HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-11-08 Park Board PacketEDINA PARK BOARD MEETING Tuesday, November 8th, 1977 7:30 p.m. EDINA CITY HALL AGENDA I. Approval of Minutes of October 11th, 1977 II. Planning Request: Z-77-17 & S-77-22 III. Planning Request: S-77-23 IV. Planning Request: 5-77-24 V. Planning Request: Z-77-18 & S-77-25 VI. Senior Citizen Report VII. Athletic Association Report VIII. Capital Improvement Update (Community Development Funds - 1977) IX. Recreation Report OPEN DISCUSSION U L,A,*-,C.AT10N MAP Y :—I\— \tcr r-- HYDE as 1 PARK ..•t :fit ', 'f'^•�•:� J 1 :• ''f t -fir .J— ��;.. S�bO'4PJiE BRAE OR RCHSRY-it1� A N G E :•�r'' 4.s 4 4 '�� t Vit' L� t :'.� '� %.•> � � `` �r. L1 V zoning A G E subdivisiolv-%l Braemar Hills 9th Addn REQUEST NUMBER Z-77-18 & S-77-25 LOCATION: E. of Gleason Rd. extended and N. of W. 7801 Street. REQUEST: PRD -2 to R-1 and R-2 Districts Replat and rezoning of townhouse project for 29 single family and 16 two family villi t of �riirts YLlagP t,{nnrrinY_t{cu�lritt•nt aY •`_ 'rte R r---71 . t '�� t Vit' L� t :'.� '� %.•> � � `` �r. L1 V zoning A G E subdivisiolv-%l Braemar Hills 9th Addn REQUEST NUMBER Z-77-18 & S-77-25 LOCATION: E. of Gleason Rd. extended and N. of W. 7801 Street. REQUEST: PRD -2 to R-1 and R-2 Districts Replat and rezoning of townhouse project for 29 single family and 16 two family villi t of �riirts YLlagP t,{nnrrinY_t{cu�lritt•nt aY PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT November 2, 1977 S-77-25 and Braemar Hills 9th Addition. Generally located east of Z-77-18 Gleaseon Road extended and north of W. 78th Street. PRD -2 to R-1 and R-2 District. Refer to: June 27, 1973 and August 1, 1973 Planning Commission Minutes, Hills of Braemar Town- house graphic, preliminary plat. Four years ago, the subject property was rezoned to PRD -2, Planned Residential District to allow the construction of 132 units in the form of 33 quadraminium buildings. The location of such buildings and appurtenant access roadways are shown on the attached graphic. To date, 4 quadraminiums and a recreation building have been constructed in conformance with the approved development plan for this property. In addition, the property surrounding these completed units has been platted as Braemar Hills 8th Addition. The proponents are presently requesting a rezoning from PRD -2 to R-1 and R-2. A 45 lot subdivision is also requested. As proposed, the 29 lots located in Blocks 1, 2, 3 and 4 would be zoned R-1 and the 16 lots located in Blocks 5 and 6 would be zoned R-2. Outlot A which measures 3.56 acres would be dedicated to the City according to the proposed subdivision. As compared to the previously approved PRD -2 plan, the present subdivision proposes to use essentially the same building sites for R-1 and R-2 dwellings which would have been used for quadraminiums. Stonewood Court which is located northerly of Gleason Road is located on nearly the same alignment as proposed by the previous plan. The alignment of Tanglewood Court has been altered significantly to provide additional sight distance for traffic approaching its intersection with Gleason Road. Excluding existing and planned quadraminiums in Braemar Hills 8th Addition, the present plan proposes a reduction in the total number of dwelling units from 112 to 61 as compared to the previously approved PRD -2 plan. The Planning Commission may recall that the protection of the heavily wooded steep slopes on the property was of such concern when reviewing the previous PRD plan. The present subdivision proposes to limit considerably construction on such slopes and proposes to dedicate most of these areas to the City. Staff is somewhat concerned with the relationship of the subject property with the vacant lands located easterly. The Planning Commission will recall that a development plan entitled Indian Meadows was approved for thi-- property several years ago. However, this property has been sold recently and the present owner has indicated his intent not to proceed with the Indian Meadows concept. Of primary concern to staff is the advisability of extending Stonewood Court on the subject property into the property to the east to provide a secondary means of access. Therefore, staff believes that adequate right-of-way should be reserved to facilitate the extension of Stonewood Court if warranted by the development of the property to the east. Braemar Hills 9th Addition • Page -2- November 2, 1977 Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the requested subdivision and rezoning in that: 1) the proposal conforms with the Southwest Edina Plan. 2) the heavily wooded steep slopes on the site are adequately protected. 3) the realignment of Tanglewood Court is desirable. 4) adequate setbacks from existing and planned quadraminiums are maintained. Approval is recommended with the following conditions and modifications: 1) lots 8, 9 and 10, Block 4 must be identified as an outlot to facilitate the easterly extension of Stonewood Court if warranted. 2) a storm water storage easement must be dedicated on portions of Lots 1, 2,4, 5, and 6, Block 4. 3) an executed deed to the City of Edina for Outlot A. 4) an executed developer's agreement. 5) relocation, removals and re -sealing of existing storm sewers, water services, and sewer services per the attached preliminary engineering report. 6) dedication of a 15 foot wide strip of land on the north edge of Lot 14, Block 4. 7) submission of a suitable landscape plan for Braemar Hills 8th Addition 8) all activities relating to the landscaping and snow removal business located on Blocks 5 and 6 must be terminated and all equipment, materials and supplies removed prior to final plat approval for any portion of the subject property. 9) within 180 days following final plat approval for Blocks 5 and 6, all dwellings and structures located on Blocks 5 and 6 must be satisfactorily removed. A performance bond in the amount of $5,000 will be required at the time of final plat approval to assure removal of such structures. 10) submission of an erosion control plan. IGH:ks 10/27/77 Z•-72-6 r.�?.';c-�:i�� ^».7.r�, i'c::c^.1_. r:�2.5 ro'? - •'.,; ^s^� r. T. ��6 -a 7--73 R;-� t. .• �.:'�zlc_ '�.1•c,��t: c:-_. _�. = _ c.: :�;rL:�. •]. For!", .c n ai z .��. r n :rho:..:1-c_r �_, , :�.� ....... �. t ,�i•i_i;- : r.L �Y=•'1.1.':i $a't..y.3 Y. ;zs.i�i• .,_�":... �', t.rtict ...__ Mrs Luce presented a revised project booklet and j:ci~ ea ou cations :neve been rzacie purau_nt to DY::ict!J FZ_.^.*:a::n Cc.` :aAon sv-,-e3tic:a, la=;cn Load will ccnnoct to 73th Strect east of Mazn Road, goal of leaving Drrenar Puri: eu.zou-nced by Load r''2;ht of v:a� rind of :laLr ng P 784.:h S6 *:o3t: co:u-icct to Gleason v t hin the Vil a ;e 1-2-mits. 'The hen to 4.67 units per acro, rind the tcE:agr---hy and veg:►:a:t:ion at th•s rorthc:_r: e:ld of the site w4l"I be p_asa vad. A CJ1 p* cr!:r;:y hill beea pu -ch :scd so tie neo j cc% is "ta--I ly planned" and any prot-ris_ons into the site lin-i.-a been e' fminatad, Appro::i- �$tezy acres of .p--rkl= d vill "t:a dcvnt:ed to the Villr: were ;:n ,:_ll aont--- i -;te about ran acr3 to t hc! dc: elOL:ie ::; c -.-:3h ::aa t he r.=cu-.It Oi '' cf .he Ir-iJ lc':a(l value Of additic' 1. acreage necessary to the f=-11 pc.rl..'.and ba receivc_t in li-_u of Lha land dcaution, Pend v -ill b:9 in acesr-'trice with the So.. �.:::art Edina ct o.�l acs r ,, y . i' ^ct'•- c - �.:''' *= "i :3 Co ,'-T �L 'i, Tire arc:. ".e 1: s ate: o �.e:l ria .: that &II dri-,ra3 comz from tha sides Of Che C:..1.1Li::�� GDdS.•Fn- th:9 'rGr-t of ..`1e -,-nil--n and all=.:rins the garage stalls to L•c scrz:zacd. Xr. Lz%e-a r.eccz=�-need :_pprc Y 32 .:or the reasons otated in the staff report, Mr. HL ;:les questioned tl:c, cut rind fill invrolvcd, nrd ''Ir. Tet::e e--Ani:ned the only cc.tir:3 is in that arca Wilicil ilc9 alread;• UC:c'ri erc�-Lvrtcd to ror•n3 off '41-2 slope and g_v;:e sora topogrs.phy to the uni.t-. Zee filli:n.- on top of the Bill i- w'nor, the grade 1:3 90* and has to be filled to 1✓r:ca a n:i.ope rather th::n c ctasp grr-13. In reply to M -e. Ilu,)hen, the es;-cicpe:7 slid the pr Zee All. range to $60,000 per lniit. Each four mit bul_? ding trill tppaar as a Si.:igl a t=a.r_E:y :loins. 2tr. 1;ern ccf.ancled the c?c.f.,1ep:.rs fci^;, a s:e,ll p :-rl: dc. linti,:ial yet request -7-n- lens &M-, ty than wo ild have b --,oil undZi: the .:OL'::bw: !St �-J -n 3 1 la.l. Piro l�i!i'. .2. 1:12_-;1 Mc rcd Co-accpi: Z y)Z: `71:1 l:c to 1ci repo i . Ur.. D-' a -I S'i:.Co.ai:a ' 1..:� :'::' LL':i •a :171 '70i 'il 3'3. Pl,1Z:;.iia C' .:l tion i•^_..'.o ZJ-73-6 Re ccs_ tion T - s� n• Pr_.rcc'..s I: 2 ,_IC -211, E' : 3825. S, S., T �ll 717-21, .:r 1 c: (� cf �-' and no:c th c_ D1: �iiCi: CC -2 �: ''_:� ]L}t S:OC.af:�:? -.1 r _Lj.• .r, r L DF T:?Lr+p._ l•tEll t i'T �):`i :ti'r ? iJ'1.'�� • � Mr, Luce refe-"anted the pro -lest booklet proviced by the proponent, and noted final 3evelopzzant plan ap? ov al is --requested for `'C;;nio.�,irii:ns for Edina". =ile final dev3i 7inent p3.ana conform to tl:a concept ap?meal gra.zt.ed, therefore approval r(:CO1SV:3':'•3d, iUr the rCu::. 15 Sti:'aE�l in the st:�a'_L Zarort, sv0ject to an Fl, roJC'.3 plaC, tra:..i.:_r of title-- prior to rin.:.1 d2•7alopmcnt plrn r p?zovsl by tha Council, r.nd revocation of the pen -n - t haid by J, A. Da.1.2ns,. lie explained that becru:.e t:::a developr,_nt pians ap-*noved IIra Laced on the exi:,ting grades, the zoning sLould be dt.::;ied if any further :;rndi-r,-, occurs. !f Jt:ck -t!cl.lt,r: the r..ch'tc:ct, pl-e:ne:?t,ld s^viral character sketches of ., ;:''s i'.nd exto j or pis:li:�r� , 711 ':c;%I (:O IVVI;:109.3, Ie noted two L•edruoa the urtit % un':'lta vile r --:!Il fol $48,000 to `7 n .7., and i'lao bedroc, i and den unit:. gill sell :`or to $7Q,'1: 7, mors a: a 33 bvi::c!llg::; 1:1 are split. lc%ela and 21 are two stoner.. 1'f•_, Runyan r.o--ed the re7ril{:.;; from 1? -i -.o I'RT.-•2 aad the final develop'3'nt p;:.nu be ,.r:rayed, late: the r,:r �d 1y LIM! eta::f. Mr. Ilughes scc:one.ed the. rictio.l . fill aur.cd :-v,: ^.d„ _ .1• ♦ . �`� : -_- .ter �._::.. i a=-.. `♦�• ' o / � 7 1 .Ile ol OD .f 1 MARTM ROAD - - '\r '- %• �d�� filo n �� ... .. •' •• 1 j' f'1 e ' � t q� .�► �i�tl 01 Y� s� il�r�:'� '�c'n`u3�r" .l�u� 13 5 for �a.�:, ��VILLA GErASSXIMES'OF ED_NA OEVCLOPERS'' ..::�� 1 • r I;41•�ti IK000 %•1?' • S• 'f' ' ,�I^ t�.��, �.r,_!"..iplY 11 .•lry� I2 . 2 0 (3.l o°R , 4 0 00 tv East 1 3 t 146.co � H .^ 4 � t79•T � O' Q 9afs a 9 ;.fi` •` • 1 • ,.•.•: �� .:.,: ".. : „ _j 125CY��• IZ,00� �IT,bw4 R °�° I boob' a °Q , f` - • '•� f to jq.,56 I 'lop' R ONE AE OR M, 000* 11,4�ot 1'i,Boot � �R ♦ °S ,. ..