HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-08-13 Park Board Packetr� City of Edina EDINA PARK BOARD Tuesday, August 13, 1996 7:15 p.m. - KOJETIN PARK DEDICATION (meet at Kojetin Park, 4201 W. 44th St.) 8:00 p.m. - PARK TOUR (depart from City Hall) 9:00 p.m. - PARK BOARD MEETING (Managers Conference Room, City Hall) A G E N D A * 1. Approval of June 11, 1996, Park Board meeting minutes. 2. Edina Aquatic Center Dome Proposal Update. 3. Lake Edina Park Playground Equipment Update. 4. Chowen Park Basketball Court Lights. 5. Strachauer Park Plans and Neighborhood Meeting Results. 6. Other. * 7. Adjournment. * These are agenda items that require or request Park Board action. City Hall (612) 927-8861 4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX (612) 927-7645 EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424-1394 TDD (612) 927-5461 CITY OF EDINA PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: August 5, 1996 TO: All Park Board Members FROM: John Keprios, Director SUBJECT: Staff report for upcoming Park Board meeting. Enclosed you should find the following items: 1. August 13, 1996, Park Board Agenda. 2. June 11, 1996, Park Board Minutes. 3. Letter to residents of Chowen Park. 4. Letter to residents of Strachauer Park. STAFF REPORT The following is the monthly staff report concerning each item on the agenda with the exception of approval of the minutes and other. "Other" is listed on the agenda in case last minute items come up between now and the Park Board meeting, plus, cover any other concerns of Park Board members and/or attendees. KOJETIN PARK DEDICATION As recommended by the Edina Park Board at the June meeting, there will be an official dedication of the Robert Kojetin Park at 7:15 p.m. at the Park site. Every Park Board member should have already received a formal invitation to this dedication. Please meet at the Park for the 7:15 p.m. ceremony, which should last roughly 30 minutes followed by refreshments. PARK TOUR Following the Kojetin Park Dedication, I ask that Park Board members drive to Edina City Hall and board the bus for a brief tour of some parks. The tour will include various park sites that have been recently under construction: 1) Normandale Park 2) Chowen Park 3) Alden Park 4) Strachauer Park EDINA AQUATIC CENTER DOME PROPOSAL UPDATE The Edina Swim Club has withdrawn their request to purchase (through fund-raising) and install a dome for the Edina Aquatic Center. LAKE EDINA PARK PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT UPDATE At the June Park Board meeting, the Park Board approved staff's recommendation to currently not install playground equipment at Lake Edina Park. Further, it was the Park Board's consensus to • consider future development of Lake Edina Park. Staff will give a verbal report on the progress of this matter at the meeting. -2- CHOWEN PARK BASKETBALL COURT LIGHTS On July 26, 1996, we mailed a letter (copy enclosed) to 111 residents of Chowen Park to request feedback regarding the installation of lights for the Chowen Park basketball court. The 111 residents were those who live within approximately 500 feet of the Park. The overall response has been approximately 50% in favor and 500 against the idea. The most common concern among those who are not in favor of the lights is that it will attract "non-residents" to their park. At this time, staff recommends that we not install lights, however, not to say that we should not consider the possibility in the future. STRACHAUER PARR PLANS AND NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING RESULTS On July 26, 1996, we mailed a letter (copy enclosed) to 293 residents of Strachauer Park to invite them to a community input meeting regarding the development plans for Strachauer Park. Some residents have already responded to me in writing and by phone. The overwhelming majority of the residents at this time are very much in favor of all the proposed improvements. Staff will give a verbal report to the Park Board of the Strachauer Park meeting results. • City of Edina July 26, 1996 Dear Resident of Chowen Park Neighborhood: The purpose of this letter is to get community input regarding the plan to install lighting for the soon to be rebuilt basketball court at Chowen Park. Based on previous community input, there have been requests to install outdoor lighting for the basketball court at Chowen Park. After mentioning the proposed plan to some residents in the Chowen Park neighborhood at various civic meetings, I have not received any negative responses, only favorable. Even so, I simply want to be sure that all immediate resident neighbors of Chowen Park are aware of this proposal and to request your input. The plan is to erect two 40 foot poles (both on the east side of the court) and install two lights on each pole. The lights would be on a timer that would automatically turn off the lights and could not be turned on again after a specific time. In addition, a light sensor would be installed which would not allow users to turn on lights before dark. The push button switch would be on a timed basis, whereas, the lights would stay on for 20 or 30 minutes and automatically shut off until the button is pushed again. The lights themselves would allow for only 25 