HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-13 Amending Section 185 - Schedule A Increasing Certain Fees and ChargesORDINANCE NO. 1993-13 AN ORDINANCE A$ENDING EDINA CODE SECTION 185 S( TO INCREASE CERTAIN FEES TO ADD CERTAIN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, MINNE OTA ORDAINS: Section 1. The following described fe s of Schedule A amended to read as follows: SEC. SUBSEC. PURPOSE OF FEF/CHARGE AMOUNT 410 410.02, Building permit: Subd. 1 Total valuation of work: $1.00 to $500.00 $501.00 to $2,j000.00 $2,001.00 to $25,000.00 $25,001.00 to ($50,000.00 $50,001.00 to $100,000.00 $100,001.00 tol$500,000.00 $500,001.00 tol$1,000,000.00 $1,000,001.00 and up *plus -1- )DLE A ES Code Sectio 185 are FEE NO. *$20.00 *$20.00 for first $500.00 plus $2.50 for each ad itional $100.00 or fracti n thereof to and including $2,)00.00 *$57.50 for first $2,000.00 plus $9.50 for ea --h additional $1,000.00 or frac ion thereof to and including 25,000.00 *$276.00 for firs $25,000.00 plus $7.00 for ea:h additional $1,000.00 or frac ion thereof to and including 50,000.00 *$451.00 for firs $50,000.00 plus $5.00 for ea --h additional $1,000.00 or frac ion thereof to and including $100,000.00 $701.00 for the first 100,000.00 plus $4.00 for eac additional $1,000,00 or fracti hereof to and in luding 500,000.00 $2301.00 for the first 500,000.00 plus S3.00 for eac dditional $1,000 00 or fracti hereof to and in luding ,000,000.00 3801.00 for the first ,000,000.00 plus $2.00 for ch additional $1,000.00 or action thereof yrcharge pursuant to M.S. 168 170 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 SEC. SUBSEC, PURPOSE OF F E C ARGE 435 435.07 Gas piping permit Resi Fee: tial - *$21.00 ial - *$26.00 FEE N0, Fee Calculation - $ 0-$1,000 *,,$15.00 plus 3.00% > $ 500.00 $ 1,001-$5,000 x'$30.00 plus 2.50% > $ 1,000 00 $ 5,001-$10,000 *II$130.00 plus 2.10% > $ 5,000 00 $10,001-$25,000 *,$235.00 plus 1.80% > $10,000,00 $25,001-$50,000 *;$505.00 plus 1.60% > $25,000.00 $50,001 & over *'$905.00 plus 1.25% > $50,000.00 *plu ,surcharge pursuant to M.S. 1 B.70 435 435.07 Oil burner, stoker, Mini um Fee: steam or hot water SingLe Family - *$21.0 heating'mechanical Comm warm air heaing and *plu air conditioning or refrigeration permit All fees for above permits b $ 0-1,000.00 *$ 15.00 1,001.00- 5,000.00 *$ 30.00 5,001.00-10,00Q.00 *$130.00 10,001.00-25,000.00 *$235.00 25,001.00-50,000.00 *$505.00 50,001.00 and over *$905.00 *plu 440 440.04 450 450.05 Plumbing or water Fees conditioning permit cial - *$26.0 surcharge pursu t to M.S. 11B.70 Lsed on contract p ice as foll s: + 3.00% of anythi g over $ 5.00 + 2.50% of anythi g over 1,0 .00 + 2.10% of anythi g over 5,0 .00 + 1.80% of anythi g over 10,0 .00 + 1.60% of anythi g over 25,0 .00 + 1.25% of anythi g over 50,0 .00 surcharge pursua t to M.S. 1 .70 as for gas piping permit Swimming pool Same as imount of the fee construction permit 450 450.27, Public orse�}i- Subd. 4 public swimm.ng license 450 450.27, Public or se�}i- Subd. 4 public whirlpool bath or theralpeutic swimming pool license $295.00 er annum for each part or 11 of the year $155.00 er annum for each $75.00 pir annum for each -2- Eor a buildir pool enclose outdoor pool Dath or pool 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 75a 80 81 82 83 SEC. SUBSEC. PURPOSE OF FEE/CHARGE Number of AMT 1 - 5 605 605.07 Permits requiired Minimumlee: $35.00 11 by UFC *$ 90.00 21 - 30 *$110.00 Special hazard Class I: General hazard and fire $35. permit: 51 safety inspections requiring a - 70 *$180.00 special lazard permit *$195.00 81 - 90 Class III: Special hazard $125. *$220.00 101 inspecti (primarily directed at, - 120 *$240.00 but not rdited to, buildii1gs or 131 - 140 occupancies, 141 3000 sq ft or larger *$267.00 151 - 160 where any of the following are 171 - 180 present: 181 - 190 *$298.00 191 - 200 