HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-08-12 Park Board Packet� iNA�t 9�1t o e7, C City of Edina EDINA PARK BOARD Tuesday, August 12, 1997 7:30 p.m. City Council Chambers (NOT THE MANAGER'S CONFERENCE ROOM) AGENDA * 1 . Approval of June 10, 1997, Park Board meeting Minutes. *2. Edina Aquatennial Swim Meet. *3. Fox Meadow Park Development. *4. 3.2% Beer Ordinance. 5. Park Referendum Update. 6. Other. *7. Adjournment. * These are agenda items that require or request Park Board action. City Hall (612) 927-8861 4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX (612) 927-7645 EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424-1394 TDD (612) 927-5461 Memo To: Edina Park Board. From: John Keprios, Directr 1i Edina Park and Recreati n Department Date: August 4, 1997 Re: AUGUST 12, 1997, PARK BOARD MEETING STAFF REPORT. Enclosed you should find the following items: 1. Tuesday, August 12, 1997, Park Board Agenda. 2. Tuesday, June 10, 1997, Park Board Minutes. 3. Letter from Robert E. McKlveen, M.D. 4. Letter from Cristofer A. Gears. 5. Attention Swimmers sign. 6. Fox Meadow Park letter and questionnaire. 7. Fox Meadow Park Opinion Responses. 8. Letter from Bob and Cynthia McGarvey. 9. Letter from Mr. and Mrs. McQuinn. STAFF REPORT The following is the monthly staff report concerning each item on the agenda with the exception of Approval of the Minutes and Other. "Other" is listed on the agenda in case last minute items come up between now and the Park Board meeting, plus, cover any other concerns of Park Board members and/or attendees. EDINA AQUATENNIAL SWIM MEET At the June 10, 1997, Park Board meeting, an Edina resident approached the Park Board concerning the Edina Aquatennial Swim Meet. As the June meeting minutes reflect, the question raised was regarding the appropriateness of closing the Edina Aquatic Center to the general public for an entire weekend in order to accommodate the Edina Aquatennial Swim Meet. After a brief discussion, the Park Board requested that the issue be placed on the September agenda. To provide some background on the issue, the Edina Aquatennial Swim Meet has been held annually at the Edina Aquatic Center since 1959. Through the years, there have been many complaints from the general public regarding the closing of the facility for the entire weekend, which has traditionally been the second weekend in July. In the past, one of the compromises was that the Edina Swim Club was required to end their Swim Meet around 5:00 p.m. each evening, at which time the facility became open to the public. Several years ago, that requirement had to be excused because the Meet began the use of state-of-the-art electronic timing devices that could not (and still cannot) feasibly be removed each evening. Therefore, the facility is totally closed to the public the entire weekend. The Edina Aquatennial Swim Meet has long been a very well run and prestigious event for competitive swimmers. The Edina Swim Club has prided the community by consistently running a very well organized meet every year. This particular Swim Meet is for Class A or better swimmers of all ages (essentially, the best competitive swimmers). There are 60-70 youth from the Edina Swim Club that participate in this annual Swim Meet. The Edina Swim Club has approximately 200 members of which 90% are Edina residents. The Edina Aquatic Center is one of only three outdoor 50 meter pools that continue to host a swim meet. Highlands Park in St. Paul and Valley View Pool in Bloomington are the only other Twin City area outdoor pools that continue to host swim meets. The Bloomington Swim Meet takes place the first weekend prior to opening the pool to the general public for the season. St. Louis Park eliminated their 50 meter outdoor pool when they renovated 1996-97. Richfield stills maintains a 50 meter outdoor pool, however, they no longer host a swim meet. By today's standards, the Edina Aquatic Center 50 meter pool is considered a poor quality competitive pool for the following reasons: 1. The pool has varying depths, which makes it a slower pool. 2. Side wall mounted water jets makes the pool a slower pool. 3. The side wall mounted water jets in conjunction with the diving well area create currents that cause some lanes to be up to 2 seconds slower than other lanes. 4. All electronic timing devices need to be rented and brought in and set up for each Swim Meet (labor intensive). 5. The main pool is maintained at approximately 84 degrees Fahrenheit, which is six (6) degrees warmer than the preferred temperature for swim meets. It is virtually impossible to quickly reduce the water temperature for the Swim Meet in time for their event and quickly raise it back to the preferred 84 degrees immediately after the event. The pool holds approximately 500,000 gallons of water, which takes a significant amount of time (3-5 days depending upon the weather) to alter the temperature. The best competitive pools today have water intake jets mounted on the bottom of the pool and the water depths are a consistent depth of seven or eight feet. The University of Minnesota has such a competitive pool. The Edina Swim Club is charged $1,200 per day ($3,600 total) for the use of the Edina Aquatic Center to host their Aquatennial Swim Meet. The loss in revenue for the Edina Aquatic Center for that weekend is estimated to be approximately $20,000 net loss. The general public, however, is mostly concerned with lack of access to the facility for three prime days during the middle of the summer season. In an attempt to establish compromises with the Edina Swim Club, Ed MacHolda and I met with Mr. John Witzel, President of the Edina Swim Club, on Wednesday, July 23, 1997. Ed and I suggested numerous alternatives and compromises that would help resolve the situation, such as: • Move the Swim Meet to an alternate weekend that is less attended by the general public, i.e. early or late in the season. • Shorten the Swim Meet to two days. • Make the facility available to the public at 5:00 p.m. each evening. • Move entire Swim Meet to another location, such as, the University of Minnesota Aquatic Center. • Open wading pool to the general public during Aquatennial Swim Meet. After lengthy discussions, it was agreed that the wading pool cannot feasibly be made available to the general public during the Aquatennial Swim Meet. An August Swim Meet is not an option because the State Meet takes place at that time, which means that all earlier qualifying meets must be complete by mid-July. Opening the facility to the public at 5:00 p.m. is not an option because of the extensive take down and set up of the electronic timing equipment. Mr. Witzel believes that shortening the meet to two days would significantly diminish the event and would not be acceptable. As a result, staff would suggest one of the following options: 1 . Leave the event at the Edina Aquatic Center during the second weekend in July. 2. Offer the Edina Swim Club the first or second weekend of the season (late May or early June), as opposed to the second weekend in July. 3. No longer offer any Edina Aquatic Center time to the Edina Swim Club to host a Swim Meet. 4. Offer the Edina Swim Club the facility once every three or four years. The Edina Swim Club does have an opportunity to host this Swim Meet at the University of Minnesota Aquatic Center July 10-12, 1998. In fact, they have a verbal agreement with the University of Minnesota that guarantees their access to the facility, however, the University of Minnesota demands that the Edina Swim Club must make a commitment by no later than mid-September. If the Edina Swim Club does not make a commitment by that time, then the facility will be secured for a U. of M. hosted National Diving Meet. According to U. of M. Aquatic Center Manger, Duane Proell, the rental charge to the Edina Swim Club would be $2,500 per day plus any additional expenses incurred for lifeguards, custodians and a mandatory technician at $10 per hour. The two main advantages of the University of Minnesota Aquatic Center are: 1 . State-of-the-art timing devices are already in place, which eliminates the laborious task of setting up rented electronic equipment. 2. The U. of M. pool is an excellent pool for competitive swimming. The main reasons why the Edina Swim Club still prefer the Edina Aquatic Center to host their Meet are (in no particular order of priority): 1 . The City of Edina charges much less to rent the facility (becomes a better fund- raiser event for the Edina Swim Club). 2. Hosting the Meet in Edina gives the community of Edina more recognition and fosters community spirit for Edina participants. For many years, the Edina Aquatic Center has had a reciprocal agreement with the Richfield Municipal Pool. Edina Aquatic Center season ticket holders were allowed access at no additional charge to the Richfield Municipal Pool during the Edina Aquatennial Swim Meet. In return, the same offer was extended to Richfield Pool season ticket holders during the Richfield Swim Meet. Unfortunately, Richfield no longer allows swim meets at their facility. Their local Swim Club has been forced to host their meets elsewhere. Therefore, we no longer have a reciprocal agreement with the Richfield Municipal Pool. I tried to work out a paid arrangement with the St. Louis Park Aquatic Center to allow us to send (and pay for) Edina patrons to their facility during the Aquatennial Swim Meet. As you will note in Cris Gear's letter to me, their Aquatic Park is operating at capacity and therefore is not an option to Edina patrons. Mr. John Witzel, Edina Swim Club President, stated that he would contact all interested parties on the Swim Club side of the issue. Staff has informed the general public of this issue by posting seven notices at the Edina Aquatic Center (copy of the notice is enclosed). It did not seem prudent to mail notices to 2,500 season ticket holders, therefore, the seven strategically placed notices have been posted since July 26, 1997. There will likely be many people in the audience at the August 12 Park Board meeting who wish to share their views. As you can see, staff has tried to work closely with the Edina Swim Club to resolve the issue through some type of compromise. None of the suggested alternatives seem to be viable for the Edina Swim Club at this time. I believe very strongly that some form of compromise should be considered, however, we have been unable to find any compromise that is acceptable to the Edina Swim Club at this time. I also feel strongly that we need to somehow find a way to support the Edina Swim Club and yet make reasonable accommodations for the general public. Given all the circumstances, this appears to be a very difficult task. Therefore, staff recommends that the Edina Park Board hear the concerns from all interested parties and then make a recommendation based on the facts. Park Board action is requested on this issue. FOX MEADOW PARK DEVELOPMENT As mentioned at the June Park Board meeting, the Nisi and Beaupre families took it upon themselves to survey their neighbors as to whether or not they would be in favor of developing Fox Meadow Park in the future. A copy of their cover letter and response card is enclosed for your review. They mailed 80 surveys to households shown on the enclosed map. 45 responded to their survey. 