HomeMy WebLinkAbout19180914_REGULARThe meetinp :~as called to order by the President, B, T. Emerson, all members being present. The minu"ces of %he meeting of Augusti 10th tcTere read and, ' on motion, approved, Phillip Baclmm appeared before the Cowzcll and requested that inmaking the appropriation for 1919 the ~ouncil consider mpzwvfng Xerses Avenue. The matter was refferred to the corn- mfttee of %hi? vhole, J. C, Pears@ appeared before the councfl and requested %hat a cross rmlk be put acboss JIorslingsEde road on the vest side of fiance Avenue. Tms'cee Vesscy mrde a moLiovz that the TequesL be grant&* Yotion carried, A petktlon for 8 curb and gut;ter on the nest side of Grocker Avenue from rlorningside Road to 8. point 300 feet a?or)th v3.s pre- senked, signed by seven p~operty omners. %e pe%%%ion also ask- ed for an electric ligM on Crocfrer Avenue at a point 250 Pee% north of IIornTngslde Road, On motLon of Trustee Vesssy the petition vas rejected. A connumication vas receivgd from Job Jorgensen in rThic'il he stated %ha% he vould accept $550.00 damages $*or 8 fLf%y POOL road on Brookside Avenus, measured from tihe Dan Patch fence, Trsustee Wind mde a motion that %he question of BrooksLde Avenue bc left open until definite information had been receaa- from the su-rveyo-r, IIotfon carried. Avenue Sokh *on Ffftieth Street to F€f%y-Ffrst Streek . Zot%on carried, The folloi-:ing bills vere aubfted and alloved: Trustee Herrett mads a motion that the Village g~ase2. R-ance James Ryan L Hanson E. Shepherd E. Berglund 17. Be%tschar% !kck Petemon B. S. Joy George Rerrett Npls. Gen'l Elec. Go, Bren Bros. Bertelson Bros e John Klopp Js'm Lilja riobert Eatson ?'in. Bettschart 5; Hanson Xack Peterson James Ryan FI, S. Joy ~ohn A. Petepson & Son George Hem&% George Vess ey S. C. Hem&% B. T. Emerson Road vork It 11 1t It li I? l! 11 t? If Sidewalk and ~trall Road pnBrolmn Committee work Road vork Board of Reviesv 15 - The tax levy for the corning year vas discussed and Trustee Re-rrett made a mo-bion that !$P2,000.00 be le~rled for general expenses fcv 1919. Motion Carried. There being no further business meetang adjourned,