� 2 N9i 49'40'E �� :- 5 q4 Is,.,z ,oqs•► too 137.45 --- — - ti ... K69'S3 b?'W3, �v , - N �� ) 1 1 'If.aV ` 1 9 l s•�r i,' ; ' 'ha •�� 1 �P' / // / � I inl �,1� � M���" 1 � � \ \ 1(0� � � �orai� Com. ' s '+..'". - Vf � �,�pd � / / /�: �1G'3�i ��\ li►,r�? %i j�/�/ � 1 I11I� 19 �..v 4 r / I Ni'll BRAEMAR HILLS r� ,,, 1 I /11111 N L (7kA rt1S��l\ g\ s \��/I � v ✓ \�\�1�\\11.vtll�I, 1, 11 I ter' o��• \\ - 1 \\ ss3�9t2f i 1 I i\\` ��� 1/ /l , ;I' i \[ t i . I / \ b� N • \�13, 1 nl' � ► I,'lt\�/�•//i%i /il 1111 ._:mss ""' 1' 8TH ADD. Sf s2zs' \ f'f .•;. , � b �I �i / • taw �.• • S ��i',�,'•=.-sy ,�s , i�.�-!>� / / ` 7,4oaf 12zm ' \ f f 01 NOa syW z ' �f pS��i �'�?�' �::J � '\ `moi;/b��1 Imo•_-.�l\�'< '• M.• 4��.;i _ X10 , ��� v�,�, Db; 't t ���� �/ II: Off{ �\, iii•-�/! i! �/' r'.j . v ,�• '•.' • �� 4i�'� ��^v 448 $0.54S f a..� 174 CO cla it 7. 164 It 0 t` 41 `•'.• ��� /r/ � I 1 / .- �i" Q--- _�' /r �� t\ 11 �/� Zws`o`I � y I ,n'%�//t 6,1 / /, .1 _i5 ta��- \ I I' 40 s,0 ' S89•SC'37"W O :_ 15,000+ p T� `, \� ^l�oQ B . oGi 3815 ,.5 lot s / / / ( i 1 10 •' ''I fro cc o M � � �i57z5 >; �+ res✓ •Do %l/ li,&�or '15, _ I�ISocb P•� 17pov : (_ )i }� � ► 40�O 13Z • Y, 31,000' ' I sero / s Z,, /1' • p1 2 (C.S.073)' �510�} •`foo �? D, `..00'' (64160 1 I i +. tl f•.Ir Subdivision No. SUBDIVISION DEDICATION REPORT TO: Planning Commission Park Board Environmental Quality Commission FROM: Planning Department SUBDIVISION NAME: LAND SIZE: I 14 t Q cap 4,r- • LAND VALUE: (By: Date: ) The developer of this subdivision has been required to A. grant an easement over part of the land B. dedicate J% of the land ElC. donate $ as a fee in lieu of land Asia—result of applying the following policy: A. Land Required (no density or intensity may be used for the first 5% of land dedicated) 1. If property is adjacent to an existing park and the addition beneficially expands the park. El 2. If property is 6 acres or will be combined with future dedications so that the end result will be a minimum of a 6 acre park. 3. If property abuts a natural lake, pond, or stream. 04. If property is necessary for storm water holding or will be dredged or otherwise improved for storm water holding areas or ponds. D 5. If the property is a place of significant natural, scenic or his- toric value. 1 1 6 B. Cash Required 1. In all other instances than above. �2. R � cl, L-4c � \tl MAP subdivision REQUEST NUMBER: S-77-24 LOCATION: SW Corner Gleason Rd. & Crossto REQUEST: R-1 lots (25) ginrl e Fnmi 1 y Plat � , .,,rl�nrnt t'1lli�S' o{ ��liR• PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT November 2, 1977 S-77-24 The Timbers (Folke Victorsen) Generally located at the southwest corner of Gleason Road and the Crosstown Highway. Refer to: Preliminary Plat, November 26, 1974 Staff Report and Planning Commission Minutes, May 28, 1975 Planning Commission Minutes, February 24, 1975, March 17, 1975, April 7, 1975 and Jure 2, 1975 City Council Minutes The Planning Commission will recall that various development proposals for the subject property were studied intensively three years ago. At that time, the Planning Commission and City Council reviewed proposals for (1) a single family development, (2) a development which included a 74 unit apartment building at the base of the steep hill on the site together with 21 single family lots on the side of the hill, and (3) a 140 unit apartment building located at the base of the hill. Following considerable study, the Planning Commission recommended approval of a rezoning to PRD -5 for a 140 unit apart- ment located at the base of the hill. This recommendation was based upon the severe damage to the slopes and vegetation, the unacceptable street. grades, and public safety problems resulting from the proposed single family develop- ment of the site. The City Council, after several hearings on the matter, agreed with the Planning Commission's recommendation and granted rezoning to PRD -5. The proponent is now requesting a single family subdivision of the subject property. Twenty five single family lots are proposed for the site which have access by way of two long cul-de-sacs from Gleason Road and Indian Hills Pass. This proposed subdivision is very similar to that reviewed by the Planning Commission three years ago. Recommendation: Staff believes that the subject property has been one of the most thoroughly reviewed parcels of property in the City. Three years ago, several development proposals were studied carefully and numerous hearings conducted to determine the best use of the property. At that time, the Planning Commission and City Council concluded that a single family develop- ment in this location was undesirable due to environmental and public safety concerns. Staff believes that the facts and circumstances associated with this property have not changed since it was reviewed by the Planning Commission and City Council three years ago. Staff thus recommends denial of the proposed sub- division. GH:ks e 10/25/77 11/21/74 EDIIIA PLAIIIII110 COMMISSION STAFF REPORT 11ovember 26, 19711 Z-74-11 Folke Victorsen. (The Timber:) Generally located at the southwest corner of Gleason Road and the Crosstown Highway. Refer to: Final Development Plan Booklet Renuest: R-1 Single Family Residence District to PRD -3 Planned Residential District. The concept approval for the Victorsen's 74 unit apartment building and 21 single family homes has been granted by the City Council. The developer then submitted the =ina1 development plans, from which the staff was better able to determine the necessary grading and utility needs for the site. It was found during -he review session of those final development plans that a substantial loss of vegetation .Mould he incurred by either grading, utilities, the retai— g Nall, or by the necessary utility provision. At that meeting; there was a concensus of opinion from the Fire Department, who for fire access and the desire to have a concrete building, felt a five story building on the north side would be more desirable. The staff environmentalist is extremely concerned about the grading and loss of vegetation, and he, too, wholeheartedly encouraged this staff member to rethink his earlier negative recommendation regarding that five story building. The Engineering Department, in their comments, detailed the amount of grading and vegetation loss that would be incurred should the single family homes he allowed to develop. Further, it was the Engineering Department's opinion that the grade on Tiru erview Road was entirely too steep. Recommendation: I still retain my earlier opinion that this proposal is a compromise of the environment and development aspects. They are, however, both compromised to too great of a degree. The staff therefore recommends that the earlier submitted request for five store apartment hui ldings be anproved, however, at a lower density* than the 12 units ner acre requested. It would he the staff's suggestion that we allot; eight units per acre and that tine building mass he almost immediately on the north lot line of the proaerty, thus minimizing the cutting into the hill. If variances are nee�'ed for that location, it would further be our recommendation that the,i be granted as part of the PRD request. It would be understood that this development would be the final development for the entire site and t::at the rest of the land remain open. The hest oossihle solution to ensuring its prencrvation would he that this total site, exclusive of the nin_mun needed for the building and construction, be dedicated to Edina as parkland, and that a life estate or some otter instru- nent be negotiated :or the one acre Property at the top of the hill. S•74.16 Victoetor rn'r. r_ ^, '+11v 1_rrr ;ed a'.thr, t:rulhvent • VAND Cruzoninn) C-1 7.74-7 Tolke VSct^t• -n (Yl:rt .t+-bar.^.)_h•nrraily located nt t1•a f.o•t;hvest I e`uri;rr jr,, t ' ;, _--� - - : n f i }v. :i-'— ia�ily id~ I _�-�-C t0-•1-!)-- ------:.1 Lua ri:•t. _ - j fir. Luce recrllcd that in June, 19711, the r.taff hnd reeonnende.l approval of Tolke Victcrsen's maanina. r^^u^st to P!:D-3 to allow a threw stc v, 7a emit crartment building on the unrth side of t::c Lill and 21 simple family lots on the south side. j The concept 1,rcrnte_d at that ti::n arneared to be r: a -od cornronise to the r._tn ^_ v developncnt rrq[+r:t3 and oaini^n3 czprc:;sed over th± past 3.4 years, and tho rlanning Conn13310tt and Citi ca.:ncil c3n:-.nquently r. -anted concent an7rov3l, l:h?n final dcveloprent pl;o:s, incl•_dinn, final grading; plans, wcr: snbnittcd by 'tr. Victorson and suhscqueritly revic:red by °f ntrhers of th_ various city do.partiirits, it uas felt a five. &tor/ concrete huildin7. on the north side of the hill, as ee.rli^r P-.oposed, j would have a r.ure ponitiv3 er act on all city furctioas than world the aoartn^_nt j building/sirr;le f.tnily coacc; t :^nroveti. The Ln;!ir.aerinp• D_,^artnent h:tn reiterated I they reel the strilot and lot slonas •:ovld be very steep, and ecnnent^d that either a lift station wculd have to b^ 1:ro::ccd or a sawn -P pir.: would Lave to b, cut throu1h the hill, The pualic safcty •'arnrtmcats feel The ro w•! 1!rad-: :could be too steep to assure norval ca.,:r!:cncv cornice to ac.'r portion o^ the dove'_•,.rent. doth the engineering and pul:llc safety dzsartcents anree the road scrvin:! the sirrlc f.:nily residences Mr-inrview Lane) ,o;:1d present some safety orohle.ms at the entrance onto j Indian Hills Pans du to the s':cnn grade and ca_ -re and Lecau3u the ren'tired street surface was a12.owcd to be narrowed in the concr7it arproved to reduce tl:c cnvironv:ntal impact, At the concept stare, cnnroval w-ts rercr-:•:r.ccd because the prnperal seen+d to be a reasorahle, feasible c.,:-n.oaise; the final developrent plane, hc:rover, revcalc:'. ! exactly htxr di_'ficult it cull be to actually construct the project as ircnoacd and ! approved in concent, and indicated clearly the considerable environmental disturbance which would result., i i Hr. Luce recalled the eanlxxsr proposal by Kr. Victorsen included a five story ! apartment buildin,j on the :07th -lope of :he hill at 12 units per acre_ Ile noted ! that although tier staff w^ulci pr::fcr the ail-nultinle concent, the density would be ! unacc,ptable i%x;n an e^.vie•:nrzatinl point of view, iic recx.:.enaed .ratiad that t variances be !ranted 110:tin7 C0ntt1`lCtion of a "series of r•.a11rr five story j buildings, perhaps t1:o or throe, as closo to tha north lot 1`_nc as nocal'ble to eliminate any 1,,p..c-, on t^e ct"ser sida OF the hill and iurtcer reduco ]i+e ovarall environmental Dcca+se this solution could retain a .'renendcus ansunt of open space, the davelcner s'r,ruld l:^ renuired to dadicrte that eaten ^:nee to the Cltv of Edina to encu:•.