HomeMy WebLinkAbout19210409_REGULAR'\ 82 UINUTES OF THE: PROCEEDINGS OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA AT A FEGULAR lEETING THEFIEOF HELD ON THE 9th DAY OF APRIL, 1921 Regular meeting of the Village Council. of the Village of Edina in the Grange Hall. * All members of the board mere present. I' The minutes of the ?larch meeting vexe read and approved. II. S. C. Henett presented his resignation as Councilman and the E9rs Clarenoe F. Prescott va,s appointaa to sucoeed I&. Herrett. Mr. Preecott ma8 pressnt, qualified and took I&. Herretees plaos Thoa. Eyte asked to have the road repaired leading frow the main resignat ion was accepted. in the meeting. road to his farnr. Referred to R. & Bo Committee. E.L,Etlodlin appeared and asked to have' the road parallelling c831 track8 at Bl&e and running west graded and gravebed. was referred to the R. Se Be Committee. On motion ht It mas moved by Vessey that men be paid on the basis of an 8 hour day for grading and 9 hours gravelling. Seconded by Knudsen a;hd . - carried, Vessey and carried. be paid $5.00 per day. Carried. . IJoved by Child that teams be paid @7,00 per day. Noved by Vessey and seconded by Knudsen that Street Csmissiones Seconded by Moved by Vessey and aeoondad by Knudsen that a road patrolman be Eoved by Vessey that the patrolman be empowered to hUe a aan ~a: Uoved by Vessey and seoonded by Knudsen that patrolman be paid &loved by Vessey that clerk be paid $20.00 per month. Carried, Moved by Vemey that Geo. S. Grimes be appointed village attorney, Zoved by Child that Hennepin Coun%y Enterprise be made the asgab Moved by Vessey that James Black be appointed Health Conmissioner. J.T.Delaney, V.R.P!nderson and Paul Vind were mmint%t8d and on It ma$ moved by Vessey that President Delaey be appointed Chairmzdn employed. Carried. man and team a8 necessary. $8.00 per day. Carried. Motion seoonded and passed. Carried. paper, ldotion seconded and passed. Motion carried. motion appointed to Board of Health, of the road and bridge committee and that he appoint the other two members. Motion seconded and passed. I&. Delaney appointed Geo, Vessey and C.F.Preaaott as th8 other tmo members. On motion of Veseey J.P,Larsen ma appointed surveyor. It vas moved by Vessey and seconded by Knudsen that Child be a made Chairman of Public Utilities Committee, and that entire ljoarcjl act nlth him. Motion carried. 9 (April 9th Continued) \63 Moved by Veassy that all teams must have a gravel box holding Peter Johiison was elected Street Commissioner by ballot . one and one-quarter yards.. Seoonded by Hnudsen and carried. SeC.Herrett WELB elected patrolman by ballot. J.T.Delaney reported a complaint by John Lilja regarding dumping of 1nanUr8 by Fred Sarnpson on Halifax Avs. ordered to ,write Sarnpeon to remove the nuimmoe. On motion the Clerk was a , It wa0 moved by Child that Geo. Vessey direct the purchase of suppliea for the Street Commissioner and road patrol. by Prescott and carried. allonred for committee work. Motion carried. Motion seconded Moved by Xnudsen and seconded by Child that $4.00 per day be Moved by Child that the Treasurer corns to the May meeting with a list of unpaid warrants and accrued interest. passed. held at 7:30 P.M. Motion seconded by Hnudsen and passed. Motion seconded and Moved by Veesey that commencing with May 14th-the meetings be The following bills were read and approved: Ftank Kreal Road & Bridge 8 10.95 Harley mind Clamnee Knudsen n Leo Delaney Mpls General Electric? Co. P. J.Drabek 11 18.00 . . MeDelaney 1 36 20 n 36 10 131 26 Street Lights Gro ceriea T--- Total On motion meeting adjourned, Clerk Village of Edina