HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 2002-040 Redistricting of Electron Precinct BoundariesRESOLUTI 2002-40
City of Edina
WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Stlatut 204B.14 the governin body of each
municipality shall establish the bounda ies of the election pr cincts in the
WHEREAS, precinct boundaries must be r established within 60 d ys of the time
when the legislature has been redistricted or at least 19 weeks b fore the state
primary in a year ending in two, whichever omes first;
BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Ed' a, Minnesota, that it her by establishes
boundaries for each precinct as illustrated on the map presented at the regular
meeting of April 16, 2002, and defined a5 foil ws:
Precinct No. 1A - Commencingat
the intersection of the
northern and
westerly boundaries of the City of Edina; the
southerly along the we
ern boundary
of the City of Edina to the southwest corner
of Section 30, Township
17, Range 21;
then easterly along the south line of Se
'on 30, Township 117,
Range 21 to
Parkwood Road; then northerly, easterly
nd southerly along th
centerline of
Parkwood Road to the south line of Section
30, Township 117, R
nge 21; then
easterly along the south line of Section 30, Township
117, Range 21
o Blake Road;
then northerly, northwesterly and northeirly along
the centerline of Bl
e Road to the
northern boundary of the City of Edina; 'ther
westerly along the nor
ern boundary
of the City of Edina to point of beginning,
Precinct No. 1B - Commencing at
the northwest corner
of Section 31,
Township 117, Range 21; then southerly along
the western boundary
of the City of
Edina to State Highway 62; then easterly alo
g the centerline of State
Highway 62 to
Gleason Road; then northerly along the centerline
of Gleason Ro
d to Vernon
Avenue; then northeasterly along the center
ine of Vernon Avenue t
Blake Road;
then northerly along the centerline of Blake
oad to the northeast cor
er of Section
31, Township 117, Range 21; then westerly
long the north line of s
'd Section 31,
Township 117, Range 21 to Parkwood' Ro
d; then northwesterly,
esterly and
southerly along the centerline of Parkwood
Road to the north line
f Section 31,
Township 117, Range 21; then westerly along
the north line of Section
1, Township
117, Range 21 to point of beginning.
Precinct No. 2 - Commencing at the '
ersection of the north e
boundary of
the City of Edina and the north -south NSP p
wer line (northwest cor
er of Section
28, Township 117, Range 21); then southerly
long the centerline of th
north -south
NSP power line to Vernon Avenue (County
F oad 158); then northeast
rly along the
centerline of Vernon Avenue to Eden Avenue;
then northeaster
y along the
centerline of Eden Avenue to State Highway
100, then northerly along
e centerline
City Hall
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Resolution No. 2002-40
Page 2
of State Highway 100 to the northern bpur
along the northern boundary of the City of
Precinct No. 3 - Commencing at t
Arden Avenue; then northerly along the c
Road; then westerly along the centerli}e o
then northerly along the centerline of Woc
of the City of Edina; then southwesterly at
of the City of Edina to State Highway) 101
State Highway 100 to the south line of th
Section 18, Township 28, Range 24); then E
Country Club to West 54th Street; then e�
Street to France Avenue; then northerly a
West 52nd Street; then westerly along &
extension to Minnehaha Creek; then r ortl
Creek to Wooddale Lane extended ea ter'.
Wooddale Lane to Wooddale Aven e;
Wooddale Avenue to West 50th Stree ; th
50th Street to point of beginning. I
Precinct No. 4 - Commencing a! th
Road 17) and West 40th Street; then west
City of Edina to the western boundary f tl
southerly, westerly, southerly and wes er13
of Edina to Wooddale Avenue; then oul
Avenue to Sunnyside Road; then easte�ly a
Arden Avenue; then southerly along the c
Street; then westerly along the centerline c
then southerly along the centerline of i Wo
easterly along the centerline of Woo dal,
Creek; then southerly, along the centerline
extended westerly; then easterly along) the
Avenue; then northerly along the centerlinE
Precinct No. 5 - Commencing at
northern boundary of the City of EdinI, th
along the centerline of Blake Road t� VE
northeasterly along the centerline of V' me
line (west line of Section 33, Towns 'p 1
centerline of the north -south NSP pow r lir
Edina; then westerly along the northern b,
Precinct No. 6 - Commencing i at
Road 158) and Gleason Road; then souther.