72% responded favorably to future development, 12% not sure and 16% no. Also enclosed are letters sent to me by residents who are concerned about this issue. I explained to the Nisi's and Beaupre's that the process to pursue development of this parcel of land would be to first get a petition or survey from the neighborhood that clearly shows a strong interest and support to design and develop the property. If the results show the majority in favor of development, then the issue will be brought to the Edina Park Board for further action. I also explained that there are currently no funds available to fully develop this land, however, if the City Council approves a recommendation from the Park Board to develop the park, a plan could be established and construction could be done in phases as funding becomes available. I have also been telling concerned residents that, if the Park Board chooses to pursue development of this site, staff will notify approximately 200 of the homes in the immediate neighborhood to invite their input in a public meeting after a concept plan is established. Residents have also been informed that ultimately the City Council makes the final decisions with regards to development and appropriations of funds. For background information, Fox Meadow Park is a 3.84 acre parcel of undeveloped land located in the northwest quadrant of Edina at Blake Road and Fox Meadow Lane. Fox Meadow Park is classified as one of Edina's 11 Neighborhood Parks, which by definition: "is designed to serve primarily the needs of children six to fourteen years of age. Tennis courts, softball diamonds, basketball and ice skating facilities are commonly provided in neighborhood parks. Neighborhood parks range in size from approximately two acres to twenty acres and has a service area of 1 square mile." The above definition is taken from the Jupiter Report, which served as Edina's ten year comprehensive park plan. The land was acquired by the City for the purpose of some day becoming a neighborhood park. Approximately 25 years ago, the City proposed to develop the site and the neighbors at the time were not in favor of development and therefore was put on hold until the majority of the neighborhood felt otherwise. It appears as though the time has come that the majority of the neighborhood would like some neighborhood park amenities placed at this site. As with many other proposed park development projects, residents who live immediately adjacent to the land object to any development for a number of reasons, many of which are similar to the Lake Edina Park scenario. Those whose property abuts the park land would prefer the property to either be left in a natural state or developed into a more attractive natural site (i.e. flower gardens, trees and shrubs) that would be a beautiful extension of their yards. In any event, these residents simply do not want the land developed to where it will attract more people to use the site. None the less, it appears as though the majority opinion of the neighborhood has changed to where the majority would prefer the development of this site into a neighborhood park. I would ask that the Park Board listen to the comments from those in attendance and then request staff to do one or more of the following: 1 . Hire an architect to develop a concept plan for Fox Meadow Park. 2. Conduct a City administered survey of a larger sample of the Fox Meadow Park neighborhood with regards to development. 3. Form a small neighborhood task force committee to provide input into a concept plan. 4. Not consider development. My first choice and current recommendation would be to request staff to hire and architect to begin a concept plan for the site. After the concept plan is established, staff would bring it to the Park Board for review and revisions. Once approved by the Park Board, I would suggest a mailing to 200 neighborhood homes to inform them of a public meeting on the proposed concept plan. If there continues to be strong resistance by this point in time, then the proposed concept plan should be carried on to the City Council for approval or rejection. Assuming that development is approved, I would then ask a few neighbors to provide input regarding playground equipment choices (colors, styles, play value etc.) and other minor details that would give the neighborhood a sense of involvement and ownership. It is worthy of repeating that there currently are not adequate funds available to develop Fox Meadow Park, however, the park could be developed in phases each year through the Developer's Fund. The number of years to fully complete the development would be dependent upon the scope of the development plan and the availability of funds from year to year. For the third year in a row, there will again be no capital plan dollars budgeted for the coming fiscal year, 1998. Park Board action is requested on this issue. 3.2% BEER ORDINANCE Park Board Chairman, Andrew Montgomery, has asked that this issue be brought to the Park Board for consideration. The current ordinance does not allow anyone to serve or consume strong beer at any of our park sites. The ordinance does however allow the City to sell wine and non -intoxicating malt liquor (3.2% beer) but may not serve, sell or allow anyone to consume strong beer. We currently sell 3.2% beer at the Golf Course and Golf Dome. We are also allowed by ordinance to have groups provide (but not sell) wine and 3.2% beer at Edinborough Park, Centennial Lakes Park, Arneson Acres Park (terrace room only), Van Valkenburg Park and Braemar Golf Course. As it's written today, the ordinance does not allow anyone to consume strong beer at any park site. Mr. Montgomery is suggesting that the consumption part of the ordinance be revised to allow for consumption of strong beer at the park sites that currently allow consumption of 3.2% beer. This would not allow the City to sell strong beer, however, this would allow wedding receptions and other social event rentals to provide their guests with strong beer. The actual difference between strong beer and 3.2% beer is very minimal. Strong beer typically has an alcohol content between 3.4% and 4%, whereas, wine is slightly higher in alcohol content than strong beer. Tom Shirley, Edinborough/Centennial Lakes Park Manager, Ann Kattreh, Edinborough/Centennial Lakes Park Assistant Manager and John Valliere, Braemar Golf Course Manger all support this recommendation and do not anticipate any new problems to arise from this change. Park Board action is requested on this issue. PARK REFERENDUM UPDATE Since the last Park Board meeting, the City Council approved the award of bids to regrade Courtney Fields (#1, #2 and #3 only - not field #4), as well as, replace the fencing, irrigation and dugouts. There was not adequate funding to regrade field #4. At this time, there is no plan or funding available to provide new scoreboards. The City Council also awarded bids to redevelop Pamela Park softball fields, which includes new backstops, safety fencing, irrigation and player benches. Construction on these ball fields is well under way. As you already know, the Lake Cornelia Park Grand Opening has been postponed due to the heavy rains, which has caused significant delays in many park construction projects. The Grand Opening Celebrations may have to wait until next year. Bids for the three shelter buildings (Cornelia School Park, Todd Park and Weber Park) and the three comfort stations (Garden Park, Lake Cornelia Park and Wooddale Park) will be opened on Tuesday, August 12, 1997, at 2:00 p.m. I will give a verbal report to the Park Board on the bid opening results, as well as, other Park Referendum project updates. OTHER Van Valkenburg Park - The architect firm of Brauer and Associates has completed the initial concept drawing for development of Van Valkenburg Park (the small remaining parcel of land on top of the hill behind field #3). 