HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-11-18 Park Board PacketCity Of Edina EDINA PARK BOARD TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1997 7:30 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS AGENDA 1. Approval of October 14, 1997, Park Board meeting Minutes. is *2. Walnut Ridge Park Master Plan. *3. Senior Citizen Center. *4. 1998 Fees and Charges. 5. Other. *6. Adjournment. * These are agenda items that require or request Park Board action. City Hall (612) 927-8861 4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX (612) 927-7645 EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424-1394 TDD (612) 927-5461 *Memo To: Edina Park Board. From: John Keprios, Director Edina Park and Recreation Department Date: November 10, 1997 Re: November 18, 1997, PARK BOARD MEETING STAFF REPORT. Enclosed you should find the following items: 1 . Tuesday, October 14, 1997, Park Board Minutes. 2. Tuesday, November 18, Park Board Agenda. 3. Proposed 1998 Fees and Charges. 4. Adult Athletic Program Budgets. 5. 1997 golf Course fees and charges survey. 6. Indoor ice arena survey. 7. Letter & shelter building plans to Walnut Ridge Park residents from John Keprios. 8. Notice to Walnut Ridge Park neighbors from Karin Marshal & Leslie Johnson. 9. Anonymous flyer to Walnut Ridge Park neighbors. 10. Memo from Jim Leary. 11. Letter from George Saly. 12. Letter from Marde and Mark Olson. 13. Letter from Karin E. Marshall. 14. Letter from Amy Keppel. 15. Letter from Kenneth Rosland to John Witzel. 16. TSP/Eos Architects & Engineers Senior Center Facilities Study. 17. Edina Senior Center article from the League of Women Voters (Edina Leaguer November 1997 issue). 18. Memo from Vince Cockriel, Park Foreman, regarding Lewis Park bandy rink maintenance. STAFF REPORT The following is the monthly staff report concerning each item on the agenda with the exception of Approval of the Minutes and Other. "Other" is listed on the agenda in case last minute items come up between now and the Park Board meeting, plus, cover any other concerns of Park Board members and/or attendees. WALNUT RIDGE PARK MASTER PLANS A copy of the enclosed letter and park shelter building plans were mailed to 185 resident homes surrounding Walnut Ridge Park inviting residents to attend a neighborhood input neeting that was held on Wednesday, November 5, 7:00 p.m. at City Hall. As you may recall, residents of Walnut Ridge Park asked to be invited to a follow-up input meeting after the new revised building is designed and before it goes out for bid. The Park Board agreed to notifying a reasonable number of residents prior to going out for bid on the new designed structure. Two letters/notices created by residents were distributed to a significant number of households in the Walnut Ridge Park neighborhood. Unfortunately, those notices were misleading and inaccurate, which caused an unusually large attendance of angry misinformed residents. I received twenty-two (22) phone calls from residents concerning Walnut Ridge Park improvement plans. Three of the callers were pleased with the proposed plans. The remaining 19 calls were mostly angry customers who felt that Walnut Ridge Park deserves more improvements, such as, the larger shelter building, upgraded pathway, regraded ballfield area, a basketball court and an asphalt surface within the hockey rink. Most callers were not familiar with the reasons for the current master plan and had never attended a previous Park Board meeting or Neighborhood Input Meeting. As a result of the misleading information created and distributed by area residents, there were many issues that needed to be clarified at the neighborhood input meeting. Andrew Montgomery, Bill Jenkins and Dave Crowther attended the meeting. Also in attendance were Vince Cockriel, Park Foreman, and our Architect Consultant, Jon Brakke from SGN Architects. There were an estimated 200 residents in attendance at the meeting in the Council Chambers. Following approximately 20 minutes of presentation from me and the Architect, there were questions and comments from residents for another hour and forty- five minutes. This neighborhood meeting produced the following suggestions from area residents: • Slightly more than half of those in attendance would prefer to have the City build the larger park shelter building at Walnut Ridge Park. • Residents are concerned about getting the most out of their tax dollar. • The majority want the Park Board to consider keeping a basketball court, as well as, an asphalt surface in the hockey rink in the master plan. • It appeared as though regrading the open turf areas was more important to the majority than adding hard surface areas to the park. • Residents were concerned about vandalism. • There was a comment about keeping the park well maintained and especially the tennis courts. Residents appeared pleased about the new playground equipment. • The City should consider a different location for the shelter building if it makes more sense financially due to poor soils. • The City should consider building additional parking on the east side of the park. The City should consider installing motion sensor lights in the parking lot. • The new shelter building should be made available to the public for private rentals during non-scheduled times. As I mentioned at the Neighborhood Input Meeting, the proposed park shelter building will likely be used for the following activities: • For changing ice skates during the winter months. • For summer playground programs. • For general park users to have access to restroom facilities during daylight hours. • For small civic, athletic and neighborhood group meetings. • For small group private rentals (birthday parties, family celebrations etc.). Weber Park is in need of a larger building for a couple reasons: • Continue as a voter location site during elections. • Neighborhood has been accustomed to a larger shelter building for years. Cornelia School Park is in need of a larger building mainly because: �• It is the only hockey rink site in the entire Southeast quadrant of Edina. + The School District would like to utilize the building for various classes and programs. As you may recall, the original plan was to design two separate size buildings and late in the process the strategy was to stay with one design and one size assuming that there was little cost savings by going to two different designs. Even with the current plan, there is an estimated cost savings of only $10,000 per building by cutting out roughly 400 square feet. The breakdown between the two proposed park shelter buildings is as follows: (Walnut Ridge and Todd) (Weber and Cornelia School) TYPE 1 TYPE 2 Gross Area 1 ,1 67 square feet 1,597 square feet Great Room Porch Area Occupant Load (7 s.f./person) Occupant Load (15 s.f./person) 617 square feet 200 square feet 41 people 1,025 square feet 167 square feet 146 people 68 people Construction Cost $227,763 $237,763 *he main reason for having this Neighborhood Input Meeting was to give residents an opportunity to review and respond to the revised park shelter building plans. Based on the input from this meeting and looking back as previous discussions, I am of the opinion that we should go forward with the proposed 1,187 square foot park shelter building, which is slightly smaller than what is now proposed for Weber Park and Cornelia School Park. Even though slightly more than half of the residents who were in attendance on November 5 were in favor of the larger design, I was left with the impression that many of those residents voted that way simply because they felt that somehow they were not getting their fair share. My professional opinion is that the current design will be more than adequate to serve the needs of the residents now and in the future. There will seldom be times when the building needs to serve more than 88 residents at one time. There are many residents who feel that it would be nice to have the larger building and I honestly do not have strong feelings one way or the other. The current design was primarily to appease those residents who spoke at the May 13 and June 10 Park Board meetings. The larger design does offer more opportunities in the future, however, I am not convinced that Walnut Ridge Park is the best location to for additional uses beyond what is mentioned above. As for the current master plan, we do plan to rebuild the pathway next summer and widen it to eight feet. In addition, the approaches to the newly installed walking bridge will have asphalt as well. I am partly to blame for some of the misunderstanding regarding the master plan for Walnut Ridge Park. In retrospect, my letter to the residents should have provided more background information and I should have mailed it to 1,000 households rather than only 200. A park's master plan is never ending because every park (and recreation program) must constantly evolve with the times to meet the ever changing needs. For example, where were in-line skates 15 years ago? Somehow residents were given the impression that an asphalt area in the hockey rink, a basketball court and a regraded turf area were part of the Parks Referendum Plan. Those were merely ideas (and good ones at that) from residents and Park Board members that surfaced during the input process that will be kept in mind when planning for future development. I believe that most Walnut Ridge Park neighborhood residents now understand the facts regarding the Parks Referendum and the process that brought us to the current master plan. I believe that the residents who attended the input meeting on November 5 got a good understanding of the challenges that the Park Board faces in prioritizing park development projects that best serve the entire community as a whole and not just one neighborhood. I will give Park Board members an abbreviated presentation of what was presented at the November 5 meeting and (with help from Park Board members in attendance that evening) Nill attempt to verbally summarize the meeting's results. There will likely be some residents in attendance at the Park Board meeting on this topic. In summary, it will be my recommendation to go forward with the current proposed building and location. 'ark Board action is requested on this item. SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER TSP Architects have now completed their feasibility study for building a Senior Citizen Center next to the Community Center. A copy of this thorough and comprehensive study is enclosed in this packet. The results of the study speak for itself. The concept of building a Senior Citizen Center next to the YMCA is still a viable option. As for the process, I have recently met with the Senior Citizen Advisory Committee on two separate occasions. On October 22, 1997, 1 met with the Senior Citizen Advisory Committee to give them a review of the architect's Facilities Study at the Edina Community Center. At the conclusion of that meeting I asked the Committee to discuss the Senior Center issue among themselves and come to a consensus as to what they really want. I met again with the Advisory Committee (plus other interested seniors also were in attendance) on Wednesday, November 5, 1997, 8:00 a.m., to hear their recommendations. At that meeting, the seniors in attendance discussed the perceived pros and cons with each of the following possibilities: 1 . Remain in the current location. 