HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-10-14 Park Board PacketCity of Edina EDINA PARK BOARD TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1997 7:30 P.M. MANAGER'S CONFERENCE ROOM AGENDA * 1. Approval of August 12, 1997, Park Board meeting Minutes. 2. 1998 Fees and Charges (preliminary review). 3. Park Shelter Building Plans. 4. Park Referendum Update. 5. Other. *6. Adjournment. * These are agenda items that require or request Park Board action. City Hall (612) 927-8861 4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX (612) 927-7645 EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424-1394 TDD (612) 927-5461 Memo To: Edina Park Board. From: John Keprios, Directo'r)�u Edina Park and Recreation Department Date: October 9, 1997 Re: October 14, 1997, PARK BOARD MEETING STAFF REPORT. Enclosed you should find the following items: 1. Tuesday, August 12, 1997, Park Board Minutes. 2. Tuesday, October 14, Park Board Agenda. 3. Proposed 1998 Fees and Charges. 4. Park Referendum Project List Update. STAFF REPORT The following is the monthly staff report concerning each item on the agenda with the exception of Approval of the Minutes and Other. "Other" is listed on the agenda in case last minute items come up between now and the Park Board meeting, plus, cover any other concerns of Park Board members and/or attendees. FEES AND CHARGES (preliminary review) To give the Park Board more time to review factors that influence fees and charges, I have enclosed staff's preliminary recommendations for 1998 fees and charges for preliminary discussion. Fees and charges are typically approved at the November Park Board meeting. This year I ask that the Park Board review and discuss the proposed fees and charges and request staff to provide whatever additional information needed to make a formal recommendation at the November Park Board meeting. As a reminder, the City of Edina's philosophy has been that fees and charges are set in a manner that assumes the following: • Programs should be priced to be affordable, reasonable and accessible to the majority. • Enterprise facilities should attempt to function on a self-sufficient basis. • The Enterprise Fund should not be called upon to fund other recreation programs or park development. • Those who receive benefits of programs and facilities today should pay for those benefits today and not place that burden on future taxpayers. • Those who receive benefits of programs and facilities today should pay for those benefits today and not place that burden on future taxpayers. This is not to say that the Edina Park Board cannot recommend anything that varies from that philosophy. The City Council appreciates the input from all Boards and Commissions. Please know that all Enterprise Facility Managers will be present at the November Park Board meeting to answer any questions concerning their proposed fees and charges. Park Board action is not requested on this matter at this time, however, staff is requesting direction as to requests for further information. PARK SHELTER BUILDING PLANS The final major Parks Referendum Project to be completed is to build the park shelter buildings and comfort stations. The original set of bids were rejected due to the higher than expected bids. Since then, both the comfort stations and shelter buildings have been redesigned to bring the projects within budget. There are now two different size park shelter buildings; larger size for Cornelia School Park and Weber Park; smaller size for Todd Park and Walnut Ridge Park. As you may recall, residents from the Walnut Ridge Park neighborhood expressed concern about the size of the first proposed design. As you will notice, the new design for Walnut Ridge Park and Todd Park is smaller than the first. The differences between the original design for Walnut Ridge and the new design are as follows: SQUARE FOOTAGE Original design 1,814 s.f. New design 1,187 s.f. DIMENSIONS 36'4"x54'4" 32' x 42' (includes 167 s.f. of porch) I will bring to the Park Board meeting copies of the new and original designs for comparison. I ask that the Park Board review and discuss the new proposed design for the Walnut Ridge Park shelter building. If approved by the Park Board, it is staff's recommendation to mail a draft of the plan to approximately 225 of the households nearest the park and request their input. The cover letter to the residents will state that their input is welcome and that the final design will be reviewed for final approval by the Park Board at the November meeting. A special thanks to Park Board member, John Dovolis, for his attendance and valuable input at a redesign meeting with SGN Architects and staff. Very helpful! PARK REFERENDUM UPDATE As you observed on the September Park Board tour, the majority of the park projects are finally near completion. The last major remaining project is the construction of park shelter buildings and comfort stations. At this point in the process, all of the remaining funds will be needed to complete the construction of the park shelter buildings and comfort stations. In fact, it is likely that additional funds will be needed to complete all of the proposed shelter buildings and comfort stations. As you will notice in the enclosed Park Referendum Update list, we have made significant upgrades to the park system. With continued assistance from the Public Works Department, we will continue to repair and upgrade our concrete and asphalt surfaces, such as pathways, parking lots and hard surface areas. These improvements will be funded through the Park Department and Public Works Department operating budgets. I will give a further verbal update and answer questions at the Park Board meeting. OTHER I will give a verbal update on the following Park Board related issues: • Strong beer recommendation to the City Council. • Sponsorships/Donations Policy revision (advertising on scoreboards). • Edina Aquatennial Swim Meet. • Edina Senior Center. Other concerns of the Park Board will be addressed at this time. EDINA PARK BOARD 7:30 p.m. AUGUST 12, 1997 MEMBERS PRESENT: Jim Fee, Bill Jenkins, Becky Bennett, Mike Burley, Phyllis Kohler, Dave Crowther, Jean Rydell, Beth Hall, John Dovolis, Andrew Montgomery MEMBERS ABSENT: Andy Herring STAFF PRESENT: John Keprios, Ed MacHolda, Janet Canton OTHERS PRESENT: Chris Bauleke, Greg Bauleke, Mary Pate, Linda Hays Witzel, Mo Massopust, Katherine Bradbury, Cynthia McGarvey, Robert McGarvey, Lisa Beaupre, Laura Nisi, Paul Cederberg, Anne Braun, John Witzel, Carol Kaiser -Milan, O.P. Portu, Jody Portu, Tim Walton, Barb Goramella, Barb Nelson, Jack Galvin, A.E. McQuinn, Gene Hangland, Katy Bennewitz, Kathy Monson Lutes, Rick Lutes, Stan Nelson, Claudette Debrey I. APPROVAL OF THE JUNE 10, 1997 PARK BOARD MINUTES Jean Rydell MOVED TO APPROVE THE JUNE 10, 1997 PARK BOARD MINUTES. Beth Hall SECONDED THE MOTION. MINUTES APPROVED. Il. EDINA AQUATENNIAL SWIM MEET Mr. Keprios indicated that at the June 10th Park Board meeting there were some residents present who expressed their concerns that they were displeased with the fact that the Aquatic Center facility was shut down during the second weekend in July to host the annual Edina Aquatennial Swim Meet. He stated this is something that the city has dealt with for many years. In the past, some compromises have been made in being able to shut down the facility at 5:00 p.m. or 6:00 p.m. and then open it up to the public. However, that no longer is an option because the electronic timing devices that are needed to run the program