1 will present this initial drawing to the Park Board for your review. EDINA PARK BOARD 7:30 P.M. JUNE 10, 1997 MEMBERS PRESENT: Beth Hall, Andy Herring, John Dovolis, Bill Jenkins, Phyllis Kohler, Andrew Montgomery, Jean Rydell, Becky Bennett, Jim Fee MEMBERS ABSENT: Dave Crowther, Michael Burley STAFF PRESENT: John Keprios, Ed MacHolda, Janet Canton, Susan Weigle, Ken Rosland OTHERS PRESENT: Miriam, Hartung, Catherine Mulhalland, Wendy Groth Meifert, Ray Meifert, Jane Michael, Harold and Lila Larson, Kay Bach, Carol Kaiser -Milan, Pam Cabalka, Mary Jackson, Fritz Corrigan, Joyce Hirabayashi, Kate Schneider, Terry Schneider, Martin Hirabayashi APPROVAL OF THE MAY 13, 1997 PARK BOARD MINUTES John Dovolis MOVED TO APPROVE THE MAY 13, 1997 PARK BOARD MINUTES. Jean Rydell SECONDED THE MOTION. MINUTES APPROVED. II. SENIOR CITIZEN PROPOSAL Mr. Keprios indicated that his staff report answers a lot of the questions raised at last month's Park Board meeting. He stated that Mr. Rosland will present a broader perspective on the proposal. Mr. Fee asked Mr. Keprios if he is of the opinion that in the foreseeable future this is the best alternative for the seniors from both a location standpoint and a cost standpoint. Mr. Keprios replied this is the best deal with the dollars available that staff could come up without having to go through another referendum. Mr. Rosland explained that a year ago the City Council made a conscious decision to not include the senior center in the bond referendum but asked staff to look at some alternatives of what might be available. He indicated that staff looked at having a free standing building as well as the YMCA proposal. Mr. Rosland pointed out the reason they feel the YMCA proposal 2 is the best alternative at this time is because first of all they are looking strictly at a capital improvement there. The cost would be approximately $1,500,000, which obviously is not cheap but will cost us approximately $135,000 a year. Mr. Rosland indicated that capital is one thing and operating costs are another. He pointed out that the state has put levy limits on the city for this year and next year and we do not know if they will continue this because who knows what the state legislature will do. This is why we are looking for opportunities to take away the operating costs. If we try to build a free standing building obviously the capital costs would be about the same, however, to operate it, we would be looking at a lot of operating costs. Mr. Jenkins asked about funding the operating side. Mr. Rosland indicated that is the problem, assuming we build a 1.5 million dollar Senior Center and we have to operate it, we could put it in the enterprise system, however, that system is finally tuned. He stated that he could not find another $100,000 to operate it, heat it, light it maintain it, and clean it because he doesn't know where he would get that money. He has to stretch the system right now to get the $135,000. Mr. Rosland indicated that the city will still be budgeting and running the programming that we presently do. Mr. Rosland indicated that he has heard concerns that what will happen if this joint effort doesn't work out. He noted that he personally thinks that the seniors can win through this combination. He noted that if this is approved by the Park Board and the City Council then the city attorneys will be given the okay to start working out the legal ramifications. Mr. Rosland pointed out that people have asked is there a panic to do this and he has answered no, however, the seniors want to see us move forward, because they struggle with the current facility being located on the third floor as well as the shortage of parking spaces. Mr. Rosland informed the Park Board that last week the school district contacted him about the possibility of having a combination with the school and the senior center. Mr. Rosland stated that he wouldn't have a problem working with either the school district or the YMCA. However, the YMCA maybe has a little more cross opportunities for our seniors than the school district does. Mr. Jenkins stated that he would like to hear more about the school district's idea. Mr. Rosland explained the school district called him last week and asked if it's too late to look a possible joint venture. He stated that he told the school district that if it's for the good of the city and for the good of the seniors, then nothing is too late. However, it does throw a curve at the whole works but if it's wise and prudent then we certainly 9 should explore it. Mr. Rosland pointed out, however, that he doesn't think it would be right and fair to hold up the process for a long period of time. Mr. Jenkins asked why is the school district interested in doing this. Mr. Rosland responded because all of a sudden they see there is 1 '/2 million dollars out there. Ms. Kohler noted that she thinks this would be good for the seniors and it would be good for the taxpayers. Ms. Kohler pointed out that putting the Edina Senior Center in the Richfield School District may be hard for programming. Mr. Herring indicated that from his days on the Community Education Board space is a real issue. Mr. Jenkins asked what time would the school be able to use the senior center and it was noted they probably would use it at night if it wasn't being used by the seniors. Mr. Herring noted he would think there would be a cooperative effort on programming similar to what we are doing with ballfields. Mr. Rosland stated that he thinks the situation would have to be similar to that of the YMCA in that it is a separate building operating from approximately 8:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. dedicated to seniors with dedicated parking of a reasonable amount. Mr. Rosland commented that if the current senior center had more parking and was located on the first floor it would be a fine center. Mr. Jenkins pointed out that he feels the YMCA is a better location geographically. Mr. Jenkins commented that the enterprise angle is the way to go. Mr. Rosland responded that it's the only alternative they have to make this work. Mr. Dovolis indicated that we need to do the best possible thing and therefore this should be tabled until we find out more on what's going on with the school district. Mr. Fee asked if a motion needs to be made in order to recommend to proceed to look at both options. Mr. Rosland replied that he will take it to the City Council on Monday because he wants them to start thinking about it. He will bring to the City Council the fact that the school district has approached us. He will ask the City Council for approval to move ahead with the school district for a couple of weeks to explore further the options of the school district and see if it can be a reality. However, if the school district falls away for whatever reason he would then go back to the City Council and ask for some action one way or another. He would then ask Mr. Keprios to bring it back to the Park Board for some action one way or the other. He indicated that he doesn't want this to drag on and would like to see a plan by late summer or early fall. Mr. Dovolis stated that he feels we owe it to the seniors as well as ourselves to look at any options that become available. Mr. Herring stated that he has some issues about spending 1.5 million dollars to build a senior center, particularly now in the wake of the bond II referendum. He indicated that we currently run a program that basically has no costs at the existing facility versus spending $135,000 annually. He noted he is getting mixed reports as to the use of the existing facility and the need for additional parking, and doesn't know what the situation is there. However, he does recognize that it's not the ideal situation because they are on the third floor and they are in an old converted school building, but we save $135,000 a year. Mr. Herring indicated that the issue for him is that he's not sure he wants to go ahead and spend that money. He doesn't see that action has to be taken in the next three weeks. He noted that he doesn't know why we can't continue to pursue other alternatives because we have a lot on our plate right now with the referendum work we are doing. Mr. Rosland indicated that is a fair comment and noted that the City Council instructed him to get going on this issue. He pointed out that the City Council may say sit on this for six months, he doesn't know what they will say but he has to bring to them the best alternative. Mr. Herring stated that his point is he wants the City Council to know there is at least one person on the Park Board who does not see any immediate urgency to get this done in the next few months. He noted he can see spending six months trying to determine what is the best solution. Mr. Herring also noted that he is still uncomfortable with doing a joint venture with the YMCA because we have never worked with them. However, we have a very good track record in working with the school district. Therefore, if the school district is interested then that is something that we really should pursue. He also stated that he is uncomfortable with the legal issues with respect to the real property. Mr. Rosland replied they will not incur any legal feels until they are given the okay by the City Council. Mr. Rosland stated that the hopeful result is we will serve our seniors and whether it's two weeks, three months, or six months it is our goal to find a better way to serve our seniors. Mr. Montgomery asked Mr. Rosland if there is any type of vehicle he can see where two or three Park Board members could have a more active role in understanding the senior center issue so we are not just discussing this at the Park Board meeting. Mr. Rosland replied that he doesn't know what the City Council will instruct him to do but that certainly may be a possibility to get a small group together of Park Board members and seniors. He indicated that the Park Board could certainly make that recommendation to the City Council. A senior resident asked if the YMCA has a time frame in their minds as to when they expect to receive an answer from the city. Mr. Rosland replied no and commented that if anyone is pushing this through it would be the city. As a matter of fact, the YMCA would rather see us slow down a little bit because they are looking at construction of a second pool , etc. Mr. R Rosland stated that it is important to keep this issue going so that eventually we will get some action. John Dovolis MOVED THAT THE PARK BOARD TABLE THE ACTION OF THE SENIOR CITIZEN PROPOSAL AT THE YMCA IN ORDER TO TAKE SOME TIME TO STUDY THE SCHOOL DISTRICTS PROPOSAL. Bill Jenkins SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. III. WALNUT RIDGE MASTER PLAN Mr. Keprios indicated that staff was asked to put the Walnut Ridge Park master plan back on the agenda for the June meeting. He noted there were some very viable and realistic concerns brought up at the May Park Board meeting. He stated he has conveyed in his staff report everything from the size of the park shelter building to the possible relocation of the hockey rink, to the potential future of a basketball court as well as a hard surface court within the hockey rink. Mr. Keprios pointed out that several residents of the Walnut Ridge neighborhood recently met and they wish to share their concerns with the Park Board. Fritz Corrigan, resident, indicated that he backs up to Walnut Ridge Park and he along with five other families who live in the houses along Biscayne Blvd. did meet this past Saturday. He noted they came up with three key important points. First, if the flooding of the hockey rink continues on the same schedule as per the correspondence with the Arnolds, then the neighborhood would like to