HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-08 Amending Section 150 Clarufying Vacation Accrual And Providing For Policies Concerning Drug Free Workplace And Family And Medical LeaveORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIO 150 OF THE CI CODE TO CLARIFY VACATION ACCRUA SAND PROVIDE R POLICIES CONCERNING DRUG V WORKPLACE ND FAMILY AND MEDIC L LEAVE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE, CITY OF EDINt ORDAINS: --Section 1. Subd. 5 of Su section 150.09 of Ithe City Code is follows: "Subd. 5. Maximum Annual Carry Forward five continuous years of employment or less year to the next all vacation leave earned dui time employees with more than five contir forward not more than 40 hours of vacation e. leave earned but not taken which exceeds deducted from each employee's vacation bal The maximum amount of vacation that may days except that additional days may be tal medical leave policy adopted pursuant to SL Section 2. Section 150 of the City Code is 150.22 as follows: "150.22 Drug Free Workp ace. The City is efficient work force free from the effects commitment, the City maintains a policy in c Workplace Act of 1988 and applicable Stat( Section 3. Subsection 1501.13 of the City "150.13 Family and Medical Leave. The ( due to a variety of family and medical circ concerning the eligibility for and the use of and Medical Leave Act o 1993." Section 4. Subdivision 3 of Subsection 150. as follows: "Subdivision 3. Purpose. Sick leave with I thereto when the employee is unable to illness/disability, the necessity for medical, 1 All regular full -ti lay carry forward ig the calendar yep us years of emp ed during a calei hours per cale ice at the end of taken during a in accordance i ection 150.13." by providi to e employees rom one cale: . All regular ►yment may ( ar year. Vacs Jar year shat ich calendar 1 flendar year: th the family a new ;ommitted to providing a healthy )f drug abuse. In keeping with )mpliance with the Federal Drug-: law." is amended to will grant leave to stances. The City h leave in accordai of the City Code may be granted to rform scheduled N ital. or chiropractic as follows: ;ible emI �intains a with the amended to �ork duties care, child as ith lar Ill- rry on be ar. 25 to or pregnancy disability, exposure to contagioi endanger the health of others with whom the course of performing work duties. Sick leas variety of other family and medical circumstai which sick leave with pay may be used for family and medical leave policy adopted purs Sick leave with pay may be granted for a ma death of an employee's spouse, father, motl and a maximum of three days in the e` grandparent, grandchild, brother or sister." Section 5. Subsections 15 .22, 150.23 and 150.23, 150.24 and 150.25 respectively. Section .6. This ordinance shall be in full publication. First Reading: September 7, 1994 Second Reading: September 19, 1994 Published in the Edina Sun -Current on September ATTEST: City Clerk 7 , disease where si mployee would coi with pay may als :es. The amount ai ich circumstances ant to subsection l imum of five days x, spouse's father ;nt of the death of the City C, and effect u 1994 ;n exposure e in contact in be granted f I conditions u s provided in 0.13 of this C i the event of r mother or c of an employ are its passage S a 's STATE OF MINNESOTA) Ss. AFFIDAVIT OF PUOLICATION COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) Donald W. T h u r l o w , being duly sworn on an oath says that the publisher or authorized agent and employee of the publi er of the newspaper Sun -Currents ,and has full knowledge of the fa are stated below. (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requiremen s constituting qualifi qualified newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statute 331A.02, 331A.07, applicable laws, as amended. (B) The printed Ordinance No. 111994-8 which is attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published once each week, for one successive weeks; it was first pul on Wednesday the 28 dayof � Sept 1994 thereafter printed and published on every and including 'the day of '19 and printed below is a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, i hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composit publication of the notice: A BY: Publisher Acknowledged before me on this 28 day of September /19 94 fid. In Nota rPublic """°� =1 RATE INFORMATION (1) Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users $ 1.70 per line for comparable space (2) Maximum rate allowed by law for the above matter $ (3) Rate actually charged for the above matter is as rasa other is and 4901 AND MEDII E C COUNCIL OF TR D Se n 1 Subd. 6 of Subsa men to, read as follows ubd. 5. Maximum All ar full-time emp ous ars of employment fro one ',calendar year leav earned during the ( ous ears' of employment mor th*a 40 hours of v calei der year. Vacation k whit exceeds 40 hours p ded from each emph the nd of each calends amo mt of vacation that cale dal year is 25 days days mayy be taken in ac and edical leave poli( Su 'on 150.13." Sectim 2. Section 150 of proved'providinj a new Subsection 1: 60.22 Drug Free We mitt4 ed to providing a hi force free from the effecft ing nth this commitmej poll in compliance wit] or late act of 1988 anc Sect on 3. Subsection amend to read as follows: 50:13 Family and I will ant leave to eligible ety family and medical Mai tains a policy cone( and he use of such leave F y and Medical Leav( Sec n 4. Subdivision 3 City Cod is amended to read " ubdivision 3. Purp may granted to employ the i mployee is unable to duti s due to illness/dim me ' al, ;dental, or chirop preg iancy disability, exp ease where such expos heal h of others with wh com in contact in the cc duti . Sick leave with pa, a va 'ety of other famii sten s. The amount ani sick save with pay may sta is provided in the poli adopted pursuant this e. Sick leave witl a m ' am of five days in an a ployee's spouse, fi i fath or mother or child days in the event of the pas k grandchild,l n & Snbaections 15C City C e are renumbered res Spec n 6. This ordinanc teffect u its passage and pu (Sept. 28,: rA 66484 1984-6 IG SECTION 150 D CLARIFY I PROVIDE FOR i DRUG FREE FANCILY OF EDII1A ti 150.09 of the City Code n Carry Forward. i with five continu- 1 may carry forward t e next all vacation l year. All regular n than five continu- m carry forward not ca on earned during a ve ed but not taken r endar year shall be ee vacation balance at y r. The maximum na be taken during e ex pt that additional rd es with the family a opted pursuant to is ity Code is amended by 1.2 as follows: The City is com- a and efficient work Df abuse. In keep- s City maintains a th Federal Drug -Free IP 'cable State law." W. 3 of the City Code is edi al Leave. The City .ml loyees due to a vari- irc lances. The City nit the eligibility for in ccordance with the f 1993. f bsection 150.10 of the s f ows: ie. ick leave with pay titled thereto when rm scheduled work iili , the necessity for Eft c care, childbirth or s to contagious dis- re ay endanger the In e employee would of performing work To also be granted for a d medical circum - M itions under which ed for such circum - y and medical leave o bsection 150.13 of pa may be granted for .he vent of the death of ,h , mother, spouse's od maximum of three i of an employee's v or meter " 12, 50.23 and 150.24 of the 50 3, 150.24 and 150.25 sb&U be in full force and