HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-12Amending Schedule A of Section 185 Increasing Certain Fees and Charges, Adding And Deleting FeesAN ORDINANCE AMENDING SCE TO INCREASE CERTAIN FEES THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA, Section 1. The following descri amended to read as follows: SEC. SUBSEC. PURPOSE 0g FEF/CHARGE 410 410.02, Building permit: Subd. 1 Total valuation of work: $1.00 to $500.00 $501.00 to $2,000.00 $2,001.00 to $25,000.00 $25,001.00 to $50,000.00 $50,001.OQ to $100,000.00 $100,001.00 to $500,000.01 $500,001.00 to $1,000,000. $1,000,001.00 and up 410 410.02, Reinspection fee assessed Subd. 1 under provisions of UBC, Section 305 (g) gO. 1994-12 k A OF EDINA CO SECTION 18 !TO ADD OR DELE CERTAIN FEE INESOTA ORDAINS: fees of Schedul A to Code S AMOUNT action 185 -are FEE NO. *$20.50 *$20.50 for first $500.00 plus $3.00 for each additional $100.00 or fraction there f to and including $2,000.00 *$65.50 for first $2,000.(0 plus $9.80 f r each additional $1,000.00 or fraction the eof to and including $25,000.(0 *$290.90 for first $25,00(.00 plus $7.25 f r each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof to and including $50,000. *$472.15 for first $50,00(.00 plus $5.20 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof to and inclu ing $100,000.00 *$732.15 for the first $100,000.00 plus $4.15 fox each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof to and including $500,000.00 00 *$2392.15 for the first $500,000.00 plus $3.10 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof to and including $1,000,000.00 *$3942.15 for the first $1,000,000.00 plus $2.05 fDr each additional $1,000.00 r fraction they of has surcharge pursuant to M.S. 168.70 $32.00 per hoar or the total hourly cost tD city, which ver is greatest. (I cludes superrision, overhead, equ pment, hourlr wages and fringe be efits of emp ogees involved.) 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 SEC. SUBSEC. PURPOSE OF FEE/CHARGE AMOUNT 410 410.02, Building Code $ 80.00 residential Subd. 1 compliance inspection $160.00 commercial 415 415.02 Permit for moving of bui ling $212.00 415 415.02, Indeminity deposit for 1 1 $530.00, unl ss licensed 1 Subd. 3 damages substained by mo ng Commissioner of Transport of building 420 420.07, Street surface repair: Subd.2.J 430 430.07, Oil burner installer's Subd. 8 licensetoker installer's license,, :team or hot watBr heating installer's license, mechanical warm air heating and air conditioning installer's license, refrigeration installer's license 430 430.03, Gas piping installer's license 435 435.07 Gas pipin� permit Over 25 sq. $ 55.00 $ 55.00 imum Fee: idential - *$22. mercial - *$27. ME FEE NO. 39 40 45 y 46 tion - $7.00/s4. ft. Fee Calculation;:,! $ 0-$ 1,000 *$ 16.00 plus 3.10% > $ 50(.00 $ 1,001-$ 5,000 *$ 31.50 plus 2.60% > $ 1,00 .00 $ 5,001-$10,000 *$135.50 plus 2.15% > $ 5,00 .00 $10,001-$25,000 *$243.00 plus 1.85% > $10,00(.00 $25,001-$50,000 *$520.50 plus 1.65% > $25,00(.00 $50,001 & over *$933.00 plus 1.30% > $50,00(.00 *plus 3urcharge pursuant to M.S. 16B 70 435 435.07 Oil burner, stoker, M nimum Fee: steam or hot water S ngle Family - *$22.00 heating, mechanical C mmercial - *$27.00 warm air heating and * lus surcharge pursuant to air conditioning or M S. 16B.70 refrigeration permit All fees for above permit used on contract price as f llows: $ 0-1,000.00 *$ 16.0 3.10% of anything over $ 00.00 1,001.00- 5,000.00 *$ 31.5 2.60% of anything over 1,(00.00 5,001.00-10,000.00 *$135.5 2.15% of anything over 5,(00.00 