HomeMy WebLinkAbout19181214_REGULARMIMUTES. OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE VILLAGE . COUXCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA AT A REGULAR F!EETZMG HELD DECEIBER 14thy l(33Ae The meeting 7'18s ca,llcd to order tqy the Pres-ldent, B. To The minutes OB the meeting OP November 9th were read and, E. 8. Harris a.ppeared before 'the Council and stated that Emersonp all members being present. a on motlon, approved, the offer of $125eOO for damages on Brookside Avenue vas too ~OTT, and further stated that he consid-ered $f75900 to be a fair G, ?I. Swhs stated that he vould accept $60,00 daritages damElg@ providfnrr the grade of the street mas not chz.npd In front of MF pr opGrty. C. B. Yancq made 8 motion that E. I?. Harris be offered ?S,5OeQO dmwges, and that G. IvI* Sa.chs be offered $55.00. The motion cawedg and E, Sl. Harris and G. PI. Sachs accep"tsC 'the Onfw 9s rra-dc, fcs.mw of E. TT. Harris for $15OeOO and G. PI, Sachs for $55.@0, and. fop JohE Jorgensen for $475.00, and that they be held by %he clerk until. 8, deed vas given. Notion carrfed. A pIz'% of South Addition to AdaPIh Yeshurwn GemeterJr vas piresented to the Couricil, and on mot-ion of' Paul Tifnd, the plat Trustee vessey made a motion that VJBYOPZil~S ha Z,n&v- fn Tms cccepled. The fo2loning bills were audited and allorred: RoRd mgrk 11 'I Road 'Patrolman Rofd mg~k Cross ing Salary and postage Committee rrork s%ree% Hghtlng Dampes I1 72 00 I" 72 00 ti 48 00 &,/ 93 00 .J 42 00 u' 96 00 i-' 64 00 \ ' 24 00 J 21 oov' 43 50d 42 OOV 29 3.6 50 00 7 50 L.8 56 881 475 00 d There beFng no Puther business meetlng adjou-rned.