see the hockey rink stay where it's at. He indicated that the neighborhood feels it's not good use of taxpayer funds, it's expensive to move the rink and it doesn't serve much purpose. Secondly, the neighborhood feels that the size of the shelter is too big. The neighborhood feels that the shelter building should stay where it is but could be made a little bit bigger than it currently is and should contain restrooms and a public phone. Thirdly, because of the flooding the pathway tends to get slick in certain areas. Therefore, possibly the path could be redesigned to keep it a safe place to walk in the winter time for people who are not skating. The neighborhood felt that these items could be engineered and managed and done at quite a bit less cost. A resident clarified that Mr. Keprios mentioned the neighborhood met on Saturday and she noted that she thinks they need to clarify what is being called a neighborhood. She stated that a group of four or five households met to discuss Walnut Ridge Park. A resident asked what is the status of putting asphalt on the hockey rink so the neighborhood can roller blade on it. Ray Meifert, resident, stated that his concern on park surfacing is that path was resurfaced two to three years E ago and it is already back in a state of disrepair. He pointed out that his concern is if you put a hard surface out there how often are we going to be resurfacing it. That is the taxpayers money. Mr. Keprios explained that Mr. Meifert is correct in that Walnut Ridge, by far, has the worst soils. He indicated that they have been tested and they would have to remove 18 ft. of fill to have a solid foundation which would cost a lot of money. Therefore, it is very difficult to maintain asphalt surfaces in Walnut Ridge Park. A resident noted that she and her husband both concur with what Mr. Corrigan stated as far as the location of the hockey rink, they agree that it's a waste of the taxpayers money to move it at this point. Secondly, they also agree that the building doesn't have to be that large but definitely does need to have restrooms and a public phone. This resident also pointed out that the park needs to keep it's open green space. The last thing the resident commented on was resurfacing the walk because there is hardly a day that she doesn't walk down there with her child and her child trips and falls over the holes. Terry Schneider, resident, commented that he also concurs with the points made, the hockey rink needs to stay where it's at and also there needs to be other ice rinks for figure skaters. Also, the area needs to be lit. The shelter does not have to be that large but does need a restroom and a public phone. Mr. Montgomery asked if there is anything different anyone would like to say because they have heard the same story from each of the five families. Richard Student, resident, indicated that he just moved into the neighborhood in April. He noted that he is bringing a little different perspective to the discussion and commented that last week was the first he had heard of this issue at Walnut Ridge Park. He explained that one of the reasons they bought their house is because of the park, they used Walnut Ridge the past two years when they were renting a house on Bonnie Brae and there were always a whole bunch of kids using the park. Mr. Student indicated that a park should be a park, he doesn't think the park should be a piece of ground for a handful of neighbors to not be bothered by the activities on the park. However, by the same token their concerns need to be addressed in terms of how the park is utilized and what kind of activities go on at the park. He pointed out that he thinks that park should be for kids. He also commented that the warming house is clearly too small as it is and it definitely needs a restroom and a public phone. Mr. Student commented that he is not completely up to speed on the ice controversy but noted he has three young men who love to get up early in 7 the morning and skate between 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m.. He stated you can't do that if you are flooding the rink at 7:00 a.m. or 8:00 a.m. Also, if you flood the rink at 7:00 a.m. or 8:00 a.m. by the time the kids are out of school at 2:00 p.m. or 2:30 p.m. many times the ice isn't set yet. By the same token, he doesn't think you can be waking up everyone and that's what happens at 3:00 a.m. The key is getting the base going early in the season and a lot of times there will be hot and cold spells during the season. Therefore, you need to periodically go out and flood at 3:00 a.m. Mr. Student commented that as far as asphalt goes he wasn't aware of the soil problems and doesn't know what the costs involved are but noted that it would be great for the kids. A resident pointed out that the personality of the park will be changed dramatically by putting in basketball courts among these other things. There is going to be a lot more traffic coming out of there and that should be taken into consideration because the people who are going to be playing basketball aren't all just going to be walking they are going to be driving. A resident noted that she would like to see the rink maintained better so that she doesn't have to drive her kids to a different park. Mr. Montgomery replied that Mr. Keprios and Mr. Student have made a good point of what needs to be done to make better ice and that is to be out there early to establish that first sheet of ice. A resident noted that he thinks the rink should be moved down further so the neighbors will not hear the noise. Also, he thinks a big structure does need to built. This is not a park for a select few but it is for a whole neighborhood that encompasses a lot of kids and we need to maintain it properly to so they can enjoy it. Chairman Montgomery asked Mr. Keprios to give the Park Board some direction. Mr. Keprios commented that the Park Board is in a no win situation in a way. He stated that we have money in both the capital plan and the developer's fund that we can earmark for this park. It is not something where we have to make a snap decision tonight. He noted that he thinks it's clear that we don't have and probably never will have a consensus amongst what he considers the whole neighborhood. Mr. Keprios pointed out that Walnut Ridge gets the number one most preferential treatment on maintenance that we can possibly give it. Mr. Keprios explained that they can build a good base early in the season and once they get that and if it snows after the fact, like in mid-January, it takes a longer period of time to do the whole process. Therefore, with Walnut Ridge being the last rink done it's not always going to be the best rink, you can't expect it to have the best ice and the best service as far as starting the absolute latest. He stated that they will continue to do their part and make good on their commitment to get in there no earlier than 7:00 a.m. once the base has been established. Mr. Keprios indicated that his recommendation at this point is to not build a large shelter building but to look at some other options. Also, a larger segment of the community needs to be involved. We need to start all over and we need to sit down with a segment of the population that includes not just those who live next to the park but those who live two, three and four blocks away. We need to come up with a design that we think is the best compromise. In the meantime, he would agree to not relocate the hockey rink. Also, they will live with the commitment as far as the maintenance schedule. Mr. Keprios pointed out that if we don't get these things built during the referendum period then we will keep whatever funds are available in the Developer's Fund to finance a smaller shelter building with restrooms in the near future. John Dovolis MOVED TO REMOVE WALNUT RIDGE SHELTER BUILDING FROM THE BID PROCESS AND START OVER AGAIN WITH REGARDS TO THE SHELTER BUILDING. Mr. Montgomery asked if the tot lot is still going in and Mr. Keprios noted that the tot lot has already been awarded by contract and will hopefully be in the ground and completed by July 31" Also, they will re -pave the path as soon as they can. Jean Rydell SECONDED THE MOTION. Mr. Keprios stated that it is important to remember that we have no capital plan and he doesn't see one coming for the 1998 season. However, one thing that does change is the developer's fund. We are borrowing over $200,000 from it for the aquatic center which will hopefully be paid back when revenues are generated. Also, there's a good chunk of that which has been committed to build a media lab at the Art Center that will not be paid back to the developer's fund. We have to have the referendum money spent no later than August 1, 1998 and there is a possibility that we could still yet figure something out for Walnut Ridge before then. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. IV. PARK REFERENDUM UPDATE Mr. Keprios indicated that he has listed in the staff report where we are at with all of the projects. He stated that there have been some very minor adjustments. Mr. Keprios noted that since the Walnut Ridge Shelter building 9 was just cut out for $200,000, we are probably at a break even point assuming we do everything and assuming all goes well. Mr. Dovolis asked Mr. Keprios if he thinks we are making all of the shelter buildings too big. Mr. Keprios replied absolutely not, they did some site visits and the committee does not feel they are too large. They are going to be there to serve multiple needs of the community. Ms. Rydell commented that she thinks in the future we will find that these buildings are going to become community buildings and will not just be used in the winter but will be used all year round. Mr. Keprios noted that was the exact reason for building these buildings this way. He stated that we receive a tremendous amount of use at Arneson Acres and there is a lot of demand for this type of facility. V. OTHER A. Aquatic Center - Carol Kaiser -Milan, resident, asked if the Aquatennial Celebration is something that is required because it was instituted long, long, ago. She asked if there is any way that it can be removed from the calendar. She indicated that tons of people always show up on that weekend just to find out that it is closed for the entire weekend. She asked if more people benefit from the closure of this facility for an entire weekend in what is already a very abbreviated summer for people living in this climate. Ms. Kaiser -Milan also pointed out that all of the other cities have gotten rid of this event. Mr. MacHolda stated that he is very happy that Ms. Kaiser -Milan has come forward to address this issue. He indicated that he has worked for the City of Edina for 12 years and this has always been an issue with the residents. Mr. MacHolda explained that he thinks since the pool has been renovated twice in the last seven years the facility has become very, very popular. It's a family recreation center and the numbers have doubled in attendance. Mr. MacHolda noted that the residents for a long time have been very disappointed that the pool has been shut down for three days for a swim meet. He stated that the Aquatennial Swim Meet has been going on as long as the pool has been open which was in 1958. However, right now Edina is one of two pools that still have this event. It was asked who uses the pool for this swim meet and Mr. MacHolda replied that it is a fund-raiser for the Edina Swim Club. Mr. MacHolda explained that what he thinks really irritates the residents is that it occurs on a prime weekend in July, the one month where the weather is consistent. If it were the end of August or the first weekend in June he doesn't think it would be as big of a deal. Mr. MacHolda indicated that the money he gets in terms of rent, it would be cheaper for him to make a $3,000 donation to the Swim Club and have them go somewhere else. On a nice weekend he can net between $20,000 10 to $30,000. Mr. MacHolda indicated that since we have revised the facility it is more for daily use and not for swim meets. Mr. Keprios asked the Chairman if he would like for this issue to be put on the August agenda. He noted that he will ask the Swim Club to attend so the Park Board can receive more information about the event. Mr. MacHolda stated that this also needs to be communicated to the pool patrons so they have a chance to voice their opinions. Mr. Montgomery indicated that it sounds like an alternative weekend might be the answer. Ms. Kaiser -Milan pointed out that the attendance at the pool really drops off the last couple of weeks in August and that would probably be much more realistic. Mr. Dovolis asked if the pool issue could be on the September Park Board agenda because a lot of people are on vacation in August. Mr. MacHolda indicated that would be fine with him. He just wants to make sure that the general public gets a chance to come in and voice their opinion. B. Lewis Park - Mr. Herring indicated that hard surface area in hockey rink tends to collect debris when the wind blows and worries about the liability with the kids who are skating there. Mr. Keprios stated that the maintenance staff should be sweeping that area but may be behind with all of the referendum work that has been going on. He noted that he will look into it. C. Grand Openings - Mr. Keprios informed the Park Board there a couple of grand openings currently being planned. The first one is for the pool which will take place right after the Fourth of July Parade that takes place in morning. Mr. MacHolda is scheduling a terrific grand opening for the pool to celebrate the bathhouse, wading pool, etc. The second grand opening will be for the Lake Cornelia Playground equipment. It will be held in conjunction with the annual playground family jamboree event which will be held on Thursday, July 24th. This will also give us a chance to recognize the Edina Federated Women's Club for all of their contributions to this park. D. Gun Range - Mr. Keprios indicated that the gun range will be closed permanently as of Saturday, June 28th. He explained that they've had to create a storm water retention pond due to all of the construction of the third ice rink and in order to do that it wipes out the trap range and in order to do that we've got to mitigate all of the lead in the area. Therefore, once that is done we have to shut down the indoor range because we vent all of the lead dust to the outside, which also needs to be cleaned and no longer contaminated. Mr. Dovolis asked about the memorial to Dr. Wippermann's son whom it was named after. Mr. Keprios indicated that he has kept Dr. 11 Wippermann up-to-date on what has been happening. He stated that if a multi-million dollar police and fire training facility is built there will be a Firearms Safety Training classroom named after Brian Wippermann where the firearm safety classes would be held. E. Fox Meadow Park Area - Mr. Keprios informed the Park Board that some concerned neighbors from the Fox Meadow Park area have circulated a questionnaire and visited with him last week. He indicated that an overwhelming majority definitely want that park developed in some way, shape or form. He stated that he will have the results ready to present at the August Park Board meeting and noted that the biggest challenge is going to be the availability of dollars. F. Van Valkenburg Park - Mr. Keprios pointed out that quite awhile ago a commitment was made to the Van Valkenburg Park neighborhood to get it developed and they have now come forward wanting their park to get developed. He stated that it's a very small park and will not cost a lot of money, they basically are looking at some playground equipment, a pathway and bench. G. Braemar Baseball Facility - Mr. Montgomery asked if the Braemar Baseball facility is on schedule for July 22"d. Mr. Keprios replied that the bid opening will be this coming Thursday and the trucks are supposed to be out there on July 22. H. Girls Softball Program - Mr. Keprios pointed out that staff is being accused of gender inequity by adults involved in the Edina girls softball program, which is very disappointing. He stated they are very angry because they feel they haven't been given the same attention that the Baseball Association is getting at Braemar. However, he noted that the three fields at Pamela Park are being redeveloped, which is part of the bid opening on Thursday. Mr. Keprios commented that once Pamela Park is all done he hopes they will feel differently. Also, he is going to invite them to come in and talk with him and see what they can work out. I. Lake Cornelia Park Vandalism - Ms. Hall asked about the vandalism at Lake Cornelia Park. Mr. MacHolda explained that three windows and screens on the bathhouse were broken, a trailer window was broken and over the weekend there was profanity graffiti written on the bottom of the pool. Mr. MacHolda indicated that he just spent $20,000 to paint the pool. He noted that they tried to get the graffiti off but were unable to do so and if they repaint it will push back the opening day seven more days because they need to apply epoxy. Therefore, they tried to put some paint on it but noted he has a feeling it will come right off because there was no epoxy applied. At the end of the season they will paint it. Also, some bikes and 12 skate boarders have left some skid marks on the new floor which is very disappointing. Mr. Jenkins asked how the bikes got in there and Mr. MacHolda replied they didn't have a fence for a long time. Mr. MacHolda indicated that they have caught kids in the pool and called the police, the police come and it's a catch and release. They take their name and number and they let them go and they are right back the next day, it's a disappointing deal. J. Mike Damman - Mr. Keprios informed the Park Board that Mike Damman, Recreation Intern, has graduated. He indicated that Mr. Damman has been very helpful to him and has been working on and is going to continue to follow-up on some projects. He noted that one includes a fishing dock at Lake Cornelia, he has been working with the DNR and they are hoping it will be completed next spring. VI. ADJOURNMENT Jean Rydell MOVED TO ADJOURN THE PARK BOARD MEETING AT 9:20 P.M.. Beth Hall SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Robert E. McKlveen, M.D. 5261 Lochloy Drive Edina, Minnesota 55436-2023 July 21, 1997 Mr. John Keprios Department of Parks and Recreation City of Edina 4801 W. 50th St. Edina, MN 55424 Dear Mr. Keprios: I am writing to follow up on our conversation of earlier today. Thanks for getting back to me so promptly. As you recall, my comments and questions pertain to two areas, the aquatics center and the neighborhood playgrounds. First, I offer my congratulations on a beautiful, functional new bathhouse and kiddie pool at the aquatics center. The old building was due for replacement, and you have done a fine job with it. The new kids' pool is fun for a wide range of ages and is thoughtfully designed and executed. The construction delays were unfortunate, but the wait was worth it! My only concern regarding the aquatics center is with the closure of the pool for the entire weekend for the Edina Swim Club's Aquatennial Swim Meet. Warm sunny weekends are rare enough here in Minnesota, and I do not think that it serves the citizens of Edina well to devote the pool exclusively to what is essentially a private party for an entire summer weekend. My children and I were very disappointed to make the trek to the pool last Sunday, only to find that we could not swim. If the City is committed to providing the facilities for this meet, could I suggest offering the pool to the Club during the mornings and/or evenings during the week instead of during weekend prime time? The other issue of concern to me is regarding the playground reconstruction. We moved into the Highlands neighborhood last winter, and my 4 and 6 year olds were very excited to see Highlands Park playground two blocks from our home. When the playground was demolished this Spring, we were all excited to see what would take its place. Unfortunately, nothing has taken its place but two rings of concrete and mud. While I understand the difficulties that the weather has brought upon this project, I would still ask you to review the scheduling of the whole program. Rather than demolishing all of the neighborhood playgrounds and then rebuilding them one at a time, would it have been possible to delay the demolition of each specific park until the crews were ready to build something? Such an approach may have cost more, but it would not have left the City without any playgrounds for the precious months of summer. I do hope that the City is planning on imposing some late -completion penalty on the contractor for the playgrounds project. As you told me, there was an August 1 deadline for the entire project. Even giving two days' credit for each one day of rain this summer, the project will not be completed within the deadline. Someone (the contractor) should face some consequences for a summer without playgrounds. Someone, that is, other than the children. Perhaps these considerations could be applied to the upcoming refurbishment/ reconstruction of winter facilities, keeping an eye on minimizing the "down time" of each facility. We are proud of our City's parks and recreational facilities. They enhance our lives here in many ways. Thank you for your efforts to keep them in excellent condition. Sincerely, Robert E. McKlveen CITY OF ST. LOUIS PARK July 30, 1997 John Keprios, Director Edina Parks and Recreation Dept. 4801 W. 