HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-08-12 Park Board PacketMY OF EDINA PARK BOARD MEETING Conference Room August 12, 1975 7:30 PM AGENDA I. Approval of Minutes - Park Board Meeting July 8, 1975 II. Budget III. Utley Park IV. Bond Issue V. Edina Gymnastics Association RECREATIO14 CENTER FUND STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSE CITY OF EDINA For Six Months Ending June 30, 1975 OPERATING EXPENSES: Salaries and wages Manager $ 7,849.17 Increase 7,274.00 1975 1974 Decrease* REVENUE 8,505.00 3,280.80 Season tickets $. 2,059.34 $ 2,124.00 $ 64.66* Retail sales 74.62 88.00 13.38* Concessions 6,717.45 5,649.00 1,068.45 Daily skating fees 1,072.87 1,937.00 864.13* Spectator fees 10,026.13 9,952.00 74.13 Ice Rental 69,659.33 52,024.00 17,635.33 Services 2,528.27 3,110.00 581.73- Vending machine commission 2,672.61 2,770.00 97.39* *Skate and locker rental 225.53 417.00 225.53 Other 29.55 -- 29.55 927.00 95,065.70 $ 77,654.00-$17,411.70 OPERATING EXPENSES: Salaries and wages Manager $ 7,849.17 $ 7,274.00 $ 575.17 City clerical and supervision 11,785.80 8,505.00 3,280.80 Police 452.19 717.00 264.81: Maintenance 22,556.40 23,473.00 916.60* Organist 240.00 360.00 120.00* Concession labor 1,249.87 2,089.00 839.13* Total Salaries and Wages $ 44,133.43 $ 42,418.00 1,715.43 MiIpAna ani conferenr- 655.64 417.00 Printing - tickets, notices 1,478.59 927.00 551.59 Laundry 175.64 294.00 118.36* Telephone 801.59 524.00 277.59 Eight and power 16,686.64 11,088.00 5,598.64 Fuel and heat 10,202.82 9,491.00 711.82 Paint 121.35 228.00 106.65* Cleaning supplies 1,739.52 530.00 1,209.52 Lumber 407.97 127.00 280.97 General supplies 2,614.21 40122.00 1,507.79* Equipment maintenance 3,415.82 3,952.00 536.18* Central services 8,730.00 6,720.00 2,010.00 Food and soft drinks purchased 3,624.95 2,452.00 1,172.95 Insurance 1,136.52 810.00 326.52 Other 895.89 501.00 394.89 Total Contractual Services and Commodities $ 52,687.15 $ 42,183.00 $10,504.15 Total Operating Expenses 96,820.58 84,601.00 12,219.58 INCOME BEFORE INTEREST AND DEPRECIATION $ (1,754.88) $'(6,947.00) $ 5,192.12 Interest on Bonds 6,246.00 6,955.00 709.00* Interest on Loan - Liquor Fund 5,100.00 5,100.00 -- TOTAL INTEREST 11,346.00 12,055.00 709.00* INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE DEPRECIATION (13,100.88) (19,002.00) 5,901.12 Provision for Depreciation 2,224.50 2,190.00 34.50 NET INCOME (LOSS) $ 15,325.38 $ 21,192.00) _ $ 5,866.62 .ate and locker rental included in services in 1974 McCauley Trail Neighborhood Park Construction and amenities Mirror Lakes Neighborhood Park Construction and amenities Hedberg Neighborhood Park Construction and amenities TOTALS Park Projects $ 961,350 Art Center 150,000 Bredesen Palk 425,160 New Parks D76,366 TOTAL $1,906,510 $ 50,000 75,000 75,000 $ 370,000 M E M O R A N D U M July 30, 1975 MEMO TO: Mayor VanValkenburg City Council Members • FROM: Ken Rosland, Director Park and Recreation Department SUBJECT: Utley Park At the Park Board meeting of July 8, 1975 the Park Board passed the following motion: "The Park Board wishes to express their great concern on the Council's recent action approving the construction of a skating facility at Utley Park without the Park Board having approved the project. There are several aspects of this project that are of concern to this Board which still need additional study and consideration before the Board's approval of this project. Therefore, the Park Board feels this project should be delayed until the Board can properly reach judgement." The Park Board, as the motion indicates, feels that additional input is needed before this