HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-16 Amending Section 185 Setting The 1998 Fees And ChargesEDINA ORDINANCE N . 1997-16 AN ORDINNCE AMENDING SECTION A OF CODE SECTION 185 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA OIJDAINS: Section 1. The following described fees of Schedu A to Code Sectio amended to read as follows: 185 are 220 220.04Machine or $45.00 annually per 10 amusement establishment, pi s evice license $7.00 per machin 11 450 450.27 Subd 4 Public or semi- $370.00 per annu n for 81 public swimming each pool enclos W part pool license or all of year $200.00 per annu n for 82 each outdoor pool 450 450.27 Subd 4 Public or semi- $100.00 88 public whirlpool bath or therapeutic 'swimming pool license 605 605.07 'Permits required Minimum fee: $7.5.00 95 by UFC Special hazard ipermit: 1: $75.00 96 Klass General hazard and fire safety inspections requiring a special hazard permit Class 11: $125.00 97 Special hazard inspection involving various hazardous materials and/or processes in occupancies of buildings less than 3000 sf in area 98 Class 111: $175.00 Special hazard 11 r inspection primarily directed at, but not limited to, buildings or occupancies 3000 sf or larger where Jany of the following are (present: A. Multiple hazards B. Storage handling, and/or processes involving dangerous or toxic materials, substances and/or processes C. Occupancies in which evaluation or high valuation presents unique circumstances 615 615.03 License to $30.00 per annuin per 10 service fire person to be licensed extinguishers 620 620.04 Permit fee for $75.00 for each permit 10,11 cleaning of commercial cooking ventilation system 625 625.04 Sprinkler permit 11 fees: Number of heads: 1-5 $50.00 6-25 $75.00 26-50 $145.00 51-75 $190.00 76-100 $225.00 101-125 $255.00 126-150 $270.00 151-175 $290.00 176-200 $310.00 201 -Plus $330.00 $1.00 for each a ditional head 625 625.03 Fire pump $90.00 118 installation and associated hardware Standpipe $90.00 11 installation 635 635.02 False fire alarm $300.00 12 716 716.02 Recycling Service: Single Family $6.69 13 Dbl Bungalow $6.69 13 Apt/Condo - $5.43 13 (2-8 units) 720 720.04 Sub 3 Food $545.00 per ann m, 13 establishment $495.00 if certifi d license pursuant to Su ection 720.04, Subd 3 of this Code, plus $14 .00 per annum for each additional facili y Day care, limite $170.00 1 food establishment license Take-out food $365.00 per an um, 1 7 facility license $315.00 if certif ed pursuant to Su section 720.04, Subd 3 of this Code Packaged food $160.00 per an um 1 8 sales license Food warehou a $90.00 per ann m 1 9 license Catering food $545.00 per an um, 1 W establishment $495.00 if certi ied license pursuant to S bsection 720.04, Subd C of this Code, plus $1 10.00 per annum for each add'l facility Retail candy $70.00 per an um 42 shop license Potentially $110.00 per a num 43 hazardous fo vehicle licens Fleet of 5 or $550.00 per a num 44 more potentia ly hazardous fo d vehicles licen e Catering food $200.00 per a num, plus 145 vehicle licens $45.00 per an um for 3 each add'I vehicle Food vehicle $110.00 146 license Fleet of 5 or $550.00 per annum 147 more food vehicles license Pushcart $160.00 147 License 735 735.03 Hotel, lodging or Hotels - $270.00 for 1-50 155 boarding house rooms - $2.00/ea h room license Lodging and boarding 156 houses/$70.00 per location 820 820.01 Filing of $200.00 170 pplication for vacation of is treet, alley or easement 900 900.06 Subd 1 Club on -sale $675.00 206 liquor license 900 900.6 Subd 1 Non -intoxicating malt liquor license: On -sale $245.00 renewal 207 $310.00 new 208 900 900.04 Subd 2 Off -sale $245.00 renewal 209 $310.00 new 210 900 900.16 Subd 3 Temporary on- $55.00 211 Isale non - intoxicating malt liquor license 900 900.16 Subd 1 On -sale wine Per year -Restaurant with 50 (,license or fewer seats $805. 0 212 51-100 seats inclusive $875.00 213 101-150seats inclusive $950.00 214 Over 150 seats $101s.00 215. 