^ its pres•_•rvatinn and disniss anv denand for future dcvelonrent. He noted a life cst.ate cr sor..a ocher legal arrar.,,^,aacnt should be rar,ot ntcd with Dr. and Mrs. 61enn Lc::ia, wio o:'n -he c;:inti..^.g hone at the top of the hill (6320 Gleason Road) so the total site can eventually he cityc:rned. Hr. Luce presented a letter dated Novc^her 25, 1974, from D. Jerry r1rhem— 6513 Navaho Trail, x11-61 GXnT33sed several routs of conr_rn of "annro::imately 20 very interested '.:ocr:os ncrs it the Cherol.ca Itilln :.rca" ra�rarding the r^rpocad enhance of 1'ir.'criicw i. no ''a: a rart.cularly i?:+('r:ccs point an indi:in Hills Pass". I!. added that ^est of t!!e en= -ants receivzd tae beer in connection with the I single family part of the dcvalo,ncnt and not the nultiple family portion. i • ! Hr. rolke Victor -con clarified his earlier proposal, presented as an A rtory apartrent butldir,^•, was 5 stcric:; a!'ove ground with 3 lcvcl3 of under;,sound par`.•inp•. i He stated "if It is felt that that proposal is the wtv to po, we would IU:e to have it before the Council at their nett rleeting". ter. Victorsen stated the final % developnent plans ni+ow "no ch�rne front the concept an^roved in the nu:l!,er of lots or units or anvthinr, crher tl= the :.:preach to the road; the Citv Cnr,inacr, didn't like the 13: graze but Just raid ',hat can you do'. " 11c stated "this is the. second time I have gone to a Treat expense to try to aorkthis hill out", and ,etc:; ?to feels he li should be compensated in sone way for those costs, perhaps by an increased density. t Considerable discussion followed r•c.^,ardirp• the road trades and interrection, i the church property. etc, !!r, r.=. -an, r•ecallinr: the r^rlier five rtor•.• r+ultf.nle i- projoc: vas "a hn;!s monolith tic.t in rode had no relation to the rest of the areal', stated he "h.c1 always thot-fit th,z :.n rlavt-ent huildirr• on the north •tide. ,f the bill was the Le::t roJution if it wn be kept at a reasonable scale and density". NO. C. Joh:a:oa a „evd.• Hr. Jerry T.1:ber7.. 6`13 1!.:vaho frail. felt that "that hill, !con the stand- point of puttin;! single17-.ilv_ ruzidzncns on thn south side, is virtually an unhuildaAlc kind of site, rend t`:a: tend, wish 13: y+rs'cs aP•o•%a 7131inn till : Pass, wauld he ir.cre_i:av p or n1 -r sir, .nd a -> .a:y 1..: mrd, fir. F.Ybc^,!. Hr. Iron aahlbe:% (5521 i:a..O:o :1•ail), ;:av`d Fifrir (65:0gcvahn Tr:;il), and fir. iron Petersan (6529 Ilavei,o Tr 7i1) ol;ea;cc w _ha Vrc;csc.1 pro -cat Inti m<prerscd conic..^•1 abua: the grades and p, r.tdirg. s. _:v ler scl.00l chiI,-cn, aid cafe r. 1:c �ebile erd rnrr• cc -icy vehicle s. Cr..,.c:• C!:rietrau(f n9 "irdi n Iiills Pals) ru-stic.led er. victorsen's "e_cnonic i1r -:r _", :::. Bernie Gucd.•rzon (6110.• lr.�ian •"o:d C' role) and Dr. Gicnn Levis Gt,7 ' lcasun Poad) indicated tit^y could sunpert awet-l-designed in -scale rp rtu. r.t devcio-r,rn: at a r•:nsoa::but, is drsion the rerth si'.c of the bill, lcavi:•g the rest oc tl!a 11-11 untoochcd. yr. 1.11ce toted thn rJ2 is opposed to the single family dcvnlep:.cnt on the i south aid* of the hill. �. leen Ruty:.ir rrvcd 4:10 .r,ro %tv "propose a colutton which uttl:ccs the site at • tarlr.vt o. C u•1it. :ra r. -.:j t`.•vt itzinoiul y c:n separate the huildini: rasr. Into t1:o zc:.cntt: cc:t,01:a ::S:h c.1 u:•d.ut;.ocnd col,nectioa.to to :Louth fisc height.I•e allottud to the building :• eta rav:d nort!:crly Oil'.h, Pronorty rcA,;co Also. if rt all 1�^:::vl •. Cir row• 1 nLt.nld a::it c.t:o 11 coule/ Troll tat: • r than Cleasoa I:uad. Thn of t'•tc hill r. i:`^;d bn aa:uircd h: dcdica,tu.• n.,d lry a life entato rr rc:ae oth•:r ..1.v-1 far P:,:•Y Ind oprn spacu Pu (•ores." Tolloving furtT•ar d.ncu•ta:en, C- 11t•,•,nn •:n^ot:de.l the rnticn. elae;f/i'r. the r Plrunlinl; unit:-.iuu's action .ons not ccastitutr. a wncupt ap;.rovit hu: atl.0 the d.4voltu,,:r to au'+nit a con•:•.nt r^q ori Lara on thun,r Isalianctars. All voted aye. Kation carried. , . 1S Mr. Luce noted Mr. Victorsen, the property owner and developer, is now requesting approval of both a subdivision and the final development plans for rezoning. He explained the four lot subdivision includes an exception parcel (Dr. Glenn Lewis' lot at the top of the hill), a lot on Indian Hills Road (Mr. Victorsen's house), a lot for the apartment building itself, and an outlot (the remainder of the hill, -which would be dedicated to the City for open space purposes). Mr. Luce presented a statistical data sheet and the final development plans for the proposed apartment building. He recalled that after lengthy discussion at the April 7, 1975, Council meeting, the Council granted concept approval for a 140 unit, five story apartment building of Type 1 construction. Mr. Luce stated the final development plans and the subdivision conform to that concept, and he would therefore recommend approval contingent on the following: 1. that the landscape plan include an increase in the amount of shrubbery on the south side of the building and the number of deciduous trees on the north side of the building; 2. that a snow fence be constructed S-75-14 Victorsen's Timbe_rview Addition. Generally located at the southwest corner of the Crosstown Highway and Gleason Road. AND Z-74-7 Folke Victorsen. Generally located at the southwest corner of the Crosstown Higir;my and Gleason Road. R-1 Single Family Residence District to PRD -5 Planned Residential District. FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN APPROVAL. on the perimeter of the area to be disturbed so that accidental destruction of vegetation will not occur during construction; and 3. that outlot A be dedicated to the City of Edina for open space purposes. Mr. Luce stated that Mr. Victorsen has agreed to those contingencies. Mr. Kremer asked whether provision has been made for access to the Lewis house on the top of the hill. Mr. Luce explained a private driveway easement crosses the property and approval of the subdivision and dedication of the outlot will not affect the status of that private easement. In reply to Mr. Hughes, Mr. Larsen, the architect, stated that the unit sizes will range from 900 square feet for the one bedroom units to 1500 square feet for the two bedroom and den units. The rents will range from $350/month for the one bedroom units to $650-700/month for the three bedroom units. Mr. Lee Huetmaker, 6429 Margaret's Lane, representing the Arrowhead Lake Association, stated he has concluded that an apartment building is probably the best use for the site but that the size of the property and the taxes warrant an 80-100 unit building rather than a 140 unit building. Further, the proposed building is seven stories exposed, five stories of living units over two garage levels, and the Council specifically approved a five story building, not a seven story building. Mr. Luce responded that the Council was in favor of Type 1 construction and approved a five story building above a two story garage. Mr• Arnold Schaefer of Cross View Lutheran Church stated he, too, was at the City Council meeting, and his recollection is also that a five story building was approved, not a seven story building. Mr. Luce stated the questions of land use, density, traffic, height, etc. were discussed by the Council and approved as part of the concept approval. Following additional discussion, a motion to approve the subdivision and final development plans for the Timberview project was made by Mr. G. Johnson and seconded by Mr. C. Johnson. All voted aye. Motion carried. 1 i • r FOLKS VICTOR_SF'`: PPD -5 7.f1N1`: Rr�11 .ST FnZ "TIIF. Tl`f':�RS" CONTIN TO ?t1FC11 17r Alfidavits n[ -j.,mice were presenra•j by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Mr. Luce presented the pet -tion of Mr. Folke Victorser• for --on- Ing change Iron R-1 Resiurntial District to FGD -5 Residential District and Concept approval for "The Timters" located generally on the Southwest corner of Gleason Road and the Cross•own High- iy. He recalled that the last time Council had considered zoning for this property, concept plan approval had been granted for a number of apartment units at the base of the hill witij sone single family develop.ent on the upper prirtion ui the hill. Mr. Luce recalled that extreme neighborhood opposition had developed, that the Environmental Quality Commission Jr• { 2124j75 had felt that the fill that would have to be placed In the valleys would be extreme, and that the Fire Department had felt that the grades would be too steep for its emergency vehicles. Mr. Luce added that, in reviewini; final develep:cent plan:;, the Planning Cemmissiun, whiie not actually denying the plan, had encouraged Mr. Viet- orsen to try to develop the Site in a dif_`er�nt manner. :Ir. Luce said that the Planning Commission had acknowledged that the lots on the lake were extremely valuable property and thIt, in asking that the property be given up, had recog- nized that higher overall density would have to be permitted on the site. Mr. Luce then presented Mar. Victorsen's revised plan and a graphic of the site of approximately twenty acres which showed a four, five and six story building containing 160 units with the mass of the building fitting into a ravine so that the top of the building would net extend above the height of the hill, and with eight units per acre. Council was reminded that the S:estern Edina Plan calls for four units per acre. Mr. Folke Viccorscn, 6440 Indian Hills Pass, said that this is the first time he has ' had the approval of the Environmental Quality Commission and of the Planning Com - had thn. He introduced his architect, Mr. Larson, who showed n model of the pro- mission. n. He development and responded to questions from the audience on the amenities of the development. Mr. Larson said that it is anticipated that the apartLcnts will be occupied by older residents and that the building, would only be visible from the Crossto%,m flirhway and that, even there, it.would be substantially screened by trees that are growing at the edge of the site. Objecting to the proposal on the grounds that it is a substantial departure from the four units per acre recom- mended in the Western Edina Plan, that it would bring too nany cars into , school area, that it is not in character with the neighborhood and that the hill should remain as open space were Dr. Lawrence Gold, 6610 Gleason Road, Messrs. Bernard Gunderson, 6405 Indian Pond Circle, Gerald Ekberg, 6513 Navaho Trail, Kent Calhoun, 6617 Gleason Road, F. S. Webster, 6409 McCauley Circle, Dick Scaberg, President of the Viking Hills Association and Mrs. Ann Carrier, 6409 Indian fond Circle. They contended that the building really has the elevation of an eight story structure. Mr. Haugen submitted a petition which he said contained 163 signatures opposing concept approval and the zoning change of the property, based primarily on "the height and population density of the proposed structure". In response to a question of Mayor Van Valkenburg, :Ir. Erickson said that the PRD Ordinance does en space and requires that it be controlled by scenic require a certain amount of op casements, parkland dedications or a homeowners' association ownership, but that the property in question does meet all ordinance requirements. In reply to a' question of Mr. Darrell Boyd, 7204 Shannon Drive, Mr. Luce said that, assuming the proposal is approved, the City would probably request Mi. Victorsen to provide access from McCauley Trail to Gleason Road. Mr. Victorsen told Mrs. Ann Overholt that he had approached the church twice to buy some of their land and had not been able to reach an agreement with them. Mr. Victorsen said that it would not be economically feasible to follow the suggestion of Dr. Glen Lewis, 6328 Cleason Road, i that the plan be changed to eliminate the fifth and sixth floors, reducing the building to four stories of living space. Mr. Luce recalled that studies show that t fewer trips per day are generated from multiple family units than from sin..