HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-05-13 Park Board PacketCr EDINA PARK BOARD City of Edina Tuesday, May 13, 1997 7:30 p.m. *Council Chambers *PLEASE NOTE THAT THE MEETING WILL BE HELD IN THE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS (NOT THE MANAGER'S CONFERENCE ROOM). AGENDA * 1. Approval of April 8, 1997, Park Board meeting Minutes. *2. Spikeless Golf Shoes - Braemar and Fred Richards Golf Courses. *3. Senior Citizen Center Proposal. *4. Todd Park Master Plan. *5. Heights Park Master Plan. *6. Walnut Ridge Park Master Plan. 7. Park Referendum Update. 8. Other. *9. Adjournment. * These are agenda items that require or request Park Board action. City Hall (612) 927-8861 4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX (612) 927-7645 EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424-1394 TDD (612) 927-5461 gMemo To: Edina Park Board. ' From: John Keprios, Directof),, 1 Edina Park and Recreation Department Date: May 7, 1997 Re: STAFF REPORT (MEETING IS IN COUNCIL ROOM!. Enclosed you should find the following items: 1. Tuesday, May 13, 1997, Park Board Agenda. 2. Tuesday, April 8, 1997, Park Board Minutes. 3. Letters to residents of Heights Park, Walnut Ridge Park and Todd Park from the Edina Park and Recreation Department. 4. Letters from resident neighbors of Heights Park, Walnut Ridge Park and Todd Park. 5. Summary of results of Todd Park Neighborhood Input Meeting. 5. Senior Citizen Center Proposal from TSP Architects. STAFF REPORT The following is the monthly staff report concerning each item on the agenda with the exception of Approval of the Minutes and Other. "Other" is listed on the agenda in case last minute items come up between now and the Park Board meeting, plus, cover any other concerns of Park Board members and/or attendees. SPIKELESS GOLF SHOES - BRAEMAR AND FRED RICHARDS GOLF COURSES This is a staff recommendation that the City of Edina establish a policy that requires all golfers to use spikeless golf shoes, which would take effect at the beginning of the 1998 golf season. The main reason for the recommendation is because research has shown that spikes on golf shoes are harmful to the greens. Spikes have a tendency to create irregularities on the putting surface of greens to a point that the path of a golf ball can be altered by the damage. It is my understanding that spikeless golf shoes are already the policy at the Edina Country Club and Interlachen Country Club. This is becoming an increasingly popular trend across the country and would be of great benefit to the City of Edina°s public golf courses, which receive a tremendous amount of play each year. John Valliere will be present to answer questions the proposal and will bring samples of soft spike alternatives for golf shoes. -2 - It is staff's proposal that the spikeless golf shoe policy be publicized throughout the 1997 golf season to give our customers adequate warning. Park Board action is . equested on this matter. SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER PROPOSAL As you may recall, the Edina Senior Citizen Advisory Committee approached the Edina Park Board and Edina City Council just over one year ago to request consideration for a more permanent Edina Senior Citizen Center. It was the City Council's decision to have staff research alternatives for a permanent facility. Since that time, staff has been working closely with the Southdale YMCA to study the feasibility of designing and constructing a Senior Citizen Center facility that would be attached to the Southdale YMCA on York Avenue. The Southdale YMCA is currently planning on expanding their existing facilities, which could be done jointly with the City of Edina's proposed Senior Citizen Center. Enclosed is a copy of a Facilities Study completed by the Architect/Engineering firm of TSP/Eos. As you will note, this Facilities Study outlines the cost of the project ($1.28 to $1.31 million) and covers the numerous details of the site, building and concept plans. This joint venture has numerous advantages and few disadvantages, which will be covered in a brief staff presentation to the Park Board. After several meetings with YMCA personnel and policy makers, the YMCA has recently committed to submitting a letter of understanding to the City of Edina in stating their agreement to the following points: • CONSTRUCTION COSTS. The City of Edina would pay for all of the construction costs associated with the Senior Center. The YMCA would pay for all costs associated with its facility expansion. • RESIDENCY. No residency requirement would be imposed on prospective members. However, the City would reserve the right to charge a higher membership fee to non-residents (perhaps as much as 50% more depending on the level of support provided by the City to the Senior Center). • PARKING. The Senior Center would enjoy exclusive use of the first two rows of parking adjacent to the Center (i.e. about 43 spaces) between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. • SHARED ROOMS. The YMCA would enjoy exclusive use of Senior Center rooms during evenings and weekends. The Senior Center would be allowed to schedule day time activities in YMCA facilities. • MAINTENANCE. The YMCA would assume all obligations with respect to day to day maintenance of the Senior Center, the parking lot, landscaping, etc. This obligation, however, would not include repairs, replacements, painting etc. -3 - UTILITIES. The YMCA would pay all utility charges (heat, light, water, sewer, etc.) attributable to the Senior Center. • PROGRAMMING. The City would agree that the YMCA would be the sole provider of all indoor, fitness related programming for seniors. In other words, the Senior Center could not hire an instructor or offer a fitness program apart from the YMCA. Similarly, the YMCA would agree that the Senior Center would be the sole provider of all non -fitness related senior programs. In other words, the YMCA could not offer senior bus trips, card clubs, etc. apart from the Senior Center. • MEMBERSHIP. The YMCA presently offers membership discounts to individuals and couples age 62 and over. Only one member of a household need be 62 for the couple to receive the discount. Such individuals and couples receive 25% off the normal membership fee. Therefore, a senior individual pays $30.75 and a senior couple pays $45.75 per month. The YMCA also charges a joiner's fee of $99.00 for individuals and $129.00 for couples. At present, the YMCA has 280 senior individual memberships and 130 dual memberships (which represents 260 members). The Edina Senior Center currently has approximately 1,500 members. All senior members of the YMCA would automatically be members of the Senior Center. For this consideration, the YMCA would pay the City the resident monthly membership fee for the Senior Center for each of the YMCA's senior members. For example, if the resident membership fee for the Senior Center is $1.00 per month and the YMCA has 540 senior YMCA members, the YMCA would pay the City $540.00 per month for the mandatory memberships to the Senior Center. The YMCA is willing to extend fee based program participation to Senior Center members without the requirement that they be YMCA members. Therefore, Senior Center members could participate in step classes, aquatics, aerobics, etc. without the requirement that they be members. Senior Center members wishing to use the YMCA for unstructured activities, such as the fitness room or pool, would of course have to join the YMCA. There are still a few issues that would need to be further addressed should this proposal receive approval in concept by the Park Board and City Council. Two examples of those issues would be: 1 . The name of the new Senior Center Facility. 2. Any possible increase to the Senior Center Membership Fee, which is currently only $6.00 per year. The new Edina Senior Center at the YMCA would be 9,600 square feet, which is approximately 2,550 square feet more than the current Senior Center at the Edina 'ommunity Center, which is 7,285 square feet. The construction of a new Edina Senior Center would be financed with revenue ponds backed by Edina's Liquor Store Fund profits. The sale of these bonds can be authorized by the City Council without a need for a referendum. As you will note in a letter and memo from Doug Johnson, the Edina Public Schools are willing to extend the existing lease to the City of Edina to December 31, 2005. The new lease would require the City to pay a very reasonable cost per square foot for a variety of expenses incurred by the School to provide and maintain space for the Edina Senior Center. Please know that the Edina Senior Citizen Advisory Committee has been invited to attend the Park Board meeting to share their views on this important issue. In summary, you will see in staff's brief presentation at the meeting, that staff recommends that the proposed YMCA/Edina Senior Center Partnership Project be approved in concept by the Park Board. TODD PARK MASTER PLAN On April 2, 1997, 617 letters were mailed out to resident neighbors of Todd Park to solicit their input regarding the final proposed master plan for park improvements. As you will note in the letter, residents were also invited to attend a neighborhood input meeting at City Hall on April 17, 1997, at 7:30 p.m. A written summary of results of that meeting are also enclosed for your review. As a result of the neighborhood input meeting, the most significant change in staff's recommendation from the original plan is to recommend construction of a hard surface pathway before funding an outdoor hockey rink. There are not adequate funds for both at this time and the majority opinion seemed to favor that approach. The cost to construct a new outdoor hockey rink with fencing and hard surface is approximately $33,000. The City Engineer's estimate to construct a 6' bituminous pathway around Todd Park is approximately $35,000. There is currently not adequate funding to provide both at this time. With such a significant change in direction, I felt that it was necessary to follow up with another letter to the same area residents to inform them of the new direction and the upcoming process. Therefore, on April 25, a follow up letter of information was sent to area residents (copy enclosed). The large number of residents on the Todd Park mailing list (618)was mainly due to the densely populated number of senior citizens in the apartment complex adjacent to the park. The Brookside Apartment/Condominium Association approached me a over a year to be sure to include them in any future Todd Park area resident mailings. Normally notices are sent to approximately 200 households that are nearest a particular park when requesting input or informing them of upcoming park related issues. Based on all of the community input (letters, phone calls, personal visits and the neighborhood input meeting), staff recommends the following Park Referendum funded improvements be made to Todd Park: -5 - Park shelter building with restrooms. • New playground equipment. New six-foot wide bituminous pathway around the park. • Softball field improvements (backstop repair, bleacher and irrigation). In the past two years, Todd Park has received a new full-size basketball court with standards and rebuilt tennis courts. In addition, the old City -owned house located in Todd Park has been razed and the property restored to a natural turf condition. Please know that the new playground equipment for Todd Park was approved by the City Council on Monday, May 5, 1997. It is staff's recommendation that the Park Board approve the master plan for Todd Park as outlined above. Park Board action is requested on this matter. HEIGHTS PARK MASTER PLAN On April 2, 1997, a letter and master plan map (copy enclosed) were mailed to 248 resident neighbors of Heights Park. All of the written responses are enclosed for your review. The input from the neighboring residents has been very helpful in determining a reasonable master plan for Heights Park improvements that appeals to the majority. The most debated or controversial proposed park improvement is the relocation of he half -court basketball court. It was staff's original recommendation to relocate the oasketball court on the south-west end of the park, as shown on the map. It appears as though the majority of the residents do not approve of the proposed location. Therefore, it is staff's recommendation that a half -court basketball court be constructed on the east side of the park (please see revised master plan map) where there have been other park amenities, such as tetherball and volleyball (old hard surface areas). The relocated half -court basketball court would not be as close to a street and it would be staff's recommendation to not add lighting to the court now or in the future. It is still staff's recommendation to replace the ballfield backstop and upgrade the ballfield with bases, benches, minimal grading and install a permanent pitching plate and home plate. This upgrade would create a safer and more attractive ballfield for children. There will not be adequate Park Referendum funding available to install a park identification sign. If funding does become available in the future, the sign would be located in the most southwest corner of the park at the intersection of roads (as suggested by a resident neighbor - good suggestion!). ,-he remaining park improvements all seemed to have majority support, which includes: • widen and improve asphalt pathway (6' wide path). no • Complete pathway to and beyond the walking bridge. Replace worn walking bridge. Add two new park benches. • Replace drinking fountain with handicap accessible drinking fountain. It is staff's recommendation that the Park Board approve the revised master plan for park improvements to Heights Park as listed above. WALNUT RIDGE PARK MASTER PLAN On April 15, 1997, staff mailed a letter (copy enclosed) and proposed park improvement master plan map to approximately 220 area residents of Walnut Ridge Park. The current proposed park improvements for Walnut Ridge Park include: • Park shelter building with restroom facilities. • Relocating the outdoor hockey rink boards and fencing. • New tot lot (replacement of all old playground equipment). • Replacement of the walking bridge. The proposed future park improvements include:. • Park identification sign. • Future addition of a basketball court. • Asphalt surface within the hockey rink. Based on the letters of response and some phone calls, the proposed current park improvements appear to meet the approval of the majority. The future addition of an asphalt surface within the hockey rink is the most controversial issue proposed. There are some residents who feel strongly in favor while others strongly oppose the amenity. There currently are not adequate funds available to place a hard surface area within the hockey rink. I did not receive much feedback regarding the proposed future basketball court, however, no one seemed to be strongly opposed to the proposal. Currently there is a basketball standard, backboard and hoop placed at the edge of the existing parking lot. Even a half -court set up would be a better scenario than utilizing the parking lot for a basketball court. The hard surface area in the hockey rink and the future basketball court were proposed mainly to solicit input from the neighborhood on other good uses for their neighborhood park. All other proposed park improvements appear to have the support of the majority. Therefore, staff recommends that the Park Board approve the park improvement master plan proposed for Walnut Ridge Park as shown above. Park Board action is requested on this matter. 