cannot be easily taken down and put back up. Mr. Keprios stated that the public has been informed of this meeting as well as the Edina Swim Club and the Park Board will hear the comments from both sides and then make a recommendation to the City Council. Mr. Keprios explained that Mr. Witzel, President of the Edina Swim Club, met with Mr. MacHolda and himself to discuss the situation and try to find a compromise so this wouldn't have to be discussed in a public forum. Mr. Keprios commented that it is very difficult to serve both needs at the same time and a decision needs to be made. Mr. Keprios indicated that that this is the one swim meet the Swim Club puts on all year and they have brought a lot of great pride to Edina. It has been an excellent swim meet since the late 1950's and he stated that residents should be very proud of what the has done and hopes that a way could be found to serve both groups. Mr. Burley asked if this meet has changed because years ago he remembers it being more of a community event with entertainment in the evening. Ms. Massopust indicated that it actually was a bigger event and was part of the Minneapolis Aquatennial. She indicated that the Edina Swim Club has always held a three day swim meet and yes, there used to be entertainment in the evening. However, in the late 1960's or early 1970's the Minneapolis Aquatennial had to re-evaluate some of their events and had to cut some of their community suburb events. Therefore, there is no longer financial backing available to field that kind of entertainment anymore. Mr. Witzel added that in a sense it has become more of a local meet, however, they do draw swimmers from all over the state as well as a few outside of the state. Carol Milan, resident, indicated that she did attend the June 101' Park Board meeting and was told the Aquatennial Swim Meet is a fundraiser for the Edina Swim Club. She explained that she speaks as a mom who uses the pool quite a bit and every year, even though it's on the schedule, lots of families go to use the pool just to find out that it's closed for the weekend. Also, that weekend usually happens to be one of the nicest weekends of the summer. She also noted that she was under the impression that this swim meet was affiliated with the Minneapolis Aquatennial. She couldn't figure out how Edina was roped into this when Richfield, Bloomington and St. Louis Park have gotten rid of their meets because they needed to serve the communities more than one particular group. Ms. Milan stated that she questions the number of people who would have used the pool on that weekend and also track the previous weather reports. Ms. Milan also pointed out that it is her understanding that the Edina Swim Club pays the City of Edina $3,000 for use the pool for the entire weekend. An Edina Swim Club representative noted that just this past year it did rain and they did have to get the kids out of the pool. Mr. Montgomery asked Mr. MacHolda to give a brief synopsis of what the city forfeits for this swim meet. Mr. MacHolda stated they now charge $1,200 per day as well as anything they use from the concession stand at cost. He indicated that this year the total bill was $4,500. Mr. Montgomery asked Mr. MacHolda approximately how much revenue he would make if the pool remained open on that weekend. Mr. MacHolda responded that particular weekend comes at a good time of year to generate daily admissions, concessions and continued season ticket sales. He noted that the three days following the meet they grossed $30,000. However, he stated that the public feels that access to the facility during that particular weekend is more of an issue than the loss of revenue. Mr. Keprios pointed out that weekend results in approximately a $15,000-$20,000 net loss. However, without including season ticket sales throughout that weekend, the net loss is probably significantly lower. He also pointed out that the main issue is lack of public access to the facility during the second weekend in July. Mr. Keprios then explained that what makes 1997 different from previous years is that we no longer have a reciprocal agreement with the City of Richfield because they no longer 2 host a meet. He also indicated that he tried to cut a deal with St. Louis Park for next year and their answer was no because they already have such a tremendous turn -out. Also, we've just renovated the pool and unfortunately we were delayed due to a variety of problems. Therefore, the public was real eager and anxious to use the pool and when it was finally opened we had to shut it down for a weekend. Ms. Bennett asked Mr. MacHolda what the present average day is at the pool and he replied they still see 2,000 plus a day but has seen as many as 4,000 people on a warm sunny July day. Mr. Crowther asked if anyone else could rent the pool for three days at $1,200 a day and shut it down the public. Mr. Keprios replied they obviously would not encourage it and they would have to go through this same process. Jack Galvin, Edina Swim Club Representative, indicated that the Edina Swim Club is a community based non-profit organization that is run solely by volunteers and invites the children of Edina to participate in a competitive swimming program. Ms. Milan asked if it is free and he noted that it is not free. It is there for the purpose of the youth of Edina to enjoy competitive swimming as they do hockey, basketball, soccer, etc. He informed the Park Board that the Edina Aquatennial Swim Meet is the one opportunity that the Edina Swim Club has to host a meet and invite children from other communities into our community because throughout the rest of the year we go to other communities for meets. Mr. Galvin noted that the emphasis he would like to put here is this is not a private for profit organization. Claudette Debrey, resident, stated that she has been an adult lap swimmer for the past 30 years and has been turned away for 30 years for that prime weekend. She noted that every year it hurts to be turned away and feels that the greater good for the majority of the residents of Edina should be addressed. Mr. Montgomery asked why the University of Minnesota is not an acceptable alternative for that three day meet. Mr. Witzel replied that it's not necessarily available. Mr. Montgomery stated that according to Mr. Keprios's Staff Report it is available and the U of M needs to know by mid-September. Mr. Keprios explained that he to talked to Duane Proell at the U of M and was told that if the Edina Swim Club can give them a commitment by mid-September then it is guaranteed theirs and they will not be booted out in spite of the U of M's opportunity to host a National Diving Meet. Mr. Witzel commented that is for one year only. We were told that this year they can be guaranteed a spot but next year they don't know. Mr. Keprios stated that according to Mr. Proell the U of M does have to host one National Division I meet a year and they can bank roll those. The U of M is not obligated to host a National Meet next year. Mr. Proell also stated that the U of M was also developed for local swim groups and these types of meets is part of their mission statement. Mr. Burley asked the Swim Club how much money is raised through the swim meet and Mr. Witzel replied that it varies from $3,500 and $11,000 and noted that this year they did a lot of fundraising in which they raised $11,000. Ms. Witzel pointed out that pool costs 3 right now are skyrocketing. Mr. Witzel commented that they budget approximately $6,000 to $7,000 and their overall