^,le B family development. Reference was made to a letter from ,It. and Mrs. arry Tlurphy, Jr., 6506 Indian Hills Road, supporting Hr. Viccorsen's proposal. In response to a question of Mayor Van Val:;cnburg. Mr. Rosland said that the site under discussion is not on the final list of land rccorsnerded by the Open :race Committee because there is a park already across the street. Mayor Van Valkenburg said that, while he recognized the rationale of the Planning Com ssion trade-off of eight units per acre for the preservation of the hill, he was concerned that eight units was a great increase over the recocmendation of the t:astarn Edina Plan. Councilman Courtney said that he believed that Mr. Victorsen had submitted many plans for this property over the years and that he could never please all of the neighbors. lie recalled that when the b:estern Edina Plaa was accepted, it was a "plan." only and that, while he had never before voted in favor of a high rise apartment, lie believed that Mr. Victorscn had a right to develop his property. He then moved that the concept be accepted as reeo,.Lnended by the Planning Cu:_nission. Councilwoman Schmidt said that she believed that, because land develop -lent has such an impact on the quality of their lives, the citizens of an arca should have a voice in chose decisions. Councilman Richards suggested that the density be reduced to 41s or 5 units per acre with three livable stories and one story of park - Ing. Councilman Shaw indicated that he would accept four to six units per acre along the line of the Planning Commission recoruuendation, Councilman Courtncy'fs' motion died for the lack of a second. Councilwoman Schmidt Is motion vas then seconded by Counci'_man Shaw and carried, that the matter be continued to arrch 17, 1975. to see if Mr. Victorsen can bring a new proposal with a lesser density to the Council. Mr. Victorsen told Council that he could not come out financially with the reduction proposed ill the size of the build:.ng. (D O GO M W W pl1BT.IC 11E1.RT!:f C': rm,nSt:f) ?n!:T!:G C!!N :GF. E01 KF VTCTORSF!;1 Cn!,*TT!_t1F') TO APRIT. 7. 3 1975. Mr. Luce recalled tie Victorsen matter was continued iro the March , uncil meeting so the developer could see•c other development alternatives. Co Coexplained four concepts which have since been submitted: Concept Scheme A lieinvolves 33 single family lots, four of which would be developed in the future 3/17/75 in connection with the church property; Concept Scheme B(1), which previously received concept anproval fro^ the Planning COT.mission and Council, includes a 74 unit apartment building and 20 single family lots with access from except Indian llills Road; Concept Scheme B is similar [o Concept Scheme B(1) that it includes t1:e four future single family lots to be developed in con- nection with the church property and has access to the other 20 single family lots from Gleason Poad, rather than Indian Hills road; Concept Sche:r.e C for a 140 unit apartment building. proposed a concept at 7 units per acre similar to a concept at 8� units per acre recently approved by the E M and Planning Commission but held over by the Council on :'arch 3. Mr. Luce outlined the major advantages and disadvancaces of al. lie noted that schemes each propos sed by the developger.t Of A, B, and B(1) would result in extreme grades cau the single family lots, a subsequent safety hazard due to those a road to service and topography of the site, extreme grades. and dehradation of the vcFetation whereas Scheme C would preserve alTost the total hill and minimize the site impact of both the building, height and parking lot. Mr. Victorsen and ,It. the architect, detailed the various plans with graphics showing Dick Larson, ncep r alternative. The alternative development the advantages of each co proposals were discussed at lenr.t;�. Mr. Arnold Schaefer. andrannouncedr.he Cross View Lutheran Church; felt there ista better way",nd and a members has that a meeting, with Van an Valkenburg, been scheduled for March 22, 1975. ?!r. Victorsen nago, andoted thenfeclsdthat appraisals of the church property were made a year ago,ans. Mayor Van that the church has had ample time to propose any gasto Sur the meeting with the church be held as scheduled so as questioned entire set of facts. Mr. Orrin Haugen, 6612 Indian Hills Road, q the rezoning procedure to dace and the alleged acreage, and maintained that 4.7 or 4.8 units per acre would be more appropriate than the 7 units per acre proposed in Concept C. *lr. Erickson replied the rezoning process is being_, followed correctly and appropriately, and an accurate boundary survey is required prior to iinal development plan approval. Councilman Richards agreed with Mr. Schaefer that "a better plan is yet to come, inasmuch as three plans are undesirable from ti standpoint of trades and other g estsuistes theabestated plan by Mr. Luce, and the fourth plan, which :tr. Victorsen suggests ve plan pro;osed for the City, is far greater in density than the comprehensi for this area would allow". Councilman Shaw indicated he would prefer the proposal of 140 units, which concentrates the dwelling and dwelling units in one location and provides the greatest amount of open space and preservacioll and of the vegetation and tonography. Mrs. Alison Fuhr, 6609 Brittany ro• Dr. Roger Christgau, 6501 Indian Hills Pass, agreed with Councilman Shaw. Following additional discussion, Councilman Shaw moved that the alternative for a 140 unit multiple residential structure (Concept SchemC) e approved Councilman Courtney seconded the motion. mr. Victorsen by the Council. "tile church has had plenty of time to determine the use their commented thatSchaefer remarked "that, the circumstances. the ayor property and City Manager could work better with the church". 11r. Victorsen then agreed to postpone a decision on the rezoningmatter the next Councill 71 meeting. e tiCouneilman Councilman Shaw cvoved to continue tile Courtney seconded the motion. ;lotion carried. •T' - t i i t _ f IIINurEs OF TOE Rral.A.R :tl:I:TI\G OF THE r.01AA CITY COUNCII, 11LLn yr CITY HALL ON AI'RIL 7, 1975 Answering rollcall were meabers Richards, Shaw, Schmidt and Hnyur Van Valkan:urg. lil%UTLS of February 24, M.treh 3 anJ March 10, 1975, were approvcJ as submitted by motion of Councl.lwom-an Schmidt, seconded by Councilman Shaw and carried. Lot 20, Auditor's Subdivision No. 196, except highway. Lot 21, Auditor's SuLJlvlslon No. 196, c;:ccpt that part lying Easterly and Southerly of the folluuing dcnerih_d line: eom"Zilcin,^, at tie Northeast corner of Lot 7, aleck 1, lr.:l•n hills, thence North 5 degrees, 05 minutes East 131 feet, thence North 34 degrces, 13 minutca, hest 101 35/100 feet, thence Korth 0 de:trees, 3 minutes 30 seconds East 114 2/10 feet, thence North 65 degrees, 45 ninutcs, 30 seconds East to the West line of lot l8 and there terminating. Easterly o[ a Lot A. Indian Hills, except that part of said Lot A lying straight line from the must NOrthcrly corner of said lot to a point In the Southeasterly line thereof distant twenty-five (25) feet Southwosterly from the most Easterly corner of said Lot A. according to the plat of Indian Hills on file ar.J of record in the office of the Registrar of DccJs in and for said county and state (which is 1n Sub -District I'RD-5) Ration was seconded by Cnuncilwo;ran Schmidt and on rollcall there were three ayes with Councilman Hicharda vuting "14'Y" and the motion carried. Ur. Clcn Lewis, 6328 Gleason Road, paid that ho believed that this action is a rrasonablo comprom- ise and thanked the Council for their many hours of deliberation. 0rPl'.'A':CF._NO. 811-:55 CR\:TE'li FTI"! R'_'.\DINC; FnI.RE VICT01:'.F.\ (TIIE TIY.Ar,tS) Luce reeali�.: :290t We pt'opasals of ltr. of Uw ed Tolkc Vic co r: en [or the 'r}.0 -i zo�tn and prclirinary ap;roval propo t devclopr..cnt of 'The Timbers on property generally located en the Southwest corner 1 O:ay had been continued from lWrch 11, 1975, f Gleason Road and the Crosstown 111r, to see if there was any chance -of aeyuiria, acditional land from the Cross 1'Se•.+ konburg advised that he h.td attended a mectin;; wit!. Lutheran Church. Mayor Jan Val. )Jr. Hyde .