job is completed. At our August Park Board meeting we will discuss this further; however, in the meantime, I am putting together all costs and bids so the project can be scheduled to go ahead by this winter. G* REVENUE Membership fees Green fees: 18 holes 9 holes Par 3 Golf ca r, cart Locker rental Other GOLF COURSE FUND STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSE CITY OF EDINA FOR SEVEN MONTHS ENDING JULY 31, 1975 and club rental OPERATING EXPENSES: Administration: Salaries and wages: Manager Pro Rangers and starters Cashiers and clerical Printing Supplies Insurance and alarm system Retirement insurance, office supplies, etc. Mileage and schools Audit Other TOTAL ADMINISTRATION Salaries and wages Telephone Water Fuel Light and power Laundry Less amount charged to grillse" Repair - building Insurance Supplies Other TOTAL BUILDING -CLUBHOUSE b PRO SHOP Maintenance of course and grounds: Salaries and wages: Superintendent Maintenance Telephone Light and power Fuel Fertilizer and chemicals Sand, gravel and rock Blacktop and asphalt Sod, tree replacement, etc. Lumber Repairs Supplies Equipment Operation Other TOTAL MAINTENA14CE OF COURSE AIJD GROUNDS TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES TOTAL OPERATING INCOME 1975 1974 i_ Increase Decrease* $ 25,300.00 $ 23,534.00 $ 1,766.00 56,081.11 54,841.00 1,240.11- 37,546.15 37,471.00 75.15 25,762.44 21,396.00 4,366.44 14,093.03 14,435.00 341.97* 972.00_ 1,235.00 263.00* 544.06 1,703-00 1,158 94* 160,298-79 $ 154,615.00 $ 5,683.79 $ 7,946.49 $ 7,568.00 $ 378.49 1,000.00 2,000.00 1,000.00* 4,223.21 4,387.00 163-79- 1,744-56 1,175.00 569_56 $ 14,914. $ 15,130.00 $ 215.7 2,813.92 1,219.00 1,594.92 995.56 910.00 85.56 797.00 292.00 505.00 8,715.00 9,030.00 315.00* 131.28 113.00 18.28 950.00 950.00 -- 113.00 160.00 47.00* $ 29, 30.02 $ 27,804.00 _ $ 5,789.14 $ 8,632.00 $ 2,842.86* 1,017.29 832.00 185.29 36.73 34.00 2.73 523.62 578.00 54.38* 3,907.40 4,099.00 191.60* 664.33 25.00 639.33 (1,844.81) (1,670.00) 174.81* 1,453.76 2,064.00 610.24* 690.69 294.00 396.69 1,206.18 1,463.00 256.82* 770.27 91.00 --679.27 $ 14,214.60 $ 16,442.00 $ 2,227.40* $ 8,225.06 $ 8,765.00 $ 539.94* 36,243.49 27,035.00 9,208.49 $ 68.55 $ 35,800.00 _ S 8,668.55 289.20 172.00 117.20 293.67 345.00 51.33 426.65 525.00 98.35* 1,708.12 3,156.00 1,447.88* 1,359.35 455.00 904.35 139.77 830.00 690.23* 1,429.00 1,329.00 100.00 131.50 1,238.00 1,106.50* 1,195.33 3,158.00 1,962.67* 6,360.55 2,814.00 3,546.55 12,425.00 9,065.00 3,360.00 443.95 437.00 - 6.95 $ 70,670.64 $ 59,324.00 $ 11,346.64 11 ,315.2 $ 103,570.00 $ 10,7�+5.2b' $ 45,983.53 $ 51,045.00 $ 5',061.47* Income on investments $ -- $ 3,665.00 $ 3,665.00* Net income -operating departments 19,215.70 9,676.00 _9,_539.70 Income before interest and depreciation 5,199.23 $ 6 4-,-3-9-.0 (T�_ - ��3.23 Operating Expenses (Cont.'d) Interest on bonds Interest on loan -liquor fund TOTAL INTEREST Income before depreciation Provision for depreciation NET INCOME OPERATING DEPARTMENTS Range: Income Less: operating expenses Net Income - Range Grills: Income Less operating expenses: Personal services Contractual services Commodities Net Income - Grills Net Income Operating Departments Increase I 1975 1974 Decrease* $ 15,834.00 $ 11,606.00 $ 4,228.00 5,005.00 5,005.00 20,839-00 $ 16-611.00 $ J4,228.00 $ 44,360.23 $ 7,775.00 $ 3,414.77 6,384.00 5,796-00 $ 5$00 $ 37,976.23 $ 41,979.00 $ 4,002.77* $ 22,847.75 $ 19,354.00 $ 3,493.75 8,920.42_ 9,327.00 _406.58* 13,927.33 10,027.00 $ 3,900.33 $ 35,876.53 10,531.20 1,850.81 18,206.15 30,50116 55-237 $ 19,215.70 $ 32,293.00 12,053.00 3,311.00 17,280.00 32, 641i. -0 T351.0 $ 