'SARK REFERENDUM UPDATE ,Staff will have a brief verbal update on Park Referendum projects. EDINA PARK BOARD 7:30 p.m. April 8, 1997 MEMBERS PRESENT: Beth Hall, Dave Crowther, Andy Herring, Becky Bennett, Michael Burley, John Dovolis, Bill Jenkins, Phyllis Kohler, Andrew Montgomery, Jean Rydell MEMBERS ABSENT: Jim Fee STAFF PRESENT: John Keprios, Ed MacHolda, Janet Canton OTHERS PRESENT: Ed Noonan, Pete Anderson, Jon Edwards, Melissa Boughton, Kip Lundquist, Mark Anderson, Becky Pohlad, Kathy Haymaker, Patsy Clouser, Bob Pohlad, Jeff Stefani, Jim Donohue, Jeff Knapp I. APPROVAL OF THE MARCH 11, 1997 PARK BOARD MINUTES John Dovolis MOVED TO APPROVE THE MARCH 11, 1997 PARK BOARD MINUTES. Jean Rydell MOVED TO SECOND THE MOTION. MINUTES APPROVED. H. BANGU SOCCER CLUB PROPOSAL Mr. Keprios indicated there is a correction that needs to be made on his staff report. He noted that Melissa Boughton's and David Kerr's soccer titles were inadvertently reversed. Melissa Boughton is President of Edina Soccer Club and David Kerr is President of the Edina Soccer Association. Mr. Keprios explained that the Bangu Soccer Club is an organization that has existed for some time. However, they are now at a point in time where the Edina Soccer Association has done such a good a job promoting their sport and that they now have approximately 2,600 kids participating in their programs. Mr. Keprios explained that the Park Board has an unwritten rule where they typically recognize one athletic association per group. If they divide out and become a separate entity as far as traveling that is also recognized. However, what hasn't been recognized are other conflicting organizations that might form off on their own because they don't like the existing association for one reason or another. Mr. Keprios pointed out that staff assists with scheduling and providing facilities. Staff manages at an arms length, however, the associations are independently incorporated and are recognized as the one sport in town. Mr. Keprios indicated that they do not have the luxury, however, of having enough field space for everyone. Therefore, they have to go back to the basic philosophy of who gets served first. Mr. Keprios commented that the two recognized soccer programs in Edina are the Edina Soccer Association (house league) and the Edina Soccer Club (traveling league). Mr. Keprios explained that the school has been providing soccer fields to accommodate the Bangu Soccer program. Bangu has their own youth program which does include some Edina residents, as the staff report outlines. Mr. Keprios pointed out that because of the bond referendum some of the soccer fields are under construction and therefore field time is tight as well as numbers have gone up. We are not going to have enough fields to accommodate everyone's wishes and therefore the question comes down to who should have access to the facilities. Bob Pohlad, Bangu Soccer Club, indicated they are here to try and secure a soccer field to play on. He explained that the Bangu Club was formed in 1988 and they have been using Edina fields since that time. Mr. Pohlad indicated that their Bangu team has a roster of 15 kids in which 7 of them are Edina residents. He commented that their point is they have no issue with nor do they see themselves as competing with the Edina Soccer Association or the Edina Soccer Club. He also noted that it is his understanding that the Edina Soccer Club is like Bangu in that they also do not have 100% Edina residents. Therefore, he feels they should be treated equally with the Edina Soccer Club and that is their proposal. Mr. Burley asked if Bangu is just one team and it was noted that it is not one team but consists of ten teams. However, it is only one team that is looking at using an Edina soccer field. Ms. Clouser commented that the Bangu team has always played on the high school field the lower level and didn't think the Edina Soccer Association ever used it. Jeff Stefani, President Bangu Soccer Club, indicated that the other Bangu teams play and practice where the majority of their players reside and that is why this particular team has played in Edina. Mr. Jenkins asked what is the age group they are talking about and it was noted they are 13 year-old boys. Mr. Burley asked why don't these kids play for the Edina Soccer Club. Ms. Clouser responded that several of their players would like to play Division 1 and did not make the Division 1 team. Mr. Burley asked if the kids tried out for these teams and did not make them. Mr. Stefani replied that kids move from team to team and commented that two kids just left his team to play with the Edina Soccer Club neither of which were Edina residents. He pointed out that there are different philosophies in the program and some people feel more comfortable with one program versus another. The fact that there are multiple programs actually provides more opportunities for kids to play, not fewer. Mr. Jenkins asked if the construction problem were not going on this year would they be accommodated on our fields this year. Mr. Keprios indicated that once the Edina Soccer Association and the Edina Soccer Club have both their games and practices whatever is left over is open for rental. Mr. Keprios commented that Bangu has been using the high school field and does not know if they have been charged or not for it. The City views Bangu as another group who wants to utilize Edina fields. Mr. Montgomery asked if we will be utilizing those fields this year. Mr. MacHolda indicated that he cannot answer that 2 because he has not seen the number of teams for either house or traveling soccer. However, at this time he can see us needing to use everything. Mr. MacHolda indicated that all of the school soccer fields have been permitted to Park and Recreation because Braemar is under renovation this year. It's a combination of the numbers being up and the renovations that are being done we need all of the fields for our programs. Mr. Keprios indicated that the school and the city have a successful cooperative agreement that includes use of indoor gym time as well as outdoor field space at no extra charge except when overtime occurs. That has been the Edina School's priority list of distribution goes: 1. All school programs. 2. All Park and Recreation Department programs. 3. Others. (which is where Bangu or other outside interest groups fall in line). Ms. Bennett asked what time in the day is soccer played and Mr. MacHolda replied that it is an evening program. Ms. Bennett asked if it would be possible to share the fields if it permits or have Bangu play in the mornings if that would work out. Mr. MacHolda stated that he would throw that back to the Soccer Club and the Edina Soccer Association to talk to the coaches and see if that is something that would work. However, he noted that most coaches use the space in the evening. Also, Mr. MacHolda pointed out that this year there are some soccer camps and clinics scheduled for this summer during the day. Mr. Burley asked Mr. MacHolda to explain the resident issue. Mr. MacHolda commented that 40% of the participants on the ten Bangu teams are Edina residents. The Edina Soccer Club which has close to 400 participants of which 16 are non-residents. Ms. Boughton, pointed out that those 16 non-residents are only on Division 1 teams where there not enough Edina kids to fill the teams. Mr. MacHolda added that appears to be the norm with MYSA for Division 1 teams. Mr. Keprios stated that this is not a new issue. The Park Board voted to have a maximum of 3 non-resident participants per team as long as it did not exclude an Edina resident. Mr. Pohlad noted that what they would like to have a time on a field on Wednesday nights and Saturdays mornings, he is only talking about 15 kids. Mr. Crowther asked Mr. MacHolda would it be that difficult to factor in one additional team so that Bangu would get the same amount of playing time as any other traveling team. Not give them an exclusive field but just factor in one more team. Mr. MacHolda stated that it wouldn't be so difficult what it comes to is the philosophy of the situation. We have always recognized one athletic association per sport and if we now recognize a separate association for the same sport it starts a precedent with the other sports such as hockey, baseball, basketball, etc. Mr. Keprios indicated that after the scheduling is done they could probably find an hour here or there to accommodate a team, however, it really comes down whether or not the 3 Edina Soccer Club views these as competing programs. The Soccer Club replied that they do view Bangu as a competing team. Mr. Stefani asked why this is viewed as a negative thing when Bangu views it as a positive thing because it provides more opportunity for the residents of' Edina to play soccer. Bangu is not exclusionary in any way, shape or form they are trying to provide opportunities for more kids to play soccer because the more clubs there are the more kids can play.. Mr. Keprios explained the reason this issue is before the Park Board is because we as staff are directed to provide for and recognize only one Edina Soccer program and if there are fields left after that, then we are more than happy to accommodate those other interest groups. However, the reason Bangu is here is they want that guarantee up front. Mr. Keprios stated that what he is suggesting is no, it doesn't work that way, if you allow this one team to do that then at what point do you stop letting other teams do it. Mr. Pohlad pointed out that they have been using the high school field for the last 9 years and asked Mr. Anderson if he doesn't want Bangu to use those fields. Mr. Anderson, Edina Soccer Club, commented that the field Bangu used in the past was through the School and not through the City. He also stated that there should only be one association per sport. He also noted that there is opportunity for Edina residents to play with the Edina Soccer Club, it's just that they chose not to. Mr. Dovolis asked for a little history on why Bangu was organized in 1988. Ms. Clouser indicated that she moved to Edina 6 years ago and they were looking for a strong soccer program with more than just parent coaches so they sought out Bangu. Mr. Stefani noted that the way he understands the Bangu history is that it was formed by a group of Edina and Bloomington residents who weren't part of the Edina or Bloomington program or didn't make their Division 1 team. They were Division 2 players who wanted to form their own team and improve through good coaching to create their own program. This is an offshoot of kids who didn't make a program that was existing so they created a whole new opportunity. Mr. Stefani stated that he also understands that six years ago Bangu made a proposal to the Edina Soccer Club to become the Division 1 option and work with Edina and that was rejected. He commented that it isn't like the two of us haven't tried to work together in the past but it just happens to be today that they are separate. Mr. Dovolis indicated that when there are only so many times and fields available it becomes a hardship. He noted that he can understand Bangu's point in that they have operated since 1988 with no problems and now with the Park Board referendum and the program growing rapidly there is field shortage and not everyone can be accommodated. Mr. Burley stated that his kids have participated in soccer and to him it seems like Bangu and the Soccer Association are like oil and water. In 1988 when Bangu was formed it was considered to be an elite group. Mr. Keprios stated that the Park and Recreation Department will be happy to work with Bangu on whatever fields are left over and Bangu will be treated no different than any other outside organization buying for field space. Mr. Keprios pointed out they have turned away adult teams which have 100% Edina residents because we simply do not have 4 the space for them. He again explained that the City has not provided a field for Bangu for the last nine