HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-04 Amending Section 1050 of The City Code To Update Statutory References And RequirementsORDINANCE N . 1993-4 AN ORDINANCE A�IENDING SECIT N 1050 OF THE TO UPDATE STATUTORY REFERE 4CES AND REQU THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA QRDAINS: Section 1. The definition of "Weed" in Shbsection 1050.02 read as follows: II Y CODE dIENTS hereby ameniled to 'Weed. (i) Any plant which is identified y the State Commissioner of Agri as a noxious weed or secondary noxious 1 veed pursuant to M.S. 18.7 7, Sub (ii) any volunteer plant, except trees and other woody vegetation, which customarily or intentionally planted." Section 2. Subsection 1050.08 is here "1050.08 Abatement. Subd.1 Nance. Any requirements of this Section is Subd. 2 Condit -tons Allowing inspector or assistant weed inspec the weed inspector or assistant w cut, remove, destroy and eradica under this Section. Entry by the w persons authorized by the weed ins purpose of cutting, removing, dest done only after written notice is s if other than the owner, of the p owner or occupant to cut down, declared to be a nuisance, within t inspector or assistant weed inspe notice shall be given in the manne shall allow a minimum of seven da comply with requirements of the r Subd. 3 Owner's Responsibil expenses incurred by the City v pursuant to Sub4. 2 of this Subsect eradicating vegetation declared to or occupant of the property enter information and served as prescrib not paid the amount stated in tl following October 1 whichever is ] 1 amended to read a� follows: ion which le. es not to be a nuisa Inspector to Enter perty. Thi or of the City, or persons author �d inspector may er ter upon prof e vegetation declar d to be a ni :ed inspector, assist nt weed inspE )ector or assistant w 2ed inspector, oying or eradicating vegetation s :rued upon the own 2r, and the oc operty to be entere , and failure -emove, destroy or eradicate veg ie time, and in such manner, as th :tor shall designate in the notic( -prescribed by M.S. 18.83, Subd. Vs for the property wner or occu r for Costs Incun connection with a and cutting, rem a nuisance, shall d pursuant to a r I by M.S. 18.83, S notice within 3C .er, such amount s ed. The cosi entering a pr wing, destroyi] )e paid by the otice contairu� ibd. 7. If the days or befo iall become a 11ture 8, or Is not the weed ed by rty to sance for or :)r the all be apant if the :ation weed The !, and int to > and ►perty .g and )caner .g the :ity is -e the ien in favor of the City and a penalty of due as of that date and the tc certified to the auditor of Henn property for collection as other to the provisions of M.S. 18.83, Section 3. This ordinance shall be in publication. First Reading: April �, 1993 Second Reading: Waived Published in the Edina Sun -Current on ATTEST: City Clerk 2 it percent shall b added to the cost, expenses and penalties County for entry as a tax up estate taxes are collected, all 1 d. 7." force and effect jupon its pass 14, 1993 Mayor ount 1 be such uant and Q I MINNESOTA SUN PUBLICATIOI�IS AFFIDAVIT 00 PWBLICATI STATE OF MINNESOTA) Ss. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) L. J. Canning , being duly swc the publisher or authorized agent and employee of the publisher Edina Sun -Current ,and has full stated below. (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting as provided by Minnesota Statute 331AA2, 331AD7, aid other applicable (f3) The printed Ordinance N to . 1993-4 which is attached was cut from the columns of said nev�spaper, and was printed for o n e successive weeks; it was first published On Wednesday of April , 19-2-3-, and was thereafter printed and published on e% and including , the pay of , a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both in lusive, which is hereby i and kind of type used in the composition and publication of the notice: abcderghi jkhrinopgrstuvwxyz 1311(: TITLE: Kr G ee r Acknowledged before me on this 14 day of Aa r I . 19-5i-3. y� i /' „ 4 1s ( !i /I t" A I Notary: Public RATE INFORMATION (1) lowest classified rate paid by commercial users $ for comparable space (2) Maximum rate allowed by law for the above matt�r $ (3) Rate actually charged for the above matter $ on an oath says that h e is f the newspaper known as edge of the facts whit i are cation As a qualified newspVer, as amended. Ind published once each wjeek, _> the i4 day to and printed beloN is wvledged as being the size Manager ier line or inch )er line or inch er line or inch C4 Pabifeatiee) CITY OF EDINA 4 WEST 55®71 STREET ED A. MINNESOTA 55424 DINANCE.;NO. 1fB:M AN Of DI CE AMENDING SECTION low F E C=E TO UPDATE ST TU RY ENCES AND EQUIREMENTS THE CI UNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA INS: Secti 1. definition of "Weed" in Subsec- tion I hereby amended to read as follows: "Wc ed. i) plant which is identified by the State C loner of Agriculture as a aox- ions noxious weed pursuant to M.S. 18. , Subd. 8, or til) any volunteer plant, trees and other woody vegeta- tion, w ich not customarily or intentional- ly yplan ' Becton . S on 1850.88 is hereby amend- ed to rea as lows: "1050.08 Ab dent. Subd. 1 once. Any vegetation which does t the requirements of this Sec- tion ' red to be a nuisance. Sub 12 onditions Allowing Inspector to Enter erty. The weed inspector or assist nl inspector of the City, or per- sons uth ized by the weed inspector or assis nt eed inspector may enter upon props ty ' cut, remove, destroy and era to talion declared to be a nutsa a er this Section. Entry by the weed i tor, assistant weed inspector or pe au by the weed inspector or assisU it inspector, for the purpose of cuttin removing, destroying or eradic ti vegetation shall be done only after rit n notice is served upon the owner, an he occupant if other than the owner, of t e property to be entered, and failure f owner or occupant to cut down, rem troy or eradicate vegetation decla a nuisance, within the time, In and in uc anner, as the weed inspector or tan eed inspector shall designate in the i The notice shall be given in the manne pribed by M.S. 18.83, Subd. 2, and s 1 al a minimum of seven days for the p rt owner or occupant to comply with ui ents of the notice. Subd. 3 O ner's Responsibility for Costs Incurr . T e costs and expenses incurred by the ity n connection with entering a propert cant to Subd. 2 of this Subsec- tion an cut ng, removing, destroying and eradica i nuisan s vegetation declared to be a 11 be paid by the owner or oc. cupant f th property metered pursuant to a noti c taming the information and served s p ribed by M.S. 18.83, Subd. 7. if the C y of paid the amount stated in the noti wi 'n 30 days or before the follow- ing Oc be 1 whichever is later, such l become a lien in favor of the amount hjalty City a of eight percent shall be added ount due as of that date and the totapenses and ppeenalties shall be certie auditor of Ifennepin Coun- ty for en tax upon such property for collectier real estate taxes are col- lected, aant to the provisions of M.S. 18.83, SSection 3.inance shall be in full force and effect un i passage and publication. First Rea ng: April 5, 1993 Second Re idut : Waived Published n th Edina Sun -Current on April 14, 1993 /s/ REDERICK S. RICHARDS Mayor ATTEST: /s/ MARCEI A . DAEHN City Clerk AD 14,1993)—ED