State Highway 62; then easterly along th
Minneapolis, Northfield and Southern Rai
of the Minneapolis, Northfield and So
Lary of the City of Edit
Tina to point of beginni
intersection of West
iterline of Arden Aver
Sunnyside Road to We
dale Avenue to the no
I westerly along the no
then southerly along
Edina Country Club
sterly along the south
terly along the centerl:
mg the centerline of F:
centerline of West 521
-rly along the centerlir
; then westerly along
ten northerly along t
1 easterly along the CE
intersection of France ,
rly along the northern
e City of Edina at Natch
along the western bour
ierly along the centerli
ong the centerline of Su
nterline of Arden Aver
West 50th Street to We
►ddale Avenue to Wooc
Lane and its extensioi
A Minnehaha Creek to 1
enterline of West 52nd
of France Avenue to poi
he intersection of Blake
n southerly, southeaster
rnon Avenue (County
i Avenue to the north -s(
.7, Range 21); then nor
E! to the northern boundi
undary of the City of F
intersection Vernon .
along the centerline of
centerline of State Hi;
)ad; then northerly alo
cern Railroad to Har
then westerly
)th Street and
to Sunnyside
)dale Avenue;
cern boundary
cern boundary
centerline of
south line of
e of the Edina
of West 54th
ice Avenue to
Street and its
of Minnehaha
centerline of
centerline of
erline of West
venue (County
Dundary of the
z Avenue; then
(ary of the City
E! of Wooddale
nyside Road to
Le to West 50th
)ddale Avenue;
tale Lane; then
to Minnehaha
'est 52nd Street
itreet to France
t of beginning.
Road and the
i and southerly
.oad 158); then
Ah NSP power
ierly along the
y of the City of
Lina to point of
venue (County
;leason Road to
sway 62 to the
g the centerline
en Road; then
Resolution No. 2002-40
Page 3
northerly along the centerline of Han en Road to Vernon
Avenue; then
southwesterly along the centerline of Vernoj i
Avenue to point of be
' g.
Precinct No. 7 - Commencing at, the intersection of Vernon Avenue
Road 158) and Hansen Road; then sout11er1
along the centerline of
ansen Road to
the Minneapolis, Northfield and Soutthe
Railroad; then south rly along the
centerline of the Minneapolis, Northfield
d Southern Railroad to
State Highway
62; then easterly along the centerline of tat
Highway 62 to State Highway
100; then
northerly along the centerline of State
Highway 100 to Eden
Avenue; then
southwesterly along the centerline of E
en Avenue to Vernon
Avenue; then
southwesterly along the centerline of Vemon
Avenue to point of be
Precinct No. 8 - Commencing a the
intersection of France Avenue
Road 17) and West 54th Street; then we terlir
along the centerline of
West 54th Street
and its extension to State Highway 10 (the
south line of the Edina
Country Club);
then southerly along the centerline of S ate I
Jighway 100 to the western extension of
Southview Lane; then easterly along fl Le cE nterline of Southview L,
Lne to Concord
Avenue; then southerly along the cente -line
of Concord Avenue to V
Test 59th Street;
then easterly along the centerline of West 59th Street to Brookvie
Avenue; then
northerly along the centerline of Bro kv'
w Avenue to West 5
Street; then
easterly along the centerline of West 5th Street
to France Avenue;
then northerly
along the centerline of France Avenue to point
of beginning.
Precinct No. 9 - Commencing at the '
tersection of France Avenue
and West
58th Street; then southerly along the center '
e of France Avenue to
State Highway
62; then westerly and northwesterly along
the centerline of State
Highway 62 to
State Highway 100; then northerly along th
centerline of State Hig
way 100 to the
western extension of Southview Lane;
hen easterly along thE
centerline of
Southview Lane to Concord Avenue; then s
utherly along the center ine of Concord
Avenue to West 59th Street; then easterly along
the centerline of Wet 59th Street to
Brookview Avenue; then northerly along the
centerline of Brooke ew Avenue to
West 58th Street; then easterly along the centerline of West 58th S
eet to point of
Precinct No. 10 - Commencing at thE intersection of the weste
the City of Edina and the State Highway 62; then southerly aloj
boundary of the City of Edina to Valley View Road; then easi
centerline of Valley View Road to the fron ge road east of State Hig
southerly along the centerline of the frontag road east of State Highv
Way; then easterly along the centerline of Ikola Way to Braemar I
northerly along the centerline of Braemar Boulevard to Valley Vi
northeasterly and easterly along the centerline of Valley View Road t
then southerly along the centerline of Antri Road to West 70th Strep
along the centerline of West 70th Street to Tracy Avenue; then nort
centerline of Tracy Avenue to West 66th Str et; then westerly along t
West 66th Street to Tracy Avenue; then northerly along the cent
Avenue to State Highway 62; then westerly plong the centerline of St
to point of beginning.