budget for the program for the coming year is approximately $175,000. Mr. Burley asked if the rest of that is funded by the individual families and it was noted that is correct. Ms. Milan indicated that she understands you have to have meets in order to compete, however, what she is taking exception to is the monopolizing and the time frame in which it happens because we already have a very abbreviated summer. Tim Walton, head coach for the Edina Swim Club, brought up the point that several years ago the city made a commitment to maintain the Edina Aquatic Center 50 meter pool. A lot of money was spent on the gutter systems, starting blocks, etc. and he believes that was a statement of commitment. He noted that pools like St. Louis Park have closed down their 50 meter pool and there is a severe lack of competitive facilities with 50 meter pools. He noted they really need the 50 meter pool to provide that opportunity for the competitive swimmers who really are forming the Edina High School swimmers. Mr. Walton indicated that his second point is that he feels there are many hours that the outdoor pool is open from Memorial Day through Labor Day and he does not feel they are monopolizing the pool. Joe Curoso, resident, asked the Park Board to clarify two questions. First, how did staff arrive at $20,000 to $30,000 forgone revenue and secondly is there a staff recommendation to the Park Board on this issue. Mr. MacHolda explained that how he arrives at the foregone revenue is with the daily operation reports for sale of admissions, including season ticket sales, and concessions over the 100 day season. Mr. MacHolda indicated that the three day period prior to or just after the meet was approximately $35,000. That includes season ticket sales, daily admissions and concessions. Mr. Curoso noted that it doesn't seem to him like the season tickets would go away but would just be deferred for those three days and is not sure that is a fair way to look at it for non - revenue. Mr. Keprios noted that he agrees with that argument and that it is a fair statement, however, with our current accounting system it would be difficult to know exactly what the loss would be not including season ticket sales. Mr. Keprios indicated that staff has come up with alternatives which are not listed in any order of priority. First, leave the event where it is. Second, offer the Edina Swim Club the first or second weekend of the season either late May or early June as opposed to the second weekend in July. Third, no longer offer the Edina Aquatic Center to the Edina Swim Club for their meet and have them go to another facility. Fourth, to offer the Edina Swim Club the facility once every two, three or four years as a compromise. Mr. Keprios also noted that another option has been suggested that if it is a financial issue we could help them in some way, shape or form. Mr. Keprios stressed that staff worked hard to establish a workable compromise with the Swim Club, however, without success. Therefore, staff does not have a recommendation because it's a no win situation for staff. Paul Cederberg, Director of the Aquatennial swim meet this year, pointed out that under the rules of Minnesota swimming it is not arbitrary when they have that swim meet, because it is assigned. Ms. Massopust explained that there is a reason for how that determination is made. The meter swimming starts at the end of the high school year and there are a certain number of weeks to taper through to the national competition. 4 Therefore, you have to fit it in a certain period of the training season and it can't be too close to the state meet and it can't be too close to the national competition. It has to fit within four to five weeks into the season. Ms. Massopust noted that she can identify with all of the people who have made comments because she was the parent of three small children and was also an adult lap swimmer. However, after chairing the Aquatennial for the last four years and talking to NCAA swimmers from the University of Minnesota it is well worth closing the pool for the meet for one weekend. Ms. Massopust also pointed out that swimming is one sport where there is equity in which little girls can beat the little boys and gain self-esteem. Therefore, she would like to see the City of Edina continue to support this sport the way we do with Braemar ice arena and hockey. Ms. Kohler indicated that this is a situation where you can't please everyone. She noted that she would like to commend the Edina Swim Club because they provide a wonderful service for the children. Also, she understands that the Edina Swim Club uses the aquatic center most days from 5:30 a.m. until 1:00 p.m., so they are getting use of the pool. Ms. Kohler also commented that she would like to commend the staff for trying to find a viable compromise in a very tough situation. She indicated that she would propose that at least for next year we look at keeping the pool open on that weekend to the public because there is a viable alternative at the University of Minnesota. However, we will want to visit this again in a year and determine if it was wholly unacceptable for the Edina Swim Club or whether there would be some sort of a compromise. Jean Rydell SECONDED THE MOTION. Mr. Fee stated that in principle he agrees with this because of the volume of people that are using this facility now, but he doesn't want to leave the Edina Swim Club out in the cold. However, since they do have a guaranteed alternative for next year, that is what they should do. Mr. Fee stated then next summer come back to us and let us know if there is another weekend that would be more conducive to the citizens of Edina and still work with the Edina Swim Club's schedule. He noted that it's unfortunate that this happens to fall probably on the busiest weekend of the summer and with 2,000 to 4,000 citizens using it a day he doesn't think there is any other choice. Ms. Bennett indicated that she has a swimmer in the Swim Club program and this is a tough one for her but she feels the numbers speak pretty clearly and the Park Board's job is to represent as many people as they possibly can. Also, if the Edina Swim Club has an opportunity to go to the University of Minnesota they should try to do that and come back next year and let us know how it works. Mr. Burley noted that he would just reiterate what everyone else has said and the Park Board has to think of the overall community. Ms. Witzel asked if in the process this is something that the Edina Swim Club could appeal. Mr. Montgomery replied that the Park Board can only make a recommendation to the City Council. Mr. Keprios replied that if the Edina Swim Club is not pleased with the outcome of the Park Board meeting and want to pursue the issue to the City Council it will be on the agenda at the September 2nd City Council meeting. Mr. Keprios also indicated that he will talk to the University of Minnesota so that he can have in writing what he has already been told on the phone. 