HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-08 Amending 850 To Permit Day Care Facilities, Pre-Schools, And Nursery SchoolsORDINANCE N, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CITY CODE TO AUTHORIZE TF CERTAIN MAINTENANCE GRANDVIEW COMMERCIAL ARE THEREOF TO BENEFIT' THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA OR[ Section 1. Subsection 1215.01 of the City C 1995-8 :CTION 1215 OF Ti CITY TO UNDERT CTIVITIES IN THE AND ASSESS THE !D PROPERTIES IMS: e is amended as "1215.01 Definitions. The following terms shc II have the stated me nings: 50th and France Commercial Area. The area titin the City included . hin the plan ppared by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority Edina, Minnesota, en itled, "50th and rance Commercial Area Plan", dated December 3, 9 4. Grandview Commercial Area. The area withir the City included wit in the plan pre the Housing and Redevelopment Authority oi Edina, Minnesota, a itled, "Grandy Redevelopment Plan", dated May 30, 1984. Parking Facility. City owned lots, lanes, rar ips, and accessories on the surfac ground, and underground." Section 2. The third line of Subsection 1215.)2 of the City Code is amended as ft "work in the 50th and France Commercia Area and the Gran view Commen pursuant to Chapter 59, State Laws of 1983 ' Section 3. The fourth line of Subsection 121 .03 of the City Code s amended as "or parcel of land within the 50th and F nce Commercial A a and the Gi Commercial Area, in proportion to the bene s," Section 4. The third line of Subsection 1215 04 of the City Code i amended as ft "within the 50th and France Commercial Area 3nd the Grandview C mmercial Area of the work charged against the lot" Section 5. This ordinance shall be in full for a iand effect upon pa sage and publi First Reading: 12/04/95 Second Reading: 12/19/95 Published in the Edina Sun -Current on 12/27/95 Mayor Attest:. � � ��� City Clerk ;d by Area above Area ows: costs MSUN PUBLIC -no% Sun -Current Bu,•ao t sun salvo. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATIO STATE OF MINNESOTA) ss. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) D o n a l d W. T h u r I o w , being duly sworn on an oath sa s that he/she is the publisher or authorized agent and employee of,the publisher of the new aper known as Sun -Current ,and has full knowledge toe facts which are stated below. (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting uglification as a qualified newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statute 331A.02, 331 .P7, and other applicable laws, as amended. (B) The printed Ordinance No. 1995-8 which is attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was p published once each week, for one successive weeks; it w on Wednesday the 27 dayof December 11 thereafter printed and published on every and including the day of and printed below is a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the publication of the notice: abcdefghijklmnap�rst r BY: TIT[ F: Pub I i s h e r 1 Acknowledged before me on this i J2 7 dayl J D e\ 1b e r 19 95. J Notkry Public L RATE INFORMATION (1) Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users $ for comparable space (2) Maximum rate allowed by law for the above matter $ (3) Rate actually charged for the above matter $ :ed and first published ry ,ana was to 19 nclusive, which is composition and 1.90 jr lit 1.90 pir III 1.02 Dir IiI C ty Clerk I (D . 27,1995) -ED 1 .`188" AN O SECTION 12 5 AVOWING TAZ CITY CODE TO AUTHOR] ZE CITY TO UNDERTAKE CERTAIN ANCE ACTIVITIES THE W COM114ERCIAL AREA AND ASS COOT THEREOF TO B PROPERTIES H I CITY COUN IL OF 'THE CITY OF EDINA NS: 'on 1. Su 1215.01 of the City Code is am ded as follows: X1215.01 Defini ons The following terms shall have the ted meanings: i 50th and mercial Area. The area thin the City in ud within the plan prepared by e Housing and elopment Authority of Edina, . nnesota, entitl h and France Commercial a Plan", dated 3, 1974. Grandview at Area. The area within e City includ wi 'n the plan prepared by the ouaing and went Authority of Edina, innesota, enti d, dview Area Redevelop- ent Plan" dated Ma 30,1984. Parking Faci 'ty. .ity owned lots, lanes, ramps, d accessories n t e surface, above ground, and derground." Section 2: Th thi d line of Subsection 1215.02 of he City Code is mej Jed as follows: "work in the and France Commercial Area d the Grand ew mmercial Area pursuant to hapter 59, Sta La s of 1981" Section 3. T f line of Subsection 1215.03 Iaf the City Code s ended as follows: parcel of an within the 50th and France 'Section Commercial Ar the Grandview Commercial Area, in proporti n t the benefits." Section 4. t line of Subeection 1215.04 of the City Code is ed as follows: "within the and France Commercial Area and the Grandvi cial Area all costs of the work charged the lot" Section 5. inance shall be in full force and effect upon and publication. Fipt Reading: 1 5 Stcond Reading: 1 1 5 /s/ FREDERICK S. RICHARDS I Mayor j Id DEBRA A. E C ty Clerk I (D . 27,1995) -ED