd ` 10, O$ '0 .� c a y o _ v $ E e o z 0 - w d 3 0 o �' IA prn C Q ��� o 0 a'S a �'� O IA O V► vii o < o aa. C) o o a� c Lc'es O cj �L� ado. s •® d o =�o "� • o � =ec � � T c p b C N � AJ � } � o p c o �o78 Q, v U- r r r M M ct In `o r- a0 o, r' M u1 Ln o r- ai ' C ° g aa. C) o o a� Q V d T c p b C N � AJ � } � o p c a c' O Q, v U- atAo t E a w N o M 0 o AJ E a 0) o a' C B ° -+ C CB v°- ° 0 o N a c �^ o o a VI N y a o `o v o V =_' a IW c c E ' Vt .�C a 01 0 0 o v �t _ 0 G 0 cc F -- Z Y Q a O 93Q H Q Cr -d >1 E cr. 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C N�� no c 0 r y �VI Q0. IA cn y O pA1 C O LA v QO O O L OHO b OUl Q CB 5Ej p 01 3 �r �i N V O, Qi O OJcO O �, �� O O O 00 V 0 — C O O b C _0a of N } —L a ,� f E g, �oxaL' g L}p CL a 'Y O ut d o O �p g} o_ E } It L Q V y s S O} O O O Ln D Q L O 0i c } 'p C',c � v d g' —" o' O_ E b �` v � E 3 c v 0 Q yl Ni ?S C v J Fc b E vi � v T 701� Z W a CL Q o, 2 N Lnco .. Ol '- c CO a. a 0. C: CCp M ��Q{ ) �s a i� Z5 O_ v > W f� "Y Q o O r Ec Rt n �Q m LnM Lna r O O d .p Y ami Ol Q Ol Z E3 c6 N Q '� Q c 0 '0 5 rn $ O W K c $ to of w O �' o +' N O Z y c O Q o N' b ►n . L O d5 aaB 10aav' EL c� d � ° ° S > IA v v p x 01 +� O d i+ M C ~ O p a aEin N N C 0 N p 1'JtA p p pc pLn - Oc -2p - O ` p c 04 0 OOl v �G N c °° �'�rLn c O c v, a o cOLnEp1 L� QQ d V Q iOr yi N> p N L O .0 O a c C p o O as O N c 0 O L vi p Q v p y p C O N O C in s O y c -E E s vi Z5 cc 4 Z5 COC AJ v y t pCt IS' 01 01 C C ~ CT T( Ln ° O C O O � y U b C d C 0 ¢ C 2 C p j O� N w�, c' o '� � m� 2 v oo'Jrir g p� -�� 2 d .s u, � c —0 Ln a r3s� o ° o l o v o 'Q CL �_ a � � 'j a s H v �4v pp :021 �4Eri d�z°O� CD EDINA BASKETBALL ASSOCIATION Cash Balance as of August 31, 1998 Checking Account $18,604.45 Savings Account 11,614.19 Certificate of Deposit 20,000.00 BALANCE $50,218.64 No significant activity in August. Transfer of funds was made to cover checks written to register traveling teams in this season's tournaments. Checks have not yet cleared which accounts for significant checking balance. Expenses paid during August related to preparation of and mailing of program newsletter. Registration update- $69,140 was collected on Saturday 9-12 and Tuesday 9-15. 939 players were registered in grades 1-8. D �I g T 1 w �6, 4 awe M ' 3 6f3 ZR Z; 5 T 1 w �6, 4 awe M Expenses- xpensesBank Edina Basketball Association Treasurer's Report $ 4.00 S January 20,1998 Capital Improvements - December 1, 1993 July 1, 19 $ 100.00 Beginning Balance S 117,614.79 $ 46,067.93 Income: $ 35.13 Classic Concessions Advertising Newsletter Classic Admissions Classic Advertising S 200.00 $ 200.00 Classic Concessions Classic Paramedics Classic Registration Fees Classic Programs House Registration Fees S 2,225.00 S 65,098.27 Interest Earned (through 12/31/97) S 580.94 $ 1,261.89 Traveling Registration Fees $ 3,102.50 5 32,397.00 Total Income $ 6,108.44 $ 98,957.16 Expenses- xpensesBank BankCharges $ 4.00 S 16.00 Capital Improvements - Checks Returned $ 100.00 S 400.00 Classic Advertising $ 35.13 Classic Concessions Classic Custodians Classic Fee Refunds Classic Paramedics Classic Programs Classic Referees Classic Shirts & Hats Classic Trophies Custodian OT-PeeWees Custodian OT -Traveling Equipment -House $ 5,514.15 $ 5,548.95 Equipment -Traveling S 5,674.00 $ 5,674.00 Executive Comm. Mtgs,(Exec. Dir. $ 2,500.00 S 2,500.00 House Regis. Refunds $ 300.00 S 450.00 $ 148.00 Insurance $ 424.70 Misc. Board Expen-les MYAS League Fees $ 3,350.00 $ 3,350.00 Edina Basketball Association Treasurer's Report January 20,1998 Page 2 PeeWee Expenses $ Z 320.80 S 2,820.80 Postage and Mailings S 15.00 $ 994.27 Printing S 666.74 S 2AM.70 Referees - PeeWees $ 3,300.00 Referees - House 5 2,745.00 S 2,745.00 Referees - Traveling Traveling Coaches $ 7,500.00 S 7,500.00 'raveling Tourn. Fees/State Tourn.. Fees 5 1,345.00 S 15,495.00 Trophies -House Uniforms -House Uniforms -Traveling Total Expenses S 32,534.69 $ 53,836.55 Ending Balance-1/LO/98 S 91,188.54 5 91,188.54 Cuts Olson - Treasurer House League Registration Summary 11119/97 Results to Date 1997 1996 Grants in Aid 19 @ 575.00 5 1,425.00 $ 910.00 Saturday & Tuesday Combined 926 @ $75.00 5 69A50.00 $ 59,220.00 $ 48.00 Late Registrants 17 (9590-00 5 1,700.00 5 3,060.00 Refunds 2 (g 575.00 S (150.00) S 2,030.00 Total Receipts 5 71,048.00 $ 60,250.00 Total Registrants 960 864 TOTAL P.03 FUNDS DONATED TO THE EDINA PUBLIC SCHOOL'S City of Edina Edina High School/Fieldhouse Improvements $40,000.00 Edina Baseball Association Fieldhouse/Batting Cage 3,000.00 Edina Soccer Association CreekValley/Irrigation 10,000.00 Edina Basketball Association Edina Community Center/Bleachers 16,000.00 Edina Community Center/Public Address & Backboards 4,000.00 Edina Community Center/Side Backboards 4,500.00 Edina Community Center/Main Backboards & Supports 6,500.00 Edina High School/Fieldhouse Improvements 30,000.00 Elementary Schools/Backboards, Rims & Support Framework 20,000.00 Edina Girls Traveling Basketball Edina High School/Fieldhouse Improvements 7,500.00 EGAA Edina High School/Fieldhouse Improvements 4,000.00 TOTAL $145,500.00 FEBRUARY 3, 1997 REVENUES Consessions Income -net Interest Income (Bank & Merrill Lynch) Late Fee Income Corporate Sponsors Tournament Income -combined Registration Fees -combined Traveling Fees Winter Baseball