HomeMy WebLinkAbout19211210_REGULARa IIIIXUTES OF EHE: PROCEEDINGS OF THE VIr-ILAGE COUI?GIL OF THE: VILLAGE OF EDINA AT A REGULAR ElEETIIJG THEREOF WLD ON THE 10th DAY OF DECEHBER, 1921 Uinutes of .xegular meeting of Village Council of the Village of All members present, e Edina held ia the Grange Hall Deo. lOtb,1921. The minutee of the previous meeting mere read and approved, The Clerk reported that quit ola$ms could be ssoursd for a.60 ft, street coverins the entire Rest 2 of Halifax me. from 50th to 52nd streets. That on the East side quit claiuls could be ssoured for all of the distance from 50th to 51st streets except the Sampson property but that the block Prom 51st to 52nd mould have to be oon- . demned with exoeption of about 1/4 of the block. It vas moved by Hnudson that the Clerk confer with the dll&gi3 attorney regarding rights and proceedings in regard to the remaining needed strips for opening of: Halifax &e. and report at the nest meeting Ilr. Hill of the School Board appeared and asked thsttths Village keep the mads in shape for the school busses during the r7inter. He was informed that no action mas neoessaxy in this matter as the R.& B, plans for the ninter covered keeping all road open as far a8 funds . permitted. The folloaink bills were read and approved: Gm. J. Silk Geuesal Elsctx Fred S. Child F.J.Kokesh S ,C . Herre tt Lo Eidm 8c CO. Tlalter Hoag Urn. Miller Thos Fite C . F Presco tt G eo. D . Ve 88 ey J. T. Delansy Ralph Leach Tom Ryan plablis hing Groceriea for POOX wct. Street; Lights Salwy-Postage ,eta . Ha dVW 8 Road Patrol Labor Special Meetings n n n I1 n n n Grave3 On motion meetin3 adjourned. 34fJ 8 46.00 37.39 106.46 65.00 080 30.00 1.88 8 e87 2Q 13 6.00 8,QO 8.00 106.75 L4.00 Village Clerk,