10,001.00-25,000.00 *$243.0 + 1.85% of anything over 10, 00.00 25,001.00-50 000.00 *$520.5 1.65% of anything over 25, 00.00 50,001.00 an over *$933.0 1.30% of anything over 50, 00.00 *plus sir harge pursuant to M.S. 16B. 0 i 53 55 56 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 SEC. SUBSEC. PURPOSE OF FEE/CHARGE AMOUNT 450 450.27, Public or semi- $310.00 per annum for Subd. 4 public swimming parto all of the yea pool license $160.0 per annum for 450 450.27, Public or semi- $80. Ojper annum for e Subd. 4 public whirlpool 6 - 10 *$ 65.00 bath or therapeutic *$ 9C.00 21 - 30' swimming pool 31 - 40 *$13c.0 license 41 - 50 *$15'. 620 620.04 625 625.04 625 625.03 635 635.02 Permit fee for $52.0 for each permit cleaning of commercial cooking ventilation system Sprinkler permit fees: Number of, heads 1 - 5! *$ 4 .00 (minimum fee) 6 - 10 *$ 65.00 11 - 20 *$ 9C.00 21 - 30' *$11-1.00 31 - 40 *$13c.0 41 - 50 *$15'. 0 51 - 60' *$17 0 61 - 70 *$18 .0 71 - 80 *$20 . 0 81 - 90' *$21 0 91 - 100 *$22(.�0 101 - 110 *$23 0 111 - 1201 *$24Z.00 121 - 130 *$25,.�0 131 - 1401 *$26 0 141 - 1501 *$26E.00 151 - 160 *$27(.Q0 161 - 1701 *$28310 0 171 - 1801 *$290.00 181 - 190 *$297.q0 191 - 200, *$30410 (i0 201 plus *$304.00 for first 200 eact dditional head *plus :urchargepursuai Fire pump installation 82.00 and associated hardware Standpipe installation 82.00 Each additional 9.00 standpipe False fire alarm ,230.00 for the ubsequent respoi aletidar year FEE NO. h pool enc osed 81 h outdoor ool 82 bath or p of 83 105 110 ,lus $7.00 f r to M.S. 1611.70 118 hird and e .se within I 119 120 125 SEC. SUBSEC. PURPOSE OF FEE/CHARGE 716 716.02 Recyling service: Single family Double bungalow Apartments/condos (2-8 units) 720 720.04, Food establishment Subd. 3 license Day care, limited food establishment license Take-out food facility license Packaged food sales license Catering food establishment license Itinerantlfood establishment license Retail ca dy shop license Potentially hazardous food vehicle license Fleet of 5 or more potentially hazardous food vehicles license Catering food vehicle license Food vehicle license Fleet of 5 or more food vehicles license Pushcart ]license 810 810.09 Plat and subdivision filing fee 850 850.04, Fee for transfer of Subd. 2, land to another A.2 zoning district 850 850.04, Application fee for Subd. 6 final development plan AMOUNT 6.06 per q 6.06 per q 4.80 per q 0.00 per annum, $400.00 if tified pursuant to Subsecti .04, Subd. 3C of this Code, s $120.00 per annum for eac itional facility 0.00 per annum FEE NO. 300.00 per annum, $250.00 if ertified pursuant to Subsecti n 20.04, Subd. 3C of this Code 135.00 per annum 450.00 per annum, $400.00 if Ir tified pursuan to Subsecti n .04, Subd. 3C f this Code, s $120.00 per num for eac itional facility 80.00 per event 55.00 per annum, plus $10.00 4er um for each aditional faci ity 90.00 per annum 4150.00 per annum 1,5.00 per annum, plus $30.00 um for each additional vehi 90.00 per annum 450.00 per annum 130.00 per annum or division of one or more to o new buildable lots are crea 5.00 per lot o all other plats and subdiv 400.00 plus $50.00 per lot 400.00 for (one) -2 lot 500.00 for (two) -2 lots 700.00 for all other transfer 500.00 4 e where l: ions: 131 132 133 135 136 137 138 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 147a 161 162 192 193 194 199 SEC. SUBSEC. PURPOSE OF FEE/CHARGE 900 900.06, Non -intoxicating malt Subd. 1 liquor license: On -sale 900 900.04, Off -sale Subd. 2 M M AMOUNT 220.00 per annum 280.00 per annum 20.00 per annum 80.00 per annum (renewal) (new) (renewal) (new) 900.16, Temporary on -sale 45.00 238 sewage metering device Subd. 3 non -intoxicating malt $1.60 per 100 cubic feet of w ter used liquor license during the quart r, whichever is 900.16, On -sale wine license (per year): Subd. 1 Restaurants with 50 or Eewer seats - $72C.00 11 242 ireas 51 - 100 seats ,inclusive - $78!.00 escribed below in 101 - 150 seats inclusive - $85C.00 $1.30 per 100 cubic Over 150 seats - $90 .00 900.17, Manager'sllicense Subd. 6A 1040 1040.08 Loudspeaker permit 1100 1100.03, Sewer service charge: Subd. 2 Single family dwellings, town houses, two-family dwellings, apartment buildings'containing four or less dwelling units: To and including 1600 cubic feet From 1601;cubic feet and over Apartment buildings with more than four dwelling units 1100 1100.03 Sewer ser�ice charge: Subd. 2 Commercial and industrial buildings, including shools and churches 1100 1100.03, Water service: 1. Subd. 2 PA 3. $61.00 per year $10.00 per permi Based upon water uarter (Three m etween November $25.60 quarter usage during nth period f 1 and March FEE NO. 207 208 209 211 212 213 214 215 216 225 winter .11 ing 235 $1.60 per 100 cubic feet 236 $1123.50 plus $23.00 for each Anit over 237 four, or $1.60 p r 100 cubic feet of water during the quarter, whi hever is greater $32.00 per water meter or app owed 238 sewage metering device on pre ises, or $1.60 per 100 cubic feet of w ter used during the quart r, whichever is �reater $0.56 per 100 cubic feet for 11 242 ireas of City, a cept areas escribed below in 2. $1.30 per 100 cubic feet for 243 Morningside area and for east side of Beard Av. fron West 54th S. to Fuller St. and both sides ofIbbott P1. from West 54 h St. to Bead Av. Excessive use ch rge $.18/100cubic ft. 244 SEC. SUBSEC. PURPOSE OF FEE/CHARGE AMOUNT 1100 1100.03, Meter charge: Up to /4" meter $ 6.82/q Subd.2 1 inch meter 9.24/q 1 1/4 n h meter 10.56/q 1 1/2 n h meter 11.88/q 2 inch mter 19.14/q 3 inch m ter 72.60/q 4 inch m ter 92.40/q 1105 1105.01, Service Availability $ 5 .00 per SAC unit x number o Subd. 1 Charge (SAC) units computed pursuant to Subs 1 Og.01, Subd. 1 of this Code 1205 1205.01 Curb cut permit $5.00 1230 1230.07 Sidewalk cafe permit $500.00 1300 1300.02, Refuse or recycling 00.00 per annum for first v Subd. 1 hauler license $ 0.00 for each additional ve 1305 1305.03 Scavengerilicense $.50.00 for first license, $1 fpr each annual renewal there 1340 1340.06, License for individual $15.00 for individual license Subd. 1 performin4 massage or escort services 1340 1340.06, Investigat'ion fee at $ 5.00 Subd. 2 time of o�,,iginal application for an individual license Section 2. Schedule A to Section following fees thereto: SEC. SUBSEC. PURPOSE OF FEE/CHARGE 300 300.03, Dog licensee renewal Subd.3 (late charge after March 1) 1340 1340.06, Individualmassage Subd. 1 license (additional location) 1400 1400.01, Truck restrictive road Subd.2C permit Section 3. Schedule A to Section 290 as Fee No. 291 (Redemption of impouni to No. 243. 8$ is hereby AMOUNT $25.00 per dog or $12.00 per neuter 25.00 5.00 5 is hereby am d vehicle) and 6! by dog led by renumb renumbering rter rter rter rter rter rter rter FEE NO. 245 SAC 250 :tion 260 261 iicle, 270 .cle 1.00 175 286 287 the FEE NO. 21a 286a 290 ring Fee No. Fee No. 244 Section 4. The effective date of First Reading: December 5, 1994 Second Reading: December 19, 1994 Published in the Edina Sun -Current on J ATTEST: City Clerk his Ordinance iary 4, 1995 11 be Januar)t 1, 1995. Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA) ss. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) N C S-u R AFF IDAWIT OF Donald W. T h u r l o wI being duly sworn the publisher or authorized agent and employee of the Sun -Currents j; ,and has full are stated below. (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements qualified newspaper, as provided by; Minnesota Statute 3 applicable laws, as amended. (B) The Ordinance No. which is attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, published once each week, for one successive v% on Wednesday the 4 da lof January thereafter printed and published on and including , the _ day of and printed below is a copy of the lower case alphabet from A hereby acknowledged as being the sil_e and kind of type u publication of the notice: TITLE: Pub I i s h Acknowledged before me on this 9 day of Janua y 19 95 Notary Public " a RATE INFORMATION (1) Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space (2) Maximum rate allowed by law for the above matter (3) Rate actually charged for the above manor ash oath says that he/she newspaper known of the facts tpg qualification as 2i31 A.07, and oth y 4 - was printed and S; it �as first published 9_9 5 .and was 19 ; both inclusive, which is �n th� composition and Cft d Efta $80.00 residen*al Subd. 1 compliance inspection i $160.00 commecial 4010 $212.00 ED] NA $530.00, unless licen! Subd. 3 substained by moving ofbuil 5ft street 420 420.07 Street surface repair: lit Over 25 sq. ft. $7.00 A $6424 ADA NO.1994.12 $55.00 AN ORDINANCE AMEN in or OF EDINA I TO INCREASE CERTAITO D OB 1 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF air conditioning installer's Iii ORDAINS: Section 1. The following described fees of Code 185are e, SEC. ►MSEC. PU POSE QEAMOUNT $55.00 j 410 410.02 Building permit: Minimum F ee Subd. 1 Total valuation of work: Residential - * 2.00 $1.00 to $500.00 Fee Calculations: *$20.60 I $501.00 to $2,000.00 6.00 ph *$20.60 for firs $( $ 1,001- *$ 1.50 pl $300 for each d pl 2.16%> $ 000.01 $100.00 or 'or $2,001.00 to $25.000.00 $25,001-$60,000 *$ and including 2 0 *$65.60 for firs �S s 1.65%> $2 ,000.0 $50,001 & over *$ pIna $9.80 for s 1.30% > $ ,000.0 *plus surch pure $1,000.00 or 435 435.07 Oil burner, stoker, steam or Minimum Fee: to and ionto . $: $25,001.00 to $50,000.00 warm air heating and air - *$290.90 for t condtitioning or refiigeratio plus $7.25 for permit M.S.168.70 $1,000.00 or cti tract price as we $ 0- $1,000.00 416.01+3.1 to and inclm $1 $50,001.00 to $100,000.00 + 2. *$472.15 for t 9 + 2.1 of anything ar 5, plus $5.20 for + 1. of anything r 10 $25,001.00 - $50,000.00 •$620. $1,000.00 or h $50,001.00 and over *$933. + 1.3 to and incl ' $ : $100,001.00 to $500,000.00 pursuant to . 168. *$732.15 for t 9 10.00 per um fen • Subd. 4 � f ewimmiog plus $4.15 for e4eb of cense 10'00filicti or tsd to,n2clu ' $! $500,001.00 to $1,000,000. *$239dn5 for t plus $3.10 for cb $1,000.00 or ctii to and inclu - $: $1,000,001.00 and up *$3942.16 for t plus $2.05 for ch $1,000.00 or fir ctii *plus surch pr M.S. 168.70 410 410.02 Reinspection fee assessed $32.00 per hour or Subd. 1 under provisions of UBC hourly cost to city, Section 305 (g) greatest. (Includes overhead,equi e and fiinge benefits involved.) 