A. Multiple' 201 hazards *$305.00 B. Storaga handling, and/or processes invol Lng dangerous or toxic materials, substances and/or proces es C. Occupa cies in which evaluation or hig valuation presets unique circumstances 625 625.04 Sprinkler permit fees: Number of heads 1 - 5 *$ 40.00 6 - 10 *$ 65.00 11 - 20 *$ 90.00 21 - 30 *$110.00 31 - 40 *$130.00 41 - 50 *$150.00 51 - 60 *$165.00 61 - 70 *$180.00 71 - 80 *$195.00 81 - 90 *$210.00 91 - 100 *$220.00 101 - 110 *$230.00 111 - 120 *$240.00 121 - 130 *$249.00 131 - 140 *$258.00 141 - 150 *$267.00 151 - 160 *$275.00 161 - 170 *$283.00 171 - 180 *$291.00 181 - 190 *$298.00 191 - 200 *$305.00 201 plus *$305.00 each add: *plus sur4 -3- minimum fee) first 200 plus nal head ge pursuant to $6.00 for M.S. 168.70 FEE NO. 95 0 96 0 98 110 SEC. SUBSEC. PURPOSE OF FEE/CHARGE 625 625.03 Fire pump installation and associated hardware Standpipe installation Each additional standpipe 625 625.03 Fire alarm system permit 635 635.02 False fire alarm 720 720.04, Food establishment Subd. 3 license Day care, limited food establishment license i Take-out food facility license Packaged food) sales license Food warehouse license Catering food) establishment license Itinerant food establishment license Retail candy shop license Potentially hazardous food vehicle license Fleet of 5 or more potentially hazardous food vehicles license Catering foodlvehicle license Food vehicle license Fleet of 5 or more food vehicles license AMOUNT $8 .00 $8 .00 $ .00 Same as the amount o fee for a bu lding permit $2,'500 for the thir and each su s quent response ithin one cae�dar year $41 .00 per annum, $350.00 if certified pursuant to Subsection 720. 4, Subd. 3C of t is Code, plus$110.00 per ann for each add Tonal facility $12 .00 per annum $2751:00 per annum, $2 5.00 if certfied pursuant to Subsection 720. 4, Subd. 3C of t is Code $130.00 per annum $70.)0 per annum $410.00 per annum, $3 0.00 if cert fied pursuant to Subsection 720. 4, Subd. 3C of t is Code, plus $110.00 per ann for each addi ional facility $70. 0 per event $50.)0 per annum, plu $5.00 per for ach additional fcility $80.)0 per annum $400pOp per annum $1501 ann $ 80 $400 -4- 09 per annum, pl i For each additi 00 per annum 00 per annum $25.00 per 1 vehicle FEE NO. 118 119 120 121 125 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 SEC. SUBSEC. PURPOSE OF FIFE/CHARGE AMOUNT 735 735.03 Hotel, lodging or Hot is - $200.00 for 1-50 rooms a boarding house license $1. 0 per each room ever 50 Lod ing and boarding houses - $60 per Vocation 815 815.03 Permit fee for San ias amount of th fee for a antennas, dish antennas bui ding permit and towers 830 830.05, Permit fee fpr tree Sa las amount of th fee for a Subd. 1 removal or grading bui ding permit 830 830.05, Permit fee fpr open Sam as amount of th fee for a Subd. 1 pit or excavation of bui ding permit 100 cubic feet or more 900 900.06, Non-intoxicaing malt Subd. 1 liquor licenle: On -sale $21 .00 per annum (renewal) $27 .00 per annum (ntewal) ) 900 900.04, Off -sale $21 .00 per annum (r Subd. 2 $271.00 per annum (new) 900 900.16, Temporary onIsale $40 0� Subd. 3 non -intoxicating malt liquor license 900 900.16, On -sale winellicense (per ye r): Subd. 1 Restaurants with 50 or fewr seats - $690.00 51 - 100 seats, i clusive - $750.00 101 - 150 seats, i clusive - $810.00 Over 150 seats - $865.00 900 900.17, Manager's license $60.00 per year Subd. 6A 1100 1100.03, Sewer serviceicharge: Subd. 2 Single familyidwellings, Bas d upon water usa a during win town houses, two-family qua ter (Three month period falls: dwellings, apartment be �en November 1 a d March 1) buildings conitaining four or less {swelling units: To and including 1600 $24.�2 quarter cubic feet From 1601 cubic feet $1. 