Clinics -net Doyle Baseball Clinics -net Barnett Fund Donations -net Misc. Income (sale of equip., uniforms) TOTAL REVENUES EXPENSES Advertising Bank Charges -NSF checks returned Braemar Concession- supplies, etc. Capital Improvements- concessions Capital Improvements- fields Coaches: Jugball Coaches' Equipment/Misc.Jugball Mickey Mantle Traveling Coaches' Dinner -net of spouse fees Coaches' Clinic EBA Academy Equipment Purchases Insurance -Worker's Compensation League Coordinator League Fees Miscellaneous Expenses Office Expenses Park & Recreation User Fee Postage Printing -general Printing -roster book Refunds Registration Costs -mail, printing, etc. Special Awards Sponsor Expenses Supplies Tournament Director Tournament Expenses -fields Tournament Expenses-misc. Tournament Fees Traveling Team expenses Trophies: House League Jugball Traveling Teams Umpires TOTAL EXPENSES EDINA BASEBALL ASSOCIATION 1998 1997 1996 BUDGET ACTUAL ACTUAL $5,000 $3,108 $6,806 $3,750 $3,878 $3,283 $2,100 $2,075 $4,038 $0 $8,975 $9,890 $0 $13,275 $14,054 $138,750 $135,933 $127,400 $27,225 $24,525 $23,460 $1,200 $3,065 $353 $0 $265 $690 $500 ($415) $366 $500 $734 $110 $179,025 $195,418 $190,450 $0 $0 $226 $500 $1,863 $974 $100 $55 $60 $4,000 $6,128 $2,324 $0 $0 $0 $19,000 $18,628 $12,625 $500 $138 $3,033 $2,000 $2,000 $1,500 $6,000 $6,000 $5,274 $2,600 $2,478 $2,396 $3,100 $3,062 $3,300 $11,000 $9,000 $11,000 $61,000 $61,629 $56,853 $1,100 $1,063 $1,207 $6,000 $5,900 $7,130 $4,200 $4,181 $5,023 $1,000 $720 $296 $200 $0 $872 $6,000 $6,000 $6,408 $1,200 $1,183 $613 $1,200 $1,131 $1,323 $0 $2,191 $1,851 $3,000 $2,890 $3,065 $1,400 $1,310 $1,670 $0 $0 $752 $0 $0 $234 $0 $0 $160 $0 $1,500 $1,500 $0 $2,900 $2,400 $0 $1,996 $290 $9,800 $8,494 $7,966 $0 $2,242 $2,606 $2,600 $2,490 $1,830 $800 $787 $809 $0 $147 $1,898 $19,500 $21,727 $19,830 $167,800 $179,833 $169,298 NET PROFIT $11,225 $15,585 $21,152 FEBRUARY 3, 1997 EDINA BASEBALL ASSOCIATION CASH IN BANK RIVERSIDE BANK -CHECKING ACCT. $11,340.00 MERRILL LYNCH -SAVINGS ACCT. $44,720.00 TOTAL CASH ON HAND $56,060.00 _qib EYSA Financial Report Comparisons INCOME 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1 1998 Registration F $9,875.00 $11,937.00 $10,187.00 $11,710.00 $18,230.00 $22,290.00 $26,410.00 $28,200.00 Interest Inco $192.72 $98.58 $41.84 $39.17 $48.73 TOTAL INC $10,067.72 $12,035.58 $10,187.00 $11,710.00 $18,271.84 $22,329.17 $26,458.731 $28,200.00 EXPENSES Bank Fees $160.85 $100.00 $60.85 $75.00 Coaches Clir $1,318.75 $332.02 169.3 $150.00 $625.86 $97.19 $396.11 $425.00 Coaches Din $36.001 $30.001 $37.50 $189.45 $300.00 $300.52 $350.00 Coaches Shirts 1253.45 $300.00 Equipment $297.31 $642.63 $1,327.69 $1,545.50 $1,449.37 $2,110.68 $2,391.49 $2,500.00 First Aid $685.48 $0.00 $500.00 Gifts $50.00 $200.00 $100.00 Mailing Service $133.82 $54.78 $107.25 $440.27 $764.79 $458.46 $500.00 Miscellaneou $144.54 $385.27 $649.40 $491.75 $122.25 $25.00 $134.16 $150.00 Newspaper $150.00 $303.20 $0.00 $0.00 Photography $720.50 $981.00 $1,044.00 $1,136.66 $1,332.00 $1,365.00 $0.00 $0.00 Pitching Clinic $400.00 $200.00 $0.00 $0.00 Postage $257.50 $259.79 $257.98 $269.66 $226.97 $6.40 $92.80 $100.00 Printing $301.62 $271.79 $331.15 $396.70 $1,035.23 $485.04 $1,215.65 $1,400.00 Refunds $140.00 $140.00 $620.00 $129.00 $160.00 Signs $128.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Tournament Fees Woo $365.00 $800.00 Trophies $893.10 $1,014.03 $1,043.41 $1,073.40 $2,314.90 $2,748.00 $2,646.32 $2,900.00 Umpire Clinic $35.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 $0.00 $510.88 $560.00 Umpires $1,232.10 $1,781.00 $2,423.20 $2,245.80 $4,731.00 $4,010.65 $4,671.19 $5,000.00 Uniforms $1,681.50 $1,592.50 $1,853.25 $1,895.00 $2,830.00 $3,475.00 $3,410.40 $3,600.00 User Fee $1,390.00 $1,650.00 $2,249.79 $2,340.00 $2,826.00 $3,390.00 $3,594.00 $3,750.00 TOTAL EXP $8,307.92 $9,123.85 $11,453.95 $12,279.22 $18,952.15 $20,536.43 $21,830.28 $23,170.00 Profit (loss) $1,759.80 $2,911.73 -$1,266.95 -$565.22 -$680.31 $1,792.74 $4,628.45 $5,030.00 5 soy �r w ay � ams WAY t a5UY a VL C C, 7/31/98 EGAA-Bank,Cash,CC Accounts Cash Flow Report 8/1/97 Through?/31/98 Category Description INFLOWS FEE REFUNDS: Basketball Volleyball TOTAL FEE REFUNDS INTEREST INCOME REGISTRATION: Basketball Football Lacross Tennis Volleyball TOTAL REGISTRATION TOTAL INFLOWS OUTFLOWS COST OF SALES: Znd Grade B13'Znd Grade Basketball Coac Equipment BB -Basketball Equipment FB -Football Equipment Lacro EquipmentTeneis-Tenniq Referees BB -Basketball Referees FBn Festbal}Re€ Referees VB -Volleyball Tennis Pro TROPHIES: Baaketb-Basket Footbal Tennis Volleyb-Volleyball trophies TOTAL TROPHIES UNIFORMS: Basketb-Basketball t -shirts Lacross-Lacross V olleyb-Volleyball t -shirts TOTAL UNIFORM=S TOTAL COST OF SALES OVERHEAD: ADMINISTRATIVE DONATIONS MAILING: Basketball FaH-Fall Basketball/Football Lacross-Lacross 8/1/97- 7/31/98 -425.00 -71.00 -496.00 1,490.40 26,755,00 3,785.00 1,250.00 3,780.00 14.,590.00 i.