HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-02-11 Park Board PacketCITY OF EDINA PARK BOARD MEETING February 11, 1975 AGENDA I. Approval of Minutes - Park Board Meeting January 14, 1975 11. Open Space Study III. Park Board Reviewal of Ordinance 1221 IV. Purchase of Outlot I - Edina Parkland V. 1975 Golf Course Budget and Fees and Charges VI. Recreation Report January 24, 1975 TO: Edina Park Board Members FROM: Jack Rice Following the Park Board meeting of January 14th, I had an informal discussion with Mayor Van Valkenburg regarding several areas of concern expressed by the board members. I believe that the meeting with the Mayor was very productive and I am writing to you to summarize my impressions of the conversation: 1. First it was felt that overall communication between the Park Board and the City Council could and probably should be improved by a regularly scheduled appearance and presentation of the Park Board at a City Council regular or work session meeting. We also felt that when matters of an extraordinary nature came to the attention of the Park Board that a re- presentative of the Park Board would appear at the next regularly scheduled council meeting to report directly to the council. We reviewed Ordinance #1221 which provides for the Edina Park Board and reviewed Section 6 particularly as it relates to powers and duties.. This section of the ordinance is very short and states that the Park Board shall: A. Develop and review plans for the acquisition and development of parks and recreation facilities, and make recommendations thereon to the Village Council and B. Plan and make recommendations to the Council concerning park activities and recreation programs. In my opinion, Section 6 implies a strong duty on the part of the Park Board to conscientiously and aggressively make recommendations to the City Council relative to our whole park and recreation program and implies a duty to document, present and explain to the Council why we are making the recommendations. I explained to Mayor Van Valkenburg that this is certainly the way in which we would rather operate and told him of our unanimous decision to forego any thought of a bond referendum relative to park finances. 2. On the matter of financial responsibility, the Mayor and I agreed that the Park Board and Council had made a good start by meeting in a study session, but we both agreed that there was no final answer or conclusion as a result of that meeting and it was never intended that there should be. We agreed that there was no agreed upon or finite limit on capital expenditure funds for the Park Board use in the eyes of the Council and we also recognized that certain specific improvements such as Bredesen Park, the 44th Street cultural center, and second swimining pool should be considered as extraor- dinary items. We also generally agreed that the repair of the swimming pool for example, should fall into an area of emergency maintenance rather than 2 capital improvements of an ordinary nature. In the area of available funds the Mayor agreed that the Council was under no restriction rela- tive to the money from the sale of the library other than to use the money to the best interests of all of the people of Edina. He obviously made no commitment that all or any part of that money would be used for park programs, but did reaffirm that it was not earmarked for any specific project in the city. He encouraged us to order our priorities and present them to the council for their consideration with no set limit of capital expenditures in mind. 3. After reviewing Ordinance #1221, it was felt that possibly the ordinance should be updated somewhat relative to general language and that the member from the School Board and the member from the Planning Commission be full voting members. I enclose a copy of Ordinance #1221 and Ordinance #1222 for your review. I am sure there are parts of #1222 that need revision and updating also and this will be an agenda item at the February meeting. In summary I felt the meeting with the Mayor was particularly refreshing and I sincerely believe we will have a more open relationship with the City Council in the future, along with probably a heavier responsibility on the Park Board to be willing to put together sensible proposals and then recommend them strongly and effectively to the Council as the Councils appointed ear to the needs of the city in the area of parks and recreation. I told the Mayor that our Board at the present time is particularly energetic and dedicated and that I felt that our present concern and frustrations were healthy to the extent that they showed just how much this Park Board wants to contribute to Edina. BGR: js Attachments