HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-04 Amending Section 460 Requirements For Sings In Publicly Owned Parks And Regulating The Placement of Campaign SignsORDINANCE NO. 1998-4 AN ORDINANCE AMEN ING SECTION 46 OF THE CITY CODE TO PROV DE REQUIREMEN S FOR SIGNS IN PUBLICLY O ED PARKS AND O REGULATE THE PLACEME T OF CAMPAIGN IGNS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDINA OR AINS: Section 1. Subd. 1 of Subsection 460.05 of following regulations: "TYPE MAXIMUM NUMBER Public Park Identification One per frontage SCOREBOARDS: A. Field #1 One (Courtney Fields) B. Van Valkenburg Park, One per field Kuhlman Field and Braemar Park except Field #1 at Courtney Fields C. All other public parks, One per field schools and golf courses Public park score- board sponsor panels and other scoreboard advertising Section 2. Subsection 460.03 of the City CG as follows: City Code is amended by ad4ing the 24 sq. ft I 6 ft. 400 sq. ft. 20 ft. (including ponsor panels 200 sq. ft. 20 ft. (including ponsor panels) 100 sq. ft. 20 ft. 25% of scoreboar area" 1e is amended by Odding a new Subd. 24 "Subd. 24. Scoreboard Sponsor Pa els. Sponsor pan Is and other orms of advertising on scoreboards are permitted oily at Braemar Par , VanValken rg Park and Kuhlman Field. Scoreboard sponsor panels and other advertising on sco eboards shall be integral to the scoreboard and sha I be constructed of the same ria erials as the scoreboard." Section 3. Paragraph A of Subd. 3 of Su to read as follows: on 460.03 of the City Code is Omended "A. No sign shall be placed with any street righ of -way other than, i) governmental signs which are official tra c regulatory signs or, ii) campa n signs placed pursuant to Subd. 4 of this Subsecti ." • I 0 Section 4. Paragraph B of Subd. 3 of Subsection 460.03 of the ity Code is amended to read as follows: I "B. No freestanding sign or any porti n thereof other thE n governmen I signs shall be placed within 20 feet of the travele( portion of any pub is street provi Jed that campaign signs placed pursuant to Subd. 4 f this Subsection rr ay be placed o within 10 feet of the traveled portion of a public stre t." Section 5. Subd 4 of Subsection 460.03 is a "Subd. 4. Campaign Signs. Campa requirements: A. Campaign signs may be posted year until 10 days following th applicable provisions of M.S. 2111 with the provisions of Subd. 3 of placed upon the right-of-way witl owner. B. Campaign signs posted in conr a state general election are sub i) Maximum Size - six square ii) Maximum Number - one sic iii) Maximum Duration - 60 d following the election. iv) Location - Such campaign Subd. 3 of Subsection 460 right-of-way without the cor Section 6. This ordinance is in full effect u Adopted this 4th day of May, 1998. First Reading: May 20, 1998 Second Reading: Waived Published in the Edina Sun Current, May 20, Attest: City Clerk1 nded to read as f6llows: signs shall comply with the Ilollowing )m August 1 in a state general election state general el ction subjecl to the 045. Such campaign signs shall conform ubsection 460.03. No such sign shall be gut the consent of the abutting roperty on with elections to the following: et for each candida s prior to the el d at times otter than per lot fronta4e tion until se n days igns shallconfor with the prov 3. No such signs all be placed E)nt of the abutting Oroperty owner passage and pu ..; on ayor sions of ipon the STATE OF MINNESOTA) ss. MlN McIw SumClrranl su�Po.e AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) Doug Dance being duly sworn on an oath says the publisher or authorized agent and employee of the publisher of the newsp� Sun -Current and has full knowledge of tl are stated below. (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting qu, qualified newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statute 331A.02, 331A.1 