years, but the school has. Mr. Noonan, vice-president of the Edina Soccer Association, commented there are just over 2,200 kids this year registered to play house league soccer. Their philosophy has always been every child who wants to play can play. He noted there are a little over 80 teams right now. Mr. Noonan pointed out that they have been discouraging practices at theU6 and U8 levels, which take up 50 to 60 of those teams, because of field space availability and time commitment. Mr. Noonan noted that they would like to offer the staff and Park Board anything they can do to accommodate the situation. Mr. Noonan explained that the Soccer Association pay their fees as required by the Park Board as well as they give back to the community by improving fields, etc. Mr. Knapp, indicated that practice times are very important for the teams, however, right now almost all of the field time will be occupied with just games. Mr. Knapp stated that the program is growing and more kids are staying with soccer and therefore the situation is going to get worse before it gets better. Ms. Boughton indicated that she would love to have the Edina Soccer Club work with Bangu. She stated that she doesn't know what happened in the past and she really doesn't care. Ms. Bougton noted that she thinks there is a unified front both groups can go to. Mr. Herring stated that he is a little concerned in that for years Bangu has played on this particular field and because of construction there suddenly is no space for them. He noted that he would be inclined to seek some kind of accommodation for Bangu this year but have it be clear that they will not get this kind of priority and they will have to figure out how they are going to find field space. This will give them a year to figure out other arrangements. He is just concerned that they are going to be left high and dry at the last minute. Mr. Keprios asked the Edina Soccer Association and the Edina Soccer Club how they feel about making some concessions to accommodate Bangu for one year. Mr. Noonan replied that the Edina Soccer Association will work with staff. Mr. Lundquist indicated that he has been associated with the Edina Soccer Association and Traveling Soccer for over 10 years and feels this isn't a last minute change and he wouldn't feel comfortable with this because they have never been accommodated by the Park Board. Mr. Pohlad indicated that he made a few phone calls after Mr. MacHolda informed them of the situation. He noted that if he would have known this and made those phone calls in December he probably could have found field space somewhere else. Mr. Dovolis noted that it seems to him that it would solve a big problem they can bridge the program back together. Mr. Keprios suggested the option of accommodating Bangu for one final year with the understanding that at the end of the season they either disband and those kids become part of the Edina Soccer program or they don't come back to this group again requesting field space. Mr. Herring commented that he is against that and feels we have to go with the recognized association, his only question is does it make sense to accommodate Bangu for one year. Mr. Keprios commented that he's not against accommodating Bangu for one year as long as the Edina Soccer Association and the Edina Soccer Club are okay with it. Ms. Boughton commented that her only concern is that the Edina Soccer Club and the Edina Soccer Association are taken care of because they have worked hard to upgrade the program. Mr. Keprios asked if it is too late to accommodate the seven kids from the Bangu program into the Edina Soccer Club and it was noted yes because they have already had their tryouts. Mr. Herring MOVED THAT WE SEEK TO ACCOMMODATE ONE TEAM FROM THE BANGU CLUB THIS YEAR AND ACCOMMODATE THEM ON THE SAME BASIS THAT WE TREAT OUR OTHER EDINA TEAMS RECOGNIZING THE UNIQUE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE EXTREMELY LIMITED NUMBER OF FIELDS THIS YEAR BECAUSE SOME ARE UNDER CONSTRUCTION ON RELATIVELY SHORT NOTICE THAT THEY RECEIVED AS TO THE FACT THAT THEY WOULD NOT HAVE A FIELD THIS YEAR, A LIMITED AVAILABILITY OF FIELDS IF ANY AND THAT WE FURTHER PUT THEM ON NOTICE THAT ON A GOING FORWARD BASIS THAT WE WOULD NOT BE ACCOMMODATING ANY THIRD PARTY THAT WANTS TO USE ANY OF THE EDINA FIELDS UNLESS THE SOCCER ASSOCIATION WOULD BE GIVEN PRIORITY. John Dovolis SECONDED THE MOTION. IN FAVOR OF ACCOMMODATING BANGU FOR ONE YEAR: Becky Bennett, Andy Herring, John Dovolis, Andrew Montgomery. OPPOSSED TO ACCOMMODATING BANGU FOR ONE YEAR: Jean Rydell, Beth Hall, Bill Jenkins, Phyllis Kohler, Dave Crowther, Mike Burley MOTION FAILED 4 TO 6. It was noted that if there is any time left over Bangu will be accommodated. III. EDINA BASEBALL ASSOCIATION PROPOSAL Mr. Keprios indicated that there are some scoreboards at Courtney fields that need to be replaced, which right now would be the best time to do it because of the construction, however, we do not have the money to do it. Mr. Keprios stated that the Baseball Association does have the funding to do this, however, their proposed means of funding is through advertising which goes against the grain of the standing policy, which is what brings them here tonight. Mr. Keprios commented that isn't to say that we can't look at a plan that replaces the scoreboards through another means. He noted that we need to see how we do with the referendum spending. Mr. Keprios pointed out that this is one small 2 piece of a very large 39 park puzzle and we are going to hear a lot more of these types of additional requests and there isn't enough money to do everything. Mr. Keprios stated that the Baseball Association has admirably given their share of money in helping out with fields, lights, dugouts, etc. Mr. Edwards, President of the Edina Baseball Board, indicated that the scoreboards are quite old and now would be the one time opportunity to run the new line out and put in the new scoreboard because of the construction that will be going on. He also pointed out that in the same opportunity they will be able to put a jack in at every dugout and this way everyone can enjoy the scoreboards. Mr. Edwards handed out pictures of the scoreboard advertising they are looking at and noted that their first choice would be to solicit from the local businesses in Edina. Mr. Edwards explained the scoreboard company they are looking at is in Plymouth and 80% of the scoreboards being installed are corporate funded as part of the package. Mr. Edwards indicated that the Baseball Association has already helped to improve the parks by adding batting cages and other items that will help the kids. He pointed out that the advertising they are talking about is only 2 ft. by 4 ft. This scoreboard would greatly improve the field quality at Braemar Park. Mr. Burley asked if he understood correctly in that there is a policy in Edina that we do not allow advertising. Mr. Keprios responded that it is a fairly new policy set by the City Council. The only advertising that is allowed is what we call rolling stock, via pamphlets, brochures, Zamboni, etc. Mr. Keprios indicated, however, the Park Board can certainly make a recommendation to the City Council for a change in policy. Ms. Kohler asked Mr. Edwards if they have looked at private funds from the Rotary, Lions, Kiwanis, Federated Womens Club, Edina Foundation, etc. She suggested it might be a good idea to check with these people first because this proposed form of advertising is probably something that we don't want to get into. Ms. Kohler stated that there are other sources of funding if organizations are willing to take the time to ask for it. Ms. Kohler questioned if we should be involved in this and asked Mr. Edwards if he has been to the High School Boosters. Mr. Montgomery indicated that this is something that needs to be done now since we are doing everything else at the ball fields. It was asked if the staff believes the scoreboards need to be replaced and Mr. Keprios replied absolutely, however, there are no funds to do it at this time. Mr. Edwards commented there are a lot of businesses in Edina that would jump at an opportunity like this and it would be a good way to advertise. He noted that he feels confident that the scoreboards, estimated at $12,000, can be paid for by private businesses. The Baseball Association is a non-profit organization and we don't have hundreds of dollars to go out and solicit private funds. Also, time is not on our side because once those fields are dug up, we have to get the electrical and conduit in. 7 Mr. Burley commented that he happens to be a proponent of advertising at baseball fields and he would like to see that the Baseball Association somehow get the $12,000. Mr. Burley asked if there are still team sponsors and Mr. Edwards replied they do still have team sponsors, however, that helps to offset the cost to keep the fees down. Mr. Crowther pointed out that previous City Council did not want advertising at the facilities, therefore, it seems somewhat of a waste of the Park Board's time to discuss this if the new City Council indicates that is not the policy of the City. Mr. Crowther stated that he would like to see Mr. Keprios go to the City Council and ask them if they want to change their position on this issue before we spend a lot of time deciding whether or not we think it's a good idea just to have them turn it down. Ms. Bennett asked Mr. Edwards if there is anyone on the baseball board who could make a few phone calls to the Rotary or Kiwanis, etc., just to get some feel. She indicated that she recently raised $6,000 for the Creek Valley Carnival through donations and it wasn't that hard. Mr. Edwards replied they do not have anyone who could do that right now. Mr. Montgomery noted that he hears Mr. Crowther very clear in that if they are not going to change the policy then the scoreboard goes in without advertising. Mr. Herring MOVED THAT WE RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL THAT WE CONTINUE THE EXISTING POLICY WITH RESPECT TO ADVERTISING. Beth Hall SECONDED THE MOTION. Mr. Dovolis indicated that number one we have a need for a scoreboard that's a separate issue. Mr. Jenkins indicated we will get them a scoreboard but he doesn't think we are going to change the advertising policy. Mr. Burley indicated that he disagrees with that, he thinks with baseball fields you need to be creative and have a lot of fun with advertising and we could generate a lot of money. This is not just for today but ten years from now there are going to be scoreboards that are going to fall apart and we are going to need to generate money and we are not going to have a bond referendum every ten years. Mr. Burley stated that he is not proposing to change anyone's mind but he just disagrees with it. He thinks baseball fields and hockey rinks should have advertising, and it will not ruin the aesthetics of the community park. Mr. Dovolis pointed out that the facts today are the way money is generated is through advertising. We cannot go to the taxpayer every time we need something or hit the developer's fund. However, he does agree with Mr. Keprios in that he doesn't believe in advertising but the facts are that is how dollars are generated. ALL IN FAVOR OF SUPPORTING THE CURRENT POLICY OF ADVERTISING: Beth Hall, Dave Crowther, Andy Herring, Becky Bennett, Bill Jenkins, Phyllis Kohler, Andrew Montgomery, Jean Rydell ALL OPPOSED IN SUPPORTING THE CURRENT POLICY OF ADVERTISING: John Dovolis, Mike Burley MOTION CARRIED 8 TO 2. Ms. Bennett indicated that if someone gave her a list of people to contact she would make some phone calls. Mr. Dovolis and Mr. Burley both stated that they would each donate $500.00 for a new scoreboard. Ms. Kohler suggested contacting the Edina High School Boosters. Mr. Dovolis suggested putting an article in the Edina Sun Newspaper. Mr. Montgomery stated that he is still concerned that when we tear up that whole ball park are we going to provide the conduit for a new scoreboard. Mr. Keprios indicated that he will make sure that is taken care of. Mr. Keprios indicated that the Park and Recreation Department has not asked the School District to help with any Park Referendum Projects mainly because the money has only gone one way in the past, from the City to the School. He explained that in some respect that's the right thing because there are tax increment dollars that should go towards the school. Even the youth athletic associations have also contributed significant dollars to the schools. Therefore, Ms. Kohler's suggestion to contact the High School or Booster Club is an excellent idea. Mr. Crowther indicated that he will go to the Booster Board. Mr. Keprios indicated that they will work with the Edina Baseball Association and will try to come up with a way to fund a new scoreboard. IV. PARKS REFERENDUM PROJECTS UPDATE Mr. Keprios stated that the City Council approved the $225,000 bid to go ahead with Arrigoni Construction Company to develop the Lake Cornelia Park playground. Again, an enormous thanks to the Federated Womens Club for their $16,000 donation this go around and for over $50,000 in the history of that park which came from that organization. Mr. Keprios indicated that they are going to find a plaque to give them the due recognition that they deserve. Mr. Keprios indicated that the park fencing bid has been approved for the backstop at Birchcrest, Chowen and Countryside. Mr. Keprios stated that they are down to one shelter building plan for all four sites. V. OTHER A. Community Development Grant Money - Mr. Keprios pointed out that the City of Edina has really been blessed with the over 1 million dollars worth of community development block grant money through the years. They have provided us a lot of removal of accessible barriers which gave us the elevator at the Senior Center, a lot