5 Mr. Montgomery clarified that the recommendation to the City Council is THAT THE EDINA SWIM CLUB MOVE THEIR AQUATENNIAL SWIM MEET TO THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA AQUATIC CENTER FACILITY FOR THEIR JULY 10-12,1998, SWIM MEET AND WE WILL REVISIT THE ISSUE A YEAR FROM NOW. IN FAVOR - 9 - Jim Fee, Bill Jenkins, Becky Bennett, Mike Burley, Phyllis Kohler, Dave Crowther, Jean Rydell, Beth Hall, Andrew Montgomery OPPOSED -I - John Dovolis MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Keprios asked the Edina Swim Club if they wish to pursue this to the Edina City Council on September 2"d and it was noted definitely. III. FOX MEADOW PARK DEVELOPMENT Mr. Keprios indicated that he had been contacted by a couple of residents from the Fox Meadow Park neighborhood area as to what the process would be if there were a strong interest in developing the park in some way, shape or form. These residents felt that the demographics and attitude about the development of the park have changed from what was been in the past. Mr. Keprios showed on a map the parcel of property that is being talked about and noted that it is a very heavily wooded area. He also pointed out that the closest parks to this area are Walnut Ridge Park and Highlands Park. Mr. Keprios gave a brief history on Fox Meadow Park. He noted there were 3 bond issues on the agenda on September 4, 1975, one was for park open space supposedly to not be developed. There was an issue to purchase park land to be developed as local or neighborhood parks and a third one, 2.2 million, to develop those local neighborhood parks. Mr. Keprios indicated that the Fox Meadow Park property was purchased with the park land money and was never developed. However, Mr. Rosland has indicated to him that there used to be a plan to develop the park that was proposed to the neighborhood and the neighborhood felt very strongly at that time that is not something that they wanted at that time. That is why it has been undeveloped for all of these years. Mr. Keprios pointed out that no one stepped forward during this past bond issue to develop Fox Meadow Park and currently there is no money available to develop this park. He commented, however, that does not mean that it should not be addressed because if people have concerns they need and deserve to be heard. Mr. Keprios explained that when the Nisi family and the Beaupre family approached him about the park he suggested to them that they have a couple of options either do it by petition or do it by survey. Therefore, they took it upon themselves and administered a survey of 80 mailings in which they received about 72% back indicating they would be in favor of the development. Mr. Keprios then explained that the word spread quickly throughout the neighborhood and another petition has surfaced on the opposite side of the issue, which includes approximately 100 names. However, a large number of the names are not anywhere near Fox Meadow Park. Mr. Keprios informed the Park Board that Fox Meadow Park is a 3.84 acres parcel of land and is considered to be a neighborhood park, which by definition would service one square mile and is typically for ages 6 to 14 years of age. Typical things you put in a neighborhood park are tennis courts, softball diamonds, basketball courts, ice skating facilities, playground equipment and pathways. However, that does not mean that every park should have all of these things. Mr. Keprios did indicate that Fox Meadow Park does have a very mature stand of trees as well as a lot of wonderful prairie grass. He pointed out that he is not a fan of tearing down any trees for the sake of development. However, the issue comes down to a couple of things, number one and the most important is there is no money to do anything right now. That doesn't mean that we shouldn't plan for the future but for us to do that we need to know what the people want and what they will agree to. Mr. Keprios explained that it is important to establish a long range Capital Plan and it would be nice to know if we should plan on any future development of that site. Mr. Burley indicated that he doesn't see why we are discussing this if we don't have any money to do anything and there obviously are strong points on both sides from the neighborhood who are arguing over something we can't do anyway. Mr. Burley MOVED THAT THE PARK BOARD TABLE THIS UNTIL THE CITY HAS THE MONEY TO EVEN MAKE A DECISION ABOUT WHAT TO DO WITH THE PARCEL OF LAND. Jim Fee SECONDED THE MOTION. Mr. Montgomery indicated that his only concern is that this topic was put on the agenda and people are here for the Park Board to hear their concerns, therefore, it is only appropriate to hear a couple of their comments. Mr. Crowther commented that his concern is that by the time the city does have the money to essentially develop this park the sentiment of the neighborhood may be changed and there may be different people living there. Mr. Montgomery stated that he would like to take five minutes to let a couple of people comment on this issue. O.P. Portu, resident, indicated that he agrees with the statement that was made if there is no money we are kidding ourselves. However, when he moved to Edina 8 years ago one of the things that impressed him is the fine balance that the city does between recreation centers and the natural setting. Mr. Portu noted that when he saw the first petition he thought it would be very convenient for his family to just go across the woods to the park. However, he quickly realized that would be somewhat selfish because there are other residents who do not have children and they enjoy the balance of the peace and quiet. Mr. Portu pointed out that in his petition against developing the park you will find that almost all of those people have houses directly adjoining the park and that to him matters more than people who live 2 blocks away from it. Laura Nissi, resident, stated that she was one of the instigators of the survey for developing the park. She indicated that the prairie grass and weeds are so high that you cannot walk through it. She pointed out that she heard from 74% of the people she sent surveys out to and those people were very enthusiastic about developing the park. She explained that no one wants baseball, basketball, swimming pools, tennis courts, parking 7 lots, etc. Most people want a place to go to meet their neighbors. Ms. Nissi noted that if the Park Board tables this issue because there is no money she will come back and send out a survey again if in the future there are funds available and it can become an issue. Mr. Montgomery indicated that he would like for the City to cut the grass. Mr. Keprios commented that as staff he will never tell a resident no, you cannot bring your concern to the Park Board. He stated that he indicated to these residents there is no money and he doesn't anticipate there being any money for some time. However, if you want to pursue it that's certainly the democratic process and he can't fault them for doing that. Mr. McQuinn, resident, indicated that he wrote the Park Board a letter and stated several positions about living on the south side of that park. He felt that mowing the area two times a year, like they do at the arboretum, to keep that grass about 6 inches would serve a lot of peoples purposes and would broaden the use of that park as well as save the city a lot of money. Mr. Keprios thanked Matt Peterson, resident, for adopting the Fox Meadow Park. Mr. Peterson commented that he thinks the idea of access is important. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY TO TABLE THIS ISSUE AT THIS TIME. IV. 3.2% BEER ORDINANCE Mr. Keprios stated that Chairman Montgomery asked to have this issue be addressed by the Park Board. Mr. Keprios explained that the city has been changing it's ordinances through the years with regards to serving and selling liquor in Edina. The most recent significant change in the liquor laws in Edina have been to allow restaurants in town to sell both wine and strong beer without having to serve a main course meal first. However, this was not granted to City owned facilities. We can still serve 3.2% beer and wine at the golf dome, golf course, Edinborough, Centennial Lakes, and by permit at Van Valkenburg. Mr. Montgomery would like these facilities to be able to serve (but not sell) strong beer. Mr. Keprios stated that we can currently serve wine which can be as high as 12% alcohol while we are limited to serving only 3.2% beer. There is little difference between 3.2 beer and strong beer, which can be as high as 5%. He indicated that Mr. Montgomery felt that we should at least allow the caterers to serve strong beer, similar to all of the other restaurants in town. John Dovolis MOVED TO ACCEPT MR. MONTGOMERY'S RECOMMENDATION TO CHANGE THE 3.2% BEER ORDINANCE TO ALLOW CITY OWNED FACILITIES THAT ARE CURRENTLY ALLOWED TO SERVE 3.2% BEER THE OPTION TO SERVE STRONG BEER. Becky Bennett SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. V. PARK REFERENDUM UPDATE Mr. Keprios handed out the Senior Center booklet that Ms. Weigle put together to answer questions that were raised at the recent Park Board meetings. Mr. Keprios indicated that he met with Mr. Rosland, Mr. Dragseth, Mr. Johnson, and Mr. Hughes to discuss the option of working with the school district. They have now progressed to point of hiring an architect to do a feasibility study and draw some conceptual plans to see what it would be like to add on a "free standing" senior center facility. This would be located on the south end of the existing community center. Mr. Montgomery asked what is happening with YMCA and Mr. Keprios replied they are on hold at this point, however, it has not been ruled it out totally. Mr. Keprios indicated that they opened bids on the shelter buildings today and the lowest bid came in at $1,129,000, which includes accepting all the proposed deduct alternates. This is only for three shelter buildings and three comfort stations. Mr. Keprios pointed out that in his budget he was hoping to build the little shelter buildings for $220,000 which would include utilities and architect fees. He stated that they are going to have to go back to the architect and make some changes. Mr. Dovolis noted that the prices on the bids do not make sense. Mr. Keprios explained that one of the problems they are having is we are in such a glut of construction that he has been calling and begging people to bid. Therefore, we need to go back to the drawing board and we are going to have to itemize building by building as well as scale down the comfort stations and shelter buildings. Mr. Dovolis asked when these buildings need to be completed by and Mr. Keprios responded that better than 90% of the money needs to be spent by next August 1S`. Mr. Dovolis told Mr. Keprios that he will help him with this and they will start from the beginning. Mr. Keprios indicated that he appreciates that and that he will ask the City Council to reject all of the bids and we will come up with a Plan B so we can stay within budget. Mr. Keprios indicated that with the Courtney Ball Fields they had to bite the bullet to stay within budget. They had hoped to be able to re -grade all four fields but bids came in so high that we are able to do only three of the four fields. Mr. Jenkins asked about Pamela Park and Mr. Keprios replied that it is currently under construction and we are a little over budget. Mr. Burley asked if there will be a concession stand and Mr. Keprios noted there will be no concession stand, no electronic scoreboards and no lights because that is not part of the plan right now. At this time they are reorienting the three fields as well as adding some adequate parking. Also, the fields will be irrigated which they never have been in the past and there will be black fencing put up. VL OTHER A. Advertising at the Baseball Fields - Mr. Burley asked about advertising at the baseball fields and Mr. Fee commented that the City Council doesn't want it. Mr. Burley asked if he can challenge the City Council on this because it's time and we are running out of money. Mr. Burley stated that Edina is a unique community in that we isolate ourselves and don't allow advertising particularly in a socially accepted park were minimal advertising would be put on a scoreboard in a controlled environment. This certainly could provide the funds we need especially now while all of the construction is going on we could raise a lot of money. Mr. Fee pointed out that there is a new City Council but 9 the former City Council was really against it. Ms. Bennett asked if this issue went before the City Council after the Park Board had their recent discussion and it was noted no because there was no recommendation to change the existing policy and no one challenged the issue any further. Mr. Montgomery informed the Park Board that he recently was at a baseball facility in Eagan and they had advertising on their scoreboards and it was almost inconspicuous. Mr. Jenkins added that everywhere you go you see advertising and people are used to it. Mr. Keprios pointed out that the cola companies are willing to give a lot of money without advertising if you sign a contract with them to just buy their product for pre- determined number of years. He noted that he doesn't have a preference one way or another regarding advertising. Mike Burley MOVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL CONSIDER REVISING THE CURRENT ADVERTISING POLICY TO ALLOW FOR ADVERTISING AT BALLFIELD LOCATIONS IN NEED OF FUNDING FOR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS SUCH AS SCOREBOARDS. John Dovolis SECONDED THE MOTION. Mr. Fee commented that he thinks the City Council is going to send this back to us and maybe it would be prudent to pull out the previous Park Board minutes were there was discussion on this that we should review before the next Park Board meeting. Mr. Burley stated that he thinks Mr. Fee is right, however, the problem he has is we are up against the wall time wise because we are in the process of currently working on the fields in need of new scoreboards. Ms. Hall asked if we should try this at one field before we do the overall city. Mr. Burley stated that his concern with that is we are redoing Courtney and Pamela right now and he would hate to see Pamela Park get done and then say well we should have done that when we were redoing it. Mr. Montgomery asked how extensive is the advertising, it's one thing to put the advertising on the scoreboard and get that one going and it's another to revisit the whole issue as Mr. Fee is saying to get the paperwork that we've had in the past again in front of us. Mr. Burley asked Mr. Keprios is it realistic to put scoreboards at Pamela Park if we were to receive funds from one of the cola companies. Mr. Keprios replied that it's realistic but it's not something he's recommending because he doesn't want to see that park turned into a tournament site. There is a lot of activity at that park and there is not a lot of parking. He noted that Van Valkenburg Park is already set up for fast pitch softball tournaments and it works well for that purpose. Ms. Rydell commented that none of the private people that could have funded some of these things came forward with a penny so why should we go out on a limb. She noted that Ms. Bennett even offered to call people if she was given a list and they never did anything. 