9,676.00 $ 3,583.53 1,521.80% 1,46o.19* 926.15 5.639.37 $ 9,539.70 I • r� r� H.F.i7o. 69 - C1L 1TER No* A C T i j 1 - - 2 relating to athlaticsi providing for equal 3 opportunity for members of both sexes to 4 participate in athletics. amending Minnesota 5 Statutes 197=; Chapter 126, by adding a sect.ionl 6 repealing Laws 1974, Chapter 355, Section 681 7 Subdivision 40 8 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE 0.7- 9 c 9 Section 1, Minnesota Statutes 1974, Chapter 126, is 10 anended by adding a section to read as folloWst 11 [126,213 '[ATHLETIC TEAMS.] Subdivision 1, 12 2tot}rithstanding any other state law to the contrary, in 13 athletic programs operated by educational institutions or 14 public services and designed for partici?ants 12 years old 15 or older or in the seventh grade.or above, it is not an 16 unfair discriminatory practicel 17 (1) to restrict membership on an athletic team to 18 participants of one sex, if this restriction is nece5s2r:' to 19 provide ncmbers of each sex with an equal opporturity to 20 participate in the athletic program; provided, if a 21 membership restriction on the basis of sex results in t;.e 22 operation of t,, -,o teams in the sage sport which are seta.atE= 23 or substantiallY separated accordin, •.o sc,:, the two tee's 24 shall be operated in compliance With All tho Provisions c_ H.F.iio. 69 1 clause (2) of this subdiVisioni or . 2 ;2) to provide tro teats in the same sport which are in 3 fact separated or substantially_ separated according to sex, 4 if the two teams are provided with substantially equal v 5 budgets per par ticipant,.exclusive of gate receipts and 6 other revenues generated by that sport, and in all other 7 respects.are.treated in a substantially equal manner. The 8 two teams shall be operated separately only in those . 9 activities where separation is necessary to provide the { 10 mothers of each sex equal opportunity to participate in the i - 11 athletic program. 12 Subd, 2. Any organization, association or league 13 entered into by educational institutions or public services 14 for the purpose.of promoting.sports.or adopting rules and 15 regulations for the conduct of athletic contests between 16 members shall effective July 1, 1976 proYxde rules and ... _ .., a: ..G �,.a rnnA,Irt its activities so as to permit its 18 members.to comply fully with subdivision 1 and section 19 363,03,.subdiyisions 4.and 5, 20 Subd, 3. Educational. institutions and public serYices 21 shall make every reasonable effort to provide substantially 22 equal.budgets per participant pursuant to subdivision 1 23 during the school year 1975-19761 and thereafter shall 24 provide substantially equal budgets per participant pursuant tri to subdivision 1. Educational.institutions and public 26 services shall phase out separation based on sex in athletic 27 programs designed for participants 11 years old or younger 28 and in the sixth grade or belor during the school years 29 1975••19761 1976~1977, and 1977-1978, and thereafter shall 30 comply fully with subdivision } and section 363,031 31 subdivisions 4 and 5, 32 Sec, 2. Laws 1971, Chapter 355, section 60,. 1 Subdivision. 4, is repealed. •7-1 0-11 Edu 675 Equal Opportunity All athletic programs shall be conducted in such a way as to provide members of each sex with an equal opporutunity to participate. In order to provide equal opportunity each program (varsity inter -scholastic, junior varsity inter -scholastic, extra -mural, intramural, junior high school, senior high school) shall comply with the following requirements: 1. The proprortion of each sex participating in the athletic program shall be substantially the same as the proportion of each sex in the entire student body unless it can be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Education that a. the higher proportionate participation by members of one sex reflects greater interest in athletics on the part of all students of that sex as a group and L'. l.a1C 1�iW C.. j�a-Vv.!1 .