of curb cuts throughout the city and the renovating of a lot of our restrooms. They have also given us a tremendous number of handicap parking stalls and parking lots. However, the W rules have now changed the money is all dried up and therefore all that we have requested this year, unless it has to do with housing, we are now on our own as far as removing accessible barriers. Mr. Keprios indicated that his idea of making the bathrooms at Lewis Park accessible through CDBG money is not going to happen. Mr. Herring asked how much is that going to cost and Mr. Keprios indicated that he has an architect working on it right now. He indicated that he hopes to have the facts and figures for this project at the next Park Board meeting. B. Braemar Inspection Tour - Mr. Keprios indicated that the Braemar Inspection Tour is scheduled for Tuesday, July 8t` at 1:00 p.m. and there will not be a Park Board meeting that night unless someone feels there is a need to. C. All Volunteers Awards Reception - Mr. Keprios indicated that the All Volunteers Awards Reception will be on Tuesday, April 15`x' 5:00 p.m. at Edinborough. The Park and Recreation Accommodation from the Mayor for the All Volunteer Awards is going to be awarded to the Ben Peyton Committee. Mr. Dovolis commented that August 20t` is the Ben Peyton Golf Tournament at Braemar, $100.00 per person, golf, cart, and barbecue meal and it will be a shotgun start. D. Basketball Hoops - Mr. Keprios commented that all of our basketball hoops are now up on the new backboards. E. Sprite Clean -Up - Mr. Keprios indicated that "Spring Clean-up" has been delayed because of the weather. Also, the Adopt -A -Park signs will be going up this week. F. Utley Park - Ms. Bennett asked what the status is at Ultey Park. Mr. Keprios commented that the Mayor has some concerns with where we are looking at putting the basketball court. Therefore, they will be taking a visit there and see if there is another option. VI. ADJOURNMENT Dave Crowther MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 9:15 P.M. John Dovolis SECONDED THE MOTION. MEETING ADJOURNED. 10 / jNA, �r April 16, 1997 City of Edina Dear Resident Neighbor of Heights Park: The Edina Park Board and Edina Park and Recreation Department are seeking your input on the proposed master plan for park improvements to Heights Park. The enclosed map shows the proposed park improvements, which include: • Relocation of the half -court basketball court (build a new half -court with one basketball standard). • Widen and improve asphalt pathway (6 foot wide path). • Complete pathway to and beyond the walking bridge. • Replace worn walking bridge. • Add two new park benches. • Replace drinking fountain with handicap accessible drinking fountain. • Replace ball field backstop. • Remove old hard surface areas and replace with sod. • Add a park identification sign, "HEIGHTS PARK." i"here is current funding available through the Park Referendum to make all of the above improvements with the exception of the park identification sign. We hope to secure additional funding to add park identification signs throughout the park system within the next two years. If you would like to share your views on the proposed park improvements, I urge you to write to me at the return address on this stationary. Your input is valuable. This master plan and your comments (letters) will be presented to the Edina Park Board for their discussion at their May meeting scheduled for: Tuesday, May 13, 1997 7:30 p.m. Council Chambers Edina City Hall If you have any questions, feel free to call the Edina Park and Recreation Department office at 927-8861. Thank you in advance for your input and concern. Sin ely, fi / s t t-1 16hn KepriI04, Director Bina Park and Recreation Department City Hall (612) 927-8861 4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX (612) 927-7645 EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424-1394 TDD (612) 927-5461 `1 I I I I rn m Cn HILLSIDE CT z � I =� � H o �9 I �o n �n i 5R oc / / / zz zz 827 T N n D m oc / / / zz zz 827 T PROPOSED PARK BENCH / / / / / soar / / / lirrir[ �seaea // �0 s/ RECONSTRUCT BITUMINOUS PATH A �15c �v rw �w.Kr. rs �rviK e. r REPLACE DRINKING ' Q FOUNTAINIF U \ j PROPOSED 1/2 OURT \ I °"pro BASKETBALL RT \\ all vu � 9'ID.� A /. Ge1P I F'If1M REVISED Pf#HE b1iK MI.S \ REPLACE \` PEDESTRIAN o JJJ\ BRIDGE P� 1 1 rw ewe 1 1 \ REMOVE EKISNG BI HINDUS \ PAVEMENT 6 B SKETBA HOOP. RESOD AREA. 0 U O ' 1 i I ! I ! I I I I PROPOSED PARK I ! IDENTIFICATION SIGN! o� r r I _ 1 rm 66TH ST. o I � o SKr 1 Ke I •5508 ruKr ( PROPOSED I PARK BENCH I I I I I I I I HE 1 GNTS PARI(1 SCALE: 1' - 40' t.YMRMRMRw.an T m T l 0 �] D MMT [a,U u T m T 1U M , 1 , , 1 1 1 1 1 \ 1 1 l 1 1 \ \ 0 U O ' 1 i I ! I ! I I I I PROPOSED PARK I ! IDENTIFICATION SIGN! o� r r I _ 1 rm 66TH ST. o I � o SKr 1 Ke I •5508 ruKr ( PROPOSED I PARK BENCH I I I I I I I I HE 1 GNTS PARI(1 SCALE: 1' - 40' t.YMRMRMRw.an T m T l 0 �] D MMT [a,U u T m T 1U M `•rte ay April , 199 7 City of Edina Dear Resident Neighbor of Walnut Ridge Park: The Edina Park Board and Edina Park and Recreation Department is seeking your input on the proposed master plan for park improvements to Walnut Ridge Park. The enclosed maps show the proposed park improvements, which include: PROPOSED TO BE DEVELOPED THIS YEAR • Park shelter building with restroom facilities. • Relocating the outdoor hockey rink boards and fencing. • New tot lot (replacement of all old playground equipment). • Replacement of the walking bridge. PROPOSED FOR FUTURE PARK IMPROVEMENTS • Park identification sign. • Future addition of a basketball court. • Asphalt surface within the hockey rink. ,'here are currently not adequate funds available for providing a park identification sign, basketball court and hard surface inside the hockey rink. We are, however, seeking your input on all of the above proposals. This year's developments will be paid by the proceeds from the Parks Referendum Fund, which was approved by voters on May 7, 1996. The replacement playground equipment is proposed to be placed in the same location as the existing equipment and will not require removal of any trees. The border surrounding the playground equipment will be much like a concrete sidewalk, as opposed to a concrete curb. The sidewalk border design will allow for easier access and maintenance. The new park shelter building will have restrooms accessible from the outside. This new park shelter building will be used in the winter months as a warming house for outdoor skating activities, including hockey. It will also be used in the summer months for children's playground programs. The restrooms will be accessible from the outside and will be open to the public during daylight hours year around. The doors will automatically be locked at night. I wish to extend a special thanks to Walnut Ridge Park neighbor residents Mr. Jeff Arnold and Mr. Andrew Montgomery, Park Board Chairman, who both served on the 10 member Citizen Input Committee that met several times, including field trips to neighboring communities, to establish a common shelter building design. (continued on back of page) City Hall (612) 927-8861 4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX (612) 927-7645 EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424-1394 TDD (612) 927-5461 -2 - The park shelter building design and site location is the result of several hours of committee research and discussion. The final result is an aesthetically pleasing design that will successfully serve the needs of Edina residents today and well into the next century. If you would like to share your views on the proposed park improvements, I —ge you to write to me at the return address on this stationary. Your input is valuable. This master plan and your comments (letters) will be presented tot he Edina Park Board for their discussion at their May meeting scheduled for : Tuesday, May 13, 1997 7:30 p.m. Council Chambers Edina City Hall As always, this meeting is open to the public and you are welcome to attend. If you have any questions, feel free to call the Edina Park and Recreation Department office at 927-8861. Thank you in advance for your input and concern. Sin ely, J n 2prio ,Director Edina Park and Recreation Department M@MMMMMMmo � April 2, 1997 City of Edina Dear Resident Neighbor of Todd Park: The Edina Park Board and Edina Park and Recreation Department is seeking your input on the proposed master plan for park improvements to Todd Park. The enclosed map shows the proposed park improvements, which include: • Park shelter building with restroom facilities. • Outdoor hockey rink boards and fencing. • New tot lot (replacement playground equipment). • 11 stall parking lot. • Future pathway around the park. The new park shelter building would replace the existing worn picnic shelter. This new park shelter building would be used in the winter months as a warming house for outdoor skating activities, including hockey. It would also be used in the summer months for children's playground programs. The restrooms would be accessible from the outside and would be open the public during daylight hours year around. The doors will automatically be locked at „Ight. The new playground equipment would be designed to serve children ages 1-9. There is current funding available through the Park Referendum to build a park shelter building, playground equipment and hockey rink. If the neighborhood prefers, a parking lot and pathway system could be added in the future. If you would like to share your views on the proposed park improvements, I urge you to write to me and/or attend the Todd Park neighborhood input meeting scheduled for: Thursday, April 17, 1997 7:30 p.m. Council Chambers Edina City Hall If you have any questions, feel free to call the Edina Park and Recreation Department office at 927-8861. Many thanks. Singely, JohnKeprio�Director 'ina Park and Recreation Department City Hall (612) 927-8861 4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX (612) 927-7645 EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424-1394 TDD (612) 927-5461 i A U [ / yr I / r� \ RV igaiiind P! 4 C; E 2 ----------------------- CCI aG ° Z Y S�-7 nI [i - 1G+ 9NI NN Vd 3t1^1 RdAHOAHIONVA _ it April 16, 1997 Dear Resident Neighbor of Heights Park: City of Edina The Edina Park Board and Edina Park and Recreation Department are seeking your input on the proposed master plan for park improvements to Heights Park. The enclosed map shows the proposed park improvements, which include: • Relocation of the half -court basketball court (build a new half -court with one basketball standard). • Widen and improve asphalt pathway (6 foot wide path). • Cumplete pathway to and beyond the walking bridge. • Replace worn walking bridge. • Add two new park benches. • Replace drinking fountain with handicap accessible drinking fountain. • Replace ball field backstop. • Remove old hard surface areas and replace with sod. • Add a park identification sign, "HEIGHTS PARK." here is current funding available through the Park Referendum to make all of the above improvements with the exception of the park identification sign. We hope to secure additional funding to add park identification signs throughout the park system within the next two years. If you would like to share your views on the proposed park improvements, I urge you to write to me at the return address on this stationary. Your input is valuable. This master plan and your comments (letters) will be presented to the Edina Park Board for their discussion at their May meeting scheduled for: Tuesday, May 13, 1997 7:30 p.m. Council Chambers Edina City Hall If you have any questions, feel free to call the Edina Park and Recreation Department office at 927-8861. Thank you in advance for your input and concern. . f, Sc-erely, John Keprps, Director dina Park and Recreation Department City Hall 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424-1394 (612) 927-8861 FAX (612) 927-7645 TDD (612) 927-5461 Att. John Keprios, Director Edina lark & Recreation Dept. Dear John and Park Board ""embers: '�,'e received the letter regarding improvement plans for Heights Park. The elan looks good and long overdue with one change. '.Ye do not approve of the location of the basketball 1_ court in the new location. It is too close to the street. The current location is a much safer location. This is a very busy intersection with many people running the stop sign and speeding.. We would like to propose an ice skating-_ rink for winter use in the low center area. It was there for many years and was heavily used by young, neighborhood children & families. This area contains many young families once again and we think would be once again an asset to the park and neighborhood. Thank You for :resenting us with the information and letting us share our views. Sincerely, April 18, 1997 These are all great ideas for the improvement of the park. I have an additional one, not mentioned on your list. It would be nice to have some lights added to the area, increasing the safety and overall appearance of the park at night. I look forward to these improvements being implemented. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely,, April 16, 1997 Dear Resident Neighbor of Heights Park: City of Edina The Edina Park Board and Edina Park and Recreation Department are seeking your input on the proposed master plan for park improvements to Heights Park. The enclosed map shows the proposed park improvements, which include: • Relocation of the half -court basketball court (build a new half -court with one basketball standard). • Widen and improve asphalt pathway (6 foot wide path). • Complete pathway to and beyond the walking bridge. • Replace worn walking bridge. • Add two new park benches. • Replace drinking fountain with handicap accessible drinking fountain. • Replace ball field backstop. • Remove old hard surface areas and replace with sod. • Add a park identification sign, "HEIGHTS PARK." There is current funding available through the Park Referendum to make all of the above improvements with the exception of the park identification sign. We hope to secure additional funding to add park identification signs throughout the park system within the next two years. If you would like to share your views on the proposed park improvements, I urge you to write to me at the return address on this stationary. Your input is valuable. This master plan and your comments (letters) will be presented to the Edina Park Board for their discussion at their May meeting scheduled for:14 '� 5 r 1 v� Tuesday, May 13, 1997 . �v 7:30 p.m. Council Chambers Edina City Hall If you have any questions, feel free to call the Edina Park and Recreatio Department office at 927-8861. Thank you in advance for your input and concern. Si�e{ely, J6hn Keprpl, Director Edina Park and Recreation Department City Hall 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424-1394 John Keprios, Director Edina Park and Recreation Department City Hall 4801 W 50`x' St. Edina, MN 55424-1394 April 1-7, 1997 RE: PROPOSED HEIGHTS PARK IMPROVEMENTS Dear Mr. Keprios, Thank you for your letter of April Wh inviting comments by residents on the proposed improvements to Heights Park. I appreciate your commitment to neighborhood input since the neighbors are the ones who use the park. My family is fully supportive of all the improvements listed in your letter. Together, they will make the park more useful and more pleasant to be in. We particularly like the idea of moving the basketball court to the southwest corner of the park. It's current location is too isolated. We do have a few additional suggestions which we would like the Park Board to consider: Add bases to the ball field. Pick distances between bases that are a good compromise for the age groups which use the park. 2. Remove the drainage opening in the center of the ball field. Currently, it is a hazard because feet can be caught when chasing after balls. 3. Improve the drainage around home plate. Currently, drainage is so poor, the home plate area is unusable for 12-24 hours after a rain storm. 4. Move the second proposed bench over to the play area. One bench for the play area is not enough. Move the drinking fountain to the play area. This is not essential, but would be an improvement. Thank you for considering these suggestions. All of us in the Heights Neighborhood look forward to enjoying our new park this fall. April 28, 1997 Mr. John Keprios Director Edina Park and Recreation Department 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Dear Mr Keprios: In reference to your letter from the Edina Park and Recreation Department to the Heights neighborhood: (1) We would find it beneficial to reinstate the ice rink that was here when we relocated to this area in 1970. The children used it constantly for good clean fun and adults skated at times, also. The rink was lighted and had a warming house but perhaps that is beyond the financial scope. (2) A basketball court ----according to your map is to be built near the SW corner of the park. We are concerned that the neighbors who live close to the site will be disturbed by the noise and, as we understand it, the lights that will accompany it and therefore the court in this location would detract from the aesthetics of the park. It should be possible to move the basketball court to some place that is less intrusive and still maintain the park atmosphere. Thank you. .117 , To: John Yeprios, Director Suggest more benches around play area, near the back stop & basketball court. They will be used by the participants & parents, otherwise there is no place to drop their jackets, gear but in the dirt. .11 children will be accompanied by adults who will need places to sit while watching over their children. Suggest the Park identification sign be installed at the corner of Hillside Court 1 W. 66th St. Would be much better visibility. Picnic benches? I" 2z a g ). s gg W W !A a m oz V J �o o= m � a i — a / i n � I I ---------------- 0 11 10 30/S331r. April 17, 1997 John Keprios Edina Park and Recreation Department 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424-1394 Re: Heights Park Improvements Dear Mr. Keprios: Thank you for your letter of April16th informing our neighborhood of possible changes at Heights Park. All of these changes sound very appropriate, and are much needed. I am of course writing with an additional suggestion. 1. The path from Creek Drive that leads to the walking bridge is also in need of repair. At the very least, the overgrowth of bushes and weeds that are growing through the fence need to be addressed. 2. It is my strong wish that the current basketball hoop remain, and it's area be resurfaced. This would not be in lieu of the area you are planning near the playground but in addition to. The area is already there and the hoop already standing - it would only offer another spot for the kids to "shoot some hoops" should the other area be in use for organized play. It seems more costly to remove it and replace with sod, than to resurface and replace the net. There would certainly be more than enough grassy area left to play on were this to remain. My children use this area often, and I enjoy it being close enough for me to keep my eye on them. I hope you will consider this as an alternative. It seems that it might enhance an overall wonderful plan. Thank you for your time. ��� �c�z i �-�-7z hyo--,-.,�- �-� VANDERVORK AVE rUFUPE P4PKIN6 -- 11 51 L5.9'x18'•1nC C - C.0 CZ) �3 55 FviP 0 �a FR d � � P 25 zz �g\ 40 N* ,I O I� II II RUTLEDGE o$o , n 1 AVE o` N r �o I RUTLEDGE o$o , n 1 AVE o` N r IN I I � r ; I ; ► �., I I I I I i I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I VANDERVORK AVE i =UTURE i4gli lN6 LL'i �1:�-�--��-_�--_------------�---- N7 \ \ tlQ � tl 11 1 / a \ n ' / I RUTLEDGE AVE U t 10- Aoesn4"4�ri l Aose. r-es4-d ewh an \%aLr+Aevi(o(k avNd -&je- `� vvov&.� d� v-)tUVJ 01 I,J'4g ! � --� C l o � � n �� II J April 8, 1997 Mr. John Keprios, Director Edina Park & Recreation Department 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424-1394 Dear Mr. Keprios: As 20 year residents of the Todd Park area, we have long observed the activities (or lack of) that have taken place in the park. While we are proud of Edina's student athletic program and are supportive of providing the necessary facilities, we are not convinced that the plan you have pro- posed is right for this area. First of all, has an age study been done of the area? It appears that there is an extremely large number of seniors (55+) living close by. The Brookside Court Apartments (consisting of most- ly seniors) connects to the park and there are many smaller homes nearby where one or two senior reside. Why not consider their needs and make your first priority a walking path, and create a pic- nic/cookout area to the South of the tennis courts. This would provide a lovely park where seniors could escape from their small domiciles, get some exercise and have family gatherings. Todd Park is probably the most unused park in Edina. Although there is a lighted ice rink, it is almost never used. At one time softball teams played there in the summer, but even that has dwindled. Maybe the location has something to do with it. Being at the far North end of Edina, it might not be centrally located enough for many of the young people. Or, maybe interest has less- ened in outdoor types of activities. Whatever the reason, most of what we see down there now is geese and neighbors walking their dogs. The money for a warming house might be better spent in another area of Edina that gets more use. At any rate, it certainly shouldn't be the first priority for Todd Park. This park could be a wonderful area for all ages, but seniors would probably stay away if it was designed strictly for youths. The changes we would recommend are: 1. Make the walking path and a picnic area with tables your first priority. 2. Have the walking path go around (to the West of) or through the wooded area. 3. Move the tot lot over by the picnic area (to the East side) so children could have adult supervision during family gatherings. Thank you for considering our suggestions. We hope you come up with a plan that is bene- ficial to all ages. April 7, 197 John Keprios, Director Edina Park and Recreation Department City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424-1394 Dear Mr. Keprios, Thank you for mailing the letter and plan regarding the improvements to Todd Park, all of which I support and which would benefit and improve this part of Edina, in my opinion. As a senior, I particularly favor a pathway around the park, particularly if it is kept open and maintained year round, and access to it from Brookside Court which includes 4 buildings would be most beneficial. (Although I'm sure all residents nearby would enjoy a pathway.) During the winter months, it is almost impossible (especially this past winter) to find anywhere close by for older citizens to walk and get some exercise out-of-doors. The sidewalks along Brookside Avenue were useless this winter, covered with ice and snow, and very dangerous if one attempted to walk in the street; of course, many blocks do not have sidewalks anyway. Many seniors do not care to drive during the winter months, or have been forbidden to drive due to eyesight problems, etc., so cannot take advantage of mall walking. I am assuming there will be dual pathways for walkers and bicyclers/skaters as is the case in other park and lake areas. Thank you for considering my input. Sincerely, April 15, 1997 John Keprios, Director Edina Park and Recreation Department 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424-1394 Dear Mr. Keprios: The Board of Directors for 4370 Brookside Court wishes to respond to the letter of April 2, 1997, which you sent to the resident neighbors of Todd Park. We support the proposed park improvements and look forward to even greater enjoyment of the park facilities. However, we have a concern which was not addressed in the letter. It is possible that you are unaware of this problem; we wish to bring it to your attention. Along the south side of our building, in the area adjoining Todd Park, there is a problem with standing water whenever there is a heavy rain or snow melt. This problem needs to be addressed for two reasons. When there is standing water, it significantly reduces the amount of Iand available for use and enjoyment. Another more serious concern is that this standing water could provide breeding ground for mosquitoes. This, of course, would negatively impact everyone's enjoyment and use of the park. This problem would be alleviated if there were drain tile installed from the roadway all along the south side of our building, or if the area were graded and filled properly. It seems reasonable that the best time to complete this aspect of park improvements would be at the beginning of the project. If you have any questions, or need additional information, please feel free to contact me at Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Sincerely, February 24, 1997 Mr. Keprios Parks & Recreation Department 4801 W. 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 February 24, 1997 Dear Mr. Keprios, We have spoken with you several times over the telephone about improvements to Todd Park and you have been kind enough to give us your time to discuss our concerns. As Spring approaches, discussions about renovations at the park are popping up routinely around our neighborhood. While there will always be some differences about what is most desirable for an area park, there is a consensus among neighbors on one issue: We believe that we are entitled to a hearing on the proposed design for the park before any commitments are made to contractors and before any ground is broken. We don't feel confident that this is going to happen. In your letter (addressed to responding to our neighborhood group's concerns, you expressed a desire to see signatures from individuals in attendance at the meeting we held on park development issues. We just didn't have the foresight to do that when we met. But we are, I assure you, a large group of concerned neighbors. I speak for many when I say that all we ask at this juncture is that you call a meeting to share the options with us and consider our input. We can be reached at our business phone number which is Sincerely, bate:/% 97 Total pages (including cover page): / To: 2: 0 /C 2,d�zi cs /,u' Q•vc� RC2 �2 Via, ,d i2c chat Phone: 92- 7- ee4V Fax: 92 -7 - -7,1 ys Re: Dear Mr. Keprios: - ! was very excited to get -the- information regarding the proposed improvements to Todd Park. We live approximately -4 blocks to the west and have 4 children ages 16,13,10,and 6. The proposecf improvements Sound appropriate and of the type that will be used by. the neighborhood. From your Jetter, I could not tell if you are adding a regular ice rink, as well as a hockey rink. If not, l would like to suggest that a regular ice rink be added in addition to the hockey rink. It is not safe to skate on an ice rink while others are playing hockey, the addition -of a regular rink would add minimal expense because the warming shelter and flooding system would be in place, and I think it would be used alot by the young children in the -area. There is a fair amount- of street parking available around the park. The addition of the proposed parking lot would detract from the limited "green" area in the southwest corner of the park. If possible, I would suggest trying to do without the parking area. am in favor of the pathway system I think this would be well utilized. The improvements in the Edina_` Parks are excitingl Thank you for all your effort April 24, 1997 Mr. John