410 410.02 Building Code $80.00 residen*al Subd. 1 compliance inspection i $160.00 commecial 415 415.02 Permit for moving of buildi $212.00 415 415.02 Indeminity deposit for Dam s $530.00, unless licen! Subd. 3 substained by moving ofbuil ifing Commissioner 4 of Trar 420 420.07 Street surface repair: Over 25 sq. ft. $7.00 Subd. 2 J 430 430.07 Oil burner installer's license $55.00 Subd. 8 stoker installers license, ste in or hot water heating installer's 'cense, mechanical warm air heatinj and air conditioning installer's Iii anse, refrigeration installer's licen e 430 430.03 Gas piping installer's licen $55.00 j 435 436.07 Gas piping permit Minimum F ee Residential - * 2.00 Commercial - * 27.00 Fee Calculations: I $ 0- $ 1,000 *$ 6.00 ph a 3.10% > $ (10 $ 1,001- *$ 1.50 pl 2.60%> $ 1000.01 115,000 $ 6,001- 0,000 *$5.50 pl 2.16%> $ 000.01 $10,001- 25,000 *$ .00 pl 1.85%> $1 ,000.0 $25,001-$60,000 *$ 0.60p1 s 1.65%> $2 ,000.0 $50,001 & over *$ 3.00 pl s 1.30% > $ ,000.0 *plus surch pure lent to M.S. 1 .70 435 435.07 Oil burner, stoker, steam or Minimum Fee: hot water heating, mechanic Single Family - *$22.( YJ warm air heating and air - Commercial - * 2700 condtitioning or refiigeratio *plus lurch purar permit M.S.168.70 All fees for above permits b on tract price as we $ 0- $1,000.00 416.01+3.1 of anything $ ; $ 1,001.00 - $ 5,000.00 31. + 2. of agything 1,( $ 6,001.00 - $10,000.00 +$135. + 2.1 of anything ar 5, $10,001.00 - $25,000.00 *$243. + 1. of anything r 10 $25,001.00 - $50,000.00 •$620. + 1. of anything 25 $50,001.00 and over *$933. + 1.3 of anything er 50 *plus s pursuant to . 168. 460 450.27 Public or semi- 10.00 per um fen • Subd. 4 � f ewimmiog of cense ISDA9 � uon - m Iba tsd is follows: EEE T1S2. 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 38 39 40 45 46 53 55 56 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 81 82 ..... 8ubd. 4 OOYI- irlpool bath or therepautic �pVM/ k101 NYIYYI 1111 �141� baW ee pool OA g Pool license 620 620.04 Permit fee for cleaning of $621D0 for each permit 105 commercial coolting ventilation system 625 625.04 Sprinklerpermit fees: 110 Number of heads 1 - 5 •$ 40.00 (minimum fee) 6 - 10 *E 65.00 11 - 20 *$ 90.00 21 - 30 *$115.00 31 - 40 *$135.00 41 - 50 •$155.00 51 - 60 • 175.00 61 - 70 * 189.00 71 - 80 *$203.00 81 - 90 *$217.00 91 - 100 *$226.00 101 - 110 *$235.00 111 - 120 *$244.00 121 - 130 *$252.00 131 - 140 *$260.00 141 - 150 *$268.00 151 - 160 *$276.00 161 - 170 *$283.00 171 - 180 *$290.00 181 - 190 *$297.00 191 - 200 *$304.00 201 plus *$304.00 for first 200 plus $7.00 for each additional head *plus surcharge pursuant to M.S. 168.70 625 '625.03 Fire pump installation $82.00 118 and associated hardware Standpipe installation $82.00 119 Each additional standpipe $ 9.00 120 635 635.02 False fire alarm $230.00 for the third and each 125 subsequent response within one calendar year 716 716.02 Recyling service: Single family $ 6.06 per quarter 131 Double bungalow 6.06 per quarter 132 Apartmentstcondos (2-8 units) 4.80 per quarter 133 720 72OA4Mihasent fo d sofa ' hment license Take-out facility license Ccckaag�egdd sales license establishment license Itinerant food establishment li Retail caddy shop license Potentially hazardous food vehicle license Fleet of 5 or more potentially hazardous food vehicles license Catering food vehicle license Food vehicle license Fleet of 5,er mere food vehicles license Pushcart license 810 810.09, Plat and subdivision filing fee 850 850.04, Fee for transfer of per permit Subd. 2 lard to another Subd.1 A.2 zoning district 850 850.04, Application fee for 11 $25. Subd. 6 final development plan 900 900.06, Non -intoxicating malt over Subd. 1 liquor license: durinquaz whic On -sale 900 900.04, Off -sale metering d ' on pr Subd. 2 per 100 cubic eet of i 900 900.16, Temporary on -sale r 100 cubic f t for a Subd. 3 non -intoxicating malt liquor licei 900 