2 per 100 cubic eet and over Apartment buildings with $11 .00 plus $21.75 or each unit more than four dwelling fou , or $1.52 per 1 0 cubic feet units war r during the qua ter, whichev, is reater -5- FEE NO. d 155 00 156 165 175 176 207 208 209 211 212 213 214 215 216 :er Lg 235 236 over 237 of SEC. SUBSEC. PURPOSE OF FEE CHARGEAMOUNT 1100 1100.03, Sewer service charge: $ .00 per water me er or approv Subd. 2 Commercial and s age metering dev ce on premis industrial buildings, $ .52 per 100 cubic feet of wate including shbols d tng the quarter, whichever is and churches' g Ater FEE NO. d 238 s, or used 1100 1100.03, Water service: 1. 0.53 per 100 cu is feet for 11 Subd. 2 areas of City, a cept areas described below 'n 2. Mi inum charge of $ .48 per quay er wi lobe made where ater consumption am unts to less tha 1600 cubic leet 2. $i',.30 per 100 cubic feet for Mprningside area nd for east side of Beard Av. from West 54th St. to F411er St.and bo h sides of Abbott P1. from W st 54th St. to Beard Av. Mi itum charge of $1 .60 per quarter wi l be made where w ter consumpt'on am unts to less than 1600 cubic f et fo areas described n 2. above. 1105 1105.01, Service Availability $8 f Subd. 1 Charge (SAC) un'1 11 1300 1300.02, Refuse or recycling $1 Subd. 1 hauler license $5 Section 2. Schedule Alto Section 185 following fees thereto: SEC. SUBSEC. PURPOSE OF FEF/CHARGE 100 per SAC unit x number of 4 computed pursunt to Subsec 01, Subd. 1 of his Code .,00 per annum fo first vehicle, C�0 for each add, Tonal vehicl I s hereby amended by adding th AMOUNT 420 420.02 Monitoring well permit $50 00 per well 720 720.04, Pushcart license $121 1345 1345.05, License for sexually- $201 Subd. 1 oriented businesses 1345 1345.05, Investigationfee at $1,: Subd. 2 time of original application for license -6- .00 per annum .00 per annum .00 242 243 244 245 250 270 FEE NO. 50a 147a 289 289a Section 3. Following publication, be January 1, 1994. First Reading: December 20, 1993 Second Reading: Waived Published in the Edina Sun -Current on Dec ATTEST: /s/ MARCELLA M. DAEHN City Clerk -7- effective date ex 29, 1993 this Mayor shall S1, MINNESOTA F UB CATIOt6 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA) ss. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) L. J. Canning , being duly sworn on the publisher or authorized agent and employee of the publisher of t Edina Sun -Current , and has full stated below. (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting qualifi as provided by Minnesota Statute 331A.02, 331A.07, and other applicable laws, (B) The printed Ordinance N o . 1 19 9 3 -13 which is attached was cut from the columns of said newspalper, and was printed an pt for one successive weeks; it was first published on Wednesday of D e c e m b e r 19 9 3 and was thereafter printed land published on every and including , the day of , 19-- a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, which is hereby ack and kind of type used in the composition and publication of the notice: at>cdefghijklm� BY- ,-�- Acknowledged before me on this 29day of December , 19 93 - In - %l - MERIDEL M. HEDBLOM NOTARY PUBLIC - MINNESJTA HENNEPIN CCUNTY Cy commissicn Expires July 16,1998 TITLE: oath says that he/she is newspaper known as Is of ithe fads which as a qualified :)fished once each w the 29 and printed below i$ General 111rtago r RATE INFORMATION (1) Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users $ for comparable space (2) Maximum rate allowed by law for the above matter $ (3) Rate actually charged for the above matter $ .60 as being the line inch rate) line inch rate) line inch rate) allies wiswra►i ran■ EDINA, MILAN $6124 i 735 ORDINANCE112.13 DE SECTION 180 SCH ULE Charge (SAC) ?