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Dear John, You recently asked if our new Aquatic Park could accommodate Edina's season pass - holders for a three-day weekend while the facility hosts a competitive swimming event. have discussed this matter with my staff, and although we would like to help out if at all possible, we cannot guarantee access to the Rec Center Aquatic Park for all of your pass -holders. As you may have heard, our facility is already operating at capacity on many days and have had to restrict access to the pool for our own season pass -holders on very hot days. We are certainly open to ideas or suggestions you may have as to how we can help to meet your needs. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at any time. Sincerely, 4- Cristofer A. Gears Director of Parks and Recreation CAG: smv Parks and Recreation Department 3700 Monterey Drive St. Louis Park, Minnesota 55416-2671 Phone: 612-924-2540 Fax: 612-925-5663 Printed on recycled and recycable paper L . (/) (� Cn `/' C: m M cn O W • cn 0 (.0 W N .- U o 7 U 00 Jc: LU _ N ca cn c 0 4� + U :3 • - � ma cn Q U W U A L LQ E o c� OE o E � � o cn CD � oo C) C:3:'- CJU) L � oo (1)— � M C/). _ ca m CL : cn m cm -E co aD - � L C: a� U cn +� Q > U C6 W L (n C3- a) Jc: cn < +j May 1997 To our neighbors: Spring is here; time to get outside and meet and greet your neighbors. But where? How about our own neighborhood park - Fox Meadow Park?! Maybe not this year, but in the future, perhaps. The City of Edina is interested in learning our collective opinions and wishes on the development of Fox Meadow Park. Technically, this is a "mini -park" and, as such, is eligible for limited development. Some ideas are — a small play structure for children, benches and some paths. Others have mentioned the hope that some of the grass could be cultivated and maintained in order to make it usable for kite -flying or other activities. We would like to see Fox Meadow Park be developed at some level. We feel that it would add to the quality of our lives in this neighborhood by providing ourselves and our children with a convenient, neighborhood place to meet and play. In addition, we feel it would make our neighborhood more attractive to prospective buyers who are interested in this area but may have concerns about the lack of nearby park land. Please let us know your thoughts by completing and mailing the enclosed postcard. We would like to hear from as many of you as possible, whether or not you have strong feelings on this issue. Depending on the input we receive, the next step would probably be to meet for a discussion of particular concepts, concerns and desires regarding this idea. Thank you for your thoughts and your time. Your neighbors: Kurt and Laura Nisi (5201 Blake Road) Don and Lisa Beaupre (5020 Scriver Road) V"V YV YV1fYY R LAKE Lake Ridge noao Fox Meadow FOX Lane MEADOW PARK BLAKE ROAD Scriver Road Fox Meadow Evanswood Lane Lane Name Address FOX MEADOW PARK OPINION RESPONSE one No.(optional) My initial feelings on the development of Fox Meadow Park are: ❑ positive ❑ negative ❑ not sure ❑ don't care Specifically, my ideas or concerns are: I ❑ would ❑ would not be interested in meeting further to discuss this. ❑ I would be interested in getting involved further. FOX MEADOW PARK OPINION RESPONSE Positive Responses This sounds like a great idea. We are gone a lot during the summer so I don't know how much help we could be at this time, but I am interested! Small play area. No baseball field. Maybe tennis courts. A small play area! Benches and paths would be great. Play structure for children would be desirable. We are moving out of state this fall but are so glad to know someone is going to work on the park. Would like a play structure for children. No parking lot. Would love a path leading to Mirror Lake to be installed. Would want play structure to blend in with natural setting, i.e. no bright colors! Would love to see a mini -park developed in this area. However we are unsure of where the boundary lines are and would not want to see any trees taken down. Like the small children play structure and maybe a bench by the lake. Leaving natural area for butterfly and bug catching. Keep the play area small for kids under 12 years. I was involved years ago when it was supposedly set to be made into a park and the residents on Fox Meadow turned the decision. Not having small children I'm not interested in getting very involved but would certainly support the development. Maybe a walk path down to the lake? (I think that all of the houses on Fox Meadow across from the park will be against any idea.) We would love to see area developed into a park!! Fencing natural or man made. Traffic is too much and too fast there. A park is a good idea - but please no baseball diamonds, etc.! I love to watch my grandchildren play but not in that area! Parking would be difficult too! Any type of play area or park would be wonderful! Please let me know what I can do to help. The cost factor, who takes care of park. Need more information. Traffic, animal control. Localized play area. One of the wonderful things about living here is the nature. Grass, flowers, paths, benches - yes. Kids play structure - maybe. Baseball - absolutely no! Edina does such a beautiful job with their parks. This could be special. A nice visiting center for neighbors. Play structure for children would be great. We think it's a great idea - a park would truly enhance the neighborhood. Need a local place for children & parents to gather in safety. Area is ideal for a nice play structure. Expect some strong resistance from bordering properties. I think it is a great idea! Retention of natural character near lake with the addition of a walking trail plus a play area near Blake Road. Keep the proposed park very small limited activities. Nice idea. Thanks! Yes! Yes! Would love a small play structure maybe path or bench leave natural setting. Negative I like having some wild/open spaces as opposed to everything manicured. I walk in the park the way it is. Would create problems of noise - traffic - parking - litter - maintenance. Very much opposed. Quite a few homeowners neighboring the park are concerned about the effect on their properties and privacy. I would be cautious about presenting such a divisive issue to our neighborhood. We like and enjoy the natural look. We like the open space. Development concerns us i.e. parking, traffic, street crossing for children. Leave as open space, wildlife area. 1. First of all, the "City" is not interested, you are. 2. Edina does not need more parks! We do not need to spend (waste) more tax money on parks (building and maintenance). 3. Our neighborhood does not need park land. 4. Those of us living on Fox Meadow were promised that this park would be left as a wilderness park. 5. A park for high volume use would lead to excess traffic, trespassing, parking, noise, etc. Many other problems that those of us living adjacent to the park do not want. People from outside our area would come into the park. 6. The quality of life here is based on our privacy. Everyone here has large enough lots and can afford any recreational equipment that they want for their children. This is a quiet, private family area, not a high traffic area. If you want a park, move to an area with a park. Edina has plenty of parks already; it's nice to still have some undeveloped parcels of land. Not Sure 1. Marker to establish area as public park 2. Boundaries marked (fence???) to discourage encroachment by neighbors. 3. Trail/path to lake. 4. Canoe access to lake. Would like to keep it natural/wild flowers, prairie like, walking paths. We lean towards a small playground with benches - but wonder how this would affect the immediate neighbors. I like the wild flower meadow and would like to at least see the "prairie" look retained. Would like to see it left natural - perhaps cultivated grass and some trees - but otherwise left as a natural place. Robert M. McGarvey, Jr. 5236 West Highwood Drive Edina, Minnesota 55436 July 31, 1997 Mr. John Keprios Director Edina Park & Recreation Department 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Dear Mr. Keprios: This letter is about the proposed changes to "Fox Meadow Park." My wife and I built our home eleven years ago adjacent to Fox Meadow Park. Our address is 5236 West Highwood Drive. We built our home partially because of the wildlife park directly behind our home. We are opposed to the development of this park because it will detrimentally change the essential character of the private property adjoining the Fox Meadow Park. These proposed changes do not reflect the desires of the residents. The real value of the present Fox Meadow Park as it is today are its open wildlife area and it is environmentally friendly for its privacy and beauty. Fox Meadow Park as it is today is a wonderful area for wildlife such as deer, ducks and so forth. It is a recreational and play area for the surrounding residents - adults and c,--fildren alike. We understand that this "new proposal for Fox Meadow Park" will come before the council on August 12th at 7:00 p.m. We, as well as our neighbors, will be at this meeting and we would like to be able to voice our concerns regarding these pro- posed changes to Fox Meadow Park. Sincerely, r U, Cynth' and Bob McGarvey August 1, 1997 Mr. John Kaprios