HomeMy WebLinkAbout19180511_REGULAREinu%as of the proceedings of the Village Counoil of the Village of Edina at; a re,gLLarmeeting thereof hard on %he 11th day Of IhY 19180 6. !me hiouncil met; at the Hall and ms called to orrjler by thQ Pmslden% B.T. The mad and bridge committee reporPied on the petition of R.C.EIoom fox? a mereon, Allmembera being present, The minutes of the Pe@aPmeofAng of&rgl 13th and $he spacial meetings of April 2Pth wrd Wy 4thrrere read an8 rtpprovod. road on %he north ana south mater line of the IT.@. 1/4 of Section 8 Tmshlp 116 Ranm 21 a118 statca that in their opinion a mad along the line as sfatsr2 in tba petti- tion WOUILI be too expensive. R.C.Noore ms present at %he meeting and atatad tbt if the eoumilmuld ta%e the propor staps 9;o acquire the right of my fos the rod, that he would pay for the right of vay a3ld also for the grading. %0 matter was again refersd to %be mad Ur Hoognar roquaattzit that Aurora avenue be graded north.02 #th street in aecor&mcs with an agroemext of the Villa- Council in 1916 in cronalaemtion of a deed from Irlr, Hoogner aW others for one half of %&e stpee%, The matter m3 liefered to the road and bridge comittse. Park, for a sidewalk on the west side of Broobide avenue from the rnoirth limits of Jc: Edina to the right of my of the llimaapoli8 and St Paul Suburban R.R* fight 02 m.~. Idre Hazzard andUr. Uorse, residen-s of St Lou50 Park, mer% present and stat& that a like petition had been pm~mtea eo the St LOU$$ Park Council for their part of the valk, !Phe petition was refered to ?he road and bridge committee. Nr Xills asked for some gravel on the east side of Brookside avenue $us% north of the Lucius station. Befered to the road and bridge cornnittee. The question of widening Brookside avenue ms taken up anti figures vera su3mitted by %he pragerty. owners whose frontage would be effected, as fo1lovs:- I3,V.Harris otnzing 310 feet front sulmitted 0956.80 as thO amount of damgas he nonM expact if %Ee neat siae of Brookside avenue mas extended south to the Inlierlachsn Boulevard oszd $65OOeO if the nes% line ma Joged east 10 feet* Brookside avenue vas extentled to the Intsrjlachen Boulevard and $250.00 if' %here vas a ld Soot Jognrade in the otreelt, John Jorgensen owning 439 feet front asked $1000000 for ZBe lad ad 0700*00 dwws to the improvements if the west side of Brookside avenu@ vas extended to the Intsrlschen Boulevard and $650.00 for the la apd $350.00 for improvement8 if them mas a 10 foot jog mate in the street. Eirs John Jorgensen owning 240 feet front asked $4'5.00 for the land if the west side of Brookside avenue ms extended to the Interlachen Boulevard and $275.00 if there was a 10 foot jog rmle in the street. Tmstee Rerrett We a motion that %he question oddamages be laid on the tablo until the June meeting. Garried. Trustee Vind m&e a motion that the president appoint a comittge of 3 to confergith the Dm PatchEngineer and find out if their vest right of my fence is on the west line of %heir property betmeen the south line of Brookside Terrace aad the Interlachen Bouleva@d. The motion carriea and the prasident appointed C.B.Parmcey, Geo.D.Vess6y awl S.C,Hemett. have petitioned the Village Council of thb Villago of E+iina, to lay a sidemlk on the vest side of Elmel. zvenue from Bomingside Rotzd to a poirmP; 300 fae't n0rth.o.E 2Jorningside Road and %bat the necsssary resolution be pawed to give effect thereto, ROV therefore be it r0eo'LPed by the Village council of the Village of Ediw that a cement sidmld 4 feet vide bo and the same is heraby ordered to be constructed ox the vest s9de of Elmer avenue from Morningside Road to a point 300 feet north of Xorningsidts Road. Trustee Herrett made a motion that the clerk gat bids for the sidemalT9 ox Elmer avenne. carried lpbe follming resolution vas passedg lEBREAS, on the 13th day of April 1918 H.J.&udsen vas, by resolution, appofntad Raad Patrolman for the Villas of Edia and has reRzaed to accept the position Be if RESOLVED, 5% Geosge Hersstt be ern;ployed as Rod Pa%rolmaZl for the Village of Edimat a salary of $150.00 per monthfrom the 15th day of&y to the 15th day of November 1918; one half of said salzrg to be paid by the Vfllage of minz ard one half of said salaPg to be gpaid by the Comty Boar4 of Eemeq5.pr COm%y. The duties of said Road Patrolman vi11 bo to do road mrk on rmds aesignated by Village Councll azd approveil by the County Board. Said Road- fa%mlmm to devo%a all of his time with team to said mork. bridge conimittee . B petition signed by 60 rseidents of 3rooksids in the Viflage of St Loafs G.LSachs ovinins 90 feet front asked $500.00 dmagcss if the nest side of Imstse Tessey offered the following resolution and moved its adoption, I%IEREAS a majority of the property omem on the vest side of Elmer avome The resolution was passedo . Skq 11th continued 7 The folloving resolution was passed. lVBEREAS, the road ere17 have asked that they be paid twice a month for their work a& mereas, the cost of living has increased ani3 the length of credit has been shortened aad mereas 1% io ha^ to get a road cmw on account of the scarcetg 03 labor and trancients vi11 no& work if they have to wait a month for their wages, Xow TPlereforu Be it RESOLVED by the Village Cowoil of the Village of Etiilla that the clerk be End he is hereby authorized and mponrared to issue orclers semi-monthly to the road cmw according to the time book of the Strset eonmissioner and that the oouncil shall m%ify the payments at the next regular m&#ting of the coUaeilr George D Veasey, S.C.FfematG and Paul Vind vere appointed Ju.dgas am3 B.T.Emeraon and C,B.Yancey were appointed Clerks for the Primary Election. Trustee Vind -de a motion that the clerk be instructed to purcWse two new ballot boxes before the. Frimariea, Carried. Trustee Vind made a motion that there be 3s bullitin bifiards 3ft by 3 ft and four danger sipp2ls made and that Wesley Rutledge be employed to me ana paint them. The motion prevailed.. The report of the road amd bridge comnittee was read and accepted. Bills were aditca and allowed as follows. Albssrt Antlerson Uorris luaylsen Uock Peterson Jmes Esya.la A Smuelsara Grog Tmcy Geo Hesrett Claw Johnson Ed BBerglmd Hpls Geii Else Co Jo1m Rorrison Geo H Budd We S JOY Ro& vork 19 tf 1l E tl lt 11 ?l SP, Commissioner Street Lights Gravel Garades and surveys Committee n0X-k 6*00$ 3.72 V’ 114.00 $4 114.00 -1 89.00 y/ a7,oo 11’ 54.00 \/’ 33600 14.48 ,.r‘ 76.00 d 56,85 d 41 85 \-’ 70.00 4 P2,OO u‘ Thoro Wing no further business