^.nd representatives of the church and that Xr. Victorsen had considered the price asked by the church to be uneconomic for his development. M.lyor Van Valkenburg said that the Open Space Committee had also felt that the price for the property was out of line. Mayor Van Valkenburg said that he opposed tl:e idea of R -I development for the property in question because he believed that such development would cause the ultimate destruction of the hill and because of the safety factors involved. He said that he would favor approval of the proposed 140 unit apartment on the North side of the hill which proposal he eonsi-'cred an improvement over the ori,;inal proposal for a combination of sin;le fa^fly dwell - In response to a sugrestlon of Councilman Sich- Ings and an apart[ mt building. p CQ " W arils that the building contain one, rather than two, floors of packing so as to W reduce the height of the building, lir. Luce said that this could be studied at the time of final development consideration, but that it is important that there are adequate parkin; facilities on the site. Councilman Richards also raised the question of the 5:: cash dedication and the dedication of 15 acres for park- land as had been recommended by the Park Board. lir. Luce said that this is the zoning hearing only and that the parkland dedication would be considered at the time the subdivision of the property is submitted to Council. Nr. Erickson added that this hearing is for preliminary (or concept) approval only and that the Planning Commission must under ordinance• consider the details of the build- t-, ( ing when the proposal is submitted for final approval. Councilman Richards . objected that the proposal exceeds seven units per acre when the cenprehensive i plan calls for no more than four units per acre. He added that there seems to _ be confusion as to the e::act size of the property. City Attorrcy Erickson pointed out that a boundary survey would be submitted at the tine the proposal is brought back for final approval. Coencilwo-ar. Schmidt said that the Planner should work to prevent any possible traffic problems in the area and to see that the building fits into the hill as closely as possible. Follovin, considerable " discussion, Councilman Shaw moved preliminary approval and offered Ordinance No. 811-A55 for First Reading, with the understanding that the building be coniruct— • as far to the North as possible• that cash and parkland dedication be made in conformance with ordinance requirements, and further, with the understanding thit no further construction be permitted on the property: ORDINANCE NO. 811-A55 ' Ar ORDI\ASCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINACE (NO. 811) BY AODTNt: CO THE PLAN':th aSS171_::T'_AL DT.ST-tICT (PRD -5) ' THE CITY COUNCIL OF Ti Z CI1Y OF ' Section 1. paragraph 4 of Section 5 of Ordinance No. 811 of the City is " enlarged by adding the following thereto: 'The extent of the Planned Residential District (Sub -District PRD -5) is enlarged by the addition of the fallowing property: Lots 18, 19 and 21, Auditor's Subdivision No. 196, coeaer.cing at the Sor[ho:. corner of lot 7, Block 1, Indian Hills, thence North 5 degrees, 05 minutes } East 131 feet to the actual point of beginning, thence Ncrth 34 degrees, 1:> i minutes, W 101 35/100 feet, thence North 0 degrees. 13 ninutcs, 30 seconds East 114 2/10 feet, thence North 65 degrees, 45 minutes, 30 seconds East 141 7/10 feet, thence South 34 degrees. 41 minuses, 30 seconds Last 16S 15/1. feet, thence South 5 degrees, 39 minutes, East 100 feet, thence South 84 degrees, 06 minutes test 173 7/10 feet to the beginning. Lots 18 and 19, Auditor's Subdivision No. 196, except tormenting at the !:or,- oreeast eastcorner of Lot 7, Block 1, Indian hills, thence North 5 degrees 05 nine: East 131 feet to the actual point of beginning, thence North 34 degrees, 13 minutes hest 101 35/100 feet, thence Korth 0 degrees, 13 minutes, 30 i seconds East 114 2/10 ivoc. thence North 65 degrees, 45 minutes. 30 second; East 141 7/10 feet, thence south 34 dcc-!;rccs, 41 minutes. 30 seconds East 168 15/100 fcct, thence South 5 degrees. 39 minutes oast IOU icct, thence. South 84 degrees, 06 minutes West 178 7/10 feet to beginning. Lot 20, Auditor's Subdivision No. 196, except highway. Lot 21, Auditor's SuLJlvlslon No. 196, c;:ccpt that part lying Easterly and Southerly of the folluuing dcnerih_d line: eom"Zilcin,^, at tie Northeast corner of Lot 7, aleck 1, lr.:l•n hills, thence North 5 degrees, 05 minutes East 131 feet, thence North 34 degrces, 13 minutca, hest 101 35/100 feet, thence Korth 0 de:trees, 3 minutes 30 seconds East 114 2/10 feet, thence North 65 degrees, 45 ninutcs, 30 seconds East to the West line of lot l8 and there terminating. Easterly o[ a Lot A. Indian Hills, except that part of said Lot A lying straight line from the must NOrthcrly corner of said lot to a point In the Southeasterly line thereof distant twenty-five (25) feet Southwosterly from the most Easterly corner of said Lot A. according to the plat of Indian Hills on file ar.J of record in the office of the Registrar of DccJs in and for said county and state (which is 1n Sub -District I'RD-5) Ration was seconded by Cnuncilwo;ran Schmidt and on rollcall there were three ayes with Councilman Hicharda vuting "14'Y" and the motion carried. Ur. Clcn Lewis, 6328 Gleason Road, paid that ho believed that this action is a rrasonablo comprom- ise and thanked the Council for their many hours of deliberation. ORDINA::CF NO_611-ASS f.R.\':'ED �ECO�tti RF -!_':G. Mr. Luce presented the request of :fir.—folke Yicton:un for✓ -S xonin� for thu Souchvcsc corner of the crosstown Figl,way and Gleason Road for Second Reading, subject to the following canting - enc 1. Thnt an increase in the amount of shrubbery on the south side of the building sod an increase in the nunber of deciduous tt'ces on the :North side of tha build- ing be included in the landscape plan; 2. Thata sno•-a fence be constructed on the perimeter of the area so that Scot► dental destruction of ve^,tation will not occur; 3. That the proponent deai-cafe outlot A for park purposes. Mr. Orrin I:augrn, 6612 Indian ilills Road, said that he recalled that Council had approved four stories of apartment units and t•,, levels of parkirg above the a1C0(i1Jde at � of April 7, 1915. l:r. Luce recalled that the eriainal proposal for six stories of apartments over two lel,:Is of parkins had been t iductaug^nfive ob)ceted stories (and 140 aoarcment units) over two levels of na Plan and said that the tact parking. that the proposal docs not conform to the Western Edin that Mr. Ytctorsen misrepresented the size of the site to be over twenty acres, rather than 18.6 actual acres, reflects a 'lack of candor on the part of the developer". Hesui•,,es:cd thet the density be reduced to seven units per acre w:)ich wouldMr. 1 plicationtthatt he`ts hadcpurposelytmtarepresentedithe rsizeSofdhis aproperty. t he �)`HO ed the 6/2/75 that be had just compared his ori,g.1nal survey with a recent survey and four` to ti " said that he had lost a considerable amount of land when Clcason Road was moved lir. Richards recalled West at the time the Crosstown Hli:hxay vas constructed. Mr. Luce had been directed eP that at the time First Reading had been granted, by the elimination of some P`_ ' if the building could be lowered by one story levo! of parking would mean Eng spaces. Nr. Luce said that elimination of one would be required and that chat that an additional number of off-street spaces ago a study made by ; would be highly undesirable. He roca)led that a few years required for each apartment unit, but r City had indicated that two stalls were 1.25 enclo::ed and 0.75 outside stalls requirement had now been reduced so chat for :.partment unit. Councilran Richards then question_ ire now recommended each of park land as well as cash, and was to. ' the precedence of requiring dedication required. Councilcan Courtney thereupon offered that this was not normally No. 811-A55 for Second Reading, as recor..•aenecd by the Planning Comniss_. Ordinance subject to approval of the plat, and moved its adoption as follows: ORDINANCE NO. SLI -A55 811) AN ORDINANCE A.-r-ND'1NG T(E ZONING ORDIINZCE (N0. (PR BY ADDING To T:i'r, PLA';NFi) --_RESIDZ:ZTL1L DISTINCTD-5) -THE CITY COUNCIL OF .: CITY' OF i:D IS:\, :II X:OTa, O:tDAINS: 811 of the City is Section 1. Paragraph 4 of Section 5 of Ordinance No. enlarged by adding the following thereto: "The extent of the Planned Residential District (Sub -District PRD -5) is tG enlarged by the addition of tt,e following property: No. 196, commencing at the North- Lots 18, 19 and 21, Auditor's Subdivision Hills, thence Notch 5 degrees, OS `» east corner of Lot 7, Block 1, Indian actual point of beginning, thence North minutes East 131 feet to the W 101 351100 feet, thence North 0 degrees, 13 ` W 34 degrees, 13 minutes, 114 2/10 feet, thence North 65 degrees, 45 minutes. minutes, 30 seconds East 141 7/10 feet, thence South 34 decrees, 41 minutes, 30 sect: 30 seconds Fast East 168 15/100 feet, thence South 5 degrees, 39 minutes, Ea:t 100 feet, beginning. thence South 84 degrees, 06 minutes West 178 7/10 feet to the at the Lots 18 and 19, Auditor's Subdivision No. 196, except commencing !is, North 5 degrees • corner of Lot 7, Block 1, Indian Hi l thence beginning, thence :North ' 05 minutes East 131 feet to the actual point of 101 35/100 feet, thence :North 0 dc;rees, 13 34 degrees, 13 minutes West minutes 114 210 feet, thence Notch 65 grecs, 45 / minutes, 30 seconds East 41 141 7/10 feet, thence South 34 dig`Ses39mfnutesC4asc0 " 30 seconds Fast es 100 seconds East 168 15/100 feet, thence South 5 deg beginning. ' feet, thence South 84 degrees, 06 minutes West 178 7/10 feet to t Lot 20, Auditor's Subdivision No. 196, except highway. lying Easterly and Lot 21, Auditor's Subdivision No. 196, except that pare the Northeast Southerly of the following described line: coe-aenetng at North 5 degrees, 05 minutes corner of Lot 7, Block 1, Indian Gills, thence West 35/100 feet, ' East 131 feet, thence !North 34 decrees, 13 minutes, 0 f 114 2/10 feet, thence thence North 0 degrees, 3 minutes 30 seconds East West line of Lot 18 !torch 65 degrees. 45 minutes, 30 seconds lase to the • ind there terminating. Lot A lying Easterly of a Lot A, Indian Hills, except that part of said lot to a point in the straight line from the most Northerly corner of said (25) feet Sovt`vesterly frc- Southeasterly line thereof distant twenty-five the Plat of Indian the most Easterly corner of said Loc A. accordin¢ to the Registrar of Deeds in and • Hills on file and of record in the office of (which is In Sub -District PRD -5)." ! ''for said county and state be in full force and effect upon its passage Sec. 2. This ordinance shall and publication. the ordinance was seconded by Councilman Shaw and on rol' Notion for adoption of four with Councilman Richards voting "Nay% based on his • y 4 tall there were ayes 1,lief that Mr. victorsen's proposal is too dense,t r this ➢drtic tar tract of land, and the ordinance was adopted.j�j� t i ATTEST: Mayor • / e e PIZ-3 �Ji I LIfi- ,t_ , t City Clerk T I Subdivision No. 5-1-7-0 SUBDIVISION DEDICATION REPORT TO: Planning Commission Park Board Environmental Quality Commission FROM: Planning Department SUBDIVISION NA. -,E: ( C% LAND SI ZE :�'L I LAND VALUE: (By:Date. The developer of this subdivision has been required to A. grant an easement over part of the land B. dedicate % of the land C. donate $ On.F°, as a fee in lieu of land As a result of applying the following policy: A. Laird Required (no density or intensity may be used for the first 5% of land dedicated) j—j1. If property is adjacent to an existing park and the addition (� beneficially expands the park. El 2. If property is 6 acres or will be combined with future dedications so that the end result will be a minimum of a 6 acre park. }—�3. If property abuts a natural lake, pond, or stream. 