HomeMy WebLinkAbout19180427_REGULARUimtes ole th0 procee&w.of the Billage Counofl.of the Village
of Ed- at an adjourned meeting thereof held on the 27th of April 1918
!the meeting vas called to oPder by the President a& all members
B.B,l?hompson from EorningsTde stated that some sarplus dirt,mhich
mere present.
had been taken from a basemen$?, vould be given to the Village if th837 would pnt it on Grimes avenne just north of 44th sPrreet and also .
rseqtzested that a little grading be done on Grimes avenue Prom 44th
street nopth, The matter was refered to the Rod & Bridge cornnittee.
Eomiagside Road, requesting tbt the inside boulevam3 on the soath side
of XoPnSngside Road between Eakon, Placet and G~imes aveme be made 18 inches
midep so that the sideval., vhen laid, voula be on a line with the side-
valk east of Baton Place, Trustee Vessey mde a motion that the request of
the petitioners be granted and that the inside boulemra on the south
side of Xiorningsicle Road bebeen Eaton Place and Grimes avenue be made
four and one blf feet wide. Yhe motion was carried.
east line of Brekley ReigMs was talrea up and Geo Ha Budd the Villa+p
engineer, submitted the following figures. In running a straight grade
from France avenue to %be east line of Berkley Heights there mould ba
3150 yarols of airt to move, and in rurming a grade level vith Fmnca Ase.
fop a distance of 125 feet and 8 straight grade from that point to the
east line of BerUey Heights there would be 1250 yaMs more or 4400 yards
of dirt to move,
!There vere a mmBer of residents 02 Berlcley Hieghts present at the
meeting an8 they argued'strong3y for the grading of Snmyside avenue as
soon 8s possible as it vas a great necessity and in iP;s pressnti comlitioa
it was almost impossi'ble to use it,
Gm. Fairbairn was present ~'lith his attomeg and as 'tho proposed
grading is entirely and vholly thrmgh his property Xr, Pairbairn staPted
that he wanted the surplus dirt deposited on the north side of the
stroeet and onto his property. Er Fairbairn contended that %here vas a
jog In the street and that Smnyside avenue as platted in Ravelaniil Park
aoes not join squarly with Sazlflgside avenne as pilatted in Beraey Heigbts
and that there is a jog of -Welve and one half feet at the mest side of
his proporty, He f?zrthsr stated that if the Village deposited the surplurJ
dirt from Sqside avenue onto his property immediately ~102th of the
s%met he vould not claim any damages but if the Village haula the dirt
elsewhem, vhich he claims they have no rigbt to do, he mould ask an8
claim damages.
8 straight grade from that point to connect'vith the grad& portion in
BerkXQy Heights, bat he finally %reed to accept a gradual gm3s a12 the
way %hPOUgh.
settlement of the grade of Sumyside avenue m%il the, adjourned masting
of the council to be held saturday Uy 4th at the school house.
The question of the disposition of the dirt from Swnysiae avenae
vas refered to the road and bridge committibe to be reported at the meeting;
Cn motion the meeting adjourned to &y 4th at 8 o'c1ocfrP.LT. at
the school house,
A petitionnas presented, signed by eight property owners on
!be qnestion of grading Sunnyside avenue from France avenue to the
Ere Fairbairn ststad that he mould like Pro bve the gmde of Sumysidei.
avenue run ob 8 levelaith Fmnce avenue for a distance of 100 feet
On motion of %matee Vsasey it vas decided to leave the final
nr 4th.