HomeMy WebLinkAbout19210910_REGULARi 69 J MINUTE8 OF THE PROCEEDIiJGS OF THE VILLAGE 1921 COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA AT A FUZGULAR MEETING THEREOF HELD ON THE 10th DAY OF SEPTEMBER Minutes of regular meeting of Edina .Village Council held in Grange Hall September loth, 1921. All members present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The memorial tablet committee reported that through the coopera- tion of W,R.Anderaon progress was being made toward getting the a needed liat of names. W.S.Meydt requested the opening of West 48th Street mross the Dan Patch Line, On motion of Knudson .seconded by Premolt the lgattes was referred to the Re& B. Cornittee, Mr. 1,I.Larsen of Browndale Park asked permisaion to build a Fred ~ampesn pro oeed in writing to take $1%30,00 for 20 feet on 50th and Halifax - $900.00 for Land and $339.00 for moving buildinga, ' sidewalk. Hi8 requeat was referred to the EL& B. Conunittee, It was viioved by Child and seconded by Veaeey that Sampson'a propoe- ition be not aaoepted. Motion carried, It was moved by Prescott and seconded by Vessey that SEunpson be The following bb1lR were read and approved: offered $60O,ClO for all claims for his 20 ft. Motion carried. Mike DeZaney Geo. Veseey .Jas. T. Delaney Fred 8. Child C.F.Bresoott Fred Miller Ed Costello Tom Gleeson John Tracy H, Rind Maok Peteraon John Costello N. Knudson Tom Fit8 P. A. Johnson John E. Lilja JBS. BUrkmOse Clarencre Knudson Justua Lumber Co. General Elactrio Co. F . J .Ho kesh Russell Grader Co , Do Milla SoCoHerrett JoDeAd~s & CO. Ro& Bo Re& B.Committee Work Clerk Salary R.& B. Cornittee Rork n 11 n Re& B* n 01 11 W B n n' 1t I1 n Tool Repairs Re& Bo It n Sewer Pipe Street Lights Grader Blade Axle Grease Culverts $135,72 21.00 15.OQ 67 000 4.00 57.65 60 00 160.32 15'1.96 159 . 96 L60.12 850 '78 7.50 79.22 114.40 11.00 98eQO 80m63 176.00 9mOQ 40.83 8.59 1.30 168m72 160 32 On mo tian meeting adjourned. e