4. If.property is necessary for storm water holding or will be dredged or otherwise improved for storm water holding areas or ponds. �5. If the property is a place of significant natural, scenic or his- toric value. G. B. Cash Required 0 1. In all other instances than above. E 2. LOCATRON MAP- -4 I N7ERLACHE N I,g4T OMAN � ' 1 L_ �- b��-- I ui M•ER.�_�EM ° i 1 _ HAROLD ,'N000S .. a ;'' y,� ;`{;• i COUNTRY s-i'vLAbdv1s),ision REQUEST NUMBER: S-77-23 Taft Addition LOCATION: Tots 35 & 36, Aud. Sub. 325 W. of Blake Rd. & Scriver Rd. extended REQUEST: —Four lot single fami 1 y nl at 23.���+�" t�jEtnninH i�ettiL1L?.ts.ilt V111 of S.I;D1! PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT November 2, 1977 S-77-23 Taft Addition. Generally located west of Blake Road and Scriver Road extended. Refer to: Attached preliminary plat and parkland dedication report. The subject property is a 4.5 acre tract of land located west of Scriver Road and south of Blake Road. An existing house is located on the northerly portion of the property and gains access by way of Blake Road. The proposed preliminary plat indicates a five lot single family subdivision. A 12 acre lot would be retained for the existing structure on the northerly portion of the site. Four new lots would be created which would range in size from 19,000 square feet to 52,000 square feet. Access to these lots would be provided by the westerly extension of Scriver Road. The proposed plat also indicates the provision of an open space and drainage easement around the small pond on the southerly portion of the property. The Planning Commission may recall several preliminary plans which were prepared by the Planning Department in 1973 for the Blake -Schaefer Road area of the City. Although these plans were not officially adopted, staff has referred to them in its review of this proposed subdivision. The Blake -Schaefer plans proposed the westerly extension of Scriver Road to serve the subject property as well as properties further west. The alignment of Scriver Road as shown on the proposed plat is generally in conformance with the Blake -Schaefer plans. It should be noted that the further westerly extension of Scriver Road to serve additional properties should be anticipated. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the proposed subdivision in that: 1) the single family residential development proposed is compatible with surrounding developments. 2) proposed lot sizes are generally similar to lot sizes on Scriver Rd. 3) the subdivision and road alignment are in conformance with the unofficial Blake -Schaefer plans. 4) provision of an open space and drainage easement should protect the natural character of the pond on the site. Approval is recommended with the following conditions and modifications: 1) submission of an executed drainage and open space easement. 2) an executed developer's agreement. CH:k 10/26/77 c �a ' I L•1 7I7 I '0 G Q Oco C7 tj CD N '. - st It V4 Z H O `G 'J C'C'1 O ,O 1•C'1 V'1 D 00 n• O O / _ n --i O% rr 0)W N V Ct1 O O Of Z 00 CD C1 W T W W CD _ W =TW pt � pt -'.1 C su d = r N C1 CD L -< C CD 0 O CA 'C v. cQ' �. d Ko •� V'1 .Z7 ? A O -+ � W = 0 7} QO Z CD dV1 O W C1 CD O ,o �' Z C =3 cn CD co co a co Cq�_. c �a ' I L•1 7I7 I '0 G Q Oco C7 tj CD c �a ' I L•1 7I7 I '0 G V 0 O CD CL Q Oco C7 CD N '. - �G Z H O `G 'J C'C'1 O ,O 1•C'1 V'1 D 00 n• O O _ n --i O% rr 0)W N V Ct1 O O Z 00 CD C1 W T W W CD _ W =TW pt � pt -'.1 C su d = r N C1 CD L -< C CD 0 O CA 'C v. cQ' �. d Ko •� V'1 .Z7 ? A O -+ � W = 0 7} QO Z CD dV1 O W C1 CD O ,o �' Z C =3 cn CD co co a co Cq�_. f7 a co c ON CL a, G n V to cu -ucod y d O C CD =3 rn < Ca. O CD '^ N co z C co n o c' '^ < o CD C) -n C W_arno t W < m CD Co cu C d 2i: < N A co ca I O CD o `' N tA C d d D t� � l0 CD 1 Q � ^Z • I V 0 O CD CL Subdivision No. G•1--7 7- ,'_-'j SUBDIVISION DGDICF+TION REPORT TO: Planning Commission Park Board Environmental Quality Commission FROM: Planning Department SUBDIVISION NA1.1E: LAND SIZE:.� l►��� LAND VA LU�ED :C, fC (By: i`--� �-r.; , Date: The developer of this subdivision has been required to 9 A. grant an easement over part of the land ElB. dedicate of the land as a fee in lieu of land EK C. donate $ As a result of applying the following policy: A. Land Required (no density or intensity may be used for the first 50 of land dedicated) D 1. If property is adjacent to an existing park and the addition beneficially expands the park. II 2. If property is 6 aeras or will be combined with future dedications so that the end result will be a minimum of a 6 acre park. E3. If property abuts a natural lake, pond, or stream. 4. If property is necessary for stcrm water holding or will be dredged or otherwise improved for storm water holding areas or ponds. D 5. If the property is a place of significant natural, scenic or his- toric value. n 6. B. Cash Required MI. In all other instances than above. 2. 0 I u t cr '� r J - VAI . --0t A E �V FiE1GtiT� ' NI LICIR 66 Tti T A T w Ims NORMAN- DALE , �. PARK su-lbdi-%viE�)i0jnl Brookview Heights 5th Addition REQUEST NUMBER: S..: 7-21 LOCATION: E. of Cahill Rd. & 9 Mile Creek W. of M.N. & S K.R. tracks & N of W. th REQUEST: 18 lot single family plat Ij Inge , rn(tiuj situ r jjCn1 Yilk Cof P,lina PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT November 2, 1977 S-77-21 Brookview Heights 5th Addition. C. Jacobson. Generally located east of Cahill Rd. and 9 Mile Creek, west of the M.N. & S. Railroad tracks and north of W. 70th Street (an extension of Limerick Lane). Refer to: Attached preliminary plat, grading plan, and parkland dedication report. The subject property is a 13 acre tract of land located between the M.N.S. Railroad tracks and Nine Mile Creek immediately south of W. 66th Street. An 18 lot single family subdivision is proposed which would be served by the southerly extension of Limerick Drive. The average lot size for the subdivision would be 18,700 square feet which is somewhat larger than existing single family lots located easterly and westerly of the subject property. Nearly one half of the subject property lies within the flood plain of Nine Mile Creek. The proponent has submitted a grading plan for the site which has been reviewed by staff and the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District. The Watershed District has indicated that the proposed grading plan complies with its rules and regulations in that a flood plain encroachment of less than 20% is proposed. The remaining flood plain lands have been designated as Outlot A which measures 3.93 acres. The proponent has indicated his intent to dedicate this outlot to the City. A 200 foot wide strip of land abutting the west side of the subject property and bisected by Nine Mile Creek was dedicated to the City in conjunction with a previous subdivision. Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the proposed subdivision and flood plain permit in that: 1) the proposed land use is in conformance with the Western Edina Plan. 2) lot sizes are generally consistent and somewhat larger than surrounding subdivisions. 3) proposed flood plain encroachment is within standards of the City and the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District. Approval is recommended with the following conditions and modifications: 1) a deed to the City of Edina for Outlot A. 2) adequate erosion control measures to prevent sediments resulting from site grading from entering the flood plain lands and Nine Mile Creek. 3) those items contained in the attached preliminary engineering report. 10 26/77 ;T! Qj ALJ OUTLOT I w'.-4 171, Z30 so f'T 3.93 OGRES ',4L. � LLJ ` t , '• � 11 r.� i 4 i u 10 Subdivision No. S-77-21 SUBDIVISION DEDICATION RI.PORT TO: Planning Commission Park Board Environmental Quality Commission FROM: Planning Department SUBDIVISION NAME: �t�2^II�Cr�-►C�,� - LAND SIZE: LAND VALUE: (By: Date: ) The developer of this subdivision has been required to A. grant an easement over part of the land n B. dedicate _% of the land C. donate $ as a fee in lieu of land As a result of applying the following policy: A. Land Required (no density or intensity may be used for the first 5% of land dedicated) f 1. If property is adjacent to an existing park and the addition beneficially expands the park. 2. If property is 6 acres or will be combined with future dedications so that the end result will be a minimum of a 6 acre park. 3. If property abuts a natural lake, pond, or stream. 4. If property is necessary for storm water holding or will be dredged or otherwise improved for storm water holding areas or ponds. D 5. If the property is a place of significant natural, scenic or his- toric value. n 6. B. Cash Required El1. In all other instances than above. 11 2. •. 0ADJ W a YORKTOWN W. P, - �&G) { �4-qt OtiYN, .PHKI PARK _ Y a 0 r F { ;TH. REQUEST NII-MBER : E. of York Ave, W. of Xerxes, N LOCATION W. 76th St. & S. of W. 74 th St. REQUEST: One lot plat and zoning for an 80 unit: apartment project Ryan Construction First Addition v3(i"Ozc�rjRnrrii�f_t2tIr1111LS1Lvitlnnc of c�iina PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT November 2, 1977 Z-77-17 Ryan Construction Co. Generally located E. of York Ave., W. of Xerxes Ave., N. of W. 76th Street and S. of W. 74th St. extended. R-1 Single Family District to Planned Residential District PRD -3. Refer to: Attached preliminary zoning plans On September 28, 1977, the Planning Commission reviewed the proposed Southeast Edina Redevelopment Plan which was subsequently approved by the City Council on October 17, 1977. The Planning Commission will recall that a 9.5 acre site lying east of York Avenue and north of 76th Street and within the redevelopment plan area was proposed for the construction of 80 low and moderate income family townhouses. This project, which is proposed by Ryan Construction Company, was discussed briefly on September 28, 1977. Presently, Ryan Construction Company is requesting preliminary rezoning approval from R -I to PRD -3, Planned Residential District. If approved by the Planning Commission and Council, the proponents will then return with final development plans for your review. The proposed development plans call for 80 units which include 8 one bedroom units, 48 two bedroom units, 20 three bedroom units, and 4 four bedroom units. Structures and parking areas comprise 33.3% of the site with the remainder devoted to open space areas, which include pedestrian walkways, tot lots, and landscape areas. Access to the southern portion of the development is provided from 76th Street and access to the northern portion from York Avenue. 