HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-1 Adding New Section 1046 And Repealing Section 1045AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TH SECTION 1046 ANIS RE THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIE CITY OF EDIP Section 1. The City Code is hereby follows: "Section 1046 - Farling and Sv 1046.01 Definitions.' Unless the conte words and phrases have the n All Terrain Vehicle I(AM. A motoriz low pressure tires, �ut not more than of not less than 806 cubic centimeter i i NO. j 992-1 CIT'' CODE BY AE EALING SECTION ORDAINS: fended to of Vehicles DING A 1045 a new Sectioh 1046 as le*ly indicates jotherwise, the following ir*s given in tl4s Subsection: flo tion -tired ve 'cle of not le K tires, that is limit in engine and total dry wei ht less than Boat. Any contrivance used or desig ried for navigation n water. Commercial Usage) Vehicles. A. Vehicles and equipment d igne4 or modified for use in any ci demolition, I or maintenance a tivit% B. Tractors. C. All trailers or towed equip ent Oxceeding a gr ss vehicle wei pounds but, not including re eitiof al vehicles o trailers used boats, snowmobiles or ATVs. D. Snow removal vehicles a io egiupment and t -ee trimming equipment. E. Earth moving vehicles an equipment. F. Trucks, vans and pickups with la manufactun es nominal ra- capacity of more than three 1 ourft ton. District A zoning district established, puouant to Secti r n 850 of this Inoperable Vehicle. A vehicle inclu ' g, t - trailer, marine craft, snowmobile, oto 1 not limited to, any aut Ie, all t vehicle, three pounds. t of 1500 transport and carrying bile, truck, bile home, pickup camper, camping trailer, and that (i) has a missi4g or defective p; of the vehicle, or (ii) is stored on' blc display a license, of displays a kcer renewal date. Unmounted pickup ca deemed inoperable !vehicles if they c normal operation and display a lice required renewal date if a license is Non -Conforming Parking Location. in the R-1 or R-2 District which loca within five feet of a side lot line. Recreational Vehicle. A vehicle used occupancy including but not limited t campers, camping trailers, tent traile er e4uipment for r that is necessary 1 t, ja0ks, or other s that is 60 days c srs or vehicles whi ;revise possess all e that is not mor r the rmal peration cr (iii does not more past it required L are towed s not be arts and are apable of than 60 da past its outdoor location n the dri is loot within 15 feet of the ir designed for use campers, motorhoi s and travel trailer Snowmobile. A self-propelled vehicles desig aed for travel skis or runners. Special Purpose T' er. A trailer h pounds. Special urpose trailers transport boats, snowmobiles or AT 1046.02 Parking or Si torage of Comm Vehicle Parts. Commercial usage vehicles, appurtenant to any vehicle shall not be: A. Parked or stored outdoors on B. Parked or stored outdoors on hours. Provided, however,. vehicles and equiprnent on the premises may be parked on the prer 1046.03 Parking orforage of Recreati Recreational vehicles, boa , ATVs, snowmo designed or used for off -ad purposes mal erected building, or may tee parked or store Subd. 1 Lots the R-1 District A. No more than two ai gross vehicle It utility trails of a lot and not temporary esidential mobile hon es, pickup snow or ice teered by ight of less an 1500 and trailes used to V1 sage Vehicles Inoperable V Liable vehicles, r any part or in residential in non-residential 4istricts for Sed for mainte $es during the pial Vehicles, B Iles, special pu be parked or outdoors as fc R-2 District, PRD- sch vehicles, not r repair, or of work. ATVs, Snowi trailers or of I in a garage s: and PRD -2 and than 48 iles, etc. vehicles lawfully than one bf which is a recreational vehicle, s For purposes hereof, a vehicle. B. A�y such vehicle p lease by the occupant C. Any such vehicle sh an interior side lot line, required front street s Section 850 of this Coc D. Any such vehicle buildable area for a�prb principal building on tl E. Ndtwithstanding the of this Subdivision,ani basis on