foot-candles of light on the court surface, which is similar to the candle power used on Edina's outdoor hockey rinks. The fixtures will have the very best glare control and spill control capacity on the market. In other words, surrounding houses should not have any spill light in their yards or glare nuisance due to these new light fixtures. My perception is that the overwhelming majority of the neighborhood is in favor of this park amenity, however, I would appreciate hearing from all concerned residents regarding this park improvement. Please feel free to write or call me as soon as possible. If I do not receive a large number of objections to this park improvement within the next two weeks, we will go forward and install the lights as described above. Thank you in advance for your input. Sincerely, John Kepr/ s, Director Edina Park and Recreation Department City Hall (612) 927-8861 4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX (612) 927-7645 EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424-1394 TDD (612) 927-5461 City of Edina July 26, 1996 Dear Resident of Strachauer Park Neighborhood: The purpose of this letter is to get community input regarding park improvement plans for Strachauer Park. I ask that concerned neighborhood residents either write me a letter and/or attend the following community input meeting: Thursday, August 8, 1996 7:00 P.M. City Council Chambers Edina City Hall 4801 West 50th Street At the community input meeting, drawings of the park design will be presented, which will show locations of the following proposed park amenities: 1. basketball court 2. playground equipment • 3. soccer field (add irrigation) 4. parking lot 5. hockey rink 6. accessible pathway from warming house to playground Based on previous community input, there have been requests to install a hockey rink and a parking lot. In addition, there have been several requests to replace all the playground equipment. These improvements will be financed by the Park Improvement Bond Issue funds which were approved by Edina voters on May 7, 1996, by a margin of 77a. Your input is extremely valuable in the planning process for your neighborhood park. If you do not plan to attend this community input meeting but have concerns regarding the park improvement plan, please send me a letter so that I have written record of your input. Thank you in advance for your input. Sincerely, c�ohn Keprios, Director Edina Park and Recreation Department City Hall (612) 927-8861 4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX (612) 927-7645 EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424-1394 TDD (612) 927-5461 Q :1 1 J�✓� V6A./V t� Ivo)^fin .I�lTZ1�X�(� /vti O.r•�. i� AMA • **FAX COVER SHEET - To: John Keprios, Director of Edina Park & Recreation From: Rosc Gcbo Date: .August 13, 1996 Re: Chowen Park Lights Dcar Mr. Kcprios, It has been brought to my attention that the count of those for and those against the lights at Chowen Park is tied. If you please, send me a copy of all the names on either side. From my conversation with the neighbors, it seems as though there is a larger number of individuals for the lights. I also understand that there is a City Counscl meeting tonight, which I hope to attend. If I am unable, I request that this next part of my letter be read out loud on my behalf With the increase number of rapes. abductions and other personal assaults. the Cit` needs to consider safety first and foremost in all the decisions that are made on the behalf of the citizens. I am strongly requestine that lights be installed ui the Cho\\en Park so that our children can safell play at the park after school during the months of September and April when the days are shortened. Halloween is a prime example of when the streets are filled with young children and the park cuuld be a potential danger -spot for them without the benefit of lights. Also, with the great number of adults, both male and temale, who walk at night, their safety also needs to be considered. Before the house at 5721 Drew Avenue was sold last year, we had all kinds of riffraff in our neiehborhood and the place where these individuals collected was not in the lighted areas of our streets, but rather in the dark secluded places. There is no evidence in the crime records that indicates that lights attract crime. The contrary is true - where there are lights the likelihood of crime is greatly reduced. Because I don't want this to become an issue that would divide the community, I am proposing that the lights be installed on a trial basis and only until 9:00 p.m. If every questionable young person from the inner city flocks to our basketball hoops because of the lights and the neighborhood risks loosing it's exclusivity and safety, then I would strongly suggest shutting the lights off. If you don't install the lights and there is a rape or an abduction or another assault against an individual at Chow -en Park between sunset and 9:00 p.m.. can bet there will be an uproar in the neighborhood and it will be against you because safet\ k�as not considered \\ lien the dCcision k\as made to not install the lights. None of us really knows ho\y much these lights can or cannot benefit us unless \\e put them to a trial test. We can make a difference in our streets by becoming a community once again and watching out for one another rather than hiding behind locked doors because of fear of the unknown. Rose Gebo, 5733 Drew Avenue South, phone: 927-6642 fax: 929-3990 P.S. This copy is a proofed copy, sorry for the mistakes sent out in the first letter. It only shows my humanness!!!! Varno, Inc. 926-5556 P. 2 Sat Aug 3, 1996 14116135 August 3. 