�*_•<<u t,c yui �i.irua.l. vaa �.Y aucuwci:.a vi �.ai.. v�.aaci sex does not reflect: 1. discrimination on the basis of sex in selection of students for participation or in the selection of sports offered; 2. failure to provide adequate affirmative action to eradicate the effects of previous discrimination; or / 3. }:arassment tactics practiced by school personnel. 2. a'hc grogram shall provide each sex with the opportunity to participate in the same number of sports. In each season the number of sports offered to each sex shall be substantially the same. For the purposes of this section "opportunity of one sex to participate on a team" shall mean that at least 300 of the team shall be members of that sex. 3. A school may not discriminate on the basis of sex in scheduling of • games and practice times; allocating of facilities; providing of opportunity to receive coaching and instruction; providing equipment, supplies and locker rooms; providing transportation and per diem allowances, for travel; suyp1yi.ng Page 2 of medical, laundry, and maintenance services; providing of officials for games; and providing publicity, awards, and encouragement of the student body to attend and generally support the athletic teams of the school. Sex Restricted Teams In each sport, a school may provide either a single team or two teams, one designed for each sex. While any team may be designated as designed for one sex and may in fact have members all or substantially all of that sex, membership on the team may be restricted to one sex only if the restriction is necessary to provide equal opportunity to participate in the athletic program. In order to justify the restriction of a team to one sex, a school must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Education that removal of the restrictions would result in the participation on the team of so many members of the other sex as to make it impossible to comply with the equal opportunity requirement of Edu 677, 1.22. Edu 677 Two teams in the same sport If a school provides two teams in the same sport which are in fact separated or substantially separated according to sex, then the following requirements must be met: 1. The two teams must be provided with substantially equal budgets per participant except that gate receipts received by a team and expended to maintain the team may be deducted before computing the budget per participant. (This provision must be fully complied with beginning with school year 1976-77. 2. If the two teams are in an individual sport (cross country, golf, gymnastics, skiing, swimming and diving, tennis, track and field, wrestling, badminton) , then A Page 3 a. the teams shall be operated during the same season; b. all practices shall be conducted in a coeducational manner by a single coaching staff; c. separation into groups during practice shall be according to activity or by skill level and shall not be according to sex; and d. contests in which team scores are kept shall be conducted at the same facility at the same time with events for boys and girls alternating or conducted simultaneously as is practiced and shall be scored in such a way that the score for a school includes equally those points earned by male and female student athletes of the school. provisions c' -'-Or, r."t h.. f,111v complied with w beginning with the school year 1976-77.) 