10 Mr. Burley MOVED THAT THE CITY COUNCIL CONSIDER ADVERTISING ON SCOREBOARDS. IN FAVOR - 9 - Jim Fee, Bill Jenkins, Becky Bennett, Mike Burley, Phyllis Kohler, David Crowther, Beth Hall, John Dovolis OPPOSED -I - Jean Rydell MOTION CARRIED. B. Lake Cornelia Grand Opening - Mr. Keprios indicated that we were hoping to have a Lake Cornelia Park Grand Opening, however, it was significantly washed out. Therefore, he suggested next year having a grand opening to celebrate a whole multitude of new development to be proud of, which would be a great way to kick off the season. Mr. Keprios noted that he feels there should still be a separate grand opening for the arena because that deserves its own grand opening. C. Lewis Park Basketball Court - Mr. Burley asked what the status is with the Lewis Park basketball court. Mr. Keprios explained that specifications were drawn and bids were opened for three courts. The three courts were Weber, which is being funded through the referendum, Utley and Lewis, which are both proposed to be funded by the Basketball Association. The bids came in about $4,000 higher than they had hoped. The Edina Basketball Association also indicated that they were disappointed in the delay. He indicated that was delayed because there were some issues regarding the exact location of the court at Utley that needed to be resolved before specifications could be established. The Basketball Association indicated they would just fund Utley if we could guarantee it would be ready by August I". The low bidder indicated that was impossible so the EBA withdrew their offer and will consider to do both courts next spring. D. Bangu Soccer - Mr. Burley indicated that it was his understanding that the Park Board voted that Bangu Soccer cannot play in Edina. However, he has heard that they currently are still playing soccer in Edina and it's their home field. Mr. MacHolda replied that he is not scheduling them to play but that they have been notorious for just showing up. Ms. Kohler indicated that the Park Board told Bangu in the spring that we had no alternatives so now is the time to tell them that they cannot use parks that are controlled by Park and Recreation so they can make other arrangements. Mr. MacHolda stated that Bangu has never been allowed on city owned fields. They had permission in the past from the school district. However, this year because of the field shortage with the bond referendum we need to use the school fields for at least the next two years. Mr. MacHolda indicated that Bangu probably used the field without any authorization. Mr. Keprios noted that they will inform Bangu that we do not anticipate we will have any soccer fields available for them to use. E. Van Valkenburg Park - Mr. Keprios showed the Park Board the first concept plan for the small parcel left at Van Valkenburg park that was promised to the neighborhood. What the plan shows is a small playground area, a path and a half court basketball area. Mr. Keprios indicated that he is going to show this plan to the neighborhood committee II and then have the consultant put together cost estimates for development. Mr. Fee asked if this is part of the referendum and it was noted no, this project will have to be done through the Developer's Fund, if funds are available. VII. ADJOURNMENT John Dovolis MOVED TO AJOURN THE MEETING AT 9:20 P.M. Phyllis Kohler SECONDED THE MOTION. MEETING ADJOURNED. 12 RESOLUTION SETTING 1998 PARK AND RECREATION FEES BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council does hereby approve and set the following 1998 Park and Recreation Fees. PLAYGROUND $10.00 $12.00 COACH PITCH $35.00 $40.00 ADULT TENNIS INSTRUCTION $30.00 $35.00 YOUTH TENNIS INSTRUCTION $30.00 $35.00 PEE WEE TENNIS $20.00 $25.00 TEAM TENNIS $55.00 $60.00 TENNIS CAMP $75.00 $75.00 YOUTH SUMMER CLASSIC TENNIS TOURNAMENT $12.00 $12.00 ADULT SUMMER CLASSIC TENNIS TOURNAMENT $15.00 $15.00 Co-Rec & Mens $ 330.00 $345.00 Team Entry Fee $50.00 $50.00 Classic League Mens/Womens 35 & $295.00 $310.00 Over & Industrial BAKETALL League Non -Resident Fee $ 25.00 $25.00 5 -Man C League $400.00 $425.00 individual Non -Resident Fee $150.00 $150.00 5 -Man B League $400.00 $425.00 Team FALL:SOFTBALL HOCKEY Co-Rec Leagues $225.00 $225.00 4 -Man League $150.00 1 $200.00 Mens Leagues $200.00 $200.00 Ra�aeA�.r Non -Resident Fee $ 25.00 $ 25.00 Co-Rec League $450.00 $475.00 individual Non -Resident Fee $150.00 $150.00 gp�Qy (team) �(LtEYBALL A -Division $1,550.00 $1,700.00 ::::...... : Officiated Leagues $210.00 $225.00 B -Division $1,125.00 $1,350.00 Non -Officiated $105.00 $125.00 C -Division $ 625.00 $750.00 Leagues Non -Resident $ 10.00 $ 10.00 individual ..:::..... : . s' .. ........ 1 ...... :.:... :.................... ......... $3.58 $4.28 SEASON TICKETS $15/$13 $15/$13 ................. _. RESIDENT FAMILY. ''':":"::" ........ ........ _ __ 1997. > 1998 First 2 members $17/$15 $ 45.00 $60.00 Each additional member 3 hours $ 10.00 $15.00 Maximum 8 members $4.64 $105.00 $150.00 RESIDENT INDIVIDUAL $27/$25 $ 40.00 $50.00 ,. . ...NON RESIDENT FAMILY, d ::::«::_.:::: 1997 199$ First 2 members $5.25 $ 65.00 $80.00 Each addition al member $34/$31 $ 10.00 $15.00 Maximum 8 members 7 hours $125.00 $170.00 NON=RESIDENT INDIVIDUAL $6.15 $ 60.00 $70.00 Daily Admission $42/$38 $ 6.00 $6.00 Admission after 6 P.M. $ 4.00 $4.00 Aquatic Instruction $ 45.00 $50.00 MEMBERSHIPS: FAMILY - $35.00 INDIVIDUAL - $25.00 CLASS FEES * (based on # of hours in class) PARENT/CHILD WORKSHOPS"` (Members - 10% discount) F(includes 1 child and 1 adult) 25 hours $3.58 $4.28 1 '/2 hours $15/$13 $15/$13 24 hours $4.08 $4.28 2 hours $17/$15 $17/$15 21 hours $4.35 $4.55 3 hours $21/$19 $21/$19 14 hours $4.64 $4.84 4 hours $27/$25 $27/$25 12 hours $4.92 $5.12 5 hours $31/$28 $31/$28 8 hours $5.25 $5.45 6 hours $34/$31 $34/$31 5 hours $5.65 $5.85 7 hours $39/$35 $39/$35 4 hours $6.15 $6.35 8 hours $42/$38 $42/$38 *all clay and children's classes add $5.00 1 *all clay classes add $5.00 .. .. G.�JN RANaE . ... 1997: ...:..:::.................................. . ; cum Hourly Rate as of 9/95 $115.00 $120.00 Open skating Youth and Adult $ 2.50 $ 2.50 Skate Rental $ 1.50 $ 1.50 Skate Sharpening $ 3.00 $ 3.00 SEASON TICKETS (effective 10/1/97) $ 6.00 RESIDENT FAMILY,; _ . < 199 First 2 members $ 57.00 $ 60.00 Each additional member $ 5.00 $ 5.00 Maximum 7persons) $ 82.00 $ 85.00 RESIDENT INDIVIDUAL: $ 47.00 $ 50.00 NON-RESIDENT FAMILY; 199% :1998 First 2 members $ 72.00 $75.00 Each additional member $ 5.00 $ 5.00 Maximum 7persons) $ 97.00 $100.00 NON-RESIDENT INDIVIDUAL $ 57.00 $ 60.00 CLASSES $ 70.00 $ 74.00 .. .. G.�JN RANaE . ... 1997 .