1996 John Keprios, Director Edina Park & Recreation Department City of Edina 4801 West 50th Street Edina, i1N 55424-1394 Dear John; As President of the Edina Garden Council, member of the Arneson Acres Development Committee, and as a resident of the city of Edina, I am very much committed to the improvement of our parks. However, I am concerned for the development of my neighborhood park. Chowen Park, as well as the reaction my neighbors arc taking xvith regards to its development. When you and I spoke_ I was under the impression that the lights would be set on a timer that could he activated by basketball players when they want to play. And the lights could not be re -activated after 9 pm. %iv neighbors tell me that the workers say the lights will stay on at 50%, until 1 1 pm at night and the activation switch Evill turn them from 50 to 100%. This is unacceptable. Chowen Park's primary users are children. Many neighbors, my husband and I want to keep it that way. We feel lights that stay on until 11 pun will bring in young adults and people looking for a hang out. We want the "closing time" of the park to be no later than 9 pm. I have picked up beer cans and bottles from the park and my v erd (which is across the street); however, I don't want to it become a regular occurrence nor do I wish to find condoms, drug paraphernalia or other items associated with unacceptable behavior. There has already been two drug busts and a shooting. Let's limit it to that! The following people have stressed concern to Ire with regards to the lights and the development of the part, you may wish to call them directly for their personal opinions. Tom and Fran Gleason John & Rita Tiggas Mike Smith 3608 W. 57th 5637 Chowen 5629 Chowen 929-7314 929-2439 926-4119 I am also concerned with regards to the park in winter. Will the lights remain illuminated? Why? Isn't that a waste of tax payers' money? Also, the "Porta-Poddy" was recently removed -- and we all hope it is a permanent removal! None of the neighbors are certain as to the exact design of the park and the intent of the lights. We were on vacation when the meeting was held. As you can see, the trucks and pushing of dirt has brought the subject back to the forefront of our -over the fence" talks in the neighborhood. Please call me during the day to discuss this hatter 522-1200. Regards. Helen P. Yarmoska "FAX COVER SHEET " To: John Keprios, Edina Park & Recreation Director From: Drew Avenue, 57th Street and Chowen Avenue Date: July 31, 1996 Re: Chowen Park Lights The neighbors on Drew :Avenue, 57th Street and a number of them on Chowen are delighted that you are considering lights for the Chowen Park. The general consensus is that the lights will make our park and neighborhood safer for those of us who enjoy using that park. Sinccrcly, The Drew, Chowen & 57th Street Committee Marion Mulcare and Rose Gebo, representatives August 5, 1996 5636 Chowen Ave. So. Edina, MN 55410 Mr. John Keprios Director Edina Park and Recreation Department 4901 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424-1394 Dear Mr. Keprios: Thank you for your letter dated July 26th. Having lived on Chowen since 1956, my family and I have always supported anything that is good for property values. I especially want to thank you for all the hard work in getting this massive project on the city budget. I know that you have been trying to get some order in things since as far back as when I worked for you in the mid -'70's, and it's probably a rewarding to you to see it come to fruition. I am a little concerned, though, about the lighting question. As I understand it, the lights (at some point) will or can be controlled by the players or anyone else who wishes to be on the court. This seems to be something that will be encouraging after-hours night ball. Common sense says that just because a sign says that the park is • closed does not actually mean that players are going to get off the court and forget about who is up and who is down. I have even seen play continue under the moonlight or street light. I've always had friends on the E.P.D., and I know that given their shift schedule these days, they have a lot more important things to do than play potential babysitter to a bunch of pick-up game players. Aside from my observations as a long-time resident, I also would question how this would impact my role in our neighborhood. It was always my understanding that Ord. 1040.03 states very clearly that I can not operate even so much as a leaf blower after 10:00 P.M. The message then sent, under the lighting proposal, is that it's okay to have recreational noise (or worse) after dark, but it is not okay to clean-up or enhance your property or neighborhood after dark. I know that you are trying to achieve the best standards for Edina Parks and get everything up to tech. speed, but it