Keprios Director, Edina Park and Recreation Department City Hall 4801 West 50th St. Edina, MN 55424-1394 Dear Mr. Keprios, My son and I visit Walnut Ridge Park at least one time a day in nice weather, so I read with interest your letter about the proposed improvements. I am most concerned with the improvements to the tot park, because that is the area that we use most often. Since your letter indicates that no trees will be removed when improving the tot park, I assume that you will keep the size of the existing play area the same. In so doing, your design will have to efficiently utilize a rather small space compared to some of the larger parks in our area. We frequent Browndale Park in St. Louis Park (at Browndale and Morningside) because we think it is an exemplary play space for kids. The play area makes excellent use of a smaller space with one single large play gym and a separate swingset. I would encourage the Board members who are responsible for making the final decision on the play equipment for Walnut Ridge to visit Browndale Park and look carefully at what it offers to children. Browndale has levels and slides safe for pre -walkers. There are poles and climbing rings for big kids. There is a crawling tube, a steering wheel, and two bridge -like areas to inspire imaginative play. There is a variety of climbing pieces from easy to difficult to challenge different abilities. The largest slide is a "slide winder" which all kids (and moms) love. When selecting the toddler swing style, I would encourage your Board to choose the bucket style swing that wraps the child completely in a rubber or plastic seat (like that currently used at Walnut Ridge). This type of swing is safer for young toddlers and older infants, and seems more secure than a chain style swing we have seen used at other parks. Thank you for your consideration of my specific ideas. I will be interested to hear further details of the improvements at the May 13 meeting. Sincerely, April 25, 1997 City Of Edith Dear Resident Neighbor of Todd Park: This is a follow-up letter to inform you of the results of the "Todd Park Neighborhood Meeting," which was held at City Hall on Thursday, April 17, 1997, and to explain the plan of action and process as to where we go from here. There were approximately 30 residents who attended the April 17 meeting, which was very beneficial. After approximately 90 minutes of discussion, it was the consensus of the neighbors that with the finite amount of money available that the Todd Park master plan for park improvements should be prioritized as follows: • New 6' wide bituminous pathway around the park with park benches and trash receptacles. • Park shelter building with restroom facilities. • New tot lot (replacement playground equipment). • Softball field improvements (backstop repair, bleacher and irrigation). It was the majority opinion that a parking lot not be added to the park at this time. The majority opinion suggests that we observe the park's future use and, if necessary, readdress the parking lot issue in the future. The majority opinion also suggests that a hockey rink should not be constructed until additional funds become available in the future. When funding provides, the hockey rink should also include a hard surface area to accommodate in-line skating in the summer. The current plan is to maintain a pleasure skating rink for family skating, as well as, a separate area for children's hockey (with no side boards) this coming winter season. The pathway was significantly more important to the neighbors than a hockey rink. The new proposed asphalt surface pathway will be constructed six feet in width to safely accommodate walkers, joggers, bicycles and skaters at the same time. There were many suggestions for additional park improvements that we will do our best to attain when resources become available. The community's input is very valuable in the process of determining a park improvement master plan. (continued on back of page) City Hall (612) 927-8861 4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX (612) 927-7645 EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424-1394 TDD (612) 927-5461 -2 - For example, suggestions were made to add the following park improvements: • Picnic shelter gazebo. • Park lighting around the new pathway. • Updated park regulation signs. • Picnic tables and cooking grills. Residents also shared their concern about vandalism, gang activity and irresponsible dog owners not picking up their dog's feces. For your information, the City Ordinance concerning dogs in the park mandate that dogs must be on a leash no longer than ten (10) feet and dog owners must pick up and properly dispose of their dog's feces. This further means that the dog owner must have in their possession a means of picking up after their pet. This is becoming a growing problem and significant issue with residents throughout Edina. We ask that every dog owner please obey these rules. I wish to thank Andy Halper for serving on the Park Shelter Building , ask Force Committee, which was instrumental in establishing a common design for all four parks that will be getting a park shelter building. I believe that this attractive and functional building will serve many needs of Todd Park area residents today and well into the next century. I also wish to take this opportunity to thank in advance those who are donating towards the park bench to be installed at Todd Park in loving memory of Danny Berg, a young resident neighbor of Todd Park who recently passed away after a courageous battle with cancer. I wish to thank everyone who took the time to send me correspondence on these park improvement matters. For the record, the majority of the letters were consistent with the majority opinion that prevailed at the Neighborhood Meeting. Therefore, I intend to suggest all of the above recommendations to the Edina Park Board for their next meeting on Tuesday, May 13, 1997, 7:30 p.m., Council Room, City Hall. The Edina Park Board will then discuss the issues and will make their recommendations to the Edina City Council. The Edina City Council ultimately makes the final decision on these matters. If you have any questions, feel free to call me at 927-8861. Many thanks. Sincerely, c� Jhn4KepriDirector Edina Park and Recreation Department RESULTS OF TODD PARK NEIGHBORHOOD INPUT MEETING APRIL 17, 1997, 7:30 P.M. EDINA CITY HALL • The proposed parking lot was discussed at length. The majority of those in attendance agreed that they do not want a parking lot, especially on the Vandervork side. The reasons stated were that it would be an invitation for more cars, more congestion, more kids gathering and drinking, littering, vandalism and the fear of speeding cars. • The hockey rink vs. the walking path was discussed at length. The majority stated that the walking path would be a greater benefit to the community than would be the hockey rink at this time. Residents requested that several benches be placed along the new pathway. • It was suggested that if and when a permanent hockey rink is constructed, that it be built with a hard surface area for two main reasons: 1 . The artesian soils make it difficult to maintain good outdoor ice for skating. 2. The children should have a hard surface area to use their in-line skates, roller-skates and skate boards. A comment was made that children are currently ruining the tennis courts and basketball court surface with their in-line skates. • The majority seemed to approve of the proposed shelter building and its design, as well as, the proposed new playground equipment. • Residents stated that occasionally, there are people using the basketball court as a parking lot. Police have been called on occasion, however, signs are needed. • Residents expressed their concerns about dogs in the park and the numerous irresponsible dog owners. More signs were requested. • There were requests for more trash receptacles and picnic tables. April 20, 1997 John Kreprios, Director Edina Park & Recration Dept. 4801 W. 50th St. Edina, MN 55424-1394 Dear Mr. Kreprios: RE: Walnut Ridge Park Improvements proposal We have and thank you for your letter of April 15th with the proposed improvements for Walnut Ridge Park. We moved here last year and have two young daughters who ice skate but who do not play hockey. I have noticed when there is not separate facility for both hockey and free skating, that hockey dominates the ice space. The proposal describes moving the hockey ice but does not clearly specify an open skating area. In addition, the old open skating area did not include adequate lighting. I would hope and expect that this plan includes an ample free skating area adequately lighted for evening enjoyment. Thank you for your consideration of this concern. Sincerely, April 26, 1997 Mr. John Keprios, Director Edina Park and Recreation Department City Hall 4801 W. 50th Street Edina. MN 55424-1394 Dear Mr. Keprios: We are responding to the proposed master plan for improvements to Walnut Ridge Park. PROPOSED TO BE DEVELOPED TRIS YEAR • Park shelter building with restroom facilities: - too large and too close to houses on Biscayne Blvd- - will contribute to non -park activities - may create hang-out when park is officially closed • Relocating the outdoor hockey rink boards and fencing: - would not be opposed to move but do not see great need to relocate • New tot lot (replacement of all old playground equipment). - strongly support replacement of old playground equipment and encourage use of park by families with small children. • Replacement of walking bridge - okay. PROPOSED FOR FUTURE PARK IMPROVEMENTS • Park identification sign - ok • Future addition of a basketball court: - strongly opposed 1. Will create noise throughout the day and night 2. Will bring people in from outside Edina 3. No ability to monitor behavior or language (present facilties are not well monitored) • Asphalt surface within the hockey rink: - strongly opposed - will attract in-line skater playing hockey (dangerous to young children) - will attract skateboarders from outside Edina - no plans for monitoring these activities - will impinge on present activities of park, i.e., walking jogging, etc., especially by older people. • Proposals are aimed at activities for youg male adults at the exclusion of family activities. Page 2... We live directly behind these facilities and experience first-hand the positives and negatives of the park. We frequently remind young people that rollerblading, skateboarding, biking and dogs are not allowed on the tennis court even though signs clearly prohibit these activities. Given the blatant disregard to posted signs on the tennis courts, how can you guarantee that there will not be such abuse of proposed facilities? A case in point - on Saturday, April 26th, the police were called at 10:05 p.m. to report 7 vehicles driving on park pathways and grass - to the far end of the park. We feel that these proposed changes will increase this type of illegal activity. We feel that the existing facilities need greater maintenance (i.e. tennis court needs cracks repairs. net replaced, debris cleaned out, etc., cracks repaired on pathways, etc.) and that this maintenance should take precedence over the installation of new facilities. Should these proposed changes be implemented, can you guarantee that all the facilities would be properly monitored and maintained in the future? Due to the type of activity by young adults - drinking and partying - in the parking lot after the park is officially closed, we strongly recommend the installation of motion -detector lights in the parking lot area to discourage any congregating after-hours. The police have had to respond to this type of activity many times during the last few years (calls will be on record). We hope these comments will be helpful in your deliberations and that you will take our concerns very seriouslv. Sincerely -15/9 �n v����� � ��.►-tet ���� �� . �- � d� n _ n //�� �J GGA" � G"_ / < 2 t- � ��2c � '— ) / � A ��G��.e-� �� � ��_ �� � � �' i��rGeX� /'i2E'-G��.� Edina Senior Center Second Draft: May 15, 1996 Prepared for: Southdale YMCA Prepared by: TSP/Eos Architects, Engineers, Interior Designers YjjIFI -711" --Ml RAI r�-TSP"'-EOS r 1.. Table -of Contents, 1. Table of Contents..................................................................................................... 2. Project Team............................................................................................................. 3. Introduction............................................................................................................... 4. Project Summary....................................................................................................... 5. Space Program.......................................................................................................... 6. Project Budget........................................................................................................... 7. Project Timetable....................................................................................................... 8. Concept Plans............................................................................................................ Southdale YNICA / Edina Senior Center - Facilities Study - Page 2 .........................2 ......................... 3 ........................ 