3. If the two teams are in a team sport (baseball, basketball, curling, football, flag football, hockey, soccer, softball, volleyball), then coaches of the two teams shall cooperate in providing coeducational and team practice so as to benefit equally the members of both teams. Edu 678 Elementary Schools All athletic programs for grades K through 6 shall be operated in a coeducational manner with no separation according to sex. If sex segregated programs are now in operation, they shall be desegregated according to the following schedule: 1975-76 Grades K through 3 shall be integrated 1976-77 Grade 4 shall be integrated 1977-78 Grade 5 shall be integrated. Beginning with the school year 1978-79 all such programs shall be totally T CITY OF EDINA PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT August 8, 1975 This year the Park and Recreation Department is requesting a total budget of $530,415. This is a $62,316 or 13.5% increase over last year. The Park Department as well as administrating all park and recreation activities, is also responsible for boulevard trees, aquatic weed programs and maintenance :of other city property. We are not asking additional increases in manpower as we feel strongly that we must hold the line and still attempt to do the job. We can attempt to do this only by streamlining our maintenance, purchasing and updating equipment and imple- menting better systems of using part time help. The major areas where the budget was increased were: General in administration which is not controllable by us as it is the sum that is needed to run the general operation of City government; the total recreation budget has increased only $3,000 ; salaries for the maintenance men increased approximately $13,000 and the professionals and administration staff increased approximately $6,000. The largest increase is some $18,000 requested in capital outlay above what was approved in 1975. This is the area that we must strive to make sure our equipment Is meeting the safety requirements and capable of doing the work that it is in- tended to do so that we may best utilize our manpower. One additional area that we have increased is our tree requested an additional $5,000 to purchase tree stock. approximately 300 trees from 1 1/2" to 2 1/2" in size. in a nursery and allowed to mature until they could be or on boulevard properties. The main reason for this of the potential reduction of our elm trees from dutch starting a city wide tree program. The budget breakdown is as follows: 1975 Administration $157,918 Recreation 85,195 Maintenance 209,986 Capital Outlay 15,000 $468,099 budget in which we have This amount would purchase These trees would be planted planted either in our parks request in dollars is because elm disease and possible 1976 $180,455 88,505 227,755 33,700 $530,415 AREA: ADMINISTRATION Acct No. 600.60 TOTAL ADM I N I STPATI Old $146,593 $157,918 $180,455 1974 1975 1 1907 /--'5 Personal Services Expenditures Budget Recommended Director 3 23,530 $ 25,412 Assistant Director 17,706 19,122 Program Supervisor 13,260 14,267 Women's Recreation Specialist 9,568 10,568 Secretary 7,800 8,500 Clerical (1/3)* 2,089 2,256 Training 300 400 Paid Leave 17,930 19,700 $ 90,893 $ 92,183 $100,225 *One-third of the salary is to be allocated to arena, 1/3 to golf course and 1/3 to park budget. 