HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-07 Amending Section 460 Providing New Requirements For Projecting SignsRDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDIN PROVIDE NEW REQUIREMENTS F THE CITY COUNCIL OF CITY OF EDIT Section 1. Subd. 12 of Subsection 460.03 of as follows: ,Subd. 12. Projecting Signs. Projecting Commercial District, sub' ct to the folic A. The maximum sign ar a shall be 20 B. Not less than eight feet of clearance s] elevation and the lowest point of the projec C. Signs shall project from the face of the one-third of the sidewalk width or, ii) six fi perpendicular to the face of the building at D. The maximum sign area of wall projecting sign shall not exceed five pi E. Proof of Insurance and indemnifi Subd. 5 of Subsection 460.06." Section 2. Subd. 5 of Subsection 460.06 of by adding a new last sentence as follows: "The owner shall also indemnify and ho] employees harmless front any loss, cost, projecting sign." Section 3. This ordinan a shall be in fu publication. First Reading: July 5, 1994 Second Reading: July 18, 1994 Published in the Edina Sun -Current on July 27, 1! ATTEST: City Clerk 1994-7 SECTION 460 TO OR PROJECTING IGNS ORDAINS: 460 of the Ci* Code is shall be permitted�nly in the restrictions: feet per facing. be provided be een the sign. wilding no more t n the lesser c f, i) et. Sidewalk width shall be measured .he proposed sign location. located on the sa a building of the of the wall area. shall be provided 460 of the the City and the .Amaee and exile and effect accordance Zvi Code is 's officials and caused by I the passage Acknowledged before me on this 27 day of July 9__94-. Notk's u . PUbIIC RATE INFORMATION (1) Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users $ 1.60 per line for comparable space (Lin i, word, or inch rate) (2) Maximum rate allowed by law for the above matter $ 96.6• per line (Lin i, word, or inch rate) (3) Rate actually charged for the above matter $ 179< per line (Lin , word, or inch rate) Cky of Of t1 Publication) hW�INNESOTA OF EDWA 480 �� WTH STREET ED A MIIVNE80TA 5542t AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION O I ANCE NQ NW7 AN �� AME►�DING 946 TO PROVIDE VMEMEN78 FOR STATE OF MINNESOTA) G SNS THE CITY OFIG THECITY of EDINA O Ss. Section 1. of Subsection 950.05 of Sec- tion 9H0 of Ci Code is amended as follows: COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) > ubd. t Slam Prong Comm ct subjx�W the follow being W. T h u r l o w , du sworn h oath says that halsh � Ys - is a �a um sip area snail be m feet � B Not 1 eight fed of clearance man theblisher or authorized agent and em pu g pk)yee of the publisher of tf�e newspaper known between as the sidewalk��, k�wescpoint ameproject- ii.sto. Edina Sun -Current and has full kno ge of the facts which ire from the face of the building on than the leaser of 0) one- third oCthe i width or, cid) six feet. Sidewalk th be measured dicular to to the buikUng slated below. of at the pro- D.The 1 sign area of wall signs located on a budding of the project (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirer# ents constituting qualific dion as a qualified newspap er, a nm. n�tofthe as provided by Minnesota Statute 331A.02, 331A.07, and other laws, E. E. Proof nee and indemnifica- tion slhall dad in accordance with Subd. 5 of applicable s amended. 950.05." Section 2. Subsection 900.05 of Sec- tion 950 of the ty is amended by adding (B) The printed Ordinance No. 1994-7 an�&tci;� asfoiiowa: I The also indemnify and hold Asa City's officials and �y damage and causedrom ing sem,. theme j�ect Section a. nce shall be in full force and effect andtion. which is attached was cut from the columns of said news per, and was printed ai d published once each week, I i ERI CK S. RICHARDS ATTEST: Mayor for one successive weeks; it was first published on Wednesday the 27 day /a/ MARCML clerk L AL AERN rk ( dY 0. NM) -ED Of J u I Y 11994_ and was thereafter printed and published on ever fo and including , the day of , 19 and printed below is a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclu�ive, which is hereby aclingwledged as being the si e and kind of type used in the composition and publicati of the notice: abcdefghi tuvwxyz BY. TIT�E: Pub I i s e !r Acknowledged before me on this 27 day of July 9__94-. Notk's u . PUbIIC RATE INFORMATION (1) Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users $ 1.60 per line for comparable space (Lin i, word, or inch rate) (2) Maximum rate allowed by law for the above matter $ 96.6• per line (Lin i, word, or inch rate) (3) Rate actually charged for the above matter $ 179< per line (Lin , word, or inch rate)