2. Build a Senior Citizen Center next to the YMCA. 3. Build a Senior Citizen Center next to the Edina Community Center. 4. Build a stand alone Senior Citizen Center somewhere in Edina. 5. Build a new Recreation/Community Center along with an attached Senior Citizen Center. There will be senior citizens in attendance at the November 18 Park Board meeting to share their findings. Staff will also give a brief presentation of the pros and cons. The idea of building a new Recreation/Community Center along with an attached Senior Citizen Center was a thought that came from the City Council at their November 3, 1997, meeting. In fact, the City Manager, Mr. Ken Rosland, has directed me to research every Recreation/Community Center in the Twin Cities area and interview their Directors. I will report my findings to the Edina Park Board. It is clear that the senior citizens clearly would prefer their own stand alone facility, however, they also recognize that there will be operational expenses that need to be paid. After reviewing all of the current alternatives, Park Board will be asked to make a recommendation to the City Council as to what direction should be pursued. Being that I have been directed to research all Recreation/Community Centers throughout the Twin Cities, it may be prudent to recommend that no decisions be made until my research is complete. Unfortunately, without professional assistance, this process may take several months to complete. In the mean time, my recommendation would be to remain at the ,,xisting site until all reasonable alternatives have been pursued. Park Board action is requested on this matter. (:EES AND CHARGES Hopefully, the enclosed surveys and budgets that were requested by the Park Board at the October meeting answers the majority of the questions. Please know that Arena Manager, Larry Thayer and Golf Course Manager, John Valliere, will be present to answer any questions regarding the proposed fees and charges. Park Board action is requested on this matter. OTHER Edina Aquatennial Swim Meet As you will note in the letter from Mr. Rosland to Mr. Witzel, the Edina Swim Club will be holding their 1998 Edina Aquatennial Swim Meet at the University of Minnesota Aquatic Center. The Edina Swim Club will not be paying any rent for their pool use at the Edina Aquatic Center in 1998. Their 1999 Swim Meet plans are yet to be determined. Other concerns of the Park Board will be addressed at this time. n �J EDINA PARK BOARD 7:30 p.m. October 14, 1997 MEMBERS PRESENT: Phyllis Kohler, Becky Bennett, Michael Burley, John Dovolis, Jim Fee, Andrew Herring, Bill Jenkins, Andrew Montgomery, Jean Rydell MEMBERS ABSENT: Beth Hall, Dave Crowther STAFF PRESENT: John Keprios, Ed MacHolda, Janet Canton OTHERS PRESENT: Barbara Johnson I. APPROVAL OF THE AUGUST 12. 1997 PARK BOARD MINUTES Jean Rydell MOVED TO APPROVE THE AUGUST 12, 1997 PARK BOARD MINUTES. Bill Jenkins SECONDED THE MOTION. MINUTES APPROVED. II. 1998 FEES AND CHARGES (PRELIMINARY REVIEW). Mr. Keprios explained to the Park Board that this year he wanted to hand out the fees and charges a month earlier for everyone to review. The reason being if anyone would like any additional information he will have a month to prepare and do whatever additional research may be necessary. He stated that a recommendation for the fees and charges will need to be made at the November Park Board meeting. Mr. Burley commented that he recalls last year the main issue was the fee at the golf course. Mr. Keprios indicated that Mr. Valliere does send out a survey and noted that he would be happy to copy that survey to the Park Board as well as have Mr. Valliere attend the November Park Board meeting. Mr. Montgomery pointed out that he was trying to rationalize the adult athletic fees. He noted that men's softball is $310.00, indoor basketball is $425.00, 4 -man hockey is $200.00 and co-rec broomball is $475.00. He asked how does staff support those differences. Mr. Keprios informed the Park Board that he will send out a copy of the budgets which show the revenues and expenses for each adult athletic program. Mr. Keprios noted that with the basketball program there are three officials and that's where a huge expense is, whereas hockey is self -officiated. Also, everyone pays a facility user fee just like the various youth associations. Ms. Bennett indicated that she just received information regarding the open skating hours at Braemar arena and pointed out that there are actually less hours of open skating than last year. She asked why is this happening when there is now going to be a third sheet of ice. Mr. Keprios explained that last year the open ice hours were reduced to accommodate the girls hockey program. Ms. Bennett stated that there is no longer open skating on Friday nights and feels that was a very popular family activity. Mr. Keprios commented that he will look into it but recalls it was a financial decision. However, if it's dollars versus how much service we provide we do need to look at that. Mr. Keprios informed the Park Board that Mr. Thayer will be at next month's Park Board meeting to answer further questions. Mr. Burley added that after a referendum and spending money on a new arena he feels that the community would want to see more open skating. Mr. Burley asked why the adult non -patron pays more at the Richards Golf Course than they do at the Braemar Executive Golf Course. Mr. Keprios replied that it's because there is a difference in the courses and the debt service to be paid, however, he noted that Mr. Valliere can answer that question at the next Park Board meeting. Mr. Herring added that he would also like to know what kind of use the two golf courses get. Mr. Herring indicated that he would like to have a discussion on how much time and energy goes into maintaining the bandy sheet of ice at Lewis Park for the limited number of residents. Mr. MacHolda replied that the "C" league plays exclusively at Lewis Park. The `B" league plays a minimum of 50% of their games at Lewis Park and the "A" league plays approximately 40% of their games at Lewis Park. He stated that bandy is played seven days a week at Lewis Park. Mr. Keprios asked Mr. Herring if he is looking for the amount of labor it takes to maintain the bandy sheet of ice. Mr. Herring replied for the maintenance of the sheet of ice and for MacHolda's time spent on the program. Mr. Herring stated that the Aquatic Center increases make him a little uncomfortable. Mr. MacHolda replied this past summer there were some concerns about the fees being too high because we opened the main pool June 10 and the wading pool in July. He explained the reason the fees were left the same is because they have not been raised in seven years. However, if the pool had opened Memorial weekend he would have raised the fees. He noted that St. Louis Park's fees are slightly higher than Edina's fees. Mr. MacHolda stated that St. Louis Park will be approximately $10.00 to $15.00 higher than what Edina is proposing for 1998. He indicated that St. Louis Park was sold out on most days this past summer. He also explained that St. Louis Park is the only pool Edina should be compared to because they are the only two pools that are very similar in what they offer to the public. Mr. Burley asked what is the purpose for raising the Aquatic Center fees, is it to meet the budget or is it to provide a slush fund. Mr. MacHolda replied that this year they broke even. He indicated that the last time the pool was renovated it was done through a revenue bond and we are going to be spending approximately $80,000 a year up front to pay back that revenue bond. Therefore, to keep pace with expenses we need to increase 14 the fees. He noted that as Mr. Keprios stated in his staff report, it's not necessarily to offset something else but the goal is to have it self-sufficient. Mr. Keprios also pointed out that down the road the Aquatic Center is expected to pay back their $207,000 loan from the Developer's Fund. Mr. Keprios confirmed that at the next Park Board meeting Mr. Valliere and Mr. Thayer will be present to answer any further questions that the Park Board may have. III. PARK SHELTER BUILDING PLANS Mr. Keprios explained that previously all bids were rejected for the three shelter buildings and three comfort stations, therefore, they went back to the drawing board. He indicated that recently Mr. Dovolis helped him work with the architect to find a way to cut back on some expenses. Mr. Keprios presented drawings of the new designs and commented that the cost is now approximately $54,000 for each comfort station building compared to the original design which cost $117,000. Mr. Jenkins asked what amenities or square footage are being lost and Mr. Keprios replied that they are only losing square footage. Mr. Keprios explained that the shelter building plans have been broken down into two separate buildings. The larger of the two buildings will be at Cornelia School and Weber Park. The smaller two buildings will be at Walnut Ridge Park and Todd Park. Mr. Keprios gave a breakdown of the costs for the shelter buildings. He noted that he feels the cost analyzer is a little high, however, he expects the bids to come in less than one million dollars. Mr. Keprios stated that we may be a little short but Mr. Rosland has assured him that we will be able to borrow any additional money needed to cover the shortfall. Mr. Keprios noted that Mr. Dovolis has also offered a tremendous savings to the City by offering to sell at cost all of the heating and plumbing fixtures for the buildings. This will obviously be a significant savings. Mr. Dovolis has been extremely helpful. Mr. Keprios indicated that he feels we can go forward with these plans, however, the Walnut Ridge area is a very sensitive area and as the Park Board may recall we assured those residents an opportunity to review any revised plans. Mr. Keprios indicated that he would like to send out notices and invite these people to attend the November Park Board meeting. Mr. Montgomery responded that he doesn't feel we need to bring this issue before another Park Board meeting. He noted that possibly a different meeting could be set up for those people to attend and have a few park board members present. Mr. Keprios