HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution No. 2001-097 Lot Division- Bruce CarlsonRESOLUTI N NO.2J001-97 A RES API ROVING A L O TIO DIV SION FOR Except that part t ereof which 645 FRANCE AV ENUESOUTH g a WHEREAS, the following d scribed prop rty is at Oresent one sip gli Tract A, registered L nd Survey N . 12 34, H nnepin Coun , Except that part t ereof which lie Weerly and Scut Tri following described ine: Beginni at a po t on a line pare iaving a radii distant of 58 feet Ea terly of the es line �f said Tract c feet (as measured pa allel with sai W st line) Southerly f t of said Tract A; the ce run Sout erl parllel with and d Easterly of the Wes line of said Tra ct Aor a distanc o thence deflect left al ng a tangent' 1 c rve laving a radiu o distance of 101.4 feet more or less t in ersecfion with a lin d to and distant 77 fee Northerly o the South line of said Tr run Easterly along said parallel li e for a d stance of 120 feE Southeasterly to a oint on a 1 ne parallel with and di Northerly of the So th line of sai Tract A� said point di ta. Easterly of the West ine of said Tr ct and f there termina inl WHEREAS the owners h e requested th subdivision of said parcels described as follow Parcal 1 Tract A, registered L nd Survey N .1 34, Hennepin Cow Except that part t ereof which lies Wetterly and S following described ine: Beginni g a distant of 58 feet Ea terly of the es line lof said Tract feet (as measured p allel with said West li0e) Southerly of said Tract A; th nce run Southerly parallel with ani Easterly of the We line of said Tri ict A I for a distanc thence deflect left al ng a tangential curve iaving a radii distance of 101.4 fee more or less o i terse tion with a lir to and distant 77 fe t Northerlyf t Sou h line of saic run Easterly along s id parallel li e f r a distance of 12C Southeasterly to a point on a ine parallel with and Northerly of the So th line of said Tact Ar said point d Easterly of the West line of said Tiact and there termina With the exception f: City Hall 4801 WEST 50TH STREET EDINA, MINNESOTA 55424-1394 1 City of Edina of land: rly of the 4 with and tant 239.32 North line ant 58 feet >-73.82 feet; 5 feet for a vvn parallel t A; thence thence run .nt 65 feet 359.11 feet into separate Orly of the el with and Stant 239.32 North line tant 58 feet 273.82 feet; 55 feet for a wn parallel :t A; thence thence run ant 65 feet : 359.11 feet (952) 927-8861 FAX (952) 826-0390 TDD (952) 826-0379 That part of TractA Registered an Sury y Number 134 iles of the Registrar of Titles, C unty of He pi , described as follo s: Commencing at the Northeast Corner of said Tract AJ t Ence on an assumed bearingo South 00 degrees 0 minutes 34 s onds East, assumed bearing, al ng the East line of said Tract A, a dist ce of 28.73 feet, more or less, t an intersect on with the Easterly exte ision of the Southerly right of w y line of Wes 6YI Street; thence Nor h degrees 20 minutes 30 seconds est, along said Easterly extension and a ng the said Southerly right of w y line of Wes 65 Stre t, a distance f .22 feet, to the actual point of be inning of the parcel to be described; the ce South 00 degrees 38 minutes 20 seconds est, a d stance of 260.73 Jeet; thence North 89 degrees 27 minutes 53 ecoids West, a distance o 212.05 feet; thence North 00 de ees 34 minut s 32 sec nds East, a di to ce of 261.18 feet, more or less, to its intersecti n with said Southerly r gh f way line of West 65th Street; thence South 39 degree3 20 minutes 30 conds East along said Southerly right of way line of West 65th Street, i distance of 212.34 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. The Pa el contains 55,374 square feet of 1.271 acres. Parcel 2 That part of Tract Registered Land Survey Number 1 34 iles of the Registrar of Titles, C unty of Heratepin, described as folio s: Commencing at the Northeast Cor r of said Tract ; t nce on an assumed bearing of South 00 degrees 00 minutes 34 s 4 -onds East, assumed bearing, along the East ine of said Tract A, a dist nce of 28.73 feet, more orless, t an intersec ion with the Easterly xt sion of the Southerly right of w y line of We t 651h Street; thence North 81, degrees 20 minutes 30 seconds est, along sz id E asterl y extension ar d ng the said Southerly right of w y line of We t 6311 Str et, a distance Df 7.22 feet, to the actual point of b ginning of th pa rcel to be described; thE ce South 00 degrees 38 minutes 20 seconds Wes , a distance of 260.73 eet, thence North 89 degrees 2 minutes 53 eco ds West, a distance c 212.05 feet, thence North 00 de rees 34 minu es 22 seconds East, a d staie of 261.18 feet, more or less, t its intersecti n ith s id Southerly igh t of way line of West 65th Street; hence South 89 degrees 20 minutes 30 conds East along said Southerl right of way lie of VVest 65th Street, distance of 212.34 feet, more o less, to the point of beginning. The Par --el contains 55,374 square feet of 1,271 acres. WHEREAS, the requested subdivi sion is a horized uncIE r de Section 810 and it has been determined that compliance vvith the Subdivision and Z iing Regulations of the City of Edina will create an unnecess ry I iards]ip and said P rc s as separate tracts of land do not interfere with the purpose of he Subdivision anj Z ing Regulations as contained in the City of Edina Code Sections 810 a d 850; 2 NOW, THEREFORE it is hereby rest Edina that the conveyance nd ownership of Parcel 2 as separate tracts of land is ere provisions of Code Section 850 and 810 are conveyance thereof as separate tracts of Ian Code Sections 810 and 9850 subject to lir said ordinances are not waived for any oth, thereof, and further subject however, to the made of said Parcels unless; made in comph City of Edina or with the prior approval of thi ordinances. ADOPTED this 4th da of December, 2( ATTEST: City Clerk STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF HENNEPIN )SS CITY OF EDINA ) I, the undersigned duly appoin ed and acting that the attached and foregoing Resolution m Regular Meeting of December, , 2001, and as WITNESS my hand and seal of said City this _ C01 13 the by )y the City Co it of the City of ,cond above (lese 'bed Parcel 1 and )roved and he 1equirements and waived to a'low said division and )nly to the exten permitted under ns set out in Co Section 850 and pose or as to a other provisions >ion that no Jur er subdivision be ,ith the pertien rdinances of the icil as may be pr ided for by those CLERK or the City of lEddo hereby certify pted by the E in it Council at its the Minutes o sai Regular Meeting. ,20 City Clerk