�11iC11ZIZC 51,154.40 590.00 2,870.95 970.75 135.00 725.35 10,953.00 945.00 6,701,00 I.W.00 1,299.30 455.00 169.40 656.64 2,580.34 3,306.02 364.30 2,432.40 6,102.72 34,114.11 1,601.21 400.00 173.93 1,756.19 586.19 Page 1 Cash Flow Report 8/1/93 Thrm*7/3U98 7/31/98 EGAA-Bauk.Cash.CC Accounts Category Description Tennis Volleyball TOTAL MAILING MISC: Basketball Football Tennis Volleyball TOTAL MISC TOTAL OVERHEAD Publicity -Team Publicity Tax Expense Tax Penalty Tax-Tax/Legal Outflows - Other TOTAL OUTFLOWS OVERALL TOTAL 8/1/97- 7/31/98 21.76 1,100.56 3,638.63 563.78 584.00 158.33 12.76 1,318.87 6,958.71 92.41 1,035.14 599.92 400.00 0.00 43,200.29 7,954.11 Page '/31/98 EGAA All Accounts Net Worth Report As of 7/31/98 7/31/98 Acct Balance ASSETS Cash and Bank Accounts EGAA CD 25,771.58 EGAA Checking -Americana 3,548.24 EGAA Savings -Americana 11,990.80 Toter Cash and Banff Accoauts 41,10.62 TOTAL ASSETS 41,310.62 LIABILITIES 0.00 OVERALL TOTAL 41,310.62 Page 1 EDINA HOCKEY ASSOCIATION CASH STATEMENT AS OF July 31, 1998 A. Cash/Revenue 1. Bank Statement 5-5-98 2 Deposits $19,141.99 20,996.34 4-29-98 6,491.99 4-29-98 1,500.00 Lozinski 5-18-98 10,000.00 H. Moms 6- 1-98 1,231.00 Mscll./Sponser 7-27-98 10.35 W. Comp. refund 7-31-98 41.00 Interest 7-31-98 1,722.00 PW B Tourn. fees 3. Receivables Tourn Reimburs. PW C Gold $1,095.00 PW C Grn 1,055.00 Norwest bank Acct.- $187.67 Bad Checks -$1,071.00 Subtotal B. Expenses/Payables 1. Lozinski Payees 2. Board Ins. Premium 3. Tourn. entry fees -Champlin(ul2,BC,SB) -Rochester(SB, BC) Sub -Total 4. Checks a. Cleared checks -exhibit b. Outstanding Checks - UC12 Reimburs. - E. Buss(REF) 3,408.67 cash/revenue: $43,547.00 $1,500.00 450.00 1,325.00 850.00 $4,125.00 3,625.33 66.20 36.00 - Edina Schools (MAIL) - US West (phone) - General Sports(Socks) Sub -Total Total Expenses/Payables C. Total Cash On Hand as of 7-31-98: 18.19 60.97 6,007.00 $9,813.69 $13,938.69 $43,547.00 -$13,938.69 $29,608.31 EDINA HOCKEY ASSOCIATION 9F[V 111 naw.. C^!11 '"•'•"� EDINA HOCKEY ASSOCIATION ...... if-ul6w ��Is�fM+woulO ll fY.lSu[.Ilr. 212 PIIS 5/39/90vu7 /5x591.99 0 4090OL0341: 2318-B9w•90 i0 # $5,591.99 PARK NATIONAL BANK ssss w6wu r.1.. M..P461 �1$ NAME"' .. ""s �(anb... •4tNIf . I OATE - ....+. ¢ra cn rrco•o( cn5,t ) TOTALS 6w !6. ACCOUNT NUMBER ---------- ACCOUNT ,6aul.,a,1• y,y Iro 1a18 , „ 61610CB.6U d 1:09:00&0341: 23&8»891.96• 10 /00010000001+ # $10,000.00 lOMA xOGIclY M60GMnON „ ,,,. 7907 jie R _91ra.:uo9 •••• u,••yaK - - I"5.1.._411_ —._ �OCHuotlreCZL. —_ __ _ Q -]15]31' CC9100101L1: taxa-d9.•H. `� /7000]: iCCO.' #3903 $630.00 IMA HOGT(d u�waAT1oH 3906 s--Id-w x00377 d'• 1:09I3C :0 iL4 25:d-•8 .9r+00000?LOCO+' #3908 $240.00 1. 11MA Oq(rYA5r004MN y in• 3910 r.'s-rr _ eel".. •7C 391C]' 4O9 iOO LO SLI: 2. is. 9r x•000077 {A SG/ #3910 $18.56 MINAH9cwry AssacunON 3912 C i )111 s, � 6 3S• ae _ KIM '575910 (� u w,.cso'+NI ]OuiNwlE cw uYo •0]39..2. 1:091[[ :056.1: 23{6 -S9 -9M •70]_00 150[1 #3912 $35.00 F.DINA N9CIILY ASS9CIATgN ®iNa W6$•N ,y 3917 nn.uln auuzoaO33 ,-s]- vr.•n u. "rte'_—_�'/., k�Il•h --- --- 6 33./e ;,i9 it•• 1:0910]105..1: 21ad-d4 i.' 1==CCUCf a:U: #3917 $33.10 Number: 2318899 6-07-98 CMttanq 0•I.....[[actiaa --s—, Cay) r .3 a.uL 5353 Wys•ta 63,0 9t Lwaa P•[E, H 566:6 611-564-354/ By bl Tall•[ 6 1:1 wu[ m6aaa D4y9aic or—.a 05-08-:99.:0, Ac.. 1...699 a 6xY•al <way.a au• t9 .o error :n 6aaits9a. . 0••0•a: Aavunt buw:a Mw• .•er. I Y.uz 0•p0aa[ w a•m Ine....n I $l, 591. i9 $6,491.99 $900.30 L•1IYA YORSY AaSyC:A^2911 1 09:0-0103-4 I $]1/899 1 31 1 $900.00 4794C7:01Ln: 2566899•• i^ /0]OC75C30C: # $900.00 CA511 EOINA NOCKEY ASSOCLATION fry w I,-1uu.1. y .Iwo-.. auw.1 M�s1 w 20S FM 6/01/9811174 $1.231.00 d R09&00LOVX 2368-89'•9 - _rMLo .00000123 LOW # $1,231.00 EDIKAjx001.lYYA.800YTgM �• 39.^,7 {pNA 1�'iw SSW n ••r•e SI1/98 bv.a B•e•1wi. C_ _ 1^/_538 CC_ Om TNouW% Five 1j"(W TWA:. M000/1 7plwy ATT_ATTN Tlny 8361 JOrIt Wm6 Orn. Ed -6. Al1/55630 y1y 1868 1087 _ ^3C39Clr 4:410CIO W: 2568-89•-9n' #3907 $1,536.00 RXNA xOCIM AMMTMI x„ 3309 _Ow I,n4a1i10 rvaw a � 40Z26'1, 721_ ixxu -9 i �_"t/ /I'7C 1909n' 1:091CC :U SaI: -16x-6 -9r nc;o CU 71521 #3909 $23.52 ELv1A Ix0[0{EY ABfACunox ,,, ,,, 3911 mei ul�iva •,+'^'.. S-•d-fr n�1.•l_ �lc� _ 6 24x. br m / .ice----- - ••3U i9• 1:]9107:05..1: 2516••■ 9.• •'007[02..8651 #3911 $248.65 m111AH0CKlY A680gAnex r, 7=]:, -Oq J1, l:a !:/r..(•J 1 37•/0 JUN 1131970 r0035:tr 4C 9:OC :]561: z,16-6 9r :0000c033 LC, - #3914 C: #3914 $33.10 EDINA HOCKEY ASSOCIATION 3NM MOCMiY A3*MM' M .,. 37C4 3E •. w:� M.w.•n '2/737 w a lnaa WENgarger s^SO aO o FEIy prq 091100""x••' �EyyM • '— — •.f 9a{]L• 4091CC ICA, i3:8.89.q /ppp #3704 $50.00 EBNA NO --IA-. A- DelGka s_ 33. Y. /IA � rCC 3916.' x;09 i003C 344 2118- -9'• !700776 i1 i0I #3918 $33.10 EpMA MOGUY AWOOAnoN .. 3920 ea �.3391'r .;C9 t001C 34: t318 -B 9r /7JOO.C33:�,' #3920 $33.10 3lNNA nONEA3EOCMl1oN n1� ,r, 3922 .r m No hw..P i - r0G1922• 1:091001C3L.: eiiB.BA( /OOpC00331C: #3922 $33.10 B3MA XOCNEY A33000I7pN �„ 3921 L •n-ry e=- '77 i9:4r 0C91001C 34.: w. 9r :000ooO6c We #3924 $66.20 EOINANOCMEYASSOCMnON �a, J726 DM4 aN Hn1. •a wa+•e -ooli2i-.tc4.moW1k': 4118••8 •9r Or .C.'," #3926 $81.90 1pNA NOCNlY A3E0001nON .•. 352a 13 -le -•37;928r .:6916616;- =3:8.9 •91 :676631;4;^_+ #3928 $54.50 Number: 2318899 7-05-98 EDWAMOCItEY AEw OY110N nE.. M, 7911 fe rcC- ;- .A91o01034.: 2318- 9 rCO3CCC31:3! #3915 $33.10 ®MA MOCK8Y A33'OCYnON 7919 -cc1919- 4o91CC7034r. 2318 -B9 -9r IOC000033 t0: #3919 $33.10 BOMA m•r wAKMaagwr nw.• w" 392: .3.c� r1 c ars..