900 900.17 Subd 6A Manager's $75.00 per yr 216 license 1040 1040.08 Loudspeaker $11.00 per permit 22 permit 1100 1100.03 Subd 2 Sewer service charge. To and including $28.00 quarter 23 1600 cubic feet From 1601 cubic $1.75 per 100 cu is feet 23 feet and over (Apartment $25.00 for each unit over 23 buildings with four, or $1.75 per 100 more than 4 cubic ft of water sed dwelling units during quarter, whichever is greater 1100 1100.03 Subd 2 Sewer service $34.00 per water meter or 238 harge: approved sewage om'I & Ind metering device o buildings, premises, or $1.75 per including 100 cubic ft of water schools & used during qualer churches whichever is gre ter 1100 1100.03 Subd 2 ater Service 1. $0.62/100 cubic ft for 242 area of City, except areas described below in 2 2. $1.52/100 cubi ftfor 243 Morningside a ea and for east side o beard Av from West 4th St to Fuller St an both sides of Abbo t PI from West 54" St to Beard Av 3. Excessive use charge 244 $.20/100 cubic ft Meter Charge: Up to % inch meter $7. 8/qtr 245 1" meter $10.15/qtr 1 '/4" meter $11.60/qtr 1 " meter $13.05/qtr 2 " meter $21.00/qtr 3" meter $79.71/qtr 4" meter $101.45/qtr 1105 1105.01 Subd 1 Service $1,000,00 per SAC unit X 250 Availability number of SAC u its Charge (SAC) computed as pursuant to Subsection 1105. 1, Subd 1 of this Code 1230 1230.07 Sidewalk cafe $515.00 261 permit 1300 1300.02 Subd 1 Refuse or $240.00 per annum for 270 recycling hauler first vehicle, $70. 0 for I cense leach additional vehicle 1325 1325.03 Tobacco sale $265.00 280 License Section 2. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be ir full force and effect after its adoption and publication accordirjg to law. First Reading: December 1, 1997 Second Reading: December 15, 1997 Publish Edina Sun -Current, W nesday, Decembe 24, 1997 Attest: City Clerk Mayor 5 STATE OF MINNESOTA) ss. AFFIDAVIT OF COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) Doug Dance being duly sworn on an oath : the publisher or authorized agent and employee of the publisher of the nev Sun -Current ,and has full knov which are stated below. (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting qualified newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statue 331A.02, 331A.07, ar laws, as amended. (B) The Ordinanci No. 1997-16 which is attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was pr once each week, for one successive weeks; it on Wednesday the 24 dayof Decgmber ,19AL printed and published on every . the day of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, size and kind of type used in the composition and 1 Acknowledged before me on this F' L N1. t'-OL�F f �s �0 CZ w-06, j y Xjl�[2E J�'1. ^�§ ata�a°VC'2'ICL�'IriRrA M�.^tSi ZR$9L`3�tLOS'Y",A� 19 ; and printed h is hereby acknowli 19 -9 -Z - RATE INFORMATION (1) Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space (2) Maximum rate allowed by law for the above matter (3) Rate actually charged for the above matter of the notice: P u b I (s that he/she is 3aper known as edge of the facts ualification as a other applicable and published first published was thereafter to and including :low is a copy of as being the Official Publicatiaa ORDINANCE NO. 1997-16 THEVItYCOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA ORDAINS: I Section 1. The following described fees of Schedule A to Cole Sectidn 185 are amended to read as follows: 220 , 220.04 Machine or lish amusement per device license 450 450.27 Subd 4 Public or semi- pool public swimming of y pool license 450 450.27 Subd 4 Public or semi- M public whirlpool b bath or therapeutic swimming pool license 605 605.07 Permits required by UFC Special hazard permit: Class 1: General hazard and fire safety inspections requiring a special hazard permit Class 11: Special hazard - inspection involving various hazardous materials and/or processesin occupanaes of building'. less than 3000 sf in area Class 111: Special hazard inspection primarily directed at, but not limited to, buildings or occupancies 3000 sf or larger where any of the following are present: A. Multiple hazards B. Storage handling, and/or processes involving dangerous or toxic materials, substances and/or pprocesses C. Occu ancien in which evaluation or high valuation presents unique circumstances 615 615.03 License to service fire extinguishes 620 620.04 Permit fee for cleaning of commercial cooking ventilation 625 626.04 system Sprinkler permit fees: Number of heads: 1-5 6-25 26-50 51-75 76-100 101-125 126-150 151-175 176-200 201 -Plus 625 625.03 Fire pump installation and associated hardware Standpipe installation 635. 