HomeMy WebLinkAbout19190412_REGULAR25
Tho zitnutes of ths preaesding me%ing were read and approved, as
Emtin Tingale pramn-ted. the plat of i~Eol?ilslplEzale Thin3 Addition" for acceptaxe by the Council, He filed a'bomrd with the Comcil
Lo cover the grading of '~h8 streets in the
mde a rrotlon %Bat the Plat and Bond be acepted, The motion carriedp
aiIdi%iQn aEil 'I'nustEe Winf3
A patition vas presented to the council requesting the name
of Halifax Avenue be changed to Homewood Avenue, !he petition was i"
refer& to the Road and Bridge comi%tee.
5 petitionvas premnted for a street light at the inlersectioa of
"irttomm aveme a-nd Eendslssohn Road- and also one light a% the EIirror
Lske crossing an5 the Mendelfisahn Road, The petition was refer& to
committee on public Utilities,
A petition was presentea for a sidmmlk and. crossings on Smmyside
Avenao elso for sidewalk on Curwe avenue. Ths petithon ws mEcrelT to
tho Road mil Bridze committeem
Tho following appointments vere made for the yearo Dr4 Jmeo Blake
178s n-ppointed zs Bealth Officer. WR hdessonwm appoinbd 8 member
of the Soar8 of Health for three years, George S Grimes VELB appointst3
as Village AWomey, The Hemepin County Enteqrioe vas desigmhd. as
the official paper for the yesr,
!Et10 quostion of the appoinbent of the Strset Commissioner vas
takm up and on motion it was decid-ea to cast an infoma1 ba3.loP; for
ths nomination, Five ballots were cast for V S Joy for street comiaaisner
On motion %he infomml ballot was'made formal and 1'; S Joy was appoint&.
Stwet comissionero
Tmateo l71118- made a motion that the Clerk bo paid $lS,OO a nonth
fur his semicc~~ Carrie&,
%he Prasidsnt appoinksd the following comit%ees.
EOdf) .LI\D BRIDGE - Geo D Vessey - chairman
Paul Vind
S C Herrett.
II r, Ona'czd
Paul Vind.
- chairman
April 12th continued..
!?he qmstion of tools vas discassea and %E.,@ strEer comissionor
ststeed that tho grader mas in very bad contlition ons shoulB be reglaceti
with 8 nm one. C B Yweoy PI& ¬ion that the Itoa3 an8 Bridgo
commi%;tee buy a nm four horso Xussell Grader cuzd an3 other tools they
sonsidered necessary for the yeesm equipante The ltotion carried.
Tnusttoe HorrztP, made a motion that Harley rind be appointea Road-
Fztro%lmn ar-5. *&%* he be paid entirely by the Yillege if the CamQ
Ccmissfoners did not contioue to pay half. The motion cerricd*
Paul Kixa mdo a motion t?mt the Road Patrohan be peid $?.c\O EL
day for himself and tea, Carried.
Trustee 7esaey made a motion that the time of meetin? be cwnged from
2:30 POL to 7:30 F.U. the motion czrried.
There being no furthm business 'the meotins addourned.