✓ q�%����y��"` �`' +CC 39; sr x:09 i00 tC 3H: lila-B 9r /OLC3C7311CI #3921 $33.10 ZMA MODIFY A330 LOONLWQ ,.,�, •, ' r" i _ •AE 1139 7 21 9 � 3T . /o /a - rnn:9=1.. .C9 1961614.: lliB••B9••9r /=0]7]7111_: #3923 $33.10 EOIMA M00:„ Atio0A11oM .M 3925 rcc l92sr ao9 wo1634.: r11e-69••9r !66006611 for #3925 $33.10 iON1AMOCMIYAEEOCIAMN •v, 3927 .-n;97+r .;09100103 N: 11:a.a1-A?' 7'G'O ;:LOCI #3927 $310.00 EDINA HOCKEY ASSOCIATION JUNE 1, 1998 -May 31, 199'1 BUDGET A. CASH ON HAND 1. Checkbook Balance $20,000.00 2. Donation -Hockey Moms $10,000.00 B. PROJECTED REVENUE Fundraising $38,000.00 Interest Income 2,000.00 Inter. Tourn. 35,000.00 O'Connor Tourn. 16,000.00 Registration 170,000.00 Reimann Tourn. 14,000.00 Sponsers 23,000.00 Team Surcharges 11,000.00 Tryouts 7,000.00 REVENUE TOTAL: $346,000.00 C. PROJECTED EXPENSES Administrative 2,000.00 Advertising 500.00 Apprec.Bd. Function 1,500.00 Braemar Users Fee 12,000.00 District 6 500.00 Equipment 50,000.00 Goalies 5,000.00 Grant in Aid 1,000.00 Hockey 3,000.00 Ice 147,000.00 Mites 9,000.00 Tourn.-Inter. 35,000.00 Tourn.-O'Connor 14,000.00 Tourn.-Reimann 13,000.00 Park & Rec. 5,000.00 Postage/Printing 1,500.00 Scholarships 2,000.00 Tournements 13,000.00 Registrat. Fees 52,000.00 Mscll. 3,000.00 TOTAL EXPENSES: $370,000.00 NET RE-SERVE/(SHORTAGE): $(24,000.00) Budget Summary 6/1/97 Through 5/31/98 5/3/98 Bank,Cash,CC Accounts Page 1 6/1/97 - 5/31/98 Category Description Actual Budget Diff INCOME/EXPENSE INCOME Equiment Dep -250.00 0.00 -250.00 Fundraising 38,175.79 46,600.00 -8,424.21 Interest Income 1,057.86 3,500.00 -2,442.14 International 35,334.76 33,925.00 1,409.76 O'Connor 16,013.25 11,525.00 4,488.25 Other Inc 910.00 0.00 910.00 Pictures 0.00 350.00 -350.00 Registration 170,683.50 198,025.00 -27,341.50 Reimann 14,538.70 12,425.00 2,113.70 Sponsors 23,200.00 27,200.00 -4,000.00 Team Surcharge 11,345.00 9,315.00 2,030.00 Tryouts 6,861.00 9,000.00 -2,139.00 TOTAL INCOME 317,869.86 351,865.00 -33,995.14 EXPENSES Administrative 2,055.03 1,100.00 -955.03 Advertising 543.00 0.00 -543.00 Appreciation 92.00 1,150.00 1,058.00 Board Function 392.46 0.00 -392.46 Braemar Users 11,850.00 12,540.00 690.00 Clinics 0.00 2,645.00 2,645.00 District 6 580.40 0.00 -580.40 Equipment 44,503.65 44,200.00 -303.65 Goalies 5,405.44 4,825.00 -580.44 Grant in Aid 800.00 1,500.00 700.00 Hockey 2,885.00 2,500.00 -385.00 Ice 146,646.42 142,705.00 -3,941.42 Insurance 0.00 850.00 850.00 Int'I Expense 344.00 0.00 -344.00 Int'I Tourney 34,626.03 28,475.00 -6,151.03 Misc 3,163.00 2,000.00 -1,163.00 Mite 8,717.00 9,305.00 588.00 . O,Connor Tourny 13,851.71 12,750.00 -1,101.71 Park & Rec 9,264.00 5,016.00 -4,248.00 Postage 577.33 1,200.00 622.67 Printing 487.12 1,500.00 1,012.88 Reg'Fees 47,230.00 49,980.00 2,750.00 Reimann Tourney 12,760.50 17,275.00 4,514.50 Scholarships 1,750.00 2,000.00 250.00 Surcharge -1,200.00 0.00 1,200.00 Tournaments 12,635.00 0.00 -12,635.00 Uncategorized Expe... 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL EXPENSES 359,959.09 343,516.00 -16,443.09 TOTAL INCOME/EXPENSE -42,089.23 8,349.00 -50,438.23 Page 1 5/3/98 Bank,Cash,CC Accounts Category Description Budget Report 6/1/97 Through 5/31/98 6/1/97 Actual - Budget 5131198 Diff INCOME/EXPENSE INCOME Equiment Dep -250.00 0.00 -250.00 Fundraising: Candy -156.36 46,600.00 -46,756.36 Concessions 482.15 0.00 482.15 Registration 37,850.00 0.00 37,850.00 TOTAL Fundraising 38,175.79 46,600.00 -8,424.21 Interest Income: Checking 0.00 2,500.00 -2,500.00 Lozinsky 1,057.86 1,000.00 57.86 TOTAL Interest Income 1,057.86 3,500.00 -2,442.14 International: Int Book: Int Adv 1,801.00 0.00 1,801.00 TOTAL Int Book 1,801.00 0.00 1,801.00 Int Entry Fee 19,575.00 20,425.00 -850.00 Int Tickets 13,958.76 13,500.00 458.76 TOTAL International 35,334.76 33,925.00 1,409.76 O'Connor: O'C Entry 10,200.00 7,225.00 2,975.00 O'C Tickets 5,813.25 4,300.00 1,513.25 TOTAL O'Connor 16,013.25 11,525.00 41488.25 Other Inc 910.00 0.00 910.00 Pictures 0.00 350.00 -350.00 Registration: Bantam: B -Cash 23,036.01 0.00 23,036.01 B-Conc 817.25 0.00 817.25 B -Script 980.74 0.00 980.74 Bantam -Other 0.00 27,720.00 -27,720.00 TOTAL Bantam 24,834.00 27,720.00 -2,886.00 Jr Gold -U16: J -Cash - 15,052.80 0.00 15,052.80 J-Scr 382.20 0.00 382.20 Jr Gold-Ul6-Other 0.00 27,405.00 -27,405.00 TOTAL Jr Gold -U16 15,435.00 27,405.00 -11,970.00 Mites: M -Cash 36,821.05 0.00 36,821.05 M-Conc 176.45 0.00 176.45 M -Script 599.50 0.00 599.50 Mites -Other 0.00 41,100.00 -41,100.00 TOTAL Mites 37,597.00 41,100.00 -3,503.00 PeeWees: PW -Cash 32,363.77 0.00 32,363.77 Page 1 5/3/98 Bank,Cash,CC Accounts Category Description Budget Report 6/1/97 Through 5/31/98 6/1/97 Actual - Budget 5131/98 Diff PW-Conc 4,220.76 0.00 4,220.76 PW -Script 998.97 0.00 998.97 PeeWees-Other 0.00 38,340.00 -38,340.00 TOTAL PeeWees 37,583.50 38,340.00 -756.50 Squirts: S -Cash 30,810.76 0.00 30,810.76 S-Conc 1,487.45 0.00 1,487.45 S -Script 443.79 0.00 443.79 Squirts -Other 0.00 35,750.00 -35,750.00 TOTAL Squirts 32,742.00 35,750.00 -3,008.00 U12: U12 -Cash 17,204.62 0.00 17,204.62 U12-Conc 343.00 0.00 343.00 U12 -Script 324.38 0.00 324.38 U12 -Other 0.00 17,000.00 -17,000.00 TOTAL U12 17,872.00 17,000.00 872.00 U15: U15 -Cash 4,584.12 0.00 4,584.12 U15-Conc 24.00 0.00 24.00 U15 -Script 11.88 0.00 11.88 U15 -Other 0.00 10,710.00 -10,710.00 TOTAL U15 4,620.00 10,710.00 -6,090.00 TOTAL Registration 170,683.50 198,025.00 -27,341.50 Reimann: Reim Entry 9,975.00 