635.02 False fire alarm 716 716.02 Recycling Service: Single Family Dbl Bungalow Apt/Cond0 - (2-8 units) ) an wally ppeer 10 lish ent, jplus per '.chine 11 )0 p annum for 81 pool nclosed part of y ar WO p annum for 82 M r pool b 83 Minimum ee: $75.00 95 $75.00 96 $125.00 97 $17$.00 98 $30.00 per irmum, per 100 person to I e licensed $75A0 for 5ach permit 105 110 0. 0 75. 0 14 .00 19 .00 225.00 255.00 27q.00 294 00 310.00 33%00 1.Oq for ei h additional hen $90. 118 $90.00 119 $30000 125 131 132 133 720 720.04 Sub 3 Foody ±•w lar au®usa. :496.00 if certified ISO establishment licensepursuant . to Subsection 720.04. Subd 3C of this Code, plus $140.00 per annum for each addition l facility Daycare, limited $170.00 136 food establishment license Take-out food$365.00 per annum, 137, facility license $315.00 if certified pursuant to Subsection 720.04, Subd 3C of this Code Pack ed food $160.00 per annum 138 sales cense Food warehouse $90.00 per annum 139 license Catering fpod .$545.00 per annum, $495.00 if 140 establishment license certified pursuant to Subsection 720.04, Subd 3C of this Code, plus $140.00 per annum for each add'I facility Retail candy $70.00 per annum 142 shop license Potentially $110.00 per annum 143 hazardous food vehicle license Fleet of 5 or $550.00 per annum 144 more potentially hazardous food vehicles license Catering food $200.00 per annum, plus $45.00 for 145 vehicle license per annum each add'l vehicle Food vehicle $110.00 146 license Fleet of 5 or $550.00 per annum 147 more food 735 735.03 820 820.01 900 900.06 Subd 1 900 900.6 Subd 1 900 900.04 Subd 2 900 900.16 Subd 3 900 900.16 Subd 1 900 900.17 Subd 6A 1040 1040.08 1100 1100.03 Subd 2 1100 1100.03 Subd 2 1100 1100.03 Subd 2 I License Hotel, lodging or boarding house license Filing of application for vacation of street, alley or easement Club on -sale liquor license Non -intoxicating malt liquor license: On -sale Off -sale Temporary on - sale non - intoxicating malt liquor license On -sale wine license Manager's license Loudspeaker permit Sewer service charge. To and including 1600 cubic feet From 1601 cubic feet and over Apartment buildings with more than 4 dwelling units Sewer service charge: Com'l & Ind. buildings, includingg schools & churches Water Service Meter Charge: $160.00 Hotels - $270.00 f rooms - $2.00/eac Lodgi= gg aqqd boa l ocacatition o on 70100 per l $200.00 $675.00 245.00 renewal 10.00 new 245.00 renewal 310.00 new 5.00 Per year-Restaurar or fewer seats $80 51.100 seatsihclusi 101.150 seats iaclusiv Over 150 sets $10 $75.00 per yi $11.00 per permit $28.00 quarter $1.75 per 100, cubic $25.00 for each unit four, or $1.75 per 101 I cubic ft of water us during quarter, whichever is great4 $34.00 per water met approved sewage metering device on premises00 cubic h of7 a.75 te used during 4uarte whichever is greate 1. $0.62/100 cubic ft area. of Cit*, exce areas described below in 2 2. $1.52/100 cubic ft Morningside area for east side of Bi Av from West 54t1 ito Fuller Stand h sides of Abtiott PI j from West 54th St Beard Av P. Excessive use chs $.20/100 cubic ft p to 3/4 inch meter $ meter $10.15 /qtr 1/4" meter $11.60/q 1/2" meter $ 3.05/q meter 21.0 qtr " meter 79.7 qtr " m t 101 5/ 1105 1105.01 Subd 1 Service1000.0 a er qtr 00.00 per C un Availability ber of SA unite Char (SAC) puted as pursue 1165.01 1230 1230.07 Sidewalk cafe [u-bsection d 1 of this Code .00 1300.02 Subd 1 permit1300 Refuse or .00 per annum fi recycling hauler vehicle, $40.00 f 1325 1325.03 license Tobacco sale ch additional vehi 65.00 License Section 2. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect fter its adoption an according to law. Attest: Debra A. Mangen Glenn I. Smith City Clerk Mayor I (December 24, 1997)Dl/Cty Edina Ord. 1997-16 147a 1-50 155 om .ng 156 170 206 207 208 209 210 211 is with 50 .00 212 $875.00 213 $950.00 214 5.00 215 216 225 235 eet 236 er 237 or 238 242 243 244 245 X 250 to 261 270 e 280 publication