4202. Conferences and Schools $ 600 600 4204 Dues and Subscriptions 150 150 4216 Audit 1,000 1,000 4208 Mileage 450 600 $ 1,743 $ 2,200 2,350 Printing and Corrodities $ 100 $ 250 s„,2 Books and Pamphlets 75 75 $ 77 $ 175 $ 325 4302 General $ 52,740 $ 65,100 4804 City Hall 4,440 5,280 4806 Garage 3,600 4,140 4808 Equipment Operation 2,580 3,035 $ 53,880 $ 63,360 $ 77,555 TOTAL ADM I N I STPATI Old $146,593 $157,918 $180,455 AREA: RECREATION PROGRAM Acct No. 620.62 1974 621 Baseball and Softball 'Expenditures 4100 Supervisor Coaching Assistants 4208 Mileage 4582 Plates and bases) Bats and balls ) Catching equipment Equipment repair Sand, asphalt TOTAL BASEBALL AND SOFTBALL $ 6,349 522 Skating and Hockey 4100 Rink supervisors Hockey coaching Payroll 4584 Goalie equipment Goals TOTAL SKATING AND HOCKEY $ 14,208 623 Tennis Instruction 4100 Instructor Assistant Instructors 4586 Tennis Balls Ne't's Unclassified TOTAL TENNIS INSTRUCTION $ 3,668 1975 Budget $ 1,650 1,980 3,630 $ 200 $ 700 300 300 150 $ 1,450 $ 5,280 $ 14,620 600 $ 15,220 $ 1,000 300 $ 1,300 $ 16,520 $ 800 2,200 $ 3,000 $ 300 800 50 $ 1,150 $ 4,150 1976 Recommended $ 1,650 1,980 $ 3,630 $ 200 $ 800 300 300 200 $ 1,600 $ 5,430 $ 15,000 600 $ 15,600 $ 500 800 $ 1,300 $ 16,900 $ 800 2,400 $ 3,200 $ 300 1,000 50 $ 1,350 $ 4,550 AREA: RECREATION PROGRAM Acc't No. 620-62 625 Swimming Instruction 4100 Supervisor) 1974 1975 1976 624 Playgrounds Expenditures Budget Recommended 4100 Leaders 9,075 12,300 12,300 4588 Crafts 2,000 2,000 Replacements and renewals 500 800 800 S 2,800 $ 2,800 TOTAL PLAYGROUNDS S 13,001 S 15,100 15,100 625 Swimming Instruction 4100 Supervisor) S 850 $ 850 Instructors) 9,075 9,075 Attendants ) 860 800 500 Registration 500 S 11,285 1 1 ,225 4282 Bus rental $ 9,000 $ 9,000 4284 Pool Rental 2,000 3,000 4500 Unclassified 200 200 TOTAL SWIM INSTRUCTION S 17,971 $ 22,485 $ 23,425 626 Teen Program 4100 Supervision S 8,100 S 8,100 4504 Equipment and Supplies S 1,400 1,400 4600 Printing 500 500 4504 Unclassified 500 500 S 2,400 5-714U7 TOTAL TEEN FROGRA1 $ 10,095 $ 10,500 S 10,500 AREA: RECREATION PROGRAM Acct No. 620-62 627 Miscellaneous and Special Activities 4100 Payroll Leaders 4600 Printing Summer and Winter Brochure 4590 Children's Theatre 8 Puppetry 4592 Football 4500 Unclassified 4500 Gym Rental and Basketball 4594 Girls' Gymnastics 4596 Summer Music Activities 4593 Soccer TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS AND SPECIAL ACTIVITIES TOTAL RECREATION PROGRAM 1974 1975 1976 Expenditures Budget Recommended $ 3,960 $ 5,000 2,500 2,500 $ 6,460 $ 7,500 $ 1,700 $ 1,900 600 600 400 400 500 500 300 300 200 400 700 700 300 300 $ 4,700 $ 5,100 $ 13,542 $ 11,160 $ 12,600 $ 78,834 $ 85,195 $ 88,505 AREA: MAINTENANCE Acct. No. 640.64 641 Mowing Payroll 1974 1975 Expenditures Budqet 1976 Recommended 4105 Payroll S 22,000 $ 23,100 4500 Repairs, parts, hand mowers 600 700 4808 Equipment operation 6,120 7,160 1,800 $ 28,720 $ 30,960 TOTAL MOWING 1,200 $ 20,300 $ 28,720 $ 30,960 642 Special Turf Care 4105 Payroll S 28,500 $ 31,000 4248 Contracted Work 1,900 1,900 4568 Seed 1,800 1,800 4562 Sod 1,200 1,200 4558 Fertilizer 2,000 2,000 4562 Black Dirt 2,400 2,400 4566 Weed Spray 300 300 $ 7,700 $ 9,600 4808 Equipment Operation S 3,240 $ 3,791 TOTAL SPECIAL TURF CARE $ 44,748 S 41,340 $ 44,391 643 Plantings and Trees 4105 Payroll $ 8,900 $ 9,000 4242 Contract Forester 1,300 1,300 4560 Plant Materials 800 5,800 4808 Equipment Operation 2,640 3,089 $ 13,640 $ 19,189 TOTAL PLANTINGS AND TREES S 8,386 S 13,640 S 19,189 AREA: MAINTENANCE Acct No. 640.64 644 Litter Removal 4105 Payroll Truck Rental 4602 Trash Containers 4808 Equipment Operation TOTAL LITTER REMOVAL 645 Parking Area and Hard Surface Maintenance 4105 Payroll 4526 Road Oil 4522 Sand 4500 Unclassified 4808 Equipment Operation • TOTAL PARKING AREA MAINTENANCE 646 Building and Equipment Maintenance 4105 Payroll Utilities 4604 Lumber 4504 Repair Materials 4808 Equipment Operation TOTAL BUILDING & EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE • 1974 Expenditures $ 8,314 1975 1976 Budget Recommended $ 8,000 $ 8,000 700 2,200 $ 10,920 $ 10,920 $ 5,500. 