Director Edina Park & Recreation Department 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Subject: Proposed Development of Fox Meadow Park Dear Mr. Kaprios: We are residents and owners of the property adjoining Fox Meadow Park on the south side facing Blake Road, specifically 5225 Blake Road. Our lot is comprised of two of the original platted lots -- one facing Blake on the west and another to the east with an outlet to Highwood Drive. As it is now, Fox Meadow Park is a lovely natural open area within our city. Many people benefit from the visual diversity the park lends to our community in its natural state. Deer, fox, and other wildlife make Fox Meadow their home. Even though the deer eat our tulips and roses, they are part of the natural scene that makes Fox Meadow special in its undeveloped state. Living next to the park we do know that it is used by people from the neighborhood. I have witnessed kite flying, dog training, and general park exploration. Probably the most prevalent use of the park is made by young people collecting plant and insect specimens for class projects. It seems to be a particularly productive site for butterfly collection. In the winter deep snow prevents most use of the park, however, there have been cross country skiers before the deep snow comes and a few trying out snow shoes. My point is that the park does serve a purpose in its natural state, and it is unique as it is. It seems that one more mowed, groomed park, with an asphalt parking lot would be a bad tradeoff for the park as it is today. We have lived in Edina at three different locations and have used several of the parks, primarily Bredesen and Lake Cornelia. Many of the other parks seem under utilized and it seems hard to justify the improvements, maintenance, and the extra police protection that an improved park would require. My casual use of existing Edina parks usually is no more than cutting through them on our many daily walks. My observations seem to tell me that better maintenance of existing parks should hold a priority before the costs of developing and maintaining Fox Meadow Park is considered. If there are any extra funds for park maintenance, I would support two tall Mr. John Kaprios August 1, 1997 Page 2 grass mowings of the open areas per year (3" to 6" cut). This would prevent the entire park from going to woods and would make it a bit more inviting. This coupled with some wild flower seedings could make a very special place for a very small investment. We would be pleased to contribute to such a plan. If the park should be developed, we question whether the size of the park parcel can be developed giving ti3e residential neighborhood sonie kind of buffer from a parking lot and other park amenities. Fox Meadow Park would require careful planning if a drop in adjoining property values is to be avoided. We have a genuine concern in this area. There is a low area just north of our property that holds water during heavy rainfalls. This spot is at the east end of the west woods toward the center of the property. It is wet enough to prevent any undergrowth below the trees. Should you decide to proceed with development, there should be an environmental impact study made with consideration to potential wetland disturbance. Finally, the improvement of Blake Road and development of the office areas near 169 and Bren Road have led to much heavier use of Blake Road. Leaving my driveway, which opens directly onto Blake Road, requires care and caution. Speed on Blake is a factor and we fear that a developed Fox Meadow Park could be a dangerous situation for children from the surrounding area. Most would have to travel along Blake to reach the park. We sometimes walk from Interlachen along Blake, but generally avoid this precarious pedestrian road. The shoulders are non-existent and there is no sidewalk. Park development would draw childen along this dangerous piece of road. After considering the development proposal for Fox Meadow Park, we cannot find sound reasons to support development. We request the park be left as is. Your consideration of this request will be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, A. E. McQuinn 5225 Blake Road Edina, MN 55436 Mary Agnes McQuinn 5225 Blake Road Edina, MN 55436 STANLEY R NELSON 6100 FOX MEADOW LANE EDINA, MINNESOTA SS436 August 9, 1997 John Keprios, Director Edina Park and Recreation Department 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Dear Mr. Keprios: This letter is written to express our concerns and objections to the possible further development of Fox Meadow Park. We were attracted to this neighborhood by the beauty of this natural resource which provides cover for much wild life and natural vegetation. To change this would do great harm to what we feel is a natural treasure and would negatively impact the character of this neighborhood and, quite frankly, the property values now present. We regularly see children on butterflies and enjoying the change this would remove this a natural, open area which is in its present form. this property collecting area in its present form. To opportunity to spend time in unique and highly attractive In our opinion, changing this area to a traditional park or playground area would require an unnecessary expenditure of city funds to create a facility which is not needed. The continued cost of maintaining, cleaning, and policing such a facility would only add unnecessarily to our city budget. In addition, traffic problems on Blake Road and concerns for the safety of small children would pose a problem. It is a unique, attractive natural resource in its present form. We do not want to see it converted to an expensive facility which would be used marginally by the community. Please, leave this natural treasure as it is. Sincerely, 1/-0—A R Stanley . Nelson Virg is L. Nelson Mr. John Keprios Director Edina Park & Recreation Department 4801 West 50th St. Edina, Mn 55424 Dear Mr. Keprios, August 6, 1997 -14 � �-`'� 0 Please find the enclosed petitions signed by Edina residents requesting that Fox Meadow Park "remains as is". Of particular interest is that the residents living next to the park strongly feel that the park "remains as is". We look forward to the Park Board meeting on Tuesday, August 12 at 7:00pm. Thank you for your consideration. Best s. O.P. Portu Jody Portu August 4, 1997 Mr. John Kaprios Director, Edina Park & Recreation Department 4801 W. 50th St. Edina, MN 55424 RE: Proposed Foxmeadow park development Dear Mr. Kaprios, We are Carol and Don Doughman who reside at 5228 W. Highwood Dr. Our property is immediately adjacent on the south side of the park. We want to register our strong objection to the proposal that will presented to the Park Board on August 12, 1997. Our Objections are listed as follows: 1- To develop the park as a children's play ground on Blake Road, the major road that leads out of northwest Edina creates a number of safety hazards to children and other pedestrians. There are presently no traffic controls and a sidewalk exists on one side only. We are told by the Edina Police department that Blake Road is a high volume traffic road with average speeds of 35-36 mph (Limit is 30mph). As you all know, the limit past a school yard where children play is 25mph. 2. If this were developed, you have the extra hazard of Mirror lake hidden by a grove of trees that would be a tempting site for children. You could not see them because of the trees and drowning in that deep lake is a real and chilling possibility. 3. "If you build it they will come' ---not only children but pedophiles and exhibitionists, especially with the cover of the grove of trees. Will you provide police protection regarding this and #2? In addition, such a highly visible playground would attract many nonresident s who pay no taxes to support this park. 4. Even if funds were available to build this facility, are funds available on a long term basis to maintain this park ? Remember, parking also needs to be provided. Where? 5. Wildlife preservation is important to this community. Any such development would severely threaten this nature area. Animals such as deer, already squeezed by land development in our area, use this area for feeding and access to the lake. Fox, other nongame animals as well as multitude of birds, butterflies and wild flora flourish in this small area of undisturbed nature. It is our understanding that a small area of wetland exists on the Blake Road A side of this area, south & west of where the development is proposed. This as well as the trees , flora and fauna should not be disturbed. Edina is already a city of beautiful parks and 25 wonderfully equipped playstructure areas for children throughout the city (often underutilized), but has very limited natural nature areas to enjoy. Foxmeadow park is such an area. Based upon the costs to build and maintain, the important issue of safety for the children and the need to preserve the natural environment of the park, we register a strong NO to this proposal. 5228 W. Highwood Dr. Edina, MN 55436 Respectfully submitted Carol Doughman Don Doug an n u FOX MEADOW PARK "AS IS" PETITION The undersigeed property owners respec ffully petition the Edina park Board and the Edina City Council to refrain from developing Fox Meadow Park. Our objections to the development of Fox Meadow Park are that the proper development will detrimentally effect the essential character of the adjoining private property and change the neighborhood In a way not desired by its residents. In our view, the proposed development of Fox Meadow Park is neither the most fiacally responsible nor environmentally ¢imdly alternative. We urge you to leave Fox Meadow Park as it isr a natural setting, open to the ewoyment of children and adults and subject to their imagination in play and recreation. , PHONE NO. H >--i� >�A .lzl 0 7a. 7e Z ON 9 c3 YJ— IF (,o -z 77/ S2� . .L�C6 U FOX MEADOW PARK "AS IS" PETITION The undersigned property owners respec tibUy petition the Edina Park Board and the Edina City Council to refrain from developing Fox Meadow Park. Our objections to the development of Fox Meadow Park are that the proposed development will detrimentally effect the essential character of the adjoining private property and change the neighborhood in a way not desired by its residents. In our view, the proposed development of Fox Meadow Park is neither the most fiscally responsible nor enviromnentally friendly alternative. We urge you to leave Fox Meadow Park as it is; a natural setting, open to the enjoyment of children and adults and subject to their imagination in play and recreation. rlgA ZA .a. A ADDRESS I PHONE NO. ;z ao 400 lid, MAO Jow s ,6a-t/L 4 2a W 4 . L,✓ ss� ass-sr� ' x ��3 6 933 -783, �-sti�� �t3s-5956 -� 36 FOX MEADOW PARK "AS IS" PETMON The under igned property owners respectfully petition the Edina Park Board and the Edina City Council to refrain from developing Fox Meadow Park. Our objections to the development of Fox Meadow Park are that the proposed d"opment will detrimentally effect the essential character of the adjohnng private property and change the neighbotbood In a way not desired by its residents. In our view, the proposed development of Fox Meadow Park is neither the most 63cally responsible nor environmentally fiiatdiy alternative. We urge you to leave Fox Meadow park as it is, a natural setting, open to the enjoyment of children and adults and subject to their imagination in play and recreation. NAME ADDRESS PHONE NO. 3 v 36 2. 