indicated that he will set up a meeting time. Mr. Keprios informed the Park Board that this will be the last set of projects for the referendum dollars. He noted that there are a few projects that we did not get to yet, however, he hopes to accomplish the majority of the remaining projects through the 3 operating budget in the years to come. He stated that we planning on doing pathways, irrigation systems, fencing and hard surface areas in the coming years within the operating budget. Mr. Keprios pointed out that the Engineering Department has really come to the rescue on a lot of things. Mr. Herring asked if there will be a capital budget for next year and Mr. Keprios replied no. The Park and Recreation Department has no capital dollars in the 1998 budget and there will be little money left in the Developers Fund after the completion of the Art Center Media Lab. Mr. Keprios explained that there is no capital plan for the City of Edina because there are levy limits in place which will be there for at least another year. Mr. Jenkins asked about the new roof being put on the Golf Dome at Braemar. Mr. Keprios replied that the new roof will be put on the Golf Dome the end of this month. He indicated that it is being paid through the trust fund at Edinborough, therefore, it's a loan from Edinborough that we will be paying ourselves back. In essence, we are borrowing money from ourselves to get the job done which we may also have to do if we run short of money when we build the shelter buildings. Mr. Burley asked about the basketball courts at Lewis Park and Utley Park. He indicated that he was informed that the Basketball Board went back to Mr. Rosland and stated that they wanted to build an indoor facility with private funds out at Braemar. Mr. Burley commented that he likes the idea but that he doesn't know how practical it is. Mr. Keprios replied that he did hear talk of this several months ago but he noted that another possibility might be the Northwest Club on York Avenue. Jerry Noyce mentioned that it may be for sale. Mr. Keprios commented that Doug Johnson is thinking about adding on another gymnasium at the community center. Ms. Rydell commented that there might be gym space available over at the Lewis Engineering site or at the Grace Church site because they are moving. Mr. Keprios indicated that there are a lot of possibilities and there is a lot of demand for more gym space in Edina. IV. PARK REFERENDUM UPDATE Mr. Keprios handed out a list indicating where he feels we are going to end up with the park referendum projects. He noted there are a number of projects that do not show up on the list, however, he hopes to still complete them such as the asphalt work, irrigation work and a lot of fencing work which will all come out of the operating budget. It was asked what is happening with the Gun Range and Mr. Keprios explained that a new multi jurisdictional training facility for both police and fire is planned on being built. He noted that the training facility will include a number of cities, as well as, the Metropolitan Airport Commissions Security Force. Mr. Keprios indicated that the City of Edina's part of the deal is to provide the land for the site. He noted that it will be built a little bit further to the north than the existing gun range building and construction is scheduled to 4 start next year. Mr. Fee asked if the $50,000 is part of the city's contribution and Mr. Keprios replied no. He explained that the $50,000 is what was previously needed to make the current facility useable. However, if we weren't going to continue to operate the gun range than the site needed to be cleaned up in which the low bid came in at $30,000. Therefore, the site is now cleaned of lead. Mr. Keprios pointed out that the $20,000 that is left will probably come into play when we demolish the building or get rid of the rest of the lead. Mr. Burley asked if the new facility will be open to the citizens of Edina. Mr. Keprios indicated that has not yet been decided and Mr. Burley asked then why are we doing this. Mr. Keprios replied that the police in this area need a place to train and all of the cities in the area are willing to pay for a facility. The main reason they chose Edina is so they don't have to send their officers to distant places for their training. In addition, the county and state informed us we had to put in some type of ventilation system in place at the existing building just to remain open due to potential lead dust. Therefore, the timing worked out well. Mr. Burley asked who will determine whether or not the citizens will be able to use the facility. Mr. Keprios replied it will be the City Council and the topic will likely come before the Park Board down the road. Mr. Montgomery asked where is there another range open to the public. Mr. Keprios replied that the closest one he knows of is in Robbinsdale and there is also one at Mystic Lake Casino. Mr. Keprios indicated that on the list he handed out there is an asterisk next to the items he feels we are committed to still do. He noted that at Heights Park we are going to try to put the basketball court in ourselves in the Spring. Mr. Keprios commented that there are some other improvements that are not listed which are going to eventually get done. Mr. Herring asked what is the biggest item that we promised that we didn't deliver and Mr. Keprios responded that it is the shelter buildings and comfort stations. However, there will be other items that we will hear about such as irrigation and fencing. Other than that all of the other major items have been taken care of. V. OTHER A. Strong Beer Recommendation to the City Council - Mr. Keprios explained that the City Council has looked at the Park Board's recommendation to allow the various facilities to allow consumption of but not sale of strong beer. He indicated that it has now turned into a much larger issue. He noted that the City Council has directed staff to investigate the risks vs. rewards of selling alcohol on the golf course and allowing consumption of strong beer at various park sites. Mr. Montgomery asked how do they rationalize selling strong beer at restaurants but we cannot have it at our own facilities. Mr. Keprios explained that to consume strong beer at the sites were we currently sell 3.2 is not a big change in the ordinance. However, for us C] to sell strong beer or wine would require us to have a wine license which then we would need a liquor manager. Mr. Montgomery asked why can't we at least get the strong beer in for the catered functions at these various facilities. Mr. Keprios commented that the City Council is reviewing the matter. They want to review it as a package and not piece meal it. B. Sponsorships and Donations Policy Revision (advertising on scoreboards) - Mr. Keprios indicated that the City Council did pass the Park Board's recommendation on the sponsorships and donations policy revision. He explained that the procedure we are going to use for now (on a two year trial basis) is anything $5,000 or greater or any advertising that shows up where it has otherwise never shown up will require prior City Council approval. Otherwise, it is in the hands of the City Manager to decide what's appropriate and what's not. He noted that the City Council was very supportive and doesn't feel there is any issue regarding the scoreboards. Ms. Bennett asked who will be sponsoring the baseball scoreboards and Mr. Keprios replied that he has not heard what baseball is securing for the scoreboards. Mr. MacHolda indicated that he thought baseball was looking at the beverage companies, Holiday, Davanni's and Edina Reality. There are four fields that need scoreboards so they can have multiple sponsors. Mr. Keprios commented that they are going to review these on a case by case basis where it applies. He also pointed out that everything will go through the Park Board first and then it will be passed on to the City Council. Mr. Jenkins asked if the Baseball Association will receive all of the funds through advertising at places such as Courtney Fields. Mr. Keprios explained that if there is any advertising to be done at Courtney Fields it will be to fund a specific project like an amenity such as in this case to fund a scoreboard. He noted that the Baseball Association will not receive any money, it becomes property of the City of Edina to improve the city facilities. C. Aquatennial Swim Meet - Mr. Keprios indicated that the Park Board's recommendation went before the City Council. He noted that the President of the Edina Swim Club, John Witzel, was present and spoke to the City Council. Essentially what happened is the City Council asked that the City Manager to work this out. The Council stated that staff should be in charge of scheduling facilities. Mr. Montgomery asked if the Edina Swim Club will be using the Edina Aquatic Center for their 1998 Aquatennial Swim Meet. Mr. Keprios noted that there has been no decision made yet. Mr. Herring commented that the recommendation of the Park Board has not changed. Mr. Burley asked if he understood correctly that the Edina Swim Club may have their swim meet in Edina next year and Mr. Keprios replied that it is a possibility. Mr. Burley commented that the Park Board made a very difficult decision on this issue and the Park Board tries to buffer the City Council on a lot of these issues when maybe we should just 0 send these people to the City Council in the first place. Mr. Montgomery indicated that the Park Board would be very disappointed if the swim meet were held in Edina in July. Ms. Kohler indicated that she feels it would be valuable if the Park Board published their practices and procedures as far as how citizen groups may address the Park Board and under what circumstances. She noted that hearing from small groups does not represent the 39,000 other people. D. Edina Senior Center - Mr. Keprios explained to the Park Board where they are at with the senior center. He noted that he has just met with the architect and handed out information stating the differences between the plans at the Community Center and the YMCA. Mr. Keprios explained that at the Community Center they would be able to add parking spaces. Mr. Keprios stated that the YMCA deal is still on the table. Mr. Herring asked if there are any other options and Mr. Keprios replied there are numerous options. For example, we could have a referendum and build a free standing building, we could take over Grace Church, etc. Mr. Herring asked if any other options have been pursued and Mr. Keprios noted that the YMCA and Edina Community Center are the only two options he has been directed to research.. Mr. Keprios pointed out that the Community Center site is similar to the YMCA in that they would pick up the maintenance and utilities whereas with a free standing building we are on our