9,025.00 950.00 Reim Tickets 4,563.70 3,400.00 1,163.70 TOTAL Reimann 14,538.70 12,425.00 2,113.70 Sponsors 23,200.00 27,200.00 -4,000.00 Team Surcharge 11,345.00 9,315.00 2,030.00 Tryouts 6,861.00 9,000.00 -2,139.00 TOTAL INCOME 317,869.86 351,865.00 -33,995.14 EXPENSES - " Administrative: Administrative: Admin -Other 891.15 0.00 -891.15 Bank Charges 4.00 100.00 96.00 Bookkeeping 850.00 650.00 -200.00 Telephone 309.88 350.00 40.12 TOTAL Administrative 2,055.03 1,100.00 -955.03 Advertising 543.00 0.00 -543.00 Appreciation: Coaches 92.00 1,150.00 1,058.00 TOTAL Appreciation 92.00 1,150.00 1,058.00 Board Function 392.46 0.00 -392.46 Page 2 " 5/3/98 Bank,Cash,CC Accounts Category Description Budget Report 6/1/97 Through 5/31/98 6/1/97 Actual - Budget Braemar Users 11,850.00 12,540.00 Clinics: Checking -Ice 0.00 2,645.00 TOTAL Clinics 0.00 2,645.00 District 6 580.40 0.00 Equipment: Equip Other 432.00 0.00 Jerseys 37,223.60 0.00 Socks 6,848.05 0.00 Equipment -Other 0.00 44,200.00 TOTAL Equipment 44,503.65 44,200.00 Goalies: Goal Clinic -Ice 0.00 2,300.00 Goal Equip 5,405.44 1,500.00 Goalie Clinic -C 0.00 1,025.00 TOTAL Goalies 5,405.44 4,825.00 Grant in Aid: Grants Other 800.00 0.00 Team Treasury 0.00 1,500.00 TOTAL Grant in Aid 800.00 1,500.00 Hockey 2,885.00 2,500.00 Ice: Administration 1,526.70 1,600.00 Base Team 78,336.22 102,580.00 Grading 0.00 3,220.00 Miscellaneous 3,911.25 1,150.00 Mites 0.00 17,940.00 Surcharge 0.00 9,315.00 Tryouts 62,872.25 6,900.00 TOTAL Ice 146,646.42 142,705.00 Insurance 0.00 850.00 Int'l Expense: Int'l-Misc 344.00 0.00 TOTAL Int'I Expense 344.00 0.00 Int'I Tourney: Int'I Ad 0.00 700.00 Int'I Ent 720.80 0.00 Int'I Ice 14,720.00 14,375.00 Int'I Other 725.00 1,200.00 Int'I Print 1,186.75 500.00 Int'I Refs 5,226.00 5,500.00 Intl Trainers 2,285.00 2,400.00 Int'I Trophies 9,762.48 3,800.00 TOTAL Int'I Tourney 34,626.03 28,475.00 Misc 3,163.00 2,000.00 Mite: 5/31/98 Diff 690.00 2,645.00 2,645.00 -580.40 -432.00 -37,223.60 -6,848.05 44,200.00 -303.65 2,300.00 -3,905.44 1,025.00 -580.44 -800.00 1,500.00 700.00 -385.00 73.30 24,243.78 3,220.00 -2,761.25 17,940.00 9,315.00 -55,972.25 -3,941.42 850.00 -344.00 -344.00 700.00 -720.80 -345.00 475.00 -686.75 274.00 115.00 -5,962.48 -6,151.03 -1,163.00 Page 3 A 5/3/98 Bank,Cash,CC Accounts Category Description Budget Report 6/1/97 Through 5/31/98 6/1197 Actual - Budget 5131198 Diff Instruction 5,400.00 5,000.00 -400.00 Mite Nite Misc 0.00 705.00 705.00 Mite Refs 2,226.00 2,600.00 374.00 Mite Trophies 1,055.00 1,000.00 -55.00 Mite -Other 36.00 0.00 -36.00 TOTAL Mite 8,717.00 9,305.00 588.00 O,Connor Tourny: O'C Ice 8,835.83 6,900.00 -1,935.83 O'C Other 1,351.38 400.00 -951.38 O'C Print 144.00 0.00 -144.00 O'C Refs 2,030.50 2,000.00 -30.50 O'C Trainers 1,490.00 1,200.00 -290.00 O'C Trophies 0.00 2,250.00 2,250.00 TOTAL O,Connor Tourny 13,851.71 12,750.00 -1,101.71 Park & Rec 9,264.00 5,016.00 -4,248.00 Postage: Face Off 545.00 540.00 -5.00 Postage Other 32.33 0.00 -32.33 Postage -Other 0.00 660.00 660.00 TOTAL Postage 577.33 1,200.00 622.67 Printing: Face Off ff Print 573.50 576.00 2.50 Letterhead 63.42 60.00 -3.42 Printing Other 108.50 0.00 -108.50 Printing -Other -258.30 864.00 1,122.30 TOTAL Printing 487.12 1,500.00 1,012.88 Reg Fees: Coaches Reg 205.00 300.00 95.00 District 6 24,159.00 24,500.00 341.00 MAHA 3,630.00 4,180.00 550.00 USA Hockey 19,236.00 21,000.00 1,764.00 TOTAL Reg Fees 47,230.00 49,980.00 2,750.00 Reimann Tourney: Reim Exp 325.00 0.00 -325.00 Reim Ice- " 7,417.50 8,625.00 1,207.50 Reim Other 0.00 400.00 400.00 Reim Refs 3,798.00 4,500.00 702.00 Reim Trainers 1,220.00 1,500.00 280.00 Reim Trophies 0.00 2,250.00 2,250.00 TOTAL Reimann Tourney 12,760.50 17,275.00 4,514.50 Scholarships: EHA 1,500.00 2,000.00 500.00 Scholarships -Other 250.00 0.00 -250.00 TOTAL Scholarships 1,750.00 2,000.00 250.00 Surcharge -1,200.00 0.00 1,200.00 Tournaments 12,635.00 0.00 -12,635.00 Page 4 5/3/98 Bank,Cash,CC Accounts Category Description Uncategorized Expenses TOTAL EXPENSES TOTAL INCOME/EXPENSE Budget Report 6/1/97 Through 5/31/98 6/1/97 - Actual Budget 0.00 0.00 359,959.09 343,516.00 -42,089.23 8,349.00 Page 5 5/31/98 Diff 0.00 -16,443.09 -50,438.23 Edina Soccer Association August 1998 Treasurers Report Submitted by Karl Seisler The payback of registration fees to Edina Soccer Club was resolved. The net result was that we owed ESCregistration fees for 62 players. A check for 53,410 was sent to ESC. This resolution process needs to be improved for next year. All other refund requests for the summer season have been processed. All submitted invoices and reimbursement requests have been processed. All registration fees for Fall,that were collected prior to 8/03/98, have been processed and deposited into the checking account - total of $16,565. A Fund Balance Report showing the current balance of the Checking account and the Money Market account is listed below: 817198 ESA Fund Eatance As of ASSETS Total Bank and Casn Accounts Cash: ESA Monet Mamet 0.00 Checking 4^.71.07 Savings 0.00 Tota! Ba -x and Casn ...=xts < X71.07 Investment Accounts ESA Money Ma -,;w : X91 Total Inves_^ner[ Ac.