HomeMy WebLinkAbout19220513_REGULARMINNUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF T'HE VILWGE THEREOF HELD ON THE 13th DAY QF MAY COUPICIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA AT A REGULAR MEETING f922. The meeting was called to order by President J,T.Delaney in Grange Hal1,at 7:30 P.M. Minutes of the regular meeting of Apr.8th. & of the special meeting of Apr.15th were read and approved. New business. Mr. Vm.Rell,Mr.S~rard EC Mr, Geo.Payne made a plea to straighten and grade 49th Street from France Ave, 3 blocks West. 0 All members present. Moved by Trustee H.J.Knudsen and seconded by 3rustee S.K.Strong it -be referred to the road and bridge commi%tee,Carried, Mr.Boyd made application to the Council for $298.00 to reimburse him for gettifig, steam-shovel out of Creek at 44th.Street where he broke thru bridge. Moved by Trustee SIK,Strong and seconded by Trustee H.J,Knudsen the matter be laid on the table till the ne& regular meeting,carried. Mr.Chance reported having seen Atty.GrSmes regarding the signing the quit claim deeds to property bntting on Halifax Ave, For lack of plat& it was impossible to make out the deeds at that time, Motion by Trustee H,J,Hnudsen to see Mr. Grfmes "Regarding the matter there being no second the motion was lost. The Committee reported on seeing Atty.Grimes.That as soon as M~.Grimes secured the necessary maps and platb he would b3.ready to make out the deeds. The Road Bommittee Reported the roads to be in generally good except in places. Some grading on 5GOh,-,Bt$eet Weat from France Ave. in front of Byron Kell's was needed for 8idemalk. Motion by Trustee S.K..Strong and seonded by Trustee C .F.frescott that the Village donation to the Hennepin Go. Fair Ass.be laid on the table till the next regular meeting,carried. a Tpu8tee H,J,Knudsen was appointed a commit-Lee to confer"with the Fair Association regarding the donation , On motion the following bills were aLlowed James Berkmoes Constable of El6ction Albert Olinger J .F .Schooley Dan McGuire John -Rutledge Jerry Cremak Thos .Fite S.C .Merrett Fred ~Miller S .T .hlcCready W,Betchart Ralph Wind %alter Hoag John 'Tracy John .Costello Dan NcGuire "J OS JOY Clerk It It - 1t I? I1 n It I@ 14 Judge Road Commissioner Laborer It R&B I& lt 11 1t tl I* Ik It And team tf I1 @ It IR n 11 tE 11 State Bank Of Hopkins Russell Grader Co, Repairs for grader Valter S .Booth &Son Supplies John ~ Olinger Constable's Star J .F .Kiokesh Minneapolis General Electr c Go. Street Lights Treasurer's Bond 0 Sup lles for Road Crew ! The folIowing bills were carried over. Justis Lumber Coo J .D .Adam CO Lumber Scrapers $3.00 4.80 @.09 (4.20# 4.20 62 , 20 4.20 134.48 58 0 60 5E.40 84.38 6.00 I67 . 63 170.63 170.63 144.01 25.00 16.58 7.80 1.00 24 089 40, 5 51.41 I32 e00 There being no farther business,on motiom of Trustee S,K.Strong seconded by Trustee H.J .Knudsen,the meeting adjnWn6d gJg&$4 Recorder.