own for maintenance and utilities. Mr. Keprios indicated that the school would also be able to use this area just like the YMCA which might be a trade-off to help cover the operating costs. Mr. Herring asked if the seniors have had any input on the Community Center option. Mr. Keprios stated not yet but he will be meeting with them at the end of the month to bring them up to speed and ask for their input. Mr. Fee asked who is the force behind this plan and it was noted it is the City Council. Mr. Herring asked if this community center location is the preferred location from the position of staff. Mr. Keprios replied that they are not that far into the study yet but looking ahead he feels the answer would be yes. E. Edina Garden Council - It was noted that Barbara Johnson from the Edina Garden Council was in attendance. Ms. Johnson indicated that she has been an Edina resident for 44 years. Ms. Johnson commented that the Garden Club does not currently have a representative to attend the Park Board meetings to see what might affect them so that is why she is attending the meeting. Mr. Keprios commented that the Edina Garden Council has donated money to build the Arneson Acres gazebo and they are now looking into funding a fountain for the center of the formal gardens. F. About Town - Mr. Fee complemented Mr. Keprios and the Park Department regarding the hard work involved in implementing the Park Referenda. He noted that he feels Mr. Keprios has done a great job and he knows it's been a lot of work from the very beginning through the whole process. Mr. Keprios indicated that he has a great staff who have all been fortunate to have a supportive City Manager, Park Board and City Council. 7 G. Putt -Putt Golf Course - Mr. Keprios indicated that next spring or summer the Park Board will play at the putt -putt golf course when all 18 holes have been completed. H. Van Valkenburg Park - Mr. Keprios noted that Van Valkenburg Park was vandalized twice in the last week. He indicated that they are having security put in as well as the police officers will be patrolling it more heavily. I. Van Valkenburg Park/Braemar Football Fields - Mr. Jenkins asked if football will be played again at Braemar once the fields are back in. Mr. Keprios replied not for awhile because the turf is just too vulnerable for the first year or two. Mr. Jenkins asked if they envision going back to Braemar after that time period and it was noted that they would like to try an every other year approach with football. He pointed out that it does shorten the adult fall softball program but he feels that is the right way to go. VI. ADJOURNMENT Bill Jenkins MOVED TO ADJOURN THE PARK MEETING AT 8:45 P.M. Jean Rydell SECONDED THE MOTION. MEETING ADJOURNED. 0 RESOLUTION SETTING 1998 PARK AND RECREATION FEES BE IT RESOLVED that the Edina City Council does hereby approve and set the following 1998 Park and Recreation Fees. PARK AND RECREATION 1997 1998 PLAYGROUND $10.00 $12.00 COACH PITCH $35.00 $40.00 ADULT TENNIS INSTRUCTION $30.00 $35.00 YOUTH TENNIS INSTRUCTION $30.00 $35.00 PEE WEE TENNIS $20.00 $25.00 TEAM TENNIS $55.00 $60.00 TENNIS CAMP $75.00 $75.00 YOUTH SUMMER CLASSIC TENNIS TOURNAMENT $12.00 $12.00 ADULT SUMMER CLASSIC TENNIS TOURNAMENT $15.00 $15.00 ADULT ATHLETIC FEES SUMMER SOFTBALL SOFTBALL POST SEASON TOURNEY 1997 1998 1997 1998 Co-Rec & Mens Classic League $ 330.00 $345.00 Team Entry Fee $50.00 $50.00 Mens/Womens 35 & Over & Industrial League $295.00 $310.00 BASKETBALL Non -Resident Fee individual $ 25.00 $25.00 5 -Man C League $400.00 $425.00 Non -Resident Fee (Team) $150.00 $150.00 5 -Man B League $400.00 $425.00 FALL SOFTBALL HOCKEY Co-Rec Leagues $225.00 $225.00 4 -Man League 1 $150.00 1 $200.00 Mens Leagues $200.00 $200.00 BROOMBALL Non -Resident Fee individual $ 25.00 $ 25.00 Co-Rec League $450.00 $475.00 Non -Resident Fee team $150.00 $150.00 BANDY VOLLEYBALL A -Division $1,550.00 $1,700.00 Officiated Leagues $210.00 $225.00 -Division $1,125.00 $1,350.00 Non -Officiated Leagues $105.00 $125.00 _13 C -Division $ 625.00 $750.00 Non -Resident individual $ 10.00 $ 10.00 AQUATIC CENTER ART CENTER SEASON TICKETS RESIDENT FAMILY: 1997 1998 First 2 members $ 45.00 $60.00 Each additional member $ 10.00 $15.00 Maximum 8 members $105.00 $150.00 RESIDENT INDIVIDUAL: $ 40.00 $50.00 NON-RESIDENT FAMILY: 1997 1998 First 2 members $ 65.00 $80.00 Each addition al member $ 10.00 $15.00 Maximum 8 members $125.00 $170.00 NON-RESIDENT INDIVIDUAL $ 60.00 $70.00 Daily Admission $ 6.00 $6.00 Admission after 6 P.M. $ 4.00 $4.00 Aquatic Instruction $ 45.00 $50.00 ART CENTER MEMBERSHIPS: FAMILY - $35.00 INDIVIDUAL - $25.00 CLASS FEES * (based on # of hours in class) Members - 10% discount PARENT/CHILD WORKSHOPS* includes 1 child and 1 adult NON-MEMBERS NON-MEMBER/MEMBER 1997 1998 1997 1998 25 hours $3.58 $4.28 1 '/z hours $15/$13 $15/$13 24 hours $4.08 $4.28 2 hours $17/$15 $17/$15 21 hours $4.35 $4.55 3 hours $21/$19 $21/$19 14 hours $4.64 $4.84 4 hours $27/$25 $27/$25 12 hours $4.92 $5.12 5 hours $31/$28 $31/$28 8 hours $5.25 $5.45 6 hours $34/$31 $34/$31 5 hours $5.65 $5.85 7 hours $39/$35 $39/$35 4 hours $6.15 $6.35 18 hours $42/$38 $42/$38 *all clay and children's classes add $5.00 *all clay classes add $5.00 ARENA 1997 1998 Hourly Rate as of 9/95 $115.00 $120.00 Open skatin Youth and Adult $ 2.50 $ 2.50 Skate Rental $ 1.50 $ 1.50 Skate Sharpening $ 3.00 $ 3.00 SEASON TICKETS effective 10/1/97 Daily Rental RESIDENT FAMILY: 1997 1998 First 2 members $ 57.00 $ 60.00 Each additional member $ 5.00 $ 5.00 Maximum 7persons) $ 82.00 $ 85.00 RESIDENT INDIVIDUAL: $ 47.00 $ 50.00 NON-RESIDENT FAMILY: 1997 1998 First 2 members $ 72.00 $75.00 Each additional member $ 5.00 $ 5.00 Maximum 7persons) $ 97.00 $100.00 NON-RESIDENT INDIVIDUAL $ 57.00 $ 60.00 CLASSES $ 70.00 $ 74.00 GUN RANGE 1997 CLOSED Pistol -'/ hour $ 5.50 CLOSED 25 rounds trap $ 5.25 CLOSED Building per hour $ 55.00 CLOSED Daily Rental $175.00 CLOSED Firearm Safety $ 6.00 CLOSED BRAEMAR GOLF COURSE GREEN FEES 18 hole - non -patron 1997 1998 $23.00 $24.00 18 hole - patron $18.00 $19.00 9 hole - non -patron $13.00 $13.50 9 hole - patron $10.00 $11.00 GROUP FEES - 18 hc!3s $32.00 $33.00 GROUP FEES - 9 holes $16.00 $17.00 PATRON CARDS (until April 1) 1997 1998 Individual $55.00 $55.00 Executive Course $25.00 $25.00 PATRON CARDS (after April 1) 1997 1998 Individual $60.00 $60.00 Executive Course $25.00 $25.00 COMPUTERIZED HANDICAPS 1997 1998 Resident $16.00 $18.00 Non -Resident $21.00 $22.00 LOCKERS 1997 1998 Men's 72 inch $35.00 $35.00 Men's 42 inch $25.00 $25.00 Ladies 72 inch $15.00 $15.00 CLUB STORAGE $35.00 $35.00 CLUB RENTAL $ 7.00 $7.00 PULL CARTS $ 2.25 $2.25 GOLF CARS 1997 1998 18 holes$22.00 $22.00 9 holes R $13.00 $13.00 18 holes/person with disability single rider $11.00 $11.00 Group Car Fees $30.00 $30.00 GROUP GOLF LESSONS 1997 1998 Adult $60.00 $62.00 Junior $30.00 $32.00 BRAEMAR EXECUTIVE COURSE 1997 1998 Adult non -patron $ 8.50 $9.00 Adult patron $ 7.00 $7.50 Junior - non -patron $ 6.50 $7.00 Junior - patron $ 5.00 $5.50 Golf Cars (everyone) $10.00 $10.00 Pull Carts $ 2.00 $2.00 Group Fees $11.00 $12.00 BRAEMAR ROOM GOLF RANGE 1997 1998 1997 1998 Resident - wedding related Small Bucket $625.00 $625.00 Non-residents - wedding related $ 1.50 $675.00 $675.00 Other events 1998 $250-$675 $250-$675 Concession Fees an annual increase of 5%, as a general rule RICHARDS EXECUTIVE COURSE 1997 1998 Adult - non -patron $ 9.50 $10.00 Adult - patron $ 8.00 $8.50 Junior - non -patron $6.50 $7.00 Junior - patron $ 5.00 $5.50 Golf Cars (everyone) $10.00 $10.00 Pull Carts $ 2.00 $2.00 Group Fees $11.00 $12.00 GOLF RANGE 1997 1998 Large Bucket $ 5.25 $5.50 Small Bucket $ 3.25 $3.50 Warm -Up Bucket $ 1.50 $1.75 GOLF DOME 1997 1998 Large Bucket $ 5.50 $6.00 Senior Bucket $ 5.25 $5.75 Time Golf '/ hour $ 8.00 $8.50 Hourly Field Rental $100.00 $100.00 League $695.00 $695.00 EDINBOROUGH PARK 1997 1998 Daily Passes $ 3.00 $3.50 SEASON PASSES 1997 1998 Edina Family first 2 members $195.00 $205.00 Each Additional Member $ 15.00 $15.00 Maximum 7 members $270.00 $280.00 Edina Individual $180.00 $190.00 Non -Edina Family first 2 members $215.00 $230.00 Each Additional Member $ 20.00 $20.00 Maximum 7 Members $315.00 $330.00 Non -Edina Individual $195.00 $210.00 Towel Fee $ 0.75 $0.75 Skate Rental $ 1.50 $1.50 BUILDING RENTALS 1997 1998 1997 1998 Com'I Use/Trade $2,500.00 Shows $2,500.00 Banners $150.00 $150.00 Category #1/Edina $17/day + Boards/Assoc. May $12/person through October setup/down) $17/day + $12/person (setup/down) Use of Rink Area $125.00 $125.00 Category #2/hr Edina Civic & Edina Schools Monday thru Thursday Cover Ice Area $400.00 $400.00 Great Hall $150.00 $150.00 Domestic Photo Shoot (hourly) Theatre $75.00 $75.00 Any Park Area Blocked Off $50.00 $50.00 Grotto $ 50.00 $ 50.00 Grotto $ 50.00 $ 50.00 Category #3 (per hour) General Fees Theatre $ 75.00 $ 75.00 Great Hall $300.00 $300.00 Great Hall$ 75.00 $ 75.00 Theatre $125.00 $125.00 Ice Rink $100.00 $100.00 Grotto $ 75.00 $ 75.00 Commercial Photo Shoot (hourly) Category #4 (Exclusive Rental) Any Park Area Blocked Off $ 200.00 $ 200.00 Friday Evening 1 $1,500.00 Grotto $ 200.00 $ 200.00 Saturday Evening 1 $1,500.00 Theatre $ 200.00 $ 200.00 Great Hall $ 300.00 $ 300.00 Ice Rink $ 300.00 $ 300.00 CENTENNIAL LAKES Rental Concession Items Weekend Rental - Full Evening (6 PM - 12AM) Paddle Boats 1997 1998 1997 1998 2 person boat % hr $ 3.00 DELETE Friday evening $600.00 $600.00 4 person boat % hr $ 5.00 $ 5.00 Saturday evening $600.00 $600.00 Winter sled % hr $ 3.00 $ 3.00 Sunday Rentals Ice Skates $ 1.50 $ 1.50 % room - 4 hour increments after 2 PM $200.00 $200.00 Building Rental (M-Th day - % room $125.00 $125.00 Full room - 4 hours increments after 2 PM $400.00 $400.00 Full day - % room $200.00 $200.00 Champion Putting 9 hole $ 3.50 NA Full da - % room $400.00 $400.00 18 hole NA $7.00 Building Rental (Friday Evening) Lawn Games evening - % room $200.00 $200.00 Per hour - Per person $3.00 $3.00 evening - full room $400.00 $400.00 DADV MCDADYKIlICA1T D=KITAI C F- r11\I% L/L-A r\1% I IIFAVA. . .ILL SM 11--116-%l General Park Areas: Van Valkenburg/Courtney Fields Residents Only) 1997 1998 1997 1998 Commercial Use (i.e. TV)/hour $ 50.00 $ 50.00 Per field/day includes building $ 150.00 $ 150.00 Commercial use with light/hour $100.00 $100.00 Edina Athletic Associations Picnic shelter/day - Cornelia $ 75.00 $100.00 Field User fee/participant $ 6.00 $ 6.00 Showmobile/day $700.00 $700.00 Edina Hockey Association Outdoor Hockey Rink Athletic Fields - Residents Only: Field User fee/participant $6.00 $ 6.00 Per field - per day $100.00 1 $100.00 Arneson Acres Terrace Room: Per day/w/formal gardens/gazebo $125.00 $125.00 Per hour, first hour $ 50.00 $ 50.00 Each additional hour up to 4 hours $ 25.00 $ 25.00 1998 EDINA PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT ADULT BASKETBALL INCOME/EXPENSE REPORT I�K9 i 1 TEAM ENTRY FEE 24 TEAMS X $400.00 $9,600.00 EXPENSES OFFICIALS 168 GAMES X $44.25/GAME $7,434.00 MRPA REGISTRATION FEE 24 TEAMS X $12.00/TEAM 288.00 MRPA STATE TOURNAMENT 4 TEAMS X $120.00/TEAM 480.00 PLAYOFF TROPHIES 9 TROPHIES X $100.00/TROPHY 900.00 PLAYOFF T-SHIRTS 24 T-SHIRTS X $12.00/T -SHIRT 288.00 BASKETBALL SCOREBOOKS 6 SCOREBOOKS X $6.00/BOOK 36.00 TOTAL EXPENSES $9,426.00 1997 TOTAL REVENUES $9,600.00 LESS 1997 TOTAL EXPENSES $9,426.00 1997 PROFIT (LOSS) $174.00 1997 EDINA PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 3 -MAN BASKETBALL BUDGET INCOME TEAM ENTRY FEE 5 TEAMS X $40.00 $200.00 EXPENSES PLAYOFF T-SHIRTS 8 T-SHIRT X $12.00 $96.00 TOTAL EXPENSES $96.00 1997 TOTAL REVENUES $200.00 LESS 1997 TOTAL EXPENSES 96.00 1997 PROFIT (LOSS) $104.00 1997 EDINA PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT 4 -MAN HOCKEY 1NCOME/EXPENSE REPORT INCOME TEAM ENTRY FEE EXPENSES INDOOR ICE PLAYOFF SHIRTS TROPHIES FACILITY USE FEE TOTAL EXPENSES 1997 TOTAL REVENUES LESS 1997 TOTAL EXPENSES 17 TEAMS X $150.00 $2,550.00 2 HOURS X $115.00/HOUR 230.00 26 SHIRTS X $14.00/SHIRT 364.00 6 TROPHY X $40.00/TROPHY 240.00 17 TEAMS X $100.00/TEAM 1,700.00 $2,534.00 $2,550.00 $2,534.00 1997 PROFIT (LOSS) $16.00 1997 EDINA PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT CO-REC BROOMBALL INCOME/EXPENSE REPORT INCOME TEAM ENTRY FEE EXPENSES INDOOR ICE OFFICIALS BROOMBALL BALLS MRPA REGISTRATION FEE PLAYOFF SHIRTS TROPHIES FACILITY USE FEE TOTAL EXPENSES 1997 TOTAL REVENUES LESS 1997 TOTAL EXPENSES 1997 PROFIT (LOSS) 5 TEAMS X $450.00/TEAM $2,250.00 I HOUR X $115.00/11OUR 24 GAMES X $40.00/GAME 5 BALLS X $30.00/BALL 5 TEAMS X $11.00/TEAM 20 SHIRTS X $14.00/SHIRT 2 TROPHIES X $40.00/TROPHY 5 TEAMS X $100.00/TEAM $115.00 960.00 150.00 55.00 280.00 80.00 500.00 $2,140.00 $2,250.00 $2,140.00 $110.00 1997 EDINA PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT ADULT BANDY "A" LEAGUE INCOME/EXPENSE REPORT INCOME 6 TEAMS X $1625.00 $9,750.00 EXPENSES ICE RENTAL 27 HOURS X $214.00/HOUR $5,778.00 OFFICIALS 51 GAMES X $32.00/GAME 1,632.00 AFFILIATION 6 TEAMS X $60.00/TEAM 360.00 BANDY BALLS 60 BALLS X $3.50/13ALL 210.00 FACILITY USE FEE 6 TEAMS X $200.00/TEAM 1,200.00 T-SHIRTS 20 T-SHIRTS X $12.00/T -SHIRT 240.00 TROPHIES 3 TROPHIES X $40.00/TROPHY 120.00 TOTAL EXPENSES $9,540.00 1997 TOTAL "A" LEAGUE REVENUES $9.750.00 LESS 1997 TOTAL "A" LEAGUE EXPENSES $9,540.00 1997 PROFIT (LOSS) $210.00 1997 EDINA PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT ADULT BANDY `B" LEAGUE INCOME/EXPENSE REPORT INCOME 5 TEAMS X $1,275.00 $6,375.00 EXPENSES ICE RENTAL 16 HOURS X $214.00/HOUR $3,424.00 OFFICIALS 34 GAMES X $32.00/GAME 1,088.00 AFFILIATION 5 TEAMS X $60.00/TEAM 300.00 BANDY BALLS 50 BALLS X $3.50/13ALL 175.00 FACILITY USE FEE 5 TEAMS X $200.00/TEAM 1,000.00 T-SHIRTS 20 T-SHIRTS X $12.00/T -SHIRT 240.00 TROPHIES 3 TROPHIES X $40.00/TROPHY 120.00 TOTAL EXPENSES $6,347.00 1997 TOTAL `B" LEAGUE REVENUES $6,375.00 LESS 1997 TOTAL `B" LEAGUE EXPENSES $6,347.00 1997 PROFIT (LOSS) $28.00 1997 EDINA PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT ADULT BANDY "C" LEAGUE INCOME/EXPENSE REPORT INCOME 7 TEAMS X $700.00 $4,900.00 EXPENSES ICE RENTAL 6 HOURS X $214.00/HOUR $1,284.00 OFFICIALS 34 GAMES X $32.00/GAME 1,088.00 AFFILIATION FEE 7 TEAMS X $60.00/TEAM 420.00 BANDY BALLS 70 BALLS X $3.50/BALL 245.00 FACILITY USE FEE 7 TEAMS X $200.00/TEAM 1,400.00 T-SHIRTS 20 T-SHIRTS X $12.00/T -SHIRT 240.00 TROPHIES 3 TROPHIES X $40.00/TROPHY 120.00 TOTAL EXPENSES $4,797.00 1997 TOTAL "C" LEAGUE REVENUES $4,900.00 LESS 1997 TOTAL "C" LEAGUE EXPENSES $4,797.00 1997 PROFIT (LOSS) 103.00 1996-1997 Edina Park and Recreation Department Adult Volleyball Budget Income Team Entry Fee 13 teams X $205.00 $2665.00 10 teams X $100.00 $1000.00 Non- Resident Fee ;. ( Total Income $365.00 ExpensE)s Officials 108 games X $18.50 $1998.00 MRPA Registration Fee 23 teams X $11.00 $253.00 MRPA State Entry Fee 3 teams X $110.00 $330.00 League Plaques 3 teams x $18.00 $60.00 Playoff T-shirts 40 Shirts X $8.00 $320.00 Playoff Trophies 6 trophies X $30.00 $193.50 Total Expenses $3154.50 $365.00 -$3154.50 1996-97 Profit (Loss) $5� .50 NOTES:, CD 1. $18.50 officiating fee includes a ij�'0 per match scheduling fee. 2. Awards: a. League champions received a plaque. b. Play-off champions and runner-up teams each received a trophy. C. Each playoff champion player received a t -shirt. 0 3. Teams supplied their own volleyballs this season. E E cu cu W (1) Q Q � O 04 6q cu cu a) N LO O s .c 643,60(/->I N c!n E C(B (U Q) C O O � U cn a) a) LL L.L C a Lll LL N Ir O EL) m E ? F z 0 0000000 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O ao C LL a) LL N LO NN O O O m m 0 L.0 LO 0 N Ln O Ln (D O a) O O cM U C7 T- c N .-. Q E a) w 0) � C U) .. c N N E C U) a) ` i a) o c ^ D ti C O W a Q.°)Q a as 'D O n (n a) M EA ca a .. _ m `i o ai n. LO 6» o U C c0 " +`= E cu cuL O cu�- a) Lo N ch r D a) d fl.. ON CL O r- O -0 Of` Ln O ER � T-- CO QA �...- 06 �.. 0) a�'i ) - (n aa)) a) tf o V) m Q) �. ao n ami -v LO a Ln Ln O LO O O Ln 0) LO -r- 0) Ln v v 0 0000000 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O C LL a) LL LO NN O O O m m 0 L.0 LO 0 Ln O Ln (D O I O O cM C7 T- c 161) EA (4 6016% 64 64 6A. Vl! U- C LL a) LL O N C c N N Wm p) c E 0) U) N c N CI - _a L E W U) a) ` °) c o c N D O W a Q.°)Q a as c E 6A. Vl! O C � m � O Q E EliCU c C � O O ti O P U n O Y (� a. O ca N cu ccs LU N O CL x cu U) D CL O O Ti N 69 T ca N O cu U O N fl - O -0 O O (u a- 0) m x Q + O O LO O O 1q, co � N Efl 69 Efl cu N O U (U E cu O E1 0) ti L P P P O O 0000 O O O O N U-) I` t- 6 o-) OO O md'r-_ It LO U") Ntitf) — I �7 c7 � Efi Eta 6R E9 69 Et} EA N N O r7 O (n a En cn °' E cn a O cn c� a� w0 o w NU- a, w o x cn °' W E LU . L OO cU E IL CL �� „ co ?� Iz H WtoH Dn CD N E Q) cu L Q. a) O 0- O cn � N r-+ Ef3 cu E N cu E (1) N O � r OD 000 000 O O O O O LO N O ce) C7 r- 6G613�6GI U) N E E F— U N a) C Ir- a) O U N a) a) a) a) L- LL u- c W W W a) 0 E E ? z ai m c a) cu E O � N d _ N L X _cu "T cn 64 v) � � d O - L O r CU N a) 70 O 06 cu a) a) u-) tn O r O Ma W O cu N N N M E E a O CO N I- M O 0000 O O O O O LO 0) O N 0) T- M cn 't— N 11 Iq I61), N O U c 0 H 64), 60-60 641169, ww m a) LL a) U c cu c m c W a) U) LL L a.Qc c. X E L6 0 0 W :) W U) F— N c a X W 0 H Z �a 0 U ti rn rn r- ICE RATE COMPARISON -CLOSEST COMPETITORS 1997-1998 SEASON ARENA PRIME NON -PRIME Slake School Arena $135 winter $110 summer Bloomington Ice Gardens $130, winter & summer $105 after 10pm $75 school days until 3 pm Braemar Ice Arena $115, winter & summer Eden Prairie Community Center $130 winter $95 - winter & summer $110 summer Hopkins Pavilion $115 winter $105 - week days until 4pm Minnetonka Ice Arena $110 winter & Summer (as of 1/98) Richfield Ice Arena $120 winter & summer $95 -winter. after l Ipm $95 - summer. either before Spm or after llpm St. Louis Park $110 winter & summer October 22, 1997 Dear Resident Neighbor of Walnut Ridge Park: City of Edina The Edina Park Board and Edina Park and Recreation Department is seeking your input on the revised master plan for park improvements to Walnut Ridge Park and especially on the revised park shelter building. The new design for the Walnut Ridge Park shelter building is significantly smaller than the first. The differences between the original design and the new design are as follows: SQUARE FOOTAGE DIMENSIONS Original design 1,814 square feet 36' 4" x 54' 4" New design 1,187 square feet 32' x 42' (includes 167 s.f. of porch) As you can see, the footprint of the proposed building has been reduced by 627 square feet. help put these dimensions in perspective, the Lewis Park (Cahill Rd. & Dewey Hill Road) -,lelter building is 52' x 30', which is 1,560 square feet. The enclosed map shows the proposed location of the Walnut Ridge Park shelter building. Also enclosed is a copy of the revised park shelter building design. The revised park shelter building will be used in the winter months as a warming house for outdoor skating activities, including hockey. It will also be used in the summer months for children's playground programs. The restrooms will be accessible from the outside and will be open to the public during daylight hours year around. The doors will automatically be locked at night. The Edina Park Board's decision to revise the design of the park shelter building was a direct result of the neighborhood's input to the Park Board on May 13, 1997. Also as a result of neighborhood input, the master plan for future park improvements is as follows: PROPOSED TO BE DEVELOPED IN 1998 • Revised design (smaller) park shelter building with restroom facilities. • Repave/repair entire asphalt pathway. PROPOSED FOR FUTURE PARK IMPROVEMENTS • Park identification sign. Regrade turf area for future scheduled athletic field use (youth softball or youth soccer). (continued on back of page) City Hall (612) 927-8861 4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX (612) 927-7645 EDINA, MINNESOTA 554241394 TDD (612) 927-5461 -2 - There are no current funds available to regrade the athletic field area, however, if funds do become available in the future, the plan would be to: - • Stabilize the sub -soils with stabilization fabric. • Regrade the top soils to a proper grade for athletic use. • Install automatic irrigation for quality turf growth. • Install drain the where necessary. The project would be in keeping with the Watershed District's restrictions, which govern flood control. In other words, there would be no net gain in soils (fill) added to the area. As a further result of community input, the Park Board's master plan for Walnut Ridge Park does not include: • Relocating the outdoor hockey rink. • Providing an asphalt surface on the outdoor hockey rink. • Developing an outdoor basketball court. If you would like to share your views on the proposed park improvements, I urge you to write �o me at the return address on this stationary. The Edina Park Board and staff also welcome you to attend a Walnut Ridge Park Neighborhood Input Meeting scheduled for: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1997 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS EDINA CITY HALL Representatives from the Park Board will be joining me at the above meeting to hear your comments and answer your questions regarding these proposed improvements. Your input is valuable in this decision making process. Results from this meeting and all letters will be presented to the entire Edina Park Board for their discussion at their November meeting. If you have any questions, feel free to call me at 826-0430. Thank you in advance for your input and concern. Sincerely, 21ohnKepri , Director Edina Park and Recreation Department Al RUMMMIM LM G] a -"FD MAP 001 aUY o a ®cif° yfoa POET aH§a0fv Hx. YYEM PLOH ING October 217, I'M