4 .........................4 .... .....................9 .......................10 .................11 ......................12 8 2. ProjeckTealnz Southdale YMCA / Edina Senior Center Facilities Taskforce • Sandy Stooke, Executive Director, Southdale YMCA • Gordon Hughes, Assistant City Manager, City of Edina • Julia Bertrand, Recreation Supervisor, City of Edina • Jackie Evans Doncavage, Adaptive Recreation Supervisor, City of Edina • Sue Weigle, Director, Edina Senior Center • Laura Schenck, Office Assistant, Edina Senior Center • Catherine Mulholland, Senior Advisory Council, Edina Senior Center • Baba Honmyhr, Senior Advisory Council, Edina Senior Center TSP/Eos Team • Pete Sieger, Architect, Programmer, Project Manager • Rick Wessling, Architect, Programmer Southdale YNICA / Edina Senior Center - Facilities Study - Page 3 3. Introductions In July 1994, Southdale YMCA secured the services of TSP One, Inc. (dba TSP/Eos) to define the scope and cost to expand and renovate its facilities at 7355 York Avenue South in Edina. TSP/Eos together with the Southdale YMCA Facilities Taskforce developed a five year master plan for improvements documented in a Predesign Study dated July 31, 1995. Subsequently, TSP/Eos has been further engaged by Southdale YMCA to study a possible partnership between The Southdale YMCA and The Edina Senior Center. The purpose of this study is to outline a program, concept and budget for a new senior center which could be developed concurrently with proposed improvements to the Southdale YMCA. 4. Project Summary -- The Proposed Southdale YMCA / Edina Senior Center partnership will support and further the respective missions of both organizations: "to develop the total person to strengthen families and to improve human communities - both local and globaP'; and "to provide needed services to all Edina residents SS gars or older, with major emphasis on recreational health social service and educational programs." Through synergy and interdependence, this model for collaboration would deliver services to the senior community more effectively than could be accomplished by either organization individually. It is intended that the existing 72,788 square foot Southdale YMCA facility will be updated and expanded through phased remodeling and new construction. In addition to the newly renovated and expanded YMCA facilities outlined in the July 31, 1995 Predesign Study, a new 9,600 square foot senior center would be constructed contiguous with existing and new YMCA facilities, while maintaining separate access and identity for the senior center. Wherever possible, facilities would be shared to maximize cost effectiveness of the project. Since the existing site places finite limits on the YMCA expansion, additional land will be required to accommodate the senior center. This would be accomplished through City contribution. A portion of the existing park land contiguous with the YMCA site to the north would be added to achieve the necessary site size. Construction of the senior center as defined herein is budgeted at 51.28 to 51.31 million. Background The Edina Senior Center dates to 1974, the same year Southdale YMCA opened its doors at 7355 York Avenue South. The senior center originally occupied facilities at 7151 York Avenue South, just north of the Southdale YMCA. In 1989, it moved to the Edina Community Center where it now occupies 7,000 square feet of space, and serves approximately 1,500 members. Although the senior center has no lease, it does have an agreement to occupy space in the Edina Community Center until the year 2000. In addition to its own premises, the senior center has access to the auditorium and a variety of classrooms within the community center. Community education and other services located within the community center are considered a plus for the senior center users. Access and visibility, however, considering the third floor location, could be better. Southdale YNICA / Edina Senior Center - Facilities Study - Page 4 i Organization_/ Operation / Programs The Edina Senior Center is sponsored by the City of Edina Park and Recreation Department. Sue Weigle, Recreation Supervisor and Senior Center Director, reports to the City Park and Recreation Director. Laura Schenck, Office Assistant, provides administrative support at 30 to 40 hours per week. Volunteers from the senior community assist Sue and Laura, and staff the reception desk part-time. The City appropriates approximately $80,000 per year to fund senior center staffing and operations. Nominal membership fees of $6 annually, in addition to occasional matching grants provide additional operating moneys. Currently the space in the community center is provided rent free, however this is expected to change after the year 2006. Although membership is not a requirement for use of the senior center's facilities, 90% of the users are members. Use of the facilities tends to average about 200 persons per day, with fall being the busiest season and summer the slowest. Programs have included: • Trips and Tours • Swingin' Singin' Seniors • Rhinestone Rockettes • Card Parties • Book Club • Golf League • Bowling League • Men's Softball league • Men's Volleyball League • Slide Presentations • Computer Interest Group • Grandmothers for Peace • Spelling Interest Group • Gems Tap Group • Caregiving Group • Advisory Council • Special Events A variety of these activities, including golf, bowling and arts, occur off-site at facilities such as Braemar, Edinborough Park and the Edina Arts Center. Vision for the Future It is the collective vision of the City, The Senior Center, and The Southdale YMCA that this studv could be the first in a series of steps leading to a "freestanding" facility -- a senior center that maintains its own unique identity, is autonomous. and easily accessible to the senior community. This partnership would be a model for collaboration, one which builds on and maintains relationships already established at the Edina Community Center. Considering that 30% of the Edina community is age 62 plus, and considering the general trend towards "the graying of America", this partnership would provide greater capability for outreach to the senior community, resulting in a membership of 2,000 or more by the year 2000. SOulhdale YMCA/ Edina Senior Center - Facilities Study - Page 5 Proposed_ Facilities - The Site Site conditions and improvements as part of the Southdale YMCA facilities master plan are outlined in the July 31, 1995 Predesign Study. In general, these improvements will be driven by the needs for adequate off-street parking, improved building accessibility, and "curb appeal'. These considerations will further apply to a facilities program expanded to include the senior center. However, in addition, site size will need to be increased to support the additional building square footage. 0_8 acres of city park land to the north, at minimum, will need to be added to accommodate the inclusion of the new 9,600 square foot senior center. 48 additional parking spaces (1 per 200 square feet of building area) will be required for exclusive use of senior center patrons. 8 of these spaces will need to be dedicated for use by the physically handicapped. As defined in the Southdale YMCA master plan, site access will be by means of the two existing curb cuts at York Avenue. Considering the disposition of YMCA facilities on the site, and the availability of additional land, the senior center will be sited north of the YMCA facilities. The senior center should be located prominently at the circular entrance drive so that its identity is clear and its access direct and unmistakable. The entrance drive will be configured to permit bus traffic to a pick-up and drop-off area serving entrances to both facilities. Exterior lighting and signage should be used appropriately to support senior center access and identity. Walks to the entrance of the building should have attractive'!and railings to facilitate travel from the parking areas to the building. Landscaping should include evergreens, flowering shrubs and trees, annuals and perennials, and a hedge screen along the north edge of the site. Site improvements should also include a paved terrace with tables, chairs and umbrellas for cook -outs and informal gatherings. The terrace should be oriented for optimal outdoor comfort. Proposed Facilities - The Building The space program for the proposed Southdale YMCA / Edina Senior Center has been definr..d by the senior center. TSP/Eos has advised to establish or verifv necessary room sizes based on intended use. To a large extent, the existing space program has been used as a pattern or prototype for th;- proposed facility. While space definitions have been idealized, an effort has been made to distinguish between "wants" and "needs" so that the proposed facility is both functional and achievable. Fundamental components of the space program are as follows. Entrance / Reception Area: The building entrance doors should be equipped with automatic operators for ease of building access. The entrance / reception area will function as the arrival point within the senior center. It should be a warm and pleasant space which will welcome patrons and visitors. A reception desk should be located prominently for information and orientation purposes. Design of the reception desk should include a window and counter similar to the desk in the existing senior center. The reception area should include an arts and crafts display case, and a small sales area with a boutique display case for merchandise. A comfortable waiting area should accommodate groups of up to 50 persons waiting for transportation for trips or tours. The waiting area could be smaller if located directly adjacent to a comfortable gathering area with a direct view of the bus pick-up area. Wardrobe type coat storage, restrooms including a family restroom, and a public telephone should all be accessible directly from the entrance area. The entrance area, exclusive of the toilet rooms, should be carpeted. is Southdale Y MICA / Edina Senior Center - Facilities Study - Page 6 i Staff Offices: Two offices should be provided -- one for use by the senior center director, and one for the office assistant and the program volunteers. The director's office should accommodate a small in -office conference area. Both offices should have windows to the exterior of the building and should be directly accessible to the reception desk. Existing office furniture systems are new and should be reused in the new facility. Floors should be carpeted. A copy / workroom to be located within the Southdale YMCA administrative office area will be shared by both programs. Large Gathering Room: The large gathering room should be similar to the existing "Platinum Room", but not as long and narrow in configuration. This space will be used for large classes, general meetings, performing groups, newsletter assembly and the annual flu shot clinic. Large windows to the exterior of the building are desirable for daylighting. The room should be furnished with round tables on wheels and chairs, comfortably seating up to 60 persons. A counter, sink and lockable storage cabinets should be provided to accommodate the needs of individual groups. A portion of the room should be designed for dance activities and should include a dance floor, sound system, and mirrored wall -- all built-in. The floor should be carpeted except for the dance floor area. An adequate storage room should be immediately available for tables and chairs, a piano, music stands, etc. Card Room / Media Room: The card / media room will be used for card games, classes, small meetings, and slide or video presentations. This room should comfortably accommodate 8 conventional card tables (seating for 32) to be set-up semi -permanently. Sound control is important, and should include provisions for both noise reduction within the space, and sound isolation from adjacent spaces. The floor should be carpeted. Control of room lighting and daylighting should facilitate slide or video presentations. Windows though not essential, should have black -out shades if provided. Lockable storage cabinets should be provided to store cards, scoresheets and other materials for individual groups. Equipment should include a large retractable screen, a whiteboard, an overhead projector, slide projector, and TVNCR- Classroom 1: Classroom 1 will be used for classes, small meetings, tax preparation, support group meetings, and soft crafts, including quilting, knitting, and paper crafts. The room should be suitable for an occupancy of up to 25 persons. The room should be furnished in part with long work tables and chairs. A portion of the space should remain open for quilting. A counter, sink and lockable storage cabinets should be provided to accommodate the needs of individual groups. Large windows to the exterior of the building are desirable for daylighting. Flooring should be resilient and washable. This space will be a joint use space to be provided by the Southdale YMCA program. Classroom 2: Classroom 2 will be used for a variety of activities, including gardening projects / lessons, woodcarving, painting, sculpture, pottery, and paper macho. The room should be suitable for an occupancy of up to 20 persons. The room should be furnished and equipped with long, counter height work benches and stools, a large / deep stainless steel sink, and a kiln. A small storage room should be provided in conjunction with the kiln for "green ware". Large windows to the exterior of the building are desirable for daylighting. Flooring should be resilient and washable. Southdale YNICA / Edina Senior Center - Facilities Study - Page 7 Classroom 3: Classroom 3 will be used for a variety of activities, including small meetings, blood pressure checks, hearing screenings, and podiatrist visits. The room should be furnished with work tables, and office equipment including a copy machine, paper cutter, hole punch, etc. The room should comfortably accommodate small groups of 12 to 16 persons. A counter, sink and lockable storage cabinets should be provided to accommodate user needs. Windows are preferred for daylighting. The floor should be carpeted. Pool / Game Room: The pool / game room will be used for tournaments, games and socializing. The room should