^ofi TOTAL ASSETS " SNC 2s198 NET WORTH 98 4801 West 50th St-eet k:,-�ra, .41---artsota 55424 Page 1 8/7/98 Fall 98 Budget 1/1/98 Through 12/31/98 Fall 98 Coaches Total Subcategory Actual Budget Difference Training 300.00 300.00 INCOME CATEGORIES 500.00 500.00 Fall 98 Referee Fall 98 Interest Income 300.00 (300.00) Fall 98 Registration 1,200.00 1,200.00 Registration Fees 16,565.00 15,000.00 1,565.00 Total Fall 98 Registration 16,565.00 15,000.00 1,565.00 TOTAL INCOME CATEGORIES 16,565.00 15.300.00 1,265.00 EXPENSE CATEGORIES 47959 750.00 270.41 Registration ProcessrV 250.00 500 JO 350.00 Fall 98 Administration 72959 1350.09 620.41 Board Dinner 300.00 300.00 Miscellaneous 200.00 200.00 Staff Pay 800.00 800.00 Voice Mail 25.00 100.00 75.00 Total Fail 98 Administration 25.00 1,400.00 1,375.00 Fall 98 Coaches Manuals 200.00 200.00 Training 300.00 300.00 Total Fall 98 Coaches 500.00 500.00 Fall 98 Referee Coordinator Expenses 150.00 150.00 Coordinator Pay 1,200.00 1,200.00 Referee Pay 3.800.00 3,800.00 Total Fall 98 Referee 5,150.00 5,150.00 Fall 98 Registration Costs Pubncdy 47959 750.00 270.41 Registration ProcessrV 250.00 500 JO 350.00 Total Fall 98 Re;i r vor, Costs 72959 1350.09 620.41 Fall 98 Uniforms & Equipernerd Balls 300.00 300.00 Shirts 4.000.00 4,000.00 Total Fail 98 Lhillorrrs b Equper-nst 4.00 4,300.00 TOTAL EXPENSE CATE^aOPFES 7543 12 700.00 11.945.41 GRAND TOTAL 15.810 41 2.5CC 00 13210.41 Page 1 Edina Soccer Association August 1998 Budzet Report - Summer 1998 Submitted by Karl Seisler Highlights ESA again held our registration fees at $55. With the budget for the Summer 1998 Season nearly complete we currently have an $8,000 surplus . The surplus can be attributed to the increase in registrations. We finished with a surplus even though we decided to incur the following additional unplanned expenses: 3rd scholarship -$2,500 Gift to Family Link -$1,000 Coaches Barbecue - ???? Parade -$500 Park & Rec Luncheon- $230 Picture Day - $1,200 - 5x7 for every kid Income All registration fees and other income has been coDected. Our total income of $132.294, was almost $15,000 over planned due mostly to an increase in registrations. Expenses Total expenses are currently $4,700 ove aidget. `J.- e have :ai^ aD mi voices or reimbursement requests that have been submitted. Invoices or re^.,�rseme=, requests for a few anticipated expenses are outstanding. There feu outs-,mding er. ns 2e: C. -,aches Barbecue (Jerrys) and Championship Day refreshments (Someth�ngs Bre-wing) anf Caching Assistance (Jeff Knapp?). The anticipated total cost for the outstaric-g expe_.ses '��U pr_b bly not exceed S1.rXX1. The only budget categories that finished eh urge budge: %•'e -c referees and reg;stration_ Areas that were significantly over included sc'hiclarship. Ce:em_cm;-3 me A,..-arc.s. 4801 West 5Ot7r, 5`ret�t ;. na_ 55424 8/7/98 Summer 1998 Budget Report 10/1/97 Through 9/30/98 Total Subcategory Actual Budget Difference INCOME CATEGORIES Refunds Traveling (4,950.00) 0.00 (4,950.00) Withdraw (950.00) 0.00 (950.00) Total Refunds (5,900.00) 0.00 (5,900.00) Summer 98 Interest Income 1,253.80 1,500.00 (246.20) Summer 98 Misc ESC Newsletter Print Cost 512.81 0.00 512.81 Total Summer 98 Misc 512.81 0.00 512.81 Summer 98 Registration Late Fees 2,150.00 1,000.00 1,150.00 Registration Fees 134,277.50 115,000.00 19.277.50 Total Summer 98 Registraion 136,427.50 116,000.00 20,427.50 TOTAL INCOME CATEGORIES 32.294.11 117.500.00 14,794.11 EXPENSE CATEGORIES Summer 98 -Administration Miscellaneous 1.626.8.= 250.00 (1,376.SS) Staff Support 1,790.00 2.000.0: 210.00 Tax Preparation 615.0: 500.00 (115.U) Taxes 144.00 200 OG 56.00 Voice Mail 250.0_ 225.00 (25 OC) Total Summer 98 - Adminiy.raion 4,4.25.8~ 3.175.0:' (1,250.8'-} Summer 98 Awards Participation =_300.(T1 S.00J.00 (1,3r-O.00I Playoffs 1.? 07.0? 1.000.00 (107.6 , ) Total Summer 92 Awards -.407.0' 6 OOG.00 !i ,407_C') Summer 98 Ceremonies Championship Day 45 C_ 1527 1C4 v Coaches Brealdast 6'6 9949.:f 3y' 5. July 4 Parade 7 ; 7. ' .i 6:: Park 8 Rec Luncheon Picture Day 2 7 5: Cr I- .2:75:: Total Summer 82 Ceren',7nFL- _ wr 5_ Summer 98 Coaches Caoching Clinics :2` _c 5.0 7 _'4.{% Coaching Aids l! 7 1.7x.7 6I, W, Coaching Manuals c7 7 51r, 7 17-_ 7, Recruitment . s Sr .7. Z:F. 4 Total Summer S? Coach- _L"62: SJ;.7 72 Summer 98 Equipement Bags Z:�R.:r ..7 ti 7`. Balls 2SG2` 57�:J. "AL2 Board r'.Il_ W-7. '4.1 Coaches Shirts 7-2 :r Crew Shirts S 7 ;.Cr d W, Goalie Shirts 5-'J.'Il L.7 Instructor Shirts 1 fr-cr. 1 sc.X Total Summer 9? Equipe-ter :2:ZF 4,4-.r ; Summer 98 Field Fees '•4 ' A 0: 3YA.7 ?Y_W Summer 98 Instructors U6 Instructors 7.7A.'I, 9.7f, l 27f,.7 U8 Instructors ..7A 1 S.7A.7 2 D74 rrN Total Summer Ffb Instru^•r; 7j; "r. Summer 98 Referee Coordinator Expenseit Coordinator Pay 1 '2` 7. 3 Page 1 8/7/98 Summer 1998 Budget Report 10/1/97 Through 9/30/98 Summer 98 Uniforms Total Subcategory Actual Budget Difference Referee Pay 18,000.00 19,000.00 1,000.00 Training 11.032.25 350.00 350.00 Total Summer 98 Referee 22,456.03 23,550.00 1,093.97 Summer 98 Registration Costs 3 466.40 4.000.00 533.x,, Newsletter & Publicity 3,927.75 7,500.00 3,572.25 Registration Processing 2,542.50 2,000.00 (542.50) Total Summer 98 Registrat on Costs 6,470.25 9,500.00 3,029.75 Summer 98 Scholarship Publicity 447.92 250.00 (197.92) Scholarship 7,500.00 5,000.00 (2,500.001 Total Summer 98 Scholarrhip 7,947.92 5,250.00 (2,697.92) Summer 98 Thunder 2.000.00 2,000.00 0.00 Summer 98 Uniforms Freight 200.00 0.00 (200.00 Logo Setup 250.00 0.00 (250.0C) Shirts 11.032.25 11,000.00 (32.25, Shorts 17.458.50 18,000.00 541.15J Socks 3 466.40 4.000.00 533.x,, Total Summer 92 Undorms 32 407.15 35 .000,00 592.