100 enclosed garage spaces and 80 surface parking spaces are provided. The subject property has been graded and altered significantly during past years. Thus, few trees and green areas are present. The property is characterized by fairly level topography, however, a rather steep embarkment is present along York Terrace in the northwestern partion of the subject property. Recommendation: Although the proposed development will be constructed for housing for low and moderate income families, it must be emphasized that this is not "low cost" housing, i.e., housing which is constructed to lesser design and construction standards and with fewer amenities. Rather, the proposed housing is designed and constructed in the same manner as a market rate housing with similar amenities and should be reviewed by the Planning Commission in the same manner as a market rate housing development. Staff recommends preliminary zoning approval in that: 1. the proposal conforms with the South Edina Plan. 2. the proposal conforms with the Southeast Edina Redevelopment Plan. 3. the low density development as proposed is desirable to further reduce traffic impacts, to provide a less congested living environment for low and moderate income families, and to provide a suitable transition from low density developments to the east. Ryan Construction Co. Page 2 November 2, 1977 Recommendation: 4. building locations as proposed prevent an undesirable "row house" appearance and provide areas for adequate screening with land- scaping. S. the proposal provides a unit mixture which provides housing opportunities to a diversity of family sizes. Approval is recommended with the following conditions and modifications in conjunction with final plan approval: 1. dedication of an easement abutting York Terrace for roadway purposes. 2. deletion of the northerly driveway on York Avenue. 3. completion of preliminary and final platting of the subject property. 4. provision of an adequate landscape plan Lastly, City Ordinances require that individual sewer and water connections must be provided for townhouse developments. According to HUD and the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency agreements which the proponent must enter into, the proposed development must be used as rental property to low and moderate income families for at least 30 years. Staff believes that no useful purpose would be served by requiring individual sewer and water services at this time. Therefore, staff recommends that the provisions requiring individual sewer and water connections be waived with the condition that such individual services must be installed in the event that any of the units of the proposed development are offered for individual ownership. GH:ks 10/28/77 Subdivision No. 22--7-7-?2 SUBDIVISION DEDICATION REPORT TO: Planning Commission Park Board Environmental Quality Commission FROM: Planning Department I l SUBDIVISION NAME: p>O Air -Mex vv� � LAND SIZE: '.% 5�a�- LAND VALUE: (BY: Date: ) The developer of this subdivision has been required to 0 A. grant an easement over part of the land ElB. dedicate % of the land C. donate $ as a fee in lieu of land As a result of applying the following policy: A. Land Required (no density or intensity may be used for the first 50 of land dedicated) 1'. If property is adjacent to an existing park and the addition beneficially expands the park. El 2. If property is 6 acres or will be combined with future dedications so that the end result will be a minimum of a 6 acre park. E3. If property abuts a natural lake, pond, or stream. 4. If property is necessary for storm water holding or will be dredged or otherwise improved for storm water holding areas or ponds. r75. If the property is a place of significant natural, scenic or his- toric value. n 6. B. Cash Required W1. In all other instances than above. El 2. �I`II�'I�;QST;y OF rrOTA Continuing Education for Women Cont_nuing Edkation and Extension Fall Quarter, 1977 200 blesbrook Ea -11 CLA ;T S O?.'1=17) ATI b1`11A vi : IG:I C0.', u:.;ITY CE3417i:R Courses listed below wI ll be cffcred this fall at the Edina Senior Consnunity Center, 7151 York Avenue Sough. A Minnesota law enables students 62 and over to enroll in credit and noncredit classes at no cost on a space available basis. All students are responsible for special and material fees. Students of all agos are welcome. Detailed course descriptions are available upon request by calling 373-9743 or writing to Continuing Education for T,,Tomen, 200 t•Tesbrook hall, 77 Pleasant St. S.E., University of Minnesota, ITinneapolis, ",'^T 55455. Assertiveness Training $25 (6 sessions) Jan Taylor C,Tednesdays, October 5 - November 9, 10:00 - 11:30 Camera $30 (8 sessions) Mary Strother Mondays, October 3 - november 21, 10:30 - 12:00 Genealogy $15 (4 sessions) Donal Nelson Fridays, October 7 - October 28, 10:00 - 11:30 Inages of Aging in Literature $25 (6 sessions) Geraldine Chavis 1-Tednesdays, October 6 - 7ovember 9, 7:30 - 9:00 Puking Vords 7ork For You $20 (5 sessions) Charlotte iIowey Tuesdays, October 11 - November 8, 10:00 - 11:30 Oil and Acrylics $30 plus $6 special fee (8 sessions) Eleanor Conrad Thursdays, September 29 - TTovember 17, 1:00 - 3:30 p.m. Overview of Yoc Thcight and Practice $20 (5 sessions) Mary Gail Petersen Tuesdays, October 4 - November 1, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Physical Fitness F, Relaxation $18 plus $4 stDPcial fee Alice Pickering Taursdays, September 29 - November 17, 10:00 - 11:30 PLEASF JOITJ US! FOPVS CAM EE GIV17T TO ri 71C JA MC)'TT? FOR FURTHER Ir1F021d-ATIOW CALL 373-9743 Please register me in the class(es) Piy check for $ is enclosed. ••T� r:r S �uSJ CITY STATE ZIP TEL PHOME (work) (bo-ne) EIRa.KDATE, SOCIAL SECURITY # 7/2'/77 I a4 i 1 ;c U r"4 cU f r-- tf1 ON i= I U N rJ Ir O Fi N .-A I N u0 s ro� '•� M H I. ro ^, ,,r, c, , JJ a r-4 • • U) O • • C U) O •• U M U M O •� v) I (n aJ •• t7 U) C U E • • `e -� C U) • • O (n '.J cli I U) C V) O C) to F. .. C U O C) r-1 cl, O >4 M N 4=. u� E r, 0*1 r4 CB O ►.1 r-1 J I t= U G r"� : M C ri O 4J O tJ O O r O G C 7 1 W C i r-1 r-4 C9 > CD b O +J M • • C C, � ri E O r1 O .. J C U1 Cl C •ri CO 0 •-i " cr) 01 , G+ CO M c' u O i r; r•{ Cl'. Ul D^, .. N i 4 1 -4 r 4 ri U JJ •H •r1 .oc U) r -I 4.1 o •r i C G P c CD U CJ U •• >4 G < v; r0-1 r- s: w u T •r1 •,� b O ?, O U r1 f tri 44 C) cr O` cJ G ro G r M U) C U0 Q ✓ 4} .� a ::I _ a O G.. cv r-4 r i • O O O C o a. 0 � 4-4 C, CJ F+ �) 4=' 44 0) aJ U R70 Cl { •1 G 1 u, M t O U) O • • UJ O d U) U cU f r-- tf1 ON i= I s4 Ir O Fi N .-A I N u0 s ro� '•� M H C') i ro CC JJ a r-4 • • U) O • • C U) O •• U M U M O •� v) I (n aJ •• t7 U) C U E • • `e -� C U) • • O (n N cli I U) C V) O C) to F. .. C U O C) r-1 cl, O >4 M N 4=. O M E r, 0*1 r4 CB O ►.1 r-1 J I t= U G UI : M G I ri O 4J O tJ O O r O G C 7 1 W C i r-1 r-4 C9 > CD b O +J M • • C C, � ri E O r1 O ri J C f3- C •ri CO 0 •-i " cr) 01 > ri G+ > 00 1 c' u O N .,+ (1)j N i 4 1 -4 r 4 ri U JJ •H •r1 .oc U) r -I 4.1 o •r i C G P c CD U CJ U •• U G < v; r0-1 r- s: w u T •r1 •,� b ri O U r1 f tri 44 S4 G cy 4.1 •rr O cJ G ro G i M U) C O ✓ 4} .� a ::I _ a O G.. G Cl) ro•• O O O C o a. 0 � F7 Pl O F+ C r"- . , G ✓ ) U R70 Cl { •1 G 1 u, M t O U) O • • UJ O d u� co CU � C o E ro c O a=. ro 7 CC)) r-1 Q cy Ij ri O C iJ C) > U= U C' > U •rl U M I G C C U C C •• C U C' M c •• O Fj C-4 C •� tU G r r -i U) C C) l U G C) �= U) C O G O -n G I O CJ F G > r- O -4 > O d U h •ri O u -+ U •r1 •• +.J r-1 JJ C ccn 1J cn O JJ p r i cW w b oL N 4 O >4 W u � o Lr) r7 U U Pa < U _ cU f r-- tf1 ON i= I s4 Ir O Fi N .-A 1' O O o ro� '•� M H C') i ro CC JJ a r-4 • • U) O • • C 0. U CJ ro .. cJ O •� v) I (n aJ •• t7 U) C r -i rJ •• ctj H M CD El M (n N Q ri I U) C V) O E C to F. .. C U O C) r-1 cl, O >4 M N 4=. O M E r, 0*1 r4 CB O ►.1 r-1 •r4 Q� O • • C) C cC r- C) O 4J O tJ O •r4 Ct U) -4. •rl O >-) cC U CF CJ O -H C i r-1 r-4 C9 > O b O 1-1 +J M • • •-' U) r i , C 11 • • G ri N S4 U r l • • 00 •i:� 1 C •ri CO 0 •-i " cr) ro > 00 1 c' u O • • > I •ri L) EH � �o C o o rl � co M JJ •H •r1 .oc U) r -I 4.1 o •r i G G 0 w Cj U •• CI O GC U •• N C' r0-1 r- H 0. 0. 4a tri 44 S4 G cy 4.1 •rr O cJ G ro G E. M U) C v c0 ::I _ a ) G Cl) ro•• O O O C o a. 0 � O v] E� C r"- . , G ✓ ) U R70 Cl { •1 G 1 u, M t O U) O • • UJ O d CU � C E O 01 CJ 0 O 7 CC)) r-1 U m cy Ij .H r-1 > > U= U C' > U •rl U! O I C: o ro JJ N p c •• O ' C •� tU to ri r -i to C) S t cn v <C �= U) C a. f4 CJ F G C)Lr U .rel c cU f r-- tf1 ON i= C -J 44 1 1 C I O Fi N .-A 1' O O O '.4 f '•� M H C') i CO cn CC JJ O r-4 • • U) O • • C 0. U CJ O cy ^� U • • �p G •� v) I (n aJ •• t7 U) C r -i rJ •• ctj H M N N O (n N Q ri I U) C 0 0 ri o M I to F. w O .. C U O C) r-1 cl, O U C Cl C •t7 O r4 O r4 CB O ►.1 r-1 •r4 ' tv � aJ cC O ?� 4J O tJ O •r4 Ct U) -4. •rl O >-) cC U CF CJ O -H C i r-1 r-4 C9 > O w FZ. • • > 1 44 a) C) H ri N •rl O _C C7 N JJ •-i " cr) cU f r-- tf1 ON i= C -J 44 1 1 C I O O C., 1' O O O '.4 yc M Ft M G^ G- M H C) 0 CO cn JJ O r-4 • • U) O • • C 0. U CJ r-•1 1 ^� U • • �p G •� v) I (n aJ •• t7 U) C r -i rJ •• C7 H M N O (n N t: t-) I U) C 0 0 ri o r-♦ O to F. w O CJ G U O C) r-1 r^i •- U C Cl C r4 O r4 CB O -HO� •r4 ' yGJ r, � aJ cC > 4J O tJ O •r4 Ct U) -4. •rl O >-) cC U CF CA -H C •r4 r -I C ct r-1 t, O C9 > O G FZ. • • > 1 $Gr C) H 1a N •rl O r -i :� N JJ •-i " cr) P'4 up u � C L) EH � �o .,..1 0 JJ •H •r1 U) r -I O G •r i CO r -I G 0 a 0 p- C' r0-1 r- H 0. 0. tri M U) C NC G C cJ cn G Cl) ro•• O O O C � O ECUr� Ur-•! GN U R70 r>7OC vaC7 G 1 u, >, O U) O • • UJ O d CU � C E O 01 CJ 0 O 7 CC)) r-1 U m cy Ij .H r-1 > > U= U C' > U •rl r -i C: o ro JJ N p 4a Cil b •� C to w to C) S t cn v <C U U) C a. i-+ O o CZ ---- f c 14 r- r-- tf1 ON CJ 4.1 CM C -J 44 1 1 O O O O '.4 M Ft M G^ G- M H O C 0. t r-4 •r1 N C) -- 0. U) N 4J •r1 M 4-J 1 C •r1 t -I •� v) I (n aJ •• t7 U) C r -i rJ •• L+ ^J O (3) •r1 M '� C G p C H > I N ro O go 0 0 ri o o o o •• ri C y + r4 CB O r-4 •r4 ' 4H G ;7 U 4-+ .:. Cl' cC 44 •ri O :� G CJ 4.4 •ri >1 'H G M O >-) cC U CF O 4 U C) t': C ct r-1 t, O RS O 0- O C.C;N v,,__ vi Or I O C M O O CI c r -i ri C C+ 4A O O U) C? C U C� cu t.ri .- r-- 0 1 1 n G E O C 0. O 0. U) N O cJ U) r -i • • O C1 r -i O I U N go ro � y + •r4 ' CJ cn C I O C M O O CI c r -i ri C C+ 4A O O U) C? C U C� cu t.ri .