900.16, On -sale wine license (per year): r 100 cubic f t for Subd. 1 restaurants with 50 or fewer sea Of Av. from W t 54th 51-100 seats, includsi, Pl. West 54th St. to Be: 101-150 seats, inclusi, cubic Over 150 seats 900 900.17, Managers license Subd. 6A 1040 1040.08, Loudspeaker permit 1100 1100.03, Sewer service charge: - Single family dwellings, town houses, two-family dwelling apartment buildings containing four or less dwelling units: To and including 1600 cubic feet From 1601 cubic feet and over Apartment buildings with more than four dwelling units 1100 1100.03, Sewer service charge: Subd. 2 Commercial and industrial buildings, including schools and church 1100 1100.3, Water service: Subd. 2 1100 1100.03, Meter charge: Subd. 2 per permit 1105 1105.01, Service Availability Subd.1 Charge (SAC) 1205 1205.01 Curb cut permit Up to 1 inch me 11/4 inch 11/2 inch 2 inch mel 3 inch mel 4 inch mel for $140.00 per arm $3 .00 per arm , $25C purauaat sub 72.04,. 3C this $1 .00 per PI $4 .00 per ann $400 ed pursuant Sub 7 04, Subd. 3C o this ( pl $120 00 per um 1 ad tions{ facility 00 per event $5 00 per annum, lus $ for each a 'tions 00 per annum $4 .00 per annum $1 .00 per annum lus ann for each ad tion: $90 per annum $4 .00 per annum' $13 .00 per annum For 'vision of one ma no buildable to are $50. perlot For other plate au $40(00 flus $50.00 per I $4 .OQ� (one) R lot Wfor (two) R- lot $7 .90 for all others trap per annum per annum per annum per annum $65. 3/4' per year $10. per permit upon water us d s win quarter ( mon fallin between N her 1 11 M 1) 11 $25. quarter $1.60 r 100 cubic feet $123. each plus $23.0J100 over ur,or, $1.60 cu feetwater durinquaz whic er is greater;. i $32. per water mete or app sew metering d ' on pr or $1. per 100 cubic eet of i used uring the q whi is gre ter 1. $0.56 r 100 cubic f t for a arBas f City, except as descri below In 2. 2. $1.30 r 100 cubic f t for M 'de area and for eau Of Av. from W t 54th Fuller t. and both si of? Pl. West 54th St. to Be: 3. Exces 've use charge .18/11 cubic eter $ 6.82 uarb 4185.00 �per units SACC unit a t to ! 1106 1 of Code 136 137 138 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 147a 161 162 192 193 194 199 207 208 209 211 212 213 214 215 216 225 235 236 237 238 242 244 246 250 260 1230 1230.07 Sidewalk cafe permit 1300 1300.02, Refuse or recycling Subd. 1 hauler license 1306 1305.03 Scavenger license $500.00 261 $200.00 per annum for first vehicle, 270 $50.00 for each additional vehicle $150.00 for first license, $100.00 175 for each annual renewal thereof 1340 1340.06 license for individual $66.00 for individual license 286 Subd. 1 performing massage or escort services 1340 1340.6, Investigation fee at time of $65.00 287 Subd. 2 original application for an individual license Section 2. Schedule A to Section 185 is hereby amended by adding the following fees thereto: ►SIMPI. PURPOSEQEFEWCHARGE AMOUNT FELtP1S2.. 300 300.03, Dag license renewal $25.00 per dog or 21a Subd. 3 (late charge after March 1) $12.00 per neutered dog 1340 1340.06 Individual message $25.00 286a Subd. 1 license (additional location) 1400 1400.01, Truck restrictive road $5.00 290 Subd. 2C permits Section 3. Schedule A to Section 185 is hereby amended by renumbering Fee No. 290 as Fee No. 291 (Redemption of pounded vehicle) and by renumbering Fee No. 244 to No. 243. Section 4. The effective date of this Ordinance shall be January 1, 1995. First Reading: December 5, 1994 Second Reading: December 19,1994 Frederick S. Richard MAYOR ATTEST: Marcella M. Daehn (Jnr. 4,1995)-EDINA