seems to me that if players wish to play night ball, they should go pay the proper fees like our Youth Basketball Association expects, and go get into it in a structured, orderly environment. When I worked for you as a responsible rink attendant, I knew you as a pretty fair guy, and you knew me as a fair guy too who kept accurate stats. on the nature of park use at Chowen. All I am asking now is that you just take a second look at things. Thanks again for the opportunity to give Park and Rec. some input. Sincerer Your David D. Hanson - - _ _ _ /1����--- ����i---yam - �//� ___ __ ----- FROM : DOD -ROSE GEDO V �1J t�T • PHONE NO. 6129200140 41.0 e ••r �• e• \, o 400 4 A? x- i�- July 26, 199605 Dear Resident of Chowen Park Neighborhood: Jul. 30 1996 02:03PM P1 City of Edina The purpose of this letter is to get community input regarding the plan to install lighting for the soon to be rebuilt :basketball court at Chowen Park. Based on previous community input, there have been requests to ins tall. outdoor lighting for the basketball court at Chowen .Park. : After mentioning the proposed plan to some.residents in the Chowen -Park`neighborhood at various civic meetings, I:have not received any negative responses, only favorable. Even so, I s of simply want to be sure that all immediate resident neighbor inP ut. Chowen Park are aware of this proposal and to request y The plan is to erect two 40 foot poles (both on the east side of the court) and install two lights on each pole. The lights would be on a timer that would automatically turn off the lights and could not be turned on again after a specific time. In addition, a light sensor would be installed which would not allow users to turn on lights before dark. The push button switch would be on a timed basis, whereas, the lights would stay on for 20 or 30 minutes and automatically shut off until the button is pushed again. The lights themselves would allow for only 25 foot-candles of light on the court surface, which is similar to the candle power used on Edina`s outdoor hockey rinks. The fixtures will have the very best glare control and spill control capacity on the market. In other words, surrounding houses should not have any spill light in their yards or glare nuisance due to these new light fixtures. My perception is that the overwhelming majority of the neighborhood is in favor of this park amenity, however, I would appreciate hearing from all concerned residents regarding this park improvement. Please feel free to write or call me as soon as possible. If I do not receive a large number of objections to this park improvement within the next two weeks, we will go forward and install the lights as described above. Thank you in advance for your input. sincerely, /C John Kepr/os, Director Edina Park and Recreation Department (612) 927-8861 city Hall FAX (612) 927-7645 . ecv cnTu IM2FFT TDD (612) 927-5461 JACK BABTLETT 6012 ZENITH AVENUE SOUTH EDINA, MN, 55410 City of Edina July 26, 1996 Dear Resident of Strachauer Park Neighborhood: The purpose of this letter is to get community input regarding park improvement plans for Strachauer Park. I ask that concerned neighborhood residents either write me a letter and/or attend the following community input meeting: Thursday, August 8, 1996 ... �::iamners Edina City Hall 4801 West 50th Street At the community input meeting, drawings of the park design will be presented, which will show locations of the following proposed park amenities: 1. basketball court 2. playground equipment 3. soccer field (add irrigation) 4. parking lot 5. hockey rink 6. accessible pathway from warming house to playground Based on previous community input, there have been requests to install a hockey rink and a parking lot. In addition, there have been several requests to replace all the playground equipment. These improvements will be financed by the Park Improvement Bond Issue funds which were approved by Edina voters on May 7, 1996, by a margin of 770. Your input is extremely valuable in the planning process for your neigtmorhood park. It you do not plan to attend this community input meeting but have concerns regarding the park improvement J ,, plan, please send me a letter so that I have written record of your input . Thank you in advance for your input. L ���11� Sincerely, � �� �� John Kepri.os, Director 1 � � � y � Edina Park and Recreation Department \ �0 �V City Hall (612) 927-8861 4801 WEST 50TH STREET FAX (612) 927-7645 EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424-1394 TDD (612) 927-5461 CL, I� ytio n� • w9�A.r'L s City of Edina S July 26, 1996 GODH 50-� ' ` �SL/lO Dear Resident of Strachauer Park Neighborhood: The purpose of this letter is to get community input regarding park improvement plans for Strachauer Park. I ask that concerned neighborhood residents either write me a letter and/or attend the following community input meeting: Thursday, August 8, 1996 7:00 P.M. City Council Chambers Edina City Hall 4801 West 50th Street At the community input meeting, drawings of the park design will be presented, -7nich will shcs.., )i the following proposed park ameni ::.ie= . 