HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-09 Amending Section 605 Updating Various Fire CodesORDINANCE AN Of DINANCE AMEP OF THE CITY COI UPDATES TO VARH THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF E Section 1. Subd. 1 of Subsection 605.01 to read as follows: "Subd. 1 Minneso Uniform Fire C promulgated by the State Department Rules, Minnesota Sta ttes 1993 (299H the changes and ornh sions as set forth Section 2. Subd. 2 of Subsection 605.01 to read as follows: "Subd. 2 Uniform Fire Code. The promulgated by the International Conff Fire Chiefs Association (the "UFC"'), wi this Section and in the MUFC." Section 3. Subd. 605.01 of Section 605 < Subd. 3 as follows: "Subd. 3 Appendices. The following al this Code: II -D, II -E, II -G, IV -B and Section 4. Subd. 1 o Subsection 605.02 to read as follows: "Subd. 1 Article 4. Article 4 "Permits" < following change: vO. 1994-9 DING SECTION 6 E TO PROVIDE iUS FIRE CODES LINA ORDAINS: of Section 605 of tb e. The Minnes( A Public Safety as 1) Parts 7510.3290 n this Section." of Section 605 of tb 1991 Edition of t] rence of Building C h they changes and f the City Code is ai pendices of the OF of Section 605 of tt f' he UFC is includ, Section 4.108, 1.1 is amended by cbanging the last s "Where a singe container or the aggregate of interc or more gallons water capacity, the installer shall approval from the Fire Chief." City Code is 4nended a Uniform F' a Code ublished in Minnesota hrough 7510.3 t80 with City Code is jmended Uniform Fi a Code icials and the Western aissions as sel forth in >nded by add' ig a new are adopted 2 s part of City Code is imended in its entire with the nce to read a follows: -cted contain rs is 500 tin a permit nd plan Section 5. Subd. 2 of Subsection 605.02 to read as follows: "Subd. 2 Article 10. Article 10 "Fire MUFC is amended a follows: Section 10.501 is amended by follows: (d) Pe�rmits. Permits foi be obtained as provided for in S Section 6. Subd. 3 of Subsection 605.02 to read as follows: "Subd. 3 Article 11. Article 11 "Gene adopted by the MUFC is amended as 1 A. Section 11.201 is amended by follows: Section 11.203(b) Open Fires Pr ignited, or ma�ntain an open fir Section 11.20(c) Certain Open accordance with Section 11.103 1. Instruction and training of fi 2. Abatement of hazards that, abated by other reasonable me, - 3. Management of vegetatio agencies, orthen individuals tl valid need, a d under direction 4. Special ev nts or ceremonies to Section 11.204 of Appendix Department. B. Subsections (�), (c), (d), (e), (f), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h), (i) and 0) Section 7. Subd. 3 o� Subsection 605.0E to read as follows: Section 605 of th� City Code is bon" of the i FC as adopted by the � to it a new subsection re ding as Nation of fire protection syste s shall 625 of this Code." Section 605 of the City Code is amended Precautions Alai st Fire" of the UFC as ling to it new subi-ections (b) Hbitod. No person Ishall ignite, ca except as permittel in Section 11 (c) as to be Permitted. Anl open burning Permit in be issued fort the following pu oses: the opinion of t�e fire chief, c�nnot be >y the jurisdiction, other govmental in the opinion o the Fire Chie , show a the Fire Department. recognized orga ations, not c forming -G,' and under t e direction of I the Fire and (h) of Sectin 11.203 are r -lettered �ctivelv." of Section 605 of toe City Code is "Subd. 3 Sign Specifi ations. Fire lane Code, or existing fire 'lanes changed afi marked by signs, not more than 100 feel FIRE LANE, BY DER OF THE marking the limits of the fire lane. The on a white background, shall be 12 incl comply with the standards from time to signs." Section 8. This ordinance shall be publication. First Reading: November 7, 1994 Second Reading: November 21, 1994 Published in the Edina Sun -Current on Nov ATTEST: City Clerk 3 established after t r the effective date a ate} bearing the N I E CHIEF", witl i As shall have red by 18 inches in s e established by force and 30, 1994 B effective dal of this Code, )rds, "NO PA the first and :tters and a re :e, and shall c he Fire Chief upon S Mtt'l'kI of this hall be KING, ,st sign border kerwise )r such ee and Mayor Cl4y of MINN u A (a$ub N I ; � • clrrlr AFFIDAVIT OF PU13LICATION 994-9 AN CE SECTION 806 CITY PROVIDE STATE OF MINNESOTA) TOdiKRI CODES I THE CI Y COUNCIL OFT CITY OF EDINA SS. ORDAIN Secti 1, Subd. 1 of S 605.01 of Section 605 COUNTY OF HENNEPIN of the Cit Code is amended to as follows: " ubd. 1 Minnesota U orm Fire Code. The to Uniform promulgated by Donald W. T h u r l o w the tate Department o P lic Safety as pub - being