HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-14 Amending Secion 900 & 1230 Replacing Non-Intoxicating Malt Liquor With 3.2% Malt LiquorORDINANCE NO. 1 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1230 A CODE TO PERMIT THE CONSUMPTION OF Ir CERTAIN PARK FACILITIES AND TO PERMIT INTOXICATING MALT LIQUOR ON CITY GO] THE TERMINOLOGY OF NO-INTOXICATIN( THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA Section 1 Subparagraph 1 of Paragraph O of Subsecti amended to read as follows: "1. 3.2li ercent malt uo�, intoxicating malt 1 p q the City or by an authorized agent of the City r applicable provisions of this Code and subject Director pursuant to Subsection 1230.06 in the a. Inside the clubhouse building or on areas which are adjacent to the club and at Fred Richards Golf Course. -14 ID SECTION 900 1 TOXICATING M� THE SALE OF NI F COURSES AND MALT LIQUOR 1230.02 of the City ,ior and wine which y be consumed subj the rules and regula llowing places: patios and other building at Braer b. Inside the Edinborugh Park building, I e Centennial Lakes P building, the building at Arneson Acre Park, the Edina Art C and on decks, patios and other outdoor lining areas which are such buildings." Section 2. Paragraph O of Subsection 1230.02 of the new subparagraph 2 as follows: "2. 3.2 percent malt liquo which is dispensed pursuant to a temporary on -sale 3.2 percent m� with Section 900 of this Code may be consumf provisions of this Code and subject to the rules pursuant to Subsection 1230.06 within the con Valkenburg Park." Section 3. Paragraph O of Subsection 1230.02 of the subparagraph 3 as follows: "3. 3.2 percent malt liqu which is dispensed pursuant to a 3.2 malt liqu r license issued in a City Code may be consumed subject to other al subject to the rules and regulations of the Park 1230.06 on the grounds of Braemar Golf Cours Code is amended i the City or by an ag liquor license issued subject to other appl: id regulations of the es of the ball field cc Code is amended y the City or by an al ;ordance with Sectio: licable provisions of irector pursuant to Su and Fred Richards Gi THE CITY T LIQUOR IN CHANGE is dispensed by t to other ins of the Park door dining Golf Course Centrum ;r Building acent to adding a t of the City accordance' Director ;x at Van adding a new nt of the City 900 of the lis Code and f Course." STATE OF MINNESOTA) ss. AFFIDAVIT OF COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) Doug Dance , being duly sworn on an oath., the publisher or authorized agent and employee of the publisher of the nev Sun -Current , and has full knov which are stated below. (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting qualified newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statue 331A.02, 331A.07, ar laws, as amended. (B) The printed Ordinance N o . 1997-14 which is attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was prin once each week, for one successive weeks; it w on Wednesday the 10 dayof December ,19--gZa printed and published on every , the day of 19 ; and printed the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, which is hereby acknowle size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of the notice: abcdefghijklmnopgrstuvwxyt BY: Acknowledged before me on this 10 day of Decem e 19L2 7. Public RATE INFORMATION (1) Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space (2) Maximum rate allowed by law for the above matter (3) Rate actually charged for the above matter that he/she is per known as Ie of the facts uanticatlon as a other applicable d and published s first published J was thereafter to and including ,low is a copy of fed as being the City 0 Him ANO INANCd� AMID 3E ON 800 OF THE THECONSUMPTION LIQUIDR IN CERTAIN I PERMT THE SALE 1 T LIQUOR ON TO CHANGE T THE Q1TY COUNCIL OF Subparagraph 1 D.0 of the City Code is a "1. 3.2 percent malt Iii an wine which is dispe tho rized agent of the Cit of r applicable provisia the rules and regulations to ubsection 1230.06 in Inside the clubhou and other outdoor cent to the clubho Course and at Frei b Inside the Edinbor tennial Lakes Park ing at Arneson•Acr, Building and on de dining areas whicl ings." 1997-14 SECTION 1230 AND CODE TO PERMIT rOSICATING MALT PACELITIES AND TO 301.E COURSES RHINOLOGY OF IALT LIQUOR CITY OF EDINA OR- agraph O of Subsection ,d to read as follows: ntoxicating malt liquor y the City or by an cu- be consumed subject to his Code and subject to Park Director pursuant (lowing places: ding or on decks, patios areks which are adja- ilding at Braemar Golf rk building, the Con- n building, the build - the Edina Art Center ios and other outdoor jacent to such build- •aph O of S*haeltion 1230.02 of the City by adding A nej* subparagraph 2 as fol - lows "2. 3.2 percent malt ligi Cit or by an agent of the on- ale 3.2 percentmalt 1 dar ce with Section 900 e sul ect to other applicabl sub ect td the rules and r for ursuant to Subsectio of i he ball field complex Section I Paragraph O of Si Code is amended by adding : lows: "3. 3.2 percent malt liqu City or by an agent of the liqu r license issued in ac the ity Code may be co plicble provisions of this and egulations of the Pa sect on 1230.06 on the gro and red Richards Golf C Subparagraph 2 o 1230.02 is re -numbered Subp Section 5. Subsection 900.13 to read follows: "900. 13 Special Licensi tion to the requiremen 900 3.2 percent malt l: only to (i) private clubs w for more than ten year§ Chi houses for their men auc liquor is incidental t of s ch club, (ii) restauraa Edi a Golf Dome, (v) bow] deb ed in M.S. 340A. Subsection 900.14 tl to read follows: .90(1.14. Place of Se' i pe nt malt liquor sold p u liqu r license shall be s ed in t e dining or refres en pre ises and shall not be ru p 'ded, the same may co foil 'ng locations: A. I At counters where B. On decks, patios ai which are acjjacent C. On the grounds of s Section [. The City Code is erences to "non -intoxicating malt liquor." . This Ordinance upon passage and publicat Adopted this 1st day of Dei rich is dispensed by the ursuantto a temporary license issued in accor- 3ode may be consumed inions of this Code and ;ions of the Park Direc- 1.06 within the confines i Valkenburg Park." ion 1230.02 of the City subparagraph 3 as fol- Ich is dispensed by the pursuant to a 3.2 malt nos with Section 900 of A subject to other ap- and subject to the rules •ector pursuant to Sub - )f BraemarGolfCourse O of Subsection City Code is amended quirements. In addi- posed by Subsection icepses shall be issued ave been incorporated hich own and operate n which the serving of not the major purpose 0 golf courses, (iv) the nters and (vi) hotels as City Code is amended id Consumption. 3.2 it to a 3.2 percent malt rad consumed.at tables room on the licensed med or served at bars; mmed or served at the - regularly served and outdoor dining areas :erased premises. replacing all ref - with "3.2 percent in full force and effect Acceac: Lepra n. Mangen _ lilenn L. bmith City Clerk Mayor (Dec. 10, 1997) Dl\Cty Edina Ord 1997-14