HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-05 Amending Section 1200 And 1230 Permit Pushcarts On Public Sidewalks in The 50th and France Commercial AreaORDINAL AN ORDINANCE AMENDING OF THE E MY CODE' PUBLIC SMEW,AM IN THE 5a THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL Section 1. Subd.2 of Subsection 1 as follows: "P. Pushcarts as defined in Section walkways within the area included and France Commercial Area Plan' issued pursuant to Subsection 1231 Section 2. Paragraph R. of Subse "R. Park or occupy a vehicle or i other product or property, or for c( prohibition in this paragraph shall pushcarts, as defined by Section 7 public walkways within the area ix "50th and Francei Commercial Ar permit issued pursuant to this pax 1. In addition to the requir shall be issued for a pushc a. The pushcart must this 'Code. b. The applicant for a license or take-out foo for a food establishm area, c. The pushcart shall 8 feet in height. d. The pushcart shall ease !of movement. e. The pushcart shall l trash generated by the NO. 1993-5 MON 1200 A PERMIT PUSH AND FRANCE ORDAINS: SECTION LTS ON is amended �y adding a ne�r paragraph ) of this Code pla ed on sidew and public the plan prepare by the HRA ei ititled "50th ited December 3, 1974, subject to a permit 2 of this Code." 1230.02 is amelhded as follow3: upy a street to se any farm pro uce or any acting any busines or selling of services. The t apply to the sale f food and be rages from pf this Code, loca d on sidewall s and other ided in the plan pr ared by the entitled, Plan" dated Dece ber 3, 1974, ubject to a of Section0 of this Cod, no permit the followink requirement are met: licensed in accordance with Section 720 of Smit must possess valid food es ablishment license, pursuant t Section 720 this Code, t located in the 50 and France ommercial exceed 8 feet in equipped with equipped with 4 feet in1width, and ,s or wheel; to permit ies for the diSDosal of 2. In addition to the require ents of Section 72 of this Code, requirements shall apply to a operation of pu hcarts: a. Pushcarts shall be arked on public si ewalks and we L in those locations sp ified in the permit. b. Pushcarts shall be tored indoors foll g the close each day. c. Only food or bever es for immediate c nsumption m from the pushcart. d. Cleaning, servicin , and maintenance of the pushc undertaken only in area approved by a Sanitarian. 3. Permits issued pursuant i this paragraph s all expire on each calendar year. 4. No permits shall be issue after 12:01 A.M. n April 1, 199 Section 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and a ect upon its publication. First Reading: April 19,, 1993 Second Reading: Waived Published in the Edina Sun -Current on ApT 28, 1993 s ATTEST: City Clerk following only of business be offered shall be 31 of and Edina if �UN , (Official pub PUBLICATIONS CITY OF I 4801 WEST 597'1 AFFIDAVIT, OF PUBLICA ON EDINA, MINNE ORDINANCE ; AN RDINANCE AMENDING SEC THE CITY STATE OF MINNESOTA) CODE M SIDEWALKS IN THE 59TH AND PERM] SIDE 1 C COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA SS. ti 1. Subd. 2 of Subsection 1209.02 is amen COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) as defined in Section 720 of this C the area included in the plan prepared t i Anes Plan" dated December 3, W4, sul ti n 02 of this Code." L.J. C a n n i n i� , being duty on an oath says that he/she is ti 2. Paragraph R. of Subsection 1230.02 u rt or a vehicle or oc a stray coppyy o r conduc • yto�sa�leoff odan720 ° the publisher or authorized agent and employee of the publish r , of the newspaper k own as Crthe�by �����an ed, da ber 3, 1974, subject to a permit ju Edina Sun -Current ,and has II now>ledge of the facts hich are 1 In tion to the requirements of Seepon 1S s heart unless the following mustbe licensed in ate. b. a�pphht�nt a permit must possess stated beklw. t food license pursuant to Section 720 c the 50th and "nom commercial ars Pushcart shall not aweed a fast in b shall be equipped with cast re,q ng (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the uirements constitute ajification as a qualified r, q ptwahcart shau be equipped with Each 2. 't�n Minnesota a to to � rape emetion nt of Section 72 public 8 as provided by Statute 331A.02, 331A.07, and other applicable , as amended. ; l the permit.on dei (B) The printed Ordinane No. 1993-5 Shall be stored indoors fonim yload � �foimmediate� crag and maintenance of ti 3•issuedpursubY thetartan. t tie 4• is shall be issued afterpAhM Sec On . This ordinance shall be in full force at First Apprriill 19, 199@ dmg: lltaived which is attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was prin ec� and published once ea h week, A City �g LLA M. DAEHN for one successive weeks; it was first publishbd on W e d n e s d a ,the 2 8 day IAPB �, 1993)— of April , 19�, and was thereafter printed and published o eery to and including , the day of , 19 ; and printed low is a copy of the lowercase alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, which is here acknowledged as being a size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of the notice: abcdefghi*In- xptuvwxyz BY: I' TITLE: G e e a I M a n a s� e r Acknowledged before me on this �I � 28 day of A p r i l; '19 93 N Public., MU EL ,Y. HEE LOM Notary Public M nnesota HENNEPIN COJ41Y Icy Commission Expires J:_,I 16 199 RATE INFORMATION (1) Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users $ 1.60 per line for comparable space I Lime, ward, or inch rate) (2) Maximum rate allowed by law for the above matter $ 96.8s per line Li►1e, word, or inch rate) (3) Rate actually charged for the above matter $ 724 per line i i word, or inch rate) )INA1, STRIET OTA P424 O. ION &W AND SECTION i239 PU ARTS ON PUBLIC RNC COMMERCIAL AREA eaOfflaachng a new paragraph as follows: de on sidewalks and public walkways the entitled "50th and Fiance Com - ,a , a permit issued pursuant to Subsec- red as follows: I aig farm produce or any other prod - Ig of services. The prohibition in this Wages from pushcarts, as defined by public walkways within the area in - and Fiance Commercial Area Plan" usuant to this s Code, no permit s be issued for met: with Section 720 of this Code. I food establishment license or take - :ode, for a food establishment locted 4 feet in width, and 8 feet in height. wheels to permit ease of movement. rthe disposal of trash generated by is Cade, the following requirements nd walkways only in those locations close of business each day. ro may be offered from the pusbcart. heart shall be undertaken only in an e on March 31 of each calendar year: ib 1, 1984. A upon its passage and publication. /a/ FREDERICK S. RICHARDS Mayor