1. basketball 2. playground equipment 3. soccer field (add irrigation) 4. parking lot 5. hockey rink 6. accessible pathway from warming house to playground Based on previous community input, there have been requests to install a hockey rink and a parking lot. In addition, there have been several requests to replace all the playground equipment. These improvements will be financed by the Park Improvement Bond Issue funds which were approved by Edina voters on May 7, 1996, by a margin of 770. Your input is extremely valuable in the planning process for your neighborhood park. If you do not plan to attend this community input meeting but have concerns regarding the park improvement plan, please send me a letter so that I have written record of your input. Thank you in advance for your input. 7- Sincerely, :i. J ,�--�- �,.�i �� l �j• E ��y�,c�, Aly, /. �!'+..Si��-�-►rn. fL,�,�_ c� __ � �.�'" Sr�i�,�y.�, rt} -l. °.-'�'hQ �:v,.�Z John Kepr os, Director Edina Park and Recreation Depa tment'�^�-+r'�� City Hall 4P -D `�� ` (612)92 7-8861 4801 WEST 50TH STREET 1 FAX (612) 927-7645 EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424-1394 FAX TDD (612) 927-5461 V V , rr I Christine Roumel 6320 Ewing '`+XNS33410 Minneapolis, CS�1 City Of Edina July 26, 1996 Dear Resident of Strachauer Park Neighborhood: The purpose of this letter is to get community input regarding park improvement plans for Strachauer Park. I ask that concerned neighborhood residents either write me a letter and/or attend the following community input meeting: Thursday, August 8, 1996 7:00. P.M. City Council Chambers Edina City Hall 4801 West 50th Street At the community input meeting, drawings of the park design will be presented, which will show locations of the following proposed park amenities: •1. basketball court 2. playground equipment 3. soccer field (add irrigation) 4. parking lot 5. hockey rink round 6. accessible pathway from warming house to playg Based on previous community input, there have been requests to t install a hockey rink and a parking lot. In addition, there have been several requests to replace all the playground equipment. improvements will be financed y These improve bthe Park Improvement Bond Issue funds which were approved by Edina voters on May 7 1996, by a margin of 770. Your input is extremely valuable in the planning process for your neighborhood park. If you ao not plan to attend this community 'input meeting but have concerns regarding the p P plan, please send me a letter so that I have written record of your input. Thank you in advance for your input. Sincerely, John Keprio , Director Edina Park and Recreacion Department `n (612) 927-,8861 City Hall O`/ �� \ (,l U��,i�Q� �(r.:l�, "�, `' FAX (612) 927-7645 4801 WEST 50TH STREET I" �. TDD (612) 927-5461 EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424-1394 V i - DonaIJ M. lZrIorg 6201 ;wing Avenue Sout� Quina, Minnesota 55410 August 5. 1996 Mr. John Keprios, Director Edina Park and Recreation Department Edina City Hall 4801 West 50th Street Edina, Minnesota 55424-1394 Dear Mr. Kephos: I am writing in response to your letter of July 26, 1996 regarding the meeting scheduled for Thursday, August 8 to obtain neighborhood input on proposed amenity improvements for Strachauer Park. While it appears unlikely that I will be able to attend the meeting, I do have a suggestion which I think would immeasurably improve the total ambiance of the park and significantly complement and enhance any improvements which will be made in the park's amenities. My suggestion is that a berm and wall be constructed along the south boundary of the park to shelter it from the sight and sound of traffic on County Road #62. While I admit to not being knowledgeable as to the feasibility of implementing this suggestion, and would assume that county and possibly state agencies might need to be involved, I do feel that the timing of such a project would be excellent. I would hope that this thought might at least be thrown into the hopper at the August 18 meeting. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Dr. Robert Bjoraker 6133 Beard Place Edina, Minn.. 55410 August 7, 1996 1 is City Hall 4801 West 50 Street Edina, Minn 55424-1394 ATTN: JOHN KEPRIOS, Director Edina Park & Recreation Dept. RE: ST RACHAUER PARK INPUT � Dear Sir: As a forty (40) year resident of 6133 Beard Place and a long time observer of daily participant activity'35trachauer Park (Beard Park), I would like to make the following comments and recommendations. Suggestion 1: i ion signs. More numerous and visible placement of Edina Park Regulat At present the single sign is at the eastern border of the park in an area seldom used by most park participants. Every year I find golf balls in my yard! My wife was repeatedly hit by golf balls when working around the yard in the flower beds. Golf is supposedly not permitted in any Edina parks yet the golf balls in my yard every year were not mine but the result driving practice from the park -not putting or chip shots. In todays society I know better than to confront a young teen ager with a golf club in his hand. Suggestion 2: I ocate the soccer -football field to a more central north -south location G__proximately twenty (20) yards south of the present location close to 62nd. street. Install a wire screen back -stop the width of the field to contain missed soccer goal attempts and