rn boundary of
ig the western
erly along the
hway 169; then
iay 169 to Ikola
ioulevard; then
ew Road; then
:) Antrim Road;
�t; then easterly
herly along the
he centerline of
Arline of Tracy
ite Highway 62
Resolution No. 2002-40
Page 4
Precinct No. 11 - Commencing atth intersection of Tracy A enue and State
Highway 62; then southerly along the ce terline of Tracy Avenu to West 66th
Street; then easterly along the centerline- of West 66th Street to Tra Avenue; then
southerly along the centerline of Tracy A nue to West 70th Stree ; then easterly
along the centerline of West 70th Street to tate Highway 100; then ortherly along
the centerline of State Highway 100 to I Sta Highway 62; the: wes erly along the
centerline of State Highway 62 to point of be 'nning.
Precinct No. 12 - Commencing at th intersection of State Hi hway 100 and
West 70th Street; then southerly along the enterline of State High ay 100 to the
westerly extension of Hibiscus Avenue; en easterly along th centerline of
Hibiscus Avenue to West Shore Drive; thein southerly along the cen rline of West
Shore Drive to Sedum Lane; then easterly ilong the centerline of dum Lane to
Kellogg Avenue; then northerly along t e c nterline of Kellogg Ave ue to Gilford
Drive; then easterly along the centerlines of ilford Drive to Oakla Avenue; then
northerly along the centerline of Oaklawn A enue to West 72nd Stree ; then easterly
along the centerline of West 72nd Street to ranee Avenue (County oad 17); then
northerly along the centerline of France Av nue to West 70th Street; then westerly
along the centerline of West 70th Street t the point of beginning.
Precinct No. 13 - Commencing at the ' tersection of France A enue (County
Road 17) and West 72th Street; then southerl along the centerline of ranee Avenue
to the southern boundary of the City of E ina; then westerly alon the southern
boundary of the City of Edina to Stat H hway 100; then north ly along the
centerline of State Highway 100 to the west n extension of Hibiscus Avenue; then
easterly along the centerline of Hibiscus Ave ue to West Shore Drive; en southerly
along the centerline of West Shore Drie to Sedum Lane; then east rly along the
centerline of Sedum Lane to Kellogg Avenue then northerly along th centerline of
Kellogg Avenue to Gilford Drive; then easter y along the centerline of ilford Drive
to Oaklawn Avenue; then northerly along the enterline of Oaklawn A enue to West
72nd Street; then easterly along the center ' e of West 72nd Stree to point of
Precinct No. 14 - Commencing a� th intersection of West 54 Street and
France Avenue (County Road 17); then so erly along the center e of France
Avenue to State Highway 62; then northeast rly and easterly along S to Highway
62 to Xerxes Avenue; then northerly along th centerline of Xerxes Av nue to West
54th Street; then westerly along the center ' e of West 54th Stree to point of
Precinct No. 15 - Commencing at the tersection of Valley Vi w Road and
the western boundary of the City of Edina; then easterly along the enterline of
Valley View Road to the frontage road east f State Highway 169; n southerly
along the centerline of the frontage road I eas of State Highway 169 t Ikola Way;
then easterly along the centerline of Ikola Way to Braemar Boulevard; en northerly
along the centerline of Braemar Boulevard to alley View Road; then ortheasterly
and easterly along the centerline of Valley View Road to An Road; then
southerly along the centerline of Antrim Ro d toWest 70th Street; en westerly
along the centerline of West 70th Street to D blin Road; then southe y along the
Resolution No. 2002-40
Page 5
centerline of Dublin Road to Kerry Road; th n westerly along the ce rline of Kerry
Road to Down Road; then southerly alon the centerline of Do Road to Lee
Valley Road; then southeasterly along the c nterline of Lee Valley R ad to Shannon
Drive; then southerly along the center ine f Shannon Drive to De ey Hill Road;
then easterly along the centerline of De ey Hill Road to Cahill Road then southerly
along the centerline of Cahill Road to est r8th Street; then southea terly along the
centerline of West 78th Street to the southrn boundary of the City of Edina; then
westerly along the southern boundary f th City of Edina to the we tern boundary
of the City of Edina; then northerly alo Ig th western boundary of th City of Edina
to point of beginning.