Dear Neighbor o{Walnut Ridge Park: Most of you received a lettet in the last week from the Ci y o f Edina informirng you of Me proposed scaled down plans for our park. We were very dismayed to learn that the shelter building plans have been reduced by 6V square feet from the original plans, and that J* are not planning on provfding an asphalt surface on the outdoor hockey rink or developing an outdoor basketball court Many of us in the neighborhood had enjoyed th-fine skating unftl they resurfaced the roads and made it nearly impossible to skate on, We were looking forward to us,Tg the new paths and the asphalt surface on the hockey rink that the park board had proposed to add to our park. rhe reason for the scaled back plans and the deletfon o r the basketball court and asphalt surface for the hockey rink is that a few very vocal people who reside next to the park don't want us to use our park. They have complained that the hockey rink and playground attract kids and (fiat creates noise "in trait backyurrd" (makQs yvu wonder why theyy bought a house on the parr, they are d {raid that by improving our park, more people will come to the park to use and enjoy it We all know that a nice park not only adds enjoyment and fun to out neighborhood, but rt also improves our propel values. the residents along the park will more than likely protest even the scaled doversion o f the shelter because they ate against building a bigger shelter than we already have, ,we n,eod mwll These plans are not {ihatized yet, but will be shortly. Please plan on attending the Walnut Ridge Park Neighborhood meettng on Mednesday. MOW/ r&r, S, /M at 7Pi» /;7 tJ� 11�11a/� We must show up in Wombats and let the Ed,*ha Park Board know that those few vocal people do not control out patO rf you ate unable to attend the meeting next week, please write and/ot call Jahn Keprfos immediately and let him know how you feel, He will present your input at the Edina Park Board meeftng in November. John's address and phone # is: John Keprios, Edina Park and Recreation Department Edina City Hall q10 we 5-01 Street Edina, MN ffgZ# 8Z6-0*30 Your Neighbors, Karin Marshall Leslie 70hnson 6508 Aspen Road S9q1 Walnut Drive 93S--SA03 M --570q URGENT ANNOUNCEMENTH! f++++•••+t+++++Aare•+{++++++arrr••++++aa+rr+•t+++a.rr•++r{•+.•r:+++++++aa•.•** PARKWOOD KNOLLS NEIGHBORS AND USERS OF WALNUT RIDGE PARK EXTREMELY IMPORTANT MEETING OF THE EDINA PARK BOARD WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 5 COUNCIL CHAMBERS - EDINA CITY HALL The objections of a small but venal q oup of residents probably will scuttle many of the improvements that most of us have been seeking for Walnut Ridge Park for many years. if sufficient numbers of supporters of the 'Walnl,rt Ridge Park improvements aro not heard from at this We'dnesday's meeting, the following may be: eliminated from the park board's planned projects: i Renovated warming house with bathroom facilities ' Surfacing of the hockey rink to improve and extend winter ice and to provide for warm season roller hockey r Outdoor basketball court + Regrading and resurfacing of turf areas/walking paths The money exists for these projects as a result of last year's succe:=5fu1 bond referendum. The improvements are badly needed and reasonable in scope. Edina's other city parks have been receiving dramatic improvements. The voices of a few opponents cannot be allowed to override the desires of almost all other residents of Parkwood Knolls for the improvement of our own Walnut fridge Park. John Keprios, the Director of Edina Parks and Recreation, can be cz:lled at 826-0430 to answer any questions regarding this Wednesday's meeting. PLEASE CALL YOUR NEIGHBORS AND PLAN TO /ATTEND THIS WEDNESDAY'S MEETING TO SHOW YOUR SUPPORT FOR THE WALNUT RIDGE PARK IMPROVEMENTSN! SEE YOU THERE!!! MEMORANDUM TO: CITY OF EDINA PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT FROM: JIM LEARY, RESIDENT, 571.6 CAMELBACK DRIVE RE: WALNUT RIDGE PARK To Whom It May Concern: Five years ago I moved my family to the Parkwood Knolls/Walnut Ridge area. A Major attraction to this area was and is the Walnut Ridge Park. My family and I use the park frequently for a variety of activities_ In addition, I have used the park throughout the summer for soccer practices. A year ago myself and many of my neighbors voted overwhelmingly in favor of raising taxes for the sole purpose of improving the City's parks. It was my assumption, and I am sure the assumption of many of my neighbors, that Walnut Ridge would get a proportionate share of the available funds. Based on this, I believe the City has a mandate to go forward with plans to fully improve the park. The park and facilities are old and run. down. Walnut Park needs to be brought up to modern standards. I strongly support fully irnproving Walnut Ridge Park!! City parks exist for the benefit of many families to use and enjoy. They do not exist for +he exclusive and private enjoyment of a few. 5 UDLFA;LVV J3TTFIRS%ygLM4JDL qe#Ve s44 5913 740,4446 Z"e Ems, U711 us14 55436-1?45 .iaxe : (612)-930-012Y , (612)-626-4912 November 1, 1997 Mr. John Keprios Director Edina Park and Recreation Department Edina City Hall Fax: 927-7645 Dear Mr. Keprios Re: Letter dated Oct. 22, 97 Dear Resident Neighbor of Walnut Ridge Park. I was surprised to read that modifications were made to the master plan for the park. I cannot attend the meeting on Wednesday, November 5, 1997 but hope that you can mention my points during the meeting. 1. My understanding is that the changes are not due to financial reasons, but due to input from some residents whose property is next to the park. 2. My property is next to the park, and my children, their friends, my spouse and I use the park regularly. The park seems underutilized, and improvements to the park would be positive for our neighborhood. 3. 1 expected the rink to be replaced/relocated and am surprised to hear that this will not happen. My son and daughter both expected to use the rink not just in the winter, but year round. Since our street was repaved, we cannot use the road for street hockey. I still expect to have the rink replaced or fully repaired. I also expect the rink to be paved. 6. Finally, I prefer to original size (1814 sq. ft.) shelter and would like to pathways repaved. Instead of a basketball court, a path connecting the park to Bredesen would be prefered. Sincerely, George Saly October 27,1997 Mr. John Keprios Edina Park and Recreation 4801 West 50th St. Edina MN 55424 Dear John, Per our phone conversation of several weeks ago, we just wanted to reiterate in writing our opinions of proposed improvements to Walnut Ridge Park. Thanks again for all your time and effort in soliciting neighborhood input, and keeping us informed as to project progress. We want to make sure a few families are not standing in the way of improving the park for use by the majority of surrounding families, and appreciate the chance to express our opinions. We attended initial presentations (prior to referendum approval) regarding proposed improvements. At that time, proposals included moving the skating rink, improved surface for use by roller-bladers during the summer, new playground equipment, year-round park shelter building with restrooms, and basketball court. We have no opinion on moving the rink, but loved all other proposals. We are disappointed to now see that there will be no summer surface on the rink, and no basketball court. We have already seen the increased park usage due to new playground equipment (in spite of the fact that we had a shortened season due to construction issues!), and would hope that other improvements would continue to make the park a central meeting place for kids and adults from surrounding streets. Our homes are not that close together and many have fenced yards, so the park serves a wonderful purpose in eliminating some of the isolation forced by the neighborhood layout. We look forward to the new park shelter building, pathway and regraded turf area. We also hope you would reconsider original proposals for an asphalt surface on the outdoor hockey rink, and developing an outdoor basketball court. We have no terribly strong opinions about the asphalt surface, it just sounds like one more reason kids would want to go to the park. We do feel strongly that a basketball court would be a wonderful addition to the park. Again, we appreciate your efforts to solicit input from all neighborhood families, not just the few who live directly on the park. We look forward to continued communication, and will hope to see as many park improvements as possible! Sincerely, Marde and Mark Olson 5717 Londonderry Road Edina MN 55436 945-9734 October 30, 11797 John Keprios Edina Park and Recreation Department Edina Ct7 l Hall q,F01 WestS-011 Street Edina, MN SSq2q Dear John Keptios, I was dismayed to receive the letter last week from the City of Edina informing me of the proposed scaled down plans lot Walnut Ridge Park, I am especially upset to leatn that the plans to provide an asphalt surface on the outdoor hockey Link and developing an outdoor basketball court have been deleted from the park. Many of us in the neighborhood had enjoyed in-line skating until they tesurAced the roads and made it nearly impossible to skate on, We were looking forward to using the new paths and the asphalt surface on the hockey rink that the park board had proposed to add to out park, Needless to say that was what we voted lot and are now paying {ot, I understand that The main reason lot the scaled back plans and the deletion of the basketball court and asphalt surface {or the hockey rink is that a few very vocal people who reside next to the park don't want us to use out park, I am outraged that these few people ate making decisions that affect the hundreds of people who teside close to the park. If they don't like people using the park because of noise or whatever, they should move! un{ortunately I am unable to attend next weeks meeting, but I want my voice/vote to be heard. I sincerely hope you reconsider and will build the shelter as planned or the larger version and add back the plans to provide lot the asphalt surface on the hockey rink and the basketball court. S/in�cetely, Karin E. Marshall Job, Aspen Road Edina, MN SSq36 93S-. qO3 John Keprios ` Edina Park and Recreation Dept Edina City Hall 4801 West 50th St Edina, Mn 55424 Dear Mr Keprios, I am writing to protest the outrageous proposal to downsize the previously planned renovations to Walnut Ridge Park. When I and my husband voted for the Park referendum last winter, we did so because of the planned renovations, to have included a surfaced ice rink, basketball court, new playground equipment, etc. Our tax dollars went to further this plan ... it is unconscionable that our park will not receive the planned renovations! Especially since