1,800 1,200 150 $ 3,150 5 2,040 $ 9,400 3 10,690 $ 40,154 S 30,996 3,000 4,050 7,000 3,600 $ 48,646 700 2,574 $ 11,274 $ 11,274 $ 6,000 1,800 1,200 150 $ 3,150 $ 2,387 $ 11,537 $ 32,000 3,500 4,050 7,000 4,212 $ 50,762 AREA: MAINTENANCE Acc't No. 640.64 TOTAL MAINTENANCE '$194,785 $209,986 $227,755 1974 1975 1976 647 Skating Rink Maintenance Expenditure Budget Recommended Recreation 4105 Payroll 85,195 $ 43,000 $ 45,310 4252 Power and Telephone 209,986 1,700 1,900 4254 Heat 15,000 3,850 3,850 4606 Lamps and Fixtures $468,099 1,000 1,000 4808 Equipment Operation 6,480 7,582 TOTAL SKATING RINK MAINTENANCE $ 63,483 $ 56,030 $ 59,642 TOTAL MAINTENANCE '$194,785 $209,986 $227,755 TOTAL RECREATION AND PARK BUDGET Administration $146,593 $157,918 $180,455 Recreation 78,834 85,195 88,505 Maintenance 194,785 209,986 227,755 Capital Outlay 8,548 15,000 33,700 $428,760 $468,099 $530,415 PARK 14AINTENANCE PAYROLL DISTRIBUTION SUMMARY Employees Salary Appropriations 1975 1976 1975 1976 1975 1976 Park Foreman 1 1 562 607 14,612 15,582 Parkkeeper 111 1 1 491.54 512 12,780 13,312 Building Engineer 1 1 456.92 476 11,880 12,376 Parkkeeper II 14 14 456.92 476 166,320 173,264 Temporary Labor (spring & summer) 19,200 21,000 Overtime 9,020 10,000 Golf Course (3 mo. winter help) 11,010 12,376 $244,822 $257,910 DISTRIBUTION Park and Recreation: Administration Training $ 400 Paid Leave 19,700 Recreation: e Miscellaneous and special activities 5,000 Ma i ntenance Mowing 23,100 Special turf care 31,000 Plantings and trees 9,000 Litter removal 8,000 Park area maintenance 6,000 Building and equipment maintenance 32,000 Skating rink maintenance 45,310 Total Parks & Recreation $179,510 Charced to Other Funds: Public Works Building 5 2,500 General - public works 49,500 General - equipment operation 4,000 Swimming Pool 6,000 Golf Course 3,000 Recreation Center 6,000 Waterworks 3,000 Sower rental 2,000 City Hall 2,400 Total Other Funds 5 78,400 78,400 TOTAL $257,910 CAPITAL OUTLAY 600.60 1974 1975 1976 Expenditures Budget Recommended One 3/4 ton pick up truck with crew cabs for mowing crews. This is needed to fulfull safety requirements. Recommend purchase one in 1976 and one in 1977. $ 6,000 One -I ton truck with steel dump box with snow plow. Needed for winter plowing of the ice rinks and general park work in the summertime. 8,500 Three chain saws. One to replace worn saw and two needed to furnish new tree crew. 900 Water and mud pump. Needed to pump out various water problem spots that develop in the park areas. 600 Ni pressure sprayer unit for cleaning paint on buildings and hockey rinks 1,000 Stump grinder. Work presently done under contract; however, if dutch elm disease increases considerably, It would be needed to complete the removal job. Possibility of being delayed one year. 50500 Cushman Scooter with cab to replace present worn scooter (For Ballfield Maintenance) 3,200 National three reel mower. Replacement for 1957 model 2,000 Two file cabinets needed in park office. 200 20 eight foot tables. Needed to spread throughout the various park areas which would eliminate the transportation expense presently incurred with moving the present five tables to the needed areas. 2,200 Four sets of 10 row bleachers to be placed at the various ballfields to eliminate constant moving problems and provide additional seating. 3,600 $ 8,548 $15,000 $33,700