a' driveway wi street setback subject t 1. Such vehicl exceeding seven 2. Such vehicle travelled portior or rear lot line. It is the intent of this I suchehicles for loadir the visitors and guests Subd. 2 Lots } All Other Reside A. Any such vehicle F leased by the occupant B. Any such vehicle p stored only on hard sw 1 bei parked or stored outdoors oi L each lot. hide on a trailer shall be coni eyed one i :ed for stored out oors shall be Dwned or tho premises wh parked or sl Dred. no� be parked or stored within Ave feet of thiA 25 feet of a r ar lot line, or tvithin the acid or side stree setback as r ed by hall not be parked or stored clo er to the .ipal building on an adjoining lot t mn to the lot where parked or stored. requirements of par agraphs A., B., C., and D. such ivehicle may b parked on a emporary hin the required front street setbz A or side the following req ements: shall not be park d for a per. lays. shall not be parked within 15 of a street and not within five ft aagr#ph to permit or oading purl tho residents of i tial (Districts. :keds or stored ou f the premises wr .kedi or stored ou reedi areas. Subd. 3 Lots In Non -Residential Iistnicts. i A. Any such vehicle sh iU not be parked or than 48 hours. 3' of time !t of the of a side short term arking of sand to ac mmodate premises. >rs shall f parked or yrs shall b owned or parked or �s for more B. Any such vehicle as a parking area. 1046.04 Other Vehicles. Passenger aut by Subsection 1046.02 and Subsection 104 lawfully erected building, or may be parked Subd. 1 Lots in the R-1, R -2,i I not within 15 feet of feet of a side or rear Subd. 2 Lots ' All Other Residc surfaed. Subd. 3 Lots to All Other Non -P hard (surfaced but not however, vehicles may lots in the PCD -3 Dist which are used for 'the 1046.05 Variances for Recreational Subd. 1 Varialnce System Estal 1045.03 are necessary for the peace, City. It is recogni ed that there are etc. and so many s apes and sizes o matter what restrictions are place hardships will rest to some owr nuisances will result to some non -a and nuisances, this variance system Subd. 2 Application. Any persc permitted by Subsection 1046.03 ma on forms provided by the Planner. Section 185 of this Code. No variant number of vehicles allowed by Subs Subd. 3 Hearing and Decisions A. Within 30 days petition is complete, received, the Zoning of this Code shall qor and written views of be perked or store only on mobiles and a4ked vehicles not gulated .03 Day be p stored in a garage or )r stdred outdfollows: -1 aid PRD -2. On the dri eway but tkav$11ed porte street or 'thin five line-; tial Districts. Ona I parking area tat is hard iential Districts. On a parking ea that is periods excee ' g 48 hours. Provided, stored for periods exceeding 4 hours on as defined in S ction 850 of Code, of new or used automobiles or boats. Boats, etc. hed, The restrictions set out in ubsection alth safety and welfare of the cit' ens of the many kinds of recreational vehi4 les, boats, )ts and land parcels within the , that no upon their outdoor parkingstorage, s of, recreational vehicles, boa etc. and ers. In an attemptto avoid su hardships established. desiring to locate vehicle in a 1 cation not file a petition for a variance with a Planner 'he applicant shall pay a fee as t forth in s shdll be given or owed for m e than the :tion; 1046.03. the Board; er the Planner de termines that � all tequired fees and informatioi #d 6f Appeals as established by A a�ublic hearing and after hear int ested person shall make it, 4 a variance have been action 850 ig the oral lecision at the same meeting or granting a variance n necessary to ensure promote the peace; hi B. Notice of variance before the date of the variance and to each within 200 feet of the as the names and ai determined by the Pla Subd. 4 Appeal. The applicant, given, or any member of the staff o1 to the Council, by filing a written n after the date of the decision. Subd. 5 Hearing by Council. Tl appeal is filed, shall set a date for h be given in the same manner as the persons shall be