- a- . j� i� cJ cJ cit I go a- . i1'?'Ct'��;'.ST ; Y OF p�..•,�r�OTA Continuing Education for I-Torren — Continuing Edt,catlon and Extension Fall Quarter, 1977 200 VesLrook Ball � -srt T. .T•TT! T ^ f •. (.T;.Y 1 nf. w-; !T• CLAS�..S 4 .. ,.:— t.1 EDl 1A SM:10 2 CO_�L .u,:I y CENTER Courses listed below vslll be cffcred this fLT1'1 at t:.e Edina Senior Community Center, 7151 York Avenue Sou --b. A Iiinnesota law enables studants 62 and over to enroll in credit and noncredit classes at no cost on a space available basis. All students are responsible for special and material fees. Students of all ages are welcome. Detailed course descrjptions are available upon request by calling 373-9743 or writing to Continuing Education for ?:7omen, 200 t•Iesbrook Hall, 77 Pleasant St. S.E., University of Minnesota, ?'.inneapolis, ^d 55455. Assertiveness Training $25 (6 sessions) Jan Taylor Wednesdays, October 5 - November 9, 10:04 - 11:30 Camera $30 (8 sessions) Mary Strother Mondays, October 3 - November 21, 10:30 - 12:00 GenealoRy $15 (4 sessions) Donal Nelson Fridays, October 7 - October 28, 10:00 - 11:30 In. anes of Fring in Literature $25 (6 sessions) Geraldine Chavis Wednesdays, October 6 -november 9, 7:30 - 9:00 Making; Tlards T.T,)rk For You $20 (5 sessions) Charlotte Ilowey Tuesdays, October 11 - november 8, 10:00 - 11:30 Oil and Acrvlics $30 plus $6 special fee (8 sessions) Eleanor Conrad Thursdays, September 29 - Moveriber 17, 1;00 - 3:30 p.m. Overview of Yoh- Thought and Practice $20 (5 sessions) Mary Gail Fetersc,i Tuesdays, October 4 - Movcriber 1, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Physical Fitness & Relaxation $18 plus $4 special fee Alice Pickering Thursdays, Senten..ber 29 - November 17, 10:00 - 11:30 PLEASE JOIN US! FORMS CAM M GIV173 TO ;,tARCIA 1,10"M FOR FUT MHER INFO_'dIATIO d CALL 373-9743 Please register ne in the classes) N7 check for $ is enclosed. ITS ADD :ESS CI'T'Y STATE ZIP TCLEPFONE (work) 010-ne) EIRTIMATi SOCIAL SECURITY # 7/2:/77 C, W -P ■ C., -j 4 Q co c3 Cl .-4 0 1r cl 1 0 1-4 rn 11 CI o tp, to '2 I o, tr, c, r., d, 1-4 tia CD 11: 14 2 E U rl S4 4 C >, 11 0 >1 ! " u0 :1. -- w w ci 0 14 ri W CL U 7 44 (1) Llz Lr. u Ci v., 4j ^ rq 14 00 r C-1 C> No Aj T c: 0 -1 yU C 1-4 EE7. U eq c- o r-1cn C- I G G C, Q l Er I U�4 W r rb L� •14 (�! U p o c r_ o -j 1-1 rj a C U '1 U w 0 -A 0 C3 r- C) .14 r 4 ::3 c 0 o •r 4j > j 4J 0 4J 0 C14 C', +4 • 4 > I U N.,4 -4 1-4 C4 14 C, �j 'A P- rs L) u < 4j Ij u cl < 0 N 1-4 C u E- <u 4J -4o G to H o -04 rw co 14 rz .,q (t tr 0 C4 4j U U NM c mc.. C cn C O C C a C ,4 r -q En 0 r - r -I fn - L) ri c r NCO Nc r- N Uo r C) v) c U) c U , M :J O Q c� p cn v c) q C -Z > 0 > C: L; E- 0 tr r- C v.cl c a) 14 vi Aj 4j H r-4 z 4 tr., -H 14 4J U W $4 10 Co 41 W L, $4 U b 14 0 4 J 10.1 w .,4 w L) m a) •r144 W ci tf) M ON 0 Cl E o E C 0 5 0 tW rn C2 cz w C" cl CZ 0 0 r o 0 !z 'D 5 cn 0 x 0 Z G 0 !-, m ,2 N O E r- M w 0 cn m t' r- cn w .. V) r-- tn(� c� 12 rp=- Ir) 0 o, . r- v) cl . 0 C> -,4 0 —2 4 t2 P. 4J -H M I rL 4 Cl) En c 4J 0 4J M C� U) 14 C 4J Co r. to ol v., > oD l (7 c) c E > t 0 0 1, t4 > 14 0 1-4 -H O ? 419 Aj o GC u0 U u < C ei -H 0 :j V rj 44 c ca t4 -4 >• ej tz -4 o c) cl t, r,' >J cc v tz u W t: O r- 0 c. 1-4 G. 0 0 CL 0 Fn Lo Lo 1 0 0 0 V 0 C) en C) r- 0 opo G cl c- 0 I (R c K R lu- o C, C, C14 Ln eq c) V) �4 c� C> O4 0. C, ul 0 0 c. Lrl 14 1p riw En Q E,w es w c C) Ln cu tc w ci 6 U F-; C 0 E -H ej (U L; cli C14 LA 0 En LO) •C, 14 12 w (2 $4 M�4 ri cl C, C) ILI L) ■ MEMORANDUM October 19, 1977 TO: Robert Kojetin, Director of Parks and Recreation FROM: Gordon Hughes, Director of Planning SUBJECT: 1976 and 1977 Community Development Funds. Attached is a letter from Hennepin County notifying the City that it may now incur costs associated with the neighborhood parks improvement projects for 1977. As you know, the Park Department proposed that these funds be used to improve Chowen, Parbury, and Grand- view Pakrs. At present, however, you will be allowed to use 1977 CD funds for improvements to only Chowen Park due to eligibility require- ments. Depending upon rulings from HUD, you may be able to use funds for Parbury and Grandview Parks at a future date (although I doubt it). Please contact me prior to incurring any costs or issuing any contracts for Chowen Park improvements so that they may be checked for compliance with federal regulations. ® I have also been advised by the County that $18,331 of 1976 park improvement funds remain unused. You will recall that these funds can be used for Weber, York and Alden Park improvements. If additional improvements to these parks are not planned or if such improvements will not utilize the total funds remaining, it may be advisable to transfer these funds to other CD accounts such as the Diseased Tree Replacement program (i.e., acquisition of nursery stock) or the Edina Mills project. Please advise me of your thoughts. GH:ks CC: Ken Rosland u IM EDINA ASSOCIATIONS — (Presidents) Braemar City of Lakes Figure Skating Club Mrs. Woody (Betty) Cater Edina, MN 55435 1(830) Edina Baseball Association Mr. Bob Burley Edina, MN 55424 I (400) Edina Basketball Association Mr. Dave Weiss Edina, MN 55436 f (700) Edina Football Association Mr. Lloyd Larson Edina, MN 554:15 Edina Girls' Athletic Association Mrs. Robert P. (Corky) Neuman Edina, MN 55436 The following sports are included in E.G.A.A.: (360) Basketball ( 44) Flag Football Hockey ( 97) Team Tennis Volleyball Edina Girls' Softball Association Mrs. Monty J. (Jean) Ferguson Edina, MN 554Jb • revised - 11/1977 (500) Edina Gymnastics Association Mr. and Mrs. Mel Peacock Edina, MN 55435 Edina Historical Association Mr. Earl Rickheim Edina, MN 55424 (1,150) Edina Hockey Association Mr. Michael A. LaFond Edina, MN 55424 (1,990) Edina Soccer Association Mr. John Porter Edina, MN 55424 Edina Special Children's Group (E.S.C.G.) Mrs. B. T. (Birdie) Bagley mina, MN 55435 (100) Edina Swim Club Mrs. Arthur G. (Jane) Rotman Edina, MN 55436 Heritage Preservation Board Mr. Foster Dunwiddie Edina, MN 55424 Leisure Time Committee of E.S.C.G. Mr. Hal Liljenquist F,u�LLa, MN 55424 9 ,LF -d (j. OF-aldinan, CPC U INSURANCE CONSULTANT 100 BUILDERS EXCHANGE MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402 TELEPHONE (612) 336-5866 City of Edina Athletic Associations Recommended Insurance - Workers' Compensation Insurance Including: Employer's Liability insurance with limit of. $100,000. All States Endorsement Comprehensive General Liability Insurance Including: Personal Injury and Property Damage Officers, Managers and Employees to be covered as additional insureds Products Liability Non -Owned and Hired Car Automobile Liability insurance to be included City of Edin;a to be named as additional insured only insofar as Athletic Association activities are concerned Recommended Minimum Limits Personal Injury $300,000/$500,000 Property Damage $100,000 November 14, 1978 9 ATHLETIC ASSOCIATIONS RELATIONSHIP WITH THE PARK BOARD AND THE PARK AND RECREATION STAFF From the Minutes of the November 8, 1977 Park Board Meeting The basic philosophy that the Edina Park and Recreation Department staff recommends to be used in working with the athletic associations in order to maintain good programs is as follows: The Edina Park Board and the Edina Park and Recreation Department recognize the individual athletic associations in the City of Edina as the only governing body for each respective sport. The Edina Park Board, in cooperation with the Edina Park and Recreation Department, will administer and help each individual association plan, provide facilities, and give professional direction regarding operation of their association, so as to maintain the basic philosophies. Also, the Edina Park and Recreation Department acts as a liaison between the associations and the Edina Park Board to help see that the associations are providing a well rounded and equal program for all participants. The Edina Park and Recreation Department staff recommend the following guidelines be followed: 1) That all boys and girls receive an equal opportunity to participate in any activity at whatever ability level they may play. 2) Have fun. 0 3) Build good sportsmanship and character. 4) Learn basic fundamentals of the sport they participate in. 5) Be a good team member. 6) Learn to accept discipline. 7) Have a reasonable amount of practice and games. 8) The Edina Park and Recreation Department staff should encourage the use of volunteers on the Board of Directors, as well as in the coaching, because we believe in the philosophy of citizen involvement. 9) Selection of members to serve on the Board of Directors and as coaches should be based on the prospective member having the understanding of the basic program for all ability levels and all ages. ATHLETIC ASSOCIATIONS RELATIO"NSHIP WITH THE PARK BOARD AND THE PARK AND RECREATION STAFF From the Minutes of the November 8, 1977 Park Board Meeting The.basic philosophy that the Edina Park and Recreation Department staff recommends to be used in working with the athletic associations in order to maintain good programs is as follows: The Edina Park Board and the Edina Park and Recreation Department recognize the individual athletic associations in the City of Edina as the only governing body for each respective sport. The Edina Park Board, in cooperation with the Edina Park and Recreation Department, will administer and help each individual association plan, provide facilities, and give professional direction regarding operation of their association, so as to maintain the basic philosophies. Also, the Edina Park and Recreation Department acts as a liaison between the associations and the Edina Park Board to help see that the associations are providing a well rounded and equal program for all participants. The Edina Park and Recreation Department staff recommend the following guidelines be followed: 1) That all boys and girls receive an equal opportunity to participate in any activity at whatever ability level they may play. 2) Have fun. • 3) Build good sportsmanship and character. 4) Learn basic fundamentals of the sport they participate in. 5) Be a good team member. 6) Learn to accept discipline. ® 7) Have a reasonable amount of practice and games. 8) The Edina Park and Recreation Department staff should encourage the use of volunteers on the Board of Directors, as well as in the coaching, because we believe in the philosophy of citizen involvement. 9) Selection of members to serve on the Board of Directors and as coaches should be based on the prospective member having the understanding of the basic program for all ability levels and all ages. 0