HomeMy WebLinkAbout19200410_REGULARTfio ~reetinr;. vas called. to order by the Prasident R S Ssnsen All mm.bem
m?re FrGsenL and. answered to the roll call, The pinrites bf the meetin5 of
I'smh 1Xti- srere read an6 approved..
Tmstce T@saey reported that he ha6 seen Comty Commissioner Taddell about
tEs ro& crusher and stated that Vaddell was not in favor of tarnins the rock
onisher over to the Tillage of E8ina becausethe County might 17ant to use it
frm time to time, but that the Tillage could we the crusher at any tire
A petitim sigaed by 15 tax payers, was presented. to tile Coucil, asking
that the Olinger road bo graveled from tho Eden Prairie road- to %be Cahill
road, Che petition YEW refered to the Xoad and Bridye Committee.
A request ~*ms received from B P Grwnet asking Pemissioa to cut the trees
Gn-k of Curve avenv.e adjacent to his property. FIX request nas refered to,the
Ro& md 9ridSe Cormittee,
ves%al request was made for Ilrs Beltzer for pemission t~ take the trees
af?joiniay b*>r prcpertp on 45tk strzet. Oil motion of Tmstee Vessey the PrEsi3en.t
YPC 'auti-oriac6 to rant the permission requested proveded the trees f7ere
Tmi?htd and not CU~ off.
S Joy IXLS nc.ni-mteri for Street Comr5ssioner an?. there being no other a
vote vas i';a:cen anti Y s JOY vas wzilimous1y elected. as strest comissiuner.
n ~mstee Teaser made a motion thzt the Hsancpin Count7 Cnteqrlss be
desigp.te8 as the ofriciel paper for tbe 7illalc;e ol" Efiixa. %e ~ii3PiLosf. =as
seconaetl an3 carrial.
?~I..sGOQ veess;r nrzcle a motion %bat the Street Conmissioner keep a cmplste
recod of all of the mad. cork dGne in the Village and. ale0 tk2 cas% of
each seyrate pLece of cork, The motion carrfed.
5' S Ckiild, representin2 the Rennspin County Agrioultural Association, asket3.
the Council to contribute toixird the su.pporr3 of tlie Association. FIe state$
that the various TOTIIS an8 Villa5:ss of the Countg tere contribvtiny frm &0.00
to .:,~1@Qoc3~~a~~ %kat the distribution of the monez covld be rt3d.o acco~ili~y to t'n?
wishes of the Camc%l. Trustee Kind rm3e a motion that ;;loO,on be ay$r~~~riatecI
hy the Villaye of Eaina to be distributed accordin? to the Tishe:: of %ie Covmil,
tke Eotion ras s~eorded 7-8 cerried,
Trustee Vesse~ offered the folloring resolution and mrrvod its ad.op%fon*
?"Shereas s Tetition hs been presented to the Comtz Board sf I-'emepin Co?;l.itg,
LXmesota, jpy5nz for the alterztion of County 3oaa :To, 56 in tke VIllaga of
Edina 8s follor?~: Beginning at the HortheasPI corner of Section 31, ?c~zsLip 25
Torth, %nge 24 Test of the 4th P, €1. thence South 377 chains Yuence Sauth 9
bgrees %as% 7,05 chsi-as to a point L11 chains %ast of the %as% line 02 said
Section 31, thence South 4.;- degrees Test 15,151 chins la ssid Esct line of
Section 31, ti1eEce South 14 chains to the East quarter comer of said 3ezf:lun
TO be altered 2s follOt7s:
Beginning at the TTartheast comer Of Section 31, ?Gt=nlBhip E$, Ibrth, 8s:n~e
24 Tiest of tlie 4th P. thence South on the 3:as.l; line of Sest~lon 31 9~ ??.e
East quarte-i. ccIIwer erf said Section 31, said road to be 661 feat in aidtlJ., 38
f'eet on each of the above described center line.
*- Resolved tbt salt? Eatition be and hereby is in rll rezpwts izpyrlmeL
;id 03 t sa ,