heard who wish to the hearing, or a specified future d Council's decision shall set forth its variance, or theouncil may adop Board. On gran g a variance, th extent as the Board as set out in S Subd. 6 Variance Order. Each to which it relates and shall be� disl Subd. 7 Var+lance Not Transfei and restricted to the stated person, transferred to any other person, location. Provided, however, a provided such vehicle is not longer, the variance was; initially granted. protect and well n$s shall be rr ng to the pers( r of property jetty to which ses of such i friom records i any o4vners to whoa the Oity, may appe tice df appeal with C*cil, at its ne: fling the appeal. ieari$ng before the a heord, in person :e, the Council sh, .dings and reasons as its own, the fi Council may impc d. 3 i of this Subsec meeting. which the of the 3 not less tr ,ho filed the ited wholly variance rel ers can be stained by d notice of the I a decision he Clerk wit regular meet otice of the h oard. At the r by a repress l make its de )r granting or Sings and re-, e conditions iarce order shalla retained on ,ed, at the reques of any City e. decision 3 deems ies and ten days ition for partially s insofar Assessor. :arnng was the Board i ten days after the ring shall raring, all :ative. At ion. The nying the ns of the the same property ble,!Exception. Ea h variance sh be limited vehicle and prop location an may not be r be f used for any other vehicle or property rianco may be ferred to an er vehicle 'der'y taller or old than the vehi a for which Subd. 8 Revocation of Varian Each variance gr City for failure of the recipient t comply fully and conditions or for' any violation of a pr6visions in Su 1046.06 Non -Conforming Parking snowmobile, all-terraini vehicle, or specs, a non -conforming parking location prior id Storage. Any purp.0 trailer wl the �ffective date 5 :d may be roked by the tinually V 7 the stated 7 of this S section. :creationalhide, boat, z was parke or stored in this Section y continue to be so parked or stored subject to the re Subd. 1. Standards for Parking A. An inoperable vel conforming parking log stored only in those lc B. No more than on terrain vehicle, or spe conforming parking lc C. Any recreational vt special purpose trailer location shall have bei this Section by the occ D. The lot upon whicl terrain vehicle, or spec conforming parking continuously since the vehicle so parked or s- Subd. 2. Proof of Ownership. occupant of the premises where a rec vehicle, or special' purpose trailer is location, shall provide proof of com] Subd. 1 of this Subsection." Section 2. Section 1045 of the City Section 3. This ordinance shall b publication. of this Storage. :le shall not be pay don. An inoperable itions required by 5 recreational vehich al purpose trailer s ne, poar, snowmo xked or stored in , owed continuous ant sof the Dremise !d or stored in a non- yhicle may b parked or )section 1 .02. boat, sno obile, all - J1 be Darke in . a non - since the where Dar ►etude, or g Parking ctment of or stored. a redreational vehi4le, boat, snoobile, all- �l purpose trailer is arked or stor in a non - cation shall have been owned or rented nactment of this S ction by the o er of the the request Of any City a loyee, the ial vehicle, bo t, snowmobil -tein allrra or stored in non-confo g parking with DaraQra h C. and D ph D. of Code is repealed ink its entirety. in full force and effect upon its Passage and First Reading: October 19, 1992 Second Reading: November 2,499 Published in the Edina Sun -Current on November 11, 1 ATTEST: City Clerk 6 �I Minnesota Sun Publications AFFIDA 1 F PUBLICA ION STATE OF MINNESOTA) ss. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) L . J . C a n n i n g , being dull sworn on an oath that he/she is the publisher or authorized agent anc ompl of the pub/ sher of the new, paper known as Edina Sun - C u r r e n It , and ha a full I knowledge of he fads which are stated below. (A) The newspaper has complied with all c the requirements constituti quoification as a ualified newspaper, as provided by Mirfnesota Statute 331IA.02, 331A.07, and other applicable laws, as amend . (B) The printed Ordin3oce No. 1992-1 992- which is attached was cut from the columns which Df said i iewspaper, and wass printed and publish once each week, for one suonmsive weeks; it was first publish, W on W e d n e d a v , the 11 day of November 19-2-2— and was the r printed and publistuid on every to and including he day of , 19 printed below is a copy of the lower case alphabet from A b Z� bot inclusive, which is hereby acknowledg d as being the size and kind of type used in the composition tnO put ication of the not' : abccW i*ftnrom-wvwvz BY - TITLE: General Man d e r Acknowledgedbe� me on this � 11 day November , 19 92 N ub is MERI E .LOM Notary Public Minn sota HENNEPIN COUNTY E I FORMATIO (1) Lowest classified rate paid by corn for corn space e�cial sets 130 r line (Line, word, r inch rate) (2) Maxim m rate allowed by law for 1 ie,abwomatter 959$ r line (Line, word, inch rate) (3) Hate actually charged for theabo a malter 674 r line (Line, word, inch rate) T 4M e I O a �_ INAN AMENADDING NO, 102-11 00 ANEW SEM ONHIM N HSS OF'HE so City Cede 9 hereby prattlde Swum foss as Meows: ' I Unless the t the fallowing-laliAa and subseed Vehicle ( ). of net tees they ow 710 tires but more that Is " in engine displags I Itlent. than 800 Any contrivance used d than 800 or Usage Ve . navigati in water. f i ... and equaped @v►tttt des dr pmo for in Construction, or y B All or towed graee t 1500 but asl u'EC I a Csa r'' a and tree veli les and F 'vmensas � and vans canYlagesprtci�af than A zzmoawtpgg lis ct esta nt to 850 of this trade. I ble Vehicle vehicle' t not iimi any automobile, 1 mobileobile .� ut�and for m tion, a ddecti' part tits off thd•eld- or ( ) is stored oa • or (iii not display a a liceme tht is so do or tis date UnmoofNsd pe�or llwhic a not shabie able vebkiu possess ews that is not make than days' Of Cila� I and ate if a licenie k N forming Parking Loco lea. R R-2 District r loco the driveway of a let in which loci'oa is a side lot lite. Mon 15 I street and not WIN E Ree Usual Vehicle A vehidt used for me temporary residential ape including but not lime ed to m camping trailers, tent rs, motor mobile homes, pickup Ta Snow obNe A self-propelled v Micle travel tra 1 for In vel snow or ice steered by is or 1 Purpose Trailer. A tra ler ha n gross ve iicl weight of less than 1500 special�l wpose�� y trailers, an iters used to trauslierts,t I 44L 02 g or Storage of Cam sale Vehic I ble Vehicles and Vehicle Commercialusagge ve ' his vehi les any part or equipment ap- nt to atny vesicle she root A.Par or stored outdoors on 1 is in idential din rets B. Par or stored outdoors on 1 is in -residential ets for more than 48 hours. Fr i however, vehicles and eq 'pm for maina repair, or construction on Orem may be parked on the rem' daring the ri of work. 113 Ps Ing or Storage of Recre tissal ,chicks, Boa , A , Snowmobiles, etc. rea ' 1 vehicles, boats, ATVs, s lea special trailers or other vehicles ned for off-road may 'parked or sto a garage or lawfully erected ng, may be parked or s on as follows: 1 in the RI District, 114 PIiD t and F tD6 Subdistrkts. A. No more than two so vett rid more n of which is a recreational vehicle shall berkei stored on purposes hereof, a veldcle a trailer be t 'Vehicle. B Any such cle ar tat ed outdoorsh 11 be owned or leased by the pa t Of the or s such We not packed or s vithin five feet of an interior Intl within 25 f ata r let line, or. the required front steel set - side strfeet se, of thrs Code D. Any such vehicle sha net Any ar a to the buildable area for p on an lo4than to pal building on the let where rked orsti Notwithstaoding the division of para A. R., C., and D. of this Sub- i>asie awry such' vehicle en a oa a driveway wifhie the required front street se or side s ck subject to the Wooring requirements: . 