Precinct No. 16 - Commencing a the intersection of France A E
Highway 62; then southerly along the ce erline of France Avenu
Street; then westerly along the center)' e of West 70th Street to State
then northerly along the centerline of S to ghway 100 to State Hi
easterly along the centerline of State Hig wa 62 to point of beginnin
Precinct No. 17 - Commencing lat t ie intersection of Franc
Road 17) and West 72nd Street; then eas rly along the extension of
West 72nd Street to the Eastern bounda of the City of Edina; then
the eastern boundary of the City of Edina to State Highway 62; then
the centerline of State Highway 62 to I Frai Lce Avenue; then south
centerline of France Avenue to the point of b ginning.
Precinct No. 18 - Commencing 4athe intersection of France A�Road 17) and West 72nd Street; then early long the extension of theWest 72nd Street to the eastern boundaof e City of Edina; then sc
the eastern boundary of the City of Edina t the southern boundary
Edina; then westerly along the southern bo dary of the City of Ec
Avenue; then northerly along the centerlipe o France Avenue to point
Precinct No. 19 - Commencing atj the ' tersection of State Hig.
West 70th Street; then southerly along the c nterline of State HighTA
southern boundary of the City of Edina; then westerly along the south
of the City of Edina to West 78th Street; ,the northwesterly along the
West 78th Street to Cahill Road; then northerl along the centerline of i
Dewey Hill Road; then westerly along the ce erhne of Dewey Hill Roi
Drive; then northerly along the centerline iof S annon Drive to Lee Val]
northwesterly along the centerline of Lee V 11 y Road to Down Road;1
along the centerline of Down Road to Kerry oad; then easterly along
of Kerry Road to Dublin Road; then north, rly along the centerline of E
West 70th Street; then easterly along the cen rline of West 70th Str(
establishes the following polling locations:
Council of the City of
?nue and State
to West 70th
Highway 100;
hway 62; then
Ave (County
centerline of
ortherly along
7esterly along
rly along the
nue (County
centerline of
Ltherly along
f the City of
na to France
f beginning
way 100 and
rn boundary
centerline of
ahill Road to
I to Shannon
y Road; then
yen northerly
he centerline
iblin Road to
t to point of
Precinct 1A Shepherd of Hills Church 500 Blake Rod
Precinct 1B Chapel Hills Church) 6512 Vernon Avenue
Resolution No. 2002-40
Page 6
Precinct 2
Edina City H411
Precinct 3
Covenant Chum
Precinct 4
Weber Park Biui
Precinct 5
Highlands El rr
Precinct 6
6401 Glea
Precinct 7
Normandale u
Precinct 8
South View 1V is
Precinct 9
Concord Elemej
Precinct 10
Creek Valley Sc:
Precinct 11
Creek Valley a
Precinct 12
Cornelia Elem
Precinct 13
Centennial La E
Precinct 14
St. Peters Luth
Precinct 15
Valley View i,
Precinct 16
Christ Presbyt j
Precinct 17
Southdale He
Precinct 18
Edinborough 11 `
Precinct 19
Calvary Luthe�i
Passed and adopted this 16th day of April
Attest: ��•� t� I ,(
Debra A. ManQen, C
I, the undersigned duly appointed and actir
hereby certify that the attached and foregoin
Edina City Council at its Regular Meeting of
Minutes of said Regular Meeting.
WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this '
E Edina 4201 W
g 4115 Gi
iry School 5505 D<
Elementary 5701 Be
: 50th Street
:50th Street
es Avenue
astor Way
n Avenue
ran Church
6100 Nor
andale Road
4725 Sou
View Lane
y School
5900 Con
rd Avenue
6401 Glea
on Road
�t Church
6400 Trac
y School
7000 Corn lia Drive
rk Centrum
7499 Fran e Avenue
5421 Fran
Avenue So.
6750 Valle
View Road
6901 Norrrandale
n Library
7001 York
Nvenue South
great Hall
7700 York
kvenue South
6817 Antr'
n Road
Dennis F. Ma tzold, Mayor
g City Clerk for the Ci of Edina do
Resolution was duly a opted by the
April 16, 2002 and as re orded in the
day of 120.
City Clerk