HomeMy WebLinkAbout19181010_REGULARTEIXTJTiS OF TIE PJjOCEEDIlTGS OF TE-IE VILLAGE OF EDLXA AT E3LD OCTOBER loth, 1918. The meet%ng BBS called to order by the President, E. T. The &-nv.%es of the mee%lng of Sep.tclnbea? 14th mre read and George Budd, the surveyor, presented 8 mp of Brookside Enerson, all members being present except Paul Tlfnd. on motion approved as read. Avenue from Seventh Stmct to Interlachen Eoulevard, shorkng the vfdth Lo be 68.4 feet from the Dan Patch fence to the nest 1Sne of B-rookside Avenue at Seven%h Street, and 67.2 feet from the Dan Patch fence to the west line OS Brookside Avenue extended at Interlachen Boulevwd. and Trustee Herrett mde a motion that, the r~idth of Brookside Avenue be laid on the table uyltil the full council ms present, lrotion carried. The auestfon of' the rridth of Brookside Avenue 173s diacu.ssed The Clerk presented a requesL from F. C. Penneg, in :?M.ch pennag asked to have some vork done on the road be'tvesn Sections 7 and 18, Twp 116, Range 21, leadlng into his place, as the roi?,d FBS impassable under extstfng condikions. mittee meet rxth I@. Penney at the location of the foad he de- s-ired improved ::ondqt October 14th, at 1 o'c7,ock p. m, Yo- tron carried. Tpus'tee Besseg made a moPtion that the Road and Bridge Com- A petition mas read from El. Be Rasmussen, asking for the rading of Forty-Fifth Street r7est of Grimes Avenue. The pe- &tion ras referred to the road and bridge ccimittea. Tlzs folloving bills were audated and allomed: Robert Tatson 37. Bektschart Jazes Ryan ;Tack Peterson A. Bettschart George Eerrett Bren Rros. Vm. Bettsc'knart James Ryan Xack Petsron V. S, Joy C, B. Yancqr Russell Grade-r Xfg Co :.Ell er-De vis Ca . Bertelson Bros James Blake ~~1s. Gen'l Elec. Co, George HerretPl 77. S. JOY- -* Road rro& cr. q 18 oo/' 78 OO? 30 O@ 1,' !I 0 11 It 72 00 ,i it it 48 001 9 001, 75 00) Comiissioners supplies 5 30, Road t*rork 27 0068 72 OOf 72 QOt/ 48 OOj tI It lt n It lt 1t tl It rt 11 II Salary 46 00 Repatrs 7 75d Eye1e.S; %chine 8 60 :' Supplies 3.5 lo 11 Board of Health 50 00 I/ Street LTghting trro moiiths 113 76 1.4 Road Patrolman 75 00 11 There beZng no fu~r%her busfness tneeting adjourned to 0c-L. l5%h, at 8 p. m.