footballs from rolling out of the park and landing into west 62nd street and private property north of the f park. Exuberant you'$ athletes sometimes dart into the street without , attention to traffic and have been known to trample gardens while looking for "lost" balls (footballs, golf balls, & soccer balls). During scheduled supervised games, this is not quite the problem it is when individual athletes or teams are practicing goals—Cars do not always stop at the Beard Avenue thruough stop sign. There is some speeding on 62nd street. Is it necessary for a child to be injured or killed by a car before something is done to correct this hazard ??? Comment 3: Hockey Rink ' Hockey is a popular sport and indoor ice is costly and limited. It is alsL evident that hockey and individual recreational skating can not co -exist on the same ice at the same time ! Hockey players will completely take over.r A hockey puck is a dangerous missile capable of inflicting serious injury or death if it stricks the head or temple. THE SOLUTION: An ugly wooden I barrier surrounding the hockey rink area to protect and separate innocent individual skaters from flying pucks and the "defensive stick work" that seems intrinsic to the game of hockey. We already have the night lights. The noise of pucks banging against the boards would only be another of the! mixed blessings of being neighbor to a park. j Comment 4: A Parking Lot ?? WHY or WHY NOT , _ntwo (2) street perimeter of Strachauer Park (Beard Place & W. 62nd. St:�) CEEDS SIXTEEN HUNDRED (1600) linear feet of curbside parking. That is enough to park eighty (80) cars curbside without parking in front of priva�e property on those streets ! YES, it is a nuisance and agrevation for property owners during soccer, football or baseball games but the congesti n caused by the number of people and cars will still be a problem even with a large parking lot for twenty (20) or thirty (30) cars :: (continued) JOHN KEPRIOS, Director; Edina Park & Recreation Dept. Strachauer Park INPUT Dr. R. J. Bjoraker, 08-07-96 (cont.) page 2. There was a designated off street parking lot in the original BEARD PARK plans many years ago but it was never identified on site nor paved. It was very seldom if ever used. A large bituminous lot now would invite tailgate partying and lovers lane activity and would be an unsightly change from the "open green space" concept of the present park. The large; open green of the park is one of the few benefits of being a park neighbor. I personally did not move to Edina to look out at a paved parking lot ! I To create a parking lot that would solve any and all congestion problems that occur only during scheduled ballgames with off street parking would be so large as to destroy the recreational value of much of the park for the kiddies and young people of the neighborhood. These individuals use Strachauer Park on a daily basis year around for spontaneous play periods and neighborhood activities not regional in concept. Organized team sports use the park for three (3) or four (4) hours several evenings a week 1 during soccer and football season. I have lived with the noise and congestion during the soccer season and accept it in exchange for the wide open green space the park now presents. Please don't replace that green with blacktop just for cars. MainTenance of blacktop surfaces for parking is high cost and a continuing budget item with little real benefit to recreational park use in this instance. SUMMARY: 1. 2. 3. 4. Three (3) additional Park Regulations signs. Soccer Field backstop & relocation for SAFETY. Hockey Rink to separate skaters & allow recreational skaters use of the park withe SAFETY. Park Improvement Bond Issue Funds would be misspent in this situation. Certainly Edina would not get its monies worth :: Thank you for your request for input. Sincerely, ZZ, t (If - • c 13Z�_o46j • r.-4 r-� n f -.-a R. No THURSDAY, AUGUST 8TH • Seven showed by hands that they were in favor of a parking lot four were opposed. • What will become of the parking lot when the programs are over? • Will it be lit separately? • Will it be left wide open or gated? • Can you provide additional lighting? • Would you place/post no parking signs along one or both sides of the street? • Letter was read in favor of eliminating the soccer program as of 1996. • What is the timetable? • What kind of safety surface will be used? • Has anybody considered a wading pool there? • Question was asked about the county owned land. • Many questions about lack of landscaping north of crosstown. • Will hockey rink be permanent? • Could hockey rink be used as a dog run? • Could you post more park regulation signs? • Will hockey rink have a paved surface? • Will residents have access of the hockey rink when the association isn't using it? • Many comments in favor of paving hockey rink. • Comment was made regarding lights. Last time Strachauer Park had a hockey rink the lights were on all night. • A number of comments were made about the poor quality of the ice surface. • Will the playground program be offered at Strachauer Park? • Is there any chance of getting a small shelter/gazebo with picnic table? • Will there be a drinking fountain? • Question about time table again. • Happy Anniversary.