HomeMy WebLinkAbout19200911_REGULARa €IIE?UTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE VILLAGE 1920 COUIJCfL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDII?A AT A WGULAR HEETII?Ct THZREOF HELD ON T€E 11th DAY OF SEPTEEBER, Minutes of the two previous meetings 17em read and approved. A.delegation from Broneon Ave. mere present and reported that they nere not yet prepaxed to go through t7ith their projest to straighten Bronmn Avae They asked 'a. Gsimee, village attorney who ma present, if the village could lqally finance their projeot if they had one that wa8 agreeable to every one. work on Bronson Ave. as soon as the-money mas forthconing and an agree- ment hsd been reached betneen Melvin Grimes and the petitioners, ?&. Grimee add that they could. On motion of Child, Herrett was inetruclrted to proceed vitah the Ur. Griaes regorted $ha% he had served written notioe on Skones Ala0 reported that he had prepared an agreement vfth Nr. Peterson to remove their 44th Street fence but that they had not dona 80. in regard to keeping the snow from his stone trall on 44tb Street. Peterson refused to sign. -Residents of Halifax Ave. asked to have their street graded and . mere told that if they could get a quit claim for the needed land, their request would be granted, On motion of Trustee mind - 1Wnwqmbie Fire Department bills vere laid on the table. Trustee Herrett moved that the Clerk be-directed to send a bill t~ I&. Lindsley on Brooke Avs. for $40.00,foac gravel nith a notice that legal means mould be taken to cobleot if they money mas not forthcoming. Hotion carried* Trustee Vessey moved that the resalution in regard to a ditch through Va0 I&. Russell land be passed and that Harley Vind be allorred the 00x1~ tract for same at $541.31. Notion casjcied. Trustee Herrett moved that Clexk be instructed to oa11 for bids $02 The fo1lot"rng bills tfere read and ordered paid: sidenalk on SunnyRicie Ave. Alotion carried. John Costello 8, Sa Joy John Traoy Tom Fite Fred 'Dliller Russell-Grader Mfg.- Dr James Blaks. S, CeH8r~et% De F ,MoGui 3% ~arleg Rind Robert Visnon Hzrold Cooper C,B,Yancey Fared S. Child R.L,Jensen lfpls General Electria Co. JIEoLilja v, %Joy John Tracy John Costello Harley Rind Paul Wind Jim BurfrenQS G~o. Do V~SS~Y Tea Street Commissioner Team Work Labor Culvijr%e et& Health Departmenti SaLq Team Flork Team Work Labor Team Vosk Labor Salary n Salary and hauling I1 Salarg Blacksmithing Street Cornmi ss ionsr Team Vork Salary n n $166.25 75eOO 105 . 00 49 e50 49 . 50 269.28 15Q . 50 28 000 166.25 366085 92.25 188025 103 50 46.00 9%60 32e75 33.50 65 e 63 lh.40 75eOO 77 e 63 136.67 X92.47 39 50 Ar t hur Jens en Torn Fite Fred Miller Fred Olson We Bettchart Fred Olaon W. Webber L. Stalzrnan s . r: . ~e rret t 0 I (September 11th Continued) Team Work Labor Team Work Labor Labor Labor and team n- n n Total Meeting adjourned. Clerk - I 53 1 $197.92' 42.18 47 27 206 67 99 26 IO3 . 25 110 . 34