duly sworn on an oath says that h /she is I lish in Minnesota Rul innesota Statutes 199 (299F.011) Par 7 10.3290 through the publisher or authorized agent and employee of the ubl her of the newspaper 7n as � 7510 3480 with the ch d omissions as set P - 9P sPaP fort in this Section." n 2. Subd. of S 605.01 of Section 605 of Sun Currents ,and has;full knowled a of the fa �rhich the city ode is amended to d s follows: g � Subd. 2 Uniform i Code. The 1991 Edi n of the Uniform a promulgated by are stated below. the nternational Con f . of Building Officials and the Western Fire hi s Association (the "U "), with the chap es d omissions as set (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting qualifica o as al fo in this section and . MUFC." Sec 'on 3. Subd. 605.01 on 605 of the City Code is ame ed by adding a new, u . 3 as follows: qualified newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statute 331A.02, 331A.0a d othet Subd. 3 Appendi a. he following appen- di s of the UFC are a as part of this Code: II- , II -E, II -G, IV -B an VI- " applicable laws, as amended. S 'on 4. Subd. 1 of Su s on 605.02 of Section 605 of the ity Code is amended d as follows: (B) The printed Ordinance N o . 1994-9 Subd. is includ1 Aerd ticle 4 le 4 "Permits" of the in its ti ty with the following ch ge: ection 4.108, 1.1 is a ed by changing the t sentence to read f ows: "Where a sin- e container or the to of intercennect- d containers is 50 or ore gallons water which is attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed an apacity, the install s all obtain a permit d plan approval t Fire Chief." published once each week, for one succe$sive weeks; it was first p bushed on 6. Subd: 2 of s ion 605.02 of Section 605 of the ity Code is amend to d as follows: On the day of 1 g and was "�abd. 2 Artie a 0. Article 10 "Fire Wednesday 3 0 Nov 9 4 lection" of the U C adopted by the MUFC i amended as follows: Section 10.501 is a in ed by adding to it a thereafter printed and published on everyto now subsection r pd as follows: (d) Permits. Permits fo in ation of fire protec- tion systems shall o ned as provided for and including the dayof 9 ;_ in Section 625 of thi " ection 6. Subd. 3 of u tion 605.02 of Section 605 of th City Code is amend d ad as follows: and printed below is a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusiv , *hichi is "Subd. 3 Artie e I . Article II "General utions Agai t e" of the UFC as adopt - d by the MUFC is en as follows: hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the comp it6n and A. Section 1120 's amended by adding to it new subsectio (b nd (c) as follows: publication of the notice: ted No pe�nsha1111'2° ) use o be ignited, maintain an open re cept as permitted in abcdefghgklmnopgrstuf Section 11.203. Section 11. 3( Certain Open Fires Permitted. An ope b ing permit in accor- BY: dance with Sectio 1 103 may be issued for the following p es 1. Instru ' n ' d training of firefight- TITLE: P b l i s h e r ing personnel Abatem nt f hazards that, in the Acknowledged before me on this opinion of the fi ch f, cannot be abated by other reasonable e 3. Manag To t of vegetation by the 3 day of J a n u a r y l g 9 5 j jurisdiction, othe go ernmental agencies, or other individual th , in the opinion of the Fire Chief, show v need, and under direc- tion of the Fire D p ent. 4. Special en or ceremonies by recog- Nota Public nizeogaiztio s, conforming to Section I and under the direc- tion ofthe Fire D t. B. 8 bsectti )> (c), (d), (e), W, (g), and �i cr N (h) of Section 11 03 re lettered (d), (e), (fl, (g), (h), (i) and (j) res vely." Section 7. Subdof bsection 605.08 of Section 605 Cad o the City e isam nd to read as follows: RATE INFORMATION "Subd. 3 Si S ecificationsFire lanes established after a active date of ibis Code, or existing fire lanes h after the effective date (1) Lowest classified rate paid by commercial usersof this Code, ah be arked by signs, not more for comparable space $ 1.70 per than 100 feet a ar bearing the words, "NO PARKING, FIR E, BY ORDER OF THE (2) Maximum rate allowed by law for the above matter FIRE CHIEF", 'th e first and last sign mark- $ 1.70 er line ing the limits of a lane. The signs shall have red letters and r border on a white back- ground, shallbe 2- es by 18 inches in size, and (3) Rate actually charged for the above matter $ 960 per line shall otherwiseom ly with the standards from time to time es lis by the Fire Chief for such signs." Section 8. This rdance,shall be in full force and ei% ct upon passage blication. I./ JMJV.nFurrrr c rrrnusrrna aS-asst 'M pox) IWID AID xxava VIzHORM /ai , J"VW ;tisaLLe