3 ]FOX MEADOW PARK "AS YS" PETTTXON The undersigned property owners respecdully petition the Edina Park Board and the Edina City Council to refrain from developing Fox Meadow Park. Our objections to the development of Fox Meodow Park are that the proposed development will detrimentally effect the euential character of the adjoining private property and change the neighborhood in a way not desired by its residents. In our vicwthe proposed developmont of Fox Meadow Park is neither the most fiscally responsible nor 0w mrumental}y ffiendly eltmative. We urge you to soave Fox Meadow Park as it is, a natural setting, open to the enjoyment of children and adults and subject to their imagination in play and recreation. PHONE NO. NAME ADDRESS FOX MEADOW PARK "AS IS" PETITION 7he unde *rAd prOMV owners filly petition the Edina Park Board and the Edina City Council to refrain from developing Fox Meadow Park. Our objections to the development of Fox Meadow park are that the proposed development will detrimentally effect the essential character of the adjoining private property and change the neighborhood In a way not desired by its residents. in our view, the proposed development of Fox Meadow Park is neither the most fiscally responsible nor awironmentally fikodly alternative, We urge you to leave Fox Mcadow Park as it is, a natural seting, open to the enjoyment of children and adults and subject to their imagination in play and recreation. PHONE NQ. N FOX MEADOW PARK "AS IS" PETITION The undersigned property owners respectfully petition the Edina Park Board and the Edina City Council to refrain from developing Fox Meadow Park. Our objections to the development of Fox Meadow Park are that the proposed development will detrimentally effect the essential character of the adjoining private property and change the neighborhood in a way not desired by its residents. In our view, the proposed development of Fox Meadow Park is neither the most fiscally responsible nor environmentally friendly alternative. We urge you to leave Fox Meadow Park as it is, a natural setting, open to the enjoyment of children and adults and subject to their imagination in play and recreation. 4nnRFgS PHONE NO. ��(0 93:1- �;4 3 (.' `133 -i �'3S- 5556 yox MEADOW PARK "AS IS" PETMON The undersigned property ownms respectfully petition the FAina Park Board and the Edina City Council to refrain from developing Fox Meadow Park. our objections to the development of Fox Madow Park are that the proposed development will detrimentally effect the essential character of the adjoining private property and change the neighborhood in a way not desired by its residents. In our view, the proposed development of Fox Meadow Park is neither the most fiscally responsible nor eavironmenWa y fifendiy aiternadve. We urge you to leave Fox Meadow Park as it is, a natural setting, open to the enjoyment of children and adults and subject to their imagination in play and recreation. NAMP ADDRESSPfil�fVE NQ. -x/ P/D C _%z q33 4 L�1 933- 6 0 PDX MEADOW PARK "AS IS" PETMON JIM undersi ped prey owners respecduUy petition the Edina Park Board and the Edina City Council to refrain from developing Fox Meadow Ptoark. Our objections the development ofFox he Meadow Park are that the propend development will detrirnentaily effect the e�enuat character the neighborhood in a way not desired by its residents. in our ad pn�e property and change view, the proposed development of Fox Meadow Park is neither the most fiscaUy responsible nor environmentally fiiaxUY alternative- We urge you to leave Fox Meadow Park as it is, a natural setting, open to the enjoyment of children and adults and subject to their imagination in play and recreation. PHONE NO. NAME ADDRESS �/ -�,- Sss/j 9��'-00/ I <-I ?,7 1.1!-f/14,.1191714 Ov- 24 OPUS® August 11, 1997 Opus U.S. Corporation Opus U.S., L.L.C. 700 Opus Center 9900 Bren Road East Minnetonka, Minnesota 55343-9600 612-936-4400 Mr. John Keprios, Director Edina Park & Recreation Department 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424 Dear Mr. Keprios: Gerald Rauenhorst Chairman of the Board Mailing Address P.O. Box 59110 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55459-0110 Fax 612-936-9808 As a concerned Edina homeowner I feel it necessary to write this letter to the Edina Park & Recreation Department concerning the proposed changes to Fox Meadow Park. Mrs. Rauenhorst and I built our home at 5151 Blake Road in 1975 having chosen the lot for its privacy, serene beauty and abundant wildlife. Fox Meadow Park, as it is today, allows a different but imaginative recreational and play alternative for its surrounding residents, adults and children alike. Should the City proceed with its proposed development of this park, it would change the essential character of the whole neighborhood to the detriment of the private property owners. Since there are presently no funds available and the Fox Meadow Park development was not in the last bond referendum, we strongly believe the proposal should be closed to further consideration, Sincerely, Gerald and Henrietta Rauenhorst GR/HRI August 7, 1997 6225 Fox Meadow Lane Edina, MN 55436 Mr. John Keprios, Director Edina Parks and Recreation Department 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Dear Mr. Keprios: Thank you for the wonderful job you have done over these past years with our beautiful parks and other facilities in Edina. We are fortunate enough to have lived here now for nearly 30 years and have been able to appreciate and utilize almost every park, court, and building. It has come to our attention that the beautiful natural area that adjoins our street is being considered to be developed into something we believe will not enhance what is already present. I refer to the grassy, natural area at the corner of Blake Road and Fox Meadow Lane. It is at present all we, and our neighbors for that matter, desire. It allows everyone to use it as they please without specific designation. It requires little to no upkeep for it to remain an area of wild flowers, grasses, and trees. It provides a habitat essential to a variety of animals, birds, and insects. In short, it is perfect. Don't fix it! Please do consider our request for allowing a beautiful, natural area to stay that way. I urge you to use the funds from the park bond referendum, which we heartily supported, for other uses. Thank you. Patricia and Bernie Beaver 935-5146 4 it p • It's a-, "a 4 it I :s �{af 1oa w natla a0f Lal � at1nnmrim as fla oaoo\Hill �as p0 allI—�fonatw fMnrlan fon"a 10 ma ARMBM f0A 21a Oi ODA KN1[t• go f{Y1� 1 s/w I SZp wA « wn oN nN �11M w ®1101 SOa I gin C{A rAf 1111 1 m ila fla KN ■N i1N\ longi� 011011 I 2Nf I f{� SIR - IM 11K 1{K dO11 fiK ot ffK IOS 9da ' rsf alOr na I _ •fs1 f{a — 1s n� 21w � I efK fce ws I I � � J - OD 31Oa 11 — at vrr .IN °� ww fs�t{w no ww ria j M / �� ♦ 1 tin fin Ak1 rat raf 111111HIM 1 1 If nO (/ 700 IRS G most [la L�- �� / . , fxf • ms I a 1 ae gin vI fnalru fwamND fo {117 I in 1n n ford floe • w aer fu fm fo e ` mn an m I on no, F 9110 am gin ' fa ftn na �L ion ' \ I .m I Ifs / \ v OAS Lin cin ail. ®I tin eats aq .t awi w! n On on, / • Kn o nwft fm w 5 \ got21N ! I .271 as/Im ; L97 I • c j oAf \ \ ��� a — Ion � an ms— \ 1 nN I uw • tin ✓� vlc till 11w ms / — I:N a I \ i ♦ I un nw t an till \ all wa f� iaf ION AA Lpf {wf I I \vI y\ August 7, 1997 6225 Fox Meadow Lane Edina, MN 55436 Mr. John Keprios, Director Edina Parks and Recreation Department 4801 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424 Dear Mr. Kepriose Thank you for the wonderful job you have done over these past years with our beautiful parks and other facilities in Edina. We are fortunate enough to have lived here now for nearly 30 years and have been able to appreciate and utilize almost every park, court, and building. It has come to our attention that the beautiful natural area that adjoins our street is being considered to be developed into something we believe will not enhance what is already present. I refer to the grassy, natural area at the corner of Blake Road and Fox Meadow Lane. It is at present all we, and our neighbors for that matter, desire. It allows everyone to use it as they please without specific designation. It requires little to no upkeep for it to remain an area of wild flowers, grasses, and trees. It provides a habitat essential to a variety of animals, birds, and insects. In short, it is perfect. Don't fix it! Please do consider our request for allowing a beautiful, natural area to stay that way. I urge you to use the funds from the park bond referendum, which we heartily supported, for other uses. Thank you. Patricia and Bernie Beaver 935-5146 �k n, + v. r� ap .• •• 0 OD o CD 0 U-) I-- o F- " 0 00 U) 0 ti T- o 0 0 0 U 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 N N H N 00 N N N N 00 .• •• 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N 00 N N N N 00 69 69 ffi 69-1 (f} CD 00 LO M r- N o M f` LO do T-- LO M M ti 00 LO V- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NLO � LIA M03 o O 0 O O O O O 0 0 O 0 O O o O 0 O O O O O O o 07 0 0 N 69 69. 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