applicable laws, as amended. (B) The Ordinance No. 1998-4 at he/she is ;r known as facts which ication as a , and other which is attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and wa4 printed and published once each week, for one successive weeks; it was Irst published on Wednesday the 2 0 day of May , 19_e_ and was thereafter printed and published on and including , the day of and printed below is a copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the publication of the notice: abcdefghijklmnopgratuvwxyz BY: Publisher Acknowledged before me on this 20 dayof May t9 98, z Nota tibllc" "" VICTORIA H, BROUILLE17E NOTARY PUBLIC—MINNESOTApgpq MY C0VMISSION EXP diiES i-31-29^fl Q ..?T 1;1Xt=1IIIMel 0T/GSI lel! (1) Lowest classified rate paid by commercial users for comparable space (2) Maximum rate allowed by law for the above matter (3) Rate actually charged for the above matter 19 ; which is and of Edina ,ction 1. Subd. 1 of Public Park Ident: SCOREBOARDS: A. Field #1 (Courtney Fieb B. Van Valkenbury Kuhlman Field Braemar Park 4 Field #1 at Cou Fields C. All other public schools and golf Public park scoi board sponsor and other score advertising !ction 2. Subsection `Solid. 24. Scorebc ly at Braemar Park, arils shall be integre .ction 3. Paragraph A. No sign shall b gulatory signs orr ii) .ction 4. Paragraph "B. No freestanding �d portion of any pub within 10 feet of the .ction 5. Subd 4 of S "Subd. 4. Campaig A. Campaign signs eral election sub visions of Solid. the abutting pro B. Campaign signs the following: i) Maximum S ii) Maximum IN iii) Maximum T iv) Location - Si shall be plat ction 6. This ordina opted this 4th day of test: Debra A. N City Cl (Official Pubt ORDINANCE N AN ORDINANCE AMENI OF THE CITY CODE TO PROW SIGNS IN PUBLICLY OWP REGULATE THE PLACEMEN TRE CITY COUNCIL OF THE C: ction 460.05 of the City Code is arae MA7UAILTM Dam in One per frontage One One per field One per field 13 of the City Code is amended by ad1 ponsor Panels. Sponsor panels and dkenburg Park and Kuhlman Field.: )e scoreboard and shall be constructs lubd. 3 of Subsection 460.03 of the Ci :ed within any street right-of-way of Sign signs placed pursuant to Subd. lubd. 3 of Subsection 460.03 of the Q or any portion thereof other than gov eet provided that campaign signs pla led portion of a public street." tion 460.03 is amended to read as fol is. Campaign signs shall comply wit] be posted from August 1 in a state g( > the applicable provisions of M.S. 21 subsection 460.03. No such sign shal owner. d in connection with elections held a Ix square feet r- one sign for each candidate per loi in - 60 days prior to the election unti mpaign signs shall conform with the )n the right-of-way without the cons in full effect upon passage and publ 1998. (May 20, 1998)DLCty Ec 1984 SECTION 460 EQUIREMENTS FOR PARKS AND TO CAMPAIGN SIGNS 3F EDINA ORDAINS: by adding the following regulations: M xmfm MAX ARS IMGHT 4 sq.ft. MIIM 6 ft. DO sq. ft. 20 ft.. ncluding sponsor anels DO sq. ft. 20 ft. ncluding sponsor anels) DO sq.ft. 2011. 5 of :oreboard area" a new Subd. 24 as follows: - forms of advertising on scoreboards are permitted !board sponsor panels and other advertising on score - the same materials as the scoreboard." ode is amended to read as follows: ban, i) governmental signs which are official traffic is amended to read as follows: al signs shall be placed within 20 feet of the trav- uant to Subd. 4 of this Oubsection may be placed following requirements: it election year until 10 days following the state gen- 145. Such campaign signs shall conform with the pro - placed upon the right-of-way without the consent of other than a state general election are subject to n days following the election. cions of Subd. 3 of Subsection 460.03. No such sign the abutting property owner." bn L. Smith I Mayor Ord. 1998-4