&; TOTAL EXPENSE CATE:vORIES '22284.38 19.524.9 (4,75942 GRAND TOTAL E D09.73 i2.024.9F. 10.034 Page 2 ESA Budget 1997 Summer League Revenues 1997 Budget Description # Players Price Total U6 460 $55.00 $25,300.00 U8 576 $55.00 $31,680.00 U10 378 $55.00 $20,790.00 U12 264 $55.00 $14,520.00 U14/16 23k $55.00 $15,840.00 Total registration 1966 $5.00 $108,130.00 Grant-in-aid fees lost 60 ($55.00) ($3,300.00) Late fees 125 $20.00 $2,500.00 Interest income 3% $40,000.00 $1,200.00 Total Net Revenue $108,530.00 Expenses Awards Description # Players Price Cost U6 medals 460 $3.25 $1,495.00 U8 trophies 576 $3.25 $1,872.00 U10+ pins 930 $1.00 $930.00 U10 trophies 60 $5.00 $300.00 U12 trophies 80 $5.00 $400.00 U14/16 trophies 160 $5.00 $800.00 Total estimate $5,797.00 Coaches & Instructors Description Calculation Cost U6 instructors $8,500.00 U8 instructors $8,000.00 Coaches clinics U8+ 106 $3,000.00 coaches manuals 292 $2.00 $584.00 Total estimate $20,084.00 Uniforms & Equipment Description Calculation Cost U6 shirts 460 $4.00 $1,840.00 U6 shorts 460 $8.75 $4,025.00 U6 socks 460 $1.80 $828.00 U8 shirts 576 $4.60 $2,649.60 U8 shorts 576 $8.75 $5,040.00 U8 socks 576 $1.80 $1,036.80 U10 shirts 378 $4.60 $1,738.80 U10 shorts 378 $9.00 $3,402.00 U10 socks 378 $1.80 $680.40 U12 shirts 264 $4.60 $1,214.40 U12 shorts 264 $9.00 $2,376.00 U12 socks 264 $1.80 $475.20 U14/16 shirts 288 $4.60 $1,324.80 U14/16 shorts 288 $9.00 $2,592.00 U14/16 socks 288 $1.80 $518.40 Player uniform costs 1966 $29,741.40 Balls 146 $10.00 $1,460.00 Coaches shirts 292 $5.50 $1,606.00 Goalie shirts 106 $4.60 $487.60 Instructor shirts 10 $8.50 $85.00 Non -player uniform costs $3,638.60 Total uniforms & equipment $33,380.00 Referees Description Calculation Cost U10 140 $28.00 $3,920.00 U10 28 $14.00 $392.00 U12 118 $35.00 $4,130.00 U12 15 $35.00 $525.00 U14/16 115 $35.00 $4,025.00 U14/16 14 $35.00 $490.00 Total referee fees $13,482.00 Training - classroom $200.00 Training - field $125.00 Extra rulebooks $150.00 Assessments $300.00 Total training costs $775.00 Coordinator 430 $6.00 $2,580.00 Coordinator courses $25.00 Referee T-shirts 22 $12.00 $264.00 Postage $100.00 Total other $2,969.00 Total Referee $17,226.00 Field Fees Description Calculation Cost Field fees 1966 $6.00 $11,796.00 Registration Description Calculation Cost Team sort 1966 $1.50 $2,949.00 Publicity-ads,newsletter $7,500.00 Coaches breakfast $1,000.00 Total registration 1966 $5.82 $11,449.00 Scholarship Description Calculation Cost Scholarships 2 $1,000.00 $2,000.00 administration $500.00 Total scholarships 1966 $1.27 $2,500.00 Other Description Calculation Cost Workers compensation $2,500.00 Professional fees $3,000.00 Board member jackets 14 $40.00 $560.00 Entertainment $500.00 Total other 1966 $3.34 $6,560.00 Sub-fields/reg/sch/other $32,305.00 Total expense categories $108,792.00 Surplus (Deficit) ($262.00) Age Specific Budget U6 Description Calculation Total Revenue Registration 460 $55.00 $25,300.00 Expenses shirts 460 $4.00 $1,840.00 shorts 460 $8.75 $4,025.00 socks 460 $1.80 $828.00 Uniforms $6,693.00 Awards 460 $3.25 $1,495.00 Balls - game 10 $10.00 $100.00 Balls - team Coaches shirts 80 $5.50 $440.00 Instructor shirts 6 $8.50 $51.00 Non -player uniforms $591.00 Instructors $8,500.00 Coaches manuals 80 $2.00 $160.00 $8,660.00 Field fees 460 $6.00 $2,760.00 Registration 460 $5.82 $2,678.81 Scholarships 460 $1.27 $584.94 Other 460 $3.34 $1,534.89 Sub $7,558.65 Total expenses 460 $24,997.65 Per Player 460 $54.34 U8 Description Calculation Total Revenue 576 $55.00 $31,680.00 Expenses shirts 576 $4.60 $2,649.60 shorts 576 $8.75 $5,040.00 socks 576 $1.80 $1,036.80 Uniforms $8,726.40 Awards 576 $3.25 $1,872.00 Balls - game 8 $10.00 $80.00 Balls - team 44 $10.00 $440.00 Coaches shirts 88 $5.50 $484.00 Goalie shirts 44 $4.60 $202.40 Instructor shirts 4 $8.50 $34.00 non -player uniforms $1,240.40 Instructors $8,000.00 Coaches clinics 41.51% $1,245.28 Coaches manuals 88 $2.00 $176.00 Sub $9,421.28 Field fees 576 $6.00 $3,456.00 Registration 576 $5.82 $3,354.34 Scholarships 576 $1.27 $732.45 Other 576 $3.34 $1,921.95 Sub $9,464.74 Total expenses 576 $30,724.82 Per Player 576 $53.34 U10 Description Revenue Expenses shirts shorts socks Uniform total Awards - pins Awards - trophies Awards total Balls - game Balls - team Coaches shirts Goalie shirts Sub -total Referee fees - league Referee fees - tournament Referee coordinator Referee training Referee other Total referee Coaches clinics Coaches manuals Sub total Field fees Registration Scholarships Other Sub -total Total expenses Per Player Calculation Total 378 $55.00 $20,790.00 378 $4.60 378 $9.00 378 $1.80 378 $1.00 60 $5.00 8 $10.00 28 $10.00 56 $5.50 28 $4.60 140 $28.00 28 $14.00 168 $6.00 39.07% $775.00 39.07% $389.00 26.42% 56 $2.00 378 $6.00 378 $5.82 378 $1.27 378 $3.34 378 378 $1,738.80 $3,402.00 $680.40 $5,821.20 $378.00 $678.00 $80.00 $280.00 $308.00 $796.80 $3,920.00 $392.00 $1,008.00 $302.79 $151.98 $5,774.77 $792.45 $112.00 $904.45 $2,268.00 $2,201.28 $480.67 $6,211.24 $20,186.46 $53.40 U12 Description Revenue Expenses shirts shorts socks Uniform total Awards - pins