HomeMy WebLinkAbout19200716_ADJOURNEDTGSOLWD, by the Ffflage Conmil of the Villa@ of Edim: Ti. Wm C PXI&~J.Z Comoncing at a pint 300 ft ITorth from Southesst comer of Solathi~eaC quar'tsr (ST,'l) of Southosat quarter (SEZ) 09 Scation Sevon (7) , Tomiship %ionty-slght (28) Range Trienty- four (24) ; thence W 345 ft, thence IT 100 ft. thence Swly parallel w&th the Eiirncsapolfe and St Pan1 Buburban Railway Company's right of cay to a pointA.445-5/10 ft VI from the E line of said Southwest quarter of Southeast qwmter, thence H to the Southerly line of said right of my, thence Northeasterly along said right of vay to tho East lino of said Sout&?est quarter of Southeast qvarter, thence South to. poini; of beginuzin~,-----7-88-24- ' $161~25 Conrmencing 345 ft West of a point 220 ft Xosth of SQutheast comer of Soutbmst quarter (%e-) of Southeast quarter (SEZ) o€ Sectionn Smen (71, Tomshhip kentr-eight , ( 28 ) Range !hentg-f ow (24) , thence W 100-5/10 ft, thence 17 80 Et, thence E. 100-5/10 Et, %henee S 80 ft to beginning. 7-28-24 75.38 45 Comoncing 265 ft Feat of a point 220 f-k of Southeast comw of Soukliuaet qZrarter (SFA-) of Southeast quarter (3x2) of Section Scaou (7) Tomship T?.ren%y-e ighf (28 ) , Rmsc Tvontpfour (24) , thence I? 80 ft, %hone0 3 80 ft, ~BE~CB S 80 Pt, thonee E 80 ft to beginrmin~, ---?-28-24- 6 60000 Commencing 220 ft North of Southeast corner of Southvest quarter (Sa-) of South- atrct quarter (SE?) of Section Seven (71 Tamship ’itrrenty-eQht [ 28 ) Raqy Tmnfy=Ponr [24), thence H 80 Pt, thonco F 135 Et, thence S 80 ft, thence E 135 ft to beginnix* 7-28-24 3 GCIsQO C D Bljlrer Glareme H Ringham Joseph €I BalWf Ida J Botches. . .. DESCRIFTTOB 03'. SAKD Goo~ge Fk~~Uing Commencing ols the Vest line of Blook Sixteea (16) "lavelanrl Park at a point 66 ft Sonth of the Morthwst come^ thereof, thence Sou-kh 103 ft, thence E 185-33/100 ft, thence PToiP'thmsterlg to a point as the Southeasterly line of %he right of way of the Ximrteapoils and St Paul Suburban Xafk7ay company 188 ft Northeasterly from the poi& of begimins:, thence Southwesterly %a beginning..---------- We25 Ben"ljert L Lxon Commencing 30 f-3; East of a point 269 ft South of IToFtht7es-3; comer of ~1oc'l.; Sixteen (16) wawa3ld Park, thence S 56 ft, thence E 300 2% to East line of said Bloclr 16, Tlavelmd Palel-,,thence M 56 Et, thence T? 300 f% to beginninge --------------- . $) 42,OO