1. Such ve Me sha not be for a time exceeding seven days 2. Such vehicle not wi 15 t of the travelled portion of a street and not wi five tafaxideor r lot line. It is the intent of this ph for t the par of such vehicles the residents the ams a to the visitors aad guests of I dM 2 in AN Other Rooidentia A. °or be owned or leased the by occupanti�Ne pprem w R. Arty such veh4cle r s I be our hard surfaced areas. outdoon sho parked or stared only an In Non-Resideatial Distds A. Any such vehicle sha not rhad or s 0more than 48 hots R Any such vehicle sha be or stared areas improved as a park- ing area. t 46. Od er Vehicles. Passengerau and all les not regulated by Subsec- t 1048.02 and Subsect'on e3 y be perked xi in a garage or lawfully ere !ted building,ar may be stored on s follow: I Ax1 in the R-1. Rd, RD -1 a PR travelled Dhlricts. On vewaay but not within 15 feet of portion of th s 2 list I in AN Other Residentia Dis within five fee On a parki aside or rear lot line. that is hard surfaced. I Aix. 3 in AN Other Neo -Res On a area that is hard surfaced but not for periods exceeding 48 Provided, vehicles may be stored for ads exceeding 48 hours lots the PCD -3 tri es defined in Section 850 of Code, which are used f the or tomobiles or boats. 1 .15 kr Recreational Bp(s, etc, S 1 Variance System 'the res rent set out in Subsec- 1045.03 are t►ece3sary for hesNti4 of the citizens City. It is r ecogniaed So tiotal vehicles etc. and so many sha pf Ids parceb within the t2 , that no matter what are lacei u outdoor parking T A. Within 30Li 1 1 Vihee� a variance estition is B. Notice of rings shal be ailed not less than ten days before the dote of the to person w f the petition for variance and to each owner of the vv�h�riiaahue whouy or the within 800 feet of the p�pe�ty b wpieb owneis r easotably r as by the Plann f and addresses of such. ars be records maintained by the Asonow.. Subd. 4. Appeal a dant, ahs is whom notice of the ming was gqi�ven` or any r the staff the ty, may appeal a decision of the hseard to the tem days fiU a wri cc of appeal with the Clerk within of Subd. 5., Hearin the appeal is filed, do I to of the i The date for its next regular meeting after a�eaI -Notice of thebear- ing shall be given ' the a manner as ring before the Board. At the hearing, allshall heard who ish be heard, in person or by a represenfa dive. At ora date, the Council shag make its decision. The U's ice shall t its findings and reasons for granting or denying ings and reasons of the or the . On gran ' a y adopt as its own, the find- e, tVne Coma may im- pose conditions to extent as the as set out in Subd. 3 d this Subsection. Subd. 6. Varian Order ch varix shall be retained on the prop erty to which it re tes shall be displa at the request of any City employee Subd. 7 Varian 11 limited and fes Net to asterroble tated person ve Each variance shall -be and property location and may not be trans to other be used for arry other vehicle of property local however may be transferred to another vehicle vehicle is wider, taller or older than the vehiclq for whi the nee was i granted. Subd. a. Revoea ofEach granted may be revolted by the City for fail at I tin pl fully and continually with the stated conditions or the ons Subd 7 of this Subsection. N Non ConformingStara e.B tiomi vehick snowmobik terrain vehiceor w 'ch or s on non - conforming psrkiug to be so or or to the to the ve date of this Section may continue P®rked Subd. 1. Woods Iect king and is of this Subsection. A. Anlloopera abaB sot be or stored in a coo-coahratag lark. fag location. An reqdred by Bo lems be or stored only in time laeades s B No eaere tb ationat t. saawmobile, all teerahh vabkle, or special e6aB be a baa -cont rale agoC. Any ll-terrainr pose dc owned cont I a parkingg_ Sectionby the premises where dareA. The let n D. cl olea , Ypeel�iii bo atsnsvrnobils. a ` : js-anwalairmMg tion sha i have ave or rortei . shm*Ue enactmcist of /ea. —tine by Ibe. alt sn aMrcd. a.ba :.O pr w _ e poq t of a� city empi yc� the - • boat, soowmo ib�ale„ W& or fe in, AM L�Secd 1 aipttln�v�e 1045 oft i is its entirety. Man 3. This ordinance bE K fun its passage and-pubNeetlwh. and gam1t z /s/ FREDERICK S RICHARDS SP: Mayer AMCELL A M. DAEHN ov. 11, 18081