Awards - trophies Awards total Balls - game Balis - team Coaches shirts Goalie shirts Sub -total Referee fees - league Referee fees - tournament Referee coordinator Referee training Referee other Total referee Coaches clinics Coaches manuals Sub total Field fees Registration Scholarships Other Sub -total Total expenses Per Player Calculation Total 264 $55.00 $14,520.00 264 $4.60 264 $9.00 264 $1.80 264 $1.00 80 $5.00 8 $10.00 18 $10.00 36 $5.50 18 $4.60 118 $35.00 15 $35.00 133 $6.00 30.93% $775.00 30.93% $389.00 16.98% 36 $2.00 264 $6.00 264 $5.82 264 $1.27 264 $3.34 264 264 $1,214.40 $2,376.00 $475.20 $4,065.60 $264.00 $664.00 $80.00 $180.00 $198.00 $82.80 $540.80 $4,130.00 $525.00 $798.00 $239.71 $120.32 $5,813.03 $509.43 $72.00 $581.43 $1,584.00 $1,537.40 $335.71 $880.90 $4,338.01 $16,002.87 $60.62 U14/16 Description Calculation Total Revenue 288 $55.00 $15,840.00 Expenses shirts 288 $4.60 $1,324.80 shorts 288 $9.00 $2,592.00 socks 288 $1.80 $518.40 Uniform total $4,435.20 Awards - pins 288 $1.00 $288.00 Awards - trophies 160 $5.00 $800.00 Awards total $1,088.00 Balls - game 6 $10.00 $60.00 Balls - team 16 $10.00 $160.00 Coaches shirts 32 $5.50 $176.00 Goalie shirts 16 $4.60 $73.60 Sub -total $469.60 Referee fees - league 115 $35.00 $4,025.00 Referee fees - tournament 14 $35.00 $490.00 Referee coordinator 129 $6.00 $774.00 Referee training 30.00% $775.00 $232.50 Referee other 30.00% $389.00 $116.70 Total referee $5,638.20 Coaches clinics 15.09% $452.83 Coaches manuals 32 $2.00 $64.00 Sub total $516.83 Field fees 288 $6.00 $1,728.00 Registration 288 $5.82 $1,677.17 Scholarships 288 $1.27 $366.23 Other 288 $3.34 $960A Sub -total $4,732.37 Total expenses $16,880.20 Per Player 288 $58.61 Edina Football Association EXPENSES Actual Actual Actual Plan Revised Plan Jamboree FY 1995 FY 1996 FY 1997 FY 1998 FY 1998 INCOME 2.007.50 1.331.15 Jerseys 6,670.00 8,407.86 10,395.22 Registration 31,685.00 41,829.00 48,340.00 53,250.00 »»3f`_k'Jt33kseereverse side Interest 548.21 530.43 391.04 500.00 500.00 Merchandise - 2,085.00 - - - Equipment Swap - - 1,344.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 Miscellaneous 329.00 2,007.50 1,331.15 500.00 500.00 Contributions to General Fund - - 7,250.00 - ................................. ................................. «% see reverse side c:.:;i:kvVu ....wth 32, 562.21 46,451.93 58, 656.19 55, 750.00 70, 950.00 EXPENSES 609.27 EFA Boosters 300.00 - Gopher Tickets 1,327.50 706.00 Jamboree Insurance - 217.56 1,140.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 2.007.50 1.331.15 Jerseys 6,670.00 8,407.86 10,395.22 12,000.00 12,000.00 Jamboree Equipment 2,368.73 3,820.10 2,558.28 2,000.00 2,000.00 Printing 4,186.60 2,337.78 3,167.77 3,000.00 3,000.00 Postage 2,107.27 1,482.19 - 2,000.00 2,000.00 114.96 Summer Camp 2,442.90 3,388.33 1,989.75 .............++..............*�.y... 2,500.00 ::::g::: . .�.,r break even, as budgeted Scholarships 520.00 - 270.00 500.00.. c:.:;i:kvVu ....wth higher fees - more needed Refunds 1,400.00 1,310.00 493.00 500.00 500.00 City User Fees 3,084.00 3,516.00 3,546.00 4,200.00 4,200.00 Referees 5,740.00 7,430.50 6,980.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 Trophies 888.71 258.04 1,375.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 Equipment Swap 631.20 117.60 1,019.20 1,000.00 1,000.00 $#eFiortiatis.z Special Events 3,345.00 5,418.00 3,150.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 Ta:I9ateiQCoph�r6 T -Shirts 3,995.00 4,332.50 5,755.78 7,000.00 7,000.00 Merchandise - 2,276.01 5,913.90 - - Miscellaneous (includes Janet) 800.00 3,584.73 1,872.93 ................................. ................................. 500.00 X. 38,179.41 47,897.20 49,626.83 50,200.00 56,700.00 Surplus/(Deficit) (5,617.20) (1,445.27) 9,029.36 5,550.00 14,250.00 Miscellaneous Income 609.27 EFA Boosters 300.00 - Gopher Tickets 1,327.50 706.00 Jamboree 230.00 - Coaches Banquet 150.00 - Equipment Swap - 1996 - 625.15 2.007.50 1.331.15 Miscellaneous Expense Legal 609.27 27.53 Publication 1,600.00 - AII-Star Game 262.50 - Jay Perry Salary 600.00 - Jamboree 78.00 - EHS Banquet 70.00 - Coaches Banquet 250.00 - Passing League - 1,500.00 Other 114.96 345.40 3,584.73 1,872.93 Contributions Received Contributions Pledged Total Contributions Expenditures Net Balance Goal (size of Project) Edina Football Association Contributions Nyrop Comm. Ctr. Special General Scholarship Weight Room Gifts Fund 7,250 11,000 - 105 7,250 11,000 105 (1,000) (9,193) 6,250 1,807 - 105 25,000+ 18,000 Undetermined Undetermined Currently, we have designated four contribution categories -- Nyrop Scholarship, Weight Room, Special Gifts, and General Fund. Contributions to the General Fund will be accounted for as contributions to EFA operations, while contributions to the other three will be separately accounted for. Special Gifts should be allocated to an existing contribution category or, if feasible, become a new category, as a result of discussions between the donor and EFA. Revenues - Revised Plan Plan Participants Fee Total Flag 250 50 12,500 4-8 Grade 450 100 45,000 Summer Camp 170 35 5,950 Passing League 90 50 4,500 25 2,500 67,950 Revenues - Original Plan Participants Fee Total Flag 250 40 10,000 4-8 Grade 450 85 38,250 Summer Camp 100 25 2,500 Passing League 100 25 2,500 53,250