< ;:>::. CLOSED Pistol - 'h hour $ 5.50 CLOSED 25 rounds trap $ 5.25 CLOSED Building per hour $ 55.00 CLOSED Daily Rental $175.00 CLOSED Firearm Safety $ 6.00 CLOSED BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE GREEN FEES 1997 1998 18 hole - non -patron $23.00 $24.00 18 hole - patron $18.00 $19.00 9 hole - non -patron $13.00 $13.50 9 hole - patron $10.00 $10.50 GROUP FEES - 18 holes $32.00 $33.00 GROUP FEES - 9 holes $16.00 $17.00 PATRON CARDS (until April 1) 1997 1998 Individual $55.00 $55.00 Executive Course $25.00 $25.00 PATRON CARDS (after April 1) 1997 1998 Individual $60.00 $60.00 Executive Course $25.00 $25.00 COMPUTERIZED HANDICAPS 1997 1998 Resident $16.00 $18.00 Non -Resident $21.00 $22.00 LOCKERS 1997 1998 Men's 72 inch $35.00 $35.00 Men's 42 inch $25.00 $25.00 Ladies 72 inch $15.00 $15.00 CLUB STORAGE $35.00 $35.00 CLUB RENTAL $ 7.00 $7.00 PULL CARTS $ 2.25 $2.25 GOLF CARS 1997 1998 18 holes $22.00 $22.00 9 holes $13.00 $13.00 18 holes/person with disability single rider $11.00 $11.00 Group Car Fees $30.00 $30.00 GROUP GOLF LESSONS 1997 1998 Adult $60.00 $62.00 Junior $30.00 $32.00 BRAEMAR EXECUTIVE COURSE 1997 1998 Adult non -patron $ 8.50 $9.00 Adult patron $ 7.00 $7.50 Junior - non -patron $ 6.50 $7.00 Junior - patron $ 5.00 $5.50 Golf Cars (everyone) $10.00 $10.00 Pull Carts $ 2.00 $2.00 Group Fees $11.00 $12.00 BRAEMAR ROOM Pull Carts $ 2.00 1997 1998 Resident - wedding related $11.00 $625.00 $625.00 Non-residents -wedding related 1997 $675.00 $675.00 Other events $ 5.25 $250-$675 $250-$675 Concession Fees an annual increase of 5%, as a general rule RICHARDS EXECUTIVE COURSE 1997 1998 Adult - non -patron $ 9.50 $10.00 Adult - patron $ 8.00 $8.50 Junior - non -patron $6.50 $7.00 Junior - patron $ 5.00 $5.50 Golf Cars (everyone) $10.00 $10.00 Pull Carts $ 2.00 $2.00 Group Fees $11.00 $12.00 GOLF RANGE 1997 1998 Large Bucket $ 5.25 $5.50 Small Bucket $ 3.25 $3.50 Warm -Up Bucket $ 1.50 $1.75 GOLF DOME 1997 1998 Large Bucket $ 5.50 $6.00 Senior Bucket $ 5.25 $5.75 Time Golf '/2 hour $ 8.00 $8.50 Hourly Field Rental $100.00 $100.00 League $695.00 $695.00 ........................................................................................................................................................................... .. "1997 1998 Daily Passes $ 3.00 $3.50 SEASQN..PASSES' 19971 199$......: Edina Family first 2 members $195.00 $205.00 Each Additional Member $ 15.00 $15.00 Maximum 7 members $270.00 $280.00 Edina Individual $180.00 $190.00 Non -Edina Family first 2 members $215.00 $230.00 Each Additional Member $ 20.00 $20.00 Maximum 7 Members $315.00 $330.00 Non -Edina Individual $195.00 $210.00 Towel Fee $ 0.75 $0.75 Skate Rental $ 1.50 $1.50 ... ...... BUILDING RENTALS: 1997 1998 1997 1998 Com'I Use/Trade $2,500.00 $2,500.00 Banners $150.00 $150.00 Shows Category #1/Edina $17/day + $17/day + Use of Rink Area $125.00 $125.00 Boards/Assoc. May $12/person $12/person through October (setup/down)setup/down) Category #2/hr...dma Ctvic & Edina Schools Cover Ice Area $400.00 $400.00 :::>::::>;::>::::>::::> T u' Monday thru h rsday.> ........ Great Hall $150.00 $150.00I. DXX Om@5t1..Ph:otb $h`ot.::Y1Q.urf>' ....... _ .... Theatre $75.00 $75.00 Any Park Area $50.00 $50.00 Blocked Off Grotto $ 50.00 $ 50.00 Grotto $ 50.00 $ 50.00 Ca egos t#3:..(pel" our,.:, eneral Fees Theatre $ 75.00 $ 75.00 Great Hall $300.00 $300.00 Great Hall $ 75.00 $ 75.00 Theatre $125.00 $125.00 Ice Rink $100.00 $100.00 Grotto $ 75.00 $ 75.00 Commercial Photo Shoot hOurl > C to O # EXigt. t Ve Rental «` Any Park Area $ 200.00 $ 200.00 ... Blocked Off Friday Evening $1,500.00 Grotto $ 200.00 $ 200.00 Saturday Evening $1,500.00 Theatre $ 200.00 $ 200.00 Great Hall $ 300.00 $ 300.00 Ice Rink $ 300.00 $ 300.00 Paddle Boats _ 1997 . 1998 1997 _ ... 199< ..... ............... . ..... 2 person boat % hr $ 3.00 DELETE Friday evening $600.00 $600.00 4 person boat %2 hr $ 5.00 $ 5.00 Saturday evening $600.00 $600.00 Winter sled '/z hr $ 3.00 $ 3.00 Sunday Rentals __ Ice Skates $ 1.50 $ 1.50 % room - $200.00 $200.00 4 hour increments after 2 PM ::<: ;> < . �uildin Re.n alt tlll Yh ..::.:...::..::: ... '/z day -'/2 room $125.00 $125.00 Full room - 4 hours $400.00 $400.00 increments after 2 PM Full day -'/2 room $200.00 $200.00 . __............................................... }aCCI ................................... iOn PuttPrl`''` >':...::: 9 hole $ 3.50 NA Full da - %2 room $400.00 $40..0......0 18 hole NA $7.00 $ui din -Mental g< ..0 Friday evening) » sawn Games.::...>> ....... ...... .:`....;. '/z evening - %2 room $200.00 $200.00 Per hour - Per $3.00 $3.00 person %2 evening - full room $400.00 1 $400.00 . ........ ................. .............. XXX ... ......... . ....... ......... - .... . ............... NT: E :T: .................. ... .. ......... ARK:.�DEPARTME--.-- . ... ... N . ................... n: .......... ........ ............. G.R. er i P kA a ar reas., . -***`*--, :::::: .......... ---- .... .......... I ..... .... I .... ...... ........ : .......... . . . . . . ......... . ....... e U e s:: V Ik R . ,e ..... ............ .. ........... . .. ....... ................ ...... %% .......... ........... ................ .. . ...................... ... .............................. ............... ............ . .. ... ... ...... .............. ........... ....... ... ..... ............. ....... .... ...... 6", S:I I ......... .. :1 99T...I....::'I:,:.,:.: 998: .......... ............ ...... 1997 998 Commercial Use (i.e. $50.00 $50.00 Per field/day $150.00 $150.00 TV)/hour includes building Commercial use with $100.00 $100-00 .................. .................. ............... Athl.ett :'Associations . ...... . light/hour ................... ............. Picnic shelter/day - $75.00 $100.00 Field User $ 6.00 $ 6.00 Cornelia fee/participant Showmobile/day $700.00 $700.00 ..................... ................ A i6p- Edii 60:�fl, pc key, ...................... ........... .. .... .... .... . ..... ...... - ... - ... ......... �OOtd6or R ........... k: ............. ............... .......... ............ . Field User $6.00 $ 6.00 ............................ X. fee/participant Per field - per day $100. $100.00 .......... r es. `:ii:A*debs::;:.T... i-, ....... r ra. 6. . 00 Per day/w/formal $125.00 $125.00 gardens/gazebo Per hour, first hour $ 50.00 $ 50.00 Each additional hour $ 25.00 $ 25.00 up to 4 hours I I I I I EDINA PARKS REFERENDUM PROJECTS LISTED BY PROJECT IN PRIORITY *=project completed; **=project under construction. ENTERPRISE FACILITIES: **EDINA AQUATIC CENTER $ 1,794,624 **BRAEMAR SOUTH & WEST ARENAS 3,836,894 **EDINA ART CENTER 75,000 **WIPPERMANN GUN RANGE 50,000 TOTAL 5,756,518 5,756,518 PARK SHELTER BUILDINGS Cornelia School Park 230,000 Todd Park 230,000 Walnut Ridge Park 230,000 Weber Park 230,000 TOTAL 920,000 920,000 COMFORT STATIONS Garden Park 90,000 Lake Cornelia Park 90,000 Wooddale 90,000 TOTAL 270,000 270,000 BASKETBALL COURTS *Alden Park 12,000 *Chowen Park 17,320 Heights Park 10,000 *Normandale Park 14,000 *Strachauer Park 13,000 *Weber Park 13,000 TOTAL 79,320 79,320 BALL FIELD LIGHTING: *Courtney Ball Fields (Braemar Park) 75,000 TOTAL 75,000 75,000 ROOF REPAIR: *Creek Valley Park 17,805 TOTAL 17,805 17,805 PATHWAY REPAIR/ADDITIONS *Alden Park 6,638 *Arneson Acres Park (concrete sidewalk & patio) 9,726 **Braemar Park 6,000 *Bredesen Park 7,000 *Chowen Park (around playground equipment) 3,000 *Normandale Park (from parking lot to building) 1,000 *Strachauer Park 3,000 **Todd Park (new path around the park) 35,000 TOTAL 71,364 71,364 REPLACE WALKING BRIDGE *Heights Park 23,000 *Beard Ave. (including approaches & concrete stairs) 43,000 *Walnut Ridge Park 28,500 TOTAL 94,500 94,500 TENNIS COURTS *Countryside Park 39,470 *Highlands Park 40,120 *Lake Cornelia Park 28,070 *Todd Park 20,420 TOTAL 128,080 128,080 PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT *Arden Park 50,616 *Birchcrest Park 50,616 *Braemar Park 50,616 *Countryside Park 48,066 *Garden Park 50,616 *Highlands Park 50,616 *Lake Cornelia Park 209,057 *Strachauer Park 44,433 *Tingdale Park 50,616 *Todd Park 50,616 *Walnut Ridge Park 50,616 *Weber Park 70,000 TOTAL 776,484 776,484 REPAIR/REPLACE FENCING *Birchcrest Park 2,300 *Chowen Park 5,000 *Countryside Park 8,000 *Garden Park 30,000 *Courtney Ball Fields (Braemar Park) 40,000 **Pamela Park (softball field backstops & safety fencing) 36,000 *St. John's Park 2,300 *Tingdale Park 2,300 TOTAL 125,900 125,900 PARKING LOT REPAIR/ADDITION: *Normandale Park 12,000 **Courtney Ballfield area lot 50,000 *Strachauer Park 24,820 TOTAL 86,820 86,820 ROOF FOR GREENHOUSE: *Arneson Acres