/nils ORDINANCE AMENDING EDLVA 'I0 INCREASE CERTAIN FEES AND TO ADD CERTAIN F S 815 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDIN MINNESOTA ORDAINS 145 Section L The following described fees of A to Code Section 185 a am to rid 830 as follows: FEE SEC. SUBSEC. PURPOSE OF FEE/CHARGE AMOUNT NO. 830 410 410.02, Building permit: Pushcart lice e Subd. 1 Total valuation of work: •$10.00 30 900 $1.00 to $500.00 $501.00 to $2,000.00 31 u250��ooeach additi $100.00 food vehicles iceose or fraction thereof to a d in- 900 cluding $1,000.00 Hotel 1 or $2,001.00 to $X000.00 •$57.50 for first $1,000. $9.50 for each a ental 32 900 plus 1,000.00 or fraction to and $1.00 and including $2`$,000. $800. $25,001.00 to $50,000.00 `$276.00 for fust i25, .00 33 900 plus $7.00 for each a enol computed pur- $1,000.00 or fraction f to Same as a and including $50,000. 165 $50,001.00 to $100,000.00 *$451.00 for first $50, 00 34 plus $5.00 for each a tional $120. 51,000.00 or fraction reof to Sante as and including $100,000 11 $100,001.00 to $5001000.00 forUse 35 $4.00first $00,000 l eachII additional 1,000.00 or fractiod thereof to and includi Same as $500,000.00 176 $500,001.00 to $1,000,000.00 '32301.00 for the first 36 $500,000.90plus $3.00 r each NO. additional 1,000.00 o fracti well thereof to and includ $120. $1,000,000.00 147a $1,000,001.00 and up !$3801.00 for the first 37. $1050,000.00 plus $2• fracti for ea h $210.00 per nn (renewal) a�d4tiaa111,000.00 thereof, 1 line surcharge nt to (new) S. 168.70 Off -sale 435 435.07 Gas piping permit Immum Fee: idential 0121. 60 mmercis -'126• 61 OD Fee Calculations: $ 0-$ 1,000 `$ 15.03 plus 3.00% 1-$ .00 62 $ 1,001-$ 5,000 •$ 30.0$ plus 2.50% ► $ 1 .00 j 63 $ 5,001410,000 0$130.8600 plus 2.10% ► $ 5 .00 64 $10,001425,000 `$235.09 plus 1.80% ► $10 .00 65 $25,001-$50,000 '$505.00,33 plus 1.60% ► $25 .00 66 $90,001 &over .00 surclhhaarge 67 •plus pursuant M.S. 6B.70 435 432.07 _ Oil bunter, stoker, Minimum Fee: •21.00 68 69 steam or oil water Single Family •26.00 212 heating,• mechanical Ctommercial seats warm air heating and lus surcharge cant t 213 air conditioning or. 4 .5. 16B.70 refrigeration permit All fees for above permits baadd on contract ri as fol ws: 70 0-1,000.00 •$ 15.00 + 3.00% of anyt�ng over $ 506. 1,00 5,000.00 •$ 30.00 + 2.50% of any ng over 1,000. 71 72 5,00210,000.00 0$130.00 + 2.10% of an ng over 5,000. 73 10,001.00-25,000.00 '$235.00 + 1.80% of any over 10,000. 74 11 25,001p-50,000.00 '$505.00 + 1.60% of anover 25,000. I •$905.00 1.25% of an= over 50,000. 75 50,001.50 and over + town houses, two -fa dy *plus surcharge at to M.S. 16B. Fes month 440 440.04 Plumbingor water same as for as 75a ! 1 conditioning permit piping permit tweet 1) 450 450.05 Swimming pool construction Some as amount f the [ for BO a.building permit March 450 450.27, Public or semi-public $9106.00 pen anm for ea pool 81 S Subd. 4 swimming license enclosed part or 11 of year $$45.door0�per ann for ea out- 82 450 450.27, Public or semi-public $75.00 per ann for sac bath 83 1 Subd. 4 whirlpool bath or therapeutic a poo swimming pool license cubic feet. From 1601 cubic f t and over 605 605.07 Permits required by UFC CNlimnnum fee: 00 Special hazard permit: lass I: Genera hazard $35.00 ' 95 96 and fire safety pectio re- Apartment buildi with a: s ill I hazard $permit S; 1.75 for each C1asa III: Spec$ 1 $125.00 ' 98 i1 hill inspecti prima or $1.52 per 100 diiected at, but of lkmi to, bulllings or oc panni 3000 ater during the Sq. ft. or larger here y of 7 the following a N'e8e ver is greater A. Multil>)a Sewer service c e: toxic C. bd. 1 0.05, bd. 1 61.01 Service Availab ity bd. 1 Charge (SAC) Catering food to I} $10^Por Plus $25.00 145 I itsMeuse;! m additional ).02 Food vehicle 'cense i 10.00 per Pushcart lice e 146 Fleet of 5 or ore $400.00 per oriented bus$ 147 food vehicles iceose bd. 2 time pf origi Hotel 1 or Hotels - 00 1-50 rooms 155 boartLrng h and $1.00 room over 50 $800. SAC unit x number $60.b0 per houses - computed pur- Permit fee f ante dish Same as a of the fee for 165 antennas a towers a building $120. Permit fee f tree duan Sante as of the fee for 175 or grading a building le Permit fee fir open t or Same as of the fee for 176 excavation 0 100 cu ' feet or a building NO. more well 508 $120. Non -intoxicating mal liquor 147a $100. annum license: On -sale $210.00 per nn (renewal) 207 289a ;270.00 per (new) 206 Off -sale $110.00 per (renewal) 209 $270.00 per a (new) Temporary bn-sale $40.00 211 can-mtoxncisting mal liquor license On -sale wine lice (pe ear): 212 Restaurants wi 50 or fewer 51 - 100 seats, inc 'vis seats .00 .00 213 101 - 150 seats, inc 0.00 214 Over 150 Seats .00 215 Manager's license $60.00 per yea 216 Sewer semee cha Single family dwell Based ter usage during town houses, two -fa dy winter(Three month dwellings, apartme t period tweet 1) buildings hontaini Nevem 1 March four or less dwelli units: To and including 1 $24.32 rte 235 cubic feet. From 1601 cubic f t and over $1.52 per 100 is feet 236 Apartment buildi with $117.00 p 1.75 for each 237 more than fair dw !ling units unit ov f or $1.52 per 100 cubic f of ater during the quarter, ver is greater Sewer service c e: $30.00 w r meter or 236 Commercial and i trial approv ale metering buildings includi schools device mules or $1.52 per and char;hes 100 cubs of water used during rter, whichever is gree Water service: 1. $0.53 r 00 cubic feet for 242 all a s Cita, except area Minim c ribed below in 2. rge of $6.48 per 243 quarte wi be made where water ns ption amounts to less n 1 cubic feet 2. $1. per 00 cubic feet for 244 61.01 Service Availab ity bd. 1 Charge (SAC) 10.02, i Refuse or recy ing' bd. 4 hauler, license 2. Schedule A t¢ Section 85 is lies IMEC. PURPOSE OF EE/CI ).02 Monitoring wel permit ).04, Pushcart lice e 15.05, License for se lly- J)d. 1 oriented bus$ 15.05, Invest$gshon f at bd. 2 time pf origi applifation fo li..gnse 3. Following publica 1 , 4 offs ndinft: Decem r 20, 1 M. D�EHN I (Dec. 29, M de area and for east si of Beard Ave. from Wes 54 St. to Fuller St. and sides of Abbott Pl. fro W t 54th St. to ' Minim rge of $15.60 per 245 qua be made where water ption amounts to less is cubic feet for areas 'bed in 2. above. $800. SAC unit x number 250 of SA computed pur- suant to bisection 1105.01, Subd.l Cote $120. annum for first 270 vehi e, 00 for each addi- tions v le anded y ' the following fees thereto: O NT FEE NO. $50. pe well 508 $120. annum 147a $100. annum 289 $1. .00 289a to of nee shall be January 1, 1994. s/ FREDERICK S. RICHARDS Mayor 625 8 .04Spn r Meads it fees: I- 5t 6 - 10 11 - 20 21 - 30 31 - 40 41 - 50 51 - 60 61 - 70 71 - 80 81 - g0 81 - 100 101 - 110 111 - 120 121 - 130 131 - 140 141 - 150 151 - 160 161 - 170 171 - 180 181 - 190 181 - 200 201 plus 625 625.03 Fire pump installation and assecIated hardware �andPipe installation Each additional standpipe 625 625.01 Fire alarm system permit 635 635.02• False fire alarm 720 720.04, Food establishment Subd. 3 license Day care, limited food establishment license Take-out food facility license Packaged food sales license Food warehouse license Catering food establishment license fee) *$30400 for first 200 plus $6.00 for elhch ad tions] head M.S. 11 M'surcha a pursuant to .68.70 Sam as the mount of fee for a b ding pe mit 5225. for th third and each su cele pone within one ur yea 0410: per a um, $980.00 if 720- � Su at to Subsection C of this Code, Rhus 110.00 r annum for each iddi ....ally nazardous I fa lity ;125. per a plus Itinerant food amici establishment license $70.00 Retail candy shop license per a um MOO annum ....ally nazardous _ facilit WOO license 10.00 f more 5400.0{ rdous per anus e uses for ea additional r a um, $225.00 if pars Subd. ntto Subsection of this Code per a um per a um, $360.00 if pruras Subd. I to of this C�od�eti� 10.00 annum for eakh nl fac icy eve t per anus plus $5.00 per for ea additional >a aoq� per andlurn 143