HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-06 Amending Section 155 Sale Of Unclaimed City PropertyORDINANCE NO. 97-6 AN ORDINANCE AMENDIN4 i SECTION 155 OF THE CITY CODE TO PRO DE ALTERNATE MEANS OF DISPOSING OF UNC AIMED PROPERTY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA ORDAI Section 1. Subsection 155.02 of the City Code is amended to read as follows: "155.02 Disposal of Unclaimed Property. A y such property w custody of the Police Chief for a period of 60 day 5 may be sold in acc the methods provided in Subd 1 and Subd 2 of his Subsection. All less costs 'attributa4le to the sale, shall be cleIN ared to the Treasur fund entitled '`General Fund -Sale of Property". I the owner of any accordance .with this Section shall furnish evider ce of ownership sat Chief within six months after the date of sale, the Treasurer shall del proceeds of the sale of the property less any coslp attributable to the h has been ii lance with eitt oceeds of the and depositec ch property sc 3ctory to the F !r to said own( the r of in a d in the Subd 1 Public Sale. Unclaimed properlymay be sold to tli highest bidder at a public sale following not less than ten ays prior notice pu lished in theo or newspaper of the City. Subd 2 Private Sale. The City, at any ti a and from time to ime, may entei into contracts with nonprofit organizations tha have a significant mission of comm nity service, .for .the purpose of disposing of ur claimed property thio ugh the sale of 3uch property by such nonprofit organization 3. If the City so contracts, unclaimed property shall be disposed of in accordan a with the terms and conditions set c ut in such contracts. Sectign 2. Subsection :155.03 of the City Code is amend d to read as follows: 155.03 Record. A record shall be kept listing each item of pro erty, the date and gircumstances under which possession by the Ci was acquired, the date of publicati n of nptice of public sale if sold pursuant to Subd 1 of Subsection 155.02, the date the prol ierty was transferred to a non-profit organization if sold pursuant to Subd 2 of subsection 155.02, the date of sale, and the proceeds of ti a sale less any cos attributable to the sale. Section 3. Effective Date. Following publication the 161997. First Reading: June 2, 1997 Second Reading: July 7, 1997 Published in Sun Current: July 16, 1997 Attest:%�i City Clefk date of this ordi M shall be, (July QTA 111'WON R�IJCAT10NS OAVOW " ftarr Y+r6dor AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLI STATE OF MINNESOTA) ss. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) Doug Dance being duly sworn on an oath sthat he/she is the publisher or authorized agent and employee of the publisher of the newsr aper known as Sun -Current and has full knowle Jge of the facts which are stated below. (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting q alification as a qualified newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statue 331A.02, 331A.07, and they applicable laws, as amended. (B) The printed Ordinance No. 1997-6 which is attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printe J and published once each week for one successive weeks; it wa first published on Wednesday the 16 day of J u l y 199 , an J was thereafter printed and published on every to and including the day of 19____: and printed bi ilow is a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, which is hereby acknowle ed as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of the notice: abodefghQklmnopgrstuvwxyz BY: Acknowledged before me on this 25 day of 199-7-_• Not ry Public RATE INFORMATION (1) Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space (2) Maximum rate allowed by law for the above matter (3) Rate actually charged for the above matter S 1.20r line THE Df fEAta (Official Pu ication) ORIIIN cE 0.1997.6 AN ORD AMENDING SECTION 155 F CITY CODE TO PRO E TERNATE MEANS SING OF UNC PROPERTY 'ITYCOUNCILOFT 1E ITFOFEDINAORDAINS n 1. Subsection 15 .02 f the City Code is amend- ed to read as f Ilo 55.02 Disposal ofU kc mod Property. Any such operty which has be n i the custody of the Police lief for a period of 60 Ila may be sold in accordance th either ofthe meth s "ded in Subd 1 and Subd if this Subsection. Alp of the sale, less casts tributable to the sale sh 1 be delivered to the Trea- rer and deposited in if d entitled "General Fund - le ofProperty".Ifthe Dw ofany such property sold accordance with thi on shall furnish evidence ownership satisfacto y Police Chiefwithin six mths after the date f s e, the Treasurer shall de- er to said owner the s of the sale of the prop - ;y less any costs att u Is to the sale. Subd 1 Public Sal claimed property may be sold to the highest b dd at a public sale following not less than ten da s p ornotice published in the official newspaper o the ity. Subd 2 Private S e. a City, at any time and from time to time, nu r e into contracts with non- profit organizations hat ave a significant mission of community servic f5 he purpose of disposing of unclaimed property I iro h the sale of such proper- ty by such nonprofit a 'zations. If the City so con- tracts, unclaimed pr shall be disposed of in ac- cordance with the and conditions set out in such contracts. 12. Subsection 155 03 the City Code is amended to read as Ulm s: 5.03 Record. A record hall he kept listing each in of property, the date and circumstances under ich possession by the Ci was acquired, the date of blication of notice of 3ub ic sale if sold pursuant to bd 1 of Subsection 15 V.62the date the property was nsferred to a non -p ofit organization if sold pur- mt to Subd 2 ofsubs 155. 02, the date of sale, 1 the proceeds of the ess any costs attributable ;he sale. 13. Ef eLt_ive Data. Fol Dwing publication the ef- fective date of d. inance shall be, July 16 Debr199a 7. A. Maneen City Clerk Glenn L. Smith Mayor (July 16, 1997)Dl/ ty dina Ord 1997-6