it isn't due to a monetary problem, but to the incredible selfishness of a few, vocal minority, adjacent to the park, who fear their "peace and tranquillity:" will be disturbed. It occurs to me that in a neighborhood such as this, the park is an asset to the community. To expect no traffic and no noise when one chooses to buy an adjacent property is to eith er be incredibly ignorant or incredibly arrogant! Walnut Ridge Park • belongs to all of us in the neighborhood, not just the residents immediately adjacent!! Furthermore, I strongly feel that without the proposed amenities, the park risks becoming an area which will not be favored or enjoyed by kids or parents . If that happens, and the park is less populated with parents and children, it could well become a haven for illicit sex, drugs and other unsavory activities --by virtue of it being "unoccupied". As much as we in Edina would hope that this does "not happen here", it unfortunately does.. Friends from Schaefer Road tell me of teens sighted smoking marijuana in the tunnel leading to Bredersen Park. It is relatively invisible from Vernon, but concerned residents have called the authorites. I'm not so sure that would happen at Walnut Ridge Park, because it appears the concerned residents are only concerned that the park be "quiet". As a physician, having worked in emergency departments, and as a former Navy physician , I can assure you, "quiet" doesn't mean peacable!!! Walnut Ridge Park belongs to all of us in the neighborhood, not just the fortunate few who happen to live adjacent: we all take stewardship for what happens there. We all watch out for each other 's children; we are all looking forward to the proposed improvements... (For which, may I remind you, we have all paid!!!) ...To downsize at the request of persons who clearly have selfish and ignorant motives at heart would be unconscionable. Therefore, I urge you to consider our request as residents and active participants in this vital neighborhood, to forego the downsizing, and proceed with the original plan. Although I cannot attend the meeting next week due to surgery, my husband and children will be attending ...the children plan to be very voal because they love their park! Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely. Amy Keppel. M.D. Ph. D. F.ABFP 6509 Aspen Rd Edina, MN 55436 612/9356141 I October 27, 1997 Mr. John Witzel 5700 View Lane Edina, MN 55436 Dear John: City of Edina Thank you again for stopping in my office last week to discuss further options for the Edina Swim Club. As it stands right now, you have agreed and it seems best that the Swim Club use the University of Minnesota facilities for the 1998 meet. In 1999, the Club will return to Edina. In the meantime, you have agreed that the Club will look at alternative dates, especially in June which seems to have some possibilities. It is also agreed that you will work with the Park Department staff during any meets to keep the wading pool open to the public; in addition, work with other pools to explore the possibility that Edina pool members can swim on the weekend of a swim meet. As you know, time goes fast and before you realize it a new swim season is upon us. Please work with Ed MacHolda and John Keprios regarding these alternative possibilities. In light of moving to the University of Minnesota, your morning swim fees will be forgiven for 1998. Hopefully, this will allow the Edina Swim Club to break even on its financial needs. Good luck to you in recruiting a new coach; I know that will be a chore for all concerned with the Club. Sincerely, Kenneth E. Rosland City Manager KER/sh cc: John Keprios City Hall (612) 927-8861 4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX (612) 927-7645 EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424-1394 TDD (612) 927-5461 w Edina Senior Center - Mary Porter [Note: At the annual meeting last May, LWVE membership voted to study seniors in Edina. There had been a lot of interest in the proposed new Senior Center and in last December's unit meeting on issues important to Edina's seniors. The local study committee, chaired by Mary Porter, has met and prepared consensus questions for consideration by the LWVE membership. The following and next three pages are background material for this December's presentation.) Mission Statement To provide needed services to all Edina residents 55 years and older, with major emphasis on recreational, health, social service, and educational programs. Use of Center Estimated number of seniors attending the center at various frequencies: 2-3 times a week 170 people once a week 150 people once a month 107 people ,nce a quarter 100-200 people once a year 200 people Community Education classes once a week 400 people (these are classes that would be held in a Senior Center if it was a separate facility — they do not compete with Community Education) Survey was taken as of October 30, 1996. History of Edina Senior Center The Edina Senior Center was formed in the late 1980s in response to a group of people who approached the Edina Park and Recreation department and gin) director Ken Rosland about ...z need for some meeting space. Eventually, the city found space in the TCF building on 500' Street, and a part-time director was hired, Barbara Wehr. This space served until 1974 when a condominium was built at 7151 York Ave with some HUD funds, with part of the package including space for a Senior Center. Marcia Moore was the part-time director, and congregate dining was also started at this time. In 1978, Sue Weigle was hired as the first full-time director, and is the current director with a part- time assistant, Laura Schenck. In 1989, the Senior Center moved into the Community Center, Room 349 only. There was no elevator other than the freight for the first year. In 1991, remodeling was completed to encompass 7,000 sq. ft. on the third floor, using space previously tenanted by Maranantha High School. The City of Edina paid for the remodeling, air conditioning, lowered ceilings, and put in the new handicap accessible elevator. (County money was used for the elevator.) The Community Center building is still part of the Edina School system, however, and the present lease for the free space is valid until the year 1000, when it will be re-evaluated. The Senior Center and the Edina Art Center cooperate with the school district and Community Education by not offering competing classes. The 55+ classes are through Community Ed and the Senior Center offers trips and tours, and all art -related classes are held at the Edina Art Center. The Community Ed brochure has a page that explains the Senior Center programs. It has evolved very happily this way for all program. The Senior Center currently has almost 1,500 members with widely varying amounts of participation. The membership costs $6.00 per year, which includes a monthly newsletter and priority sign-ups for trips and tours. Added to the tour costs is $1.00 per tour, to put into a reserve fund for the Center. The city allows $300 to the Center for mailings. There is an Advisory Board, which was formed about 6 years ago. There are presently 11 people on the Board, each serving one 3 -year term. The Senior Center is a "progrann" under the Park and Rec department. This differs from the Art Center, Braemar Park and the Pool, which are "facilities" and are directed to be self-sufficient fiscally. 3 The F(kua Leaguer \'ovember 191)' s O E a� 0 z 00 oCz cc � O O � a El k 7 ro ` m C U N E ` E 4! 00 C p c�a O L Oq ) O cd y 00 'A T CL a) C C N 4 1 •2 'O vUH i C U t L v'- rn U cc r 0u ca C �_ L Q 0 c = O C= 0 a 'p c0 C L c ?r v o > o c 00-0ca' r, .N°EU L aH z y .. W) O N N C ooL_r z z z� °6s > o ¢ Q C) z z a r c1 O fd C p 0 a� Y C °O cc � o O E iC p rn .•-. N p rs :� LL •L Co G a> ami co u �A.��o� U� C X N 69 .. v (L) W C W CD O v L vui V7 > O O N O O C C O N U Cn 000 - Li. U E^ Q r U (n O • • bs • • • • • 69 • • 69 • � fl. cc • 0 0 0 0 0 O cn N c!1 N O V vl oc l� O mN Q N cC d N C U A -p C ti N O C C O C •D y tom. d. O C O E c«., C 7 .0 c«.. 4W. G, W O �G o E E .� O 4:. aRi y 0 u O °d v aui .'� p E C O O s u> u W— u - '� u L U O a� N U 'O u y U L QJ V ti U a) U o7 U v: ] W CG CG v) a CG G CG k 7 J J 7 O n U v C v °CL Y C O 3 a) y E ° •� v o n o o ° E E 20. U° U v U s c= LX E v v U v ° 7 �3 6J U - C3 v; o v v o c c 614 0 z 0 7- 17; ; C Q � 0. o .= z z a o+ o o+ v N N X C H C U C U T C � C y >CA v o C o 0 E �a E R _ cc 0 cC v o UUv�i N= N- Ucn 0 0 0 0 0 0 kr p� L p Y .. ti >> U •• CC C Y Y O v U t: � a o , R 3. and U R v U p� ca v r CITY OF EDINA PARK DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: November 10, 1997 TO: John Keprios, Park Director FROM: Vince Cockriel, Park Foreman �. SUBJECT: LEWIS PARK BANDY RINK Below I have compiled an estimated cost for us to provide and maintain a bandy rink at Lewis Park. We work on rinks from December 1st until February 20th each year. During that time there are approximately 728 labor hours specifically dedicated to the bandy portion of the Lewis Park rink. The total labor cost for that is $12,376 (728 hours X $17 per hour.) The water is applied to the rink at a rate of 200 gallons per minute. At this rate the amount of water applied would be 8,736,000 gallons. The cost of water is 62 cents/750 gallons. This would amount to $7221.76. Using the above figures, I would estimate that it costs $19,597.76 per year to provide and maintain the Lewis Park bandy rink. If you have any questions, please call me on extension #305. WHEREAS, the City of Edina, by and through its Parks and Recreation Division, maintains Braemar Ice Arena for the use and benefit of City residents; and WHEREAS, the City of Edina, by and through its Parks and Recreation Division, has established an ice hockey league program open to all persons meeting certain eligibility requirements; and WHEREAS, it is the right of every citizen of Edina to enjoy equal access to publicly maintained lands and facilities; and WHEREAS, it has been brought to the attention of the Parks and Recreation Board that access to Braemar Ice Arena facilities by teams in the City ice hockey league program is not equal; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the total number of hours of ice time allotted to each team in the City ice hockey league for all purposes (practice, scrimmages, games, etc.) shall henceforth be allocated pro rata based upon registration fees for each league level, i.e. mite, squirt, peewee, bantam, junior gold (f/k/a midget), U-12, U-15, and/or such other league levels as are or may henceforth be established, to the end that every team at each hockey league level shall be allocated the same number of hours of Braemar Ice Arena facilities ice time as every other team at such level. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that to the extent that Braemar Ice Arena facilities usage has not been equally allocated for this 1997-1998 ice hockey season (excluding hours purchased at "auction"), action shall be taken immediately to reallocate Braemar Arena Ice facilities time so that all teams in the Edina ice hockey league program at the same league level, i.e. mite, squirt, peewee, bantam, junior gold (f/k/a midget), U-12 and U-15, receive equal ice facility use time (excluding ice time bought at "auction" if any) over this 1997-1998 ice hockey season by such methods as: Reassignment of practice ice hours assigned to teams in the various levels listed above to teams at such level that are entitled to additional ice time; 2. Expanding shared practice ice hours; and/or 3. Any other method of use equalization which may be determined, provided that no team shall be allocated additional use of Braemar Ice Arena facilities for purposes of equalization of access to Braemar Ice Arena facilities by assignment of ice start times before 6:00 p.m. or after 8:30 p.m. on weekdays or before 9:00 a.m. or after 8:30 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays in excess of the number of such start times allocated to any other team at the same league level. WHEREAS, the City of Edina, by and through its Parks and Recreation Division, maintains soccer fields on public lands for the use, enjoyment and benefit of its residents; and WHEREAS, the City of Edina, by and through its Parks and Recreation Division, has established a recreation league soccer program open to all persons meeting certain eligibility requirements; and WHEREAS, the City of Edina, by and through its Parks and Recreation Division, has and continues to make the soccer fields maintained on public lands available to eligible soccer teams that do not play in the City recreation league, but are comprised wholly or substantially of persons eligible to play in its recreation league program; and WHEREAS, in the past, the use of soccer fields on public lands in the City by eligible soccer teams other than Parks and Recreation league teams for non -Parks and Recreation league practice and weeknight games has been limited to teams affiliated with a particular organization; and WHEREAS, it has come to the attention of the Board that there may be eligible soccer teams not playing in the Parks and Recreation league program which are not affiliated with the same organization; and WHEREAS, it is the right of all citizens of Edina to enjoy equal access to public lands and facilities of the City: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that to the extent soccer fields maintained with public funding of this City are made available for the use of eligible soccer teams other than teams playing in the Parks and Recreation league, such soccer fields shall henceforth be available on an equal basis to all eligible soccer teams not playing in the Parks and Recreation league, regardless of organization affiliation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that for purposes of this resolution, "eligible soccer teams" shall mean a team with a player roster containing no more than two players who would not be eligible to register as players in the City of Edina Parks and Recreation league. w o e p, Cn City of Edina MEMORANDUM TO: City of Edina Park Board Members FROM: Edina Senior Center Advisory Council SUBJECT: Advisory Council Preference for Site of Future Senior Center DATE: November 12,1997 CC: John Keprios The Edina Senior Center Advisory Council and other interested seniors met with Park & Recreation Director, John Keprios, and Senior Center Director, Sue Weigle, on Wednesday, November 5 to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the four proposed sites for the Senior Center. The following individuals were present: Kay Bach, Charlotte Burrell, Gayle Crow, rubye Erickson, Jeanne Fish, Joyce Hirabayashi, Baba Honmyhr, Mary Jackson, Bob Kruppstadt, Harold Larson, Lila Larson, Catherine Mulholland, and Clifford Sayre. After discussing the points on the attached table, the group expressed a preference for a free-standing building. Second choice was the south end of the Community Center. The idea of a multi-purpose facility was brought up briefly after our discussion of the four proposed sites. If any members of the Park Board have questions please call Sue Weigle at 920- 1115. Serving Edina's Senior Population Edina Senior Center 5701 NORMANDALE ROAD EDINA, MN 55424 (612) 920-1115 f. 4: ° C, Cd �. > � r. N �� w O 0 3 Q W p cd�� V 4. Ln% O O a) y O 3 N Z bl). a) bA Y V r, rn ° cC & o > -'.,4'd Y `d N a)o ° 0 °" ami O > u Q i >, cd ¢ O Q O cj y U G id W cd O -R Q O ° t LnC'J a U ~ by d a) . ate' i s o o ° o ° pci a`di o cud u N r Z W ° �- c c (f) w ct o 3 U Lr) W V) -0 � N 0 p bA Q" y •° U W F� 0 .° C . � � � � '3 '� .� N � , bOA C � bn .° � •� o o cr iii Q U O ° �, 3 a i N v" ^C bb O z O id n 'n n m .� �, W p p w . V 4, to ai ° ° ° Q ' ;J E o ' > 4� . bn CAa -d a, �s .5 Z W � ° L7 Cd >ab c ndD u oW°a f N u O O oO En °U0vZ O w 0 bb ° :3 0 661 C co ( UD 0• D� °� Z • � c -v � Cl) W CJ W (� W � Q ~ cn W � o bA ¢' C7 c o c � Z= U bo cs � 3 0 u' p W u b u:3 00 0. uC13_ o QD w bA W ' cQn.'n E Q It O6W o E M H ° , , c„ 0. 0. C o o° V Q O p p V a p V) 0 O o y U n . c s~ Cd 0 • • • . • • • • a " ' O L w LL O D s~ V U') Q O V- r. A, O C3 ° y S� p al Z OO ° U L] '� O> [— 'n w U S� Q p(13 0 Cp 142 CIS bbo p y UO Q" 0 Z Q> Q a) C x C,3 � '� 3 m .� s~ Q u V) Tt > ° " " — m = a, o a� � Ln O= v W Q c2 °' .a C'sO O L) u (73.� W a� y `n E° a E> u v N -d ° °c � o. 3 0. 6 -0 c3 o. °o, 5 66 o 3 ° a. f. Memo To: Edina Park Board. From: John Keprios, Director U Edina Park and Recreati n Department Date: October 24, 1997 Re: NOVEMBER PARK BOARD MEETING DATE REVISION AND NOTICE OF WALNUT RIDGE PARK NEIGHBORHOOD INPUT MEETING. I was recently directed to not hold a Park Board meeting on Tuesday, November 11, 1997, because it is a national holiday, Veteran's Day. Therefore, the November Park Board meeting has been moved to: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1997 7:30 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS The meeting is being held in the Council Chambers because of the potential large number of attendees. The three main items currently planned for the November Park Board meeting include: 1. Walnut Ridge Park Master Plan. 2. Senior Citizen Center. 3. 1998 Fees and Charges. I have mailed the enclosed letter to 150 households nearest Walnut Ridge Park to invite their input and attendance at a neighborhood meeting scheduled for Wednesday, November 5, 1997, 7:00 p.m., Council Chambers, Edina City Hall. Any and all Park Board members are welcome to attend this meeting on November 5, 1997. In about two weeks, we will be mailing the October minutes along with the formal agenda and staff report for the November 18, 1997, Park Board meeting. As always, if you have any questions, feel free to call me at my direct number at 826-0430. Many thanks. HELTER TYPE 1 (TWO' Thus} vvakwt age �k Todd PARk SPark `JI i t� ro ei 1' � I 9 October 22, 1997 Dear Resident Neighbor of Walnut Ridge Park: City of Edina The Edina Park Board and Edina Park and Recreation Department is seeking your input on the revised master plan for park improvements to Walnut Ridge Park and especially on the revised park shelter building. The new design for the Walnut Ridge Park shelter building is significantly smaller than the first. The differences between the original design and the new design are as follows: SQUARE FOOTAGE Original design 1,814 square feet New design 1,187 square feet DIMENSIONS 36'4"x54'4" 32' x 42' (includes 167 s.f. of porch) As you can see, the footprint of the proposed building has been reduced by 627 square feet. To help put these dimensions in perspective, the Lewis Park (Cahill Rd. & Dewey Hill Road) -ielter building is 52' x 30', which is 1,560 square feet. The enclosed map shows the proposed location of the Walnut Ridge Park shelter building. Also enclosed is a copy of the revised park shelter building design. The revised park shelter building will be used in the winter months as a warming house for outdoor skating activities, including hockey. It will also be used in the summer months for children's playground programs. The restrooms will be accessible from the outside and will be open to the public during daylight hours year around. The doors will automatically be locked at night. The Edina Park Board's decision to revise the design of the park shelter building was a direct result of the neighborhood's input to the Park Board on May 13, 1997. Also as a result of neighborhood input, the master plan for future park improvements is as follows: PROPOSED TO BE DEVELOPED IN 1998 • Revised design (smaller) park shelter building with restroom facilities. • Repave/repair entire asphalt pathway. PROPOSED FOR FUTURE PARK IMPROVEMENTS • Park identification sign. • Regrade turf area for future scheduled athletic field use (youth softball or youth soccer). (continued on back of page) City Hall (612) 927-8861 4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX (612) 927-7645 EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424-1394 TDD (612) 927-5461 WA here are no current funds available to regrade the athletic field area, however, if funds do become available in the future, the plan would be to: • Stabilize the sub -soils with stabilization fabric. • Regrade the top soils to a proper grade for athletic use. • Install automatic irrigation for quality turf growth. • Install drain tile where necessary. The project would be in keeping with the Watershed District's restrictions, which govern flood control. In other words, there would be no net gain in soils (fill) added to the area. As a further result of community input, the Park Board's master plan for Walnut Ridge Park does not include: • Relocating the outdoor hockey rink. • Providing an asphalt surface on the outdoor hockey rink. • Developing an outdoor basketball court. If you would like to share your views on the proposed park improvements, I urge you to write me at the return address on this stationary. The Edina Park Board and staff also welcome you to attend a Walnut Ridge Park Neighborhood Input Meeting scheduled for: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1997 7:00 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS EDINA CITY HALL Representatives from the Park Board will be joining me at the above meeting to hear your comments and answer your questions regarding these proposed improvements. Your input is valuable in this decision making process. Results from this meeting and all letters will be presented to the entire Edina Park Board for their discussion at their November meeting. If you have any questions, feel free to call me at 826-0430. Thank you in advance for your input and concern. Sincerely, )hn K e p r i Di/ re r -ding Park and Recreation Department