Park 7,500 TOTAL 7,500 7,500 HOCKEY RINK BOARDS & FENCING **Cornelia School Park 20,000 *Lewis Park 23,000 *Normandale Park 20,000 *Strachauer Park 24,000 TOTAL 87,000 87,000 ASPHALT HOCKEY RINK: *Lewis Park 18,000 *Normandale Park 18,000 TOTAL 36,000 36,000 OUTDOOR HOCKEY RINK LIGHTS: *Cornelia School Park 1,500 TOTAL 1,500 1,500 CONCRETE APRON AROUND PARK SHELTER BUILDING: *Normandale Park 5,000 *Strachauer Park 5.000 TOTAL 10,000 10,000 PARK SHELTER BLDG. REPAIR: *Arneson Park (furnace) 4,340 *Creek Valley Park (furnace) 2,780 *Pamela Park (furnace) 2,820 *Strachauer Park (furnace) 1,500 TOTAL 11,440 11,440 BALL FIELD & GROUNDS IRRIGATION *Braemar Park Soccer Field 10,620 *Countryside Park 9,800 *Courtney Ball Fields (Braemar Park) 27,684 *Garden Park (softball field) 6,111 *Pamela Park 26,310 TOTAL 80,525 80,525 REGRADE BASEBALL FIELD: *Countryside Park 19,115 **Courtney Ball Fields (Braemar Park) 150,000 *Garden Park 20,000 TOTAL 189,115 189,115 REGRADE SOFTBALL FIELD: *Garden Park (remove asphalt & add culdesac) 15,000 **Pamela Park (3 fields) 80,000 TOTAL 95,000 95,000 COOKING GRILLS: *Lake Cornelia Park 7,500 *Utley Park 1,000 TOTAL 8,500 8,500 PARK BENCHES *Birchcrest Park (2) 500 *Chowen Park (3) 750 *Sherwood Park (3) 750 TOTAL 2,000 2,000 REBUILD DUGOUTS: *Countryside Park 8,000 **Courtney Ball Fields (Braemar Park) 32,000 TOTAL 40,000 40,000 WIDEN SOCCER FIELD: *Braemar Park 20,000 *Pamela Park 20,000 TOTAL 40,000 40,000 BURY UTILITY LINES & ADD STREET LIGHT **Arden Park 7,000 TOTAL 7,000 7,000 GRAND TOTAL 9,017,371 L A K E C O U N T R Y B U I L D E R S I N C 3 3 9 S E C O N D S T R E E T O 6 1 2. 4 7 4. 7 1 2 1 LAKE COUNTRY EX CE LSIOR,MN 55331 O 612. 474. 7957 B U IL D EI R COUNTRY October 1, 1997 Dear Friends, By now I'm sure the Edina Country Club area is wondering what in the world is being created at 4611 Browndale! An accurate response would literally be "a masterpiece". Since the projects inception a year ago, Lake Country Builders has been diligently working towards creating a remodeling masterpiece designed by Bruce Knutson and conceived by the creative owners. During this time the neighbors and surrounding community have been most understanding in working through some logistical issues.Bus routes, traffic flow and general pedestrian travel have all been affected at one point or another.Our challenge has been to provide efficient work flow to the owners while at the same time respecting and maintaining our responsibility to the local community in general.If there were times we did not meet your expectations, I sincerely apologize and respectfully ask for your continued patience. To all of our friends (and I hope we are still friends!) a heartfelt thanks for your kind consideration. We will continue to be sensitive to your concerns while working through the final phase of this fabulous project. To show you our sincere appreciation for your patience, we have presented the Edina Park and Recreation Department a check for $1000 to be used for upgrades to Wooddale Park located at Wooddale and 50th. Specifically, the gift will be directed towards the finish landscaping around the new comfort station which was not previously included in the park's budget. Thank you again for being such kind neighbors. BRAEMAR GOLF ASSOCIATION BOARD MEETING AUGUST 6, 1997 Attendance: Warren Hoglin (Sub for Mary Jane Bolmgren), Lloyd Meyer, Jim Blanchard, Ted Pearson, John Kressel, Judy Tanner, Bob Sandilla and Lavonn Stoakes. Staff John Vallerie. The meeting was called to order by President John Kressel. The Minutes of the June 4, 1997 mmeeting were approved as mailed. John Kressel reported on the status of the "Adopt a Park Project". John signed the agreement as the board had approved and mailed it to Julia Bertrand. We were accepted and now the board will wait forffirther instructions on how Braemar will handle its responsibility doing the project. A list of Past Recipients and this year's candidates for the Braemar Golf Course Distinguished Service Award were passed out. John Vallerie and Jim Blanchard gave the Board a broader background on each of the candidates nominated. One new name was added by recommendation of a Board Member. Discussion followed. A Motion was made on one of the candidates to receive this years award. It was seconed and passed. The Award will be presented this fall at an event where it is known the candidate will attend. John Kressel will represent the Board and John Vallerie will obtain the plaque for the presentation. Treasurer's Report ---Lloyd Meyer Expenses to date this year has been $28.16. Balance on Hand as of July 31, 1997 is $1,017.50. The Board was made aware we have 2 ten inch Paul Revere Bowls on hand with an original cost of $70.00 each. At the October Meeting the Board will have the following members leave after completing their second terms --John Kressel, Ted Pearson, and Mary Jane Blomgren. They were asked to find a member from their league to join the Board. Mary Jane has already found her replace- ment. Lloyd Meyer and Lavonn Stoakes are completing their first term and will. continue on the Board for their second and final term. Course Report ---John Vallerie -Braemar has had 5 boys from the Braemar Junior Golf program play in the MGA Junior Ameteur Championship at Grand Rapids. John felt this shows the strong junior program being developed at the Braemar Courses. Page 2 BGA Bd ASS. Minutes. -Rain has taken its toll on the three courses. The long regulation course alone was closed -for a total of 3 days. An estimated loss in play revenue was $64,000 plus cart use of another $10,000. -A discussion was opened on the possibility of design and installing cart paths on the course. It would allow carts to be used when the course is soft from rain. So many members feel play is not available to them when cartsare restricted. Types of paths could be made of asphalt, crushed rock or wood chips. It is an expensive project to install but John Vallerie felt it deserved consideration. A professional may have to be consulted on the possible= design and how this would fit on the space Brasmar has for cart paths. -Work continues on the gold tees. The course staff has been very busy and they are now considering some outside help to finish up the project yet this years. -The Walk Path around Braemar was closed off at the area of the construction of the new 9 holes. The work to replace that path are now underway. -Once again! "slow play" by golfers, both men and women was brought up. Before the last 9 holes were constructed a big push was made to keep play moving and players were even timed. Slowly that has passed and players are falling back to slower and slower play. It was noted that many golfers should move up to the red and gold tee areas and their speed playing the holes could increase. Grooming of some of the holes would help to stop looking for lost balls and play would also increase. It was agreeded this is a continuing problem that should be worked on. -Signs will be posted shortly at all 3 courses to remind all players that Soft -spikes will be required for the 1998 season. Our Next Board Meeting on October 1, 1997 is also the Annual Meeting. All patron card holders are members of the Association but few realize this. It was felt better information on the association should be given when the patron purchases their cards. After the new board for the coming year is in place the board should make a effort to get this information of the board members out to each league. Meeting was adjourned. Lavonn Stoakes Secretary