HomeMy WebLinkAbout20171129_aquatic vegetation prioritization listAquatic vegetation services requests - Prioritization ChartThe prioritization list is not comprehensive, and more water bodies may be added. Water bodies may be reclassified using updated information.This prioritization list is used to determine eligibility for aquatic vegetation services.Water Body Tiny Small Medium Large No dataData showing water body does not meet goalsDrains directly to a 303(d) Impaired Water303(d) Impaired Waters ListTotal PointsPublic access and use - raise one service level50% shoreline owner involvement - raise one service levelService Level12 3 4 0 2 3 4Lake Cornelia448YesHighMud Lake404YesMediumLake Edina448 HighMirror Lake404LowArrowhead Lake426YesHighIndianhead Lake426YesHighHighlands Lake404YesMediumOtto Pond303LowMelody Lake325YesHighLake Pamela336YesHighHawkes Lake303LowHarvey Lake303LowSwimming Pool Pond336 MediumLong Brake Trail Pond303Yes (for 2015+)MediumLake Nancy336YesHighPoint of France Pond303 NoneCreek Valley303LowUnnamed (near Parkwood & Knoll)303 NoneUnnamed (Schaefer & Harold Woods)303 NoneCote Pond202Yes (for 2016+)LowUnnamed (near Nine Mile Village Townhomes)202 NoneIncreased Service LevelSizeWater QualityLastUpdated11/29/2017Page1of2
Aquatic vegetation services requests - Prioritization ChartThe prioritization list is not comprehensive, and more water bodies may be added. Water bodies may be reclassified using updated information.This prioritization list is used to determine eligibility for aquatic vegetation services.Water Body Tiny Small Medium Large No dataData showing water body does not meet goalsDrains directly to a 303(d) Impaired Water303(d) Impaired Waters ListTotal PointsPublic access and use - raise one service level50% shoreline owner involvement - raise one service levelService LevelIncreased Service LevelSizeWater QualityUnnamed (south of Cote & Long Brake Tr)202 NoneBirchcrest Pond202Yes (for 2017+)LowSouth Pond202 NoneHyde Park Pond/Shannon Pond202Yes (for 2016+)LowWest Garrison Pond202 NoneUnnamed (south of Mirror Lake)202 NoneUnnamed (Blake Rd & Knoll Drive)202 NoneAnnaway Pond202 NonePrescott Pond101Yes (for 2017+)LowEdina incorporated Lake AssociationsArrowhead Lake Association (ALA)Cote PondLake Cornelia groupEdina lake groupsLong Brake Trail PondHyde Park/Shannon Pond groupPrescott Cirlce Pond groupBirchcrest Pond groupThe Indianhead Lake Association (TILA)Friends of Melody Lake (FoML)Lake Nancy Lake Association (LNLA)LastUpdated11/29/2017Page2of2