be furnished with the two existing pool tables, and 2 to 3 square tables with chairs for board games. Windows are not necessary, and the room could be an irregular shape. Equipment should include a whiteboard and lockable storage cabinets. The floor should be carpeted. Kitchenette / Commons / Library: The kitchenette / commons / library should be located near the large gathering room. Collective use of this space will include preparation of snacks, storage for bag lunches, socializing and reading. A shared kitchen area, equipped with deep basin sinks, a convection oven, and a refrigerator / freezer (all commercial grade) will be located within the Southdale YMCA facility, convenient to both programs. The kitchen area will include an alcove for pop and vending machines. VOA express lunches may be served occasionally using paper or plastic goods. The commons area should be furnished with 2 - 4 foot round tables and chairs seating up to 12 persons. The library should be furnished with book shelving, magazine racks, a TV/VCR, and soft seating for up to 8 persons. The library should also include 2 networked computer workstations and a printer. Windows are desirable for daylighting. Flooring for the kitchenette and commons should be resilient and washable; The library floor should be carpeted. Circulation Spaces: Corridor / circulation spaces within the senior center should be warm, pleasant, user friendly and easily maintainable. They should be carefully designed to maximize safety, security and accessibility throughout the facility. Although the project design should promote a separate and unique identity for the senior center, circulation systems for both the YMCA and senior center should be fully integrated to facilitate shared use of common facilities where appropriate. Mechanical / Electrical / Utility Spaces and Systems: Custodial / storage space should be provided as necessary to support easy cleaning, maintenance and upkeep of the facility. Mechanical / electrical systems for the senior center will be an extension of Southdale YMCA systems as outlined in the July 31, 1995 Predesign Report. Provisions should be made to submeter senior center utilities to isolate operating expenses. Building Code Considerations: Since YMCA facilities as planned approach the limits of allowable area for the classified construction type (refer to the July 31, 1995 Predesign Study), an area separation will be required between the new senior center and the YMCA facilities. Openings in the area separation will be limited as dictated by the building code and must be protected with rated fire assemblies. is Southdale YMCA / Edina Senior Center - Facilities Studv - Page 8 5. Space Program, Data presented in the following Table I summarizes senior center space, by use, in two categories: • Column 1 - "Existint=" - existing space in the Edina Community Center. • Column 2 - "Program" - proposed space to be provided in the master plan. Table 1: Space ProLram (* designates joint use space to be contributed by SDYMCA program) Use Code Net Assignable Area (Sq.Ft.) Existing Program 1.0 Entrance / Reception Area 1.1 Vestibule 0 1.2 Lobby 195 1.3 Reception Desk 100 135 1.4 Sales Area 0 60 1.5 Display 20 25 1.6 Coats 50 60 1.7 Toilets 0 400 1.8 Waiting 0 400 2.0 Staff Offices 2.1 Director 120 225 2.2 Office Assistant 85 120 2.3 Copy / Workroom 0 3.0 Large Gathering Room 3.1 Large Gathering Room 1,805 1,800 3.2 Storage 345 500 4.0 Card Room / Media Room 675 900 5.0 Classroom 1 630 * 6.0 Classroom 2 0 700 7.0 Classroom 3 0 480 8.0 Pool / Game Room 520 600 9.0 Kitchen / Commons / Library 9.1 Kitchen 80 9.2 Storage 205 100 9.3 Commons 385 250 9.4 Library 0 150 10.0 Maintenance / Custodial 0 25 Subtotal Assignable 5,215 6,930 Non -Assignable Area 12.0 Mechanical / Electrical 0 13.0 Walls 635 832 14.0 Circulation 1,435 1,559 Subtotal Non -Assignable 2,070 2,391 Total Gross Building Area 7,285 9,321 Efficiency % (Net SF/Gross SF) 72% 74% Southdale Yh1CA / Edina Senior Center - Facilities Study - Page 9 6.- Project Budget - Data presented in the following Table 2 constitutes a budget for project cost and construction cost, expressed in 1996 dollars. Notes: 1. Project costs do NOT contain many of the "soft" administrative or equipment costs that could be expected. The scope of this study addresses primarily the "hard" construction costs, while identifying those "soft" costs that could make up total project cost. Further input from the City of Edina, the Edina Senior Center, and Southdale YMCA will be required to adequately define total project cost. 2. Site improvement costs are expected to be high (-16% of total construction). Budgets account for fill and retaining wall construction necessary to accommodate significant site grade changes in the area available for the senior center building and parking improvements. 3. Table 2 below is based on the smaller of the two site plans (Site `A') illustrated in this report. Add $36,000 to construction cost, and $40,000 to project cost for Site `B'. Refer to the July 31, 1995 Predesign Study for cost estimating assumptions, definitions, and methods. Table 2: Proiect Budget Site/Building Construction Cost per Sq. Ft. (Note 2): 136.90 fi Southdale YNICA / Edina Senior Center - Facilities Study - Page 10 1 2 Item Scope $Cost % of Total 1 Site/Building Acquisition 0 0% 2 Predesign Fees 5,200 0% 3 A/E Design Fees (1996 Means not incl site design) 75,521 5% 4 Other Fees (site design, engineering, survey, testing) 21,085 2% 5 Owners Administrative Costs 0 0% 6 Site/Building Construction 1,276,040 93% 7 Hazardous Abatement 0 0% 8 Technology (voice, video, data, cabling) 0 010/0 9 Securitv Sv_ stem 0 0% 10 Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment 0 0% 11 Other Equipment 0 0% 12 OccupancyiMoving 0 0% 13 Financing 0 0% 14 Other 0 0% Total Project Cost - 1996 - S 1,377,8.16 100% Site/Building Construction Cost per Sq. Ft. (Note 2): 136.90 fi Southdale YNICA / Edina Senior Center - Facilities Study - Page 10 i 7. Project Timetable- Time frame for design and construction of the senior center will depend largely on the availability of funding for its completion. Under ideal circumstances, the senior center would proceed as part of the Southdale YMCA expansion and renovation, phase I. The senior center could be completed with phase II, or altogether independently, while sacrificing the economies of scale and introducing design and construction redundancies. On average, construction of the senior center as defined could be completed in 8 to 10 months. Depending on funding and decision-making, design time could equal 50% to 100% of construction time. A more aggressive schedule could be pursued at some further cost for design and construction. Southdale YNICA / Edina Senior Center - Facilities Study - Page l 1 Following are diagrammatic site and floor plans which illustrate a conceptual response to the senior center space program as defined in this study. Concept plans illustrate the senior center in the context of the completed Southdale YMCA master plan. The following Table 3 compares floor area illustrated in the concept plan with area defined in the space program. Table 3: Design vs. ProEram (* designates joint use space to be contributed by SDYMCA program) Use Code Net Assignable Area (Sq.Ft.) Program Design 1.0 Entrance / Reception Area 1.1 Vestibule * 64 1.2 Lobbv * 384 1.3 Reception Desk 135 108 1.4 Sales Area 60 81 1.5 Display 25 25 1.6 Coats 60 91 1.7 Toilets 400 390 1.8 Waiting 400 421 2.0 Staff Offices 2.1 Director 225 200 2.2 Office Assistant 120 118 2.3 Copy / Workroom 3.0 Large Gathering Room 3.1 Large Gathering Room 1,800 1,902 3.2 Storage 500 505 4.0 Card Room / Media Room 900 905 5.0 Classroom 1 6.0 Classroom 2 700 716 7.0 Classroom 3 480 496 8.0 Pool / Game Room 600 603 9.0 Kitchen / Commons / Library 9.1. Kitchen 9.2 Storage 100 100 9.3 Commons 250 250 9.4 Library 150 162 10.0 Maintenance / Custodial 25 50 Subtotal Assignable 6,930 7,571 Jouthdale Y NICA / Edina Senior Center - Facilities Study - Page 12 11 Non -Assignable Area 12.0 Mechanical / Electrical 13.0 Walls 14.0 Circulation 832 729 1,559 1,285 Subtotal Non -Assignable 2,391 2,014 Total Gross Building Area 9,321 9,585 Efficiency % (Net SF/Gross SF) 74% 79% SOulhdale YMCA/ Edina Senior Center - Facilities Study - Page 13 �MM m r Z C*Hb X Rt A X M N D Z m WALL A. is .ftSISrL�i�• O Z c m ...�f yv..w .. a a.,: v1..H• i.� 37 rd,�l MIMIN C v ,&F -F -F --FT-- �^d FM - fTT .� '.rcrm`=_ __-.u.all'.a...� -- ..u`. ..._ C;•�d .�..:.�..r_��._..aw._���.�... _.v _.. __. __ _.._.... .,. _. ... .. ..... - _' _ _sa Ji'i-.'1 .__... _. I.a er►i a • 0 qb e�• e. 0 m 41, e9 F P. ka EDINA PUBLIC SCHOOLS MEMORANDUM DATE: November 22, 1995 TO: Ken Dragseth FROM: Doug Johnson SUBJECT: Extended Lease for the Edina Senior Citizen Center As you are aware, the City of Edina has requested an extension of the lease for the Edina Senior Citizen Center. The Community Education Services Board Facility Committee has reviewed the current lease and recommends that we continue the lease for an additional period of five years. The identify the following components to be included in a new agreement: *Extend the current lease term from December 31, 2000 to December 31, 2005. *For use of the space the City of Edina will pay rent based on actual cost per square foot of operation of the Edina Community Center the previous year. Cost per square foot will be determined as follows: maintenance salaries maintenance supplies building repair equipment repair +utiliites total cost of building total cost of building/328,000 square feet = cost per square foot Using this formula for 1994-95, the cost per square foot would be equal to $2.45/sq. ft.. The total cost of Senior Citizen Center space (7,048 sq. ft.) would be $17,268. Before proceeding further with the City of Edina, the C.E.S.B. asked that you review these numbers and possibly share them with the Board of Education. I know that John Keprios is anxious to come to some agreement as soon as possible. Please feel free to contact me with questions or if you need more information. 1 I e® February 18, 1997 John Keprios Director, Edina Parks & Recreation 4801 W. 50th St. 5701 Edina, MN. 55424 NORMANDALE ROAD Dear John, EDINA Regarding the back ground on the request for an lease extension for the Edina Senior Citizens MINNESOTA Center, please note the attached memos. As you can see, the district has expressed a desire to 55424 maintain the Senior Center as part of the Edina Community Center. 612/928-2500 When discussions began about the park & recreation referendum, there were discussions about the possibility of constructing a free standing senior building. My understanding is that those discussions are still continuing. For this reason, no formal action has taken place to extend the FAX 612/928-2501 senior citizen lease beyond the year 2000. If the City wishes to extend the lease, I will proceed with our Board of Education. They are supportive of such an arrangement. Again, we are waiting for clear direction from the City. Please feel free to contact me should you wish to pursue a formal lease agreement. Also, please note that the terms and conditions stated in my November 22 memo to Ken Dragseth are flexible. Specifically the length of the lease and the amount can be modified to fit the needs of the program. For example, if the City wishes to have a longer term, I think the Board of Education and City Council could certainly come to that type of arrangement. The bottom line is that I am certain both of the elected groups will work to craft an acceptable agreement. I look forward to hearing from you regarding this matter. ---- `_Sincerely, o on of Comm Education Services & Facilities WE CARE V WE DARE V WE SHARE an equal opportunity employer 436 FOR ACTION INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 273 Regular Meeting, February 25, 1991 Volume 62, Report 279 SUBJECT: LEASE AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF EDINA (Recommended y the Community E ucation Services Board) Be it Resolved, That The Board of Education 1. Approve the lease of a portion of the Edina Community Center to the City of Edina for use as a senior citizens' center. 2. Authorize the Board Chair to sign the lease document. BACKGROUND INFORMATION The Edina Senior Citizens' Center, operated by the City of Edina, is currently leasing the west community room of the Edina Community Center. Since relocat- ing to the ECC in 1989, the senior program has continued to expand. They have outgrown their current facility. During the past year, several groups have worked together to create a proposal for an expanded senior citizens' space. The City is requesting to enter into an agreement with the School District that would provide the seniors additional space and a much better overall space arrangement. In exchange, the City will remodel and upgrade the space at their cost (approximately $115,000 not including their labor which will be donated) and approximately $50,000 in Community Development Block Grant dollars to be used to make one or two sets of ECC restrooms handicapped acces- sible. In addition, this new agreement will replace the existing one for the west community room space. As soon as the new space is remodeled, the senior center will vacate the west community room. In addition, the Board Room will be relocated to Room 250/252, the west community room or the east community room. The current market value of the proposed space is approximately $39,840/year (at $7.50/sq. ft.). The existing space is valued at $22,500/year. The Edina Park Board, Edina Community Education Services Board, and the Edina City Council have all approved the agreement. Demolition work will begin as soon as possible after approval by the Board of Education. on v C� y q U C � O b0 bA C C C � a� 4. 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