HomeMy WebLinkAbout19220408_REGULARMINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE VILLAGE COUITCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA AT A REGULAR MEETING THEREOF HELD ON THE 8th. DAY OF APRIL: 3 79 I9220 p I, .... I ., 'rig IC ,~;:.',-~~-~~~i,-.,.. ZS."h';id*h A n a\ n .a *, n " .t ,, a. I* 1. w v ',~.*,~~--~-.~:S':J*.'~:: .. *# 4. .* L, .e.+ *. \I Y 86 ,,,I u 4.2, I,., v I, 4.%."* + 'rZi1ir'h.k 5TCGi252iS5tSi 5i.h' m.iC-,CSl-l~-iPk IS The meeting ~a.8 called to order by Presldent J .T ,Delaneg. Members present,J.T.Delaney.Trustees H.J.Knudsen,C ,F.Prescott, Nevly elected officers were present and qualified,Trustee S,K.Strong Clerk,E.T .Edson: Also Tleeasure J.J,Duggan, On motion by Trustee Knudsen and seconded by Trustee Strong the Clerk's bond was accepted, Carried. a PAr.Modlin was present and ask for Born18 grading on Nelson Ave. Pdr.Christenson,M.E,Mortenson ask for work on Halifax Ave. On motion it was referred tomthe road and bridge committee. Some work was g$anted on the Olinger and Miller roads. Moved and seconded $0 pay men by the hour instead of by the day Carried. Moved And seconded me pay 75# per hour for man and team.Carrled. Moved and seconded we pay men 40$ 'per.hour,Carried. Moved and seconded we pay the Street Commissioner 55gper hour.Carried A petition of G.T?.Iioskins and others was read ,to grade Summit Aye. and fix for sidemalkaOn motion it was referred to the road and bridge committee. On motion Dr,Blake was reappdinted Village Bhysician. P.40ved &hd seconded the Hennepin Coun$3f Enterprtse be the official paper.carried. Moved and seconded *e appoint Geo.S.Gslimes VilIage AtVorney,carrled. Moved and! seconded the communication&the Hennepin County Fair Ass. be la5d pn the table till the next regular rneeting.carried. Moved and seconded the council meet at 7;3O P.M. carried. There werethree canitidates' for Street Commissioner, S .C .Herrekt John CosteLlo,and W.S.Joy. On the eighth ballot Tf;B.S,Joy received three votes and was dealared elected, J,T.Delnney S.K,Strong,H.J,Hnudsen.And C,F.Prescott were appointed road committee, The pi-esident appointed J.T.Delaney,E.T,Edson.S°KoStrong on committee to see Attomey Grimes on opening Halifax Ave. Moxed and seconded the Clerk be Instructed to purchase Gun,Starbnd Handouffs,for Constable 0lirng~r.carrLed. Received from the State Food and Dairy Ass.@7,OO Cigax-#et license. Moved and seconded,John Cardarella be appointed Village Engineer,carP- Moved and seconded the Road Commissionez$ be instructed to make a report at the close of year,carried. The Clerk was requested to see Mr.Millhm about renting the hall For the ensusing year. Moved and seconded the Clerk& salary be $20.00 per.Month.carried. There was some discussion of the proposed new School Site and building to be erected there on,at 48th.and Vooddale Ave. in an open field with no roads, Therefore be it resolved; The Village Council go on record as opposing any and all roads for the proposed new site and building as unnecessary and not benne- fitting the Vi.1.lae;e of Edina or the tax-payers in any ma$& there be- ing no funds to meet the demand. On motion it was unanimousiy adopted;. The Clerk was fnstructed to get time book and bill heads. The following bills were saved and aarrants drawn for same. piedo Jerry Chermak. M .Delaneg L .Delaney Geo.Lundb1ad Ellliam Rosher S ,G ,Herrett Arnold IVind Paul Vind John Tracy John Costello Arthur Jens en R tc B . Snow work. tk n tl Lt 1) It lt n ti It t& 11 tt tt it I4 l* II u tr A . Geo .S .Grimes t? L€?$g;al Minneapolis a. Gen . Electric Street ANIOUITT FOFNARD Amount* bro't forvard $226.61: R & B, Printing 66.55 Geo . J ,Silk Bren Bros. Kenneth Moore '' Tending lights 30.53 Z,Eidam '' ?hoc eries (mrs , TompkSBs56 P, J,Caroline Fumigating 15.30 Lumber 22.50 Justis Lumber Cos 'It. Frank Kremal 'I 1'Jork Ec judge of elecTI,8$ Hardware I ,ro tt Total #m&? The Village dourme21 met at the home of the Clerk, blembers present Persident J.T.Delaney,Trustees SsK .Strong,H,J.Knudsen and Clerk E,T,E&,on.Roacl Gommissionsr W,S.Joy .' It was recomended we gravel France Ave.from the Rrchardson'to the Jewlsh Cemetary, Rlr.H.Hoskish mas present( also Lou% Keeeel) Afr.Hos~ss offered use of trucks at $20.00 per.day and to furnish two teams most" of the the to b3.p load truckscand to give the materiaL(grave1) It vas moved by Trustee H.J,Knudsen& seconded by Trustee S.K,Strong that we accept the offer carried. %pi was plar$e8 to start the vork about Apr.24th. Moved by Trustee HaJaHnudsen and seconded by Trustee S.K.StPQl?g we adj, carriede EJ6& Recorder. , ,